Samuel Poe’s death in 1725 and selected records that follow

Essex / Caroline County, Virginia


20 October 1724                   Francis Browning acquires land adjacent the lands of Samuel Poe

17 August 1725                     Francis Browning petitions court to be administrator of Samuel Poe estate but the order is “ordered to be till nine months are expired to see if the heir at law will adminstr.”

17 August 1725                     Francis Browning is order to “take care of ye estate of Samuel Poe deced till Admin. is granted” and that he “return an inventory thereof to next court.

15 March 1726                      Francis Browning testifies that Samuel Poe did not leave a will. Letter of Administration is granted.

                                                Also: Francis Browning with William Thomas & John Sanders Junr. acknowledged their bond for the said Francis his just and faithful Admcon. of estate of Samuel Poe deced. And:  ordered that John Griffin, John Sanders, John Ellitts and George Robinson or any three of them (being first sworn before a justice of ye peace for this county) appraise ye estate of Samuel Poe deced & return their proceedings therein to ye next court.



21 June 1726                        The inventory & apraismt. of the estate of Samuel Poe deced. was this day returned & admitted to record.


21 September 1726             Inventory recorded



18 July 1726

p. 127

The petition of Benjamin Poe, Francis Browning, John Gouge and others praying yt Paul Micou may not have liberty to turne ye road by his quarter of Peumansend is rejected.


19 October 1726

In the action of debt. brot by Wm. Keaton agt. Wm. Poe & Jno. Edwards, ye said Edwards being not to be found, ye suit agt. him is dismist & ye other deft. Wm. Poe being arrested & failing to appear & no security being filed, order is granted sd Plt. aft sd. deft. Wm. Poe & Benjamin Robinson, gent. late Sheriff for what shall appear to be due at next court unless deft. then appears & answers ye said action.


17 January 1727

p. 83

William Poe failing to answer the suit of William Keaton in debt. the order of last October Court is confirmed to the sd. Plt against the said deft. of Benjamin Robinson, gent late Sheriff for three hundred pounds of Tobo with one attorneys fees and costs.




End of Essex County Records


The next record is nearly five years later in Caroline County (formed from Essex)


Court 11 May 1732

James Jones acknowledged his deeds of lease and release of land indented to William Poe. John Jones by virtue of a power from Mary wife of James relinquished her rights of dower.


Page 32 [10 Aug. 1732]

Action of trespass. John Pickett agt. Benja. Poe and James White. Defendants failing to plead, order is granted the plaintiff for what damages shall appear due, returnable next Court for judgment.


Page 55 [8 March 1733]

Petition. George Tilly agt. Samuel Poe. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 1.2.11


Page 74 [ 10 May 1733]

It’s ordered Edward Tinsley be surveyor of the road from Loyd’s Quarter to Poe’s Bridge in the room of John Beasley.


Page 75 [10 May 1733]

Action of trespass. John Pickett agt. Benja. Poe and James White. Jury, Wm. Harrison, Robert Baber, Jno. Miller, Jno. Bell, William Durrett, Charles Yarbrough, Thos. Harrison, Jno. Downer, Jno. Nichols, Jno. Latham, Rice William and Antho. Arnold, find for the defendant. Wm. Durret, foreman.


Page 76. Robert Bullard being summoned as an evidence in a difference between Jno. Pickett and Benja. Poe and James White and being called three times and failing to appear, it’s ordered he be fined 350 pounds of tobacco unless he give sufficient reason why he did not appear.



Page 159 [10 Oct. 1734]

Benja. Poe acknowledged his deeds of lease and release of land indented to John Bradley.




Page 168 [13 Dec. 1734]

The Court proceeded to lay the County Levey:

(Among the names)

To Samuel Poe per account           270



p. 374 [10 Sept. 1736]

On the petition of John Gouge and William Poe, it’s ordered Thomas Price be summoned to make his administration of the estate of John Morgan.



