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Poe Family in Virginia


Henrico County, Virginia



1850 Virginia Map showing these counties



 Dated Agust 26, 1691

Will of Edward Braine of Charles City County

To my kinswoman Eliz. Johnson, eldest daughter of Frederick Johnson of London, Marriner, my plantation lately purchased of Margaret Edwards on north side of James River

in Charles City County, at day of her marriage. If she die without issue, I give it to her sister Mary Johnson. If she dies, I give it to her sister Sarah Johnson.

Also to said Elizabeth, 3 negroes Jack, Tom, and Ann; also livestock, 12 pounds to buy gould rings for: Capt. William Byrd, Capt. William Randolph, Capt. Peter Perry, Capt. John Rudds, my brother James Braine and his wife, my brother Frederick Johnson and his wife, Mr. John Guy,   Mrs. Hannah Archer, Mr. William Sutton, and Henry Harman.

To Capt. Daniel Lewellen, Stephen Hudson, and Thomas Hayles, each a gould ring of 10 shillings price

To Mr, Bannester, a ring of 20 shillings price

To Jeremiah Kent, his freedom, to begin 7 years after my death

To Henry Harman, all the best wearing clothes

All the rest to desr and loving wife Sarah Braine, and she to be  full executor.

My God son Edward Crostland to be bound to my wife, to keep him in school til he be fit for Virginia business

My trusty friend Henry Harman to assist my wife

If my wife die without marrying, then my estate to be divided between children of my brother and sister Johnson

Dated Agust 26, 1691

Wit: William Sutton, Martha Sutton, Anthony Berne

Recorded 1 Sept. 1709

(This will is followed by Quaker marriage certificate of Elizabeth Johnson to James Humphrey 31 Dec. 1706, and after that by a power of attorney from the Humphreys and Johnsons to John Woodson of Henrico County, to take possession of plantation etc., dated 4 Oct. 1707)



Accounts of estate of Jacob Ware, presented in court by Susannah Ware. Recorded 1 Sept. 1709


Inventory of John Mecaskoe

Aug. 20, 1709

Value 5697 lbs tobacco by John Farley, Sr., Samuel Newman, Henry Walthall, William Pride, John Wilson Jr.

Presented in court by Sarah Mecaskoe, relict

Recorded 1 Sept. 1709

Aug. 20, 1709



This data from a researcher on seems to fit the data I have collected.


The Thweatt Family

Entries: 4723    Updated: 2006-09-28 04:11:03 UTC (Thu)    Contact: Randy Jones   Home Page: ROOTS

Please include the "thweatt2222" database name in all correspondence. Please feel free to offer additions/corrections

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1


Miles THWEATT was born ABT 1703, and died ABT 1767. He was the son of 2. James THWEATT and 3. Judith SOANE. He married Sarah GREEN, daughter of Burwell GREEN and Ann POYTHRESS. She was born ABT 1709.





Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2


James THWEATT was born BEF 1676 in Prince George Co., VA, and died ABT 1727. He was the son of 4. James THWEATT and 5. Mary LEE.



Judith SOANE was born ABT 1678, and died ABT 1721. She was the daughter of 6. William SOANE and 7. Mary.




Children of Judith SOANE and James THWEATT are:






Miles THWEATT was born ABT 1703, and died ABT 1767. He married Sarah GREEN, daughter of Burwell GREEN and Ann POYTHRESS. She was born ABT 1709.



Drury THWEATT was born ABT 1705. He married Elizabeth.



Edward THWEATT. He married Mary. He married Elizabeth.



William THWEATT was born ABT 1708.



Martha THWEATT was born 1710. She married John PETERSON, son of John PETERSON and Mary HERBERT. He was born ABT 1695, and died OCT 1773.






Elizabeth THWEATT.






James THWEATT was born 12 MAR 1720/21.



Judith THWEATT. She married John SPAIN.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3


James THWEATT was born 1643 in ENG, was christened 28 FEB 1643/44 in St. Peter-le-Moor, Little Bolton, co.Lancaster, ENG, and died BET 1707 AND 1712. He was the son of 8. Johnş THWEATT.



