Sponsored by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashe County, North Carolina Court Orders - 1810 February Term 1810 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a county court begun and held for the county of Ashe on the First Monday Being the 5 day of February A.D. 1810. Justices Present Elijah Calloway Jonathan Baker, Esqr Thos. Testerman Ordered by the court that Jesse Reaves be overseer of the road in room of Saml Perry. Execution stayed according to law, Elijah Ginings vs. Jacob Hartzog by givin Elijah Callaway and Henry Harden for security. Ordered by the court that Joseph Morphew be overseer of the road from the Forks of the road at the head of Laxton's Creek toward the Iron Works as far as to cross road end to have Saml. Greer, Landrine Eggers, Jesse Jackson and Richard Woods to work thereon. Ordered by the court that Gilbert Norris of the road road from the Cross Road to the ford of the Roaring Fork of Meet Camp and have Jno. Nothern, Jno. Brown, Jno. Ford, Isaac Green and Eli Brown to work thereon. Ordered by the court that James Morris be overseer of the road from the Grassy Island to Jackson's Mill and have Samuel Ellison, Jesse Greer, Michael Parsons, Philip Church and Aaron Owens to work thereon. Ordered by the court that the Clerk receive fifteen pounds for this extra services for the year 1808. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff receive twenty-five pounds for his extra services for the year 1808. James B. Bunyard was reelected County Trustee for the year 1810 and give for security Elijah Callaway, Esqr. And Thos. Testerman. Execution stayed according to law Wm. Byars and Co. va. Wm. Penington by given Micajah Penington and Joshua Cox security. Execution stayed according to law Wm. G. Dickson va. Wm. Penington by givin Joshua Cox and Micajah Penington secutiry. Ordered by the court that Robert King be overseer in room of Wm. Consot. Thos. McGimsey v Martain Gambill Trespass on the case. Sam'l Cox security for Deft. Continued. A deed from Michael Stuckard to Wm. May for 140 acres proven by Geo. Thomas. A deed from Wm. Jones to Wm. Cornute for 100 acres proven by Eli Cleveland. A deed from Wm. Hooten to Edward King for 50 acres proven by Charles Roark. A deed from Charles Frances to Coonrod Grub for 100 acres proven by Morris Baker. A deed from Robert Osborn to Wm. Hewton proved by Wm. Earnest. A deed from Edward King to Robert King for 200 acres acknowledged by Edward King. A deed from Canaday Richardson to Jas. Stogal for 50 acres proven by Joshua Cox. Ordered by the court that Saml Willcockson, Elijah Ginnings, Frederick Sever, Ezra Philips, Geo. Millar, Saml Griffith, Joshua Cox, Eli Cleveland, Adam Wagoner, Nat. Carter, James Maxwell, Jno. Maxwell, Jorden Council, Lewis Shepherd, Landrine Eggers, [illegible] Ward, Thos. Curtice, Ephrom Bunyard, Sidnah Maxwell, James .. Agal, Levy Penington, Jno. Stedham, Wm. Yates, Jesse Ray, Christian Shearer, Joel Conley, Saml.Scott, Henry Johnson, James Thompson, Reuben Hartly by a jury for next court. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May Term 1810 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a county court begun for the County of Ashe on the First Monday Being the 7 day of May, A. D. 1810. Justices Present Bedent Baird Wm. Conley, Esqr Elijah Pope Grand jury sworn and impaneled as follows to wit: Eli Cleveland, Foreman, Sam'l Willcockson, Joshua Cox, Geo. Millar, Jno. Stedham, Henry Johnson, Saml Griffith, Christian Shearer, Adam Wagoner, Ephrom Bunyard, Levy Penington, James Maxwell, Nathaniel Carter, Frederick Sever and James Tomson. Ordered by the court that Jacob Mays hands work on the road with Eli Cleveland from Carpenters to Stephen Reed and