Sponsored by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashe County, North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions - 1808 February Term 1808 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a County Court begun and held in the County o Ashe on the 2d Monday being the 9th of February 1808. Present Nathan Horton Jno. Callaway, Esqrs. Elijah Pope Ordered by the court. Execution issue against Jas.Hodges for the cost of a suit against Nathaniel Taylor and cost of a Si Fa against himself on said suit. Ordered by the court Gideon Lewis and his hands work on the Helton road to Jacob Mays Ordered by the court William Henson and his hands from Jacob Mays to the Fork of Bufelow. The jury appointed to view a road from Richard Williams to the Virginia line by David Coxes met and agreed and made report of the same to the court. Ordered by the Court William Edwards be overseer of the same. David Edwards and Abram Millar and their companies to help clear out the road. The Jury appointed to view a road from Andrew Bakers To the Old Meeting House agreed and found a road and made report of the same to the court. Ordered that Jno. Baker be overseer of the same. The overseer of Helton Road from the Virginia Line to the Mouth of French's Creek and William Snow and their companys to help clear out the road. Ordered by the Court that the road from the Dug Hill to the Fire scald as laid off by the jury be established and the former to renew said road be [illegible] and that Leonard Bumgarner be overseer of said road from Thomas Dicksons path to the main road to the Fire Scald and have five hands next to said road. And James Baker be overseer of the road Leading through the Fire scald from the Dug Hill to the path that turns off to Thomas Dicksons and have the Woodys and [illegible] Orderd by the court that Hiram Pery be overseer of the road in room of Moses Dickson. Ordered by the court the perishable property of Frances Stogill, deceased be sold by the administrators. Ordered by the court htat {illegible words] sheriff be allowed till May court to settle with the C. Trustee. Order of sale to issue against the lands of Daniel Tyre in Favour of Jno. Fletcher for the sum of 95 cents and costs. Order of sale to issue against the lands of Jas. Callaway in favour of Edward King for the sum of three pounds five shillings and all lawful costs. Ordered by the Court that Andrew Morris pay Nancy Hodge Ten Pounds damage. Find £ 2 .11 and cost. Benjamin Brown Security. Ordered by the Court that the County Tax be 9d on the Pole and 3d on every hundred acres of land. For Every hundred pounds worth of Town Property, 9d The Wardens of the Poor has laid a tax on Every Pole of 1/- for Every hundred acres of land 4- . Andrew Morris comes into Court and Confest judgment in favour of Jno. Cox In Case of Him and Compans. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff Summon: Eli Brown 1 Big Christian Burke 11 Stephen Landers 21 Capt. Jno. Brown, 2 Christian Shearer, 12 Simon Tayler, 22 Cyrus Fairchild, 3 David Beverley, 13 Wm. Toliver, 23 Wm. Baldwin. 4 James Cash, 14 Franses Bryan, 24 Wm. Jones, 5 Morris Baker, Sr., 15 Sterlin Edwards, 25 [illegible letters] ish, Maxwell... 6 Seth Osbourn, 16 Theophlus Petty, 26 Joshua Carter, 7 George Bower., 17 Jno. Carrel, Jur., 27 Joshua Weaver, 8 James Stogell, 18 Samuel Wellborn, 28 Mathias Carpenter, 9 Ruben Pew, 19 Jorden Council, 29 Joseph Jones, 10 James Richardson, 20 Jesse Toliver, 30 For Juryers next May Term. Orderd by the Court that Execution issue against Th. Hodge, Jno. Wandel, Hiram Beard and Wm. Northern for the sums continued in the old execution. A Power of attorney from Abram Rawland to Jas. Rawland proved in open court by the oath of Thos. Callaway. Ordered by the Court that Daniel Strunk, Wm. Adkins, Sen., Thomas Testament, James Lewis, Peter Eller, WM. Weaver, Esqr., Samuel Stedham, Sen., Samuel Griffith, Solomon Parsons, James Richardson, Joseph Colwell, Jesse Hall, James