[11 March 1736/7]

Petition. Thomas Price agt. William Poe judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 4.7.1 current money.



[14 May 1737]

Petition. George Tilly agt. William Poe judgment is granted the plaintiff for 620 pounds of tobacco



p. 425 [14 May 1737]

It’s ordered Henry Dikes, Simon Edwards, Richard Hopson, George Brassfield, James McKinny, John Gouge, John Gouge, jr., William Watson, Francis Johnson, David Tinsley, Philip Tinsley and Aron Quisenbury assist Thomas Ship in clearing the tree notched road, from Benjamin Poe’s bridge to William Watson’s*, and also making the bridge by Poe’s.



Orange County

10 June 1737


Patent Book 17

William Watson & William Poe of Caroline Co. 400 Acs Orange Co. in the Little Fork of Rappahannock Riv. on the Brs. of Battle Run; Adj. John Ashley & Francis Browning: 10 June 1737. p. 333. 2 pounds



First record for Simon Poe


p. 450 [9 Sept. 1737]

Action of trespass. Simon Poe agt. Philip Herndon. The defendant not appearing an attachment is awarded agt. His estate for what shall appear due.


p. 457 [12 Nov. 1737]

Action of trespass. Simon Poe agt. Philip Herndon. Dismissed, being agreed.



p. 461 [9 Dec. 1737]

William Poe’s deeds of lease and release of land indented to William Taliaferro Gent. (and also a power of attorney from Lydia Poe to Benjamin Robinson) was proved by John Gough, John Gough, Jr, and Samuel Edwards, witnesses thereto.


p. 496 [11 Aug. 1738]

The petition of Philip Sanders and Benjamin Poe is rejected.


p. 500 [11 Aug 1738]

Action of trespass. Simon Poe agt. Philip Herndon. Judgment is granted the plaintiff by nihil dicit unless the defendant plead next court.



(Spotsylvania County)

4 October 1738

At the motion of Simon Po, he is allowed for four days attendance & for twenty five miles coming & going four times having sworn to the time as an evidence for James White agst Joseph Brock Gent, it is therefore ordered that the sd White pay the sd Po two hundred pounds of Tobacco for the same as the Law directs.


Benjamin Wood also compensated for testimony & travel of 23 miles coming and going four times.


11 February 1743

Thomas Bullard and Ann his wife acknowledged their deed of feoffment and livery and seizing indented to Samuel Poe

[Note suit of 1739 - Elizabeth Bullard agt Miriom Poe. perhaps Miriom is Samuel’s wife]


Page 152

11 February 1742/3

Suit on attachment. Wm. Taliaferro agt the estate of William Watson. Dismissed



Order Book page 228 [9 September 1743]


It is ordered Peter Williams pay Simon Poe 50 pounds of tobacco for two days’ attendance … Sarah Poe 25 pounds of tobacco for one day’s attendance … John Hoomes 50 pounds of tobacco for two days’ attendance ads. Pitman



10 Nov. 1749

Upon the information of Wm. Herndon, constable, agt. Simon Poe for tending seconds, it is ordered that Zacha. Lewis Gent, King's attorney, prosecutes him.


9 December 1749

Simon Poe confessed judgment unto our sovereign Lord the King on an information for 2000 pounds.


Mersam Poe

11 December 1749

Petition. William Johnston etc. executors of Samuel Coleman* agt. Mersam Poe. Judgment is granted the plaintiffs for pounds 2.16.6 current money.



1749. Simon Poe – tending seconds – fined 1,000 lbs. of tobacco. (actually it was 2,000 pounds of tobacco, see above)


11 July 1751

1749. Action of debt. Coleman's executors agt. Simon Poe, the defendant not appearing judgment is granted agt the defendant and James Taylor Gent. Sheriff for pounds 4.12. - unless he answer the suit.