Mary LEE was born 1647 in Charles City Co., VA, and died AFT 4 JAN 1712 in Prince George Co., VA. She was the daughter of 10. Johnş LEE and 11. Judithş.




Children of Mary LEE and James THWEATT are:






James THWEATT was born BEF 1676 in Prince George Co., VA, and died ABT 1727. He married Judith SOANE 24 DEC 1701 in Henrico Co., VA, daughter of William SOANE and Mary. She was born ABT 1678, and died ABT 1721. He married Martha ABT 1724.



John THWEATT was born ABT 1678, and died BEF 12 JUN 1759 in Prince George Co., VA. He married Elizabeth SOANE 24 NOV 1702 in Henrico Co., VA, daughter of William SOANE and Mary. She was born 1676 in Henrico Co., VA, and died BEF 1714. He married Judith PETERSON BET 1715 AND 1719, daughter of John PETERSON and Mary HERBERT. She was born ABT 1702, and died ABT 1773 in Brunswick Co., VA.



Henry THWEATT was born ABT 1680 in Prince George Co., VA, and died ABT 1726. He married Hannah STANLEY 1709, daughter of Edward STANLEY and Hannah WILSON. She was born 1684 in Henrico Co., VA, and died AFT 1745.



Elizabeth THWEATT died AFT 1712. She married ARCHER.



Maryş THWEATT died AFT 1712. She married Danielş STURDIVANT ABT 1699 in Prince George Co., VA, son of Johnş STURDIVANT and Sarahş HALLOM. He was born ABT 1670.



Judith THWEATT died AFT 1712.



William SOANE was born 1651, and died AFT 1714. He was the son of 12. Henryş SOANE.







Children of Mary and William SOANE are:



Elizabeth SOANE was born 1676 in Henrico Co., VA, and died BEF 1714. She married John THWEATT 24 NOV 1702 in Henrico Co., VA, son of James THWEATT and Mary LEE. He was born ABT 1678, and died BEF 12 JUN 1759 in Prince George Co., VA.



Judith SOANE was born ABT 1678, and died ABT 1721. She married James THWEATT 24 DEC 1701 in Henrico Co., VA, son of James THWEATT and Mary LEE. He was born BEF 1676 in Prince George Co., VA, and died ABT 1727.



Samuel SOANE died ABT 1730.




Frederick THREATT was born ABT 1740, and died ABT 1800. He was the son of 2. Miles THWEATT and 3. Sarah GREEN.




Children of Frederick THREATT are:



John THREATT was born ABT 1760.



Miles THREATT was born ABT 1760.



Green THREATT was born ABT 1769.



Evan THREATT was born ABT 1775 in VA, and died AFT 1860. He married Elizabeth. She was born 1775 in SC, and died AFT 1860.



Threet Family Website (John Poe 1785-1859 married Sarah Threet in Anson Co. NC around 1805. Sarah was of the Threet family in Anson and in Chesterfield Co. South Carolina. Presumably these Threet descend from the Virginia Thweat group)


Threet Family Notes, Census Records, etc.


Based on this Ancestry data and my own investigations, and relying much on these record from Anson County, NC associating John Poe with an Evan Threet, my best analysis is that Sarah Threet  is a daughter of this Evan Threet, who was a son of Frederick Threet – see ancestry charts above.


Anson County Deeds

Typ Deed

Ref S-214

Dat 2 Oct 1818

Rec Oct 1818

Frm William Ross

To Even Threatt

Con $200

Re 100 acres on waters Lanes Creek; Joel Renfrow's widow Sary's part; incl plantation where Ross now lives

Wit John Poe, Julius Holley

Adj Jesse Hasty, Michael Costley, William Ross's new entry

loc 8320 -15616 F127 L0 P255


ln ;; Jesse Hasty

ln ;; Michael Costley's heirs

ln ;; Ross's new entry


Typ Deed

Ref S-192

Dat 2 Oct 1818

Rec Oct 1818

Frm Stephen Hasty

To Evan Threat

Con $5.00

Re his claim to Sary Renfrow's dower rights to 100 acres where William Ross lives