Sturgell, Joseph Plumer, Joseph Jones, Isaac Welborne be a jury to view part of a road that leads by Esqr. Pope's as far as respects a certain hill opposite said Esqr. Pope's house. A deed from Samuel Stonesipher to James Bradley for 100 acres proven by the oath of Cyrus Fairchild. A deed from Henry Miller to Joseph Rowland for 50 acres proven by the oath of John Mikel. A deed from George James to Wm. Mikel for 50 acres proven by the oath of Henry Mikel. A deed from Robert Osborn to Mathias Carpenter for 50 acres proven by the oath of Solomon Baker. A deed from Abraham Vanover to James Holsclaw for 100 acres acknowledged by Abram Vanover. A deed from Abraham Vanderpool to James Holsclaw for 50 acres acres acknowledged b Abram Vanderpool. A deed from Abraham Vanderpool to James Holsclaw for 40 acres acknowledged by Abraham Vanderpool. A deed from Abraham Vanderpool to Joel Dugger for 50 acres acknowledged by Abraham Vanderpool. A deed from Abraham Vanderpool to Joel Dugger for 50 acres acknowledged by Abraham Vanderpool. [Second, separate entry] A deed from James Holsclaw to Abraham Vanderpool for 100 acres proven by the oath of David Isaacks. A deed from Ephram Pennington to Jno. Jones for 66 acres proven by the oath of William Weaver. A deed from Susenah Jones, Mary Jones, Peggy Lonsford & Elizabeth Sutherland to Sam. Griffith for 66 acres proven by the oath of Wm. Weaver. A deed from Peter Hart to John Jones for 100 acres proven by Joshua Cox. A deed from Joseph Hagerman to Jerry Green for 118 acres proven by the oath of Nathan Horton. Andrew Morris confest judgment in favour of Jno. Cox in Case of hUm and Fox for $10.53 cts. Allen Burten was appointed constable. Entered in bond of five hundred pounds and gives for security Reavs. Henry Harden was this day appointed Const., entered into bond of £ 500 and gives for security Joseph Purkins. C. M. Bunyard was this day appointed Constable. Entered in Bond of £ 500 and gives James Bunyard, Esqr. For Security. James Stogell was this day appointed constable, entered in bond for £ 500 pounds with Jno. Hash Security. Andrew Morris was this day appointed constable. Entered in Bond of Five hundred pounds, w Jorden Council & Jas. Purkins his security. Hugh Davis was this day appointed Constable. Entered in Bond of Five Hundred pounds, gives for security Alexr. Smith & Jno. Mikel. Justices to take in the Taxable Property Esqr. Millar in Capt. Brown District Esqr. McNeal in Capt. Mikels District Esqr. B. Bunyard in Capt. King's District Esqr. Gambill in Capt. Mulkey's District Esqr. Tolliver in Capt. Edwards District Esqr. Harmon in Capt. Eggers District Judges for the Election at Jroden Counceil, Nath. Harmon & David Millar, Esqrs; at the Court House, Elijah Calloway and Jas. Bunyard, Esqrs. At Harris', Esqr. Gambill, Esqr. Tolliver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May Term 1808 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a County Court begun and held for the County of Ashe on the second Monday of May being the 9th day of May A.D. 1808. Present Elijah Calloway David Millar } Esqrs Mathias Harmon The Grand Jury sworn and empaneled as follows, to wit: Esqr. Jno. Brown, Forman; Wm. Tolliver; Jorden Council, Morris Baker, Wm. Jones, Sterlin Edwards, Jno. Carrel, James Richardson, Samuel Willeashoon ??, Stephen Landrith, Francis Bryan, Mathias Carpenter, Seth Osborn, B. Christian Burket, George Bower & James Cash. Martain Gambill came into court and resigned his office as Entry Taker for the County of Ashe, which was excepted by the court. Henry Young Webb, Esqr, produced his lisanc authorizing him to practice as an attorney in the severaly countys in This state and was admitted as such at the bar of this Court. Ordered by the court that the order of the court to issue execution against the property or land of Hiram Beard now in possession of Jas. Moss to satisfy the exect. Of James Campbell v. Jno. Randel and the State v. Wm. Norton shall be resinded and void that the land Joseph Moss bought of Hiram Beard shall not be liable fer sd. Execution. A deed From Jno. Millar, ser. To Jno. Millar, Jnr. For 100 acres was proven by the oath of Eli Cleveland. A deed from Elijah Pope to Wm. Chreteh [sic] for 80 acres acknowledged by Elijah Pope. A deed from Jershom Tomkins to Jno. Coleman for 60 acres proven by the oath of Nathan Horton. A deed from Richard Williams to Henry Williams for 160 acres acknowledged by Richard Williams. A deed from Simeon Taylor to Stephen Landrith for 50 acres was acknowledged by Simeon Taylor. A deed from Moses Hately to Henry Hately for 100 acres proven by the oath of Bedant Beard. A deed from James Holsclaw to Frederick Shull for 15 acres proven by the oath of Bedant Beard. A deed from Caleb Dyer to Moses Hately for 100 acres proven by the oath of James Campbell A deed from Benjamin Long to Jno. Long, Junr. For 50 acres proven by the oath of Jno. Ships. A deed from Jno. & Enoch Fletcher to Jno. Adkins for 150 acres proven by the oath of Braveton? McQueen. A deed from Samuel Cox, Sheriff to Jno. Finley for 100 acres acknowledged by Sam Cox, Sheriff. A deed from Samuel Cox as Sheriff to Jno. Finley for 100 acres acknowledged by Sam Cox. A deed from Jno. Cox, Nathan Horton & Jno. Bower, commissioners to Jno. A. Johnson, for a lott No. 3 proven by David Earnest. The court proseated to the election of the sheriff. Justices present: Jas. Bunyard, Jno. McMillion, Jno. Calloway, Solomon Baker, Jno. McBride, Elijah Calloway, Wm. Reaves, M. Gambill, David Millar, Jno. K. Ash, Elijah Pope, Wm. McNeal [sticken through], Micajah Penington, Bedant Beard and Matthias Harmon, Charles Tolliver, Thos. Testament, Jonathan Baker, Nathan Horton, Jas. Rowland, Wm. Weaver, Esqrs. Samuel Cox was duly elected, entered into bond of one thousand pounds, give Jesse Reaves, Joshua Cox, Jno. McMillion, & Wm. Reaves for security. The Court proseded to elect a register the same justices present as at the election for sheriff and Joshua Cox was duly elected and entered into bond of two thousand pounds and give Jno. Mikel & Jno. Hash for securities. Joshua Weaver was appointed constable in Capt. Mulkey District. Entered into Bond of Five Hundred pounds and give James Stogel & Wm. Penington for security. Terel Bledsaw was appointed constable in Capt. Mulkey District. Entered in bond of five hundred pounds and gives Jno. Cox for security. Elijah Estep was apointed Const. In Capt. Egers District. Entered in Bond for five hundred pounds and give James Campbell & Ben. Ellison for security. Whereas James Campbell hath brought suit against we the subsribers in an action of slander for saying, he the said Campbell had stolen a certain hog and sold it to Benjamin Webb and the subscribers feeling it his duty not to inquire that said Campbell unjustly, I hereby certify that if I the subscribers did ever say the above words must a been in a stateof toxication or otherwise deranged for I never never such a thing of said Campbell nor believe any such a thing in my Right Elliments In My life. Abner (his mark X) Duncan. Nathan Horton Jno. Webb The above proven by the oath of Nathan Horton in open court. Jno. Atkins was appointed Constable in Capt. Eggers District. Entered in bond of Five Hundred pounds and give Jorden Council & Matthias Harmon for security. Joshua Jones was appointed Const. In Capt. Edwards Dist. Entered in Bond of £ 500, give Jno. Tolliver for security. Jonathan Baker, late sheriff for the year 1805 returned a list of insolvent poles 46. Ordered by the court that the sheriff summon Wm. May, Wm. Moxley, Wm. Weaver, Mallicat ?, Roberts, Henry Earnet, Jacob May, Jno. Hall, Wm. Penngton, Wm. Harris, Rheuben Wallan, Peter Ellar, Michael Stuehard, Sam Jones, Nimrod Fender, Samuel Willeachson, Wm. Adkins, Senr., Jno. McBride, Frederich Shull, Jno. Estep, Elijah Estep, Abraham Shearer, Abner Smith, Richard Green, Senr., Archable McElroy, Jno. Reese, Levy Penington, Geo. Miller, Timothy Purkins, Jacob Moss, Francis