“The Royal Arch Mason Magazine” Vol. 21, No. 3 Fall 2003

Starts on page 75
THE OUTSIDE HUNTER JOHN W. POE (see below for brief biography of John William Poe)
By Joseph E. Bennett, 33°
The capricious hand of fate focused upon a minor incident in
the life of John William Poe to mark his place in history. He was one of the
lawmen present at the fatal shooting of western folklore's most celebrated
outlaw, William H. Bonney, universally known as "Billy the Kid."
Intense publicity surrounding the exploits of the infamous young outlaw exposed
anyone involved with him to the merciless glare of public scrutiny. Most
accounts of Bonney's egregious life were inaccurate and grossly exaggerated,
but they became "history," nevertheless. Endless and lurid newspaper
stories, along with those of pulp-fiction magazines, created a legendary folk
hero out of a rugged, amoral thief, and killer.
Poe's role in the
death of Billy the Kid was a passive one, and he was always reluctant to
discuss details of the event. In reality, his role in Bonney's death was only a
minor incident in Poe's early life on the frontier. In the years between 1879
and 1887, he earned a lofty reputation as a premier lawman. A broader retrospective
of his adult life identifies John Poe as a legendary citizen of the Territory of New Mexico,
and one of the great Freemasons of the southwest. Truly, he was a pioneer of
giant stature in that wild young country.
John William Poe was
born October 17, 1850, on a Mason County
tobacco farm near Maysville,
Kentucky. He was one of eleven
children born to Nathan and Louisa Poe, three of whom were sons. He was a tall,
strapping youngster with admirable personal attributes; evident in his earliest
years. Serious minded and sober, he was determined to live on the western
frontier. He saved diligently for the day he would have enough money to finance
his journey. Before he reached his late teens, Poe was an outstanding marksman
with both rifle and pistol. A self-taught violinist, he added to his travel
stash by playing for local dances.
By July 1, 1870, Poe
had begun his journey, and was employed as a farm hand near Kansas City, Missouri.
He had left home against the advice of his father and grandfather, both of whom
urged him to attend college and forget the western frontier. When his funds
were exhausted, Poe had to work his way westward. The spring of 1871 found him
in Kansas, employed near Topeka as a section hand on the Santa Fe
Railroad. During this period Poe met Dan Hudson, a young man who became a close
friend. Hudson related thrilling stories of
immense buffalo herds wandering the Texas
plains, and how one might become rich by selling their hides. Working his way ever westward, Poe was in
the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) by the fall of
1871, cutting timber and railroad ties for the Santa Fe. He had saved $300 by the spring of
1872, and was ready to make the 250-mile journey to Fort
Griffin; hub of buffalo hunting
activity in the Texas
By the time Poe purchased a horse and saddle for the trip, a
mere $80 remained to reach Texas
and buy hunting equipment. Fort Griffin
was a military post on the extreme outer limits of the western frontier in Texas,
some 50 mile west of Fort Worth.
It was an unsavory place, teeming with soldiers, buffalo hunters, brothels,
saloons, and outfitting shops for the hunting trade. It was accurately termed
the "Sodom of the plains" by the
respectable element in Texas.
The post, situated just west of the Clear Fork of the Brazos
River in Shackleford County,
had been established in 1867 to protect settlers on the frontier. John Poe soon
learned he needed a substantial amount of money to equip himself for buffalo
While Dan Hudson remained in Fort Griffin,
enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, Poe turned his attention to earning money.
He had no interest in whiskey or women, and refused to be deterred from his
primary goal. He worked as a ranch hand and wolf hunter for several months,
earning some $500 in the process, primarily from selling wolf skins to collect
the bounty. Poe was a fabulous marksman, a prime requisite for a buffalo
hunter. However, his most profitable venture in 1873 was to fulfill a contract
he landed with the military commander at Fort Griffin,
to provide fire wood for one dollar per cord. Those activities took Poe far
into Indian country, where he was always at risk from Comanche incursions.
