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William Poe

Eighteenth Century Caroline County into Orange / Culpeper County


There are two different men named William Poe to be identified in Caroline County. This William Poe left Caroline County for Orange / Culpeper in 1737.


The other William Poe must have been born sometime before 1731, since he can first be identified in the records around 1754. My best guess at this point is that he is the son of Samuel Poe (the younger), since Simon's descendants are fairly well known.


William Poe (born c1711)

see site of Joan Hackett


This William Poe purchased land in 1732 in Caroline County. He and wife, Lydia, sold land in 1737. A patent was issued in Orange County in 1737 in the names of William Watson and William Poe. That part of Orange County became Culpeper County. In Caroline County, this William Poe was connected with John Gouge and to Francis Browning (who administered the estate of Samuel Poe who died in 1725). The connection between these families continues in Orange/Culpeper County where Francis Browning and William Poe are associated at the death of John Gouge in 1749. William Poe sells land to Robert Gouge, probably John's son.



William Poe (born before 1731 since the first definite appearance of this William is circa 1750)


Another William Poe persists in Caroline County through each decade of the eighteenth century as evidenced by the extant court records, A William Poe is listed as paying property taxes on 105 acres throughout the 1790s. That land was probably part of the original Samuel Poe lands since no deed can be found showing the purchase of additional Caroline County lands. Samuel Poe purchased 105 acres from Matthew Collins in 1708 which might be the same property, the remainder having been sold by Benjamin Poe, Samuel Poe and Simon Poe.



William Poe (born c1711)


Caroline County, Virginia


John Frederick Dorman, 1965. Caroline County, Virginia Order Book 1732-1740.


Land from James and Mary Jones to William Poe

Court 11 May 1732

James Jones acknowledged his deeds of lease and release of land indented to William Poe. John Jones by virtue of a power from Mary wife of James relinquished her rights of dower.


William Poe, petitioner

p. 374 [10 Sept. 1736]

On the petition of John Gouge and William Poe, it’s ordered Thomas Price be summoned to make his administration of the estate of John Morgan.


William Poe, juror

[13 Nov. 1736]

Action on the case. Joseph Bickley jr. agt. William Martin. Jury, Robt. Baber, Roger Madison, William Daniel, Thomas Guy, James Terrill, John Sutton, William Poe, Benja. Grubs, Timothy Ellis, James Herndon, James Desmukes and Benja. Rennolds, find for the plaintiff. Pounds 5.14.11 3 farthings damage. Benja. Rennolds foreman. It’s considered the plaintiff recover against the defendant and Timothy Terrill his security Pounds 5.14.11 3 farthings


William Poe, judgment against

1[11 March 1736/7]

Petition. Thomas Price agt. William Poe judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 4.7.1 current money.


The following judgment indicates that William Poe was a tobacco farmer, tending either part of Samuel Poe's  905 and/or the land from James Jones. If the Jones land is all he farmed, it must have been sizeable.


William Poe, judgment against

[14 May 1737]

Petition. George Tilly agt. William Poe judgment is granted the plaintiff for 620 pounds of tobacco


Is this the land from James Jones or part of the old 905 acres of Samuel Poe?

William Poe

Lydia Poe

p. 461 [9 Dec. 1737]

William Poe’s deeds of lease and release of land indented to William Taliaferro Gent. (and also a power of attorney from Lydia Poe to Benjamin Robinson) was proved by John Gough, John Gough, Jr, and Samuel Edwards, witnesses thereto.


At this point, William Poe and wife Lydia, are residing in a part of Orange County that became Culpeper County.  William and Lydia had a son named William, who appears in the Culpeper County records and is sometimes identified as William Poe, Junior.


Orange / Culpeper County



Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants. Abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent. Indexed by Claudia B. Grundman. Volume IV: 1732-1741. Virginia State Library. Richmond 1977


William Poe*

William Watson

10 June 1737


Patent Book 17

William Watson & William Poe of Caroline Co. 400 Acs Orange Co. in the Little Fork of Rappahannock Riv. on the Brs. of Battle Run; Adj. John Ashley & Francis Browning: 10 June 1737. p. 333. 2 pounds


*Note that six months after receiving the patent in Orange County William Poe and wife Lydia dispose of their land in Caroline County. William Poe appears to have been present, but his wife, Lydia Poe, was represented by Benjamin Robinson by virtue of power of attorney.


Orange County*, Virginia Will Book I (1735-1743)

Dorman 1958


Francis Browning Junr

William Poe


28 May 1747 returned

Isaac Chapman. Inventory

Total valuation

Francis Browning, Junr.

William Poe

Saml Scott


24 Nov. 1749 returned

John Gouge*. Inventory

Total Valuation pounds 44.6. 4 ½

Francis Browning

Francis Strother

Jas Kennerly



Warrant & Surveys, Tithables, Relinguishes, Petitions. Orange County, Vol. I


William Poe

1747 - 1748

p. 3

James Compton, Esq., no warrant, survey dated 1747; 10,000 a. on little fork of Rappa. R. on Cannon R. & Rush R.; adj. Malcom McKensie, Aron Pinson, Mr. Charles Burgess, William Poe, Gooch, James Cannon.  CC (Chain Carriers) Richard Covington & Edward Stubblefield. Survey George Hume.



Capt. John Grant, dec'd. (late of Prince William Co.) 11 Dec. 1747 - 7 Jan. 1747/48; 300 a. adj. Capt. James Compton, Fran. Strother, James Kennerly, Thomas Kennerly, Elisabeth Kennerly. Proprietor's Office empowered James Genn to survey said land "for heirs of said Grant." CC (chain carriers) James Kennerly & William Poe. Pilot & marker - John Strother. Survey James Genn.


William Poe, Jr.

1747 - 1748

Capt. John Grant, dec'd. (late of Prince William Co.) 11 Dec. 1747 - 9 Bef. 1747/48; 400 a. between the North R., Hungar Run, Jobbers Mt. & Capt. Compton inthe little fork. CC (chain carriers) William Poe, Jr. & (creased, illegible). Pilot - William Poe. Survey James Genn


John Poe

1747 - 1748

James Green, assignee of William Tapp, 9 Dec 1747 (date from survey, no warrant included) - 5 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. adj. Capt. James Compton. "Mem(d) William Tapp Desires to have the deed made out to his Son in Law James Green." CC (chain carriers) John Poe & James Green.  Marker - John Roberts. Survey James Green.


p. 9

Daniel Jacobus, 2 Oct. 1747 - 12 Jan. 1747/48; 300 a. where he lives in little fork of Rappa. R. & on Cattle Run; adj. Capt. James Compton. CC - George Strother & John Poe. Marker - Fra Jacobus. Deed drawn & delivered to Fra. Strother. Survey James Genn.


William Poe

1747 - 1748


William Poe, 9 Dec. 1747 - 26 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. at Little Battle Run. William Poe has made an improvement joyning his other land & near the main road; adj. Capt. Compton, Watson & Poe's pat. CC (chain carriers) William Poe & William Gouge. Surv. James Genn.


Northern Neck Grants. Book G 1747-1751


William Poe

1 Dec 1747


G - 3/4 Page Missing [index - William Poes]

G - 5: James Compton, Esq. one of commissioners of His Majesty's Navy, 10,000 a in Orange County. Suveyed Mr. George Hume. In Little Forf of Rappahannock R, adj Malcom McKensie, on Cannon R., Aron Pinson, Battle Run, Hunger Run, Mr. Charles Burgess dec'd, William Poe, Ruch R., James Cannon. Survey includes 900 a in 3 tracts belonging to Mr. George Chapman. Daniel Jacobus, & William Poe to be deducted. 1 Dec 1747



Augusta County (from Orange of which Culpeper also formed)


William Poe

28 July 1748

Land sale in Augusta County *

See: History of Virginia Counties


William Poe of Augusta from James Genn

300 acres adjoining Captain Compton's

land, William Poe's land and

Joseph Norman's* land

25 December 1748  W. Fairfax

Endorsed: Willm Poe


*This land probably was in the part of Orange that became Culpeper Co., not Augusta Co. Perhaps the clerk (or abstracter) got it wrong. Augusta County, Virginia formed from Orange County. Legislative enactment in 1738. Organized in 1745. [Virginia Counties: Those Resulting from Virginia Legislation, by Morgan Poitiaux Robinson, originally published as Bulletin of the Virginia State Library, Volume 9, January, April, July 1916, reprinted 1992 by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD.]



William Poe

23 June 1749

p. 198

John Gouge, Plt. agst William Poe, deft. In Chancery

Continue til next court


27 July 1749

p. 207

John Gouge, Plt. agst. William Poe, deft. In Chancery

Dismissed, being agreed by the Parties


Abstracts of Virginia Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys. Volume III: 1710-1780

Peggy Shomo Joyner. 1987

Joseph  Norman of Orange, 26 Mar 1748 - 3 Jan 1749, 238 a. on arm of Hickman's Mt.; adj. James Compton, Esq. Fra. Browning, Hickman cc (chain carriers) William Poe & Francis Browning. Marker John Browning. Survey William Green.


William Poe

Francis Browning (Jr?)

John Browning

26 Mar 1748 - 3 Jan 1749


Culpeper County


William Poe and wife Lydia begin selling land in Culpeper County


Sparacio. Culpeper County, Virginia records 


William Poe

Lydia Poe

20 July 1749.

Pp. 15-17

William Poe and Lydia his wife of Culpeper County to Cornelius Mitchel of same. For pounds 8 current money. 100 acres in the fork of the north branch of Rappahannock River . . . corner of said Poe's land . ..

William (W) Poe

Lydia (L) Poe

20 July 1749. Acknowledged by William Poe and Lydia his wife.


Virginia Northern Neck Grants Volume II 1742-1775

William Poe

11 May 1752

p. 61

H-174: William Poe of Orange now Culpeper Co. 65 A. in said Co. Surv. Mr. James Genn. Adj. William Watson & Poe’s land now Norman’s. Poe’s Mt., Capt. James Compton. 11 May 1752


Sparacio – Culpeper County, Virginia records 


William Poe

16 Nov. 1752. Land sale of John and Mary Nicholson to Samuel Donne


Robert Jackson

Anthony Strother

Daniel Campbell

Willm. (W) Poe

Nathan Nalle

William McWilliams Jr

Roger Dixon

Proved by William Poe, Nathan Nalle and Roger Dixon.



Same court a will for Alexander Spotswood, late of Orange County

Proved by Roger Dixon, William Poe and Nathan Nalle.



William Poe

John Browning (son of Francis Browning)

16 Nov 1752 - Sept 1753


Abstracts of Virginia Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys. Volume III: 1710-1780

Peggy Shomo Joyner. 1987

p. 43

John Browning 16 Nov 1752 - 18 Sept 1753. 207 a at Hickman's Mt on the Little Fork of Rappa; adj Joseph Norman, Capt Edwin Hickman. CC (chain carriers) James Hickman and William Poe. Surveyed Richard Young.


Francis Browning junr

19 July 1753

pp. 539-42

James Turner and Kerenhappuck his wife of Prince William County to Francis Browning junr. of Culpeper County. For pound 11.16.6 current money. 90 acres in the little Fork of Rappahanock River . . on the head branches of Battle Run in a line made between Francis Browning  (didn't copy next page)


William Poe

23 Sept. 1753

pp. 435-37

Anthony Scott of Culpeper County to his grandson Richard Burke of same. For love and affection. 80 acres in the North little fork of Rappahannock River . .. in Anthony Scott's line on the south side of a Chestnut Branch .. corner to Thomas Corbin's ... up the south fork of the branch with Thomas Corbin's line (which is a water course) . . .

Anthony Scott


Abraham Cooper

John George

William (W) Poe

James Wilson

Jas. Pendleton

Proved by John George, William Poe and James Wilson


William Poe leases (does not buy) land in Wakefield,  Culpeper County.


William Poe

Lydia Poe

son, William Poe

28 May 1753.

pp. 130-32

William Beverly of Blanfield, Essex County, Esqr. to William Poe of Culpeper County, planter. Lease of 220 acres where he now dwells, part of William Beverly's tract of land called Wakefield . . on the north side of the south river called Burgess River . . . to the mouth of the river . . up the Hedgeman River  . . mouth of a branch . . . surveyed by Richard Young, surveyor . . saving liberty of making a path or rolling road through the land where it shall be necessary for and desired by one or more tenants of William Beverly.

For lives of William Poe, Lydia his wife and William their son.

Yearly rent on 7 December at Fredericksburg or Falmouth Warehouse of 1000 pounds of tobacco. If Poe shall work more than four tithables besides himself, for each to pay 200 pounds of tobacco additional, and shall not keep thereon any undertenant, shall plant an orchard of one hundred apple trees thirty five feet asunder and two hundred peach trees twenty feet asunder, within a good fence.

W. Beverly


W. Russell

Robert Coleman

John Gough

21 June 1753. Proved by Robert Coleman and John Gough

20 June 1754. Proved by William Russell, Gent.


William Poe

William Poe, Junr

Jonathan Poe

Francis Browning (Jr?)

20 May 1755


Abstracts of Virginia Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys. Volume III: 1710-1780

Peggy Shomo Joyner. 1987


William Cunningham, merchant, at Falmouth, no warrant, surveyed 20 May 1755, 694 a on Little Fork of Rappa on spur of Thorough Fare Mt & on Hungar Run. Warrants  issued to William Poe & assigned to Cunningham by Poe; adj Presly Thornton, Capt. Edwin Hickman, Francis Browning. CC (chain carriers) William Poe Junr & Jonathan Poe. Pilot - William Poe. Surveyed Richard Young


William and Lydia sell Culpeper Land


Culpeper County


Sparacio – Culpeper County, Virginia records 


William Poe

Lydia (Lidie) Poe

18 Sept. 1755.

pp. 387-91

William Poe and Lidie his wife of Culpeper County to Robert Gouge of same. For pounds 27 current money. 150 acres . . on the head branches of Battle Run whereof 100 acres being part of 200 acres contained in one deed from the Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax to Poe 11 May 1752, also 50 acres adjoining being part of 65 acres contained in a deed from the Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax to Poe 11 May 1752.... second line of Poe's and Watson's pattent being a corner to Cornelius Mitchell who purchased 100 acres, part of the 200 acres of Poe ... in Captain Compton's line ...

William (W) Poe

Lidia (L) Poe

18 Sept. 1755. Acknowledged by the parties. Lydia was first privily examined.



Virginia's colonial soldiers Lloyd De Witt Bockstruck

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co. 1988.


William Poe


26 June 1757


A List of the Culpeper Militia Without Arms 26 Jun 1757; The list includes William Poo.  On a list dated 1756, William Poe is included under Culpeper Co.




William Poe



Henning's Statutes at Large Vol. 7

p214 - Culpepper Co, VA:  to... long list of names... William Poe... Sept. 1758

to the militia of the County of Brunswick and for provisions furnished by sundry inhabitants of the said county.



William Poe

Francis Browning (ii)

Francis Browning Jr. (iii)

19 Oct. 1758


5 August 1758. Francis Browning of St. Mark's Parish, Culpeper County, unto my son Francis Browning Jr. of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County. For valuable considerations and for love and affection a father hath for a son. 100 acres being the tract I now live on in St. Mark's Parish . . .on the north side the Gourdvine River and corner to Jar. James Pendleton . . up the river . . at the mouth of the Cabbin Branch corner to John Washburn . . up the branch . . . line of a tract granted by patent to Colonel Henry Willis, now Major James Pendleton. . .

Francis (E) Browning

Wit: William Roberts, Cornelius Mitchel, Richard Corely, William Poe, Saml. Scott.

19 Oct. 1758. Proved by William Roberts, Richard Corley and William Poe.


Fauquier County


Fauquier County Minute Book 1759-1762


William Poe

26 September 1760

p. 75

(from previous page) Ephraim Hubbard, Benjamin Taylor, Harman Kamper, William Poe, George Wheatly, William Settle, William Frogg, James Withers, Charles Garner, David Robinson, Joseph Dodson and Francis Self, who being elected tried and sworn the Truth to speak upon the Issue joined, upon their Oaths do say that the Deft is quilty in manner and form as the Plt against him hath declared and do assess the Plts. damages by occasion therof to Forty shillings and also his costs. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the plt. recover against the said Deft. his damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and his costs by him about this suit in this behalf expended and the said Deft. may be taken &c.


William Poe

17 April 1760.

p. 308

Exhibited into Court by William Poe and John Gouge

10 March 1742. Poe and Gouge platt: Wm. Poe, 200 acres: Jno. Gouge, 200 acres. Point near the fork of the road is mentioned.

Then divided 400 acres granted to William Watson and William Poe by patent 10 June 1737. John Gouge purchased the share of William Watson.

R. Eastham (signed)


William Poe

Lidia Poe

17 April 1760

p. 309-12

William Poe and Lidia his wife of Culpeper County to James Kennerly of same. For pounds 47 current money. 163 acres on the head branches of Battle Run . . spring in the head of a branch near the Peaked Mountain Road on the lower or south side the said Poe's plantation . . near the first line of Poe's and Watson's patent . . division corner between Poe and John Gouge who holds Watson's part of the survey . . part of 400 acres granted to Poe and William Watson by patent 10 June 1737

William (W) Poe

Lidia (L) Poe

Acknowledged by William. Lidia was first privily examined.


William Poe

17 July 1760

page. 372. 25 Feb. 1758. Bond of Thomas Kennerly of South Carolina to John Strother of Culpeper County. For pounds 200 current money. To convey 400 acres granted Samuel Kennerly by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax by deed 16 June 1748 joyning the lines of Francis Thornton, William Covington and John Strother

Thomas Kennerly


James Kennerly

William (W) Poe

Jeremiah Strother

Proved by James Kennerly (17 July 1760)


William and Lydia appear to sell the remainder of the Culpeper Lands from the original Warrant. John Gouge already holds the lands that were William Watson's part of the patent.


The records from 1763 seem to be the last clear mention of William and Lydia. The remainder of the records for Culpeper / Fauquier / Warren contain a few mentions of a William Poe who must be the son.


Sparacio – Culpeper County, Virginia records 


William Poe

Lidia Poe

21 April 1763. Proved


23 Oct. 1757

pp. 215-17

Willam Poe and Lidia his wife of Culpeper County to James Buckhannon of Falmouth, merchant, For pounds 150 current money. 100 acres whereon William Poe formerly lived, which was granted to William Poe by pattent, also two barren cows, three cows and calves, three heiffers marked with a half spade in the left ear and a slit and underkeel in the right ear, twenty-one head of hogs marked with the mark aforesaid, three mares, one branded on the off buttock and shoulder RT, one a black branded on the near buttock, the other a bay branded on the near shoulder M, three feather beds and furniture, two iron pots, 2 pewter dishes, six pewther plates, with 2500 pounds of tobacco.

William (W) Poe

Lydia (/) Poe


J. Lewis

Robt. Green

Wm Williams

Jos. Jones

21 April 1763. Proved by John Lewis and John Jones and Robert Green, Gent.


Fauquier County


Fauquier County Minute Book 1759-1762


William Poe

27 August 1763

p. 99

William Poe Plt agt. James Freeman, Deft. In case

This day came the parties by their Attorneys and thereupon came also a Jury, to wit. Isaac Roberts, James Wheately, William Picket Junr., Baily Johnson, Thomas Watts, John Rosser, William Duling, William Allan, William Norman, Jacob Weaver, John Wheately and Clement Norman, who being elected tried and sworn the Truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their Oaths do say that Deft is guilty in manner and form as Plt against him hath declared and they do assess Plts. damages thereof to Forty shillings besides his costs. Therefore it is considered by the Court that Plt. recover against Deft. his damages aforesaid in manner aforesaid assessed and his costs by him in this behalf expended and the Deft. in mercy &c.


p. 102

On motion of James Pendleton, ordered that William Poe pay him one hundred and seventy one pounds of tobacco for three days attendance and twice travelling sixteen miles & returning as a witness for him agst James Freeman.


On motion of Ephraim Clerk, ordered that William Poe pay him one hundred and ninety five pounds of tobacco for three days attendances and twice travelling twenty miles & returneing as a witness for him agst. James Freeman


On motion of Michael (  ), ordered William Poe pay him eighty five pounds of tobacco for one days attendance & for traveling twenty miles & returning as a witness for him against James Turner.



William Poe (born before 1731)



Colonial Caroline: A History of Caroline County, Virginia by T. E. Campbell, published in 1954.


William Poe



p. 415-6 of Campbell


Virginia laws forbade wagering on cards and dice in taverns, but since magistrates, in precinct courts, had jurisdiction to punish violators the only cases of record in the Order Books are appeals to the county court. The only statutes controlling betting away from the taverns until the rule of the Committee of Safety were laws which prohibited “excessive” gambling. (Campbell describes a case involving Rodham Kenner II, the outcome of which is not known).

p. 417

With the rule of the Committee of Safety public officials tried to break up gambling in homes. They twice summoned Rodham Kenner II to appear and answer charges, and summoned William Murray, Joseph Cooper, John Cooper and William Poe to appear against him. How Kenner came out is not a matter of record.


William Poe

15 June 1754

p. 179

Matthew Boyle agt. Thomas Pannel. on an attachment. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 13.15.8 current money. It's considered by the court that the plaintiff recover the money and his cost. The Sheriff made return that he attached in the hands of William Poe and William Poe being sworn as garnishee declares that he has in his hands of the defendant's estate pounds 9. It's ordered that the garnishee deliver the same to the Plaintiff and he be discharged.


Caroline County, Virginia Order Book 1755-1758 John Frederick Dorman 1976.


William Poe

p. 194 Court 12 Aug 1756

Petition. William Poe agt Alexr. Atchison. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 1.14.10 current money.


William Poe

11 May 1759

Eusebius Stone Gent is appointed overseer of the road from John Baylor, Esqr. to the fork of the road by the Ivy Church and to have the following hands. Colo. Baylor's home house and mill quarter, Jno. Bowin, Ben Gatewood, Jos. Ballard, John Walden's quarter, Willm. Ballard, Armistead's quarter, John Eubank, Abram Wood and William Poe, to assist him in keeping the road in repair.



William Poe

13 June 1761

p. 227

Action of Debt. Wm. Spiller agt. William Bullard, James Bullard, Frederick Fortson and Wm. Poe. The defendants not appearing the judgment of laast court is confirmed against Frederick Fortson and James Bullard and George Peay security for Jone for pounds 32.12.2 1/2 current money. To be discharged in the defendant's paying pounds 11.5.7 farthing with interest from 8 May 1760


Feb. 1764

p. 43

On the motion of William Poe and Thomas Reynolds, securities of Elizabeth Charles for the administration of the goods and chattels, rights and credits that were of Oliver Charles. [She to] be summoned to next court to give them counter security.


10 March 1764

p. 76

On the Petition of William Poe and Thomas Rennolds for Elizabeth Charles giving counter security and she failing to comply with the order, its ordered she deliver up the whole estate of Oliver Charles, deceased, to William Poe and Thos. Rennolds.


Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1765)

Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1989.


William Poe

12 May 1764

p. 145

William Johnton agt. William Poe. Tresspass on the case. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for his costs.


12 May 1764

p. 158

Jacob King agt. William Poe. Case. Upon the defendant's acknowledging that he does not remember that ever he called the plaintiff a mullato or that he knows that he is one and on the defendant paying cost, this suit is dismissed. (see suit in 1773 between these parties)



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1765-1767) covers 13 June 1765 – 12 June 1767



William Poe, ordered

p. 353 Court 10th day of July 1766

Ordered that William Poe with his gang assist Charles Stern and his gang in making a crossway over Prossers Run.



p. 328 Court 13th day of June 1766

William Strachan plt. Agst Elizabeth Poe widow defent. In Case  This suit is continued.


William Poe, ordered

p. 353 Court 10th day of July 1766

Ordered that William Poe with his gang assist Charles Stern and his gang in making a crossway over Prossers Run.



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1765-1767) covers 13 June 1765 – 12 June 1767. Order Book 9 July 1767 – 12 August 1768




William Poe

13 November 1767

p. 63 Robert Gilchrist, Gent agt. William Poe. In debt. The defendant saith that he cannot deny plaintiff's action. It is considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover pounds 61.12.1 and his costs. This judgment except the costs is to be discharged by the payment of pounds 30.16. 1/2 with legal interest from 89 July 1765.


15 April 1768

p. 129

William Poe agt. Joseph Cooper. In trespass, assault and battery. Dismist, with costs.


15 May 1768

p. 178

For reasons appearing to the court Jermiah Rawlins, William Poe, Reuben Catlett and Robert Woolfolk are discharged from the presentment  of the grand jury found against them.


William Poe, plaintiff

p. 129 court 15th of April 1768

William Poe against Joseph Cooper. In trespass assault and battery Dismist with costs.



Louisa County Order Book, 1766-1772


William Poe, plaintiff

p. 303 Court 10th of March 1769

William Poe against Lunsford Lomax Gt. On Petition The Defendant being duly summoned and failing to appear tho solemnly called, it is considered by the Court that the Plt. Recover against the said Defendant four pounds fourteen shillings and nine pence, the Debt in the petition specified, and also his costs in this behalf expended.



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia. Sparacio.


William Poe,  appraiser

p. 364. Court 14 of November 1771

Ordered Charles Pemberton, Walter Anderson, William Poe, and Joseph Timberlake or any three of them (being first sworn) do appraise the estate of Edward Bowler deceased and return an Inventory thereof to Court.




Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia Sparacio.


William Poe - Marriner? Died before 1773

12 March 1773

p. 183

David Stern,  Plt. against William Poe (Marriner) Deft. In Case. This suit abates by the defendants death.



William Poe 

12 March 1773

p. 190

Richard Goodall, Plt. against William Poe, deft. In Case (for slander) came the parties by their attorneys & the defendant saving & reserving to himself all manner of advantage of exception as well to the jurisdiction of the Cort as to the Plaintiffs Writ & declaration, & prays time till the next court to answer thereto which is granted him.


12 March 1773

p. 191

Jacob King agst William Poe on Petition Came the parties by their attorneys and on hearing the evidence & arguments on both sides. It is considered by the Court that the Petitioner recover against the said Defendent ninety five pounds of nett tobacco, also his costs in this behalf expended.


10 Sept. 1773

p.  396

Jno: Apperson, Guardian to Nelly Kay, Plt. against Jno: Evans, Jno: Griffin, Richard Roy & Wm. Parker, Defts. In Debt. William Poe entered himself special Bail for defendants according to Law & came the parties by their attorneys & defendant plead payment which Plaintiff joined & the Trial thereof is referred till next court.


11 March 1774

p. 484

John Gray & Compy. Plts agt. James Charles & William Poe, defendants. Plaintiffs by Alexander Rose, their attorney, Judgment is granted them against defendants and James Carter, Security for their appearance for what shall appear to be due Plaintiffs and costs unless Defendantss appear at next court & answer this suit.


Bulletin of the Virginia State Library: Committees of Safety Caroline and Southampton Counties


13 December 1775

p. 135-6

At a meeting of the Committee December the 13th, 1775

Present 15 members

Mr. George Guy produced a receipt wherein It appears he has fully paid Colo. James Taylor the money He had received by direction of this Com.

John Tennant, James Upshaw, Thos. Lawry, Thos. Lomax & John Armistead Gent, or any three of them (Or any others of the Committee to made up that number) are appointed to be a Select Committee in the Destrict (sic) about Port Royall & that they enquire of Salt & If any Person is found with more in possession than they shall think proper for their own use that they the aforesaid Com. distribute It amongst the People at the price & as they shall think proper. The aforesaid Committee Or any three of them are also appointed to sell the Biscuit Stored at Port Royall & Remit the money arising from the Sale to Mr. James Hunter in King George at the request of the Owner of the said Biscuit.

          Whereas It appears to this Com. that Mr. James Dunlop of Port Royall has a Vessell repairing there, The aforesd, Gent of the select Committee are appointed to do what they or any two of them shall think proper with regard to stoping the aforesaid Vessel.

          Ordered Rodham Kennor, William Murrah, Turner Dixon, Richd Buckner, Frans. Buckner, Joseph Cooper, John Cooper & Wm. Poe be summoned to the meeting of the next Commitee. Or any otherwithess that may be necessary.

          John JOnes, John Monor & Michl. Yates are appointed to enquire about the race that they suspect was Run Between David Woodroof Fielding, Woodroof & Nich: Lewis & report to this Committee

          The Preceding Orders were signed by Anthony Thornton



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia Sparacio.


William Poe, surveyor

Court 14th day of March 1776

Present. James Taylor, John Armistead, Walker Taliaferro, Samuel Hawes, gentleman justices


On petition of Reuben Bullard for leave to open a road. Peyton Stern, William Poe, David Stern and Richard Bowler or any three of them being first sworn according to law are appointed to view the way proposed by the said Bullard and report the conveniences and inconveniences attending the same. Present, George Guy, Gt.


p. 14th March 1776

Richard Micaw, Thomas Ship, William Poe, David Stern or any three of them being first sworn before some Justice of the Peace for this County are appointed to appraise the estate of William Summerson, deceased.


p. 621 Court 11 April 1776

On Petition of William Martin to have a way through the Plantation. Reuben Bullard, Peyton Stern, William Poe, Richard Bowler and Richard Micow or any three of them being first sworn before some Justice of the Peace for this County are appointed to view and report to Court the conveniences and inconveniences of the proposed way.


Order Book 1777-1780

Sparacio states that "Apparently orders from 12 Sept 1776 Court to Nov Court 1777 have been lost"


William Poe, surveyor

p. 33 Nov Court 1777

Peyton Stern, David Stern, Reuben Saunders, and George Alsop and William Poe or any three of them being first sworn before some Justice of the Peace for this County are appointed to appraise the Negros and personal Estate of Thomas Ship, deceased.



William Poe, administer of estate of

Elizabeth Bradley


Court 11th November 1779

The Last Will and Testament of Rebecca Bradley deced. was proved by the Oaths of two witnesses and ordered to be recorded. Peyton Stern, the Executor therein named having refused to take upon him the execution thereof. On motion of William Poe who took the Oath prescribed by Law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said Estate with the Will annexed. Bond acknowledged and ordered to be recorded


Richard Ship, Peyton Stern, Richard Ship JUNR and Richard Micou or any three of the, being first sworn are appointed to appraise the Estate of Eliza. Bradley, deceased, according to Law.



Caroline County, Virginia Court Records: Probate and other Records from the Court Order and Minute Books 1781-1799

Kimberly Curtis Campbell, Milford, Virginia, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, Georgia 1999


William Poe

October 1782

Ordered Peyton Stern, Richard Micou, William Poe and Samuel Rawlins, or any two of them do videw the most convenient way from Richard Ship's through Marshall's and Sullengers plantations into the main road.



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1781-1785) Sparacio.


William Poe

Page 361

Court 11June 1784

Musco Garnett and Mungo Roy. Executors of James (blurred by erasure). Plaintiffs against John Evans and William Poe. Defendant  In Debt  The Defendants Evans failing to appear on the motion of the Plaintiffs by their Attorney it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiffs recover against the said Defendant and Elijah Jeter the security for his appearance the Debt in the Declaration mentioned and costs unless the said Defendant should appear and answer at the next Court. The former Process in this suit not being executed on the Defendant Poe. On motion of the Plaintiffs by their Attorney, it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiffs have a new Writ against the said Defendant.


Page 375

William Poe, Plaintiff against John Long defendant On Petition  The Defendant failing to appear tho solemnly called on the motion of the Petitioner by his Attorney it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant three pounds fourteen shillings and six pence. Also his costs in this behalf expended. And the Defendant in mercy &c. But this Judgment except the costs is to be discharged by the payment of one pound, seventeen shillings and three pence with legal interest thereon after the rate of five per centum per annum from the twenty first day of June on thousand seven hundred and eighty three till paid.


Sparacio. Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1785-1787)


13 May 1785

James Dunlop, Plaintiff against

-- The same, Assignee of Rowland McKenny, Plaintiff against John Boulware and William Poe, defendants, On Petition. This petition is continued.


John Pettiss, Plaintiff against John Boulware and William Poe defendants In Debt.


11 June 1785

James Dunlop, Assignee of Rowland McKenny, Plaintiffs against John Boulware and William Poe Defendants (Judgment against Defts).


Page 116

9 September 1785

Mungo Roy, Exr. of James Micou, deced., Plaintiff against John Evans & William Poe, Defendents. In Debt

This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and the Defendants although solemnly called came not but made default; Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plainfiff recover against the said Defendant and Elijah Jeter, the Security for his appearance, eleven pounds. two shillings specie, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned together with his costs in this behalf expended; And the said Defendant in cercy, &c., But this Judgment, except the costs, is to be discharged by the payment of five poiunds eleven shillings specie together with legal interest thereon from the twentieth day of Octorber one thousand seven hundred and eighty two til paid


p. 206

8 December 1785

Ordered to Peyton Stern, Phillip Jones, David Stern and William Poe, or any three of them [ appraise the estate of Reuben Sullenger, deced.]



Virginia County Court Records Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia (1787-1789) Sparacio.


William Poe

p. 74.

16 May 1787

Richard Ship, Plaintiff against William Poe, John Samuel, defendants

Motion on a Replevy Bond

(ruled against defendants)



Sparacio. Caroline County, Virginia Abstracts of Appeals and Land Causes 1787-1794


William Poe on juries, 15 May 1786, 17 March 1788 and 11 Aug 1791



Caroline County, Virginia Court Records: Probate and other Records from the Court Order and Minute Books 1781-1799

Kimberly Curtis Campbell, Milford, Virginia, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, Georgia 1999



Page 164 of this book begins:

[What happened this past year. July and August are heavy with rebuilding and repairing bridges. Were they in such bad shape due to the men off fighting in the War, or did a hurricane hit the East coast this year? It might be of interest to those who research weather conditions to check out the old newspapers for clues.]


William Poe, surveyor

October 1782

Ordered Peyton Stern, Richard Micou, William Poe and Samuel Rawlins or any two of them do view the most convenient way from Richard Ship’s through Marshall’s and Sullenger’s Plantations into the main road.


September 1794

From the Fork Road at Trap, [The Trap was the tavern located between Port Royal and Bowling Green. . . ] over Stern’s Mill to the road leading by Meeting House, Mark Bowler, Jr. appointed Overseer on which the hands of William Poe, Sarah Bradley, Mark Bradley, Mark Bowler, William Clift and Samuel McGehee are to work.


Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Abstracts 1794-95. Sparacio 1966


20 October 1794

William Poe witnessed deed from Fancis Hackley to William Payne



Caroline County 1787-1799: Virginia Land Tax Lists. T.L.C. Genealogy, Miami Beach, Fl. 1991


Poe, William 105 acres

(listed each year for the period 1788-99)


Sparacio 1996. Caroline County, Virginia Land Book Alterations 1782-1798

(105 acres mentioned in list of the land tax within the district of Nicholas Long, in the County of Caroline)


p. 5 Land Book 1788

Poe, William

Quantity 105 acres. price per acre 5/1

Amount of land Excl. of Lotts 26 ... 13.... 9 (don't know what this means)

Amount of tax 9 ... 8 .... 1 (don't know the meaning)


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