! typ patent ref VPB 7 p165 dat 20 April 1682 to Robert Hookes re 200a on the SW side of the main Swamp of the westerne branch of Nanzemond, !being one halfe of a Pattent formerly granted !to the said Hooks his father and Wm. Bream loc 83270 5548 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mark't pickory by the aforesaid swamp Side being a C. tree between the said Rook's and Wm Wilkins, ln WxS; 320P; pt B) a small red oake ln NW; 120P; pt C) an Oake shrub ln ExN; 320P; pt D) a small Pine by the Swampe side lm ; ; down the Main Sw. of Western Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p233-234 dat 2 July 1635 decl -8 to Thomas Jordan [deserted?] re 900a Warrasquioake Co. neare the head of Warrasquioake river loc 104271 -5334 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the Westerly side of an old Indian Towne at an oake marked with three notches being upon the NW side of the river ln WNW; 320p; into the woods a mile pt B) ln ; ; pt C) lm ese; 320p; [est] downe the river to pt D) a Crosse Creeke a small oake being there marked with twoe notches lm n55e; 450p; [est] up the Crosse Cr. !Whereas by letters bearing date the twoe & twentieth !day of July 1634 from the Rt Honble the Lords of !his Majties most Honoble Privie councell Their !Lordshipps did authorize the Governr and Councell !of Virginia to dispose of such pr.porcons of Lands !to all planters being Freemen as they had power to !doe before the yeare 1625 !The said 900 acres of land accrewing due unto him !the said Thomas Jordan by and for the transportacon !at his owne pr.per costs and charges of eighteene !pr.sons into thiis Colony whose names are in the !Records menconed under his pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p238-239 dat 2 June 1635 to Mr. Anthony Jones re 500a on the East side of Pagan pont Creeke !begining at a Creeke called the Cross Creeke !and soe runing Southerly to the land of John Sparkes !Westerly upon the river !and Easterly in to the woods a mile con transportacon of tenn servants !whose names are in the records menconed under this Pattent !Nich Lee, Michaell Brinckley, William Richards, !John Weston, Jon Aram, Edward Page, Deborah Merrard, !Rich Austin, Jos Bech?. Tho. Randall loc 77677 -26400 F127 L0 P255 pt lm n; 250p; James River pt lm e; 320p; [Cross Creeke?] pt lm s; 250p; Easterly into the woods a mile pt lm w; 320p; John Sparkes end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p239-240 dat 3 June 1635 !Whereas by Letters Pattents bearing date 22 July 1634 !from the Rt Honoble the Lords of his Majties most !Honoble Privie Councell their Lordshipps did !authorize the Governr and Councell of Virginia !to dispose of such pr.porcons of land to all planters !being Freemen as they had power to doe before the !yeare 1625 where according to diverse orders and !institutions in that case pr.vided and appointed !all devidents of land any waies due or belonging !to an Adventurers or planters of what condicon soever !were to bee laid out and assigned unto them !according to the severall condicons in the same mentioned to John SPARKES re 750a at the head of Pagan point Creeke !butting Northerly upon the Land of Mr. Jones and Southerly upon the marsh called by the name of the white marsh !Westerly upon the river and Easterly into the !woods a mile loc 77629 -26048 F127 L0 P255 pt lm e; 320p; Mr Jones pt lm s; 375p; guess, Easterly into the woods a mile pt lm w; 320p; upon the White Marsh pt lm n; 375p; James River !The said Seaven hundred and fiftie acres !accrewing due unto him by the transportacon of !fifteene pr.sons into this Colony whose names !are in the Records menconed under this patt' !To have and to hold the said seven hundred and !fiftie acres of Land wth his due share of all !Mines and Minnerals therein Conteyned wthall !rights and priviledges of hunting hawking Fishing !and Fowling wthin the pr.cints of the same to the !sole and pr.per use and behoofe of him the said !John Sparkes his heires and assignes forever in !as large and ample manner to all intents and !purposes is expressed in the said orders and !Constitutions or by consequence may bee justly !Collected out of the same or out of his Majties !Letters Pattents whereon they are grounded, !Yeilding and paying for every fiftie acres of Land !herein by these pr.sents given and graunted !yearely at the fest of St Michaell the Arch'ell !the fee rent of one shilling to his Majties use !Provided alwaies that if the said John Sparkes !shall not plant or seate or cause to bee planted !on the said seaven hundred and fiftie acres of !Land wthin the time or terme of three yeares !now next ensuing the date hereof that then it !shall and may be Lawfull for any Adventurer or !planter to make Choice and seate upon the same !Given at James Citty under my hand and Seale !wth the seale of the Colony the third day of !June one Thousand six hundred thirty five !and in the xith yerare of the raigne of !our Soveragine Lord Charles !John Sparkes Grace Sparkes Ellin Perkins !John Clarke Robert Hopkins Jon Grundy !Wm Peirce Wm Hurdise Robt Dugg !Stephen Banister Christopher Tennant Rich Cole !Wm Gallopin Hen Taylor Mary Sparkes end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight County Deeds, Wills & Guardian Accts. !Book A (1636-1767) p.69 dat 10 March 1655/56 frm James Watson, tanner, and wife Mary Watson to Henry Pitt re 200a part of Mr John Sparkes patent for 750a !which was sold to Peter Hull who sold it to !my Brother Robert Watson, bounded by Anthony Jones !James Watson Mary X Watson recorded 10 March 1655/56 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p380-381 dat 13 Sept 1636 to Justinian Cooper re 1050a in the Countie of Warrasquick !being North west Upon the head of Lawnes Creeke !South east upon the back Creeke and !North East Upon his dwelling howse !South west into the woods !The said 1050 acres of land being due Unto him as !followeth (Vizt) !50 acres for his pr.son [into] adventure send !1000 acres by and for the transportacon of his owne !pr.son costs and charges of 20 pr.sons into this Colony !whose names are in the records mentioned Under this pattent !Justinian Cooper Rich Cosoy Nich Man John Cu[r]tis !John Coker Henry Benniafiell [Clonnts] Evans !Henry Bonney James Smith Geo Stacy Wm Redman !Geo Jackson Wm Bannister Wm Cooke !Samll Eldrige Wm Mosse Mary Chriton Jon Davis !Robert Badye Rich Smith Wm Underwood jr. loc 75286 -40358 F127 L0 P255 pt A) [his Dwelling House] lm sw; 320p; pt B) NW Upon head of Lawnes Cr. lm se; 525p; pt C) SW into the Woods lm ne; 320p; pt D) SE upon the Back Cr. lm nw; ; NE upon his Dwelling House end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p400 dat 25 November 1636 to Richard Young re 350a WQ end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p401 dat 25 November 1636 to Richard Young re 100a WQ end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p566 dat 11 May 1638 to Richard Young re 100a In New Towne haven river, adj. Richard PRESTON !Renewed 24 August 1643 & a patent of 25 November 1636 added end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p892-893 dat 24 August 1643 decl -8 to Richard Young re 450a in the Countie of the Upper Norfolke upon New towne haven river loc 105323 -6710 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small Island and on the river side and by the Mouth of a small gutt lm NW; 32p; by the SW of a small gutt pt B) a marked Pockerry the said gut pr.ting from the land of Richard Preston ln WNW; 288P; frm Richard Preston's c. pt C) a marked white oake ln NE; 61P; pt D) a marked Pockerrey ln NW; 100P; pt E) a marked black oake ln SW; 160P; pt F) a marked black oake soe ln SE; 100P; pt G) a marked post ln SW; 82P; pt H) a marked poplar ln ESE; 320P; Thomas Jordans pattent pt I) a marked red oake standing on the river side by a great Codd of Marsh !and soe runing downe by the river side 184P !unto the first menoned marked tree lm ; 184p; down by the River side !The said fower hundred and fiftie acres of land !being due unto him the said Richard Young (Vizt) !350a by vertue of a former pattent of the !five and twentieth of November 1636 !And 100 acres more by vertue of one other !former pattent of the xith of May 1638 !To have and to hold &c To bee held &c !Yeilding and paying &c which paymt is to bee made !