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n the name of
God Amen:
I Leonard Poe
Doctor in Phisicke and Phisicon in ordinary
to his Matie for
his hono:ble houshold the Eighteenth day of
February in the yeare of our Lord God one
Thousand six hundred and Thirty Doe make and ordaine
this my will and testament in manner and form following
And first I bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God my maker trustinge
to be saved by the merits of my Saviour and sole
Redeemer Jesus Christ, And my body I doe appoint to
be buried in such decent manner as shall seeme fit
unto my Executor and Overseers hereafter named, And lett
all men knowe that I doe
hereby ordaine and make my welbeloved
sonne Mr. James
Poe beinge nowe a
Master of Arts and Fellowe of Kings Colledge in Cambridge my sole Executor of this my will
and Testament revokinge all former wills by me
formerly made, but my will is that before he make probate of this my Will, or
alter any part of mye estate he doe
become bound unto my Overseers hereafter named or unto two of them at the least
if two of them be livinge or otherwise unto one of
them, in one obligation of the full some of Eight thousand pounds of lawfull English money for the true Performance of this my will according to the
true intent and meaning thereof And as touching such portion and provision of maynetenance as I intend to bestowe
on my sonne Theophilus Poe my will is that in regard of
his present unthriftie livinge
he shall have paid unto him dureinge his life only
out of my estate the somme of Thirtie
pounds PerAnnu unlesse
by gods grace he shall hereafter conforme
himself to live and demeane himselfe
as becometh a sober thrifty and temperate man, which if he shall soe doe and that my Executor or Executors and Overseers or any two of them shall soe finde of him, and declare him
soe to live and demeane himselfe Then my will is that my Executor with the advice
of my Overseers or two of them shall pay out and disburse for him my said sonne Theophilus Poe for his best benefit and advantage the
full some of Five hundred pounds of good and lawfull
English money And thereupon his yearly payment of Thirty pounds PerAnnu is to cease and determine, And
my will and desire is That if at the tyme of my
departure out of this life I shalbe seized of any
Land tenements or hereditaments whatsoever mortgaged or to be mortgaged or
conveyed unto me for any somme or sommes
of money whatsoever Then I give and bequeath this same unto my Executor or Executors that proveth
or doe prove this my will for the uses hereafter expressed, that is to saie, That the same shalbe sold
unto the best advantage and that the moneys thereof and thereout raysed shalbe imployed
in such sort as I by this my will have derected or
shall direct, And my will is that, until the same Lands tenements and
hereditaments soe mortgaged or to be mortgaged or
conveyed unto me as aforesaid shalbe redeemed or
sold, That my Executor shall receive the Rents Dues and proffitts
thereof for the uses in this my will expressed and to be expressed unto which
my said Executor viz the said James Poe, I doe
hereby give my Lease of the Rectory of Ringwood in the Countie
of Southton to the intent that the rents and profitts thereof together wth the rents and profitts
thereof together wth the rents and profitts [sic, apparently unintended repetition by copyist]
of the same lands Tenements and hereditaments soe mortgaged
or to be mortgaged or conveyed unto me as aforesaid shalbe
disposed of to such uses as I by this will have directed or shall direct, And
my will also is, That when it shall please God I shall depart this life, and
that my Executor the said James Poe be then livinge,
that he shall receive my said Lease of the Rectorie
of Ringwood for such terme and number of yeares as he can procure the same, wch
he shall soe receive for his own benefit and
advantage unto whome I doe
absolutely give the same after my decease And as touching all the rest and
residue of my goods Chattels and whole estate I doe
bequeath as followeth And first I will and ordaine that after my decease the lease of my owne dwellinge house togeather with all my plate houshold
stuffe and ymplemts of houshold
whatsoever shalbe sold at the best value soe soone as my Executor wth the advise of my Overseers
or any two of them can sell the same to the best advantage And that the moneys
thereof cominge and to be raised shall be likewise
added to the rest of my estate [end of page one] and stocke
of moneys, To be disposed of by my Executor with the like advise of my
Overseers or any two of them for the best profitt
thereof to be made and wth the best security as likewise other my moneys nowe lent forth at interest are, and so to be continued or
otherwise disposed of as the same shalbe from tyme to time receaved, to be ymployed as I have directed or shall direct by this my
will, And my will is that noe morninge
be given for at my Funeral for the solempnizinge
thereof but only unto my Children and servants Provided also and my will is,
That if my said sonne James Poe shall refuse and will
not become bound in and by the said obligacon of
Eight Thousand pounds unto my Overseers in manner as this my will directeth for the true Performance thereof wthin one and twentie
dayes next after request made unto him by my said
Overseers or any two or one of them so to doe Then and thereupon my Will is
That notwithstandinge anyethinge
herein conteyned to the contrarie
he my said sonne James Poe
shall not meddle any further wth the possessinge havinge and disposinge of any part of my estate neither shall he have anye profitt or benefitt thereof or therefrom other than the said Lease of
