The Descendants of
Edward Watts
1650 - 1728
Thomas A. Markham
Generation No. 1
1. Edward Watts, Sr. was born Abt. 1650 in England,
and died Abt. 1728 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Downey Bef. 1689 in England. She was born Abt.
1665 in England,
and died Aft. 1710 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
Children of Edward Watts and Elizabeth Downey are:
+ 2 i. Thomas
Watts, born Abt. 1690 in Spotsylvania
County, Virginia; died April 13,
1763 in Culpepper County, Virginia.
3 ii. Edward Watts, Jr. born
Abt. 1698.
4 iii. David Watts, born Abt.
5 iv. William Watts,
born Abt. 1704.
6 v. John Watts, born Abt.

Generation No. 2
2. Thomas
Watts, (Edward1) was born Abt. 1690 in Spotsylvania County,
Virginia, and died April 13, 1763 in Culpepper County, Virginia. He married Esther Stone in Culpepper County, Virginia. She was born Abt.
1690 in Culpeper County, Virginia,
and died 1772 in Orange County,
Will of Thomas Watts:
Book “A”: 10
Co., VA
w/d 22 Dec 1746; w/p 10 March 1749
In the name of God, Amen: I THOMAS WATTS of St. Thomas Parish in
Culpeper County, planter, being in sound and perfect health of mind and memory,
thanks be to Almighty God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of
mankind and that it is appointed for all men once to die, and as touching such
worldly estate which it has pleased God to bless me with, I do hereby make and
ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking, disallowing and
disannulling all former wills, testaments or bequests, and allowing none but
this my last will as in manner following:
Imprimis: I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God
that gave it me, and my body to the earth to be buried
at the discretion of my executors.
Item: I will and desire that my beloved wife ESTHER shall live on
the plantation I now live on, if she shall be the longest liver, and have 100
acres of land adjoining with timber and wood for the use of the plantation for
and during the time of her widowhood and no longer, and at the time of her
death or day of marriage that then the plantation to return to them as shall be
hereafter mentioned.
I give and bequeath to my son EDWARD WATTS the plantation he now lives on with
the tract of land thereto belonging estimated at 200 acres to him and his heirs
I give and bequeath to my son JOHN WATTS the plantation he now is possessed
with the lands bounded accordingly estimated 200 acres be the same more or
less, to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my son BENJ. WATTS the plantation
commonly called the schoolhouse with the tract of land bounded on JAS. BARBOUR
and JOHN WATTS, so up the the Great Branch, including
the land between them bounds, and BLAND BALLARDS line estimated 200 acres more
or less to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my son THOMAS WATTS the plantation known by the name of JOHN STONE’S
plantation with the tract of land adjoining them--to containing by estimation
183 acres be the same more or less, and bounded on BLAND BALLARDS line, JAS.
line to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my son JACOB WATTS a tract of land containing by estimation 150 acres
be the same more or less, and bounded between BLAND
BALLARD and BENJAMIN WATTS, to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my daughter SARAH WATTS a tract of land containing by estimation 150
acres be the same more or less, and bounded between JAMES BARBOUR’S, JOSEPH
ROGERS, DIXON’S line to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath after my decease and the decease or day of marriage of my
wife ESTHER the above mentioned plantation I now live on with 100 acres of land
thereunto adjoining and bounded on the River and running to BENJAMIN CAVE’S
line on the River, thence along CAPTAIN BENJ. CAVE’S line to my back line so
far as to include 100 acres which said plantation and land I give to my son
WILLIAM WATTS, after my decease or day of marriage of my wife to him and his
heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter ESTHER WATTS a tract of land containing by estimation
100 acres and bounded between the land belonging to
the MANOR plantation and JOHN WATTS land to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I will and devise that after my decease my still shall be
to the use of my wife ESTHER during her widowhood, and all my children in
general, that is to say my son EDWARD, my daughter ANN, my son JOHN, my
daughter ELIZABETH, my son BENJAMIN, my son THOMAS, my daughter SARAH, my son
JACOB, my daughter ESTHER, my daughter MARY, my son WILLIAM, my daughter
FRANKY, which said still shall be to their use and if any benefit or income
shall accrue by the said still, the same shall be equally divided among my
above mentioned wife and children, and if my wife should either die or any of
the above children should die then the still shall be amongst the remainder of
my children and the income of the said still shall be equally divided between
such of my above mentioned children as shall remain alive.
I constitute and appoint my beloved sons JOHN WATTS and BENJAMIN WATTS to be my
sole executors of this my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
[his mark] WATTS
sealed, published, and pronounced in the presence of...

Children of Thomas Watts and Esther Stone are:
+ 7 i. THOMAS
WATTS, Jr., born Abt. 1712 in Orange
County, Virginia; died 1764 in Culpepper County, Virginia.
+ 8 ii. Edward
Watts, born Abt. 1715 in Orange
County, Virginia; died 1790 in Bedford County, Virginia.
9 iii. Elizabeth Watts, born Abt.
1718 in Orange County, Virginia.
10 iv. Benjamin
Watts, born Abt. 1720 in Orange
County, Virginia; died 1790 in Culpeper County, Virginia. He married (1) Mary ?. He married (2) Anne ?.
Notes for
Benjamin Watts:
Co. Will Book C pa. 394
Will of
Benjamin Watts (brother of his wife, Esther)
alive, but not named. Property after her
death to go to Jeremiah White of Orange Co., son of Henry White. Elizabeth Snell, daughter of Lewis Snell, also mentioned
of estate to be divided among youngest children of Benjamin's brothers and
sisters: John, Thomas, and Jacob Watts, and
Sarah Gaines (probably wife of James Gaines) dec.
1783 (CCWB B pa.5) Thomas Watts was his executor, Sarah Gaines a witness. Nephews Barnard Watts, Thomas Watts, James
Watts were executors. Dated 7/10/1790,
recorded 10/18/1790 Also Inventory, (Culpeper Will Book C, pa.
404) 1790
+ 11 v. John
Watts, born Abt. 1722 in Orange County, Virginia;
died March 20, 1796 in Madison County, Kentucky.
12 vi. Robert
Watts, born Abt. 1724.
13 vii. Ann Watts, born Abt. 1728 in Culpeper
County, Virginia.
14 viii. Sarah Watts, born
1729 in Orange County, Virginia; died November 30, 1803. She married Humphrey Gaines.
+ 15 ix. Jacob
Watts, Rev., born July 09, 1730 in VA ?; died
April 14, 1821 in Orange Co., VA ?.
16 x. Mary Watts, born Abt. 1732 in Orange
County, Virginia.
+ 17 xi. WILLIAM
WATTS, born Abt. 1732 in Orange
County, Virginia; died March 04,
1808 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
18 xii. Frances (Frankie)
Watts, born Abt. 1735 in Orange County, Virginia.
+ 19 xiii. Esther
Watts, born Abt. 1738 in Orange County, Virginia;
died Aft. 1795 in St. Thomas Parish, Orange County, Virginia.

Generation No. 3
Jr. (Thomas2, Edward1) was born Abt. 1712 in Orange County, Virginia, and died 1764 in Culpeper County, Virginia. He married Anne Gaines.
Notes for Anne Gaines:
She is
identified as the wife of Thomas Watts from the will of William Gaines, made
September 30, 1780; proved June 17, 1783. (Culpeper Co., Will Book B., page 515) William Gaines was entering
the army and set his house in order.
he mentions money given to Thomas Watts and Ann
Watts, presumable his sister, returning his inventory May 13, 1785. (Will book C, page 19)
of THOMAS WATTS and Anne Gaines are:
20 i. Reuben Watts.
Notes for
Reuben Watts: From Heineman,
pa. 114-115.
Reuben died in the Revolutionary War. The record below was found
in the Virginia State Capital Record of Military Certificates: Book 2
pa. 99, Warrant No. 3647. Issued to Reuben Watts for 100 acres. Issued to Aaron Watts, heir of Reuben Watts,
December 31, 1784. The voucher reads as follows: "At a court held for Culpepper County, the 16th of August, 1784, Thomas
Watts came to court and made oath that Aaron Watts is elder brother of
heir-at-law of Reuben Watts who died in Continental Service, which is ordered
to be certified." Teste John Jameson C. C.
A copy Philip Southall Reuben
served three years as a private in the Virginia Continental Line.
More About Reuben Watts:
Killed: Abt. 1780, Revolutionary War
Served: Bet.
1777 - 1780, As
Private in Virginia
Continental Lin
21 ii. Robert
Watts. He married Susanna Lewis May 05,
1788 in Culpepper County, Virginia.
22 iii. Aaron Watts. He married Margaret ?
in Culpepper
County, Virginia.
Notes for Aaron Watts:
1777 Oct
16 - Given Power of Attorney by Lawrence Gillock
(Culpeper Co. Deed Book 20, pa 480) 1782 Apr 20 -
He was a private in Captain William McBride’s Militia from Lincoln County,
Virginia, in Service at Falls of Ohio 1783 - He is found in
the Culpepper County, VA tax list with 1 tithe.
1784 Aug 16 - Book 2 pa. 99, Warrant No. 3647. Issued to Reuben Watts for 100 acres. Issued to Aaron Watts, heir of Reuben Watts,
December 31, 1784. The voucher reads as follows: "At a court held for Culpepper County, the 16th of August, 1784, Thomas
Watts came to court and made oath that
Aaron Watts is elder brother of heir-at-law of Reuben Watts who died in Continental Service, which is ordered to be
certified." Teste
John Jamison C. C. A copy Philip Southall. 1787, 1790, & 1795 - Aaron
Watts deeded land in Orange Co., VA (Orange Co. Deed book 20, pa 480 and Deed book 19) 1789 Aug 1 -
He deeded land with his wife Margaret.
(Culpeper Co. Deed Book, 19, page 391) 1797 Aug
24 - Aaron and Margaret Watts of Stafford Co. to William Richards of Culpeper
Co., 84 1/2 acres obtained by Aaron
Watts as legatee to Thomas Watts, dec., who died on
the premises, adj. the run, Bruce and Wallace, Robert Watts. Dated 8/24/1797, recorded 9/18/179 Culpeper County Deed Book T pa. 183
1805 - Aaron Watts was one of the appraisers of the estate of
Henry Utterback in Shelby Co., KY
23 iv. Elinor Watts. She married ? Cox.