Wit John Poe, Julius Holly

loc 1136 -320 F127 L0 P255



History Henrico Parish. St. John’s Church



James Thweat to Mrs. Judith Soane Nov. 24th. 1701 /02


Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia. Part One 1654-1737


1 Aug. 1699

Will of John Soane of James City County

To dear honoured mother Mrs. Judith Soane,   10 yearly

To loving brother Peter Field, beaver hat

To loving couzen Henry Soane, All my surveyor and mathematical instruments with books and papers thereto belonging

To brothers and sisters and their children, to each a ring To each of my godchildren, 1 hogshead of tobacco toward their education

To loving brother William Soane, all land given by

James Callam to my said brother on south side of the Chickahominy River and my plantation on the south side of same: River known by name of "Poplar Spring", and

he is to be executor

Dated 16 Dec. 1695

Wit: Peter Field, Philip Jones, John Willson, Judith Field Recorded 1 Aug. 1699


Henrico County Deeds

(many more listings for the Soane family)


7 Oct 1717

p.196 30 June 1717 Hugh Ligon of Henrico Co., to Gilbert Elam of same, for 3000 lbs tobacco, 200 acres in Henrico Parish, on south side of James river; being part of 1300 acres formerly granted to Col. Thomas Ligon and by him lapsed, and taken up by said Hugh. Land is bounded by land formerly Maj. William Harris’s and Thomas Jefferson.

Wit: Henry Soane, Arthur Moseley, Jr., Mich’ll Turpin

Signed: Hugh Ligon

Recorded 7 Oct. 1717

Jane, wife of Hugh Ligon, relinquishes her dower right


2 Dec 1717

p. 214 1 Dec 1717 Joseph Callio of King William Parish, Henrico Co. to Bartholomew Dupay of same, for pounds 47, 75 acres in said parish; part of 5000 acres granted the French Refugees 31 Oct 1716, bounded by the river, the Glebe.

Wit: John Soane, Seth Ward

Signed: Joseph Colloway (Joseph (X) Callio)

Recorded 2 Dec 1717



Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705. Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Richmond, Virginia 1985



James Thweatt, Jr and wife Judith Archer



1 Dec. 1702

George Archer of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to James Thweat, Jr. of same parish, Charles City Co., for love & affection to his son in law William Traylor and Judith

his wife, daughter of said George, land on north side of Appomattox River in same parish, bounded by the river, Fleets Run, Porters Spring branch, John Porter; being all of said George's land on southwest side of Fleets Run, in trust to said James Thweatt for use of said William and Judith Traylor, for life and after that for use of their heirs.

Wit: James Thweatt, Jr., Charles Roberts, Henry Walthall

Signed: Geo. Archer,  Eliz. (A) Archer

Recorded 1 Dec. 1702

Elizabeth, wife of George, relinquished her dower right.



1 Dec. 1702 William Traylor of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to Edward Traylor or same, planter, for pounds 5, 100 acres in Bristol Parish on north side Appomattox River, next to George Archer; being part of a patent to said William, Oct. 14, 1701.

 Wit: James Thweatt, Jr., Cha. Roberts, Henry Walthall

Signed: Wm (X) Traylor, Judith Traylor

1 Dec. 1702

Judith, wife of William, relinquished her dower right.


----------- I did not write down the county or full source this is taken from, but what I have is:

            Virginia History Magazine

            12 October 1770. Will of Judith Thweatt, daughter of Mary Brown, refers to deceased husband, John Thweatt, daughter, Elizabeth Birchett…..



William Randolph of County & Parish of Henrico, Gent., for love & affection to his son William Randolph, Jr. of same, two parcels above Westham on north side of James River,

bounded by Horsepen Run and line of Col. Jennings. 542 acres; also of my lower islands, 80 acres.