the said Rectory of Ringwood with eight hundred pounds in money (unlesse I by this my will shall make any further increase
of portion unto him) wch Eight hundred pounds my Will
is shalbe so paid unto my said sonne
James Poe out of my estate by my sonne in lawe Mr
David Ramsey and my trusty and
welbeloved freind Mr Walter Hillary of Clifford Inne
London gent, whome then and not before or otherwise I doe hereby make and ordaine to be
the sole Executors of this my will upon speciall
trust and Confidence only that they shall see the same truly and duly observed
and performed for the benefit of my Children and other of my freinds to whome I have or by
this my will shall give or bequeath any legacie or
bequest whatsoever unto wch my said Executors vizt,
the said Mr David Ramsey and Mr
Walter Hillary (in case they fortune to become my Executors and doe prove my
will I doe hereby give and bequeath the some of Five pounds apeece for
their paines and labour to
be taken in and about the executinge thereof accordinge to the trust reposed in them as aforesaid But my
will is that if my said sonne James Poe shall make
probate of this my will and enter into the said obligacon
as aforesaid, Then my meaninge is that the said Mr David Ramsey and Mr
Walter Hillary together with Sr Walter Pye knight, Sr Thomas Merry knight one of his Maties servants Mr Manley Esquire, one other of his Maties servants and Joseph Lane of Fetterlane
neere Fleete Street London
gent shalbe the Overseers of this my will, unto which
my said Overseers I doe hereby give the somme of Three pounds apeece for
their care and paines to be taken in the aydinge and assisting of my Executors accordinge to the true intencon
of this my will
And my will also is that if my sonne Leonard Poe shall become compos mentis, and that I doe not settle or place my said sonne
Leonard Poe in some fitt place to gaine
a competent meanes of livinge)
before my death he beinge compos mentis Then my meaninge is, That my Executor or Executors that shall make
probate of this my will shall paie and deliver unto
my said unto my said [sic, phrase repeated] sonne
Leonard Poe (he beinge compos mentis) out of my
estate by the consent of my Overseers or two of them) the full some of Seaven hundred pounds for his present prferment
and placinge in some Competent way of livinge, But my will is that if my said sonne
Leonard Poe shall not be compos mentis, Then the said Seaven
hundred pounds nor any penny thereof shall not be paid unto him nor any for
him, But that there shalbe only the somme of Fiftie pounds PerAnnum
raised and disbursed by my Executor or Executors for his maintenance until such
time as it shall please God he shall become compos mentis and be able to live
understandingly and fitly of himself which Seaven
hundred pounds if it shall fortune to be paid, Then the Fifty pounds PerAnnum
to cease. Item I give unto my daughter Mris Grint the some
of One hundred pounds for the benefit of her selfe
and her husband because they have noe Children betweene them to be paid her wthin
Sixe moneths after decease
Item I doe also give unto my two litle Grandchildren William
Ramsey and Frances Ramsey beinge the sonne and daughter of my said sonne
in lawe Mr David Ramsey,
vizt to each of them One hundred pounds, To be paid
unto them at their severall ages of One and twentie yeares or daies of marriage (wth Consent of their freinds)
wch shall first happen, And my will and meaning
[end of page two] is that untill my said
Grandchildren shall have attained unto their severall
ages of one and twentie yeares
or marry as aforesaid That the whole profitt of each
of their hundred pounds shalbe imployed
for and towards their educacon and maintenance in the
meanetyme, which severall
legacies of One hundred pounds a peece, my will is shalbe delivered unto my said sonne
in lawe Mr David Ramsey wthin Sixe moneths after my decease for the use and benefitt of his said children in manner as is before
expressed And my said sonne Mr David Ramsey to enter into an obligacon of Five hundred pounds to my Executor or Executors for the performance thereof accordinge to this my will, Item I doe
also give unto two other of my litle grandchildren that is to say, Dionisia
Bastwicke and Judith Bastwicke
beinge the daughters of my sonne
and daughter Bastwicke vizt,
to each of them one hundred pounds to be payd unto
them at their severall ages of one and twentie yeares or dayes of mariage wth consent of their freinds
(which shall first happen, And my will and meaninge
is that untill my said grandchildren shall have
attained unto their severall ages of one and twenty yeares or marry as aforesaid That the whole profitt of each of their said hundred pounds shalbe ymployed for and towards
their educon and mayntenance,
in the meanetime, wch severall legacies of
one hundred pounds apeece my will is shalbe delivered unto my said sonne
and daughter Bastwick wthin
Sixe moneths after my
decease for the use and benefit of their said Children in manner as is before
expressed And my said sonne Bastwicke
is to enter into an obligacon of Five hundred pounds
to my Executor or Executors for the performance thereof accordinge
to this my will Item I doe also give unto my Nephewe Robert Poe (beinge nowe an apprentice unto one Mr
Harris a shoomaker of London the somme of Tenn pounds to be payd him at the end of his apprentishipp
if he shall then be living and not otherwise Item I doe
give unto my lovinge freinde Mris Sara Compton the somme of Twentie pounds to make
her a ringe Item I also give unto my goddaughter Mris Elizabeth Allen one of the daughters of the said Mris Sara Compton Fortie
shillings to maker her a ringe,