8. Edward
Watts (Thomas2, Edward1) was born Abt. 1715 in Orange County, Virginia, and died 1790 in Bedford County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth B. Downs September
14, 1737.
Children of Edward Watts
and Elizabeth Downs are:
24 i. Anna Watts, born December 12, 1758. She married Thomas Buford, born 1756.
25 ii. Thomas Watts.
26 iii. Edward
11. John
Watts (Thomas2, Edward1) was born Abt. 1722 in Orange
County, Virginia, and
died March 20, 1796 in Madison County, Kentucky. He married Sarah (Sally) Barnett Bef. 1759 in Orange
County, Virginia,
daughter of John Barnett and Marran ?.
Children of John Watts and Sarah Barnett are:
27 i. Thomas Watts, born Unknown; died 1817 in
Madison County, Kentucky. He married (1)
Drucilla Ham.
He married (2) Francis Gaines.
Notes for Drucilla Ham:
She was listed in the 1870 census of Madison County, Kentucky.
Notes for
Francis Gaines
The name
of Francis comes from the will of Humphrey Gaines in Culpepper Co., VA,
Will book B, pa 339, in which he refers to Frances Watts. His second wife was Drucilla
Ham. She survived him and married his
first cousin, once removed, John Watts, son of his first cousin, Fielding Watts.
Thomas Watts sold his Virginia
land holdings April 27, 1797 and moved to Kentucky . (Madison Co., Va deed book 2, pa 5 and 527) He
purchased 578 acres in Campbell County, Kentucky on Bank Lick Creek in what is now Kenton County
and she sold this, deeding with his wife Drucilla in
a deed dated July 15, 1816; recorded September 24,
1817. (Campbell Co., KY deed book D,
Folio 562-563) He died in Madison Co., Ky where he left a will. She was listed in the 1870 census of Madison County, Kentucky.
28 ii. Julius Watts,
born Abt. 1765 in Orange County,
Virginia; died October 04, 1848 in Clark County, Kentucky. He married Mary Eve December 22, 1785 in Orange County, Virginia.
Notes for
Julius Watts:
He moved
to Kentucky and his will is
in Clark County, KY (Will book 2, pa 470). The were members of
Rev. Robert Elkin's famous Traveling Church, Primitive (United) Baptist, of Clark County, Kentucky. His wife was received by experience on October
20, 1798; He on December 9, 1810 by experience and
29 iii. Barnett Watts, died 1801 in Madison
County, Virginia.
He married Frances Hord.
Notes for
Barnett Watts:
He seems
to be the only son who remained in Virginia,
after his father and other children removed to Kentucky.
he appears in Culpepper County, Virginia
Tax lists from the earliest of record, 1782 when he is listed without land or
slaves. In 1785
he has 3 horsemen 2 cattle, 3 young slaves.
In 1787, he had 4 slaves. In 1791 he had 2 tithes, 8 slaves. When Madison
County was formed
from Virginia, his location fell into the New County
after 1792. In 1792
he last appears in the Culpeper
County lists when he is
shown holding property for his father, John Watts, Senior. He acquired
his father's property in Culpeper
County, Virginia by
deed from John Watts and Sarah, his wife, January 14, 1791. (Culpeper Co., VA deed book T, pa 443). He was named with
his wife in the will of John Hord, Culpeper County, Virginia,
made July 11, 1783; proved January 21, 1784.
(Will book P, pa. 19). He married Frances Hord (or
Howard). He died in Madison County,
Virginia in
1801. His will was
made there October 13, 1800; proved February 22, 1801. (Madison Co., will book 1, pa. 305) In will book 6, pa. 198 is the final
settlement of the estate. William Watts,
Winston Durrett, and James Barnett witnessed his will.
+ 30 iv. John
Watts, born March 22, 1767 in Orange County,
Virginia; died September 05, 1834 in Ripley County, Indiana.
31 v. Esther
Watts. She married Richard Sebree.
32 vi. Frances Watts. She married Quinn.
33 vii. Mildred
Watts. She married Tomlinson.
34 viii. Anna
35 ix. Agatha
Watts. She married Benjamin Turner 1789
in Culpeper County, Virginia.
36 x. Molly
She married Biggerstaff.
37 xi. Elizabeth Watts,
born Abt. 1761 in Culpeper County,
Virginia; died September 15, 1830 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She married Jasper (Jesse) Vawter March 29, 1781 in Culpeper County, Virginia.

15. Jacob Watts, Rev. (Thomas2,
Edward1) was born July 09, 1730 in VA ?,
and died April 14, 1821 in Orange Co., VA ?.
He married Elizabeth Durrett Abt. 1752 in Albemarle Co., VA ?. She was born Abt.
1738 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
and died January 1819 in Albemarle
County, Virginia.
for Jacob Watts, Rev.:
14 Apr 1821 - He left a
will dated 26 Jan 1821 and recorded in Orange Co. VA 27 Aug
1821. Orange Co. Will Book #5 p. 394
Will of
Jacob Watts:
In the name of God Amen I Jacob Watts of Orange County and
state of Virginia being in a low state of health but of perfect sense and
memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life and certainty of death do
make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form
following that is to say first I recommend my soul to God so he gave it not
trusting in the m--- of my Redeemer, hoping at the general resurrection to
receive forgiveness for all my sins.
Secondly my will and
desire is, that my just debts and burial expenses should first paid. Thirdly I give and
bequeath to my daughter Agnes Huckstep and her heirs
my Negro woman ------ with all her increase.
Fourthly it is my will and desire that my horse, saddle and bridle, my
bed, and furniture? my writing desk and chest be sold
for ready money and the money arising from such sale together with all the
money I have in possession should be equally divided among the children namely
William Watts, Mildred Bruce, John Watts, David Watts, Fielding Watts, Mary Rodes and Elijah Watts, Nancy Austin. My will is that my daughter Frances Smith's
five children from her first husband should have one share in the division. Lastly I appoint my
friend Charles Parrott whole and sole executor to this my last will and
testament revoking all other will or wills heretofore made by me acknowledging
this to be my last will and testament. ------
where as I have hereunto --- my
hand and seal this 26th day of January 1821
Test Jacob
John Early, Joab Early, Willis Huckstep
The Rev. Jacob studied for the ministry
in Glasgow, Scotland,
and was ordained a minister in the Presbyterian Church but became a Methodist
minister in later years, serving widely as a circuit rider through the Blue
Ridge and Appalachian Mountains. During the Revolutionary War Jacob provided
food and provisions for the American military and additionally he guarded
Tories at Albemarle Barracks near Charlottesville. He owned over 1100 acres on the North Fork of
Rivanna river near Piney Mountain in Orange and
Albemarle Counties; in his last years he lived on his plantation
"Homestead" in Orange Co. Jacob and wife Elizabeth on 29 mar 1801
made a trust deed to their son Elijah D.
for the provision of Elizabeth and their children, The property
was released by son Elijah D. on 4 Apr 1803 (Albemarle Co. Deeds, 13:459,
14,229). In his will dated 26 Jan 1821
and probated on 27 Aug 1821 in Orange Co. Jacob provided for nine named
children and the five children of Frances Smith by her first husband. Charles Parrott was appointed executor
(Orange Co., Wills, 5:394) Source; The Roberts-Orem Ancestry, Page 148 -149.
for Elizabeth Durrett:
According to "The Durrett Family" by Mrs. Bert Harter of Key West, Florida
she is buried in the Durrett family cemetery in
Earlysville, Albemarle Co. Va. The family cemetery is located at "Wakefield" and was built by her brother, Richard. Her father, Richard, also resided there and is probably buried there.
The Virginia Genealogist Vol. 16.
In 1999 the cemetery is in very poor condition
and the stones are very difficult to read.
All stones are in script. The
first row in one section is as follows:
Elizabeth Watts (The Watts is
almost unreadable) (departed) this life
January 1819 in the 81 year of her age.

Children of Jacob Watts
and Elizabeth Durrett are:
+ 38 i. Mildred
Watts, born March 26, 1753 in Albemarle
County, Virginia;
died Aft. 1842 in Clark Co., KY ?.
39 ii. William
Watts, born January 24, 1754 in Orange County, Virginia; died 1801 in Virginia.
He married Elizabeth Beasley January 04, 1778 in Orange County, Virginia.
+ 40 iii. John
Watts, born January 24, 1756 in Orange County,
Virginia; died September 13, 1823 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
+ 41 iv. David
Winston Watts, born April 20, 1761 in Orange
County, Virginia;
died December 13, 1835 in Fayette County Kentucky.
+ 42 v. Elijah
Durrett Watts, born 1765 in Albemarle
County, Virginia;
died 1825 in Albemarle County,
+ 43 vi. Fielding
Watts, born March 11, 1766 in Albemarle County,
Virginia; died May 15, 1836 in Clark County, Kentucky.
44 vii. Frances
Watts, born Aft. 1767 in Albemarle County, Virginia. She married (1) Joseph Edmondson. She married (2) ?
Notes for
Frances Watts:
1804 Oct 1 - Joseph Edmondson and wife Frances sold land to
Richard Durrett, Sr.
The Virginia Genealogist Vol. 16 pa. 98 and Albemarle
Co. DB #15 pa. 19 1821 - Her
father, Jacob Watts, left to Frances Smith's five children by her first husband
shares in his estate. Will of Jacob Watts probated in Orange Co., VA
45 viii. Agnes Watts, born
Abt. 1772 in Albemarle
County, Virginia;
died Bef. 1850.
She married John Huckstep July 15, 1789 in Albemarle County, Virginia
Notes for
Agnes Watts:
In 1795, Rev. Jacob Watts gave his daughter, Aggy Watts Huckstep, 100 acres of
land in Albemarle Co., VA.
Notes for John Huckstep: 1830
Census of Albemarle Co. Virginia John Huckstep, 1 m 10-15 , 1 m 60-70, 2 f 10-15, 2 f 15-20, 2 f 20-30, 1 f 50-60,
33 Slaves. 1846 July 3 - John Huckstep made an affidavit to the War Services of his
brother-in-law, John Watts. John Huckstep was 80 years old at the time. John Huckstep's will was written August 31, 1850 and was probated June 17, 1853
in Greene County. (Book 1, pa.
404 and 441) 1850
Census of Greene Co., VA. John Huckstep 83 M
farmer, Raymond G. Head 19 M laborer.
46 ix. Mary (Molly)
Watts, born Abt. 1772 in Albemarle County, Virginia. She married Hezekiah Rhodes in Virginia.
Notes for
Mary (Molly) Watts: The daughters names are known because Jacob Watts, their
grandfather, married them. Information
provide by Edward Watts of Arlington,
Notes for
Hezekiah Rhodes:
recorded in Surry Co., North Carolina
From: Nancy McDaniel [SMTP:] > Sent:
Saturday, December 05, 1998 10:22 AM > To:
> Subject: Research
of Hezekiah Rhodes > I have found a will of Hezekiah
Rhodes that I thought you might find interesting. Thanks to Don Longworth from VA for the tip
that was from the Rhodes Family History written by Ginny Rowe. The abstract of the will is as follows:
Surry Co., North
Carolina, Will Abstracts-book 4, p. 12 4: 87 31 July 1835. Will of HEZEKIAH RHODES. Wife Polly estate life or widowhood, Negro
Peter; son Richard Negroes Minny and Jeffrey; sons
John, Clifton, Epapheditus, David. Daus: Lucy EDWARDS, w/o Samuel; Fanny HARRISON, w/o John C.;
Sally HUTCHENS, w/o Amor; Mildred CREW, w/o
Jesse; Betsy MARSHAL, w/o Richard; Agnes PHILLIPS, w/o Joseph and heirs of
Nancy BRUCE, dec'd., w/o Eli Bruce. Henry P. POINDEXTER, exr. Wit:
47 x. Nancy Ann Watts,
born Bef. 1773 in Albemarle
County, Virginia; died November
11, 1832 in Albemarle County,
Virginia. She married (1) Wiley Dickerson. She married (2) Henry Austin January 02, 1788
in Albemarle County, Virginia;
born Abt. 1760 in Calvert, Maryland; died Bef. April 07, 1832.
Notes for
Nancy Ann Watts:
1788 Jan 2 - She married Henry Austin in Albemarle
Co. VA with John Watts, her brother, and Henry Austin were her securities. William l. Norford,
Marriages of Albemarle Co. and Charlottesville,
Virginia, 1781-1919
(Charlottesville, VA., 1956, pa. 1) 1821 Mar 12 -
she died leaving a will recorded in Albemarle Co. VA on 3 Dec
1821. Albemarle Co. VA Will Book
#7 p. 152, 268 1823 Apr 7 - The estates
of Henry and Ann Austin were both settled with a total value of $2521.26 1/2 . By her will Ann
made certain bequests and the balance was divided into twelve parts to Eli
Austin, Sarah White, David Austin, Betsey Goodall,
Garrett Austin, Willis Austin, Mildred Wood, Durrett
Austin, Walker Austin, Caroline (Cally) Austin, Ann
Austin and Henry Austin, her children
The Virginia Genealogists Vol 16 pa. 98
Notes for
Henry Austin:
Born Calvert,
MD. Moved w/ his father's family to Albemarle, VA
prior to 1777. Private in the Am. Rev.
from 1776-1781. Married 1 Jan 1788. Mrs.
located at Wise County Historical Soc., Decatur,
TX. Family Records of Ruth Irene Marshall Austin, Mar 1992, in
possession of D. M. Whitley.