(Vizt) for 350a seaven yeares after the date of !the five and twentieth of November 1636 and !100a the remainder seaven yeares after the !date of the xi of May 1638 and not before !dated the xxiiiith of August 1643 end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deeds, Wills & Guardian Accts. !Book A (1636-1767) p.115 dat 5 February 1649/50 frm Richard Young to Robert Pitt, Merchant re 350a on New Town Haven River !adj. Richard Presson & Thomas Jordan !and 100 acres patented 24 August 1648 [sic] !and now in possession of William Denson & John Oldis. !Richard X Young !witnesses: Robert Gayland & Robert Pitt Jr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p495 dat 3 November 1637 to Hugh WYNN re 200a in the Countie of the Isle of Wight !about twoe miles up the maine Creek of the !baye of New towne haven !which land runneth into the woods NW and up the Creek SW !due unto the said Hugh WYNN by and for the transportacon !of his owne pr.per costs and charges of fower pr.sons !into this Colony whose names are in the Records menconed !under this pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p315 dat 23 March 1654/55 to Elizabeth Gwin re 700a in the County of the Ile of Wight upon and in the Lower bay about two Miles upp the bay on !the Western Side and loc 115628 -20308 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked white Oake on a point at the mouth !of a Gutt or valley by a Small Iland Called Bennetts Park ln WNW; 320P; Sam Jackson ! by and adjoyning on a post of Land of Sam Jacksons to pt B) a marked red Oake which nigh unto a running Branch ln SSW; 350P; pt C) a marked Pine which Standing on the mouth of a Creek Called Goose Hill Creeke ln ESE; 320P; pt D) a marked pohekery lm nne; along Seawards Cr. pt E) the uttermost of the mouth thereof lm NNE; 350P; by the bay Side !to the first mentioned markt white Oak Standing nigh !unto the Small ILand Called Bennetts park !due unto the said Elizabeth Gwin as Exrx. of !Hugh Gwnn who patented the said Land 3 March 1640 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p502 dat 23 November 1637 to Thomas DAVIS re 100a IW Called the Oyster bancke Neck, !joyning to land which Thomas JORDEN lately !lived upon in Warwicksquike river & now !called New Towne haven end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p21 dat 10 August 1644 decl -8 to Thomas DAVIS re 300a Nansimond Co. on a br. of Newtown haven river called Beverley Creek !!adj. Thomas JORDEN decd, Thomas POOLE loc 100547 -8110 F127 L0 P255 Pt marked pine standing on a point by an oyster bank Ln SW; 320p; for length, adj patent of Thomas Jordan decd Pt marked post Ln NxE; 42p; on Thomas Poole Pt marked poickery Ln NxE.5pE; 266p; sd Thomas Poole Pt marked oak standing on the N side of the head of a small gutt or Creeke Lm NWxN; 66p; Pt marked white oak on a point on S side of a branch of sd Beverly Creek lm ne; 200p; by sd branch Pt lm ;; and creek end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p70-71 dat 10 August 1644 to Thomas DAVIS re 300a in the County of Nansimond and lyeing on a branch of Newtown haven river Called Beverley Creeke loc 100447 -8018 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked pine Standing on a point by an Oyster Bank ln sw; 320p; for Length, Mr Thomas Jordan decd pt B) a Marked post ln NxE; 42P; Thomas Poole pt C) a Marked pocikery NxE and halfe a point Easterly lm n18e; 266P; Thomas Poole pt D) a MArked oake standing on the Northward side of the head of a Small Gutt or Creeke, lm nwxn; 66p; Nigh or by a Small Gutt or Cr. pt E) a Marked White oake Standing on a point on the Southward side of a branch of the Said Beverley Cr. lm ne; 200p; [est] by a Br. pt F) and the Said Beverley Creeke lm ; ; Beverley Cr. !due as followeth Vizt !100 acres part thereof by patent bearing date !the 23d. of November 1637 and !200 Acres the Residue thereof by and for the !Transportation of four persons into this Colony !(one hundred acres thereof being due by Caveat !of the 31th. of May 1641 Ent. in the County !Court of Nansimum) all whose Names are Mentioned !in the records under this patent !to have and hold &c to be held &c !Yeilding and paying unto our Soverign Lord the !King his heires and Successors for Every !fifty Acres of Land herein by these presents !given and granted yearely at the feast of !St. Michaell the Archangell the fee fent of !one Shilling to his Majesties use which payment !is to be made as followeth Vizt !for one hundred Acres part thereof Seven Yeares !after the Date of this patent of the 23th. of November 1637 !and for 100 Acres Seven yeares after his Caveat !Entered the 31th. of May 1641 !and for one hundred Acres the remainder !Seven yeares after the Date of this patent and !not before end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p402 dat 28 Nov 1636 to Henry BRADLY !Renewed & 100 acres added re 100a WQ end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p537 dat 22 Nov 1637 to Henry BRADLY re 200a UNNR Upon Warwicksquike River !now called New Towne haven, Due for trans. of his wife !Frances BRADLY & 3 pers. !Walter BILL, Jon FELTON, Wm NOBLE end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p560 dat 28 May 1638 to Sarah CLOYDEN, Widdoe re 200a Isle of Wight County Adj. land of Humphry SCOWEN. con in right of trans of 4 pers. !Note: This pattent assigned to John ALLEN !who assigned to Humphry SCOEN & by him to !Henry BRADLY, in whose name it was renewed 21 Nov 1643 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p560 dat 28 May 1638 to Sarah CLOYDEN, Widdow re 150a Upper Norfolk County Adj. land of Peter REY con in right of transp. of 3 pers. !Note: This & the former pattent joyned !& 100 acres more added end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p794 dat 25 August 1642 to Henry BRADLY re 450a Upper Norfolk County SE upon Newtowne haven River !near John Jarrett/GARRETT By virtue of 2 former patents end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p938 "Rainworth" dat 21 December 1643 to Henry BRADLEY named Rainworth re 450a Upper Norfolk County At head of main branch of !New towne haven river adj. Humphry SCOWEN & Peter RAY !350a by assignment of 2 patents from sd SCOWEN !to whom it was assigned by John ALLEN, !being first granted to Sarah CLOYDON Widdow, !and 100 acres for transp. of 2 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p255-256 dat 29 Apr 1693 to Henry BRADLEY re 450a named Rainsworth on the Westward side of the Head of Chuckeytuck Creek in the County of Nansemond !Including the sd Quantity 350 Acres thereof !being formerly Granted unto Humphry Scowne by !two patents bearing date the 28th day of May 1638 !& since granted unto Henry Bradley (Grandfather of !the now Henry Bradley) with the Additon of the !other 100 acres by patent dated the 28th of December !Anno 1643 which patent after Several descents is !now in the Right & possession of the sd Henry Bradley loc 99055 -1050 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked persimon on the [Sth] side of the hd of the Creek & on the E side of a Sm Valley !(opposite to the place where was !formerly a foot Bridg) and runs according to an !Antient Line of Marked Trees N24W 322P to ln n74w; 322p; pt B) a Red Oke ln SSW; 252P; pt C) a Red Oke ln s44e; 208p; old Line of Marked Trees pt D) a Small black Oke by a Branch Side near Peter Butlers House ! thence by the sd Branch to lm ssw; 150p; [est] up sd Br. pt E) a White Oke a C. Tree of the sd Butler his Land ln ne; 112p; sd Butlers land pt F) his white Oke by the path side ln NW; 28P; pt G) the Coopers Branch lm nne; 100p; [est] by Coopers Br. pt H) the Mouth of a small Branch lying to the Eastward of Jacob Butler his House !thence by a line of Marked Trees NE to the foot Bridge ln NE; ; marked trees end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p529 dat 10 September 1637 to Mr Arthur Smith re 1450a Isle of Wight County Being a neck runing SE behind Pagan shore con Transp. of 29 pers. !renewed in the name of Arthur Smith 21 Mar 1643/44 !