Samuel Poe

13 December 1751

Action of debt Samuel Coleman's executors agt Samuel Poe and Simon Poe. The defendants not appearing, the judgment of last July court is confirmed agt. them & James Taylor Gent, late sheriff, for pounds 34.12.11 current money, to be discharged on the defendants' paying pounds 17.6. 5 1/2 with interest from 17 June 1749

(note: Coleman was plaintiff against many others).


Simon Poe

9 November 1752

p. 334

On the information of William Herndon, constable, it's ordered the King's attorney prosecute Simon Poe, John Smith, Thomas Pitman, Mordica Abraham, William Deshaza, James Masters* & Titus Stevens for tending seconds.


* See Randolph County, NC for Masters


11 May 1753

p. 397

Suit on attachment, Samuel Poe agt. the estate of John Sutton*. The plaintiff proving his account, judgment is granted him for pounds 28.18.7. The Sheriff attached one comb. It's ordered he cause the comb to be sold.


* A John Sutton, presumably Junior, in 1756 was present when the court ordered to be brought in the will of Richard Bradley, associated with the Poe family.


9 August 1753

p. 411

Our Sovereign Lord the King agt. Simon Poe. Information William Elliott, foreman. It's considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover ` pounds of tobacco.


13 September 1753

p. 422

Suit on Attachment. Roger Madison agt. the estate of John Wright. The plaintiff proving his account. judgment is granted him for pounds 7.12.11 current money. The Sheriff served the attachment in the names of James Jemison and Samuel Poe. Poe declared he had 105 shillings which he ordered to pay the plaintiff. Jemison declared he has a hogshead of uninspected tobacco which when inspected he is ordered to deliver to the Sheriff to sell.


15 June 1754

p. 179

Matthew Boyle agt. Thomas Pannel. on an attachment. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 13.15.8 current money. It's considered by the court that the plaintiff recover the money and his cost. The Sheriff made return that he attached in the hands of William Poe and William Poe being sworn as garnishee declares that he has in his hands of the defendant's estate pounds 9. It's ordered that the garnishee deliver the same to the Plaintiff and he be discharged.



Spotsylvania County


17 August 1754

page 197

Samuel Waggener and Bettie, his wife, of St. George Parish Spots. Co. to Edward Coleman of Co. and Par afsd pounds 40 curr 100 a in St. George Par. Spots Co. Joseph Allen, Richard Long, Mossom (X) Poe. Oct 1, 1754. (note that Elsie Chapman alters this spelling to Powe in her book).



Caroline County


p. 36 [14 Feb 1755]

Suit on attachment. Peter Copland Gent. Agt the estate of John Wright. The Plaintiff proving his account, judgment is granted him for pounds 32.12.9. The Sheriff made return he levied the attachment in the hands of Samuel Poe who declared he has 10 shillings which he is ordered to pay to plaintiff in part of his debt.


p. 106 Court 15 Aug 1755

Action of debt. William Copeland and company agt. Samuel Poe, dismissed.


8 April 1756

Upon the complaint of Jeremiah Pearce against John Herndon, its ordered William Bullard, Simon Poe, Samuel Chapman, Robt. Robertson, John Bohannon, Francis Hoomes, Jas. Herndon and Mary Dismukes be summoned to next court.


p. 163 Court 13 May 1756

Samuel Haws jr is appointed overseer of the road in the room of William Bowler and to have Bowler’s home house people, John Hart’, James Coleman, Simon Poe, Richd. Curd and John Dawson’s people to assist him in keeping the road in repair.



p. 194 Court 12 Aug 1756

Petition. William Poe agt Alexr. Atchison. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for pounds 1.14.10 current money.



p. 240 [9 Dec. 1756]

It’s ordered Rachel Bradford and Stephen Poe be summoned to next court and to bring the last will of Richard Bradford

Present: John Sutton


13 January 1757

The last will and testament of Richard Bradford was presented in court by William Bowler and proved by Thos. Mason, Henry Farley, and William Ragsdale, witnesses thereto. Racheal Bradford, executrix in the will named, by a note from under her hand relinquished her right of executorship and Stephen Poe, executor, relinquished in open court. On William Bowler's motion, administration of the estate with the will annexed is granted him.