help open the same. The Court has this day appointed Saml Willcockson County Ranger and his given his bond with Wm. Wallace and Ben Brown for security. Ordered by the court that Saml. Harris be bound to Martain Cleveland. The Court proceeded to the appointment of Soliciter for the County of Ashe and Braxton McQueen, Esqr was unanimously elected. At an Election held here this day for the appointment of sheriff, Sam'l Cox was duly and unanimously elected by a majority of the justices present and entered into bond of two thousand pounds and give for security Joshua Cox, Wm. Reeves, and Solomon Baker and was qualified in according to law. David Earnest Clerk this day renewed his bond of 2000 pounds and give for security Joshua Cox and Eli Cleveland. John Paxton, Esqr, attorney at law produced his license, admited to practice of this court. Ordered by the court that the tax for the year 1809 be the same as it was for the 1808. Ordered by the court that all the hands under David Roten on the North Side of the Fenon Mountain as high as Jerry Gambill work under Jno. Richardson. Orderd by the court that Jno. Jones be overseer of the road in room of Elisha Blevins. Wm. Parsley v Wm. Little Appeal. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows, to wit: Wm. Yates Hilyard Griffith David Houk Saml Griffith James Griffith Jno. Coneley Jno. Weaver Michael Crider Jerry Gambill David Griffith Joseph Roten Wm. Weaver Jury verdict find for the Pltf to pay the cost with out finding the debt. David Earnest, Assignee v Andrew Rowland Debt. The same jury as above. Verdict: Find that the writing of Obligatory is the act and deed of the Deft. and that there is no payment nor set off and asses the Pltf. Damages of £ 34 10 and 6 d cost. A bond from the heirs of Jno. Koons deceased to Jno. Kessler and Jno. Bower, Execr. Acknowledged in open court by Dan'l Millar, Absolom Bower, Geo. Koons and Morris Baker. State v Fany Lonsford Indt. Jury Wm. Yates Hillard Griffith Jno. Conely Jerry Gambill Saml. Griffith Jas. Griffith Jos. Roten Wm. Weaver David Griffith Michael Crider David Houk Stephen Millar Verdict: Find the Deft, guilty in maner and for as stands charged in the Bill of Indt. Find £ 50 0s 0d State v Wm. Banks Adlty. Jury: Wm. Yates Wm Finley [illegible] Griffith. James Griffith David Mi... Joshua Weaver [illegible] Younts David Ingram Jacob Miller Jacob Bare Wm. Walters Wm. Griffith Verdict find the Deft guilty in maner and form as stands charged in the bill of Indct. Find £ 50 0s 0d Ordered by the court that the Sheriff to be in possession The Children of Jno. Lunsford named William Benjamin and Enoch and have them at our next court. Ordered by the court that Josiah Conley be overseer of the road from Little River to Fisher's Gap and have the hands from Frank Bryans to the Virginia line and have on Brush and Crab Creeks Waters on the Elk Spur and Fisher's Gap Road. Ordered by the Court that Augustine Pestmore be overseer of the road in room of Henry Johnson Ordered by the court that the sheriff imploy some person to kepar the jail. On motion made by Braxton McQueen, Esqr., Atto at law that the money received of Caty Millar be refuned to her again ordered by the court that fifteen dollars be refurned to her in consequence of three fines she paid for three base begotten children. Ordered by the court that there be a jury summonded to next court. Ordered by the court that the sheriff receive a ticket for three finds Charles Baley in Jail 20 days, £ 2 10s 0d and ten for puting him in and taking him out. Ordered by the court that South Baker, David Roten, Valentine Brown, Morris Baker, Jno. Ellar, David Smith, Jas. Dickson, Dan'l Dickson, Henry Mickel, [illegible] Mikel, Alexr. Johnson, Morris