Family in
See North Carolina Home Page for Census, Maps,
References such as NC-1
refer to numbers on: North
Carolina Bibliography
NC - 53
David Bray Surry 1782
Quaker Meeting: Deep Creek. Some names from Randolph Co, Wake
County. Includes my “Bills” family ancestors.
Part 4: Deep
Creek Monthly Meeting
The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol. I,
Deep Creek Monthly Meeting, Page 971
Surry (now
Yadkin) County, North Carolina
establishment of Deep Creek Monthly
Meeting of Friends, Surry, (now Yadkin) County, North Carolina, was authorized
by the following minute. The first sitting was held the sixth of fourth month,
1793. William Hough was appointed the first clerk; Simon Hadley, recorder of
births, deaths and marriages; Daniel Huff, treasurer.
of the Committee appointed to visit the preparative meeting of Deep Creek on
their request to hold a monthly meeting among themselves, after visiting them,
Report that we think it will be best to grant their request; with the Quarterly
Meeting appointing a committee to attend the sittings thereof for their help
and instruction as long as the Quarterly Meeting shall think necessary, all
which we submit to the Quarterly Meeting: - Jacob Hunt, Joseph Hoggatt, Moses
Gregg, Bowater Sumner, Enoch Macy. Which this Quarterly Meeting concurs with;
and directs that they hold said meeting on the first Seventh day in each month,
and their preparative meeting on the fifth of the same week and appoints John
Talbot, Jacob Hunt, Tristim Barnard, James Thornbrugh, Allen Unthank and Abijah Coffin, to attend the first opening thereof, and Barnedas Coffin,
Hezekiah Starbuck, John Sanders and Seth Coffin, to attend the other meetings
in the Quarter for at least two of them at each, who are to report their care
and satisfaction to next meeting. From a Quarterly Meeting held at Deep River
by adjournment the 13th of the 3rd mo. 1793. Jesse Williams, Clerk."
to the setting up of a monthly meeting at Deep Creek, the preparative meeting
had been under the jurisdiction of Deep River Monthly Meeting. The following
list contains the names of some of those who composed the original membership
of Deep Creek Monthly Meeting.
George Adams; Susana Adams; William
Adams; Francis Barnard, Sr.; Jane Barnet; Daniel
Bills; Deborah Bills; Anna Bond; Charlotte Bond; John Bond; Garner Brian;
Ann Brown; Jacob Brown; Jane Brown; Mary Brown; William Brown; James Burnside;
Mary Burnsides; Adam Coffin; Hannah Davis; Joseph Davis; Ann
Dobbins; Jacob Dobbins; Nathan Farmer; Bridget Hadley; Eulis Hadley; Simon Hadly; Ruth Hinshaw; Rebecca Hobson; Stephen Hobson; Israel Hough;
Mary Hough; William Hough or Huff; Judith Hutchens; Nicholas Hutchens; Sarah Hutchens; Strangeman Hutchens; Susanna
Hutchens; Thomas Hutchens; Jemima Johnson; John Johnson; Daniel Jones; Joseph
Keys, Jr; Lydia Keys; Jos. Noblet; Samuel Pearson; Ann Philips; Sarah Reece;
Catherine Russel; Charles Russell; Sarah Shugart; Zachariah Shugart; John
Stanfield; Archelus Stanley; Ann
Stockton; Thomas Vestal; Samuel
Welch; Keziah Worth; Jemima Zacry; William Zachery;
meetings under Deep Creek Monthly Meeting included Deep Creek, Hunting Creek,
Small Creek and Ferbush Creek.
