Census Index: 1860, Fayette, Alabama http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/al/fayette/census/1860/index.txt ==================================================================== USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Richard Thomas ==================================================================== March 2002 The donation of the 1860 Fayette County, Alabama, Census images for permanent, free display in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Mollee A. Puckett (mpuckett@tcac.net) and the permission of S-K Publications. These census images are copyrighted by S-K Publications and are not to be republished or redistributed without their permission. The images are also available on CD (in a higher-quality format that was reduced when they were converted to .GIF files for the Web) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208-0173. The 1860 Fayette County, Alabama, Census contains 281 pages (census images), numbered 249 through 536, including three pages numbered 441 (441A, 441B, and 441C). The following pages were not copied from the microfilm, as they are blank: 342, 343, 344, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, and 439. The name of each image file is the page number. (In the case of 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920 census, the file name includes both the Enumeration District and the page number.) Page numbers for specific county subdivisions are as follows: Western Division: 249-341 East District: 345-433 Middle District: 441-536 The 1860 Fayette County, Alabama, Census images: http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/al/fayette/census/1860/ S-K Publications PO Box 8173 Wichita KS 67208-0173 PH 316-685-3201 FAX 316-685-6650 genie@skpub.com http://www.skpub.com/genie/ Aarns 303 Abbot 290 Abernathy 459 Abot 524 Adams 251 - 279 - 495 - 512 Adar 356 Adkins 257 - 392 Affelt 250 Agbson 266 Aikins 510 Airs 292 Albritton 433 Aldridge 413 - 414 - 415 Alexander 505 Allen 526 - 527 - 528 Allred 405 - 406 Alred 397 Alridge 325 Alsay 441b Amersan 392 Amerson 398 Anderson 467 - 489 Angle 424 Anthony 472 - 473 - 486 Aplin 404 Applin 384 - 396 Armstrong 311 Arndale 463 Arnold 273 Asett 262 Ashcroft 466 Askins 258 - 263 Athin 263 Atkins 268 Auders 429 Autery 520 - 521 Ayers 401 Ayerton 533 Baird 378 - 515 Bairn 290 - 331 Baker 349 - 388 - 394 - 395 - 478 Baldwin 441c Baley 381 - 412 Ball 329 Balladdox 528 Ballinger 298 Banister 331 - 424 Banker 502 Bard 250 - 425 Bardon 272 Barker 338 Barmmore 350 Barmore 255 Barnes 451 Barnet 399 Barns 282 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 Barris 408 Barton 520 Baswell 267 Batlen 319 Beasley 274 - 280 Belk 273 - 513 Bell 404 - 441c - 464 - 504 - 534 Bemish 254 Bennels 444 Benton 512 Berry 345 - 351 - 358 - 377 - 378 - 385 - 397 - 442 Bery 366 - 418 Bessley 271 Biehols 