Baker, Sen., Geo. Koons, Andrew Sheets and Absalom Bower be a jury to view a road from the top of the hill this side of the river below Zechariah Baker falling of on the waters of Nathans Creek and up said creek to Morris Bakers then to Helton Forge then up the Round Meadow Fork of said Creek In the road again. Ordered by the court that an order of sale issue against the lands of Leonard Bumgarner in favor of Wm. G. Dixon for the sum of nine dollars and seventeen cts. Cost 4/ Ordered by the court that Solomon Baker, Gideon Lewis, Jr. Isaac Lewis, Chars. Roark, Wm. Cornute, Edward King, Robert King, Alexr. Latham, Sidniah Maxwell, Eli Cleveland, Wm. Morefield, Wm. Weaver, Henry Millar, Jonathan Millar, Martain Cleveland, Henry Millar, Jnr. And Jno. Millar, Thos Callaway Esqr and Jno. B. Johnson, Esqr be summoned as a jury to view the road from Sidnah Maxwell to top of the Stone Mountain, the best and nearest way and the least damage to the citizens. Ordered by the court that Jos. Kessler, Jesse Ray, Thos. Callaway, Esqr., Ben Braw, Elijah Callaway, Esqr, David Houk, Senr., Jacob Faw, Jno. Kessler, Jas, Rowland, Andrew Rowland, Leonard Fawts, Wm. Ray, Resden Cooper, Fredk. Sever, Jno Kessler, Junr. Saml Willcockson, Alex. Smith, Esqr., Jas. Fouts, Jno. O. Johnson, Esqr and Christian Burket be summoned as a jury to review the road from the punchin Camp up Beaver Creek to the road that leads from the Court House to the Three Forks of New River where the jury may think proper. Ordered by the court that an order of sale issue against the lands of Chars. Francis in favor of Alex. Hambleton for seventeen dollars. Ordered by the court that an order of sale issue against the lands of Robt. Perceval for $25. 62 cts. Benjamin Brown this day appointed constb. Entered into bond of £ 500 pounds and give for security Jno. Wason and Dan'l Dickson. Elijah Wellcockson was this day appointed Cons. Entered in bond of five hundred pounds and give for security Sam'l Wellcockson and Eli Cleveland. Ordered by the court that Daniel Dickson, Jas. Dickson, Ephrom Penington, Peter Eller, Ephraim Standiford, Dan;l Strunk, Wells Blevins, Saml Stoneisipher, Ezra Philips, Elijah Philips.Reuben Hartley, Jesse Ray, Adam Elrod, Peter Hart, Jur., Stephn Hart, Moses Dickson, Henry Wagoner, Jno. Spurling, Talton Woody Jesse Hill, Dan Millar, Wm. Griffith, David Griffith, Leonard Fouts, David Ingram, Wm. Kellers, Dan. Mikel, Wm. Snow, Michael Crider and Jas. Rowland by a jury for August term. Ordered by the court that Saml James, Chas. Tolliver, Sterling Edwards, Isaac Weaver, Francis Bryan, Richard Green, Reuben Wallis, Solomon Baker, James Mulkey, Archable McElroy, Frederick Shull, Jesse Ray, David Earnest, Thos. Testament, Eli Cleveland, Henry Johnson, Wm. Powers, Jas. Rowland, Saml Fips, Jno. Maxwell, Jno. H. William, Isaac Michel, Jno. Ellar, Dan'l Ward, Jacob May, Wm. Snow, Robt. King, Absalom Bower, Thos. Callaway, and Young Edwards be a jury for next Sept. Superior Court. A deed from Alexr Smith the Ester Lewis and Jno. Stamper for 50 acres acknowledged by Alex Smith. A deed from James Hathron to David Griffith for Lot No. 23 acknowledged by James Hathom. A deed from Aaron Moor to Francis Bryan for 150 acres proven by Jno. Chappel. A deed from Robert Orsborn to Solomon Baker for 100 acres proven by Edward King. A deed from Robt. Nall to Henry Millar for 100 acres proven by Eli Cleveland. A deed from Thos. Hubbard to Adam Kilker for 100 acres proven by Geo. Tyre. A deed from Jas Callaway to Wm. B. Gray for 149 acres proven by Thos. Callaway. A deed from Sam; James to Nathildred Masingale for 100 acres proven by Wm. Conley. A deed from Jas. Callaway to Wm. B. Gray for 170 acres proven by Thos. Callaway. A