17. WILLIAM WATTS (Thomas2,
Edward1) was born Abt. 1732 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died March 04, 1808 in Albemarle
County, Virginia. He married (1) Sarah Ellis. She died Aft. 1808
in Albemarle County, Virginia.
He married (2) Jane Hord March 03, 1766
in Culpepper County, Virginia.
She was born Bef. 1751 in Culpeper County, Virginia,
and died Unknown. He married (3) Lucy
Woods Bef. 1775.
!MILITARY: NSDAR. D.A.R. PATRIOT INDEX. (Washington, DC:NSDAR, 1967) William
Watts b. ca 1740, d. after 3/4/1808 m/1 Jane Hord,
md/2 Lucy Wood, m/3 Sarah Ellis. Sol.
VA. MIL: from Registrar General, N.S.D.A.R. - William Watts of
County, Virginia,
whose first wife was Jane ---; descendant (Mrs. Robert
K.) Rosalie H. Smith, Nat. No. 314893, Hotel Windsor Etoile,
14 Rue Beaujon. Paris, France. Rev. Record - 9th Virginia State Library Soldiers
p.317 2nd Virginia Regiment, Virginia Rev. Soldiers William Watts. Year Book, Sons of the Revolution for 1913, p. 270
- Revolutionary Soldiers & Sailors of
Virginia to whom Land Bounty Warrants,
compiled by Samuel M. Wilson, Kentucky State Land Office at Frankfort. William
Watts, 100 acres, private, Virginia State Line, 3 years
Revolutionary War Records of Virginians by Brumbaugh,
1;284 - William
Watts, State Line. WILL: Dated June 23, 1808, Madison County, Virginia - to James 100 acres;
Washington 200 acres plus all claims to land in Kentucky, if dies to sell and
divide for 3 daughter; William - land he lives on plus land mother lives on at her death; Sarah - land
living on. Other daughters listed in will include:
Patty White, Betsey Durrett and Lucy Allen. Source: Betty Watts
Children of WILLIAM WATTS and Jane Hord
+ 48 i. JAMES
WATTS, born January 21, 1767 in Albemarle County, Virginia; died January
25, 1828 in Near Liberty, Bedford County, Virginia.
49 ii. Frances
Watts, born October 26, 1769. She married ? White.
Children of WILLIAM WATTS and Lucy Woods are:
50 i. Martha "Patsy"4 Watts,
born April 04, 1776 in Virginia; died March
08, 1835 in Virginia. She married (1) Col. William White 1793 in Madison County,
Notes for
Col. William White:
served as Captain of the 5th Virginia Regiment of the continental Line during
the Revolutionary War. Notes of Mark White (
51 ii. Washington Watts,
born September 02, 1777. He married Lucy.
Notes for
Washington Watts:
Heineman, pa. 127 In
the 1810 Census, they were residing in Manchester,
Virginia. His age was under 45; his wife's the
same. They had 1 male under 10, 1 male
10-16; 1 female under 10; 1 female 10-16.
52 iii. William Watts,
born March 25, 1779. He married Mary
Burk Smith.
Notes for
William Watts:
OCDB 4, pa 449 - William Hackney, Gentleman, of
Prince William Co., to William Watts, Sr. and William Watts Jr. of St. Marks
Parish, O. C. 400 acres in O. C. on Summerduck Run in
the Great Fork of the Rappahannock (this is
present day Culpepper Co.) Recorded 29 May 1741.
53 iv. Elizabeth (Betty) Watts,
born December 11, 1780. She married
Isaac Winston Durrett December 26, 1799.
Notes for
Isaac Winston Durrett: By
his will his father gave Isaac
the 478 acres of land on which he was then living. On 9 May 1821 Isaac W. and wife Elizabeth sold land to
William Wood and on 5 apr. 1826 they sold 101 acres
to their son William W. Durrett. On 7 Jan 1828 together with Joseph Fulcher, they sold land to John Jones. On 3 Apr 1830 they
sold land to Joseph C. Fulcher for $862.00 and then
gave all property to sons Thomas G. and James H. W. Durrett,
a minor, and the sons were to provide support for the parents. The Virginia Genealogist Vol. 16 pa. 101.
54 v. Lucy Watts, born
August 03, 1782. She married Col. Dan
19. Esther Watts (Thomas2,
Edward1) was born Abt. 1738 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died Aft. 1795 in St. Thomas
Parish, Orange County, Virginia.
She married Jeremiah White Abt. 1748 in
Culpeper County, Virginia, son of Henry White and ?. He was born in
Culpepper County, Virginia.
Notes for Jeremiah White:
From: (Mark White)
Jeremiah WHITE and Esther WHITE his wife of St.
Thomas's Parish, Orange County, planter, to
William WATTS of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County. For 60 pounds current money. 100 acres in Brumfield Parish adjoining the land whereon
William WATTS now lives and is the land given
by Thomas WATTS, deceased, to his daughter Esther,
now the wife of Jeremiah WHITE ... houses, buildings, gardens, orchards,
meadows, pastures.
Children of Esther Watts and Jeremiah White are:
55 i. Mary Sarah White, born 1760 in Orange County, Virginia;
died 1799. She married Capt. James
Burton January 19, 1799.
56 ii. Col.
William White, born Abt. 1755. He married Martha "Patsy" Watts
1793 in Madison County,
Virginia; born April 04, 1776 in Virginia; died March 08, 1835 in
57 iii. Fanny
58 iv. Elizabeth White. She married William Piper December 26, 1803
in Orange County, Virginia.
59 v. Esther
60 vi. Garrett White. He married Elizabeth Piper.
61 vii. Jeremiah
White, born Abt. 1754.
62 viii. Richard
White, born April 17, 1756 in Orange County, Virginia; died 1849 in Greene County, Virginia. He married Cathy Oliver February 20, 1783 in Orange County, Virginia.
Notes for Richard White: From notes of Mark White: While
residing in Orange County, VA, Richard White enlisted in August 1777 and served
two months as Ensign in Capt. Benjamin Johnson and Col. Holt Richardson's
company. He enlisted in the Fall of 1778
and served two months as Lieutenant in Col. Eleas
Edmund's Virginia Regiment (Capt. Belfield Canes), was at the Siege of
Yorktown, went as guard with the reserves to Winchester Barracks, was
discharged 1781. He married Anney Wayt second. He was allowed a
pension on his application executed 24 Sep 1832. Richard White must have lived a long and full
life. At his death, he was the last
communicant connected with the Old
Orange Church. Richard White's will, dated 23 Dec 1841, left most of his personal property to his son, John B.
White. Buried: White Family
Cemetery, Rt. 33, Greene
Co., VA
63 ix. John White. He married Mary ?.
64 x. Willis
White, died Aft. 1830.

Generation No. 4
30. John Watts (John3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born March
22, 1767 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died September 05, 1834 in Ripley
County, Indiana. He married (1) Mary Greensbury.
He married (2) Fanny Sebree December 23, 1788 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She was born January 22, 1772 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died September 05, 1854 in Ripley
County, Indiana.
Notes for John Watts: John Watts moved to Kentucky
in 1789. He served in various Indian
Wars. He resided in Boone
County, Kentucky in 1796 and in
1810 and in 1816 he was residing in Dearborn
County, Indiana. He then served as a state Senator; Circuit
Court Judge, and a Minister of the Gospel. Heineman pa. 68
Bible records of John Watts (1767 - 1834) married
Fanny Sebree in 1788, and moved from Kentucky to Ripley County, Indiana. Descendants to 1905 lived in Indian and Illinois. Includes Watts,
Sebree, Henry, Hite, Smith
& Cravens. Family Records -
Microfilm made of manuscript collection; Source: Historical Society Ripley
County, Versailles, Ind. (LDS Film # 1312803 - Item No. 38);
Record includes 20 pages of handwritten notes.
Children of
John Watts and Fanny Sebree are:
65 i. Mildred Johnson Watts, born February 13, 1790.
66 ii. Elizabeth
Watts, born May 04, 1792.
67 iii. Johnson
Watts, born July 07, 1794.
68 iv. Sarah Barnett Watts, born October 26, 1796.
69 v. Newton
Watts, born February 09, 1800.
70 vi. Frances Watts, born March 22, 1803.
71 vii. Isaac
Watts, born February 20, 1806.
72 viii. Susannah
Sebree Watts, born August 20, 1808.
73 ix. Agnes
F. Watts, born May 22, 1811.
74 x. John
Sebree Watts, born
January 19, 1816.