Wit: Step. Sarrazin, Jno. (I) Morton – John Morton

Signed: Wm Randolph                   This location seems to be right in present day Richmond

Recorded 1 Feb. 1703                    Westham Creek       James River              Horsepen Creek



p. 402

1 June 1704

James Thweatt of Bristol Parish, Prince George County to George Archer of same parish, Henrico Co.,  for an agreement,

223 acres patented by James Thweatt 24 April 1703 in Bristol Parish on north side of Appomattox River, bounded by Col, Thomas Ligon, said Archer, Maj. Gen. Wood’s land and Old Town Creek.

Wit: Pet. Field, William Soane

Signed: James Thweatt

Recorded 1 June 17


p. 403 1 June 1704

James Thweatt of Bristol Parish, Prince George County to George Archer of same parish, Henrico Co.,  for valuable consideration,

234 acres in same Parish on north side of Appomattox River, bounded by said Archer, Godfrey Ragsdail, Thomas Webster and Old Town Creek, granted by patent to said Thweatt 23 Apring 1703.

Wit: Peter Field, William Soane

Signed: James Thweatt

Recorded 1 June 1704


Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1704-1737. Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Richmond, Virginia 1985


p. 607

24 August 1724. William Traylor of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to William Dunifunt of same. for 50 pounds acres on north side of Appomattox River in Bristol Parish near a place called Cattail Meadow; and is land where William Dunifunt now lives, bounded by said Traylor, George Archer, and being part of a patent to said Traylor 17 August 1720.

Wit. Will Kennon, John Watts (J), Philip Dunifant (PD)

Signed William Traylor

recorded 3 May 1725


(Both Kennon and Watts are names associated with the Poe family in North Carolina. Watts is found in Culpeper County and Caroline County, VA)



Lunenburg County Records (The Samuel Poe lands are said to be on the southern border of Prince Edward County, which would border Lunenburg.)

Did not write down source, but saw a deed

September 1758 “to James Thweat


Lunenburg County Marriages

1 May 1787

Hudson Ward married Anna Threatt. By Thomas Crynes



Annals and History of Henrico Parish: Dioceses of VA. J. Staunton Moor 1979.


Baptisms of Richmond:

April 14, 1825, Clara, an adult, daughter of Thomas, deced and Mary Poe (see below)


Marriages of Henrico Co 1680-1808. Lindsay



21 July 1794. Benjamin Tate and Anne Poe. Surety Thomas Poe


Henrico County Marriage Bonds 1780-1861. John P. Harrison. Salt Lake City 1937


16 June 1840

Edmond P. Meredith and Selina B. Poe


3 February 1852

Edward P. Meredith and Virginia T. Poe




DAR files. From photocopies made of documents in the possession of the DAR Library in Washington, D.C.

From Bible Record of Caswell Tate Poe, son of Thomas Poe and Mary Blakey.


Thomas Poe and Mary Poe (Blakey) were born in Spotsylvania County, VA. Their children in the county of Henrico, Va. Gillis Creek, 3 miles south of Richmond.


Plantation near Richmond, VA, Willow Grove sometimes known as Seven Pines Farm on account of seven large trees growing on the corner of the estates. children all born here. (Source of information unknown)



Ann Poe married Benjamin Tate (see below)

Smith Poe died in infancy

John Poe b. 1782 married Anna Neff

George Poe b. November 15, 1784 married Mary Neff

William Poe December 2 - February 15, 1871 married Margaret Ann Tippett (second cousins).  Married in Lynchburg

Elvira Poe b. July 1788 married John Tompkins (see below)

Sellina Poe b. July 1790 married George Brooks, son of Governor Brooks of Virginia (also to Meredith?)