deed from Jos. Tomson to James Tomson for 240 acres proven by Henry Johnson. A deed from Alex. Smith to Easter Lewis & Jno. Stamber for 150 acres acknowledged by Alex. Smith A deed from Jno. Ro. Johnson to Jno. Latham for 50 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey A deed from Thos. Callaway to Wm. Walters for 22 acres proven by Benjamin Brown. A deed from Abraham Rowland to Jos. Rowland for 495 acres proven by Leonard Fouts A deed from the Commissioners to Wm. Snow for Lot No. 47 acknowledged by Nathan Horton A deed from the Commissioners to Wm. Snow for Lott No. 43 acknowledged by Nathan Horton. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August Term 1810 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a county court begun and held for the County of Ashe on the first Monday of August being the 7 day of August, A. D., 1810. Justices Present Elijah Pope Thos. Testerman, Esquire Jos. Douhgton Grand Jury sworn and Impaneled as follows to wit: Jos. Rowland, Foreman, Wells Blevins, James Dickson, Peter Ellar, Henry Wagoner, Ephrom Penington, Danl Dickson, Jno. Spurling, Leonard Fouts, Adam Elrod, Stephen Hart, Peter Hart, David Griffith, Wm. Walters, Jesse Hill. Ordered by the court that Jno. Maxwell be overseer of the road in room of Sam; Perry from the Creek at his own house to the Gap of Peach Bottom Mountain and the hands that formerly workt thereon be continued. Ordered by the court that a tax of a stud horse be taken of Cyrus Fairchild be taken for the year 1809. On motion by Council, Fanny Lonsford was brought into court together with her husband Jno. Lonsford wer permitted to take the oath of insolvent debtors. It is therefore ordered by the court that the said Fanny Lonsford be discharged from prison. Ordered by the court that Henry Ellar be overseer of the road in room of Levy Penington. Esqr. Harmon has returned his list of taxable property. Ordered by the court that Richard Isaacks be exempt from his pole tax for the year 1810. Ordered by the court that Letters of Administration issue to Peter Ellar and William on the estate of Wm. Penington, deceased. Ordered by the court that Jonathan Baker, Esqr., Wm. Weaver, Dan'l Strunk, and Sam'l Griffith be appointed to lay off one years provision of the stock and crops of the estate of Wm. Penington, Deceased to Elizabeth Penington, the widow of the said Penington deceased. Jury met and found road from Sidnah Maxwell to top of the stone Mountain and marked the way and assest this dame to Alex Latham $4 dollars James Reed $2.50cts, Stephen Reed $7.50 to Solomon Baker $2.00 to Vinson Hollinsworth $1.25 Ordered by the court that Eli Cleveland be head overseer and have his own hands, Jno. Bunyards and his hands Robert King and his hands, Gideon Lewis and his hands, and Jacob May and his hands to help clear out the same. Jury met and found road from Jas. Griffith to the Puncheon Camp and assess the damage to James Griffith 8 dollars, to Jacob Faw 5 dollars, to Leonard Fouts 2 dollars. Ordered by the court that Leonard Fouts be head overseer and to call on Michael Crider and Company, Absolom Bower and Company, Jacob Grimes and his company, James Morris and his company; David Hartsog and his company, Thos. Callaway and his company ordered by the court that the above hands help open the above road. Ordered by the court that David Hartsog be overseer of the road from Puncheon Camp to the Fork of Bever Creek. Allowed the hands from Absolom Bower Company to Jas. Morris Company. Ordered by the court that David Fees be overseer of the road from James Griffith to the fork of Beaver Creek. Tuesday 8 Thos. McGimsey v Martain Gambill Case. The same jury as below. To pltf nonsuited. The plft prayed appeal and granted. Thos. McGimsey V Robert Hale Case. Jurry sworn and impaneled as follows: Daniel Miller Jesse Ray Mathias Carpenter Moses Dickson Danl. Mikel Jno. Poe Michael Crider Jas. Johnson Jno. Fletcher Reuben Hartly Robt. Percival Michael Hubbard Jury Verdict: No [illegible] issue find deft guilty assess damaged $20.00 and [?] cost. The Deft. prayed appeal and granted. State v Wm. Banks [illegible] The same jury as above sworn and impanled. Jury verdict find the Deft. guilty in maner and form as stands charged in bill of Indt. Reasons filed for [illegible] of judgment, reasons over ruled. Ordered by the court that the sheriff bring to the next court a Girl by the name of Betsy Miller in order that she may be bound out. Ordered by the court that Esqr Smith and Esqr. Thos. Callaway be appointed commissioners for the Publick Buildings for said county. Orderd by the court that Isaac Weaver, Jur. Be overseer of the road in room of Eli Cleveland. Ordered by the court that Jesse Reaves, Comr. Be allowed 24/- for holding an inquest over the body of Susanah Hathom Jos. Rowland appointed a Judge of the State Election in room of Elijah Callaway. Jeremiah Green Appointed judge of the Congress Election in room of Jno. Brown. Wm. Maxwell appointed the Judge of the Congress Election in room of Jas. Doughden. Ordered by the court that the County Surveyor survey or resurvey Dan'l Daughtery's Bounty land for his Iron works and survey in as much land vacant that was condemd by the jury as is taken by old deeded land as far as 200 acres. Ordered by the court that a duplicate warrant issue to Solomon Baker for 200 acres, No. 1410. A deed from Jno. Cox to Jos. Callaway for 398 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey. A deed from Jesse Ray to Alex Smith for 40 acres acknowledged by Jesse Ray. A deed from Joshua Cox to Alex Smith for 150 acres proved by David Earnest. A deed from Jno. Mikel to Alex Smith for Lot No. 6 proved by David Earnest. A deed from Michael Shuhard to Alex Smith for 60 acres proved by Eli Cleveland. A deed from Thos. Callaway to Alex Smith for 600 acres acknowledged by Thos. Callaway. A deed from Michael Crider to Peter Graybill for 41 acres proven by David Griffith. A deed from Nathan Resdon to Jos. Sands for 50 acres proved by Reuben Hartly. A deed from Jos. Callaway to Alex Smith for 398 acres proved by Eli Cleveland. A deed from Bowers & Kessler, Exect to George Koons for 100 acres proved by Geo. Koons. A deed from Saml Cox to Eli Cleveland for 150 acres acknowledged by Sam'l Cox. A deed from David Griffith to Sam'l Griffith for 49 acres acknowledged by David Griffith. A deed from Bower & Kessler, Exect to Geo. Koons for 150 acres proved by George Koons, A deed from Thos. Triplet to Wm. Mullins for 210 acres proven by Jesse Mullins. A deed from Thos. Anderson to Dan'l Daughtery for 400 acres acknowledged by Thomas Anderson A deed from Geo. Sizemore to Stephen Hart for 50 acres proven by Peter Hart A deed from Robert Perceval to Eli Cleveland for 100 acres proven by Reuben Wallis A deed from Ezekial Baird to Jno. Holsclaw for 100 acres proven by Bedent Baird. A deed from Thomas Callaway to Elijah Ginings for 50 acres acknowledged by Thos. Callaway. A deed from Dan'l Daughterty to Thos. Anderson for 400 acres acknowledged by Dan'l Daugherty. A deed from Morris Baker to Jno. Williams for 100 acres proved by Leonard Bumgarner A deed from Peter Hart Junr. To Peter Hart Senr. For 105 acres acknowledged by Peter Hart, Junr. A deed from Joshua Stamper to Alex Johnson for 200 acres proved by Wm. Stamper. A deed from Elisha Baldwin to Jos. Baldwin for 150 acres proved by Jno. McMillion. A deed from Morris Baker to Jno. Williams for 8 3/4 acres proved by Leonard