By the fall of 1873,
Poe had enough money to equip himself for hunting buffalo. With his newest
friend, John Jacobs, as a partner, they purchased a wagon, camp equipment,
powder, shooting supplies, and hired a skilled skinner, in the person of Joe
McCombs. One of the most essential tools of the trade was the legendary .50
caliber "big bore" Sharps rifle. The hunting party of three departed Fort Griffin
in mid September to spend the winter far out on the Staked Plains of the Texas
Panhandle, in the heart of Comanche country. Only the heartiest souls ventured
so far from civilization. They were known as "outside hunters", and
John Poe proved to be one of the greatest. By the spring of 1879, Poe and
Jacobs had hauled 20,000 buffalo hides to Fort Griffin
to sell for as much as $3.00 each. It was hazardous, hard work, but the
dividends were obvious.
Buffalo hunting was regarded differently by
white men and Comanche. Texans considered the beast as making the range unfit
for grazing cattle, thus impeding ranching activity in the Panhandle. The
Indians regarded the buffalo as a sacred animal, providing food and many
essentials of life from its hide, carcass, and skeleton. They bitterly opposed
the. hunters, and killed many of them in the process. However, the Comanche
feared the great Sharps buffalo gun for its long range and the skill of its
owner. One young chief offered his opinion of the Sharps by commenting,
"Him shoot today, kill tomorrow."
John Poe became a
Freemason at Fort
Griffin in the winter of
1878-79. He petitioned Fort Griffin Lodge No. 486, U.D., on September 25, 1878,
and received his EA Degree on November 9th, the same year. The FC Degree was
conferred on January 4, 1879, and he was raised on February 1st, the next
month. That marked the beginning of an exemplary Masonic career, which will be
detailed in more length in subsequent pages.
By the spring of
1879, Poe realized that buffalo hunting was on the wane and they would soon be
gone. The herds were thinning rapidly, and it was time to seek another line of
work. Poe accepted the position of town marshal at Fort Griffin,
and soon afterward added the title of Deputy U.S. Marshal to his credentials.
The ex-hunter made an outstanding lawman in the turbulent border town. He
established order with a minimum of gun play. Always cool headed, Poe avoided
using his gun in almost every instant. He was physically equipped to handle
most lawbreakers without shooting them, proving his theory both humane and
successful. He enjoyed law enforcement work, and decided to invest his earnings
from buffalo hunting as a silent partner in a sheep venture. Unfortunately, Poe
and his partner, John Jacobs, lost their entire investment in a herd of 1,400
sheep which perished during the severe winter of 1879-1880.
In the fall of 1879, Poe accepted the post as city marshal
at Fort Elliott,
near the town of Mobeetie in Wheeler County.
He also filled the role of deputy. sheriff for the county. His most impressive
accomplishment was breaking up a local cattle-rustling operation headed by one
John Larn, an ex-sheriff of the county. After taking Larn into custody, a band of vigilantes overpowered Poe and
another deputy, and shot Larn to death while the
lawmen watched helplessly. Nevertheless, Poe was persuaded to run for sheriff
of Wheeler County
in the next election. He lost the election when many of his supporters failed
to cast a ballot. They considered Poe a "shoo-in," and decided it
unnecessary to make the effort to vote. Their apathy cost Poe the election. He
quickly accepted another job offer, and left Wheeler County.
Poe was enlisted by the Canadian River Cattlemen's
Association as a stock detective, with the primary assignment to break up
rustling activity rampant in the northern Panhandle. A large part of the
rustling was conducted by gangs headed by Billy the Kid, and another led by Pat
Coghlin, "The King of the Tularosa." Both
gangs operated out of White Oaks in Lincoln
County, New Mexico
Territory, across the border from the Texas Panhandle. Poe first turned his
attention to Pat Coghlin at White Oaks. He carried a
letter from the Canadian River Association, signed by Charles Goodnight, the
president. It requested all assistance possible be rendered John Poe by Sheriff
Pat Garrett of Lincoln
A subsequent meeting between the two lawmen resulted in a
pledge to cooperate in ending the rustling problems for both parties. Poe first
initiated a methodical investigation of Coghlin's
rustling enterprise, and was successful in having him indicted by a grand jury
at Lincoln County
in December, 1880. That effectively halted the lawless career of "The King
of the Tularosa," and Poe was commended for ending rustling activity in
the Canadian River country of Texas.
A little later, in April, 1881, Sheriff Pat Garrett came to White Oaks, New
Mexico, to request assistance from John Poe in investigating
several members of Billy the Kid's gang, reported to have fled to the Arizona Territory.
