Joel Rushing's Affidavit of John Deason & Susan Guin's Marriage State of North Carolina } Union County } In the matter of the claim for pension filed by Susan Deason No. 8579 Joel Rushing being duly sworn says that he is a citizen of Anson County in the State aforesaid. That he has known Susan Deason the applicant above named for many years. That he was intimately acquainted with John Deason, who was the husband of the said Susan Deason, and who was a soldier in the War of 1812, and entitled to a Pension under the Act of Congress Feb. 14 1871. That the means by which he acquires a knowledge of the marriage of John and Susan Deason are as follows, Viz That sometime between the years 1811 and 1813 the affiant while at school in Anson County North Carolina saw John Deason and others pass the schoolhouse where he was going to school. That he was informed that John Deason and Susan Guin were to be married that night, and that he afterwards learned that the marriage was duly consummated. That they lived together as man and wife until the date of the death of John Deason which took place about March 1872. [signed] Joel Rushing Sworn to & subscribed } Before me this March 28, 1873} Vachel T. Chears Justice of the Peace