Bryan as Juryers for the superior court at Sept. Term. Ordered by the court that Solomon Scott be overseer of the road in room of Jno. Burton. The road discontinued that McElroy was overseer. Ordered by the court that Jno. Tolliver have a reservay for one hundred acres of land. Ordered by the Court that Jordan Counsel be fined Five dollars for not doing his duty as a Jurier and geting drunk, find remitted. Henry Millar sayth on oath that he owes Helm and Firm nothing. Wm. Harris sayth he owes Helm and Company nothing. Daniel Bumgarner sayth on oath that he owes Helm and Company Nothing. Jno. Callaway sayth on oath that he owes Helm and Co. Nothing. Ordered by the court that Samuel Wilkerson be foreman of the grand jury in room of Capt. Jno. Brown. Dugles Dickson summonded as a garnishee Cox vs. Helm, not apeard, judgment by Default. Thos. Baker summond as a garnishee Cox vs. Helm, not appeared Judgt. By Default Leonard Bumgarner summoned as a garnishee Cox vs. Helm not appeared Judgt. By Default. Ordered by the Court that Wells Blevins be overseer of the road From the Virginia Line to the Mouth of Fina's Creek and Have the Hands that Timothy Purkins formerly had. Andrew Morris rec'd of Ephrom Norris administrator of Naomi Ellison three hundred and eighty seven dollars in full of his demand against him as administrator on estate of Naomi Ellison deceased. Ordered by the Court that Edmon Hubbard be overseer of Road in room of Wm. Henson. Ordered by the Court that Joshua Cox, the present register call on the widow or heirs of Elisha Baldwin, the former register to get the books and all papers relative to the registers office and to safely keep the same. Ordered by the Court that Isaac White to find ten pounds. Find remitted. Ordered by the Court that Jno. Sturgeon be overseer of road in room of Wm. Snow. David Earnest confest that he collected $11.12 of Jas. Dunvan v. Jno. Northan which he owes hum &c. State v Jno. Adams Submits, Find, & Nathan Horton Security. Wm. Harris v Jno. Burton Appeal Jury sown as followeth, to wit: Cyras Fairchild Thos. Tyre Gideon Lewi Joshua Carter Wells Blevins Daniel Bumgarner Simeon Taylar Caleb Isaacks Christean Burkett Benjamin Hubbard Gideon Lewis Alex Latharm Jurys Verdict No. Tender nor refusal that the Stautute of limitations does not bear. Dinf the Value of Dollars in the writing of obligatory is Equil in Value to £ 5 and asses the pltf damage & cost, Deft. prayd a [illegible] and granted. State v Wm. & Jno. Henson Jury sworn and empaneled as followeth: Cyras Fairchild Alex Latharm Jas. Lewis Simeon Taylar Abram Vanderpool Chas. Roark Joshua Carter Capt. Gideon Lewis David Isaacks Christian Shearer,td>Archable McElroy Hyllard Griffith Verdict, Finds the Defts guilty to maner and form in charged in bill of Indct. Find 20/- each. State v B. Rimer Indt. Jury sworn and empaneled as followeth Cyras Fairchild Absolom Gosset Charles Roark Simeon Taylor Archable McElroy David Bireley Joshua Carter Abram Vanderpool David Isaacks Christian Shearer Jas. Lewis Hyllard Griffith Jury virdict find the Deft. guilty in maner and form as stands charged in bill of Indt. Find Deft. 20/- On petition Filed by Leonard Whitington Heir of William Whitington, Deceased. Ordered by the Courtthat Jas. Moss, Jorden Council, Samuel Baker, Simon Shull, & Abraham Vanderpool be appointed Commissioners to Divide the real Estate of William Whitington Deceased Between the heirs at law. Jno. Hash administrator of Frances Stogell, Deceased returnd and Inventory said peronall Estate amounting to $2192.75 3/4 cts sold by the said administrator. Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff summon Jas. Bunyard, Elijah Pope, Wm. Powers, Jas. Flecher, Levy Jones, Wm. Sereth ?, Wm. Purkins, Wm. Henson, Thos. Testament, Jno. Henson, Ser., Adam Welker, Benjamin Hubbard, Jno. Hall, Jacob May, Gideon Lewis, [illegible] as a jury to view and [illegible] part of the wagon road upon old Field Creek From Jno. Halls to Elijah Pope's and Marke true. Return to next court. Ordered by the court that Alex. Smith, David Earnest, Absalom Gasset, David Ingram, George Millar, Daniel Millar, Geo. Khoons, Morris Baker, Junr., Daniel Bumgarner, Daniel Mikel, Absolom Bower, Jno. Bower, Jno. Mikel, James Cash, Christian Earnest, James Griffith as a jury to view and tuen a piece of the road from the Widow Koons Mill to the Big Road above the Kool Spring the Best Way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August Term 1808 State of North Carolina At a County Court begun and held for the County of Ashe on the Second Monday Being the 8 day of August 1808. Present James B. Bunyard Alexr. Smith} Esqrs Martin Gambill A deed from Wm. B. Lenore to Wm. McNeal for 130 acres proven by the oath of Jno. Judd. A deed from Nathanel Reynolds to Jno. Long for 200 acres proven by the oath of Thos. Laxton. A deed form Linen Covender to Michal Crider for 94 acres proven by Jno. Thessler A deed from Frederick Black to Jos. Black for 50 acknowledged by Frederick Black A deed from Joshua Cox to Canada Richardson for 100 acres acknowledged by Joshua Cox. A deed from Joshua Cox to Canada Ricahrdson for 50 acres acknowledged by Joshua Cox. A deed from Jas. B. Bunyard to Jno. Bunyard for 150 acres acknowledged by Jas. Bunyard. A deed from Benajah Penington to Levy Penington for 100 acres proven by the oath of Micajah Penington. A deed from Elisha Baldwin to Wm. Baldwin for 75 acres proven by the oath of Isaac Baldwin. A deed from Wm. Johnson to Godfrey Harmon for 1 acre proven by James Campbell. A deed from Peter Hart to Cannady Richardson for 150 acres proven by the oath of Joshua Cox. A deed from Solomon Stamper to James Stephens for 100 acres proven by the oath of Joshua Cox. A deed from Jacob Mast to Joseph Mast for 50 acres was acknowledged by Jacob Mast. A deed from Jacob Mast to Jos. Mast to 167 acres acknowledged by Jacob Mast. A deed from Jacob Mast to Joseph Mast for 85 acres acknowledged by Jacob Mast. A deed from Jacob Mast to Jos. Mast for 100 acres acknowledged by Jacob Mast. A deed from Jacob Mast to Joseph Mast for 50 acres acknowledged by Jacob Mast. A deed from Jno. Bower to Absolom Bower for 230 acres acknowledged by Jno. Bower. Ordered by the court that the hands on the Upper End of the North Fork Road be divided . Edward King and Elijah Powell, Jno. Read, Jno. Hollensworth, Stephen Reed, Robert King, William Ashley, James Cahoon, Nathan Lewis, work on the lower end of the road from Stephen Reeds to Robert Osborn's Mill and William Osborn be overseer of the Upper End and the rest of the hands to keep open the same. Ordered by the Court that Ephrom Norris, Jno. Norris, Jno. Northern, Jno. Brown, Joseph Morphew, George Harsoe, Benjamin Brown, Sen., Landrine Eggers, Richard Wood, Andrwe Morriw, Wm. Clawson, Abner Smith, Nathan Horton, David Miller be a jury to view and lay off a road from The Laurel Branch of Gap Creek to the Indian Graves on Meet Camp Creek. Ordered by the court that Alexander Smith, Esqr, Jonathan Baker, Morris Baker, Jur., Daniel Millar, Absolom Bower, George Koons, Morris Baker, Senr., Wm. Walters, Christian Shearer, Jno. Bowers, Seth Osborn, Geo. Millar, Christian Millar, David Ingram, Jno. Sheets, Frederick Black, Jno. Tyre, James Cash, Daniel Mikel, Valentine Brown, be a jury to view and place of the road from the Foot of the river hill abover Daniel Millar at a marked black oaj to the road above the cool spring. Ordered by the court that the road from White's Mill on Fina's Creek to the Virginia line on Big Helton Creek from Esqr. Pope's to the Virginia Line and from Esqr. Testerman's to White's Mill be Discontinued. Ordered by the court that Reuben Ross, Solomon Scott, Wm. Littleker, Jos. [illegible}. {illegible] Austin, Jno. Barton, Sam Phipps, Wm. Harris, Allen Burton, Jno. Phips, Jno. Tolliver, Wm. Tolliver, Wm. Reaves, Joseph Doughton, Jno. Carrel, Junr., Drury Carrel the same as a jury to view and lay of a road from Jno. Tolliver, Sen. By Joseph Doughton to the Virginia line leading towards Grayson Court House. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff summons Jesse Tolliver, James Tomson, Adam Wagoner, Abraham Millar, Solomon Scott, Wm. Maxwell, Moses Dickson, Wm. Baldwin, Matthias Poe, Sam. Griffith, WM. Richardson, Jno. Dick, Isaac Weaver, Edward King, Joshua Weaver, Jesse Thomas, Wm. Walters, Daniel Bumgarner, Absolom Bower, Andrew Sheets, Christian Burket, Samuel Wellcockson, Jacob Baker, David Houck, Sam Hicks, Robert Shearer, Joel Fergason, Archable McElroy, Antony Reese, Thos. Moody as Juriors for Novr. Term. Ordered by the court that Powel Resigns, James Midelton, Edward Edwards, James Tomson, Thomas Ragsley, Jacob Crews, Newal Brower, Nathaniel Carter, Jno. McCan work on the new road from Richard Williams to the top of the mountain that leads to Joseph Tomson's and Samuel Scott be overseer of the same. Esqr. Tolliver makes his return of taxable property. Ordered by the court that Wm. Cox have all the hands above Timothy Purkins and Blevins Below to work on the road. Ordered by the court that the Clerk Issue a commission to James Campbell to take the deposition from Abel Cock in a suit between him and the said Campbell and Abner Duncan. Ordered by the court that the Clerk take 7000 acres of land of his list of taxables to the comptroler as it appeared to the court that there was a mistake in the thing in the taxes to that amount. Ordered by the court that George James and Joseph Mickel work on Ingram's part of the road. Ordered by the court that John Burket be overseer of the road from Joseph Thessler Mill to the ford of the creek by Thos. Calloway, Ser. Ordered by the court that Jno. Thessler, Jesse Ray, And. Jno. Bower be commissions to asses the town property for the year 1808. Ordered by the court that a certificate issue to Christian Earnest for $2.00 Ordered by the court that Jno. Williams be oversser of the road in room of Zachariah Baker. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff be alowd twenty pounds for his extra services for the year 1808. Judges for the congress election of the Upper End, Robert Shearer and Nathan Horton, and the Lower End Francis Bryan and Wm. Reaves at the Court House Alexander Smith and Jesse Ray. Ordered by the court that Martain Gambill Late Sheriff be allowed fifteen dollars more than usual. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November Term 1808 State of North Carolina At a County Court begun and held for the county of Ashe on the First Monday being the 7th day of Novr. 1808. Present James Bunyard Martain Gambill, Esqr Matthias Harmon Grand Jury sworn and impaneled as Follows, to wit: Samuel Willcockson, foreman, Samuel Griffith, Antony Reese, Wm. Richardson, Solomon Scott, David Houck, Wm. Walters, Joel Forgison, James Tomson, Matthias Poe, Moses Dickson, Adam Wagoner, Wm. Baldwin, Abraham Miller, Jesse Tolliver, Robert Shearer. Ordered by the court that the Shff summon Daniel Hopar, Wm. Powers, Zechariah Baker, David Curtis, Stephen Baldwin, Carter Whitington, Daniel Ward, Martain Gambell, Jno. Conley, Daniel Moxley, Christian Shearer, Charles Tolliver, Adam Crows, Jas. Dickson, Adam Wether, David Houck, Thos. Testaman, Alex. Latham, Sterlin Edwards, Young Edwards, Josiah Conley, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Greer, Isaac Weaver, Sr., Jonathan Millar, Wm. Baldwin, Daniel Eggers, Ser., B... Austin, Jno. Northern, Samuel Scott, as jurors to March Superior Court 1809. A Bill of sale from James Cleek to Robert Thomson for one Wagon and two horses was duly proven in open court by the oath of Wm. Harbert & James Johnson in order to be registered. Ordered by the court the Eli Cleveland be overseer of the road in room of Isaac Weaver, Junr. Ordered by the court that Jno. Bunyard be overseer in room of Gideon Lewis. Ordered by the court that Elisha Blevins be overseer of the road in room of Jno. Poe. Ordered by the court that Joshua Carter be overseer of the