County Deed Book F
21 April 1788 Samuel Kennedy
(Kaniday) to Moses Williams 20 pds 20 ac Wilkes County in Co line little Reedy
fok; part land where Samuel now lives conveyed to him by Jesse Franklin
Williams) s/Samuel
413 20 October 1788 James Revis & wife
Mary to John Hutchens 700 pds 378 ac N fork Deep Ck adj Simon Gross,
Fredr Shores Spring Br; part 640 ac Gr James Reavis
Reavis) s/James
Clanton) Sarah Lafoon (x)
1790 census
William Poe
(9) 1 m >16, 3 m < 16, 5 f
248 12 March 1792 George Wooten to William Poe
150 pds 270 ac adj William Petty
McLimore (x)
Henry Poe (x) George Wooten
Revolutionary War
Patriot Henry W. Poe According
to his Revolutionary War records, Henry
W. Poe was born in 1758 in
Culpeper Co, Virginia and died after 1732
in Sullivan County, Tennessee See: http://www.poegen.net/Military/RevWar/HenryWPoe/HenryWPoe2.txt Full documents at: http://www.poegen.net/Military/RevWar/HenryWPoe |
NOTE: An Elizabeth is
mentioned as wife of William Poe in deed of 1801 below from land granted to
George Wooten. Note that men named William Petty lived near the Simon Poe SR
family on the Haw River and also near Poe in Guilford County, NC. Many Petty
families lived in these counties so it is not at all clear they are related or
that the connection to Poe is more than coincidental.
17 Jul 1792
Elizabeth Poe Groom: James Master Bond Date:
17 Jul 1792 Record #: 01 156 Bondsman: George Hudspeth Bond #: 000146226
* 19 September 1768 –
George Hudspeth was a neighbor and maybe relation to the Bradford family of Sophia
and Hannah Bradford who married sons of Simon Poe SR.
(FHL# 306,125) Vol. H. p. 507 Doc. 30
This indenture made the nineteenth day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Sixty Eight between Thomas Bradford of the county of Granville and
Province of North Carolina of the one part and George Hudsparth
James Masters and Elizabeth Poe. 17 July 1792; George Hudspeth,
Edmund Poe and Sarah Parker. 30 November 1794. James Masters, Bm.
See research on this family found on the web: http://www.poegen.net/Studies/NC/parkergeorgeandRebeccafamilies.htm
Edmund Poe Bride: Sarah Parker. Bond Date: 30 Nov
1794 Record #: 01 185 Bondsman: James
Masters Bond #: 000146872
information pertains to the Poe that settled in Habersham Co, GA and then
onto Benton / Calhoun (and Talledega) Counties in Alabama. Some records show
Poe bured in Green Cemetery. Connected to this family is Edmond/Edmund Poe and Stephen Poe (see Wilkes County, NC
and Georgia records) Research is ongoing, but this group appears connected to Surry
/ Wilkes / Ashe County, North Carolina. Below the notes I have pertinent
links for those analyzing these families. Family Notes passed on to
me: At top “Ages of the children of Edmund Poe and Sarah his wife: http://www.poegen.net/Images/EdmondPoeSarahParkerBirths.jpg Note from a research in
this family: http://www.poegen.net/Notes/AL/ALcalhounCoNotes001.jpg http://www.poegen.net/Notes/AL/ALcalhounCoNotes002.jpg
Georgia Records
Records Wilkes County, NC
Ashe County See Green
Cemetery images Calhoun Co, Alabama http://www.poegen.net/Notes/AL/GreenCemetery/GreenCemeteryCalhounCOalabama.htm LAMAR COUNTY GEORGIA CEMETERY RECORDS for Sarah Parker Poe http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/lamar/cemeteries/union.txt Sarah Parker POE 80y
1848 THIS PROVIDES A BIRTH DATE OF 1762. Most charts show Sarah
married at 15 not 26. This effects the age presumed for husband Edmond Poe,
and who his father could have been. |
95 2 January 1794 Archelus Stanley
(Standley) & wife Elizabeth to Peter Fitzgerrald 64 pds Specie 150 ac Fall
Br which Archelus bought of John McCollum adj Williams & Bramlett
(Hamblett?? my question)
Huchens) Archeleus
Standley (x)
Standley (x) Elizabeth
Standley (x)
330 20 August 1794 Henry Speer to Augustine
Willard 40 pds 120 ac waters Deep Ck adj Christian Weatherman, John Barren
& John Hutchins; pt 200 ac Gr Weatherman 10 December 1790
Young) J. Carter)
Hunt) s/H.