345 Bigger 385 Biggers 409 Biggs 408 Billingsley 251 - 257 Bink 514 - 515 Binyan 346 Binyon 398 Bishop 441c Black 309 - 335 - 364 - 431 - 445 - 517 Blackburn 349 - 411 - 450 - 459 Blackwell 295 - 375 Blackwing 381 Blackwood 391 - 392 Blakney 508 Blakney 524 Blalock 262 Blankingly 409 Blankingship 396 Blarton 360 ? Blayton 360 Boatwright 376 - 422 Bobitt 253 - 281 - 335 Bobo 441b - 456 - 463 - 464 - 469 - 481 - 483 - 511 Bohn 254 Bollard 294 Bolton 505 Bonner 249 - 254 Boswell 479 Botts 334 Bowden 430 Bowls 423 Box 302 - 324 Boy 375 Boyd 269 - 270 Boyed 352 - 422 Bramman 331 Branan 408 Brand 358 Brandon 304 Branyan 517 Branyon 291 Branyun 443 Brasell 418 Brasher 379 - 380 - 381 - 421 Brason 410 Bratwright 417 Brazel 378 Brazell 422 Brent 503 Bresher 262 Brewer 271 - 330 Brezene 284 ? Bright 449 Brmel 421 Brnow 306 Brock 285 - 305 - 489 - 491 - 499 Brogan 447 Brook 524 Brown 307 - 309 - 323 - 329 - 335 - 355 - 358 - 511 Brsele 283 ? Brull 454 Bryan 441a - 461 Bryant 445 - 446 Buckner 479 Buekner 442 - 445 - 447 Bueknes 442 Burael 364 Burgan 292 - 522 - 523 Burges 420 Burgess 318 Burks 451 - 465 Burnes 347 Burns 323 Bush 279 - 294 - 300 - 314 Bussoro 266 - 309 Butler 311 - 312 - 407 - 421 Butter 441b Byes 255 - 256 - 258 Bzars 452 Cabb 481 Cain 264 Caldwell 259 - 334 Caleb 446 Calley 261 Cameron 252 - 265 Camp 269 - 276 - 282 - 292 - 297 Campbell 300 Campion 429 Canedy 495 Cannon 294 Cantwell 317 Caple 310 - 441b - 468 - 480 Caraway 350 - 412 - 413 - 431 Carellway 333 Cargle 492 Carlile 509 Carmickel 502 Carnes 499 Carolite 360 Carpinter 497 Carrall 506 Carson 276 Carter 400 - 512 - 517 - 533 Cash 283 - 288 - 299 - 524 Casper 500 Cass 338 Casses 252 Cassy 287 - 288 Castleberry 384 Caubberry 396 Caughraw 412 Celanton 465 Cesman 320 - 321 Chamles 361 Chamless 495 Chapman 415 Chappell 386 Cheauases 346 Childress 466 Childs 474 - 498 - 499 Chomison 469 Christian 388 Chuith 374 Cillan 274 Classman 319 Claude 287 Clement 313 - 324 Clerman 321 Clines 285 - 525 Clinton 390 Clive 363 Cloar 275 Cloer 330 - 523 Clowers 403 Cobb 253 - 495 - 535 Cobbs 450 Cochron 492 - 493 Coehim 341 Coff 398 Coggin 441a Cohn 261 Cokehan 336 Cole 345 - 359 Coleman 249 - 256 - 258 - 364 - 365 - 432 Collens 382 - 396 Collins 257 - 283 - 303 - 304 - 446 - 461 - 465 - 477 - 488 - 507 - 510 - 523 - 524 Collum 446 - 483 Colvert 526 Colvin 274 Connell 441a Cook 249 - 254 - 257 - 289 - 405 Cooper 334 - 420 - 483 - 500 - 501 - 502 - 514 - 515 Copeland 312 Corbell 452 - 461 - 487 Corbet 489 - 521 - 522 Corbit 297 - 521 - 526 Cordes 328 - 530 Corller 498 Cornelius 383 - 447 Corns 321 Corporal 491 Cotten 401 Cox 420 Craso 378 Crauford 432 Crawford 430 Crawley 424 Creakals 447 Crenshaw 250 Crofford 285 - 293 - 295 - 297 Crow 285 - 369 - 513 - 524 - 535 Culles 279 Culpepper 382 Cunningham 257 - 258 - 309 Curtis 336 Cyden 346 Daily 453 Daniel 340 - 407 Danis 536 