Caswell Poe b. 1792 married Marian Scott Lee

Benjamin Poe b. 1794 d. 1820


More from the DAR files…

Thomas Poe

Born: 1749 Spotsylvania, VA

Died: Henrico Co., VA 22 February 1825

Service: VA

Applicant Mrs. Rena M. Powell

New Orleans Chapter 23 September 1957


Bible Records of Caswell Poe, son of Thomas Poe and Mary Blakey

Copy sent by Mrs. John Lawrence Kier

1146 18th Ave North, Seattle, WA


Henrico Seal (embossed copy in file)

March 29, 1827

Deed of Loan was acknowledged by George Poe party to the said and admitted to record:

I George Poe of City of Richmond, Co. of Henrico …. My sister Selina Brooke, widow of the late Richard Brooke of said county … lend Selina Brooke for two years following property to wit: One negro man named Armistead, one wagon and gear, one pair of bay mares, one carriage and harnesses, two cows, two ploughs and one lot of farming tools

Dated: 18 March, 1827


Richmond Enquirer

March 24, 1899

Died on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock after a protracted illness of several months, Mrs. Mary Poe, widow of the late Thomas Poe of Henrico County, in the 72d year of her age. (Stamped 7/17/1956 VA State Library)


Richmond Whig

February 25, 1825

Died on the 22nd of February at his residence, Henrico Co, Mr. Thomas Poe in the 76th year of his age

(Stamped 7-17-1956 VA State Library)


VA Death Records

County of Hanover

Rebecca Poe age 62

Date of decease August 1856

Place: Hanover

Chronic Diarrhea

Parents: ____ Davies

(Rebecca) Born New Kent

Widow of George Poe

Name and relations of informant

Edward P. Meredith, Head of Family


John Poe 31 July 1827 Richmond, VA

Josephine Dowell 5 December 1849 Richmond, VA

Rena Poe 8 December 1874 Richmond, VA

Josephine Mitchell 19 April 1899 New Orleans, LA

Hilary Lee Mitchell 17 December 1864 MA

            Married John Poe and Josephine Dowell 28 June 1871

Hilary Lee Mitchell and Rena Poe 14 June 1898

Rena Mitchell and Charles D. Powell 16 April 1942

Josephine Mitchell and Earle E. Mullin 23 December 1944



Virginia History Magazine Vol. 20 (The Brooke Family)


p. 216

Richard Brooke (of Richmond) b. 14 August 1787) married Selina Daniel Poe


Virginia History Magazine Vol. 34

Marriage bond for Records of Husting Court, Richmond, Virginia

Richard Brooke and Selina, daughter of Thomas Poe, 17 February 1808


Henrico County Marriage Bonds 1780-1861. John P. Harrison


Benjamin Tate to Anne Poe   21 July 1794 Thomas Poe - father


Virginia History Magazine Vol. 34 (1926)

Richmond City

Marriage Bonds from Records of Hustings Court, Richmond, Virginia

April 1812

John Tompkins to Elvira Poe

Security: Benjamin Tate, 6 Feb. 1810


Marriage Bonds of Henrico County, Virginia, 1782-1853


All on page 129


14 March 1800

David Poe, Jr. to Mrs. Eliza Hopkins, widow of Charles D. Hopkins, Richmond, James Whitacre, surety, attested to John’s age.


NOTE: These are the parents of Edgar Allan Poe. This Poe site does not seem to be aware of this marriage bond in Richmond.


David Poe, Jr. (born: July 18, 1784 in Baltimore, Maryland - died: possibly Dec. 1811, perhaps in Norfolk, Virginia
and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe (born: possibly in 1787 - died: Dec. 8, 1811. Married: sometime in early April, 1806.)

Elizabeth had been married to Charles Hopkins from the summer of 1802 until his death on October 26, 1805. This prior marriage produced no children. There seems no justification to the rumor that Elizabeth Arnold was a granddaughter of the infamous Benedict Arnold. The name of her father was probably Henry or William Henry Arnold. Her mother was Elizabeth Smith Arnold, also an actress.


Elizabeth Arnold Poe

Birth:   1787

Death:   1813 

Mother of Edgar Allen Poe. (the name is Edgar “Allan” Poe which was not his name at birth. He took the last name of his foster father, John Allan, as his middle name in adult life.)