21 July 1796 Airs Hudspeth Junr to
Samuel Ayers 100 pds 42 ac N side N fork Deep Ck adj Jhn Hutchens, John
Stanfield; part Gr John Hutchens 1779; also 100 ac adj Joshua Brown
& Elmore; also 40 ac adj avove, Bruce Hutchens & Standfield
C. Holcomb) s/Airs
8 February 1796 A deed from George Wooten to William Poe was proved by Henry Poe and ordered to be registered 6 paid.
NOTE: The Continuing mentioned of George Wooten in records
pertaining to Willam Poe lends support that Henry Poe was a son of William Poe.
NOTE: 1810 Census for Washington County, Virginia lists Henry
16 May 1798 Aaron Freeman*
overseer of new road
Many listed from the Bills
family (connected to this researcher) including Daniel Bills, Gershom Bills,
David Bills, Isaac Bills, Joshua Bills, William Bills
Many listed from Bray family,
including David Bray (Sr. and Jr.), Hanan (Hanon) Bray, Joseph Bray,
Littleberry (Littlebury) Bray, Nathan Bray, Peter Bray, Stogner Bray, William
* Freeman married with Poe in Fayette County, Alabama. I am
related to this Bills family through later intermarriage with Poe in Arkansas.
>>> failed to write down date
for this
William T. Lewis to David Bray, Srds 200 ac ---- Nathan Bray, Zenas Baldwin, Wm T. Lewis
15 November 1798
Ordered that the court that Raleigh Poe*
(Rolley) be appt. Overseer of the road from the Island Ford from Pipes Creek to the Wilkes Line and the
hands convenient work thereon.
*estate document at : http://www.poegen.net/Estates/RaleighPoe1858
Vol. G&H 1795-1800
Hanon Bray, Littleton Bray in
18 October 1802
Henry Speer to Henry Bray 300 acres on water of Deep Creek and Hunting Creek on Wards Branch adj. Lewis Elliotts NW corner of 150 acres &
John Whalen. John Bray. November term 1802
1800 Surry Census
Pow 1 <10, 1 26/45;
1<10, 2 10/16, 1>45
August 1801
I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe* of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150
pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George
Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.
Poe (X) seal
Poe (X) seal
proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801
by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be
registered. Test: Jo Williams, C.C.
* This seems to be the William Poe of the Siler City area of
Chatham County who married Elizabeth Bray. This William Poe also appears to
have arrived in Chatham County coming from Culpeper County, Virginia
William Poe “JR”, John
Poe and Benjamin Poe of Culpeper County,
Virginia, match these men in the Chatham County Muster Roll of Joab Brooks. Colonial soldiers of the
South, 1732-1774. Murtrie June Clark Baltimore, MD :
Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983. Chatham County Military
Returns 9-23-1772 Muster Roll of Capt.
Joab Brook's Co. 19 Pvt Benjamin Poe * 27 Pvt William Poe** 53 Pvt John Poe** 104 Pvt Charles Poe - the only other time
besides these two that research has shown the name Charles Poe is this: Antioch Cemetery,
Chatham County, NC record: POE Charlie C.
4-2-1881 - 4-19-1931. * Benjamin Poe b. 1749
Culpeper County VA states in a Rev. War Pension claim (see below) that he
lived in Wake County, but moved to Randolph County, NC in 1789. It appears
his son Benjamin remained in Wake County if this is accurate. The claim also
states that he lived in Chatham County, NC when he entered service in
1775. In a 1771 Chatham County Muster
roll for the Siler City area of Chatham County, Benjamin Poe is listed. ** These records from
Orange / Culpeper County, VA may be this William and John. The association
with William Watson and Battle Run make it appear that they are sons of
William Poe who appeared in VA records in 1725, just after the death of
Samuel Poe in 1725 in Essex County. Benjamin is likely another brother or a
JR son of the Benjamin Poe who appeared in the records about the same time of
the elder William Poe. Warrant & Surveys,
Tithables, Relinguishes, Petitions. Orange County, Virginia Vol. I 1747 - 1748 p. 3 NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman,
9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his
Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his
house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue
of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman
late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange
Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William
Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe,
Jr. N B. The deed to be made
to Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James
Genn. . CAPT. JOHN GRANT, dec'd (same information
as above) 11 Dec. 17479 Feb. 1747/48; 400 a. between the North R., Hungar
Run, Jobbers Mt. & Capt. Compton in the little fork. CC - William
Poe, Jr. & (creased, illegible). Pilot - William Poe. Surv.