It's ordered William Bowler, administrator etc., pay Henry Farley . . . Thomas Mason  . . . William Ragsdale [each] 280 pounds of tobacco for one day's attendance and coming and going once eighty five miles to prove the will of Rchd. Bradford.


10 March 1757

p. 240

Samuel Poe's deed indented to Peter Copland (Copeland)* Gent. was proved by William Strachen.(note suit by Elizabeth Poe below)



9 Nov. 1758

p. 395

Rachel Bradford, Elizabeth Bradford, Stephen Poe, Hana Poe, Simon Poe Junr, Saphiah Poe, Rachel, Eliza., Hanah and Saphiah being first privately examined, acknowledge their deed of release indented to John Thilman. Sarah Bradford* acknowledged her deed of release indented to John Thilman.


9 November 1758

Action of dept. Charles Goodall, Jr agt. William Bowler administrator of Bradford. It’s ordered a commission issue to examine witnesses.


William Marcom’s mortgage indented to John Marcom was proved by William Hudson and Sarah Bradford.



29 October 1759

William Powe produced a certificate from Robt. Gilchrist Gent., for taking up a runaway Negro man named Arthur belonging to Rice Curtis, Gent. of Spotsylvania County. Ordered to be certified to the Assembly.



11 May 1759

Eusebius Stone Gent is appointed overseer of the road from John Baylor, Esqr. to the fork of the road by the Ivy Church and to have the following hands. Colo. Baylor's home house and mill quarter, Jno. Bowin, Ben Gatewood, Jos. Ballard, John Walden's quarter, Willm. Ballard, Armistead's quarter, John Eubank, Abram Wood and William Poe*, to assist him in keeping the road in repair.



14 September 1759

p. 76

Ordered Ben: Walden pay Saml. Poe 100 pounds of tobacco for four days' attendance as an evidence for him against Stone..


10 April 1760

p. 99

Suit in Chancery Adam Byrd agt . Stephen Poe Dismissed.


25 November 1760

Page 271 of Deed Book G 1766-1771

Isaac Darnall of Spots. Co. to Nickolas Darnall of Caroline Co. Pounds 45 curr. 150 a. in Spts Co. Benja. Powe,  Jos. Willoughby, Wm. Mastin, Benja. (X) Mastin. No date of record.


13 June 1761

p. 227

Action of Debt. Wm. Spiller agt. William Bullard, James Bullard, Frederick Fortson and Wm. Poe. The defendants not appearing the judgment of last court is confirmed against Frederick Fortson and James Bullard and George Peay security for Jone for pounds 32.12.2 1/2 current money. To be discharged in the defendant's paying pounds 11.5.7 farthing with interest from 8 May 1760


Feb. 1764

p. 43

On the motion of William Poe and Thomas Reynolds, securities of Elizabeth Charles for the administration of the goods and chattels, rights and credits that were of Oliver Charles. [She to] be summoned to next court to give them counter security.



12 May 1764

p. 145

William Johnton agt. William Poe. Tresspass on the case. Judgment is granted the plaintiff for his costs.


12 May 1764

p. 158

Jacob King agt. William Poe. Case. Upon the defendant's acknowledging that he does not remember that ever he called the plaintiff a mullato or that he knows that he is one and on the defendant paying cost, this suit is dismissed. (see suit in 1773 between these parties)




p. 115 Court 9th day of August 1765

William Strachan, Plaintiff aginst Elizabeth Poe, widow, defendt. In Case This day came the Plt. By his attorney and the Defendt. Tho solemnly called came not therefore it is considered by the court that unless the Defendant appear here at the next court and answer the Plaintiffs action that Judgment will then be granted the Plt. Agst the Defendt. And James Claytor her security for the plts. Damages


p. 215 Court 14th Day of September 1765

William Strachan Plt. Agst. Elizabeth Poe Deft. In Case The Defendt. Pleads that she owes nothing which the plt. Joined Thomas Reynolds first entering her special bail




p. 353 Court 10th day of July 1766

Ordered that William Poe with his gang assist Charles Stern and his gang in making a crossway over Prossers Run.