& 100 acs added end end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p683 dat 10 May 1679 decl -8 to Lt. Coll. Arthur Smith of Isle of Wight Co. re 2275a of high land & Marsh Land in the lower pr.ish !of the County aforesd. & on the West side of the !lower Bay Creeke bounded (Vizt.) !The sd land being due to the sd Smith as foll. !1500a part thererof being formrly granted to his !father Mr Arth. Smith deced by pattent dated the !21th March 1643 & the remaineing 775 Acres by & !for the transptr. of sixteen pr.sons !Jno. Pollintine, Jno Crosland, Marg. Amy, !Wm. Walker, Ra. or Ro. Mathews, !Jno Drake, Richd. Ferne, Tho. Drake, Hugh Mathews, !Tho. Hampton, Pet Barnes, Conogh Handland, !Mary Wilson, Robt. Horsley, An. Bell, M Golding loc 88293 -23028 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a point of Mrsh. at the mouth of Seawards !neer an oyster bank thenn up the sd Creeke !N75 ds 70 ds & 60 ds Wly. 128 po. to lm wnw; 128p; up Seawards Cr. pt B) an old mrked Cedar !thence S50 ds & 1/15 Wly !along an old line of mrked trees between !the sd Smith & Paro. Cobb 208P to ln s50w; 208p; Pharo. Cobb pt C) an old mrked ded oake ln S72W; 148p; pt D) an old Mrked Hiccory ln N65W; 130p; aforesd Cobbs Marked trees pt E) a Gum mrked three wayes on the south side of a small branch !being a C. tree betwixt the sd Smith !& Hen Wiggs then S41 ds Wly up the sd branch 74 po. to lm s41w; 74p; Henr Wiggs, up a Small Br. pt F) a Gum on the so. side the aforesd branch !likewise thence along Hen. Wiggs line ln s11e; 108p; S11E 1/15 Ely pt G) a mrked shrubb ln s78w; 240p; S78W 1/45 Wly. pt H) an ash mrked three wayes standing in the forke of a branch & in Capt. Hen. Applewaights line ln S67e; 150p; Capt. Hen. Applwaight !S67ds 1/30 Ely Ely 150 po. to pt I) a red oake & a hiccory both mrked [center] waies ln S33w; 32p; Mathew Walkely !1/45 Wly along Mathew Walkelys line 32 po. to pt J) a red oake mrked three wayes ln S45e; 84p; pt K) a great white oake mrked tree wayes a C. tree of Mr Gyles Drivers land ln N33e; 50p; Mr Gyles Driver !1/45 Ely 50 po. to pt L) an oake shrub ln S45e; 300P; pt M) a oake mrked in Richd Reynolds Senior line ln N33e; 50p; Richd Reynolds Sr. !1/45 Ely 50 po. to pt N) a hiccory & [N]59 ds Ely 320 po. to lm s59e; 320p; pt pt O) a hiccory very near the lower bay Creeke lm ; ; downe Lower Bay Cr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p605 dat 10 November 1638 to Leift John UPTON con transp. of 30 pr.sons re 1500a !1000a in the Countie of Isle of Wight !adjoyning to the outside of Ambrose Bennetts land !lying Northerly Upon the said branch !and 500 acres of land more on the other side of !the Said branch !opposite against the aforesaid land !running Easterly into the woods !begining at an Indian path which goeth over the !head of that branch and runneth Southerly Upwards !from the head of the said branch ! ! estimated for 1500a. Note this is really two parcels. loc 91823 -13602 F127 L0 P255 pt ln ne; 500p; pt ln se; 500p; pt ln sw; 500p; pt ln nw; 500p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p181 dat 25 September 1667 to Mr Robt. Coleman re 634a Isle of Wight County loc 90695 -15548 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red Oake in a branch called the Cyprus !and running up to Mr Driver's New Land SSE 320P ln sse; 320p; up to Mr Driver's New Land pt B) then by his New land West 164.5P ln w; 164.5p; his [Driver's] New Land pt C) and SxE 60P to ln SxE; 60p; pt D) Rutters Land then WxS by Rutters 220P to ln WxS; 220p; Rutter pt E) a pine one of his C. Trees by a pocoson lm SxE; 110p; still by Rutter & by the pocoson SxE [110P] to pt F) a red oake ln WxS; 216P; into the pocoson pt G) then NxW [104) to lm NxW; 140p; pt H) Mr Ruffins Land then by Ruffins Land ln ExN; 160P; Mr Ruffin pt I) a white oake in the pocoson ln NxW; 122P; fm the pocoson pt J) a red oake Ruffins C. ln ENE; 26P; pt K) a red oake ln N; 60P; pt L) a small red oake lm n; 245P; upon the Miles End line of Bennetts & Smiths Land pt M) a line oake on a Pond lm nnw; 320p; frm a Pond, downe by Smiths Land pt N) a Greate Cyprus Swamp in the Cyprus branch lm ; ; down the Cyprus Br. !the said Land being due as folls: !300a by purchase from Ambrose Bennett !334a the residue for transportacon of 7 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p637 dat 15 March 1638/39 to Epaphroditus LAWSON re 250a UNNR N side of Chuckatuck River adj. his own land end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p17 dat 30 May 1653 to Richard SLAUGHTER re 200a NS end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p386 dat 03 June 1656 to Richard SLAUGHTER re 650a NS Running to the Horse bridge !250a by purchase from Epaphraditus LAWSON, !200a by former patent dated 30 May 1653 & !200a for transp. of 4 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p309(424) dat 30 October 1662 to Rich. SLAUGHTER re 650a NS !Renewal of patent dated 3 June 1656 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p746 dat 23 June 1641 to Ambrose Bennett re 1150a Isle of Wight Co. Upon the maine head of the Lower baye Creeke called Cypress Swampe and loc 95789 -26380 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining at a marked white oake !thence on a point by the side of the said Cypres Swamp !and runing for length ln SSE; 320P; pt B) a marked pokerey ln W; 626P; pt C) a marked pokerey ln NNW; 310P; pt D) a marked pine standing on the side of a Valley by the maine branch side lm E; 624P; downe by the side of sd Cypress Sw. !Unto the first menconed marked tree !including the said quantitie of Land which said Land !is to be augmented and doubled when hee or his assignes !shall have sufficiently peopled and plated the same !the said 1150 acres ofland being due unto him the said !Ambrose Bennett by and for the !con transp. of 23 servants !into this Colony: [24 people]: end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p203 dat 6 June 1699 frm Francis Nicholson Esqr. Governor to Hugh Campbell re 634a in the Isle of Wight County !The sd Land was formerly granted to Robert Coleman !by patent dated the 25th of September 1667 !and by him deserted and Since granted to !Hugh Campbell by Order of the Generall Court !beareing date the 17th day of October 1698. !And is further due unto the sd Hugh Campbell !by and for the importacon of 13 persons into !this Colony all whose names are in the records !mentioned under this patent [none listed, however] !Hugh Campbell his patent for 634 acres Land !in Isle of Wight County. E. Jenings Depty. Secry. loc 90789 -15740 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake in a branch Called the Cyprus ln sse; 330p; pt B) Mr. Drivers new Land SSE 330P ln w; 164.5p; Mr Drivers New Land pt C) ln SxE; 60P; pt D) Rutters Land ln WxS; 230p; Rutter pt E) a pine One of his C. trees by a poquoson lm SxE; 110p; Rutter, by the poquoson pt F) a red Oake ln WxS; 216p; into the poquoson pt G) ln NxW; 104P; pt H) Mr Ruffins Land ln ExN; 160p; Ruffin pt I) a white oake in the poquoson ln NxW; 122P; frm the Poquoson pt J) a red oake Ruffins c. ln ENE; 26P; pt K) a red oake ln N; 60P; pt L) a Small red oake lm n; 240P; upon the Miles End line of Bennetts & Smiths land pt M) a live oake in a Pond ln nnw; 320p; frm a Pond, by Smiths Land pt N) a great cyprus Swamp in the Cyprus branch lm ; ; down the Cyprus Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p658-659 to William Jolly end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p751 dat 3 Apr 1641 to Robert BURNETT re 200a Isle of Wight County end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p914 dat 29 September 1643 to Robert Burnett re 200a of land scituate in the Countie of the Isle of Wight lying Upon a branch of Seawards Creeke con former pattent bearing date the third of Apr 1641 loc 56230 -4882 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining at a marked Saxafrasse !runing for length by and adjoyning on the land of ln nnw; 175p; Nicholas Smith 175P pt B) NNW containeing the same Course nintye seaven = !97P further Unto ln NNW; 97p; pt C) a marked white oake and for breadth from the first !menconed marked tree by the maine Swampe side 118P WSW Unto lm wsw; 118p; Maine Sw. pt D) a marked pine and for length againe NNW 272P !twoe hundred seaventie twoe = 272P Unto ln sse; 272p; pt E) a marked pine lc ; ; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p71 dat 23 Apr 1681 to Maj'r Tho. Taberer re 400a of high Land & Marsh Neer the Mouth of !the Pagan Creeke ! in the upper parish of the !Isle of Wight county & Comonly Called Bassetts Choice !150 part thereof being granted granted by !pattent dated unto Mr Peter Knight in !Ao. 1640 & by the sd Knight sold & Conveyed to !Mr John Bland of London mr'ht & by Mr Giles Bland !his sonn & Attorney of the sd John Conveyed to the !said Taberer the 4th of December 1675 together !with a Confirmacon of the said Sale & a !relinquishment of Dower by Mrs Sara. Bland wife !