road in room of Abraham Millar. Ordered by the Court that Samuel Perry be overseer of the road in room of Benjamin Long. Ordered by the court that Jacob Harlas be overseer of the road in room of Jacob Baker. Orderd by the Court that Thos. Moody be overseer of the road in room of Samuel Baker from Elijah Estep on the Turnpike Road to Simon Shulls on Wattaga and the hands up the river to work on the same. Ordered by the court that there be three jury courts a year to wit, May, August and November. Ordered by the court that Luther Purkins be overseer of a road in room of Philip Church. Ordered by the court that Ephrom Orsborn be overseer in room of Wm. Orsborn. A deed from Isaac Wilborn to Wm. Harbert and Robert Tomson for 150 acres proven by the oath of James Johnson. A deed from Isaac Wellborn to Wm. Harbert & Robert Tomson for 95 ? acres proven by the oath of Solomon Scott. A deed from George Sisemore to Jno. Jones for 50 acres proven by Edward Sisemore. A deed from Jno. Burton to Richard Burton for 300 acres acknowledged by Jno. Burton. A Power of attorney from Henry Hately to Joseph Callaway proven by the oath of Joren Council turning in these words, know all men by the presents I Henry Hately of the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina do make constitute and ordain Joseph Calloway of the County & State aforesaid My true and Lawful attorney in my place to conduct my business in my name in the state of Georgia for a Soliders discharge and to make use of all legal means in my name for the recoverd of said allowance and power one or more attorneys under him if he find it nessassary for the recovery of the same and I farther aturherise said Joseph Callaway to transfer or convey as the case may be and assign my name to all legal instruments of writing for the recovery or transforming or conveying of the said land in the wtiness thereof the said Henry hath set his hand and affixed his seal this day and date under neath written this 24th Oct. 1807. Test Jorden Council Richard Jacks Henry (his X mark) Hately {{Seal}} A deed from Andrew Sheets to John Perry for 79 acres acknowledged by Andrew Sheets A deed from John Burton to Allen Burton for 200 acres acknowledged by John Burton A deed from Daniel Kessler to Absolom Bower 50 acres proven by John Kessler A deed from Joshua Cox to John Cox for 150 acres proven by Saml. Cox A deed from Daniel Richardson to John Richardson 50 acres proven by Joshua Cox A deed from Theophilus Petty to David Cox 150 acres proven by Samuel Cox. A deed from Theophilus Petty to David Cox 80 acres proven by Saml. Cox. A deed from Jonathan Miller to Isaac Weaver for 25 acres proven by Eli Cleveland A deed from Levi Penington to Ephrom Standiford for 100 acres acknowledged by Levi Penington A deed from Andrew Morris to Edmond Blackburn for 100 acres proven by Thomas Calloway A deed from George Barrier to Andrew Sheets for 100 acres proven by James B. Bunyard & Jno. McMillan & George Koons A deed from Wm. Alford to Jno. Cox for 288 ? acres proven by Thomas McGimsey A deed from Alexr. Smith to Jno. Lyall for 50 acres acknowledged by Alexr. Smith A deed from Susanna Fletcher & Jno. Fletcher, Extr of Jas. Fletcher to Ephrom Standifer, proven b7y Wm. G. Waugh 150 acres A deed from Andrew Sheets to Jno. Sheets for 100 acres acknowledged by Andrew Sheets A deed from Daniel Richardson to Wm. Richardson for 150 acres proven by Martin Gambill A deed from Edward King to Adam Welker for 150 acres proven by Eli Cleveland A deed from Adam Welker to Seth Ausborn for 88 ? acres proven by Wm. Walters A deed from John Cox to Alexander Smith for 375 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey A deed from Jno. Cox, Nathan Horton, Comrs. & Jno. Bower & Jno. Kessler to Alexander Smith 3 Lotts, No. 34, 25, 26, proven by Jno. C. Johnson A deed from John Cox to Thos. Calloway for 600 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey A deed from Jno. Cox, Nathan Horton & Jno. Koons, Comr. To Alexander