And I give unto Mris Sara Clapthorne and Mris Mary Compton two other of the daughters of the said Mris Sara Compton to either of them the like
some of Fortie shillings to make each of them a ringe And I give unto Jane Compton one other of the
daughters of the said Mris Sara Compton the like some
of Fortie shillings to make her a ringe,
Item I alsoe give unto Mr Crane, Mr Nicholas Paye Mr Manley and Mr Twyne (beinge
all fouer of them Clarks of his Maties kitchen)
the some of Fortie shillings apeece
to make each of them a ringe, Item I doe also give unto my sonne in
lawe Mr John Hankinson the somme
of Fortie shillinges to
make him a ringe Item I also give unto my servants
hereafter named vizt, unto Joane my maide Tenn pounds,
unto Edward Lloyd Fortie
shillings unto James my Footeboy
Fortie shillings, unto John
my Coachman Fortie shillings, unto Elizabeth Appleton fortie
shillings, unto Ellen Ward fortie shillings, yf they my said servants shall be
dwelling wth me at the tyme of my
departure out of this life Item I allso give unto auncient servant Richard Haggenson, Allice
his wife, and Thomas Taylor Twentie
shillings apeece to make them sevally
ringe wth all, Item I also give unto the poore people of the said parish of Christ Church London the
somme of Five pounds (if I dye
in that parish) But in case I dye not in that parish, Then I give the sayd Five pounds unto the poore
of that parish in which I shall die, To be delivered unto or for their use in
some convenient tyme after my decease, Item I give
unto my sister Beverley (if she survive me) the somme
of Five pounds to be paid her wthin
halfe a yeare after my
decease But if shee bee not liveing
at thend of the said halfe yeare Then I give the said Five pounds unto her eldest
daughter To be paid her wthin the limitacon
of tyme, Item I also give unto my loving brother Anthony Poe the somme
of Tenn pounds to be paid unto him wthin halfe
a yeare after my decease, And give unto my Cozen William Poe dwelling wth one Richard Holman gent the somme
of Tenn pounds to be payd
him wthin a yeare after my
decease Item I give unto Mris
Wight Fortie shillings to make her a ringe, I also give unto Mris Hillary, the
wife of the said Mr Walter Hillary the somme
of Three pounds to make her a ringe, And my will
further is that in case Mr Ramsey and Mr Hillary doe fortune to become the Executors of this my
Will in default of my said sonne James Poe as
aforesaid Then my meaninge is that the said Sr Walter Pye,
S Thomas Merry knight Mr Manley and Mr Lane
shalbe the sole Overseers of this my will and moreover
my will is that if my said sonnes or either of them
shall fortune to depart this life unmarried, And not have received their [end
of page three] porcons and bequests formerlie bequeathed unto them as aforesaid That then such
parts thereof not by them or either or any of them soe
received shall goe and shall absolutely rest and returne to my sonne James Poe my
Executor his use as by this my will I shall and doe appoint that is as followeth, And if all my said sonnes
depart this life before they have received their said porcons
not havinge any issue of their bodies lawfullie begotten, Then my will is that their porcons not received by them shall goe
and be to and amongst my said daughters for the use and benefitt
of their Children and themselves equallie to be
distributed amongst And my will lastly is that all the rest and residue of all
my goods and Chattells as well as reall
as personall
not herein formerly given and bequeathed, my legacies, debts and Funerall expences being first
paid and discharged shall goe and be unto my said sonne James Poe in case he makes probate of this my will
and become bound as aforesaid, And in default thereof my will is that the same
shall goe and be unto said other Executors, vizt the said Mr Ramsey and Mr Hillary upon speciall trust
that they shall wth the advise of my
Overseers or two or one of them at the least equallie
distribute the same unto and for the same unto and for the use and benefitt of my
Children survivinge me and their Children when I dye
whereof my said sonne Theophilus Poe is to have no
part but his said Thirtie pounds PerAnnu unless he shalbe
found and declared to have conformed himselfe to live
Civily soberly and temperately wch
declaration is soe first to be made by my Executors
or Overseers or two of them at the least In witnes
whereof that this present writinge (conteyninge in itt nyne sheets of paper whereof this present sheete is one of them) is the last will and testament of me
the said Leonard Poe the Father I the said Leonard Poe have at thend of every the said sheets of paper written my name and
at thend of this sheete I
have not only written my name but have also hereunto sett
my hand and seale and have published this entire writinge to be the last will and testament of me the said
Leonard Poe the Father yeomen the said Eighteenth day of February Anno Dm 1630.
And in the Sixth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles of
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robatum: fuit testamentum
suprascriptum apud London Coram beneli
viro Willimo Mericke legim doctore
Surrogato ven enabilis viri Domim
Henrici Marten militis legum
etiam doctoris Curiae Prerogativae Cunctuariensis magistri Justods sive Com sirii etime Constituti Visesimo Quinto dia Mentis Martii Anno Dm Millesimo Sepcentesimo Tricesimo Primo Funamento Jacobi Poe artium magistri filii naturalis et etim dicti defuncti et executoris in hmor testamento nominat Cui Comissa fuit administrato
omnium et singulorun bonorum
Juricum et Creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fidelir administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelis