Samuel Poe of Essex County, Virginia (active in Virginia
from 1704 – 1725)
Evidence regarding place
of origin, land, and possible children
In regard to Samuel Poe’s existence in Virginia by
1704, this is all we know with any degree of certainty:
1. Quit Rent Rolls of Essex County
Virginia for year 1704, Volume 33, page 359, lists Samuel Poe (Samll Poe) with 800 acres of land..
This establishes the first mention of any Poe in the Virginia Colony.
2. Samuel Poe was probably Anglican. He is
said in the court records to be of St. Anne’s Parish (Essex County, Virginia
Court 16th of November 1723 Samuel Poe is charged with swearing and is said to
be of the Parish. His neighbors are charged with not attending church on the
same day).
3. Essex County records indicate Samuel
left no will. After Samuel died, the court ordered a nine-month delay before
ruling on the petition of Francis Browning to administer the estate. The delay
was ordered to see if the “an heir at law” would administrator the estate. This
suggests that Samuel’s oldest son was not yet twenty-one when Samuel died, or
that he was not in Virginia. That Francis Browning was charged by the court to
“take care of” the estate during the waiting period suggests there were not men
of age on the property. A wife could not inherit.
4. Samuel Poe was not of the gentry class.
The court records never refer to him as “Gentleman.” Samuel Poe and the other
Poe men of the county seem, rather, to have been in conflict
with the landed gentry over laws regulating the cultivation of tobacco.
Children and relatives
of Samuel Poe
Samuel Poe left no will
and no family members are mentioned in the historical records uncovered so far.
A few men’s names appear in Essex/Caroline County in the years following the
death of Samuel Poe. One or more of these could be sons of Samuel Poe. At least
one, Simon Poe, SR, is seen producing quantities of tobacco that could only
have been grown on many acres. Without evidence to the contrary, it appears he
inherited some portion of the lands along the Peumansend
that was owned by Samuel Poe. The first names to appear, however, within a year
of Samuel’s death are Benjamin Poe and William Poe. Neither man stayed in the
county. William moved to Culpeper County (current Rappahannock County) and Benjamin
seems to have relocated to Spotsylvania County (although he appears to have
gone back and forth). Simon Poe and Samuel Poe (the younger) are the two who
remain in Caroline County, presumably, farming some portion of the Samuel Poe
Recent DNA tests of
descendants of William and Simon indicate that the men were close relatives, if
not brothers.
As the 18th century
progresses, Caroline County land is sold by various Poe men. It is assumed that
these lands were part of Samuel’s estate as no record of any acquisition of
land is recorded (with the exception of a parcel of
land by William Poe in 1732). Since no will went through probate, and no court
orders are known disposing of Samuel’s estate (there was not an estate sale,
for instance) some agreement must have been worked out between the Poe family
members and the court-approved administrator of the estate, Francis Browning,
who was a neighbor if not an in-law. No land deal by a Poe in Caroline County
is ever challenged despite a lack of recorded documents proving ownership. This
leads one to believe that everyone understood who owned what portion of the
historical Poe lands. At least one descendant still occupied 105 acres in 1799
and perhaps later. This is the same number of acreage
acquired by Samuel Poe to augment his original 800 acres.
The only other man
possibly old enough to be the father of the men who appear after Samuel's death
is, Robert Poe, who died testate in 1722. It does not seem that Robert Poe
owned land. His identity remains a mystery. A Katherine Poe is active just
following the death of Robert Poe. This could be a coincidence within the
historical record, or might indicate that she is
Robert’s widow.
Candidates for children
present in Essex (Caroline) County after Samuel’s death in 1725. It is
impossible to know which, if any of these men were sons of Samuel Poe. No
records exist to inform us. Therefore, we can be sure not all these men were
sons. Here is the list in order of appearance:
Benjamin Poe born before 1705. First to appears in 1726. May have died in
Amherst Co. VA in 1785.
William Poe born before 1711. First appears in 1732
Samuel Poe born before 1712. First appears in 1733 Possibly died in Caroline Co.
between 1759 and 1765 and survived by wife, Elizabeth.
Simon Poe born c 1707 – died North Carolina, based on
will and other information. First appears in 1737.
Mossom Poe born before 1725 - died 13 Aug 1782 Spotsylvania Co.,
Virginia First appears in 1749. Mossom (Marsom) appears so late in the records that he could be the
son of one of the other men, or conceivably, a young son of Samuel Poe
Probable relatives:
Robert Poe (d. 1722) Essex County, Virginia
Katherine Poe (active 1722/23) Essex County, Virginia. Possibly widow
of Robert Poe.
Among others in Essex County,
there is a close connection with the families of:
Francis Browning
John Sutton
John Gouge
John Getar (Jetter?)
A year after the death
of Samuel Poe, we find Benjamin Poe and William Poe showing up in the court
records. A little later we see Simon and Samuel. It is reasonable to conclude
that Robert Browning, who won the petition to administer Samuel Poe’s estate,
is a relation in some way. Francis Browning later shows up owning land
in Culpeper County along with William Poe and wife Lydia.
Connections can be found
among Poe and Sutton, especially in later Caroline County. One factor
that may preclude a marriage between Sutton and Poe is that the first John
Sutton was on the gentry class. Poe was never among the gentry.
Virginia Land of Samuel
Samuel Poe already
possessed 800 acres of land in 1704. There does not seem to be any record
indicating how this land was acquired, yet no one ever challenged his claim.
One possibility is that he acquired the land as a beneficiary of the Headrights
statues. According to the Headrights statutes, Virginia colonists
could obtain 50 acres of land for each person they brought into the Colony
(anywhere from Europe, any age, non
African person, either gender).
Essex County records
show that Samuel Poe acquired 105 acres of land from Matthew Collins in 1707.
The Matthew Collins land
and the first lands of Samuel Poe seem to be near lands of John Gouge, Francis
Browning and James Coghill and in the vicinity of Paul Micou
(see the Essex County Records).
William Poe was taxed
for 105 acres in Caroline County through 1799.
See: Samuel Poe Land
Possible Virginia or
other colonial origins
It is possible that
Samuel Poe was born in the colonies. Evidence from
early Virginia patent records reveals the names of two men with the
last name of Poe who were transported to Virginia early enough to
have been Samuel's father. To date, no other records pertaining these men have
been uncovered. We also find that Katherine Pow, a servant, was transported to Barbados.
Nothing else is known about this Katherine Pow.
See: Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia
Land Patents and Grants (referenced below).
John Poe (born before 1648
11 June 1669
Patent Book No. 6
ROBERT RUFFIN. 2050 acs. Is. of Wight Co., bet. brs. of the Blackwater, 11 June 1669, p.224. Adj. Coll.
Pitt, Math. Tomlin & Capt. Fulgham, Trans. of 41
pers: Tho. Nayes, Rich.
Hatton, Jno. Morgan, Wm. Hindge,
Rich. Hindge, Jane Hindge,
Rich. Hindge, Junr., Jane Hindge, Junr., Wm. Oldis 2 tymes, Mr. Da. Leare (?) 3 tymes, Stephen Pinke, Wm. Pinkeney, Wm.Elliott, Susan Elliott, Saml. Duke, Mildred Nicholls, Tho.
Austen, Mary Jones, Jno. Poe, Wm.
Peirce, Robt. Pawlett, Wm. Grigg, Jno.
Arthur, Petr. Strange, Hen. Long, Robt. Rouse, Jno.
Peterson, Hen. Thompson, Tho. Hill, Richd. Loyd, Wm. Green, David
Milton, Sara. Wilkins, Ben. Burton, Charles Balam,
Hugh Hartley, Phill. Bond, Robert Duglas.
Ralph Poe (born before 1661)
20 Nov,
Patent Book No. 7 (p.598)
5000 acs., New Kent Co: S. side of Pomunky Riv., upon brs. of
Crump's Cr., 21 Oct. 1687, p.598. Adj. Moses Davis & Jno.
Rea. Granted to George Gill. 20 Nov, 1682, deserted.
& now granted by order, etc. Trans. of 100 pers: Jno.
Price, Jno. Gunton, Jno. Kirkam, Wm. Dowers (?), Mary
Capell, Dorcas Deane, Tho. Medston, Wm. Parker, Phill. Doell, Hen. Martin, Wm. Hansford, Jno.
Deane. Wm. Ewder, James Crow, Adam Far, Wm. Fen.
James Karr, Ed. Jeffreys, Wm. Winnick, Wm. Tanbret, Jno. Winit, Penelope Symonds, Tho. Hobson, Dorithy Greenwood,
Rice Price, Frances Mathews, Ed. Hind, Robt Johnson, Fra. Bayly, Hubbert Hansford. Eliza. Yates, Anne Rosmos. Wm. Eaton. Joshua Jones, Wm. Kenion,
Adam Keele, Rebecca James, Wm. Firell,
Ed. James, Edmd. Conder,
Kath. Symonds, Wm, Major, James Tayler, Robert Williams, Tobyas
Jeffreys, Jno. Prator, Jno. White, Jno. Barker, Jno. Rackerses, Jno. Wistorly, Jos. Osborne, Jos.
Billeror, Wm. Ford, Wm. Jordan, Wm. Bortlet, Wm. Ford, Wm. Jordan, Wm. Bortlet,
Lazarus Kemy, Eliza. Digby, Jone
Hipdich, Edwd. Dabson, Susanah Cosbrook, Eliza. Digby, Jno.
Powell, James Meeze (or Meere),
Jno. Maddin, Ellin Jones, Abrah. Wicker, Dorithy James, David Condon, Peter Wilkins, James Scot, Wm.
Seawell, Ed. Watts, Sarah James, Roger Kembrough, Stephen Penton (?), Wm. Winston, Charles Kemp,
Gilbert Rawlins, Wm. Knight, Ralph Poe, Caleb Waggroft,
Jarvis Peters, Xpher. Thomas & wife Elinor,
Mildred Jones, Abrah. Duke, George Nickolls, Peter Ferne, Anne Davis, Jone
Winter, Wm. Keith, Rebecca Macon, Xpher. Williams,
Adam Jones, John Spauk (or Spank), Howell James,
Wilmott Keith; & 3 Negroes.
Katherine Poe
Bristol and America : a record of the first settlers in the colonies of
North America, 1654-1685
Publisher: Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing, 1970.
Collation: x,
182, xvi p. : facsims. ; 24
Note: Originally
published: 1929.
Servants to Foreign
Plantations Vol. II
page 71
Katherine Pow; destination Barbadoes
Possible connection with
the Poe family that settled in the areas
of Chester, Delaware and Bucks
County, Pennsylvania (although DNA evidence compared with later Poe
of Bucks Co origin so far goes against there being a family relation)
Bucks County Tax
Records 1693-1778. Compiled by Terry A.
McNealy and Frances Wise
Waite. Bucks County Genealogical
Society. Doylestown, PA
William Poe(s)
A Tax made the 13th
& 14th days of 7th mo: 1693 by us whose Names are
here under subscribed in Pursuance of an act of Assembly held in the 3 &
4th mo: of this present yeare
Intituled an Act for granting unto Kind William &
Queene Mary the rate of one Peny
per pound upon the cleare vallue
of all real & personall Estates & six
shillings per head upon such as are not otherwise Rated by this act to be Imployed by the Govr. of this
Province of Pensilvania & Territories for the
time being towards the support of this Governmt.
Middletown Township 1693
list includes: William
Thomas Poe (Pow)
This is the earliest
clear record of a Poe in the Amercas.
Record of the Courts of
Chester County, Pennsylvania 1681-1697. Published by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Printed by
Patterson & White Company, Philadelphia, PA. 1910. Record of the Courts of
Chester County, Pennsylvania Begun Ye 13th of September,
1681 Edning the 10th Dy of March 1696-7. The original
record being in the office of the Prothonotary of Chester County, at West Chester ,Pa. This follows the Upland Count Record,
1676-1681, now in possession of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
page 276
Chester Court ye 19th
day of ye 11th month 1692 Wee the Grand Inquest by ye Kings Authority in ye
name of ye Propriatery doe present Thomas Poe and Sarah
Buller for Comitting
fornication. Thomas
page 277
At a Courtt
held at Chester
the 14th 15th & 16th
days of the first month 1693. William Jenkin p'sident.
Justices p'sent: John Simcocke,
John Bristow, George Maris, John Blunston, Samuell Levis. Caleb Pusey
Sheriff, Joshua ffearne, Clerke.
Thomas Pow Exhibited a
petition to this Courtt
The said Thomas
pow & Sarah his wife was called to the bar to Answer to a
presentment of ye Grand Jury for Comiting fornication
who submited themselves to the Court And the Court
gave Judgment That the said Thomas & Sarah doe stand at the Comon whipingpost and for the
officer to declare theire offence to the People.
And also fines them Twenty shillings and pay ye Courts
Possible English
See: English records
The following ambiguous
record is the earliest found so far indicating any connection between a Poe
family member in England and the New World
Virginia Magazine of
History and Biography. Vol. 24 1916
p. 58
Minutes of the Council
& General Court 1622-1629. From the Originals in the Library of Congress
[153] Andrew Poe of Holte in Northfolke
sworne & examined Sayeth yt
he was Shipt in fflushing
by Capt. Powell & Capt. Jonnes in the Black
Bess*, and having victuled at Isle of Wight they put owt to sea & went forth to ye western Islands, and from
thence to ye West Indies where they lighted on a friggot,
but he, this Examint was not aboard her the Shallopp yt took her.
* From the WebSite:
Black Virginians:
First Blacks of African Descent to arrive in Isle of Wight/Smithfield, via
Colonial Jamestown, VA
In 1621 the
James, an English ship, brought a black man named Antonio; in 1622, the Ship
Margrett and John brought Mary; in 1623 the Ship Swan landed John Pedro: and in
1625 the Ship Black Bess landed Brass, a man.
Information regarding
the Poe family at an early date in England comes from the research of Sir
Edmund Bewley in his book:
The origin and early
history of the family of Poore, with full pedigrees
of the Irish branch of the family and a discussion of the true ancestry of
Edgar Allan Poe, the American poet; Dublin, Printed for the author by Ponsonby & Gibbs, 1906.
The largest concentration
of Poe family is in the Nottinghamshire area of central England, especially
Derby and Nottingham. However, the Poe family occupied other areas as well.
Samuel Poe is almost descended from this Nottinghamshire Poe stock. The Irish
Poe family appears to derive from this stock as well. The first mention of
Samuel Poe is the 1704 Quit Rent Roll of Virginia. However, there appears to be
a William Poe (spelled Poes in the record) and
definitely is a Timothy Poe in Chester
County, Pennsylvania as early as 1692. See information on the Pennsylvania Poe
family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who
migrated to Bracken County, Kentucky.
Dr. Leonard Poe
Through Bewley and
others we learn that one of the earliest well-known members of the Poe family
in England was Dr. Leonard Poe. Dr. Poe was active early in the seventeenth
century. He died in 1631. According to Bewley’s research,
Dr. Leonard Poe died without male heir. In other words, his sons did not leave
descendants. He states that the line “went extinct.”
His funeral certificate
states that Dr. Leonard was the son of James Poe, son of Richard Poe of Poesfeld in the County of Derby. In his long and involved
will, most of his estate went to his favored son, James, and to his nephew,
Robert Poe (being an apprentice unto one Mr. Harris, a shoemaker in London).The
testator gave 10 pounds to be paid to him at the end of his apprenticeship. He
gave 5 pounds to his sister, Beverly, or if she died, to her eldest daughter.
He also gave to brother, Anthony Poe, 10 pounds and to testator's cousin,
William Poe, dwelling with one Richard Holman, gentleman, the sum of 10 pounds.
These are the three
known sons of Dr. Leonard Poe. This is what we know about them, from
Bewley’s research:
Leonard Poe (eldest). Appears to have been born non compos
mentis (mentally incompetent).
James Poe, became Fellow of King's College, Cambridge and a Master of Arts
of the University. Lived with his wife Jane (or Julian) at Swindon Hall, Kirkey-Overblow, Yorkshire. Their daughter, Anne, was
married on January 1, 1660/1 to Thomas Jenner.
Theophilus Poe, matriculated from Broadgate Hall, Oxford on
February 6, 1623/4; but he did not proceed to a degree, and is described in his
father's will as "of unthriftie livinge."
"The Dictionary of
National Biography Earliest Times", Volume XVI (see references), has an
article which states that Leonard Poe died April 4, 1631. He is said to have
been a physician from Rhenish Palatinate. In 1590 he served the Earl of Essex
who got a license (MD) for Leonard 7-13-1596. He had several legal troubles
during the various reins under which he served. See essay that includes much
data on Dr. Leonard Poe at the following link (note the PDF format, you will
need Acrobat Viewer): Dr.
Leonard Poe Essay (defunct -
This is from American
historical association. Historical manuscripts commission. Report 8,
Part i, page 228 (see references)
1598, June 30, Leonard
was imprisoned and lost license but retained his reputation with his patients
and community. 1606, Dec. 11 License was returned with no restrictions due to
Earls of South & North Hampton and Salisbury.
1609, Jan 12 Leonard was
made the dr. of the Kings household.
1609, July 7th was
elected to College of Physicians
1615, July,
22 was mandated to be Created Medical Dr and obtained a degree at Cambridge.
1621 April Was one of
three attended Lord Treasurer of Salisbury and attended to his death.
Here is why Dr. Leonard
Poe is of any concern to Samuel Poe research, and the American Poe family in
general. Dr. Leonard Poe was granted land by James I, King of England, through
the Second Virginia Charter (May 23, 1609)
See: Second
Virginia Charter
Information on this
charter can also be found in Hening's Statutes at Large,
Vol. I (1619-1660) p.82. (see references).
No evidence had been
found showing a transferal of this grant to any of Dr. Leonard Poe’s relatives
or friends. He may have sold his rights to the grant. Some evidence indicates
that Dr. Leonard Poe retained some kind of interest in
the Virginia Colony.
Correspondence between
Jamestown and London includes the mention of a Mr. and Mrs. Poe. I do not know
what other Mr. Poe this could be except Dr. Leonard Poe and his wife, Dionisia Boone. However, this is pure conjecture based on
the charter mentioning Dr. Poe and knowing he resided in London, the city
referenced by the letter.
The following letter is
a summary of online data at the Library of Virginia, Colonial Records Database.
This is a verbatim copy of the abstract available on the Library of
Virginia site.
Here is a JPG image of
the TIFF file at the Library of Virginia repository noted above.
Depository: Magdalene College, Cambridge, Ferrar Papers, Box xii, No. 1255
Title: Sir George Yeardley. Letter to Sir Edwin
Dates: 27 Jun 1621
References: C. M. Andrews, Guide to Manuscripts
Materials, 1908, pp. 429-30;
S. M. Kingsbury, Introduction to the Records of
the Virginia Company, 1905,
p. 148; Records of the Virginia Company,
1906-35, vol. III, pp. 462-4 (full
Yeardley, in reply to Sandys' brief letter sent
by The Abigail, expresses his great joy at hearing of the election of his successor
(Sir Francis Wyatt), promises to do his utmost for him, and hopes that he and
Sandys's brother will arrive safely. Yeardley promises to attend to Sandy's
request concerning Mr. and Mrs. Poe*. He has commended Mr. Arondell to Captain Nuce; of Mr. Lapworth and Captain Smyth he will write in his letter to
the General Company. He has written at large both to the General Company and to
the Society of Southhampton Hundred by The Margaret
and John and other ships.
From James City, 27 June 1621, to Sir Edwin
Sandys, knight, one of His Majesty's Council for Virginia, at London.
* Note that in this
record from the reign of Charles I, Dr. Poe is referred to as “Mr.”
Middlesex: - Rolls,
Books and Certificates, Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem,
Orders, Memoranda and Certificates, 1625-1667, vol. 3
and Indictments Taken from Sessions of Peace Rolls Temp. Charles 1st.
County: Middlesex
Country: England
07 Oct , 4 Charles 1st.--Recognizances,
taken before George Longe esq.
J. P., of John Hill yoman and Robert Hill oatemealemaker, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the
appearance of the said John Hill at the next S. P. for Middlesex, to answer
&c. "for rudelie and wilfully
running with his carte against the coache of Mr.
Doctor Poe and breakinge the axe-tree
thereof." S. P. R., . . . Dec , 4 Charles 1st.
So, the governor of the
Jamestown Colony, Sir George Yeardley, promises to “attend” to some request
made by Mr. and Mrs. Poe. In 1621, we know that Dr. Leonard was in England
attending to the death of Lord Treasurer of Salisbury. Whatever the request
was, it made through Sir Edwin Sandys, in London.
In the Second Virginia
Charter mentioned above, with the name of Dr. Poe, we also find the names:
Sir Samuell Sandys,
George Sanndys
Henry Sandys, and
Edwin Sandys, the sonnes
of Sir Edwin Sandys
It is likely, then, that
Dr. Poe was associated with Edwin Sandys and might have been referred to as Mr.
Poe. At one point in his career, his standing as a doctor was taken away and
later returned:
The Second Virginia
Charter provides more interesting name associations. Note these names from the
Doctor Meddowes
Henrie Collins
Less than ninety years
later, we find these names associated with Samuel Poe. Meddowes
is a name listed in the original grant from which Samuel Poe’s lands appeared
to have been formed. Samuel Poe purchased land in 1707 from a Collins.
Captain Poe
One other Poe name
"seems" to be associated with the Virginia Company. A "Captain
Poe" is listed in the proceedings of the Virginia Company of London:
November 4, 1623, to May 24, 1624 (see references). This appears to be a
mistake in the "records." Either the transcriber of the original records
got it wrong, or the editor of the modern book copy of the proceedings got it
The mention of
"Captain Poe" appears on page 363 of the Records. The list delineates
the members of the charter and is basically the same list of names in the same
order as they appear on the charter.
The list of names in the
second charter surrounding Dr. Poe:
Sir Dudley Diggs, Knight
Sir Rowland Cotton,
Doctour Mathewe Rutcliffe [Sutcliffe]
Doctor Meddowes [Meadows]
Doctor Tumer
Doctor Poe
Captaine Pagnam
Captaine Jeffrey Holcrofte
Captaine Raunne [Romney]
Captaine Henrie Spry
Captaine Shelpton [Shelton]
Here is the same list as
it appears in the Records:
Sir Dudley Digges
Sir Rowland Cotton
Doctor Mathew Sutcliffe
Doctor Medowes
Doctor Turner
Captain Poe
Captain Pagman
Captain Geoffrey Holcrofte
Captain Raine
Captain Henry Sprye
Captain Shelpton
Nottinghamshire as
possible place of origin, directly or by descent
See Nottinghamshire
Family History Society. CDs have been made for marriages, baptisms,
etc. and are available through their online shop.
The St. Mary's
Nottingham register shows two baptisms of children (provided by a NottsGen researcher who examined the original
Records as well as the
CD collection).
11 Jul
1654 Sarah d. of Edward POE
& Mary
26 Jun 1659 Samuell s. of Edwd. POE &
While many other names
from Baptisms in the Nottingham area for the period can be accounted for in
later years. This Samuell Poe, son of Edward and Mary
Poe, does not seem to appear later in English records. Perhaps this is
our Samuel Poe. The year of the child’s baptism is in the right ball park.
The following records have
been reported by British Poe researcher, Enid Tanfield
Poe Samuel m. Rebecca Roulston
Brailsford, Derby
17,6,1697 Poe Samuel witness to will of Samuel Wildeboare,
Robert Marson and Marsom Poe
The name Marsom Poe can be found Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Marsom Poe died in 13 Aug 1782 .
Some references in the court records for Caroline County, Virginia may refer to
this person by the spelling “Mersom.” A faint, but
possible, connection to the Marson family of Nottingham might be discerned in
the name.
Bewley makes this
At St. Mary's, Nottingham, the following
marriage is recorded
28th March 1654, Robert Marson of Peeter's Parish and Isabel, daughter of Simon Poe
And also
from a CD entry provided by a NottsGen researcher:
The St. Mary's register shows:
28 Mar 1654 Robt. MARSON & Isabell POE,
Nottingham, St. Mary
Marsom is an unusual first name and could reflect
these relations in England. Simon Poe (who appears in the Caroline County,
VA records) is a common name among descendants of the Essex County Poe group.
In this case, the two names “Marson/Marsom” and
“Simon,” are associated both in England and in Virginia, not to
mention the common name Robert.
Robert Poe of
Nottinghamshire was the father of Simon Poe, SR of Nottinghamshire, father of
Isabel Poe who married Robert Marson of Nottinghamshire
One might note that a Robert
Poe died testate (but apparently landless) in Caroline County, Virginia in
1722. Further associating names with the English Poe family, Dr. Leonard Poe
left part of his estate to a nephew named Robert Poe.
Bewley adds this
information about the relationship between Simon Poe, SR of England and Robert
Poe, his father:
On the 1st of May, 1668, Simon Poe, SR of
the town and county of Nottingham, cordwainer, filed his bill in the court of
Chancery for the purpose of recovering possession of a messuuage,
house, or tenement in Gedling, which the Plaintiff's
father, Robert Poe, had been seized of in fee-tail, but from which the
Plaintiff had been excluded by his younger brother, George Poe, of Gedling, aided by Richard Kemp, of Gedling,
and Mary his wife. (note: The freedoms granted by the Skinners' Company in 1689
include 'John Poe, son of Simon'
Given the time frame,
Robert Poe who died in Essex County, Virginia in 1722 could have been the
Robert Poe, father of Simon Poe, SR of Nottinghamshire.
All known
Nottinghamshire Baptisms from the period
An 15 July 1666 - Parents Simon / Ann
Elizabeth 7 Feb 1671 -
Simon / An.
Edwd 12 April 1696 - Joseph / Suzannah
Hannah 7 January 1691 -
Edward / Hannah
Jane 12 November 1700 -
Joseph / Suzannah
John 20 August 1691 -
Joseph/Susan (see Sheriffs)
Mary 9 December 1693 -
Joseph / Susannah
Samuel 18 April 1699 –
Joseph (see Sheriffs)
Samuel 26 June 1659 -
Edward / Mary
Sarah 11 July 1654 -
Edward / Mary
Sarah 30 November 1685
Edward. margin note says Baptised when she was about
14 yrs of age.
American historical
association. Historical manuscripts commission.
Report of the Historical
manuscripts commission ... 8th Report.
Washington, 1897-19
p. 25 cm.
Library of Congress CALL
NUMBER: E172 .A60 1896
My notes on this
reference need to be verified for volume and page number.
The dictionary of
national biography. From the earliest times to 1900. Volume XVI /
edited by Sir Leslie
Stephen and Sir Sidney Lee.
Oxford : New York : Oxford University Press, 1998. 22 v. ; 24 cm. Copy 1 v. 1-22
Library of Congress CALL
NUMBER: DA28 .D4 1998 Biog
Library of Virginia,
Colonial Records Projec
McDonald Poe, Sr.
Biographical studies : Samuel Poe of Essex County, Virginia : family
in United States of
America, 1704-1975
info Waldron, Ark. : Poe, c1975.
Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts
of Virginia Land Patents and Grants. Abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent. Indexed by Claudia B.
Grundman. Volume Two: 1666-1695. Virginia State Library. Richmond 1977
John Poe is mentioned in
patent book 6, p.224
Ralph Poe is mentioned
in patent book 7, p.598
Middlesex: - Rolls,
Books and Certificates, Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners'
Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders, Memoranda and Certificates, 1625-1667, vol.
(found at
on November 29, 2002)
The origin and early
history of the family of Poore, with full pedigrees
the Irish branch of the
family and a discussion of the true ancestry of
Edgar Allan Poe, the
American poet. Sir Edmund Bewley.
Dublin, Printed for the
author by Ponsonby & Gibbs, 1906.
The Records of The Virginia
Company of London. Volume IV. Edited
by Susan Myra Kingsbury, A.M., Ph.D. Carola Woerishoffer
Professor of Social Economy Bryn Mawr College. United
States Government Printing Office, Washington: 1938. (1996 Facsimile Reprint.
Heritage Books, Inc. Bowie, MD)
The statutes at large;
being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the
first session of the
Legislature in the year 1619. , Vol. I (1619-1660) p.82.
By William Waller Hening. New York, Printed for the editor, 1819-23.
Published for the Jamestown Foundation of the Commonwealth of
Virginia by the
University Press of Virginia, 1969]
13 v. 23 cm.
Library of Congress CALL
NUMBER: KFV2425.2 1619a
* Testimony of Francis
Browning. Essex County Court 15th Day of March 1726
** Essex County Court
17th Day of August 1725