James Genn. JAMES GREEN, assignee of William Tapp, 9
Dec. 1747 (date from survey, no warrant included) - 5 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a.
adj. Capt. James Compton. "Memd William Tapp Desires to have the deed
made out to his Son in Law James Green." CC - John Poe &
James Green. Marker – John Roberts.
Surv. James Genn. WILLIAM POE, 9 Dec. 1747 - 26 Feb.
1747/48; 200 a. at Little Batte Run. William Poe has made an
improvement joyning his other land & near the main road;
adj. Capt. Compton, Watson & Poe's pat. CC - John Poe &
William Gouge. Surv. James Genn. 28
May 1753. pp.
130-32 William
Beverly of Blanfield, Essex County, Esqr. to William Poe of Culpeper County, planter. Lease of 220 acres where
he now dwells, part of William Beverly's tract of land called Wakefield . . on the north side of
the south river called Burgess River . . . to the mouth of the river . . up
the Hedgeman River . . mouth of a
branch . . . surveyed by Richard Young, surveyor . . saving liberty of making
a path or rolling road through the land where it shall be necessary for and
desired by one or more tenants of William Beverly. For
lives of William Poe, Lydia his wife and William their son. Yearly
rent on 7 December at Fredericksburg or Falmouth Warehouse of 1000 pounds of
tobacco. If Poe shall work more
than four tithables besides himself, for each to pay 200 pounds of tobacco
additional, and shall not keep thereon any undertenant, shall plant an
orchard of one hundred apple trees thirty five feet asunder and two hundred
peach trees twenty feet asunder, within a good fence. W.
Beverly Wit: W.
Russell Robert
Coleman John
Gough 21
June 1753. Proved by Robert Coleman and John Gough 20
June 1754. Proved by William Russell, Gent. From: p.
598 9
October 1769 Herman
of Orange, yeoman, to Henry Bray of same, planter, seventy four
pounds, 480 acres, on Love Cr. Granville to Husband 5 August
1768(?), begin at David Smith’s cor., No 160 to a post oak the beginning tree
of the original tract, W 60 ch. S 106 ch. 67 lk., E 126 p., S to Loves Cr.,
down creek until it intersects a west course from the beginning; signed:
Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, David Smith (X); proved by
McCausland. January Term 1770 p.
599 9
October 1769 Herman
of Orange, yeoman, to John McCausland of same, planter, thirty pounds, 189
acres, part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762, called
Desolate Hills begin at a hickory tree the cor. tree of Desolate; W 60 ch., N
25 ch. E 140 p. S to beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: Henry
Bray, David Smith (X); proved by Bray January Term 1770 p.
600 October
1769, Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to David Smith of same,
planter, seventy four pounds, 503 acres, on waters of Loves Cr., part of
tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762 recorded in Book E, page
168, begin at a post oak the beginning of Desolate, W 11 ch. N 15 ch. To a
red oak, E 36 ch., N 20 ch, E 38 from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband;
witness: John McCausland, Henry Bray; proved by Bray January Term
1770. Page
378. 2
February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being
part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl
of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called
Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek. Wit: Henry
Bray David Smith Adam
Ramsower* Mary
Smith Job
Ward *
Ramsour? Which is mentioned in the will of Henry Bray http://www.rootsweb.com/~ncchatha/deedsrel.htm 20
July 1775 Deed Book B, page 72. Deed from William Poe
& wife to Henry Bray*, proved
by John Wilkerson
23 June 1775 page
21 Deed David Smith & wife to William Poe, proved by Henry Bray |
February 1801
I, p. 155 6 February 1801 Thomas Wiles of Surry to Wiley Dickison of Surry.
