Estate Records relating Robert Poe, Katherine Poe and Samuel Poe


Essex County Court

17th of January 1722,

p. 737

In ye attachmt (torn) Getar agt ye estate of Robert Poe, judgmt is granted sd Plt. against deft. for thr (torn) pounds of Tobo with an attorneys fee & costs & ye constable having return'd (torn) vizt. 'Novr ye 9, 1722 attached by virute virtue of ye within attachment. Two cows (torn Tobo in ye Tobo Hows. excepting 71 rent to Issac Truck and all the Indian (torn) pots & two grubing hoes, two old bed coverings, one old gun by me (torn) part of his judgmt. aforesd, & ye sd. attachment is continued for (torn).


Essex County, Virginia Court

19th of February 1722

p. 742

The suit brot. by John Griffin* assignee of John Askew, agt Katherine Poe, Frances Gee and William Thomas, is dismist.


*We have seen John Griffin in connection with estate of Robert Poe and in association with estate of Samuel Poe lawsuit.


Essex County Court

20th of March 1722

In attachmt obtained by John Getar agt. estate of Robert Poe, William Thomas filed his plea & ye Plt. joyned issue, ye triall where of is referred till net court.



Essex County, Virginia Court

7th of January 1723

p. 737

The suit brought by John Griffin agt Katherine Poe ETC. is dismist.



18 September 1723

The attachment obtain'd by Jno. Getar agt. the Estate of Robert Poe, the issue being upon ye Country between ye sd. Getar & William Thomas being waved & referr'd to ye next Court, is continued.


p. 42

Viewed original on Microfilm at LVA September 16, 2005. Reel 68, Orders, 1723-1725. A few notes in red. Also confirmed it is page 42 of the book)

Essex County Court

16th Day of October 1723

In the attachment obtained by John Getar agt. the estate of Robert Poe (spelling this way in original) , (10/24 written in margin) William Thomas failing to make out his claim to the 2 cows, a two year old heifer & one yearling heifer. It is therefore ordered that the Sheriff get the sd. cattle appraised & deliver the same to the Plt. or so much thereof as will satifie & pay ye Balla. of ye Judgmt. which ye sd Plt obtained agt the sd deft. on ye 17th Day of January last and sd attachment is dismist.


Francis Starn making oath that he attended eleven days as an evidence for John Getar on his Atta. aft the estate of Robt. Poe (Poo in original) ye sd John is therefore ordered to pay sd. Francis for his eleven days attende. according to law with costs. (eleven days – this much has been quite an issue)



-- it is ordered that John Getar pay John Griffin for two days attendance as an evidence agt. Robert Poe .



Essex County Court

16th Day of September 1724

It is ordered that William Thomas pay Samuel Poe for seven days attende as an evide. (on oath) agt John Getar according to law with costs.


15 March 1725 (date on original document)

Pages 126-27.

Bond of Francis Browning as administrator of Samuel Poe. Unto Lawrence Taliaferro, Francis Thornton, Salvator Muscoe and John Battaile, Gent., justices. For 150 pounds sterl. 15 March 1725 [1726]. Securities, William Thomas and John Saunders Junr.

            Francis (F) Browning

            William Thomas (x)

            John Sanders

Wit. W. Heny. Terrett.

15 March 1725. Acknowledged.


15 March 1726

p. 364 (at LVA, Essex Co. Orders 1723-1725, Reel 68. Text and page number verified. Spelling is Poe)

Francis Browning came into court and made oath that Samuel Poe deced dyed without making any will as farr as he knows or believes and on his motion & giveing security for his just & faithful admcon. of the said estate certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Admcon thereof in due form.


-- Francis Browning with William Thomas & John Sanders Junr. acknowledged their bond for the said Francis his just and faithful Admcon. of estate of Samuel Poe deced which is admitted to record.