Smith 1 Lott, No. 37, proven by Jno. O. Johnson A deed from Charles Lewis to George Sizemore for 200 acres proven by Stephen Osbourn A deed from Isaac Welbourn to Wm. Harbert & Robt. Thomson 150 acres, proven by James Johnson A deed from James Hathorn to Wm. Byars for 50 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn A deed from James Hathorn to Wm Byars for 100 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn A deed from James Hathorn to Wm. Byars for 150 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn A deed from James McCaleb to Jonathan Boon for 245 acres proven by Robt. Sherrer A deed from Saml Robinett to James Hathorn for 50 acres proven by John Cox. A deed from Levi Staffort to James Hathorn for 100 acres proven by John Cox A deed from Benajah Penington to Jas. Hathorn for 150 acres proven by John Cox. A deed from John Dick to Seth Osborn for 102 acres proven by Michael Stocker A deed from John Ayers to Joab Forgason for 40 acres proven by Robt. Sherrer A deed from Wm. Richardson to Thos. Collins for 25 acres proven by Wm. Weaver A deed from Jno. Cox & Nathan Horton Comrs. & Jno. Bower & Jno. Kessler, Entr of Jno. Koons to James Hathorn for 1 Lott No. 23 proven by James Griffeth A deed from Wm. Lenoir to Thos. Lyrah for 100 acres proven by Jno. Calloway A deed from Joseph Burkard to Jno. Pumphrey for 100 acres acknowledged by Joseph Burkard A deed from Joseph Burkerd to Jno Pumphrey for 200 acknowledged by Jas. Burkerd A deed from Isaac Wilbourn to Wm. Harbert & Robt. Thomson for 95 ? acres proven by James Johnson A deed from Edward Stogdill to Jno. Green fr 49 acres proven by Joel Forgeson A deed from David Byerly to Wm. Griffith for 50 acres proven by Andrew Sheets A deed from Hodges Counceill to Jordon Councill for 300 acres proven by Joel Forgeson A deed from Thos. Bouchell to Wm. Snow for 140 acres proven by S. Donaher A deed from Henry Shutt to Jas. Dickson for 150 acres proven by Alexr. Smith A deed from Henry Shutt to Jas. Dickson 50 acres proven by Alexr. Smith George Reaves v Wm. Allison Appeal. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows, to wit: George Koons Edward King Charles Roark Absolom Bower Danl. Bumgarner Benjamin Brown Wm. Maxwell Archibald McElroy David Roten Isaac Weaver Gideon Lewis Abner Duncan Jury: Verdict find for the Deft. Robert Nall V Jno. Burton Enoch Osborn Wit for the pltf cald and failed State v William Orsborn Indt & Capis Jury sworn and empaneled as follows: Geo. Koons Jacob Baker James Campbell Absolom Bower Daniel Dickson Abner Duncan Wm. Maxwell Landrine Eggers Jno. Lyles Archabald McElroy Hyllard Griffith Jno. Fletcher Jruy: Verdict, Deft, found guilty in maner and form as stands charged in the bill of indct. Find 20/- appeal prayed and granted. State v Moses Hately Indct. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows Geo, Koons Jacob Baker Jno. Lyles Absolom Bower Daniel Dickson Jno. Fletcher Wm. Maxwell Hyllard Griffith Edward King Archabald McElroy James Campbell Charles Roark Jury find the Deft guilty in maner and form as stands charged in bill of Indt. [Two pages of land surveys for the heirs of William Whitington, performed by Jesse Cleveland and Eli Cleveland into eleven twenty-two acre tracts, omitted here] Orderd by the court that Reuben Ross be overseer to Clear out the road from Jno. Tollivers to the Virginia line Solomon Scott and his hands, Wm. Peary and his hands and David Edwards and his hands to help clear out the same. Ordered by the court that David Roten be overseer of the road in room of Thos Baker, the same hands and bounds. Ordered by the court that Jno. Fips, Wm. Fips, Jesse Fips, Jno. Long, Tobias Long work under Solomon Scott on the road from the Top of Peach Bottom Mountain to Tolliver's Ford. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML © 2003, Jeffrey C. Weaver, Saltville, VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submit your website to 40 search engines for FREE! Return to New River Notes