38. Mildred
Watts (Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born March 26, 1753 in Albemarle
County, Virginia, and
died Aft. 1842 in Clark Co., KY ?. She married Benjamin Bruce March 26,
1773 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
He died December 31, 1809.
Notes for Mildred (Milly) Watts: The
Virginia Genealogist Vol. 16 pa. 97 Bruce, Benjamin (Milly). R. 1362
24 Dec. 1842. Clark Co., Ky. Milly Bruce of said
county, aged 90 on 26 March 1843, declares she is the
widow of Benjamin Bruce who was a militiaman for two tours each of six months
in Col. Reuben Lindsey's regiment and Capt. Davis' company, and one tour at Charlottesville of at
least one month. Her husband resided in
Albemarle Co., Va. He was drafted in
the year that the battles of Bunker Hill and Brandywine
were fought. He was in both
battles. They moved to Kentucky in 1784 and he was
called out against the Indians for at least one month. His discharge for one of the tours of six
months was in a bag with some other papers and mice got to it and destroyed
it. She married Benjamin Bruce on 26 March 1773. He died 31 Dec. 1809. A record of his death and her children's ages was in a Bible
which was burned in the house of Thornton Wills who married one of her
daughters. She was married in Albemarle
Co., Va Her
eldest daughter, Sarah Gordon, was born 27 June 1776 and Barnett and Elizabeth
were born before the close of the war.
She had eight children. After recollection, she is of the opinion
that the leaf of the Bible was torn out by Thornton Wills'
children and not burned. Virginia
Revolutionary Pension Applications Volume 12, pa. 1
Notes for Benjamin
Bruce: 24 Dec 1842. Clark Co., Ky. Sarah Gordon, aged 67, declares she was small
during the Revolution but recollects that when her father Benjamin Bruce was
out in the war as a soldier, her grandfather Jacob Watts came to her father's
house and told her mother Milly Bruce to put the dog
in the cellar and take care of the chickens, that the British were coming. Her father served six months and spoke of
being at the battle of Brandywine. She is a member of the Baptist Church.
26 Dec. 1842 Clark Co., Ky. Ambrose Bush of said county, aged 66, declares his father was a neighbor of Benjamin and Milly Bruce. He was reported to be a soldier. 5 Sep 1842. Albemarle Co., Va. "I do hereby certify,
that Benjamin Bruce hath taken and subscribed the oath or affirmation of
allegiance and fidelity... Reuben Lindsa 6 Dec.
1809. Will of Benjamin Bruce of Clark County. To wife Milly Bruce, Negroes Charles and Lets and all plantation
and loose property during her life and then to whichever child the two old
Negroes are willing to live with, the one who takes them to pay each of his
children $7 apiece as long as they are capable of labor, and then the children
are jointly to maintain them. The
plantation and property are to be sold and the money
divided among all his children. To
daughter Sally Gordon a Negro boy and $20.
To son Barnett Bruce a Negro boy Jerry.
To daughter Elizabeth Haggard a Negro girl Winey
when she gives up Negro Isaac. To
daughter Nancy Wills Negro gal Fanny. to son Austin Bruce Negro boy Isack,
a bed and a cow. To son David Bruce
Negro girl Jim, a horse and a cow. To
daughter Agnes Wills a bed, Negro girl Lin. To son Ely Bruce, Negro girl Line and horse,
saddle and bridle, bed and furniture, and cow when age 21. Friends David Hampton and Dillard Collins and
wife, executors. Witnesses: Elias Browning and Stephen Lewis. Proved 22 Jan 1810. Milly Bruce,
executrix, gave bond for $5000 with Barnett Bruce, Austin Bruce, William Gordon
and Nathaniel Haggard as securities.
Rejected for further proof of service. Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications
Volume 12, pa. 1
Children of Mildred Watts and Benjamin Bruce are:
75 i. Sarah Bruce,
born January 27, 1776 in Albemarle
County, Virginia. She married William Gordon.
76 ii. Barnett
Bruce, born in Albemarle County,
Virginia. He married Lucy Lampton.
77 iii. Elizabeth
Watts Bruce, born in Albemarle County,
Virginia. She married Nathaniel Sheepskin Haggard.
78 iv. Nancy Bruce, born April 06, 1784 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died January 23, 1864 in Clark County,
Kentucky. She married Thornton Wills March 13, 1803 in Clark County, Kentucky.
79 v. Austin
80 vi. David Bruce.
81 vii. Agnes
Bruce, born October 15, 1793 in Albemarle County,
Virginia; died November 25, 1879 in Clark County, Kentucky. She married Isaac Wills January 31, 1809 in Clark County, Kentucky.
82 viii. Ely
40. John Watts (Jacob3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born January 24, 1756 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died September 13, 1823 in Albemarle
County, Virginia. He married Lucy Dalton
November 09, 1778 in Albemarle County,
Virginia. She was born September 15, 1764 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
and died September 16, 1844 in Randolph
County, Missouri.
Notes for John Watts: 24 Jan 1756 - Birth in Orange Co.
VA 1776 -
John enlisted and served as a private in Captain Joseph Spencer's company. Colonel Potswood's
7th Virginia regiment,
was in the battle of Brandywine in which he
was wounded in the ankle. He was also in
the battle of Germantown
and served about two years. "In
1846, Richard White, a brother of Lieutenant William White of Orange Co. VA, with whom the solider, John Watts
served, stated that said brother,
William, presented John Watts with a sword because of his excellent training of
soldiers in Orange Co. during the war; he referred to John Watts as a
relative of the family." ( Veterans Administration
letter to Larence N. Watts dated May 16, 1934).
Lewis Fife, a great-grandson, wrote the following in a history of his mother,
Elizabeth Watts Fife: A
coincident that I would like to relate happened while John Watts was
serving his country in George Washington's army. The American pickets were
being killed frequently, which caused General Washington to investigate
the cause himself. The
British officers had some of the Indians fall upon the pickets in the dead
hours of night and kill them without giving them any warning. The Indians dressed themselves in hog skins
and would come grunting like pigs through the timber and underbrush until they
came in close distance to the American sentry.
The American pickets believing they were only pigs paid very little
attention until it was too late. General Washington called for someone who
would volunteer to go out and bring in the invader, so John Watts
offered his services saying, "I will bring in the pig in the
morning." The hour of midnight was slowly
approaching. The tired soldiers were all
sleep. Everything was still and serene.
Soon the grunting of a pig was heard coming
toward the picket. He watched it and
listened until the pig came in close range.
He did not say "Halt" as was the
rules of the army but raised and shot and got his bacon. The next morning John Watts was toting on his
back a pig Indian, who had disguised himself as a pig." "After
the war was over and Washington's Army was mustered out, John Watts returned to his home at Monte County
in Albemarle County, Virginia.
John Watts was a close neighbor to Peter Jefferson, the father of Thomas
Jefferson, the author of our Independence. General Washington promoted John Watts
with a great honor for his achievement and soon were
no more pickets lost, but all reported back to camp in safety."
Will of John Watts: Made 15 July 1824 and proved October
1823 Will book 7, Pa. 312 - Albemarle County, Virginia.
I, John Watts of Albemarle County and State of Virginia,
being at present of sound mind and memory but calling to mind the mortality of
man do make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all others
heretofore made in manner and form following: First: and above all things I recommend my soul to
God who gave it me and as to the worldly estate wherewith I have been blessed I
dispose of it as follows: First: I
lend unto my beloved wife Lucy Watts the house in which I now live and
the land within the following boundary to-wit:
Beginning at the SMITH'S corner in JAMES DOWELL's
line thence with SMITHS line to FRETWELL road thence a straight line to a white
oak thence a straight line to a White Oak corner between myself and my brother
ELIJAH WATTS in the line I bought of my father thence with their line to the
corner thence straight on till it reaches my spring branch, thence with the
meanders of the spring branch to SAMUEL AUSTIN'S line, then with the said
AUSTINS, and JAMES DOWELLS' line to the beginning, also one Negro man STEVEN,
one Negro boy BRADFORD and one woman, PHILLIS and her future increase one of my
best horses, one cow, and calf, one cart ad oxen and all the household and
kitchen furniture and one third of the crop on hand at my cecease
during her natural life. Second:
To my daughter Mahala H. Watts I
bequeath on Negro girl, Mary and her increase, a choice feather bed and
furniture and fifty dollars forever. Third: To my son, David Watts, after the
death of wife I bequeath the Negro boy Bradford, and fifty dollars to him and
his heirs forever. It
is further my will that the remainder of Negroes be sold to the highest bidder
amongst all of my children and no other persons on a credit of twelve months,
the balance of my estate both real and personal I willed to be sold to the
highest bidder on twelve months credit and after paying all my just debts to
the divided as follows: To my son WILLIAM WATTS, fifty dollars, to TYREE
WATTS, two hundred and fifty dollars, to THOMAS WATTS, fifty dollars, to NELSON
WATTS, one hundred and fifty dollars,
to ROBERT WATTS, two hundred and fifty dollars, and to ELIJAH WATTS and to
GARRETT WATTS two hundred and fifty dollars. Those several sums to those
children I consider as making with what I have heretofore given on to some of
daughter, NANCY HUCKSTEP I have heretofore
given what I considered two hundred more than to any of my other children and
it is my will that she stands charged with that amount until all my other
children receive the same sum specified above and also two hundred dollars each
out of the residue of my estate. If the sales should not be sufficient to pay the several bequests
to my nine children heretofore named then they are to divide according to the
several portions bequeathed them the real and personal upon the same terms and
in the same way as the first specified sale and the money arising there from to
be equally divided amongst all the rest of my children except NANCY HUCKSTEP is
not to receive anything until all the rest of my children get two hundred
dollars each exclusive of the above specified sums before named and I do hereby
constitute and appoint my sons WILLIAM, TYREE, and DAVID WATTS executors of
this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed my seal this fifteenth day of July,
1823. John Watts (seal) Signed
sealed and acknowledged in the presence of THOMAS DURRETT, SAMUEL
RITTER, and THOMAS SMITH. Proof for Recording: At a
Court held for Albemarle
County, October
1823. This instrument of writing
purporting to be the last will and testament of JOHN WATTS, deceased was
produced into court and proved by the oath of the subscribing
witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: ALEX GARRETT,
C. C. A.
Notes for Lucy Dalton: Estate file of Lucy (Dalton)
Watts. Lucy was the wife of John Watts
of Albemarle Co., VA. After John's
death, Lucy moved from Albemarle Co. VA to Randolph Co., Mo.,
where her daughter Mahala (Watts)
Austin, and sons William and Elijah Watts were
living. William later moved from the
county. Lucy was living with her son
Elijah at her death and she is buried next to him in
the Oakland Cemetery
in Moberly, Mo.
Her stone reads: In memory of Lucy Watts died Sept 16, 1844, aged
80 yrs 9mo 1 d.
of John Watts and Lucy Dalton are:
+ 83 i. Elizabeth
Watts, born Abt. 1779 in Albemarle
County, Virginia; died June 1837
in Campbell County, Kentucky.
84 ii. Nancy Maria Watts, born Abt.
1780 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died Bef. 1846 in Orange County, Virginia. She married Josiah Huckstep
April 15, 1799 in Albemarle County,
85 iii. William Watts, born April 26, 1783 in
Albemarle County, Virginia; died March 02, 1851 in New Hope, Lincoln County,
Missouri. He married Nancy Womack.
86 iv. Tyree Watts, born
Abt. 1785 in Albemarle County,
Virginia; died Bef.
1846 in Marion, KY.
87 v. Thomas Watts, born 1787 in Albemarle
County, Virginia;
died May 13, 1860 in Logan,
Kentucky. He married (1) Sarah Head May 14, 1809 in Orange County, Virginia. He married (2) Mary B. Sugg
May 13, 1845 in Logan County,
88 vi. Matilda Watts,
born Abt. 1788 in Albemarle
County, Virginia; died August 1860
in Louisa County,
Virginia. She married Samuel Melton April 24, 1816 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
89 vii. Nelson Watts, born March 02, 1790 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died March 02, 1868 in Missouri. He married Mary A. Crigler
January 17, 1838 in Madison County, Virginia.
90 viii. David Watts, born Abt.
1791 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died Bef. 1840 in Albemarle County, Virginia. He married Mary J. Brown February 08, 1819 in
Albemarle County, Virginia.
91 ix. Garrett Watts, born Abt.
1793 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died Abt. 1846 in New Hope,
Lincoln County, Missouri.
He married Sarah Dalton January 07, 1820 in Rockingham County, North Carolina.
92 x. Mildred Watts, born Abt.
1797 in Albemarle County, Virginia; died Aft. August 1860 in Louisa County,
Virginia. She married John M. Dunn March 21, 1816 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
+ 93 xi. Mahala H. Watts, born April 26, 1798 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died November 02, 1879 in Weber County,
94 xii. Robert Harrison Watts, born September 05,
1801 in Albemarle County, Virginia;
died March 28, 1879 in Davis County,
Utah. He married Elizabeth Heath December 30, 1833
in Hinds County, Missouri;
died 1903 in Raymond, Hinds County , Missouri.
95 xiii. Elijah Durrett
Watts, born 1804 in Albemarle County, Virginia; died July 03, 1884 in Randolph County, Missouri. He married Margaret Simpson October 27, 1832.

