9 December 1875 Frances Blakeney one of the administrators files inventory order to sell all property W. W. Jones also administrator. Administrators securities were Jared S. Sudduth and Joel Everett Heirs of deceased widow Dicey Poe - resides on premises of the deceases. Children and decendants being Gatsy Lucas wife of [Thomas Lucas] she resides in the state of Arkansas Mary Lawrey wife of Edmund Lawrey deceased, leaving a number of children in the county and state Apsy Price, wife of Frances Prise resides with her husband in Pickens County, Alabama and they alone with the descendants of said deceased children are the only heirs of said deceased Simon Poe. Dicey Poe, widow consents to receive a child's part of the estate. Gatsey Lucas is one of the children of the deceased and Apsey Price is another of the deceased's children, and that they are each of them living, and that Polly Lawrey and Patsey Shepherd who are both deceased, were also children of the deceased, and that they each left children who are . . of which children administrators reports they cannot give the names nor the members of each desceased family sum of $2351.38 be divided into five shares one to Dicey Poe, one to Gatsey Lucas, one to Apsey Price and that the distribution of the other two shares be not decreed until the court can be informed of the names and member of heirs that is entitled to the shares of teh said Polley Lawrey and Patsey Shepherd which ... are as follows, Disey Poe. $570.27 Gatsey Lucas Apsey Price --- now comes the said applicants ... that said petition be granted and also comes John Blakeney who is not of kin to the admins in any way. Martha A Thompson. Child of Martha Shepherd . . her distributive share of the said estate Jasper N. Shepherd. George W. Shepherd Melisant Bright William L. Shepherd Sareptha A. Shepherd William J. Shepherd John L. S. A. Shepherd Sarah F. [Deagans] ? James Martin Nall Isaac N. Nall Mary E. Nall Louisa N. Nall Virginia e. Hannah A. B. Lawrey Mary M. Ray, wife of William Ray Louise S. Worthen Hardy A. Worthen Simon Lawrey Dicey Lawrey James B. Moore Henry B. Moore Andrew M. McCool Mary A. McCool It is further ordered the the affidavit and certificate and list of heirs of said estate living in Arkansas, be filed and recorded. Permillia J Moore, minor is entitlted to 15.67 as one of the children of Elander McCool