& Genll. Attorney of the aforesd John 6 Oct 1679 !the remaineing 250 Acres being the greatest part !Marsh land Adjoyning to the former & due to the con Transportacon of 5 persons [8 listed] !The whole being thus bounded loc 118764 -46801 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Mouth of Palentines/Polentines swamp !wch swamp devideth the sd Taberers land from !the land of Mr James Day lm n32w; 80p; up Palentines Sw. pt B) a Locust saplin in John Mungoes line ln SW; 92P; John Mungoe pt C) a white oake Neer the head of a small Gutt lm s25w; 60p; down a small Gutt frm Neer the head pt D) Hutchins Creeke lm s; 100p; guess, dwn Hutchins Cr. pt E) & the Crosse Creeke to lm ese; 100p; guess, down Crosse Cr. pt F) the Maine pagen Creeke lm ne; 120p; by the Maine Pagen Cr. pt G) the Mouth of the sd Taberers owne Creeke lm n; 50p; guess, up Taberers Cr. pt H) & Jones hole Creeke to lm ; ; up Jones hole Cr. pt I) a Locust post in the Marsh lc N53W; 40P; fm the Marsh end ! typ patent ref VPB ? dat 11 November 1640 to James TUKE re 900 acres end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p213 dat 14 September 1653 to James TOOKE re 178a in the Isle of Wight County upon the head of one of the black water branches con transp; of 4 pers. loc 113978 -54052 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked white oake Neare Thomas Pritchards Cartway ln SxE; 100P; fm Neare Thomas Prichards Cartway pt B) a red oake ln SxW; 116P; pt C) another oake ln w.5ps; 140p; West halfe Southerly pt D) a white oake ln NxW; 146P; pt E) another white oake ln NExE.5pE; 205p; NExE halfe Easterly 205P !being due by and for the transportation of !four persons into this Colony !Robert Rene Wm Terry Lydia Temball? Jane Crosse end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p278 (228-229) dat 9 March 1662/63 to Thomas TOOKE re 178a Isle of Wight County upon the head of !One of the black Water branches !The said Land being formerly granted to !James Tooke (Deced) by patent dated the !14 of September 1653 and is now due to the !said Thomas as Son and Heir to the said James end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p394(452) dat 17 June 1664 to Nicholas COBB re 900a Isle of Wight Co. upon a branch that issueth from the Pagan Bay swamp !the said branch !runing through a Patent of Land of !Mr Nathaniel Floy'd The said Land being formerly !granted unto Mr James Tuke by Patent dated !the 11th of September 1640 and Assigned to !William Tuke son and Heir of the said !James Tuke, deceased to the said Nicholas Cobb !the 3rd of January 1661 loc 122453 -59692 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an ash in a Swamp ln SE; 320p; for length SE to a red oak along the Miles end of the Patent of Land aforementioned to pt B) a Patent of Land of Mr Nicholas Smiths !and for breadth SW 450P by the main branch side to lm sw; 450p; Mr Nicholas Smith, by the Main Br. side pt C) a marked oak and again for length SE to ln nw; 320p; for length pt D) a marked Gum lc ; ; [ne 450p] end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p124 dat 9 May 1667 to Mr Thomas TOOKE re 1228a in Isle of Wight County !800 acres of this Land being formerly granted !unto the father of the said Thomas Tooke !and 178 acres another pattent granted the !9th day of March 1662 unto the said Thomas Tooke !the Residue being due pr. transportacon of 5 pr.sons !Jno Walton Francis Wren Eliz Brumidge/Brunridge, !Ralph Harton Abram Harmon loc 115182 -54748 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an Ash on the Maine Swamp nere which !stood formerly an pochikery being the C. !tree of his devident of Land conteyning !800 acres and running thence SSW 76P to ln ssw; 76p; pt B) a red Oake ln WSW; 60P; pt C) a pine ln WNW; 64P; pt D) a white oake ln N; 80P; pt E) a pine ln SSE; 60P; pt F) a white oake ln SxE; 100P; pt G) a Red oake ln SxW; 116P; pt H) an Oake lm w.5ps; 140p; West ½ poynt Southerly 140P pt I) a white Oak ln NxW; 146P; pt J) a white Oake ln NxE.5pE; 205p; NxE ½ point Easterly pt K) a white oake in a Meadow ln NExE; 120P; fm a Meadow pt L) a Red Oake ln N; 72P; pt M) a pine ln NE; 92P; pt N) a Red Oake in the Line of his abovesaid Devidend of 800 acres !and soe along the said Line of Mrked trees NxW to lm NxW; 100p; [est dist] along the 800 acres pt O) his upper C. tree which is a pine by a pocoson ln exn; 320p; pt P) [a pine by] a small Branch parte by marked trees lm SE; 220P; down the Ashen Sw. pt Q) a white oake on the Swamp ln SxW; ; pt R) and SSW by Old marked trees 214P to ln SSW; 214p; pt S) an Elme in the main Swamp lm ; ; up the Maine Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p124 dat 9 May 1667 to Mr Thomas Tooke re 1228a in Isle of Wight County !800 acres of this Land being formerly granted unto !the father of the said Thomas Tooke !and 178 acres another pattent granted the !9th day of March 1662 unto the said Thomas Tooke con he Residue due pr. transp. of 5 pr.sons loc 115057 -54679 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at an Ash standing on the Maine Swamp nere which !stood formerly an pochikery !being the C. tree of his devident of Land conteynin !800 acres ln SSW; 76P; pt B) a red Oake ln WSW; 60P; pt C) a pine ln WNW; 64P; pt D) a white oake ln N; 80P; pt E) a pine ln SSE; 60P; pt F) a white oake ln SxE; 100P; pt G) a Red oake ln SxW; 116P; pt H) an Oake lm W6.5S; 140p; West ½ poynt Southerly 140P pt I) a white Oak ln NxW; 146P; pt J) a white Oake lm N17.5E; 205p; NxE ½ point Easterly 205P pt K) a white oake in a Meadow ln NExE; 120p; fm a Meadow pt L) a Red Oake ln N; 72P; pt M) a pine ln NE; 92P; pt N) a Red Oake in the Line of his !abovesaid Devidend of 800 acres !and soe along the said Line of Mrked trees NxW to lm NxW; ; along his 800 acres pt O) his upper C. tree which is a pine by !a pocoson then ExN 320P to ln ExN; 320p; frm a pocoson pt P) [a pine by] a small Branch ln SE; 220P; fm a Small Br., part down Ashen Sw. !parte by marked trees parte down the Ashen Swamp to pt Q) a white oake on the Swamp then SxW ln SxW; 50p; guess pt R) and SSW by Old marked trees 214P to ln ssw; 214p; pt S) an Elme in the main Swamp !thence up the Maine Swamp to the first S[t]ation lm w; 50p; guess, up the Maine Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p500 dat 25 Feb 1673/4 to Col. John BLAKE re 450a NS !100a on Western branch of Nanzemond River on S side some 2½ miles !up the branch adj. Geo. Ludlow, Fra. March &c. !200a adj. Tho. Babb; !150a adj. Titus Carline, Wm Moore, !Mr Hen. Plumton, Mr Wm Codogan !& along line of old battle; 100a granted sd Babb !12Dec1641, sold to Johna. Robinson who sold to !John Battle & by him sold to sd Blake; !200a granted Jno. Battle 14Dec1653 & sold to !sd Blake; 150a added due for transp. of 3 pers. end ! typ Assignment ref frm Thomas Stamp & John Sweete to Richard Jackson re 350a end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p772 dat 13 March 1641/42 to Richard Jackson re 450a Isle of Wight Co. upon the head of a br. the South bay Cr. called Seawards Creeke loc 114033 -13983 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining att a marked red oake ln W; 320P; pt B) a marked white oake ln NNE; 119p; the land of Thomas Marcy or Maney pt C) a marked oake ln N; 129p; the Land of Pharoe Flinton pt D) a great marked Spanish oake ln E; 200P; pt E) a marked pockeccory lm ; ; Seawards Cr., on the Land of Justinian Cooper !The said fower hundred and fiftie acres of Land !butting and adjoyning to the East on the head of the !said Seawards Creeke !due Unto him as followeth (Vizt) !350a pr.te thereof geing due him by Assignment from !Thomas Stamp and John Sweete of their right and title !to 350 acres for the transportacon of Seaven pr.sons !into this Colony !And the other hundred acres bing the residue thereof !being Due Unto him !by and for the transportacon of his owne pr.per costs !and charges of twoe servants all whose names are in the !Records menconed Under this pattent end ! typ patent ![The survey in Part A must have been cancelled. !The rights were reused by Robert SAVEN/SAVIN !in part B] ref VPB 1 p863 dat 23 December 1642 to George BUSSE [George BUSSEY?] re 400a at the head of Lawnes Creek !begining at William TROLODERs, !parallel to Mr John PAULEY & William TROLODORE !The following names appear under this record: !Lydia his wife 2 times, Richard COLLETT, Robert RIGBY, !John BELL, William MASCALL, John SHAW, John EVANS end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p874-875 dat 16 March 1642/43 decl -8 to Justinian Cooper gent. re 2400a in the Countie of the Isle of Wight loc 80990 -46518 F127 L0 P255 pt A) bounding North upon a little Creeke lm n; 50p; [est] a Little Cr. pt B) ln w; 320p; pt C) ln SxW; 890p; pt D) ln SxW.5pS; 320p; SxW halfe a point lesse 320P pt E) ln e; 480p; pt F) ln nw; 60p; pt G) the river and soe surrounded wth the bay !to the Creeke where it begann lm ; ; the River surrounded with the Bay !The said twoe thowsand fower hundred acres of Land !being due unto him the said Mr Justinian Cooper !as followeth (Vizt) !100 acres for the pr.sonall Adventure of Ann !his wife in Anno 1618 and !500 acres more for her Adventure of fiftie pounds [£50] !sterl. into the Colony !As alsoe twoe hundred acres for the pr.sonall !Adventure of Robert Olliffe unto whome the said !Anne was Sister and heire and for his Adventure of !twentie seaven pounds [£27] into the Colony 300 acres more, !And 1300 acres more being the residue of the said !fower and twentie hundred acres being likewise due !unto him by and for the transportacon !at his owne pr.per costs and charges of !six and twentie pr.sons into this Colony !all whose names are in the records menconed under !this pattent To have and to hold etc To bee held etc !Yeilding and paying etc which paym't is to bee !made seaven yeares after the Clayming and takeing !up of the said Land being at Michaellmas 1633 !and not before according to the said Charter of !orders etc dated the 16th day of Mary 1642 !Justinian Cooper 4 times Ann his Wife !Clement Ewins Wm Bisley Hen Rownfifall !Georg Archer Wm Woodward Samll Eldrege !Mary Veare Eliza Reades Jon Davis !Robert Feasly James Smith Wm Cooke Henry Bony !Ursula Waight Wm West Wm Redman Robert Kenin !Geo Stacie Wm Underwood Nicholas Mann !Richard Coursie end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p907 dat 28 Aug 1643 to Richard Jackson re 110a Isle of Wight Countie neare the head of Seawards Cr. !bounded Vizt. loc 112828 -16516 F127 L0 P255 pt South on Richard Jacksons owne land lm w; 200p; guess, Richard Jacksons owne land pt SW on the Land of Farrer Flinton lm nw; 100p; guess, Farrer Flinton pt NW and ENE upon the maine runn being the head of Seawards Creeke aforesaid lm ne; 100p; [est] Seawards Cr. pt lm ese; ; Seawards Cr. !due by and for the transportacon of 3 pr.sons into !this Colony all whose names are in the records !menconed under this patent John Champion !Owen Whiting Henry Pepper !41 acres still due upon the last of the said 3 pr.sons !To have and to hold etc !To bee held etc !Yeilding and paying unto our said Soveraigne Lord the !King his heires and Successors for every fiftie acres !of land herein by these pr.sents given and graunted !yearely at the feast of St Michaell the Arch'ell the !fee rent of one shilling to his Majties uses which !paymt is to bee made seaven yeares after the date !of this pattent and not before etc end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p928 dat 3 May 1643 to Tristram NOSWORTHY re 150a Isle of Wight County !On Wwd side of a great marsh behind an island !called the long ponds con trans. of 3 pers. William WEBB !Richard HOOPER Antho. BRANCH end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p19 dat 21 Janry 1679 to Mr Robt. KING the Elder of the Isle of Wight Co. re 200 of high land & Marsh Situate on or Near Tapsters (alias the long pond Creeke) in the lower parish of the Isle of Wight County loc 106330 -19626 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small Cr. on the West side of High's or Hugh's Island upon Mr. Thomas PARKERs line ln wsw; 91p; Thomas PARKER pt B) a Locust post ln SxE; 236P; pt C) a great White oake lm e.25pn; 72p; pt D) a [red] oake ln SExS; 130P; pt E) a red oake ln NE; 40P; pt F) a small Creeke lm NWxN; 102p; up a Small Cr. pt G) a white oake ln NWxW; 42P; pt H) a pine a C. tree of Majr. Geo NARSWORTHYs ln nne; 60p; Majr. Geo. NARSWORTHY pt I) a post in the Marsh on the East side of a small Gutt lm e; 30p; [est] down a Small Gutt pt J) Tapsters Creeke & soe downe Tapsters Creeke to lm ; ; down Tapsters Cr. pt the Mouth of the first menconed little Creeke, lm w; 30p; [est] up Little Cr. !sd 200 Acres of Land being due to the sd KING as foll !150 part being formrly granted to Mr Trustram NARSWORTHY !by pattent dated the 3d May 1643 and by the last Will & !Testament of the said NARSWORTHY bequeath to his !sonn Thoms. NARSWORTHY & by him the said Thomas Sold !& Assigned the 12th of July 1670 !the remaineing 50 Acres being Wast land Joyneing !the the former by & for the Transportcon of one person !Wm. KING end ! typ patent ref VPB ? dat to Apha. LAWSON re 200a end ! typ patent ref VPB ? dat to Epha. LAWSON re 400a end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p4 dat 1 April 1664 to John HILL re 200a UNF Ewd side of NW branch of Nansimond River !adj. William Eyres !Due by assignment from Apha. LAWSON for transp. of 4 pers. !his own pers. adv., Mr Wm HILL twice & Robt TOWS end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p5 dat 2 April 1644 to John HILL Gent. re 400a UNF W branch of Nansimond River about !the head of sd branch, !near John STALLS, Due by assignment from Epha. LAWSON !& for transp. of 8 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p38 dat 29 September 1645 to William SMITH re 700a Isle of Wight County Lying near Pagan Poynt !adj. Anthony JONES Tristum NORSWORTHY !Nicholas SMITH called Pagan Poynt & Capt. John UPTON !SW upon Hutchinsons Creek deviding the marsh !from the marsh of Capt. John UPTON, which said marsh !is a perfect Isle !also 225 acres of marsh land !500 acres due for trans. of 10 persons by his late !father William SMITH, !& 425 acres by assignment of rights for trans. of !9 persons unto him by Anthony JONES, !25 acres still due upon one name in the certificate. end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p81-82 dat 2 May 1713 to Joseph SMITH con Importation of 7 persons to Dwell !within this our Colony of Virginia whose Names !are Saml. Caniday, Bryan Macklan, Thos. Underwood, !Timathy Mihan, Joseph Burk and Mary his wife & !John Pilkington one Certain Tract or parcell of !High Land & Marsh Containing re 1020 Acres in the Parish of Newport in the County of Isle of Wight !700 Acres part thereof being due unto the sd !Smith by Patent Dated the 29th day of September 1645 and !320 Acres the Residue being Surplus Land found !within the bounds of the said Patent with all &c loc 99202 -22954 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Mouth of a Small Gutt on the East Side of Jones's Creek formerly Pagan Cr. !(which Gutt Divides this Land from the Land of Major Lewis Burwell) lm n76e; 74p; up sd Small Gutt pt B) a Pine Near the head thereof the C. Twixt the said Smith and the said Burwell ln S84E; 73P; crooked line of marked trees pt C) ln ESE; 120P; pt D) a White Oake in the Fork of a Branch C. twixt the Said Burwell and Nathan Bagnalls Land !thence by the said Bagnalls Lines ENE 64P to ln ene; 64p; Nathan Bagnall pt E) a White Oak ln E; 64P; pt F) a Hickory ln N20E; 44P; pt G) a White Oake by a Gutt Side lm ne; 50p; [est] down sd Gutt pt H) the Edge of the Ballasting Marsh lm n; 50p; [est] up the edge of sd Marsh pt I) James River and up the said River to lm nw; 350p; [est] up James River pt J) a Ceder Post on the Bank thereof (a little above the Mouth of a Small Gutt) !a C. twixt Humphrey Marshall & the above named Smith ln s82w; 144p; Humphrey Marshall pt K) a Pine on a Point by a Small Gutt Side !and the Same Course 94P farther through the Marsh to ln s82w; 94p; same course, thru a Marsh pt L) a Stake by Jones's Creek Side aforesaid lm ; ; up Jones's Cr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p415 dat 21 Apr 1695 to Capt. Hugh CAMPBELL re 300a Isle of Wight County !Heretofore recorded Nansemond County, !on E side of the NW branch of Nansemond River !Granted John Landman 9 Apr 1648, deserted, !