Bumgarner A deed from Charle Little to Sam'l Brooks for 50 acres proven by Micajah Penington A deed from Ezekiel Baird to Wm. Baird for 50 acres proven by Bendent Baird. A deed from Wm. Walters to David Griffith for Lot No. 27 acknowledged by Wm. Walters. The Taxable property for the year 1809 176900 Land 460 Poles 7 stud horses £ 5 10s 2 Taverns - 1 stone &3163; 1386 of town P. The jury appointed to lay off a road [illegible] and found of road the wagon road between Morris Bakers and David Roten threw [illegible] Gap, Zacaway School House to Fenix Creek road by [illegible] Spencer then down the Branch Cross the North Fork at Smith's Old Field and down the river to the mouth of Helton and up the Creek to the forge and the court orders that James Dickson and Jonathan Baker be head overseers and call on Jno. Richardson, Jno. Baker, Wm. Yates, Johnson Hunter, Levi Penington, David Rotin, Jno. Ellar, Dan'l Dickson and there Companys to help open the same. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November Term 1810 State of North Carolina Ashe County At a county court opened and held here this day for the county of Ashe on the first Monday of Nov. in the year of our Lord 1810, being the 5 day of said month. Justices Present John Callaway Alex Smith, Esqrs Thos. Callaway Ordered by the court that Henry Bower and hands help open the road from James Griffith to the Puncheon Camp. Ordered by the court that Wm. Landreth be overseer of the road in room Richard Perry and have the same hands except Stephen Landreth and Saml Vanover who is to work on the road known [as] the Piny Fork to the Eldridge Place. Alex Smith v Milly Humphries & Others Debt. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows to wit: Geo. Koons Hillard Griffith Vallintine Brown Leonard Fouts Henry Mikel John Adams Andrw Rowland Dan'd Dickson John Younce Chas. Francis Adam Crows Michael Crider Jury find that the writing of Obligatory is the act and not set off find for the pltf for $106.75 cts equal in value to ™ 53 7s 6d and 6 d costs. Ordered by the court that a duplicate warrant issue in the name of Moses Webb by the oath of Richard Williams that the warrant was lost No. 1196. The court received information of a warrant issuing to John Cox for 3000 acres of land for the use of Iron Works No. 2121, Issued 12 of March 1809 the warrant present in court. Ordered by the court that James Morris be cleared from working on the Puncheon Camp Road. Orderedby the court that Letters of Admrs. issue to Zachariah Baker and Alex Smith on the estate of Morris Baker Deceased. Ordered by the court that Elijah Callaway, Esqr. Michael Stuehard, Jno. Ellar, Joshua Cox the widow Baker one years provisions out of the grain and stock of Morris Baker deceased. Ordered by the court that Solomon Baker be overseer of the road in room of Gideon Lewis and Robert King and have their hands and work their bounds of road. Ordered by the court that Ephrom Bunyard be overseer of the road on Old Field Creek in room of John Bunyard and that Joseph and Lommas [?] Powers, Henry Graybill and the rest of the old hands work on the same. Ordered by the court that the Admr of Morris Baker, Dec'd to sell the estate of said Baker btween this and next court after givin due notice agreeable to law. Ordered by the court that Wm. Weaver, Junr. Be overseer of the road in room of John Richardson the same road and hands. Ordered by the court that the No. is a Duplicate warrant issued to Jesse Ray be altered from 24 to 655. Jno. Bower & Jno. Kessler v Morris Baker Plea in abatement filed. Plea overruled. Jno. Bower & John Kessler v Morris Baker Debt. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows to wit: David Griffith Wm. Sikes Jas. Duncan Leonard Fouts Jacob Fees Jno. Kessler Allen Burton Joseph Hagaman Saml Griffith Wm. Snow Jno. Fletcher Wm. Griffith Jury find that this wrigin of obligatory is the act and deed of the deft that the bond is not void and assess the pltf damage to $28.96 and 6d cost. Ordered by the court that Jno. O. Johnson, Alex. Smith and Thos. Callaway, Esqrs. Be appointed as a committee to settle with the executors of John Koons deceased and make report to next court. Ordered by the court that a Reuben & Speers Hagerman children of Joseph Hagerman be a county charge. Ordered by the court that a duplicate warrant issue to Sam'l Cox for 400 acres No. 4, date of entry not known. A deed from John Adkins to Benjamin Huff for 100 acres ackn. By Jno. Adkins. A deed from John O'Johnson to Luke White for 200 acres proven in court by the oath of Chris. Shearer. A deed from James Hurley to James Sparks for 50 acres proven by John Couch A deed from Alex Brown to [illegible] & Sam'l Cox for 640 acres proven by Alex Smith. A deed from Emanuel Custard to Jno. Kessler for 300 acres proven by Michael Crider. A deed from Jos. Baldwin to James Richardson for 100 acres proven by Joseph Baldwin. A deed from Wm. Richardson to John Cox for 300 acres proven by Thomas McGimsey. A deed from Peter Goodman to Seth Osborn for 100 acres Proven by Risden Cooper. A deed from Peter Goodman to Seth Osborn for 50 acres proven by Risden Cooper. A deed from Peter Goodman to Seth Osborn for 100 acres proven by Risden Cooper. A deed from Sebastian Grimes to Jacob Grimes for 100 acres proven by Jno. Kessler. A deed from Joshua Cox to John Cox for 100 acres proven by Sam'l Cox. A deed from Alexander Smith to Waugh & Finley for lott No. 44 proven by John O. Johnson A deed from the commissioners to Alex Smith for a Lots conisting of 120 sqare pole proven by Jno. McMillan A deed from the commissioners to Jesse Ray & Thos. Callaway for Lott No. 5 proven by Jno. Callaway. A deed from Jno. & Enoch Flecher to Landrine Egers for 60 acres proven by Braxton McQueen. A deed from Joseph Rowland to Michael Crider for 320 acres proven by Jno Kessler. A deed from Jno. & Enoch Flecher to Landrine Egers for 250 acres proven by Braxton McQueen. A deed from Alex. Smith to Jesse Ray for 20 acres proven by Thos. Callaway. A deed from the Commissioners to Alex Smith for Lott No. 30 proven by Thos. Callaway. A deed from Sam'l Cox to David Earnest for 99 acres acknowledged by Sam'l Cox. A deed from Jonathan Baker to Absolom Bower for 196 proven by Geo. Bower. A deed from Adam Faw to Alex Smith for 100 acres proven by David Earnest. A deed from Zachariah Baker to Morris Baker for 320 acres ackn. By Zachariah Baker. A deed from Jno. Callaway to Waugh & Finley for Lot No. 45 proven by David Earnest. A deed from Eli Cleveland to Jacob Fees for 100 acres ackn. By Eli Cleveland. A deed from William Spencer to Joseph Plumer for 31 acres proven by Dan'l Strunk A deed from Wm. B. Lenoir to Wm. Evins for 100 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey A deed from Jesse Ray to Waugh & Finley for 30 acres proven by Jno. O'Johnson A deed from Jesse Ray & Thos. Callaway to Waugh & Finley for Lott No. 5 proven by Jno. O'Johnson A deed from Wm. Lenoir to Dempsey Masingale for 330 acres proven by Wm. Masingale. A deed from Abraham Potter to Wm. Stogill for 120 acres proven by James Stogill. A deed from Chris. Burkit to Geo. Bower for lott No. 19 proven by David Earnest. A bond from Dan'l Bumgarner to Wm Snow proven by Jno. O'Johnson. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML © 2003, Jeffrey C. Weaver, Saltville, VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submit your website to 40 search engines for FREE! Return to New River Notes