Spotsylvania County


3 November 1766

James (X) Jones and Mary his wife of St. Geo Par. Spots Co. to Marsom Poe of Par and Co. afsd, 30 lbs. curr. 48 1/2 a in St. Geo Par. Spots. Co. Jos. Herndon, Joseph Allen


Caroline County


p. 32 Court 14th of August 1767

William Strahn Plt. Against Elizabeth Poe deft. In Case. The plaintiff not being a Resident of this Colony and failing to give the Defendant security for her costs agreeable to the Rule of this Court, on the motion of the Defendant, Judgment is granted her against him for costs by her about her defence in this behalf granted.


13 November 1767

p. 63 Robert Gilchrist, Gent agt. William Poe. In debt. The defendant saith that he cannot deny plaintiff's action. It is considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover pounds 61.12.1 and his costs. This judgment except the costs is to be discharged by the payment of pounds 30.16. 1/2 with legal interest from 89 July 1765.


15 April 1768

p. 129

William Poe agt. Joseph Cooper. In trespass, assault and battery. Dismist, with costs.


15 May 1768

p. 178

For reasons appearing to the court Jermiah Rawlins, William Poe, Reuben Catlett and Robert Woolfolk are discharged from the presentment  of the grand jury found against them.


William Poe, plaintiff

p. 129 court 15th of April 1768

William Poe against Joseph Cooper. In trespass assault and battery Dismist with costs.



Louisa County Order Book, 1766-1772


Elizabeth Poe

Elizabeth Poe haveing obtained an Attachment against the Estate of William Strachan who hath privately removed himself or so absconds that ordinary Process cannot be served upon him for five hundred and thirty nine pounds of nett tobacco and fifteen shillings due by a Judgment of the Court of Caroline County and the Sheriff haveing returned that he had executed the same in the hands of William Garrett, this day came the said William Garrett and being first sworn declared that he is indebted to the said William Strachan more than the said Elizabeth demands but that the said Defendant, Strachan, hath commenced a suit against him to recover the same and that the money on which the Attahment is levied is the same for which the said Strachan hath sued him and the said Strachan not appearing tho solemnly called, on the motion of the said Elizabeth by William Bowler, her Attorney, it's considered by the Court that she recover against the said William Garrett the said five hundred and thirty nine pounds of tobacco and fifteen shillings and also her cost in this behalf expended and leave is given the said Garrett to plead this Judgment in barr to the said Defendant's claim for so much.


p. 303 Court 10th of March 1769


Caroline County

William Poe against Lunsford Lomax Gt. On Petition The Defendant being duly summoned and failing to appear tho solemnly called, it is considered by the Court that the Plt. Recover against the said Defendant four pounds fourteen shillings and nine pence, the Debt in the petition specified, and also his costs in this behalf expended.


p. 234 Court 15th of June 1771

Ordered Thomas Tiller pay Coleman Ross fifty pounds of Tobo for attending this court two days as an Evidence for him at the suite of Thomas Powe.


p. 235 Court 15th of June 1771

Thomas Poe against Thomas Tiller. On Petition came the parties by their attorneys, and on hearing the testimony on both sides, It is considered by the Court the same be dismissed and that the Deft. Recover of the petitioner his costs by him in this behalf expended.




23 September 1771.

John (X) Sutton, Senr., and Elizabeth, his wife, of Orange Co. to Benjamin Poe, of Berkeley Par., Spts. Co. Pounds 12 curr. 164 acres. Jos. Willoughby, Edward Brasfield, Leonard Brasfield. No date of Record.


6 June 1772*

Dudley Gatewood and Sarah, his wife, and James Gatewood and Frances, his wife, of Amherst Co., to Edward Brasfield, of Spts. Co. Pounds 80 curr. 220 a. in Berkeley Par., Spts. Co. (Mentions brother, Peter Gatewood), Joseph Willoughby, Benja. Poe, Leonard Brasfield, Thos. Penn, Jno. Penn, James Coleman, Larkin Gatewood. No date of Record.



Benjamin Poe buys land in Caroline County

Benjamin Poe

8 August 1772

A Deed Indented & Receipt from Edward Brasfied & Elizabeth his wife (she being first privately examined) to Benja: Poe acknowledged & ordered to be recorded.


two months later Benjamin Poe sells land in Spotsylvania County.



20 October 1772. Benjamin Poe and Elizabeth, his wife, of Spts. Co. to Edward Brasfield of same Co. Pounds 40. 160 a. in Spts. Co. purchased of John Sutton, etc. Witnesses, Uriah Edwards, Charles Pemberton, Uriah Edwards, junr. No date of Record.



p. 48 Court 8th January 1778

The Court are of the opinion that the sum of ten pounds be paid to John Hoomes, Gentleman, for the use of Benjamin Poe, as compensation for his trouble and expence in maintaining his sick son* while on Furlough from the Army of the United States.


p. 126 Court 8 Oct 1778

A deed indented and receipt from Benjamin Poe and Elizabeth his wife (she being first privately examined) acknowledged and ordered to be recorded  (to whom granted not named)



Page 198/9 Court 11th November 1779

The Last Will and Testament of Rebecca Bradley deced. was proved by the Oaths of two witnesses and ordered to be recorded. Peyton Stern, the Executor therein named having refused to take upon him the execution thereof. On motion of William Poe who took the Oath prescribed by Law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said Estate with the Will annexed. Bond acknowledged and ordered to be recorded


Richard Ship, Peyton Stern, Richard Ship JUNR and Richard Micou or any three of the, being first sworn are appointed to appraise the Estate of Eliza. Bradley, deceased, according to Law.


Sarah (Poe) Herndon

p.41 Court of August 1781

It appearing to the Court that Sarah Herndon, having held sundry slaves and other estate of her deceased husband William Herndon and moving out of this State and carrying the same hath thereby forfeited all her right and title thereto by the laws of the Commonwealth.



October 1782

Ordered Peyton Stern, Richard Micou, William Poe and Samuel Rawlins, or any two of them do videw the most convenient way from Richard Ship's through Marshall's and Sullengers plantations into the main road.


p. 68

Dodd, John and Poe, Lucy

m. 2 Jan 1790

John Shackleford, minister (Baptist 1774-1792)



Caroline County 1787-1799: Virginia Land Tax Lists. T.L.C. Genealogy, Miami Beach, Fl. 1991


Poe, William 105 acres (listed each year for the period 1788-99)


Caroline County, Virginia Land Book Alterations 1782-1798 Sparacio 1996.


 (105 acres mentioned in list of the land tax within the district of Nicholas Long, in the County of Caroline)


p. 5 Land Book 1788

Poe, William

Quantity 105 acres. price per acre 5/1

Amount of land Excl. of Lotts 26 ... 13.... 9 (don't know what this means)

Amount of tax 9 ... 8 .... 1 (don't know the meaning)




September 1794

From the Fork Road at Trap, [The Trap was the tavern located between Port Royal and Bowling Green. . . ] over Stern’s Mill to the road leading by Meeting House, Mark Bowler, Jr. appointed Overseer on which the hands of William Poe, Sarah Bradley, Mark Bradley, Mark Bowler, William Clift and Samuel McGehee are to work.




December 1799

Raymond Poe (Mordecai Howard and Catherine Howard his wife summoned to give William Fields counter security on her Admin of the estate, she being formerly Catharine Poe)

Admin/Executor: Catherine Howard