41. David
Winston Watts (Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born April 20, 1761 in Orange County, Virginia,
and died December 13, 1835 in Fayette County Kentucky. He married Ruth Twyman
April 14, 1785 in Albemarle County,
Virginia, daughter of George Twyman and Mary Walker.
Notes for David Winston Watts: Heineman #421 pa. 91, 1835 Nov 15 - Will proved
in Fayette Co. KY (Will book M. pa
209), History of Kentucky, pa 128 by W. E. Conellery and M.W. Coulter. HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY KENTUCKY,
by Robert Peter, ed. by William H. Perrin, O. L. Baskin Co., Chicago, 1882. Reprinted by Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC,
1979. Page 773, WILLIAM D. and GARRETT WATTS, farmers and stock-raisers,
P. O. Chilesburg. Among the pioneer families
who came to Fayette County a hundred years ago, when it was an unbroken
wilderness, and Central Kentucky was the haunt of wild beasts, and the hunting
ground of prowling savages, was the Watts family, who settled in what is now
Athens Precinct, and where descendants still live. David Watts, the
patriarch of the family, was of Virginia
stock, and was among the first of those hardy pioneers to cross the
Alleghenies, and in the beautiful land lying beyond their lofty peaks, hew out
a home for themselves and families. He was born in the State of Virginia, in 1761, where he grew to manhood, and married
Ruth Twyman, and emigrated
to Kentucky
about the year 1780. Upon his arrival, he settled in the present County of Fayette, upon land that has ever since
remained in possession of his descendants, and upon which he died in
1835. His son, Garrett Watts, continued upon the farm his father settled,
and, under his management, it was much improved and increased in acreage.
He was born in 1796, and when grown was married to Martha Twyman;
he died in 1873, at the age of seventy-seven
years. A son, David T.
Watts, who had charge of the farm during his life, was born April 11, 1831, and
married to Tilitha Quisenberry,
November 15, 1849. She was the daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Haggard) Quisenberry, who were natives of Virginia,
and settled in Clark
County, where they
died. David D. Watts died in 1854, leaving two sons, who, with their
mother, still occupy the homestead, settled by the original David Watts a
century ago.
Children of David Watts and Ruth Twyman are:
96 i. Mary Watts, born
January 27, 1786. She married Reuben
97 ii. Elizabeth Watts, born April 27, 1787; died
July 07, 1830 in Kentucky. She married Pleasant Haggard August 05, 1802
in Kentucky.
98 iii. Sarah Watts, born October 09, 1789 in Abt 1855. She
married William Grimes.
99 iv. Mildred Watts,
born July 03, 1792. She married John
"Jonnie" Watts; born March 17, 1791.
100 v. Nancy Watts, born September 25, 1794; died
December 04, 1803.
101 vi. Garrett Watts,
born November 24, 1796; died 1873 in Fayette
County, Kentucky. He married Martha Twyman
November 04, 1818 in Albemarle County,
102 vii. David Watts, born October 12, 1800; died
1854. He married Elizabeth McCain
January 19, 1820 in Fayette County,

42. Elijah Durrett Watts (Jacob3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born 1765
in Albemarle County, Virginia,
and died 1825 in Albemarle County,
Virginia. He married (1) Catherine Long. He married (2) Margaret Sampson
November 27, 1823 in Orange County,
Notes for Elijah Durrett
Watts: Elijah
seemed to be the favorite of his father.
He was chosen to receive property and slaves to
be held in trust for the other children of Jacob Watts. In Orange County, Va are
deeds for property captioned as Elijah Durrett Watts
and wife Cathrina signs as "Catty".
Information on this family comes from C.B. Heinemann's Watts Families and the
work of Eliza Watts. She found records
in the Diary of Wallace Fife and family records of Robert Harrison Watts.
Elijah Durrett Watts - Birth: Durrett
Family, By Mrs. Bert Harter - The Virginia Genealogist Volume 16, pages 96 -
99. Marriage: Elijah & Catherine Long: John D. Roberts, c 1994. The Roberts-Orem Ancestry, Volume I -
Roberts, Muir, and Allied Families.
Family 122-123/Page 144. General Note - No Source listed: Elijah died intestate leaving a tract of 157
acres on the North Fork of James River and was survived by six named heirs
(Albemarle County, Deeds. 37:325) Final
settlement of his estate was made on Dec 8 1828 by Kinzea
Stone, Sr.
Notes for Catherine Long: Elijah Durrett
Watts - Birth: Durrett Family, By Mrs. Bert Harter -
The Virginia Genealogist Volume 16, pages 96 - 99. Marriage: Elijah &
Catherine Long: John D. Roberts, c
1994. The Roberts-Orem Ancestry, Volume
I - Roberts, Muir, and Allied Families.
Family 122-123/Page 144. General Note - No Source
listed: Elijah died intestate leaving a
tract of 157 acres on the North Fork of James River and was survived by six
named heirs (Albemarle County, Deeds. 37:325)
Final settlement of his estate was made 8 Dec 1828 by Kinzea Stone, Sr.
Notes for Margaret Sampson: Marriage: Elijah & Margaret Sampson
- Albemarle Co.
Marriages. No children of this marriage
Children of Elijah Watts and Catherine Long are:
103 i. Sarah Watts, born September 13, 1780 in Albemarle County, Virginia. She married Kinzea
Stone December 26, 1797 in Albemarle
County, Virginia.
104 ii. Mildred Watts, born 1787. She married James Dickerson November 24, 1801
in Albemarle County, Virginia; born 1781.
105 iii. Elizabeth Watts, born May 25, 1785 in Albemarle County, Virginia. She married John O. Padgett November 20, 1801
in Albemarle County, Virginia.
106 iv. Nancy Watts, born
1792. She married Wiley Dickerson
January 06, 1806 in Albemarle County,
107 v. Frances Watts, born 1794. She married James Melone
October 16, 1813 in Standardsville, Greene
County, Virginia; born 1790 in Washington County, MD.

43. Fielding Watts
(Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born March 11,
1766 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
and died May 15, 1836 in Clark County,
Kentucky. He married Elizabeth Wills May 15,
1788 in Fayette County, Kentucky, daughter of Fredrick Wills and
Frances Durrett.
Children of Fielding Watts
and Elizabeth Wills are:
108 i. Ruthie Watts,
born October 27, 1811.
109 ii. Willoughby Watts.
110 iii. Winston Watts.
111 iv. Mildred Watts,
born January 31, 1792.
112 v. John "Jonnie" Watts,
born March 17, 1791. He married (1)
Mildred Watts; born July 03, 1792. He married (2) Drucilla
Notes for Drucilla Ham: She was listed in the 1870 census of Madison County, Kentucky.

Thomas2, Edward1) was born January 21, 1767 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
and died January 25, 1828 in Near Liberty, Bedford County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Durrett
March 07, 1793 in Albemarle Co., VA, daughter of Richard Durrett and Elizabeth Davis. She was born in Bedford County, Virginia.
Notes for James Watts:
Sources: 1. Elspeth Ann Watts
Hines, a descendant., 2. Virginia
Biography, Vol. IV.
"Redlands", home today of S. H. Saunders,
chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the past twenty years, was built by
James Watts, who came from Madison Co., Va., about 1801, and acquired a large
tract of land on the north side of the county near Liberty (now Bedford).
"Redlands" is situated
about one and a half miles from the town and about three hundred yards east of
the road to the Peaks of Otter. It is is brick colonial building, but Mr. Saunders has made some
additions to the house which have somewhat changed its original
appearance. The view from the front,
looking south, commands a magnificent stretch of open country, the beautiful,
rolling fields in the immediate foreground being a part of the estate.
James Watts married Elizabeth Durrett of Albemarle County,
and they had a number of children, among whom were
James, Jr., who inherited that part of the land on which the manor house stood,
and Richard D., who built "Montpelier",
later the home of John H. Watts, and now owned by Harry H. White.
After the death of James Watts, Jr., "Redlands"
became the property of his nephew, Col. James Watts, an officer in the
Confederate Army and a wealthy and influential citizen of Lynchburg, Virginia. Col. Watts sold the place to Mr. Saunders,
who is one of the most progressive farmers of the county. The early
members of the Watts family are
buried in the family graveyard near the house.
(The above history is found on a handwritten page in a Watts
family file found at the Library of Virginia.
The author is unknown.)
Children of JAMES WATTS and Elizabeth Durrett are:
+ 113 i. Richard
Davis Watts, born December 28, 1793 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died January 17, 1848.
114 ii. Sally W. Watts, born December 27, 1795.
+ 115 iii. JANE
HORD WATTS, born May 19, 1798 in Bedford County,
Virginia; died 1857 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 116 iv. Mary
Eliza Watts, born March 15, 1801 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died January 08, 1865.
+ 117 v. James
Durrett Watts, born October 02, 1807 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died November 14, 1856 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
118 vi. John N. Watts,
born Abt. 1810 in Bedford County, Virginia.
119 vii. Frances T. Watts, born January 17, 1813 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Douglas.
120 viii. Pauline Watts, born July 31, 1815 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married John W. Hamilton.

No. 5
83. Elizabeth Watts
(John4, Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born Abt. 1779 in Albemarle
County, Virginia, and died June
1837 in Campbell County, Kentucky.
She married Dudley Brown Ellis January 09, 1802 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
son of Thomas Ellis and Unknown. He was
born November 1760 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died November 27, 1837 in Campbell County, Kentucky.
Children of Elizabeth Watts and Dudley Ellis are:
+ 121 i. Lucinda
Ellis, born May 26, 1803; died May 1901 in Campbell County, Kentucky.
122 ii. Joel
123 iii. Nancy
Ellis, born Abt. 1805.
124 iv. Ira
125 v. David
Yancy Ellis.
126 vi. Mahala
127 vii. Nelson
W. Ellis, born 1810.
+ 128 viii. John
Ellis, born February 07, 1811 in Pomeroyton,
Menifee County, Kentucky; died November 04, 1885 in Campbell
County, Kentucky.