Dankin 260 Danley 353 Dans 298 Darley 332 Darnel 336 Daves 473 Davis 486 - 517 Davis 279 - 294 - 300 - 351 - 356 - 357 - 366 - 386 - 387 - 389 - 390 - 424 - 426 - 427 - 475 Dawney 363 Debery 299 Deese 332 Delk 264 Denman 329 Dennington 306 Dennis 345 Derrett 352 Dettill 270 Devers 405 Dickinson 367 - 459 - 468 Dives 251 Dnason 456 Dobbins 289 Dobbs 366 - 419 - 421 - 422 - 423 Dodson 306 - 441a - 445 - 448 - 465 - 473 - 487 - 488 - 489 Doll 334 Domar 284 Dondle 249 Dos 255 Dosher 416 - 417 Dosier 375 Dossen 442 Downey 412 Downs 428 Draper 292 Drebb 366 Dreper 274 Duek 507 Duke 302 - 535 Dun 282 - 283 - 284 - 389 Duncan 272 - 301 - 479 - 515 Dyer 512 - 514 Eannest 389 Earnest 388 - 390 Eason 371 - 446 Eaton 535 Edmond 398 Edmonds 357 - 384 Edney 442 Edsay 442 Eidsan 402 Elis 381 Elliott 465 - 529 - 530 Ellis 331 - 381 - 497 - 498 Enis 414 Esdsesy 441a Estele 322 Estis 499 Evans 356 - 462 - 463 Falk 406 - 407 - 444 Fandren 394 Farquhar 350 - 351 - 365 Fawler 303 - 403 - 406 - 456 Felfiman 427 Felpman 412 Fenaman 358 Fenley 432 Fergerson 386 Fergurson 332 - 333 Fields 256 - 259 - 261 - 297 - 384 - 392 Files 411 - 412 - 408 Finch 267 - 350 Fitzpatric 375 Fleming 282 - 283 - 284 Flemming 500 Fletcher 274 Floyd 295 - 384 - 466 - 467 - 498 - 523 Ford 266 - 352 - 369 - 376 Forquhar 367 Fortenberg 351 Fortenberry 345 - 360 Foster 286 - 306 - 329 - 442 - 461 - 472 Fowler 276 - 289 - 402 - 403 - 422 - 423 - 513 Framan 357 Francis 518 Franklin 380 - 400 Freehawer 419 Freeman 359 - 530 - 531 Frence 270 Fuchet 301 Fugerson 298 Fuller 298 Fullerton 351 Gadprey 304 Gallant 423 Gallop 270 - 328 - 338 - 339 Gardner 272 - 352 - 399 Garison 420 Garrison 457 Gartman 532 Gasborough 289 Gassicon 251 Gates 400 Gaukey 401 Gauter 416 Gentry 252 George 271 Gibbs 533 Gibson 261 - 283 - 287 - 293 - 424 - 425 Gideon 520 - 526 - 527 Gidley 490 Gillreuth 461 Gillum 467 - 468 - 525 Gilmore 319 Gilpin 471 - 484 - 485 Givins 328 - 362 Gladden 423 Gladen 445 - 517 Glasgo 533 Glover 449 - 457 - 458 Goddard 411 Godfrey 293 Goff 280 Gop 371 Gourley 467 Graham 286 - 491 Graves 305 Gray 363 - 399 - 418 - 419 - 433 - 449 Greaves 304 Green 291 - 418 Greenleaf 251 Greer 341 Gretensten 447 Grey 315 Griffin 338 - 340 - 482 Griffon 354 - 359 - 364 Grigary 401 Gualt 331 Guartman 530 Guidden 429 Guin 466 - 478 - 490 Guinn 520 Guzn 455 Hager 364 Hages 429 Hall 262 - 263 - 308 - 347 - 349 - 530 Halland 460 Hallmark 376 Ham 456 - 457 - 487 - 533 - 534 Hamilton 314 - 333 - 337 - 472 Hamly 496 - 497 Hamner 357 - 398 Hamton 372 Hanley 389 - 391 Hanly 390 - 391 Hanly 498 Hansard 519 Hapson 364 Harbin 450 Harden 415 Hardin 383 - 384 - 409 Hardy 250 Harkens 456 Harkins 446 - 480 - 493 Harp 250 Harrey 450 Harrip 371 Harris 260 - 266 - 368 - 432 - 512 Harrison 260 - 322 - 531 - 532 Hartin 471 Harton 424 Hartsook 460 Harvy 380 Haseley 395 Haskins 442 Haueton 443 Hauton 490 Hawkins 302 - 303 - 311 - 317 - 322 - 324 - 325 - 327 - 333 - 334 Haxton 518 Hays 316 - 330 - 334 - 335 Heacker 389 Hellems 425 Helms 426 Helpman 411 Hendeman 377 Henden 407 Henderson 380 - 455 - 456 - 498 Hendrix 441c - 453 Henry 266 - 363 Hensley 370 Heopkins 529 Herren 406 Hester 309 - 491 Hicks 265 - 285 Hide 401 - 402 Hiles 307 Hill 271 - 284 - 310 - 384 Hillborn 299 Hillburro 532 Hindesek 473 Hindman 300 Hinkins 402 Hisaw 387 - 390 - 393 Hizidon 519 - 520 Hneman 433 Hodges 460 Hoket 408 Holiman 505 - 506 Hollady 317 Holland 388 - 451 - 493 Hollenger 511 Holliday 477 Holliman 474 - 475 - 476 - 477 Hollingworth 369 - 370 - 372 - 453 Hollis 318 Holmes 274 Holt 413 - 414 Hood 279 Hopwood 339 Horn 452 - 509 - 510 - 511 Horton 335 - 483 - 486 Hoster 506 - 507 House 263 Houston 307 - 443 Houton 518 - 533 - 534 Howard 271 - 276 - 288 - 300 Howell 429 - 444 - 445 - 505 Howton 472 - 490 - 518 Hrasher 376 Hubbert 371 - 377 - 444 - 454 - 463 Huddleston 443 Hudson 253 - 479 - 500 - 526 Huff 337 Hughey 456 Hule 255 - 260 Hull 259 - 260 Hulson 287 Hulton 331 Humber 488 Hunicot 292 Hunter 451 - 495 Hurt 269 Huson 268 Hutchinson 523 Hutts 298 - 357 Hyat 464 Hyde 381 Hyder 444 Hysard 386 Iechlon 275 ? Innss 280 ? Irull 455 Iseckson 279 Jackson 263 - 264 - 296 - 297 - 303 - 312 - 382 - 433 James 367 - 522 Janes 383 - 385 - 391 - 394 - 395 Jasus 527 Jean 381 Jeffers 358 - 409 - 414 - 415 Jendins 465 Jennings 495 - 497 - 498 Jergerion 396 Jernegan 339 Jiles 375 Jinkins 369 - 382 - 464 Jipson 361 Jneeman 348 ? Johnson 286 - 287 - 294 - 295 - 296 - 321 - 355 - 358 - 385 - 386 - 396 - 401 - 404 - 409 - 410 Johnson 414 - 415 - 416 - 417 - 458 - 479 - 509 - 513 - 514 - 523 - 524 - 525 Jones 266 - 269 - 325 - 427 - 431 - 441a - 462 - 474 - 484 - 527 - 532 - 533 - 534 Jordon 316 - 317 - 323 - 324 Julian 358 - 359 Justise 441a Keden 413 Keenum 495 Kella 417 Kelles 290 Kelly 253 - 348 - 350 - 352 - 425 - 427 - 428 Kelton 299 Kemp 266 Keneannon 514 Keneday 494 Kenelly 464 Kidd 363 Kile 265 Kilerasso 267 ? Kilgore 390 - 411 Killingsworth 417 Kimbrel 393 Kindrix 349 King 314 - 337 - 397 - 458 Kirklan 433 Kirkland 455 - 483 Kirly 459 Kish 336 Kiziah 360 - 361 - 363 Knight 393 Konard 302 Laboon 448 Laiton 294 Lamkin 335 Lampkin 330 Lampton 262 Lane 309 - 361 Lanford 295 Langston 465 - 535 Larwater 320 Laurey 505 Lawerence 398 Lawnymore 397 Lawrance 353 - 404 - 433 Lawrence 301 Lawrey 378 Lay 410 - 412 Leaple 447 Leass 441c Lee 267 - 268 - 371 - 403 - 412 - 487 - 491 - 492 Legg 345 Leigh 353 Lelfton 444 Lelifton 459 Leman 418 Lemans 421 Lendsey 464 - 482 Lesueur 535 Levingston 510 Lewalen 353 Lilman 418 Linderman 371 Lindsey 450 - 499 Livingston 480 - 294 - 315 Lockhart 410 Loftes 272 Loftis 478 - 529 - 530 - 531 Lofton 270 Logan 484 Love 269 Loweyman 281 Lucus 475 - 476 Luvek 349 Mace 301 Maddon 303 Maddox 289 - 347 - 379 - 425 - 468 - 485 - 507 - 508 Madison 395 Magore 317 Mahon 333 Mallis 272 Mally 302 Malon 338 Malone 279 Manning 477 Mark 369 Marsh 309 Marshal 369 - 494 - 528 Marshall 485 Marshborne 310 Marshet 260 - 261 Martin 301 - 302 - 319 - 321 - 476 Marton 302 Maselice 276 Masley 475 Mason 457 Massey 442 Mater 299 Mathers 288 - 372 Mathes 259 Mathiss 286 Mathus 464 Matson 294 Mattason 255 McAdams 258 - 253 McAirs 293 McArtur 406 Mcblath 299 ? McCaleb 369 - 373 - 484 McCallum 373 - 375 - 408 - 455 - 484 McCann 326 McCapperty 257 McCay 283 - 535 McCennum 463 McClelen 453 McClung 502 McClure 359 McClure 469 - 492 McClurg 452 - 475 - 489 McCollissn 376 McCollum 463 McConnell 441a McCool 504 - 506 - 507 McCoy 283 McCraue 441c - 442 McCull 280 McCulles 253 McCxeal 501 Mcdaniel 522 McDonald 308 - 459 - 484 McDonale 310 McGae 292 McGaughey 336 McGee 275 - 292 McGill 312 - 459 McGinnis 535 McGraw 467 McKee 470 - 471 McMilland 370 McMillian 393 McNeal 501 McTramel 272 MeCay 424 Medcalf 514 Medows 352 Melton 431 Mencase 265 Mensale 278 Merh 368 ? Merk 419 Merrit 515 - 516 Mhrecf 456 Micdade 412 Middleton 450 Miles 460 Millaway 296 Miller 268 - 281 - 308 - 309 - 328 - 387 - 476 Milles 320 Millihan 326 Millis 326 Mills 484 Milson 259 - 289 Minehand 300 Mintomery 340 Mintor 521 Mitchel 521 Mitchell 250 - 262 Mize 322 - 433 - 491 Mizell 441c Mngs 289 ? Mobley 294 - 295 Molena 340 Molloy 329 - 330 - 331 - 486 Molsey 290 Montgomery 341 - 354 - 449 - 473 - 534 Moody 279 ? Moore 301 - 333 - 348 - 352 - 353 - 354 - 356 - 367 - 368 - 392 - 418 - 455 - 448 - 467 - 468 Moore 472 - 474 - 475 - 479 - 480 - 489 - 491 - 492 - 514 - 521 - 523 - 524 - 526 - 532 Moose 441a More 295 Morgan 535 Morris 301 - 311 Morrison 292 - 303 Morrow 360 - 472 - 521 Morrs 427 Morse 279 Morton 261 - 300 - 484 - 487 Mosley 277 - 290 - 491 Murphey 301 Murray 465 Muschant 301 - 316 Musgrove 444 - 448 - 449 - 460 - 488 Muskey 321 Mussy 323 Myles 346 Naddle 282 Nails 312 Nales 335 Nalher 313 Nalhes 260 Nall 503 Nalls 316 Nally 387 Natson 327 Neal 457 - 460 - 461 - 477 Neathers 330 Neff 318 ? Nells 334 Nelms 482 Nelson 503 Nerigh 454 Nest 268 Neuman 322 - 478 Newell 303 Newman 493 - 494 Newton 366 - 406 Nichols 346 Niekals 450 - 457 - 458 Nilson 276 - 277 - 278 - 291 Nord 273 Norman 464 Not Named - 347 Not Named 348 Nun 441c Oakley 384 Oaks 303 Odem 406 Odom 281 Olive 426 - 427 Orr 517 Orsbern 374 Osburn 444 Osuen 443 Oswalt 429 Otis 302 Otts 516 - 517 - 515 Owen 500 - 503 - 504 Owens 507 - 518 Page 266 - 368 Pagers 322 Pain 371 - 420 - 427 Palmer 362 - 381 Palmore 324 Panter 395 Papazan 365 Papizan 379 Parker 268 - 314 - 338 - 348 - 417 - 429 - 450 Parris 406 - 407 Partin 471 Pate 421 Paterson 524 Patison 428 Patten 366 Pearson 295 - 464 Pemington 317 - 318 Pender 265 - 266 - 273 Peninghan 314 Penington 313 - 315 - 316 - 320 - 328 - 337 - 389 Pennington 509 Perkins 508 - 534 Perry 442 Peters 312 Petty 316 Peurson 447 Peyden 474 Pfeffers 385 Phillips 250 - 312 - 313 - 371 - 298 - 399 - 417 - 454 - 469 - 484 - 508 Pickel 376 Picket 384 Pickett 516 Pig 493 Pinion 356 Pinkerton 481 - 482 Pinyon 398 Pippen 348 Pitts 327 Plyler 479 - 530 Poe 277 - 279 - 347 - 348 - 364 - 391 - 393 - 428 - 430 - 431 - 505 Pogue 515 Pollarx 282 Ponder 268 Pool 274 Porter 368 - 404 - 458 - 441b - 445 - 462 - 470 - 481 - 493 - 527 Posey 302 Potts 257 - 312 Powell 333 - 382482 - 490 - 491 - 530 Prater 468 - 469 - 526 Pre 257 ? Preston 261 Price 469 - 505 - 518 Prior 252 Propet 252 Pryor 366 Psion 300 Pulleam 384 Pulliam 382 - 383 Pullim 516 Quats 297 ? Queens 448 Quin 455 - 508 Rainuatess 519 Rainwater 528 Raly 310 Randell 259 Randle 260 Randolph 256 - 259 - 282 - 406 Ranell 419 Raney 463 Ray 277 - 350 - 357 - 358 - 360 - 480 - 486 - 528 Raycroft 481 Rayney 377 Read 255 Real 418 Reans 482 Recton 299 Reddon 336 Redell 498 Redess 318 Reed 426 - 475 - 489 Reefles 463 Reese 448 - 478 - 489 - 490 Reous 352 Reynolds 372 - 470 - 505 Ricahrd 425 Rice 347 - 356 - 427 - 428 Richard 279 Richards 350 Richardson 495 - 496 - 499 - 511 Richett 326 Ridgway 272 - 319 Rigby 360 Riggs 287 Rigley 425 Roberts 477 Roberts 279 - 355 - 372 - 445 - 474 - 477 - 487 - 488 Robertson 356 - 377 - 441b - 452 - 461 - 525 - 532 Robets 460 Robinson 259 - 332 - 333 Roby 409 Rodell 494 Rodger 382 Rodwell 341 Rogers 393 - 392 - 394 - 401 - 414 - 415 - 482 Roll 277 Romage 328 Rondle 255 Rongolds 265 Ross 264 Rowland 521 Ruse 448 Rush 291 Rushing 502 - 509 - 510 Ruslway 471 Russel 324 Russell 299 - 441b - 455 - 534 Rutledge 409 - 414 Sackett 316 Sain 441a Sall 431 Salm 266 Sanders 443 - 444 - 496 - 532 Sandlin 275 Sanford 293 - 377 Sankess 280 ? Sardew 348 Saufield 419 Saunders 277 Sauth 360 Savage 321 - 503 Savis 447 Sawter 497 Sawyer 400 - 401 Scott 325 - 328 - 455 - 474 - 478 - 521 Seay 298 - 331 Self 255 Sellems 403 Selman 419 - 421 Seurnes 468 Sewart 360 Shackelford 519 Shaue 494 Shaw 256 - 305 Sheffield 515 Shelton 258 - 335 - 336 Shenee 494 Shephard 449 Sheppard 504 Short 259 Sidessham 338 Sifford 468 - 469 Sikes 503 Sile 320 ? Siles 287 Simeanson 379 Simmons 348 - 477 Sims 297 Sims 531 Sissam 276 Sisson 275 Sizemore 304 - 476 - 477 Skelton 506 Slack 501 Slanty 386 Slater 517 - 518 Slaughter 428 Slone 326 Smalwood 389 - 390 Smith 321 - 307 - 308 - 312 - 313 - 326 - 334 - 337 - 359 - 368 - 370 - 397 - 405 - 420 - 422 Smith 249 - 257 - 254 - 260 - 264 - 274 - 276 - 278 - 281 - 284 - 285 - 286 - 288 - 289 - 290 - Smith 447 - 452 - 459 - 462 - 465 - 468 - 472 - 481 - 482 - 495 - 499 Sneallsone 390 Snider 261 Snow 280 Sockwell 373 Sofle 355 South 347 - 416 - 470 - 474 - 488 - 535 Southerland 269 Southern 432 Sparks 355 - 362 - 370 - 371 Spears 409 - 413 Stacks 464 Stamps 377 Stanford 330 Stanley 269 Stark 312 - 317 Starmores 327 Stater 516 Steen 282 - 512 Steivart 453 Stepenson 381 Stephens 453 - 531 Stewart 346 - 409 - 451 - 454 - 471 - 472 - 474 - 482 - 487 - 489 - 504 - 505 - 520 Stillman 271 - 480 Stocks 267 Stoe 346 Stokes 497 Stone 325 - 491 Story 512 Stovall 411 Stow 423 Strang 348 - 360 Stratton 264 Strauther 463 Strawbridge 323 - 332 Streplan 323 Strickland 285 - 471 - 472 Striplan 320 Strong 340 Stroud 467 Strowd 489 Studdard 409 - 410 Sudduth 362 Suggs 490 Suin 443 Sulevan 370 Suluson 431 Sumens 441c Summers 316 Sundess 441b Surrat 340 Susnson 380 Swan 341 - 413 Swaphear 362 Tackit 331 Tackitt 319 Tate 365 - 464 Taurance 304 Tauzsy 368 Taylor 286 - 315 - 362 - 365 - 396 - 404 - 425 - 427 - 473 - 477 - 478 - 485 - 493 - 518 - 519 Taylor 521 - 525 Tell 430 Tennisom 290 Terry 332 Thomas 310 - 383 - 476 - 482 - 522 Thomason 501 Thompson 278 - 323 - 355 - 363 - 368 - 448 - 480 - 482 Thornley 454 Thornton 376 - 454 - 454 - 483 - 500 Tidwell 373 - 374 - 375 - 398 - 416 - 447 Tiner 427 Tipper 395 - 396 - 398 Tlopson 430 Toller 372 Tomberton 249 Tony 356 Tosh 416 Townsen 400 Townsend 316 - 318 - 354 - 368 Traussek 504 Traweek 399 - 423 - 484 Trayles 287 Tredaway 404 - 405 - 407 Trim 501 Trull 505 - 508 - 509 Trull 269 Tucker 374 - 375 - 420 - 531 Tupley 273 Turner 297 - 315 - 320 - 323 - 393 - 456 Unker 455 Usrey 281 Vail 256 Vale 249 Vanzant 394 Vaughn 277 - 290 Vernon 297 Vice 507 Vick 347 - 362 - 378 Viee 449 Vining 397 Vrortham 458 Waddle 501 Waid 372 Wakefield 415 Walden 441c - 452 - 465 - 466 - 471 - 474 - 480 - 510 Waldrop 518 Walker 400 - 448 - 449 Wallace 353 - 376 - 378 Wallis 513 Walters 369 - 378 - 442 - 459 - 490 Wanemaker 365 ? Ward 295 - 470 - 504 Watkins 365 - 426 Watson 315 - 448 Webb 406 - 418 - 422 Weddle 254 Welch 362 - 368 - 425 Wellingham 349 Welsh 466 Wemberley 373 Werner 469 West 260 - 413 - 441a - 455 - 481 - 491 Whatley 459 Wheeler 298 - 392 - 482 - 483 - 529 - 532 White 272 - 351 - 352 - 367 - 400 - 429 - 452 - 486 - 487 Whitesides 364 Whitley 267 - 367 - 397 - 404 - 405 Whitson 357 - 366 - 380 - 385 - 387 - 399 Wiggins 520 Wilburn 469 Wildon 355 Wilkins 422 - 496 Wilks 377 William 502 - 503 Williams 441b - 459 - 460 - 480 - 499 - 500 Williams 285 - 292 - 295 - 298 - 319 - 328 - 339 - 340 - 364 - 390 - 399 - 400 - 421 - 432 Williamson 355 - 379 Willingham 354 - 357 - 361 - 362 - 429 - 451 Willis 332 - 457 - 465 Wilson 283 - 408 - 446 - 496 - 497 - 509 - 513 Wilteam 345 Wimberly 444 - 495 - 496 Windham 348 - 485 Winn 385 Wnisted 425 Wofford 461 Wood 264 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 381 - 457 - 475 - 502 - 527 Woodman 329 - 276 Woods 336 Wright 274 - 348 - 379 - 397 - 398 - 399 - 401 - 405 - 430 - 431 - 469 - 470 - 503 - 530 - 532 Yancy 466 Yarbrough 493 Yeasly 306 Yeatman 251 Yerby 348 - 356 Yerly 468 - 474 - 535 Yondell 250 Yorbrough 527 - 528 Yorby 307 York 277 - 278 - 291 - 386 Young 308 - 326 - 327 - 333 - 339 - 414 - 493 - 521 Zim 496