Burial: Saint Johns Episcopal Churchyard


Richmond city

Virginia, USA



 10 September 1823

Caswell Poe to Marion Nimmo. John Thompkins (Tomkins is seen also), surety, attested to Marion’s age and residence.


21 August 1835

Archibald Poe to Sophia Batts, daughter of John Batts. John Batts, surety


21 November 1847

John Poe, Jr. to Catharine Cornelia Williams, with the consent of her father William Williams, Henry W. Quarles, witness to the consent. Henry W. Quarles, surety, attested to John’s age.



Annals & History of Henrico Parish: Diocese of Virginia. J. Staunton Moore 1979


April 14, 1825

Clara Poe, and adult, daughter of Thomas Poe, deced, and Mary Poe


Henrico County Marriage Bonds 1780-1861. John P. Harrison


John P. Harrison to Ann T. Poe  18 May 1831. John Poe, father (bondsman)


Edmond P. Meredith to Selina B. Poe 16 June 1840


Edward P. Meredith to Virginia T. Poe  3 February 1852


Henrico County, Wills & Deeds 1748-1750



Will of John Watson*

To William Patman, 2 negroes and 300 acres where Tho. Merritt lived

To Watson Patman, 200 acres joining David Adkins

To Morris Baumfield, 2 negroes and 353 acres in Goochland County joining Joseph Pease and Benjamin Woodson

To my daughter Elizabeth Watson, 400 acres next to Robert Sharp, and 15 negros

To daughter Susannah Watson, 400 acres next to Robert Sharp, called "Samsons" and negroes

To wife Martha, plantation where I live, 451 acres, and Negroes

Wife Martha, William Patman, and Nathaniel Bacon to be executors

Dated 10 March 1749/50

Wit: Nathaniel Bacon, Thomas Thorp, William Patman

Recorded 2 April 1750


* William Poe (wife Lydia) received a joint patent for land in Orange /Culpeper County, VA with a William Watson in 1737. William and Lydia moved from Essex / Caroline Co. VA to the new land.


p. 58 Accounts of estate of Capt. John Watson by Elisha Millar and Martha his wife, executors. Mentions quit rent on 1200 acres of land for 1750. Recorded June 1751


p. 123

Will of John Morton *

1 September 1751

To daughter Martha Morton, items

All the rest to wife Susan for life and after her death to my daughter Martha and the two of them to be executors

Wit: Ephraim Garthright, Samuel Garthright, James Austin

Presented by Susanna Morton, the executor and recorded  June 1752


* No idea if this is the same Morton family or not. But records are being included in case connections can be made between the Poe family of Essex /  Caroline and Culpeper  and the Poe family of Henrico Co (Thomas Poe was supposedly born in Spotsylvania Co) or even the nearby Amelia / Prince Edward County, VA


Link was originally:


GUNTER - Deed Bk. A, 1771-1782

pg. 450, Feb. 7, 1775

John Gunter Jr. and Richard Gunter Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Morton, dec'd, sell to William Poe, for 20 pds, 7 shillings, 22 acres on the S. side of Poe's Creek, being a piece of land left by John Morton dec'd to be sold by his Executors.

                John Gunter

                Richard Gunter

Wit: None

Proved in open court by George Herndon and ordered to be registered.


p. 170

Will of Joseph Watson of Henrico Parish 15 April 1751

To son JOhn , 5 negroees

To daughter Martha Bell*, 100 acres in Amelia County

15 negroes, livestock and items

tTo daughter Lucy Johnes, 400 acres in Brunswick County

8 negroes, 50 pounds, and 1/2 my household goods

To grandson William Watson, 800 acres in Henrico, joining my old tract I live on

To my wife, 6 negroes, 1/2 my household goods and livestock and lend her my plantation I live on for life, and then to my son John.

Executors: Son John and son in law Thomas Jones

Wit: John Mitchell, Mary Elmore*, Mary Mitchell

Recorded Oct. 1752


* Note the Bell family was associated with Samuel Poe of Essex Co. in the early 1700s. Also, the Elmore family is associated with Poe (along with Ward and Liggon) in Amelia County.





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