$150.00 130 acres on the waters of Deep Creek adjoining Poe, Arnold, Debord, John Pendry and Mills.
Mills Thomas Wiles
Wright Proved in Surry Co Court May
Term 1801 by oath of Thomas Wright, Esq. & ordered to be registered. Test
Jo Williams, C C: by Jo Williams, Junr, D.C.
March 1801 John Speer, Senr, of Surry to Levi Speer. 10 shillings current money
of NC 100 acres on Joseph's Creek adjoining Peter Elder; granted to sd Speer by
State of NC bya Deed in 1783.
Stevens John (X) Speer
Melton (X) Duly proven in Surry Co Court May Term 1801 by oath of
William Stevens & ordered to be registered. By Jo Williams, Junr, D. C.
18 October 1802
Henry Speer to Henry Bray 300
acres on Water of Deep Creek and Hunting Creek on Wards Branch adj Lewis
Elliotts NW corner of 150 acres & John Whalen.
August Term 1808
87.. Ordered Joseph Thompson,
Senr. appointed overseer of New Road lately laid off from the Ashe County line
down Tyre Ridge and Thompson's Mill Creek to Rockford Road.
88. Ordered Rolley Poe appointed
overseer of rad from Ross' Ford on Mitchels River to William Kenadys,
94. Ordered Philip Howard, Junr.
appointed overseer of road in room of William Wiliams
98. Ordered Charles Howard
appointed overseer of orad from the Dry Branch into the Road leading from Daivs
Thomas' to Rockford
(page 156 of the library book)
A deed from Roby
& Sarah Poe to Martin
Southard was ack'd by said Roby & ordered to e registered. 6/pd.
(could this be "Rhodis / Rhoden / Rhody Poe" mentioned
in other sources? such as Caswell Co Deed Book F Page 127-8 18 Mar 1788.
David Corbin of Culpeper County. VA , to James Hughes of Orange
Co., NC for 173 lbs. 268 A on Jordan's Cr adj Orange Co. line, claim of Pyron.
By Obed Florance, atty-in-fact who has power of attorney. Wit: Charles Taylor,
Rhodis Poe)
June 1809
Wife Susanna to have 100 a homeplace,
Negro wench Pegg. Dau. Susanna Carter to have Negro girl Hager. Dau. Sarah Poe. Daus. Mary Philips, Nancy Poe, Ruth Woode. 2 youngest sons:
Benjamin & Abraham – 250 A adj. Obediah Martin. Wit: Obadiah Martin, Nauman
Woode, Abiram & Benj. Carter.
Codicil 1813 gives wife Susanna a Negro
Prvd. By Martin and the Carters
Rec. Aug. Court 1815
Raleigh Poe 1 <10, 1 26/45; 2<10, 2 10/16, 2
16/26, 1 26/45 1>45 (may be 2 slaves, hard to read)
From John
Pace, July 25, 2009. [these men] are in fact Edmond and Reuben Pace. Their
sister Amy Pace married David Bray. They are the sons of John and Sarah Pace
who migrated to Surry, NC abt. 1774 from Edgecombe, NC. |
May term1810
On jury for many cases: David Bray,
Jr., Raleigh Poe, James Howard
14 May 1810
Jurors fees to Rockford
Raleigh Poe proves 4 days and 40 miles
David Bray, Jun. 4 days, 12 miles
James Howard 4 days, 20 miles
16 August 1810
Deed for Benjamin and Peter Pierson to Raleigh Poe was proved in open court by the
oath of William Thornton and ordered to be registered.
15 August 1811
Raleigh Poe on road layout with Jesse Kennedy (may be same name as “Canada” and “Kannaday” etc. Aaron
Kennedy lived between John and William Poe in the Wilkes in the 1790 census and
there were land deals involving the men.)
August Term 1811
249. Ordered Hinson Atha appointed overseer of the Balies Ford Road from Huntsville to the County Line, and the hands convenient work thereon with the addition of William Howard, Henry Frady, and John Hill.
251. Ordered Peter Groce appointed overseer of the road in the room of Abraham Cunningham from Loyd's Meadow to the upper end of Wells Lane.
