Andrew Bascom Poe, Jr
August 1913
(older boy) Edward F. Jenkins
John Poe and Sarah Threet > John W.
Poe (1823 - 1869) and Louisa Nall (b.1828)
> James Martin Poe (1845-1908) and
Sarah Jane Swafford (1847-1906)
> Andrew Bascom Poe, SR (1872 - 1951)
and Lillian Watson (d.1954) > A.B. Poe, Jr. (pictured)
A. B. Poe, Sr. was a
founder of Poe Shoes on
The Image is from the
collection of Sheryl Jenkins (Mrs. Don Bansfield,
Jr) daughter
of Edward F. Jenkins. She informs that the connection would have
been through Edward Jenkins' grandfather - Peter McGeough - with whom he lived.
Peter McGeough was a respected traveling shoe salesman, especially well-known
throughout the South.