93. Mahala H. Watts (John4,
Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born April 26, 1798 in Albemarle County, Virginia, and died November 02, 1879 in Weber County, Utah. She married Renalto
W. Austin February 09, 1830 in Albemarle
County, Virginia.
Children of Mahala Watts and Renalto
Austin are:
129 i. Lucy A. Austin,
born 1832.
130 ii. Elizabeth Austin, born 1834.
131 iii. Martha Austin, born 1836.
132 iv. Thomas Austin,
born 1838.
133 v. Susan Austin, born 1839.
134 vi. Sally Austin,
born 1841.
135 vii. William Austin, born 1846.

113. Richard
Davis Watts (JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born December 28, 1793 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died January 17, 1848. He married Isabella
Eagen Newell Bef. 1824
in Botetourt County, Virginia.
of Richard Watts and Isabella Newell are:
+ 136 i. Mary
Frances Watts, born May 04, 1824 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died Aft. 1915 in Lynchburg, Virginia.
137 ii. Thomas Watts, born Abt.
+ 138 iii.
James Winston Watts, born April 19, 1833 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died December 03, 1906 in Lynchburg, Virginian.
+ 139 iv. John
Harvey Newell Watts, born 1836.
+ 140 v. Richard
Thomas Watts, born September 05, 1838 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died September 21, 1910 in Lynchburg,

115. Jane Hord Watts (JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born May 19, 1798 in Bedford County, Virginia, and died 1857 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Captain William Austin Hardy,
Capt. 1818 in Bedford County,
Virginia, son of JOSEPH HARDY and
Margaret Mackenzie. He was born June 12,
1789 in Bedford Co., VA, and died September 17, 1878 in Bedford Co., VA.
of Jane Watts and William Hardy are:
+ 141 i. James
Andrew Hardy, Cpl., born January 12, 1819 in Bedford Co., VA; died July 23,
142 ii. Elizabeth Margaret Hardy, born February 26,
1821 in Bedford Co., VA; died March 30, 1907.
+ 143 iii. Joseph
Stoggdele Hardy, born February 17, 1823 in
Bedford Co., VA; died April 1891 in Bedford Co., VA.
+ 144 iv. Sarah
Watson Hardy, born May 16, 1825 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died January 30, 1868 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
+ 145 v. FRANCES
SUSAN JANE HARDY, born October 28, 1827 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died June 22,
1863 in Bedford County, Virginia.
146 vi. William Austin
Hardy, born March 20, 1830 in Bedford Co., VA; died 1855.
+ 147 vii. Charles
Watts Hardy, born February 14, 1835 in Bedford Co., VA; died Aft. 1909.

Mary Eliza Watts (JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born March 15,
1801 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died January 08, 1865. She married William
Dabney Poindexter, Sr. September 06, 1819 in Albemarle County, Virginia,
son of Samuel Poindexter and Ann Slaughter.
He was born November 17, 1791 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died September 28, 1848 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Mary Watts and William
Poindexter are:
+ 148 i. Davis
Durrett Poindexter, born September 11, 1820 in
Bedford County, Virginia; died June 03,
1903 in Bedford County, Virginia.
149 ii. Sarah W. Poindexter, born February 05, 1822
in Bedford County, Virginia. She married William Gills October 04, 1843 in
Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 150 iii. Richard
Watts Poindexter, born October 08, 1823 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 151 iv. Caroline
E. Poindexter, born October 06, 1825 in Bedford County, Virginia.
152 v. James Watts Poindexter, born November 03,
1827 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died in Texas. He married Sophia Nichols Abt.
1848; born Abt. 1828; died in Texas.
+ 153 vi. Samuel
Thomas Poindexter, born August 30, 1829 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died July 04, 1904 in Lynchburg, Virginian.
154 vii. Frances Susan Poindexter, born May 17, 1835
in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Joseph Rucker Abt.
1855; born Abt. 1836.
+ 155 viii. William
Darby Poindexter, Jr., born December 20, 1843 in Bedford County, Virginia; died July 29, 1915 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
+ 156 ix. Mary
Eliza Poindexter, born 1835 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died Abt.

117. James Durrett Watts (JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born October
02, 1807 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died November 14, 1856 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth J. Hamilton
February 10, 1838 in Bedford County,
Children of James Watts and Elizabeth
Hamilton are:
157 i. Ann E. Watts,
born Abt. 1839.
158 ii. Rebecca L. Watts, born Abt.
1842 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Charles Q. Michie
January 16, 1859 in Bedford County,
159 iii. James H. Watts, born Abt.
1845 in Bedford County, Virginia.
160 iv. Frances E. Watts,
born Abt. 1847 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 161 v. Robert
D. Watts, born March 01, 1848 in Bedford
died March 06, 1921 in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

No. 6
121. Lucinda Ellis
(Elizabeth5 Watts, John4, Jacob3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born May 26, 1803, and died
May 1901 in Campbell County,
Kentucky. She married Capt. William Stuart Dunlop
1818 in Hamilton County, Ohio.
He died 1840 in Hamilton County,
Children of Lucinda Ellis and Capt.
Dunlop are:
162 i. Adelia Dunlop, born 1819.
163 ii. John Milton Dunlop, born 1820.
164 iii. Clarence Edward Dunlop, born 1822.
165 iv. Jerusha Dunlop, born 1824.

128. John Ellis
(Elizabeth5 Watts, John4, Jacob3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born February 07, 1811 in Pomeroyton, Menifee County, Kentucky, and died November 04, 1885 in Campbell County, Kentucky. He married Gracy
Lewis December 12, 1838 in Pendleton
County, Kentucky,
daughter of George Lewis and Aseneth Hutchins. She was born March 11, 1819 in Pendleton County, Kentucky,
and died February 20, 1874 in Campbell
County, Kentucky.
Children of John Ellis and Gracy Lewis are:
+ 166 i. Joseph
Robert Ellis, born November 05, 1839 in Campbell County,
Kentucky; died July 22, 1918 in Campbell County, Kentucky.
167 ii. Dudley Brown Ellis.
168 iii. Sarah Elizabeth Ellis, born December 04, 1843.
169 iv. George Milton
Ellis, born June 02, 1847.
170 v. Letitia Harriet
171 vi. John David Ellis.

136. Mary Frances
Watts (Richard Davis5, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born May 04, 1824 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died Aft. 1915 in Lynchburg,
Virginia. She married George Morgan Jones
September 13, 1848 in Bedford County,
Virginia, son of Wharton Jones
and Ann Wood. He was
born May 04, 1824 in "Pleasant View", Shenandoah
County, Virginia, and died 1904 in
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Children of Mary Watts and George Jones
172 i. Nannie Isabelle Jones, born July 28, 1858 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died July 25, 1859 in
Bedford County, Virginia.
173 ii. Georgie Lee Jones,
born October 08, 1864 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died January 05, 1884 in Lynchburg,
174 iii. Lily Frances Jones, born June 05, 1869 in Lynchburg, Virginia; died
August 12, 1885 in Carlsbad,

138. James
Winston Watts (Richard Davis5, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born April 19, 1833 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died December 03, 1906 in Lynchburg,
Virginia. He married Mary Elizabeth Jones
February 22, 1854 in Bedford County,
Virginia, daughter of Fielding
Jones and Sarah Spear.
Notes for Lt. Col. James Winston Watts:
...Of Lynchburg, Va.,
who rendered distinguished service as Lt. Col. of the 2nd Va. Cav., C.S.A.
Colonial Families of the Southern States of America, by Stella Pickett Hardy,
Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD. 1965., pa. 531.
entered the Confederate army in April, 1861, s first
lieutenant of Company A. Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and at once went to
the front. Upon the reorganization of
the Army of Northern Virginia he was commissioned
Lieutenant-Colonel, on May 1862, and attached to General Turner Ashby's
brigade, "Stonewall" Jackson's
division. He was slightly wounded in an
affair at Little Washington, in the Valley campaign; and at both Occoquan and Aldie he was severely
wounded. During the second battle of Manassas, Colonel Watts
led the advance of his regiment in the charge at the Lewis House. In this fight
Colonel Watts received eight saber wounds.
by wounds in the action at Aldie in July 1863, he was
forced to retire for a season, one month later he returned to duty being
assigned to the command of the military post at Bedford City (then known as
Liberty), where he continued in command until the surrender of the Army of
Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House.
war over, his spirit nothing daunted, he at once set about repairing his
financial losses. His
lands devastated, his labor freed, he decided to enter commercial life, and in
1865 made his home in Lynchburg, uniting with his brother Richard T. Watts ,
and his brother-in-law, George M. Jones, and former business manager B. R.
Markham, in forming the co-partnership, Jones, Watts & Company, with
three stores in Lynchburg and branches in Danville, Bedford City, Salem and
Roanoke, and for nearly a quarter of a century theirs was the leading hardware
house in the western half of the state.
In 1887 they sold to Bell, Barker & Jennings and retired from
the hardware business. They became
interested in several coal mining operations, and at
the time of his death Colonel Watts was director in the Gilliam, the Louisville, and the
Greenbrier Coal and Coke companies. He
was at one time president of the National Exchange Bank, and was at different
times a director in this and other banks of Lynchburg.
of Virginia Biography, Vol. 4, Under the Editorial Supervision of Lyon Gardiner
Tyler, published by Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915, New York. P. 32.
Elspeth Ann Watts Haines, a descendant.
Virginia Biography, Vol. I
Colonial Families of the Southern States of America, by Stella Pickett
Hardy, Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD. 1965., pa. 531.
Children of Lt. Col. James Watts and
Mary Jones are:
175 i. Hubert Bruce
Watts, born December 06, 1857 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Ida Reeder Hutter.
176 ii. Jennie Watts.
She married George P. Watkins.
177 iii. Maude Watts.
She married Oliver D. Bachelor.
178 iv. Thomas Ashby
Watts, born September 09, 1866 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Fanny C. Cheatwood.

John Harvey Newell Watts
(Richard Davis5, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born 1836. He married Rebecca Hurt.
Children of John Watts and Rebecca Hurt
179 i. Charles R.
Watts. He married Elizabeth McKinney.
180 ii. Mary Elizabeth Watts.
181 iii. Martha Watts.
182 iv. Richard Watts.

140. Richard
Thomas Watts (Richard Davis5, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born September 05, 1838 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died September 21, 1910 in Lynchburg,
Virginia. He married Emma Margaret Hart April
22, 1874.
Children of Richard Watts and Emma Hart
183 i. Richard Thomas
Watts, born March 18, 1876. He married
Gladys Heald January 07, 1911.
184 ii. Stephen Hurt Watts,
born August 06, 1877.
185 iii. James Owen Watts, born October 14, 1881.
186 iv. Robert Crenshaw
Watts, born July 01, 1883.
187 v. Mary Watts, born February 02, 1889.