254. Ordered Robert Brooks appointed overseer of the road in room of Rolley Poe from Ross' Ford on Mitchels River to William Kenady's Senr.
260. Ordered Bennett Jarvis appointed overseer of road beginning at the Sign Post near William Patterson's plantation to Wilkes Road near Daniel Cockerham's
(Bills are ancestors of
this researcher)
Daniel Bills, Jr. and Polly Ketchum 31
December 1813; Edwin Chaffin bm.
Thomas Bills and Mary Collins, 11
February 1813, Gersham Bills, bm.
David Browning and Polly Miller
23 October 1805
Other last names include Cain, Caudle, Elliott, Gwin (Guin) and Hatcher
There are Day marriages and Brittain
marriages in 1802 and 1846. Day and Brittain are connected to Poe in Bucks
County, Pennsylvania. It is curious to find both families here in Surry County
with the Poes.
3:116a. Will of Joseph Guin, Jr.
18 April 1813. Wife - Nancy. Youngest son Lewis to have estate & mill.
Other children have had their part. Exrs: wife Nancy, James Hannah, John
Bryson. Wit: Thomas Snow, Mitchel Thompson, Bartlett Hammock. Prvd by
Hammock. Rec. Nov. Ct. 1815
14 May 1816
Administration on the estate of Joel
Kennedy dec'd is granted unto Aaron Kennedy who entered into bond with
Shadrack Franklin & Raleigh Poe
his securities in the sum of pounds 150 ; for his faithful performance. The
admr quallified agreeable to law. 8/pd. Ordered that letters of administration
Administration on the estate of Samuel Carter
dec'd (which was left out of the will) is granted unto Burges Sisk who entered
into bond in the sum of pounds 1000:-:- with Ephraim Carter & Isaac Sisk
his secy's. etc.
Index of the book lists these people, but did not look them
James Bradley
Amey Bray, Anny Bray, David Bray,
David Bray, Jun., David Bray Sen., Hana Bray, Hanan Bray, Hanon Bray,
Joseph Bray, Littleberry Bray, Nathan Bray, William Bray
James Britain, John Briton
John Brooks
1815 330 a South Fork $1000
1816 330 a Mitchell’s River $1000 1
white poll
1817 330 a South Fork $110 Poll =1
1819 300 a adjoining Mary Wright on M.
River $100
Note that there is James Britton,
John Britton, William (Little) Britton as wellas Thomas Day Sr. in Surry
county. Day, Brittain (Britton) and Poe come from Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Bills (this researcher’s ancestors) have 339 a on Harmons Creek
and Code Creek in 1819.
Bray’s heirs are mentioned in the 1819 tax list
Jurors for March 1814 include David
Bray, Sen., Thomas Vestal, Raleigh Poe,
Hatley, Charles Taliaferro, Elliott, Strangeman Hutchens,
Daniel Bills, Sen.
Raleigh Poe
15 November 1820
Ordered by the court that the following
persons be appointed to View and Turn the Road at William Lewis Franklin's agreeable
to petition filed to wit, Lewis Franklin, Fielding Snow, Simpson Snow,
Henderson Thomson, Thomas Nixon, John
Franklin, Aaron Marchell, Raleigh Poe, Aaron Write, Daniel S Writh,
Elisha Isaacs, Nathan Jackson and John Marsh and make report to next
Vilenty Poe Groom: Lemuel Lewis Bond Date:
08 Sep 1823 Record #: 01 139 Bondsman: Thos Norman Bond #: 000145868
Surry County, NC – Court Minutes 1824 – 1826
Tuesday February 10th 1824
Orderd by the court that AARON KANADAY* be appointed [GUARDIAN]
to NANCY LEWIS and ELCANAH LEWIS who enterd into bond in the sum of $1500 with RALEIGH POE and
WM THOMPSON his secys which secy was
approved of by the court which court consisted of JONATHEN HAYNES, GEORGE D
* A man by this names
lived near Poe in Wilkes County.
Land Entries
1800 Witnessed land transaction William Poe
1802 Aaron Canaday 200 ac in Wilkes on Big Elkin Creek joins John
Poe's line.