& now granted by ordere &c. con Imp of 6 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p19 dat 4 July 1653 to John Jolliffe re 250a Nansemond County on W side the Wwd branch !of Nanzemond River Sd land formerly unto !John LANDMAN 9 Apr 1648 & purchased by sd JOLLIFFE end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p62 dat 29 August 1646 to Thomas Hinson re 209a the Isle Wight Co. on the westward side of a branch of Newtown haven river Called Beverley Creeke loc 99047 -12302 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked white oake standing by the Creeke side ln WNW; 18P; pt B) a Marked red oake ln WxN; 60P; pt C) a Marked Pocickery ln SW; 324P; Capt. John Upton pt D) a Marked post Standing in a white Marsh ln ENE; 180P; fm a White Marsh pt E) a Marked White oake ln SSE; 34P; pt F) a Marked Pocikery ln NE; 54P; pt G) a marked Pocickery ln SExE; 71P; pt H) a Marked red oake on the Northward side Nye the head of a little Gutt of the Said Beverley Creeke lm e; 50p; [est] dwn N side [little Gutt of Beverley Cr.] pt I) Nye the head of a little Marked white oake !standing on a poynt of the Mouth of the Said Gutt !up by or Nye or bounded the Said quantity of Land lm ; ; up by or Nye [Beverley Cr.] !due by and for the Transportation of five persons !into this Coony all whose Names are in the Records !Mentioned under this patent [none mentioned] end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p100 dat 5 March 1645/46 to John GARRET re 232a UNR Formerly granted William JACOB, !by him assigned & due sd GARRET for transp. of 5 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p87-88 dat 19 Apr 1648 to John KING & Lawrence WARD re 500a Isle Wight County on the End of the br. of the Pagan Baye Creek Called the Freechat !The Said 500 Acres of Land being due unto them !the Said John King and Lawrence Ward con by the Tranportation of ten persons !into the Colony whose Names are in records !Mentioned under this Patent loc 115936 -44038 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Mrked Pokikere on a Hill Called Turkey Hill ln WxS; 225P; Crossing Freechat Br. pt B) a Marked red oake ln S; 320P; pt C) a Marked red oake ln ExN; 325P; pt D) a red oake Standing by a Pond ln NNE; 180P; pt E) a Gumm and Soe lm NNW; ; end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p116 dat 15 Apr 1648 to John Seward re 1200a in the Isle of Wight Co. & on a br. of a br. of Roynoak river Called the black Water loc 55625 -3474 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining at a Marked pine and runing for Length ln ExN; 640P; pt B) a Marked red oake and Soe ln SxE; 300P; Crossing a br. pt C) a Marked pine and soe ln WxS; 640P; Crossing a br. pt D) a Marked White oake standing by a Small branch side lm ; ; down a Small Br. pt E) lm ; ; Crossing the Maine Br. !due by and for the Transportation of 24 persons !into this Colony all whose Names are in the records !Mentioned under this Patent To have and to hold etc !to be held etc Yeilding etc !which payment is to be made Seven yeares after the Date !hereof or of any former order or grant and not before etc !Robert Partin Margret his wiffe Robert Pertin Junr !Arcis Rebecca Debera his Daughters !James Parrit Richd Thomkin Geo: Duke Wm Jackson !Wm Harris Alice Edwards James Blard !Jo: Richards John Richards Richard Wakeing !Robert Dowers/Dowen John Seaveble Ann Yarner !Phillip Martin Wm Reynolds Henry Knowells end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p509 dat 27 Apr 1686 decl -8 to John Turner re 340a !87a part being part of a pattent of 1200 acres !granted unto Mr John Seward the 15th of Apr 1648, !the remaining 253 being Wast land adjoyning !and both together thus Bounded con trans. of 7 pers. !James Cox, Wm Richards, Wm Jud, Mary Hall, !Ellis Carter, Wm Jarvis, Henry James loc 58493 -1858 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at thee mouth of a Branch wch Divides Mathew Tomlins line from this lm s; 70p; up a Br. pt B) a red Oake at the head thereof ln S20E; 60P; pt C) a Pine in Wm Westrays line and so by his line ln E; 68P; Wm Westray pt D) a great Hickory ln ExN; 226P; pt E) a white Oake by a Pocoson a C. tree betwixt the sd Westray, Mrs Hardy, !Thomas Harris and the sd Turner thence by a line twixt !the sd Turner & Thomas Harris North 168P to ln n; 168p; Thomas Harris pt F) a white Oake by the Maine Branch of the Swamp lm ; ; down Maine Br. of the Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p510 dat 27 Apr 1686 decl -8 to Mathew Tomlin re 1247a on the Brs. of the Blackwater in the Lower Pr.ish of the Isle of Wight County !781 acres part thereof being part of a pattent !for 1200 acres granted to Mr John Sewart the !15th of Apr 1648 !the remaining 446 acres being wast Land Adjoyning, !the whole thus Bounded loc 58521 -1910 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the mouth of a Small branch on the S side of a Swamp ! thence thre divides the land of John Turner from his Daughter Marie's, and the Branch divides twixt Jno Turner and the sd Tomlin, thence up the sd branch lm S; 70P; up a Small br. div. John Turner pt B) a red Oake att the head thereof ln S20E; 60P; fm the head pt C) a Pine in Wm Westrays ln W; 108P; Wm Westray pt D) a great Poplar on the NE side of a great Swamp ln S77W; 260P; Cross a great Sw. pt E) a white Oake and then againe Crossing the sd Swamp ln N9W; 324P; Cross sd Sw. againe pt F) a Gum in the head of a Branch thence E¼N 134P ln e.25n; 134p; pt G) Sewards old line and so by that Line ln N73E; 344P; Seward old line pt H) a Red Oake then E¼N 228P ln e.25n; 228p; pt I) a Small red Oake Saplin a little above the head of a Branch a C. tree twixt Mary Turner and the sd Tomlin and then the same Course 216P further in all 444P ln e.25n; 216p; fm c. twixt Mary Turner pt J) a Pine by the Edge of a Pocoson ln s4.5e; 142p; pt K) a Gum by the Pocoson side likewise & in the head of a Branch being a C. tree twixt Thomas Harris and the sd Tomlin lm w; 300p; [est] down sd Br. pt L) the bottom of Pig neck, where it joynes with another great Branch and so down the Run of the Swamp to lm ; ; down the Sw. !the mouth of the Branch where it began !and is due unto him !con transp. of 9 pr.sons !into this Collony whose names are in the Records menconed !under this pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p117 dat 15 Apr 1648 decl -8 to John Seward re 400a in the Co. of Isle of Wight on the Southward side of a branch of Roynoak river loc 59001 -7626 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at A marked white oake standing on a point ln SE; 320P; cross a Br. pt B) a Marked white oake and Soe ln NE; 200P; pt C) a Marked pine and Soe ln NW; 320p; [est] pt D) a Marked white oake standing by the branch side lm ; ; by or Nigh the Br. side !due by and for the Transportation of Eight persons !into the Colony whose Names are in records !Mentioned under this Patent !to have and to hold etc to be held etc Yeilding etc !which payment is to be Made Seven yeares after !the Date hereof or of any former !order or Grant and not before !Tho Williams Robt. Brice May Evolin Wm. Walter !Peeter Guttrige Jane How Fra: Morgan John Jones end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p730-731 dat 2 May 1706 decl -8 to Nicholas FULGHAM re 380a being the added Part of 780 acres of Land !lying in Isle of Wight County upon the branches !of Chawanock River Called the Black Water loc 58617 -7562 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oake standing on a point upon Seawards branch lm s; 66P; [est] up a small Br., Doctr. Williamsons Land pt B) a white Oake ln WxS; 180P; Williamson pt C) a red Oake ln S; 200P; Williamson pt D) Mr John Fulghams Land ln E; 156P; John Fulgham pt E) a young gumm tree ln E; 180P; Tomlin pt F) a red Oake ln N; 180P; pt G) a red Oake ln SE; 112P; pt H) a white Oake Seawards C. tree ln NE; 200P; Seaward pt I) a pine another C. tree of Seawards ln NW; 243P; pt J) a white Oake upon Seawards branch lm ; ; down Seawards Br. !the as Land was formerly granted unto Antho Fulgham !by patent dated the 6th of June 1676 and by him !deserted and since granted unto the sd !Nicho. Fulgham by order of the Genll Court dated !the 16th day of October 1705 and is further due !by and for the transportacon of 8 persons into !this Colony whose names are to be in the records !menconed under this Patent !Nicho Fulgham his Patent for 380 acres of Land !in Isle of Wight County} E Jenings end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p142-143 dat 3 July 1648 [15 July 1651?] to George HARDEY/HARDY, Thomas WOMBWELL & Peter HALL/HULL re 1100a being A Necke of Land Called called Timber Neck !Scituate and being between the two Southermost branches !by the Side of black water in the County of Isle of Wight !650a Whereof is an absolute Necke belonging to !Mr George HARDY and Mr Thomas WOMBWELL !and the rest being 400a without the Necke to Peter HALL Orpht. !to have and to hold &c to be held &c Yeilding !