141. James Andrew Hardy (JANE HORD5
WATTS, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born January 12, 1819 in Bedford
Co., VA, and died July 23, 1864. He
married Lucy Douglas Horton April 06, 1847 in Bedford, Virginia. She was born July 18, 1827 in Campbell County, Virginia,
and died July 27, 1880 in Bedford, County, Virginia.
More About
James Andrew Hardy, Cpl.:
Served in CSA
promoted to Cpl. on July 23, 1864.
Member of Co.
I, 34th Va.
Killed by Union deserters.
Children of James Hardy and Lucy Horton
188 i. Ann Eliza Hardy,
born March 06, 1847 in Bedford Co., VA; died April 06, 1863 in Bedford Co., VA.
189 ii. Jane Mildred Hardy, born April 11, 1849 in
Bedford Co., VA; died Aft. 1909.
190 iii. Elizabeth Watts Hardy, born June 10, 1852 in
Bedford Co., VA; died January 14, 1886.
191 iv. Margaret Virginia
Hardy, born June 20, 1853 in Bedford Co., VA; died Aft. 1909.
+ 192 v. William
Henry Hardy, born December 18, 1854 in Bedford Co., VA; died October 16,
1877 in Batesville, Ark.
193 vi. Sarah Frances
Hardy, born September 23, 1856 in Bedford Co., VA; died October 13, 1939.
+ 194 vii. James
Andrew Hardy, born August 20, 1859 in Bedford Co., VA; died June 17, 1948.
195 viii. Roberta F. Hardy, born July 30, 1861 in
Bedford Co., VA; died October 12, 1864 in Bedford Co., VA.
196 ix. Lucy Horton Hardy, born December 11, 1862 in
Bedford Co., VA; died March 17, 1930.

143. Joseph Stoggdele Hardy (JANE HORD5
WATTS, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born February 17, 1823 in Bedford
Co., VA, and died April 1891 in Bedford Co., VA. He married (1) Pauline Ann Poindexter
September 29, 1849 in Bedford Co., VA, daughter of William Poindexter and Eliza
Watts. She was born May 03, 1832 in Bedford County, Virginia. He married (2) Jane Nichols Aft. 1861
in Bedford Co.,
VA ?.
Children of Joseph Hardy and Pauline
Poindexter are:
+ 197 i. William
Preston Hardy, born Aft. 1850 in Bedford Co., VA;
died Aft. 1909.
+ 198 ii. Dabney Pondexter Hardy, born Aft. 1852 in Bedford Co., VA.
199 iii. Mary Catherine Hardy, born Aft.
1853 in Bedford Co.,
200 iv. Mildred Jane
Hoard Hardy, born 1859 in Bedford Co., VA.
Children of Joseph Hardy and Jane
Nichols are:
201 i. Emma Hardy, born
Aft. 1861 in Bedford Co.,
202 ii. Ida Mackenzie Hardy, born Aft.
1862 in Bedford Co.,
203 iii. Lilly Hardy, born Aft.
1863 in Bedford Co.,
VA. She married David R. Rucker.
204 iv. Josephine Hardy,
born Aft. 1864 in Bedford
Co., VA.
+ 205 v. Joseph
Griffin Hardy, born Aft. 1865 in Bedford
Co., VA.
144. Sarah Watson
Thomas2, Edward1) was born May 16, 1825 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died January 30, 1868 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married John W. Gills July 04,
1844 in Bedford County, Virginia.
He was born Abt. 1825 in Amelia
County, Virginia,
and died November 1878 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Sarah Hardy and John Gills
206 i. Tabitha Gills,
born Aft. 1844.
+ 207 ii. Cornelia
Leak Gills, born March 11, 1847 in Campbell County, Virginia; died July 30, 1921 in Cleveland,
208 iii. Joseph Gills, born Aft.
209 iv. Eliza Gills, born
Aft. 1849.
210 v. John Gills, born Aft.
1850 in Bedford County, Virginia. He married (1) ?
Candler Aft. 1865; born Abt. 1850. He married (2) Nannie
Perkins Aft. 1866; born Abt. 1850.
211 vi. Sarah Gills, born
Aft. 1851 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married Rush Burnett Aft. 1866; born Aft. 1851.
212 vii. Leay Allen Gills,
born Aft. 1852.

145. Frances
Susan Jane Hardy (JANE HORD5 WATTS, JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born October 28, 1827 in Bedford County, Virginia, and died June 22, 1863 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Thomas Newell Lee January
12, 1848 in Bedford County,
Virginia, son of John Lee and
Catherine Newell. He was born August 13,
1824 in Shenandoah County, Virginia,
and died November 08, 1901 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Frances Hardy and Thomas
Lee are:
+ 213 i. Jane
Calpurnia Lee, born November 19, 1848 in
Shenandoah County, Virginia; died April 14, 1938 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 214 ii. Elizabeth
Watts Lee, born September 15, 1850 in Bedford County,
Virginia; died March 11, 1927 in Bedford County, Virginia.
215 iii. Roberta Virginia Lee, born April 02, 1853 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Robert Craig, in Bedford
County, Virginia; he was born in Washington
County, Virginia.

147. Charles
Thomas2, Edward1) was born February 14, 1835 in Bedford
Co., VA, and died Aft. 1909. He married Mary Eliza Poindexter Aft.
1850 in Montvale, VA ?, daughter of William Poindexter and Mary Watts. She was born 1835 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died Abt. 1938.
Children of Charles Hardy and Mary
Poindexter are:
216 i. Peter Horner
Hardy, M.D., born Aft. 1850 in Montvale, VA ?.
217 ii. Stuart Hardy, born Aft.
1851 in Montvale, VA ?.
218 iii. Warren Hardy, born Aft.
1852 in Montvale, VA ?.
219 iv. Ella Hardy, born Aft. 1853 in Montvale,
VA ?.

148. Davis Durrett
Poindexter (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born September 11, 1820 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died June 03, 1903 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Ann Elizabeth Poindexter
November 15, 1849 in Bedford County,
Virginia, daughter of John
Poindexter and Nancy North. She was born
December 15, 1832 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died October 11, 1900 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Davis Poindexter and Ann Poindexter are:
+ 220 i. John
Davis Poindexter, born August 28, 1851 in Bedford County, Virginia.
221 ii. Ann Eliza Poindexter, born January 24, 1853
in Bedford County, Virginia;
died September 13, 1854 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
222 iii. Eldridge Lyndon Poindexter, born January 17,
1869 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died July 14, 1870 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
223 iv. Emma Cornelia
Poindexter, born August 10, 1859 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died June 27, 1916 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married George Davis Wildman December 21,
1881; born Abt. 1858.
224 v. Joseph Samuel Poindexter, born January 03,
1866 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died October 25, 1893 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married ? Howard
1887; born Abt. 1867.
+ 225 vi. Frances
Susan Poindexter, born April 07, 1856 in Bedford County, Virginia.

150. Richard
Watts Poindexter (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born October
08, 1823 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died in Bedford County, Virginia. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth W. Durrett February 05, 1849 in Bedford County, Virginia. She was born 1828 in North
Carolina, and died in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married (2) Mary Ellen Lee November
22, 1865 in Shenandoah
County Virginia,
daughter of John Lee and Catherine Newell.
She was born October 22, 1840 in Shenandoah County,
Virginia, and died July 23, 1907 in Forest, Virginia.
Children of Richard Poindexter and Mary
Durrett are:
+ 226 i. Hugh
Davis Poindexter, born December 1849 in Bedford County, Virginia;
died August 27, 1929 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
227 ii. Elizabeth Mildred Poindexter, born October
18, 1851 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Edward Gills Abt.
1871; born Abt. 1850.
228 iii. Frances Stark Poindexter, born 1853 in Bedford County, Virginia.
229 iv. Eliza Durrett Poindexter, born March 1855 in Bedford
County, Virginia;
died December 11, 1883 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Richard Poindexter and Mary
Lee are:
230 i. Cora Lee
Poindexter Poindexter, born October 18, 1866 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Richard Haden Penn Abt. 1886; born Abt. 1865.
231 ii. Lula Belle Poindexter, born January 1869 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Glenmore Torck
Broune Abt. 1889; born 1868
in Georgia.
+ 232 iii. Mary
Richard Poindexter, born July 27, 1870 in Bedford County, Virginia.
233 iv. Richard Newell
Poindexter, born April 08, 1872.
234 v. John Samuel Poindexter, born February 08,
235 vi. Dabney Thomas Poindexter, born February 16, 1876.

151. Caroline
E. Poindexter (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born October 06, 1825 in Bedford County, Virginia. She married Asa Gills March 08, 1843
in Bedford County, Virginia.
He was born Abt. 1824 in Bedford County, Virginia.
Children of Caroline Poindexter and Asa
Gills are:
+ 236 i. Cornelia
Frances Gills, born Abt. 1858 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 237 ii. Emma
Gills, born Abt. 1858 in Bedford County, Virginia.

153. Samuel
Thomas Poindexter (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born August
30, 1829 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died July 04, 1904 in Lynchburg,
Virginian. He married Benjamin James
Hughes October 31, 1876, daughter of Benjamin Hughes and Sarah
Johnson. She was born 1830, and died in Lynchburg, Virginian.
Child of Samuel Poindexter and Benjamin
Hughes is:
238 i. Walker Watts
Poindexter, born Abt. 1878 in Lynchburg, Virginian.
155. William
Darby Poindexter, Jr. (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born December
20, 1843 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died July 29, 1915 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Mary Elizabeth Jeter
December 03, 1879 in Bedford County,
Virginia, daughter of Jesse Jeter
and Susan Poindexter. She was born July
09, 1861 in Bedford County, Virginia.
Children of William Poindexter and Mary
Jeter are:
+ 239 i. Eula
Willie Poindexter, born September 13, 1881 in Bedford County, Virginia.
240 ii. Ollie May Poindexter, born November 14, 1884
in Bedford County, Virginia;
died in Akron, OH.
She married Walter L. Martin May 22, 1923; born Abt.
1883; died in Akron,
241 iii. Grover Tallmadge Poindexter, born February
03, 1888 in Bedford County, Virginia. He married Bessie O. Seay
July 27, 1915; born Abt. 1889;
died in Coleman Falls, Virginia.