1803 William
Poe 120 acres big Elkin Creek
1804 Canaday 150 acres begins at John Poe's
line on N side of the "creek and runs W.
1809 witnessed land transaction
John Poe
1810 William Poe 100 acres on big
Elkin Creek joins his old line etc.
1811 NC
Grant Isaiah Fields Big Elkin John Poe's line
16 February 1825
LARKIN CANADAY appointed CONSTABLE who enterd into bond with AARON KENADAY & RALEIGH POE
his secy & qualified acording to law. 6jpd
Raleigh Poe
HENRY G HAMPTON a witness for the plff
JAMES G PARKS for do proves 3 days 28 mile
17 February 1825
jury whose names are under written being duly impanald and sworn viz: JOHN EDWARDS,
who say we find for the defendant. HENRY MONEY for deft proves 12 days 96 miles.
WM CHEEK for do proves 7 do 86
On motion jdgt on security
10 May 1825
WILLIAM WITCHER for plff proves 4 days
100 miles.
DAVID BATEY for plff proves 14 days 204
9 August 1825
whose names are under written being duly impanald and sworn JOHN WHITLOCK,
CUNINGHAM, THO H REECE, SAML JOHNSON who say we find all the issues in favour
of the plff and assests his damage to $60. Appeal prayd & granted with
SAINTCLEAR MICKLE a witness for deft,
proves 4 days & 56 miles.
JOHN G PARKS for plff proves 2 days & 30 miles.
November 1825
LARKING KENNADAY for the plaintiff
proves 5 days and 108 miles.
20 November 1825
list of jurors
15 February 1826
vs JOHN BALEY - No 18- The jury whose names are under
written being duly impanald and sworn
HOBSON who say we find all the issues in favour of the plaintiff & asses
his damage to $14.
JAMES PARKS for plff proves 4 days 28 miles.
STCLAIR MCMICKLE for deft proves 2 do
& 28 do.
LARKING KANADAY for ptff proves 3 do & 36 do.
16 February 1826
vs BENJ & PETER PEARSON - No 8 - Attachment 1udgment by
default final for $20 with interest from
7 Feby 1807 jud of? made for $35 in the hands of SOLOMON GRAVES executor of
JESSE FRANKLIN dec'd former garnshee.
with AARON
KENADAY & RALEIGH POE secys & qualified acording to
law. 6pd.
11 May 1826
vs JOHN B BAILEY – In the appeal on motion ordered by the court that judgment
12 February 1828
KENEDY is appointed CONSTABLE who
enterd into bond with RALEIGH POE & WM LYON his secys &
qualifyd agreeable to law. 6jpd.
1828 (didn’t
write down month and day)
proven by the oath of HARDIN POE & o.r 6/jpd.
& W J PARKS to RI GUIN was
proven by ALFRED W MARTIN & o.r. 6/pd
14 November 1832
The STATE vs ALVIS POE - No 29 - On Recog
Docket - The deft comes into court & submits. Judgement of the court that
he pay $1.00.
p.868. February
Ordered Benjamin Potter appointed
overseer of the road leading from Jonesville to the intersection of said road
with the Main State Road leading to Gap Civil, and that he be authorized to
call on the hands of the Widow Franklin; Widow of James Franklin, dec'd; of
Fountain Snow; Fielding Snow; Thomas Nixons; Matthew Norman; Elijah Thompson,
Esq; Ambrose Johnsons; Joseph Isaacs; William Douglass; James Thompson
(stay-maker); the wdow Riggs; Lott Wilmouth; James Thompson, Senr;
Joseph Thompson (smith); Joseph Thompson, Junr; Elijah Isacks;
Frederick Wolf; Lewis Franklin; John Franklin; Aaron Kennedy*; the widow Marshall; Raleigh Poe;
William Thompson, Senr; William Marsh; William Kennedy;
John Kennedy, Larkin Holbrook; John Thompson; John Hughes; Meshack
Franklin; Macajah Oglesby; Mark Ross; Cable Davis and Robert Davis, to
cut out the aforesaid road.