Garrett was occupied by the trial of William H. Bonney (a.k.a. Billy the Kid
and William Antrim), who had just been captured. The trip to Arizona consumed two weeks.
When Poe returned, he learned that Billy the Kid had escaped
from custody during a bloody shootout on April 28, 1881. Sentenced to hang for
murdering Sheriff William Brady during the recent Lincoln County Cattle War,
Bonney had escaped the gallows by killing two deputies guarding him at the
courthouse in the town of Lincoln.
He successfully eluded Sheriff Garrett for several months, and was widely
believed to have escaped to Mexico.
Garrett was convinced he had.
An informer sought out John Poe at White Oaks, early in
July, 1881. He claimed Billy the Kid was hiding in Fort
Sumner, north of Roswell, Mexico,
and was being sheltered by Mexican friends in the town. Poe trusted the
informer and insisted the information was valid. Garrett did not. He finally
agreed to travel to Fort
Sumner with John Poe to
make an investigation. Poe made inquiries around Fort Sumner
while Garrett and Deputy Thomas L. "Kip" McKinney remained out of
sight. Still unconvinced, as the evening waned, Sheriff Garrett agreed to talk
with a respected resident of Fort
Sumner, Lucien
"Pete" Maxwell, who lived in the old officers' quarters at the fort.
Poe and Kip McKinney were posted outside the gate of Maxwell's residence. A
silent barefoot figure walked unrecognized past the deputies in the darkness,
startled at meeting Poe and McKinney.
He continued into Maxwell's house, and entered his bedroom to inquire about the
men outside. When he spoke, a shot rang out in the dark room, and the intruder
fell to the floor with a bullet in his heart.
The nocturnal visitor was William H. Bonney, Billy the Kid. An unfired
revolver was clutched in his right hand. Sheriff Pat Garrett, sitting on the
side of Maxwell's bed when Bonney entered the room, had fired the fatal shot
which ended the career of the infamous Billy the Kid. It was just before
midnight on July 14,1881. Although John Poe had never seen Bonney before, he
gained everlasting fame as one of the lawmen who had been on the scene when the
outlaw fell.
John Poe never
returned to Texas
after the death of Billy the Kid. He remained in Lincoln County, New Mexico,
working as their new sheriff, following the resignation of Pat Garrett. Lincoln
County in 1882 encompassed an area
larger than the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts combined. Constant travel was
required to cover the sheriff's area of responsibility. Poe was frequently in
the town of Roswell,
where he met Sophie Alberding in May, 1882. The young
California native was visiting Captain J. C.
Lea, a relative living in Roswell.
The captain was a prominent business figure and community leader in the town,
and well acquainted with John Poe. Lea was also a closefriend
of ex-Sheriff Pat Garrett.
Captain Lea and Garrett acted as matchmakers to encourage a
romance between Poe, a 32-year-old confirmed bachelor, and the winsome Sophie Alberding, a maiden of nineteen. Their efforts were
successful, and Sophie became Mrs. John W. Poe on Saturday, May 5, 1883. The
bridegroom had been elected Sheriff of Lincoln County, assuming the office in
January, 1882. He was provided an apartment by the county, in the courthouse at
Lincoln. Their
bedroom was the place where Billy the Kid was held prisoner in April, 1881,
when he shot his way out of captivity.
Sophie gave birth to their only child on February 4, 1884.
Their infant son survived only a few hours. She had gone to Roswell during the latter stage of her
pregnancy, to be with relatives. Sophie nearly died during the difficult
delivery, and was never able to bear children after that ordeal. Poe carried
her home to Lincoln
in a spring wagon, equipped as an improvised ambulance, the first week in
A year later Poe purchased a ranch 15 miles southwest of Fort Stanton,
a property he christened the "VV". The dwelling was a comfortable
three room cabin, in which Sophie and John made their home until 1885. He sold
the VV Ranch in 1885 to a Scottish buyer named Cree, partially because of the
isolation and loneliness Sophie was obliged to endure during Poe's enforced
Soon after selling the VV Ranch, Poe resigned as Sheriff of
Lincoln County. He decided to end his career as a lawman, and turn his
attention to agrarian pursuits full time. By the end of 1886, he had formulated
plans with his friend, Smith Lea, to travel to South America and explore the
feasibility of buying land in Argentina,
and to study their irrigation projects. They departed in January, 1887, and
spent several months in Argentina,
before returning to Lincoln
County. Rather than
relocate to Argentina, Poe
decided to live near Roswell.