&c wch payment is to be Made Seven yeares after !the Date hereof and not before the Said Land being !due unto the Said George HARDY, Thomas WOMBWELL and !Peter HALL by the Transportation of 22 persons !Mr Hardy himself the 2d time, his wife 2d & 3d time, !Xpian WILSON, Thomas GREEN, William TAYLOR, !Alexr. HUX, Richard BELL, David GREERE, Thomas CLAUS, !Eliz. HOLMES, John MONSER, Robert WARD, John TAYLOR, !John OLIVER, James LOUDER, Antho. TYNGLE, !Xtopr. MEDCALFE, Edward HOLT, !Thomas SOOPSON, Mary BOOTH, Ann GARNER loc 56514 -32704 F127 L0 P255 pt East and West Upon the former thence branches aforesaid lm ; ; pt lm ; ; North and West into the Woods ![Column note: þthis patent was lett fall and again !taken Up by New rights by the said Hardy and the !former rights Assigned to Mr John SENIOR !Test. R. HUBBERD.þ See John SENIOR's VPB 2 p346, !1200 acres in Lancaster County dated 13 October 1651] end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p356(377) dat 17 December 1663 to Peter HULL re 400a Isle of Wight County end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p5 dat 25 September 1679 to Mr Thomas WOOMBWELL sonn & heire to Mr Tho WOOMBWELL late of the Isle of Wight Co. Gent. re 650a in the upper parish !of the Isle of Wight County aforesd !in the forke of the first & several branches !of the Maine black Water & Comonly known by the name of Timber Neck !the sd 650 Acres of Land !being part of a pattent for 1050 acres granted !Mr George HARDY Mr Tho. WOMBWELL & !Peter HULL Orphane the 15th July 1651 !400 acres to the said Peter HULL Orph. &c !the residue between the sd Mr WOOMBWELL & Mr HARDY !who Assigned his whole Right of the aforesd !pattent to the sd Mr WOOMBWELL the 20th Novr 1654 !bounded thus loc 59364 -29680 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Mrked gum standing on the NW side of the first br. ln n3e; 408p; pt B) a marked white oake ln W; 170p; pt C) a small line oak on the SE side & on the second br. or swamp Neare the Mouth of the Beaverdam branch !& then by Various Courses downe the run of the sd second br. lm sw; 100p; [est] down the Second Br. pt D) till it meetes with the first in the forke lm ; ; up the First Br. or Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p166 dat 20 November 1648 to Nicholas DIXSON re 300a Nancemund Co. on the Southward side of the Northwest branch of Nancemund river !aboute four Miles up the branch and loc 78340 15133 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked red oake standing on a point by the Maine branch side ln sw; 320p; for Length pt B) a marked pine ln SE; 150P; pt C) a Marked Gum ln NE; 320P; pt D) a Marked red oake Standing on A point !by the Maine branch lm ; ; by or Nigh on the Maine Northwest Br. !due by and for the Transportation of 5 persons !into this Colony all whose Names are in records !Mentioned under this Patent end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p240 dat 20 August 1650 to Robert Blake [sic] & Samuell Eldridge re 560a in the County of the Isle Wight Upon the third Swamp ! SWxW from Henry Whites Plantation !on the East Side of the Said Swamp loc 55374 -28326 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked Holly tree Upon a Point Neare a Small Swamp, lm ; ; along the Third Sw. pt B) a Marked white oake in a bottome or Vallie ln ExN.5pN; 160p; ExN halfe North 160 plle or Perches pt C) ln N2.81W; 340p; North halfe west 340 poles pt D) ln n39.38w; 184p; Northwest halfe North 184 poles pt E) ln w16.88s; 160p; West by South halfe South 160 poles !The Said Land being due unto the Said !Flake and Eldridge by and for the Transportation of !Eleven persons in to the Colony &c Yeilding &c !which payment is to be Made Seven yeares after !the first grant &c Dated the 20th. of August 1650 !John Clemens Edw: Alchard Jo: Storrey} !Wm. Batts Eliz: Phillips John Vassae=Vassal} !Richard Walton Mary Martin Martha Cole} !Tho: Syer Wm. Baldwinn end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p11 dat 10 Mar 1653/54 to Robert Flake re 600a in the Isle of Wight County on the third swamp of the Black water con transportation of 12 persons into this Colony !John Collet Ann his wife Jon Collet junr. Jer: Collet !Sam: Collet Joan Martin Ann Towerman Moroco Mo__ !Jon. Hawkins Eliz. his wife Elias Faslowe loc 55342 -34390 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the third Swamp at the mouth of a small reedy br. !att a mark'd white oake on a neck of land [blank] Bushes neck !and running by the said swamp southerly six __ po: [try 600P] to lm s; 600p; by third Sw. pt B) a mark'd oake near a small run of water where the said Robert Flakes former land first begins !thence running up the said land 160 po: lm e; 160p; Robert Flake, fm his beginning pt C) into the woods, thence by a parrallel line !to the said swamp 600 po: northerly !through the maine woods towards the head of !the first mentioned branch ln n; 600p; pt E) and soe down the said branch lm W; 160p; down small reedy br. fm it head end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p375(414-415) dat 18 October 1664 to Robt Flack re 200a in the Isle of Wight county on the westward side of the second swamp of the black Water !beginning at a mrked white oake by John a Pough his Indian Quarter !and running up So West 160 pole into the woods for length !and 200 pole up the said second swamp to another white oake !in the said swamp for breadth !due by & for the Transportacon of 4 persons Wm. Agg, Wm. !Musgrove, Jno Bush, Eliz. Morgan. ![See VPB 6 p233 dated 10 September 1669, !230 acres Isle of Wight Co. to Wm. Richardson & !Thomas Atkinson for dupe headright list] end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p445(533) dat 18 October 1664 to Robert Flack re 300a Isle of Wight County con due by and for the transportation of 6 persons !Jno Sweet Robt Tatton Andrew Steward !Stephen Norman An Charnock Henry Preston loc 55522 -26000 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a White oak at the mouth of a branch on the Wester side of the third Swamp at black Water lm WxN; 160p; up a Branch of Third Swamp !for length into the Woods 160P pt B) lm s; 300p pt C) ln exs; 160p pt D) lm n; 300p; up the Swamp !and down the said Swamp 300P for breadth to !another red oak and so up into the Woods !160P WxN for length at the lower end of the said Land end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p445(533-534) dat 18 October 1664 to Robert Flack re 600a Isle of Wight County on the second swamp of the black water Whereof 200 Acres lyeth on the Easter side of the said Swamp !between the Land of John Oliver and Mr. Thomas Wombell !opposite to the lower part whereof !Beginnith the other 400 Acres !on the West side of the said swamp con Transportation of 12 persons !Jno Tomlin Mathew Tomlin Jno Rutter Isaak Edwards !Jno Tappin Wm Coock Wm Aghurt Jno Goddin !Samll Bickford Wm Twysden Henry Tylor Wm Wilcox loc 63666 -26400 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Gum tree near the mouth of the reedy branch lm wxn; 160p; up the said branch pt B) a marked pine then lm n; 400p; parallel to the second Swamp pt C) a branch that falls into the Swamp ![then down this branch too?] lm ; ; guess pt D) and so down the said Swamp to the aforesaid Gum lm s; 800p; down the Second Swamp end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p76 dat 21 November 1645 to Lawrence Ward and John King re 100a Neare the head of a Branch of New town haven being in the County of the Isle wight !bounded vizt. loc 93323 -9626 F127 L0 P255 pt ln ne; 160p; [est] SE upon the Land of Mr Seward pt ln ; ; NE upon the Land of Capt John Upton pt ln sw; 160p; SW into the woods runing halfe a Mile into the woods pt ln nw; 100p; NW 50 Chaines for Latitude !due unto them by and for the Transportation of !two persons into the Colony whose Names are in !the records Mentioned under this Patent end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p127 dat 01 Jun 1648 ![14 Septemer 1653?] to Mr Thomas BEST & Chrisopher ASHLEY re 200a in the County of Nansimund and lyeing at a Miles End of a Devident of Land of 900 Acres of Thomas Jurdens deserted and loc 96223 -3202 F127 L0 P255 pt A) A Marked poplar ln SWxW; 93P; pt B) A Marked red oake ln WSW; 48P; pt C) A Marked red ln WxN; 54P; pt D) a Marked white oake ln WNW; 126P; pt E) the Miles End of the Land of Peter Montagues unto a Marked red oake ln NExE; 300P; pt F) a Marked red oake ln S; 75P; pt G) A Marked white red oake ln SExS; 102P; !due for the Transportation of four persons !into the Colony &c to have and to hold &c !to be held &c Yeilding &c which payment is !to be Made Seven years after the Date hereof !or of any formr order or grant & Not before !Provided &c end ! typ patent !Thomas Best & Christopher Ashly 300 Acres !This patent renewed in the said Best and Ashleys !Names the 18th of March 1662. & granted by !Sir William Berkeley Knight his Majesties Governor !