* 1790 Census: William Powe (6) 2m<16,
1m>16; 3 f
Note: Aaron Kennedy between these entries (this name is spelled
many ways, including Canada and Canaday)
John Powe (5) 2m>16; 1m<16;
2 f
1802 Aaron Canaday 200 ac in Wilkes on Big Elkin Creek joins John
Poe's line.
And a daughter of Simon Poe married a Robert Thompson.
Norman is connected to the Browning and William Poe family in Culpeper Co, VA
Virginia Northern Neck Grants Volume II 1742-1775
p. 61
H-174: William Poe of
Orange now Culpeper Co. 65 A. in said Co. Surv. Mr. James Genn. Adj. William
Watson & Poe’s land now Norman’s. Poe’s Mt., Capt. James Compton. 11
May 1752
Abstracts of Virginia
Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys. Volume III: 1710-1780 Sheggy Shomo
Joyner. 1987
p. 43 John Browning 16 Nov 1752 - 18 Sept 1753. 207
a at Hickman's Mt on the Little Fork of Rappa; adj Joseph Norman, Capt
Edwin Hickman. CC (chain carriers) James Hickman and William Poe. Surveyed
Richard Young.
The Ross family connects
somehow to the Maj James Poe family in Anson County.
And finally, Simon Poe SR
married the widow Marsh in his old age.
921. Ordered the William J. Parks
appointed overseer of the road in room of John Denny from Jonesville to the
Wilkes Line.
Ordered William Kennedy appointed
overseer of road in room of William Douglass, Senr., from William Hampton's
crossroad towards Gap Civil and the hnad, viz: Elam Lewis, Elkahan
Lewis, G. Norman, Thomas Norman, Har Poe
(Hardin Poe), Edward Marshall, J. Franklin, Clemeth and W.
Norman, J. Isaacks, Hnery Richardson, and Job Southern work under said
924. Ordered Elias
Poe appointed overseer of the road in room of William Douglass from
the Jonesville Road to William Hampton's crossroad, that the hands of Joseph
and Elijah Thompson* work under said overseer.
* Robert Thompson married
daughter of Simon Poe SR
925 (this
shows the name "Sparks" and I wonder how often Sparks and Parks got
confused. Also Elmore and the Poe family of Prince Edward County, VA are
connected. Collins connections go all the way back to Essex County VA in 1709.
Henricks links to the Bucks Co, PA Poe family with Day and Britton families.
Petty connected to several NC Poe families.
Ordered Ordered Jacob Crouse appointed
overseer of road in room of Henry Brown, Esq., from Flat Rock Branch near
Hamptonville from the Wilkes Line to the Branch in Messick's old field and the
following hands, viz: Elias Messick, Lewis Mock,...... Ttha Elmore .....
Benjamin Hendricks, ... Benjamin Sparks .... Jacob Denny.... Hiram Collins....
Thomas Petty, John Sparks (I did not list them all) and all others
within the bounds of the above work under said overseer.
3 January 1827
Alvis Poe Bride: Nancy Lewis Bond Date: 03
Jan 1827 Record #: 01 185 Bondsman: Edward W Marshe (Marshall) Bond #:
Alvis Poe and Nancy Lewis 3 January 1827; Edward
Marshall, bm.
Raleigh Poe
Alvis Poe
100 / $300
Raleigh Poe
180 / $500
Publisher: |
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub.
Co., 1982. |
William Harris and Caroline Poe 23
December 1852. Cicero Williams bm m., 23 1852, by _________, J.P.
Surry County, NC Will Book 5 1853-1868
WB 5, p. 47
27 May 1859
Will of Janett Poe I bequeath to my dear
old mother Nancy all my land, my cattle, my hogs, and everything belong to me
after paying the doctor’s bill and all just debts. Witnesses: E B Hampton,
Jurat, and P B Moody, Jurat. Probed by E B Hampton and P B Moody. Probate Nov
Term 1860
Surry County 1860
William Poe age 60
Next family
William Roark
See Kentucky
Poe / Roark
marriage in the family of Benjamin Poe