Edward and Mary Poe baptized their son, Samuel Poe, at St. Mary’s
Church, Nottingham, England, in 1659. This could be the Samuel Poe who died in Essex (Caroline) County, Virginia in 1725. It
is likely that Simon Poe, Sr (1707/8 - 1793 Chatham County,
North Carolina) was Samuel’s son. James
Poe (c1740 Caroline
County, VA - 1827 Fayette County, Alabama) whose wife was named Mary (c1755 - c1790) is mentioned as a son in the will of Simon Poe, Sr. Evidence indicates that James Poe
was the father of John
Poe, whose wife was Sarah Threet. John and Sarah moved to Saline (Grant) County,
Arkansas from Fayette County, Alabama in 1852 along with relatives and
John Poe
and Sarah Threet (1794 - 1861)
Threet Poe (1817-1884), wife Sarah Reynolds (1819-1861)
Elkin Poe 1852-1929) and Sarah Elizabeth Holiman (1855-1932) daughter of Joshua
Holiman (1829-1892) and Lucretia
Ann Hogue (1835-1908)
are Samuel Arthur, Sarah Alma (Walton), Mellie Ruth (Broening), Beulah Myrtle (Kramp), Allie Ruth (Cobb), Walter (married Willard),
Minnie, Dora, William Omar “Sonny” (married Calhoun) and William Elkin Poe’s
half-brother Joseph “Joe” Manley (married Pot) - William Elkin Poe became Joe’s
guardian at age eleven when William Threet Poe died in 1884.