156. Mary Eliza
Poindexter (Mary Eliza5 Watts, JAMES4, WILLIAM3,
Thomas2, Edward1) was born 1835 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died Abt. 1938.
She married Charles Watts Hardy Aft. 1850 in Montvale, VA ?, son of WILLIAM HARDY and JANE WATTS. He was born February 14, 1835 in Bedford Co.,
VA, and died Aft. 1909.
Children are listed above under (147)
Charles Watts Hardy.
161. Robert D. Watts
(James Durrett5, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2,
Edward1) was born March 01, 1848 in Bedford
County, Virginia, and died March 06, 1921 in Rockbridge County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Echols January
18, 1872 in Rockbridge County,
Children of Robert Watts and Elizabeth
Echols are:
242 i. Robert Joseph
Watts, born December 17, 1872 in Rockbridge
County, Virginia;
died September 20, 1957. He married
Mable Gertrude Leibig December 25, 1894.
243 ii. Ella Frances Watts, born July 17, 1875 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died September 16, 1928. She married
John M. Grossman February 28, 1906.
244 iii. James D. Watts, born March 18, 1877 in
Rockbridge County, Virginia; died July 10, 1877 in Rockbridge County, Virginia.
245 iv. Annie Florence
Watts, born April 12, 1878 in Rockbridge
County, Virginia. She married Charles S. Dice November 30, 1904.
246 v. Rebecca L. Watts, born December 16, 1879 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died March 07, 1938. She married W. F.
Dice August 22, 1923.
247 vi. Rose Etra Watts, born January 21, 1880 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died October 24, 1910. She married J. R.
Compton April 03, 1907.
248 vii. Harriett Echols Watts, born May 23, 1882 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died July 31, 1882 in Rockbridge
County, Virginia.
249 viii. Edward Echols Watts, born October 23, 1884 in
Rockbridge County, Virginia; died June 29, 1950. He married Mary B. McCown
December 23, 1909.
250 ix. John Echols Watts, born December 21, 1886 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died December 31, 1886 in Rockbridge
County, Virginia.
251 x. Elizabeth
Johnson Watts, born October 03, 1888 in Rockbridge
County, Virginia. She married Charles M. Williams August 27,
252 xi. Virginian Roland Watts, born November 11, 1892 in Rockbridge County, Virginia;
died February 14, 1935. She married
Victor Braudt.
166. Joseph
Robert Ellis (John6, Elizabeth5 Watts, John4,
Jacob3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born November 05, 1839 in Campbell County, Kentucky, and died July 22, 1918 in Campbell County, Kentucky. He married Asenath
Elizabeth Mains December 18, 1867 in Campbell
County, Kentucky. She was born March 23, 1837 in Pendleton County, Kentucky,
and died April 10, 1910 in Campbell
County, Kentucky.
Children of Joseph Ellis and Asenath Mains are:
253 i. Frank Wilby Ellis, born October 26, 1868.
254 ii. Harry Lewis Ellis, born June 26, 1870.
255 iii. Catherine Emma Ellis, born April 26, 1872.
256 iv. Robert Ellis,
born August 23, 1873.
257 v. Grace Lee Ellis, born March 08, 1875.
258 vi. Sadie Lively
Ellis, born September 24, 1876.
259 vii. John M. Ellis, born April 03, 1883.
192. William
Henry Hardy (James Andrew6, JANE HORD5 WATTS,
JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born December 18, 1854 in Bedford Co., VA, and died October 16, 1877 in Batesville, Ark.
Child of William Henry Hardy is:
260 i. Stella Pickett
Hardy, born January 13, 1877 in Batesville,
Ark; died Aft. 1909.
194. James Andrew Hardy (James Andrew6,
Edward1) was born August 20, 1859 in
Bedford Co., VA, and died June 17, 1948.
Children of James Andrew Hardy are:
261 i. Merle Katherine
Hardy, born November 05, 1881 in Batesville,
Ark ?.
+ 262 ii. William
Horton Hardy, born November 06, 1882 in Batesville, Ark ?.
263 iii. McGuffin Hardy,
born Aft. 1883 in Batesville, Ark ?.
264 iv. Daisy Hardy, born
Aft. 1884 in Batesville,
Ark ?.
265 v. Lula Margaret Hardy, born Aft.
1885 in Batesville, Ark ?.
197. William
Preston Hardy (Joseph Stoggdele6, JANE HORD5
WATTS, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born Aft. 1850 in Bedford Co., VA,
and died Aft. 1909.
Children of William Preston Hardy are:
266 i. Mary Jane Hardy,
born Aft. 1888 in Bedford
Co., VA.
267 ii. Joseph Blount Hardy, born Aft.
1889 in Bedford Co.,
268 iii. Joseph S. Hardy, born Aft.
1890 in Bedford Co., VA; died Aft. 1909.
269 iv. David Blount
Hardy, born Aft. 1891 in Bedford
Co., VA.
198. Dabney Pondexter Hardy (Joseph Stoggdele6,
Edward1) was born Aft. 1852 in Bedford
Co., VA.
Children of Dabney
Pondexter Hardy are:
270 i. Paulina Hardy,
born Aft. 1867 in Bedford Co.,
271 ii. Louis Love Hardy, born Aft.
1868 in Bedford Co.,
272 iii. Annie Bell Hardy, born Aft.
1869 in Bedford Co.,
273 iv. Bessie Hardy,
born Aft. 1870 in Bedford
Co., VA.
274 v. Chrisman Hardy, born Aft.
1871 in Bedford Co.,
275 vi. William Preston
Hardy, born Aft. 1872 in Bedford
Co., VA.
276 vii. Sarah Hardy, born Aft.
1873 in Bedford Co.,
277 viii. ? Hardy, born Aft.
1874 in Bedford Co.,
205. Joseph
Griffin Hardy (Joseph Stoggdele6, JANE HORD5
WATTS, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born Aft. 1865 in Bedford
Co., VA.
Children of Joseph Griffin Hardy are:
278 i. Margaret Hardy,
born Aft. 1880 in Bedford Co.,
VA ?.
279 ii. Joseph A. Hardy, born Aft.
1881 in Bedford Co.,
VA ?.

207. Cornelia
Leak Gills (Sarah Watson6 Hardy, JANE HORD5
WATTS, JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born March 11, 1847 in Campbell County, Virginia,
and died July 30, 1921 in Cleveland,
Ohio. She married Thomas Newell Lee July 23,
1866 in Campbell County, Virginia, son of John Lee and Catherine
Newell. He was born August 13, 1824 in Shenandoah County, Virginia,
and died November 08, 1901 in Bedford
County, Virginia.
Children of Cornelia Gills and Thomas
Lee are:
280 i. John C. G. Lee,
born August 03, 1867 in Bedford County, Virginia; died June 30, 1872 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 281 ii. Thomas
Elkins Lee, born June 06, 1870 in Bedford County, Virginia; died March 29,
1967 in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
+ 282 iii. Barnett
Newell Lee, born October 28, 1875 in Bedford County,
Virginia; died April 1913 in Bedford County, Virginia.
+ 283 iv. Randolph
Calper Lee, born May 08, 1877 in Bedford
County, Virginia; died April 08,
1938 in Hopewell, Virginia.
+ 284 v. Tyree
Browning Lee, born December 26, 1879 in Bedford County, Virginia.
285 vi. Catherine Gray
Lee, born January 26, 1882.
286 vii. Josie Leek Lee, born August 10, 1890
287 viii. Georgia Francis Lee, born August 10, 1890.
213. Jane Calpurnia Lee (Frances Susan Jane6
Thomas2, Edward1) was born November
19, 1848 in Shenandoah County, Virginia,
and died April 14, 1938 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married Benjamin Richard Markham
November 05, 1868 in Bedford County,
Virginia, son of Jesse Markham
and Mary Kennedy. He was born May 02,
1835 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died March 16, 1914 in Lowry (Bedford
County) Virginia.
Children of Jane Lee and Benjamin
Markham are:
+ 288 i. May
Belle Markham, born December 15, 1869 in Lowry (Bedford
County) Virginia;
died October 23, 1917 in Lynchburg,
+ 289 ii. Lillian
Lee Markham, born December 24, 1872 in Bedford County,
Virginia; died Abt.
1950 in Lakeland, Florida.
+ 290 iii. Willie
Calpurnia Markham, born April 23, 1875 in Lowry
(Bedford County) Virginia; died October 31, 1945 in McAllen, Hidalgo, Texas.
+ 291 iv. James
Richard Markham, born July 22, 1879 in Lowry (Bedford
County) Virginia;
died July 01, 1956 in Lynchburg,
+ 292 v. Ellie
Watts Markham, born October 22, 1882 in Lowry (Bedford
County) Virginia;
died May 03, 1970 in Orlando,
+ 293 vi. Walter
Allen Markham, Sr., born September 05, 1885 in Lowry (Bedford
County) Virginia;
died June 02, 1949 in Farming Accident, (Lowry Virginia).
294 vii. George Jones Markham, born February 1889 in
Lowry (Bedford County)
Virginia; died March 17, 1967 in Bedford, Virginia. He married Mary Simpson Stratton July 20,
1920 in Lynchburg, Virginia.
214. Elizabeth Watts Lee (Frances
Susan Jane6 Hardy, JANE HORD5 WATTS, JAMES4,
WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1) was born September
15, 1850 in Bedford County, Virginia,
and died March 11, 1927 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married (1) Allie Hatcher. He was born in Bedford County, Virginia. She married (2) Robert Foggy. He was born in Bedford County, Virginia.
Children of Elizabeth Lee and Allie
Hatcher are:
295 i. Virginia Hatcher Hatcher, born Aft. 1864.
296 ii. Lola Hatcher, born Aft.
297 iii. Richard Hatcher, born Aft.

220. John Davis
Poindexter (Davis Durette6, Mary Eliza5 Watts,
JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born August 28, 1851 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Amanda Freeman November 03,
1875 in Bedford County, Virginia, daughter of Garland Freeman and
Lucy Buford. She was born February 02,
1851 in Bedford County, Virginia.
Children of John Poindexter and Amanda
Freeman are:
298 i. Eldridge Watts
Poindexter, born August 21, 1876.
299 ii. Annie May Poindexter, born May 25, 1878.
300 iii. Warner J. Poindexter, born April 02, 1880.
301 iv. Sarah Douglas
Poindexter, born April 04, 1882.
302 v. Nancy Katharine Poindexter, born May 22, 1883.
303 vi. Walker Garland
Poindexter, born January 09, 1885.
304 vii. Frank Wilmore Poindexter, MD, born December
22, 1887.
305 viii. Fannie Buford Poindexter, born April 05, 1889.
306 ix. William Overton Poindexter, born February 26,

225. Frances
Susan Poindexter (Davis Durette6, Mary Eliza5 Watts,
JAMES4, WILLIAM3, Thomas2, Edward1)
was born April 07, 1856 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married Hugh Davis Poindexter
November 18, 1874 in Bedford County,
Virginia, son of Richard
Poindexter and Mary Durrett. He was born December 1849 in Bedford
County, Virginia, and died August 27, 1929 in Bedford County, Virginia.
Children of Frances Poindexter and Hugh
Poindexter are:
307 i. Richard Davis
Poindexter, born August 28, 1875 in Bedford
County, Virginia. He married Lelia
Nelson Mitchell September 25, 1907; born January 1887 in Bedford County, Virginia.
308 ii. Cornelia Elizabeth, born September 17, 1877
in Bedford County, Virginia;
died May 26, 1908 in Bedford
County, Virginia. She married Ezra Thomas Carter June 16, 1906; born Abt. 1876.