He purchased a tract southeast of the town, and made preparations for launching
a system of raising stock "under fence." He planned to raise alfalfa
to feed his cattle, a herd of 350 purebred beef stock. He also purchased 150
head of blooded brood mares to breed mules. Poe employed modern irrigation
methods in his agricultural projects. It was an exceedingly well planned
venture, and immediately profitable.
At this juncture, it is chronologically correct to include
the balance of John Poe's distinguished Masonic record. He affiliated by demit
with Roswell Lodge No. 18 on April 3, 1889, as a charter member. He became
active immediately in the officer line, and presided as Worshipful Master in
1891-1892. Poe's York Rite memberships began soon after those in Roswell Lodge.
He was the first Mason in Roswell
to receive both the Royal Arch and Knight Templar Degrees there. He ultimately
presided as High Priest of Columbia Chapter NO.7 in 1896, and as Eminent
Commander of Rio Hondo Commandery NO.6 in 1898-99. Poe served as Grand Master
of Masons in New Mexico
in 1897-1898, as Grand High Priest in 1898-1899, and as Grand Commander of
Knights Templar in 1910-1911. Poe was coroneted a 33° at Topeka, Kansas on
December 23, 1907, later affiliating with the Valley of Santa Fe, AASR, on December
21, 1909.
After nine years of hard work at his Roswell stock ranch, Poe sold his entire
venture in 1893, and decided to invest his wealth in a banking enterprise. He
purchased controlling stock in the Bank of Roswell, and became president that
year. He held that post until he sold his stock in 1899.
In October, 1895, Poe built Sophie a handsome new home in
the center of Roswell.
For many years it was identified as "the most beautiful home in RoswelL" Poe
was recognized as a powerful and distinguished business man and citizen by
1895. Governor Miguel A. Otero appointed him to the Territorial
Board of Equalization in 1889, a board created to distribute
taxation equitably throughout the Territory
of New Mexico. Poe's
reputation for impeccable honesty and high ethics earned that preferment.
John Poe re-entered the financial field in 1900 by forming
another bank. It was the Citizens' Bank of Roswell. In 1921, his new bank
absorbed the American National Bank in the city. He christened the new combined
venture, "The Citizens' National Bank:' In his final banking enterprise,
Poe served as president until his death.
By the time New
Mexico was granted statehood on January 6, 1912, John
Poe was universally recognzied as one of its most
distinguished elder statesmen. Continuously singled out for high public office,
he served as President of the State Tax Commission in New Mexico from 1915-1917. With the advent of
World War I, Poe was selected to be Fuel Administrator for New Mexico. All the positions mentioned were
served with distinction and success. He was as enthusiastic and dedicated to
his duties in the role of a sinecur, as he was in a
profitable private venture.
A man of substantial wealth after the turn of the century,
Poe and Sophie allotted time for travel and relaxation. A high point for both of them was a leisurely
trip around the world in 1913. The old buffalo hunter from Fort Griffin
was dedicated to giving his beloved Sophie an ample serving of "Ia vida loca,"
the good life. She was the light of Poe's life, and he was dedicated to
providing her with golden memories. In that goal, he succeeded admirably.
Poe was active and healthy until the last few months of his
life. He lived as always, a quiet, unassuming man, who placed honor and ethics
above all personal attributes. Throughout his life, he practiced kindness to
his fellow man, and abhored the use of force in any
circumstance unless there was no other remedy.
One of the countless legends about John Poe's deadly skill
with the sixshooter began with a prisoner he was
transporting from Fort Union, New
Mexico to Lincoln.
During the 200 mile journey, a passenger in the buckboard asked Poe if he could
shoot a hawk flying overhead. Instantly, the sheriff snapped off a shot and the
bird tumbled to the ground. Later, in prison, the man was asked why he didn't
attempt an escape during the long lonely ride. He replied, ". . . I seen
him shoot one hawk on the wing." More than a deadly shot, Poe was endowed
with nerves of steel and great personal bravery. A number of times during his
long career in law enforcement, Poe stared down a man with a gun, disarming the
culprit without drawing his own weapon. Those incidents were recalled by
spectators, never by John Poe.
In the final months
of his life, Poe traveled to Battle
Creek, Michigan where
he entered a sanitarium for treatment. After a rather brief stay as a patient,
he expired suddenly on July 17, 1923 from congestive heart failure. Sophie Poe
had been summoned to Michigan
as his condition worsened, but was still en route when her husband died, in his
73rd year.
The city of Roswell and all
of New Mexico
were shocked by the news of Poe's sudden passing. Typical of the outcry of
sympathy and mourning for their distinguished citizen were the comments in the
Roswell Evening News on Wednesday, July 18, 1923. The newspaper devoted an
entire front page to a recitation of Poe's accomplishments, from his earliest
years. They told of his public offices and of the great achievements in many
fields of endeavor. His litany of Masonic honors was recited in its entirety.
The publication summed up the sentiments of the New Mexico
population when they ended their documentary by christening John William Poe as
"A friend of Man."
A long line of Freemasons have achieved high honors for
service to God, country, and their Fraternity. The benchmark for a good man and
true was established in ages past by departed brethren whose names are
inscribed on the honor roll of our ancient Craft. None has bequeathed a greater
legacy to his brethren, nor more handsomely fulfilled the qualifications we
diligently seek, than John William Poe. When the Grand lodge of New Mexico conducted the funerary obsequies
over his mortal remains, they echoed the sentiments of every Mason born before
and after that somber July day.
GEORGE W. POE: Frontier Fighter, biography, pub: the University of New
Mexico Press,
ROBERT W. FRAZER: Forts of the West, pub: University of Oklahoma Press,
Norman, Oklahoma,
PATRICK F. GARRETT: The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid,
pub: University of
Press, Norman, Oklahoma,
J. MARVIN HUNTER: The Album of Gunfighters, pub: Hunter and
Rose Pub
lishers, Bandera,
Texas, 1948.
ROBERT F. KADLEC: They Knew Billy the Kid, pub: Ancient City
Press, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 1987.
POWELL: Jesse Evans: Lincoln
pub: Creative Publishing Company, College
Station, Texas, 1983.
LEON C. METZ: Pat Garrett, pub: University of Oklahoma Press,
1974. John
pub: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1966.
JOHN W. POE: The Death of Billy the Kid, pub: Riverside
Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1933.
SOPHIE A. POE: Buckboard Days, pub: Caxton Printers, Ltd., Caldwell, Idaho,
ROBERT M. UTLEY: High Noon In Lincoln, pub: University of New Mexico
Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Archives of the Grand lodge A.F.&A.M. of New Mexico.
Archives of the Valley
of Santa Fe, New Mexico, AASR.
Archives of Fort Griffin
lodge No. 489, Throckmorton,
Archives of the Grand lodge of Texas, A.F.&A.M.
Excerpts from the Roswell
Evening News, July 18, 1923.
John William
John William Poe was born on October 17, 1850 and was raised on his grandfather's farm in Maysville, Mays County, Kentucky*.
By the age of 15, he had developed a yearning to go West
and his travels took him to Missouri, Kansas,
Texas, and eventually the New Mexico territory. He was a buffalo
hunter, cattleman, stock detective for Charles Goodnight, lawman in Texas
and New Mexico,
and banker. John William Poe married
Sophie Alberding on May 5, 1883. Their only child
lived a few hours. The home of John William and Sophie Poe is located at 311
West Seventh in Roswell
and is known as the Poe-Mossman house in the National Register of Historic
While serving as Sheriff of
Lincoln County, Poe became friends with Pat Garrett and John Chisum. His most
famous experience occurred when he accompanied Garrett to Pete Maxwell's ranch
near Fort Sumner.
Garrett went inside. Waiting outside, Poe saw William Bonney (Billy the Kid)
enter the ranch house, though he did not recognize him. He heard the gunfire
when Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Pat Garrett. He wrote several
articles for newspapers and books about the death of Billy the Kid. After
retiring as a lawman, John William Poe
and his wife settled in Roswell
where he was one of the organizers of the Bank of Roswell. He was later
President of the Citizen's Bank of Roswell. He died on July 17, 1923. Sophie Alberding Poe commemorated his life in a biography,
Buckboard Days.
* The
city of Maysville, Kentucky
is in Mason County.