&c. Fra. Kirkman] ref VPB 4 p28 (43-44) dat 26 March 1656 ![Why not 18 March 1662/63?] to Thomas Best and Christpher Ashly re 300a in the County of Nansemond loc 95999 -2150 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Dead Stump at the Miles end of Thomas Jordans Land ln NNW; 280P; Joining Giles Webb pt B) a marked red Oak ln WSW; 150p; pt C) a pine Butting on their Own Land ln NW; 80p; [from copy] pt D) a red Oak ln SW; 100P; pt E) a marked pine ln SE; 134P; pt F) a marked pochickory Butting on the Land of Mr Peter Mountegue ln SSW; 60P; Mr Peter Mountegue pt G) a marked tree ln ENE; 112p; pt H) a marked tree ln WxN; 88p; [from copy] pt I) a marked red Oak ln E; 72P; pt J) a mrked Stake ln N; 100P; !200a part thereof formerly granted them by !Patent dated the 14th of September 1653 and !100 Acres the residue by and for the !Transportation of two Persons into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p130 dat 3 Nov 1647 !3d. of 9ber 1647 to Mr Peter MONTEGUE re 100a in the County of Nansimum and lyeing on the Northward side of New town haven river Nye the head loc 99949 -2114 F127 L0 P255 pt A) A Marked white oake Ny on the Eastward side of the Mouth of a Creeke Called the Cross Creeke ln wnw; 320p; nw? Thomas Jordan decd. pt B) a Marked white oake ln SW; 50P; pt C) a Marked Ash Standing in a Little Valley ln ese; 320p; Humphry Scoenes pt D) a Marked Cedar Standing by the river side lm ; ; down by or Nigh the river side !due by the Transportation of 2 persons into this !Colony Whose Names are in the records Mentioned !under this Patent end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p252 dat 29 April 1693 to John CAMBLE re 150a Nansemond Co. on the NW Side of Chuckey Tuck Cr. near the Head thereof loc 99949 -2162 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Marked White Oke a C. Tree to the Land of Thomas Jordan, standing nigh on the E Ward Side of the Mouth of a Small Creek Called Cross Creek ln n71w; 320p; Thomas Jordans Antient Line of Markt Trees pt B) a Small Markt Hickory in the Edge of an old Field, ln S51W; 92p; through the old Field pt C) a Chincapine a C. Tree to the Land of Samuel Forments; ln S71E; 320P; Samuel Forment pt D) a Cedar standing near Chuckey tuck Creek, lm ; ; by Chuckeytuck Cr. as it Runs !100 acres of the sd Land being formerly granted !unto Peter Mountague by patent date the !3rd day of November 1647 which after several sales & !descends is now of Right & in the possession of the !sd John Camble, the other 50 Acres being overplus !Land found to be Contained within the Antient bounds !& is due by & for the Importation of one person into !this Colony James Ross end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p25 dat 4 July 1653 to John GARWOOD re 1000a NS end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) pp.13-14 dat 19 December 1688 frm Henry Reeves of Rappahanock to Thomas Godwin of Chuckatuck con £25 sterling re 45a (being part of a patent of 600 acres !granted Mr. Godfrey Hunt and by him sold to Henry Reeves, !father of said Henry Reeves) on south side of !Chuckatuck Creek bounded by Thomas Oglethorpe. !Deed also mentioned 200 acres þwhich said land !was lately in the possession of one Bridgett Askew, widowþ !Henry X Reeves !witnesses: Edmond Godwin, Thomas Exum & !John X Pilkinton recorded 9 January 1688/89 !Henry Reeves of Rappahannock County appoints !Mr James Bagnall of Isle of Wight County as his !attorney for the sale of 200 acres of land !Henry X Reeves recorded 9 January 1688/89 end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p346 dat 6 November 1651 to Giles LAWRENCE & John TURNER re 200a in the County of Nansemond on the westward Side of the Maine head branch of Chuckatuck river loc 93046 1012 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked Maple Standing Nigh a Point of the runn Side ln swxw; 320p; fm a Point pt B) a Marked red oake and ln NWxN; 100p; pt C) a Marked post ln NExE; 320P; pt D) a Marked Small Syprusse tree Standing by the runn lm ; ; Down by the Westward Side of the runn !due by and for the Transportation of 4 persons into the Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p265 (206) dat 11 March 1664/65 to John TURNER !300a in the County of Nansemond !200 Acres part thereof bounding as followeth !lying of the Northward side of the main head !branch of Chukatuck and !A) a marked Maple standing neare a point by the River side !and runing for length SWxS 320P unto !B) a marked red oak and so NWxN 100P unto !C) a marked post and so NExE 320P unto !D) a marked Small Cyrpess standing by the run !and so runing down the Westward side of the said run !unto the first mentioned marked tree re 100a the residue being near the head of Chuckatuck Cr. loc 92394 36 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Maple and runing for breadth ln NWxN; 50P; pt B) a marked beach and so for length ln SWxW; 320P; pt C) a marked red oak and again for breadth ln SExS; 50P; pt D) a marked Stake being the Miles end !of the aforesaid Divident lc nexe; 320p; for length Joining his Own Land !to the first mentioned marked tree !200a of the said Land being formerly granted !unto the said John Turner and Giles Lawrence !by patent dated the 6th of November 1651 and !by Peter Montacue Attorney of the said Lawrence !his part thereof Assigned unto the said Turner and !100a the residue being due by and fo the !Transportation of 2 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p22 dat 14 December 1653 to William HUNT re 800a att the head of a small branch called the Beaverdam branch, being a branch of the Western branch of Nanzemond River loc 80001 9787 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mark'd Spanish oake and running for length ln NxW; 320P; pt B) a mark'd red oak and soe ln WxS; 400P; pt C) a mark'd pine & soe ln SxE; 320P; pt D) a mark'd red oake and soe ln ExN; 400P; !to the first mentioned mark't tree !due by and for the transportation of 16 persons !into this Colony Phill. Thomas Evad. Thomas !Sarah Thomas Tho Batmason Anne Jackson !Hen. Miles Fra. Coach Jon. Longe Wm. Hunt !Mich. Mackerye Marry Matthews Wm. Scot Kath. Scot end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p136 dat 20 Apr 1682 to Tho: POWELL re 480a on the brs. of the westerne br. of Nanzemond and in the Isle of Wight County !400a thereof, being the one halfe of a Pattent !for 800a granted to Wm: HUNT the 14th of December 1653 !and by the said HUNT sold and conveied to the !said POWELL the 13th of Febr in the same year, !the remaining 80a being wast land is due by and for con Transportation of 2 persons into this colony &c !the whole bounded as foll: loc 76001 10683 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Pine near where an old markt red Oake formerly stood which oake was a C. tree betwixt the said POWELL and Richd HUTCHINS, ln NxW; 350P; pt B) a Chinkapine tree in a great branch ln ExN; 220P; pt C) a white oake stump a C. tree 'twixt the said POWELL and Wm: SMELLY, ln SxE; 350P; fm c. to sd Powell & Wm Smelly pt D) a small Hickory Saplin in Mrs DENSONs line ln s72w; 80p; Mrs DENSON pt E) a white oake stump the said DENSONs C. tree ln wxs; 140p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p65 dat 13 December 1653 to John GOSLIN re 150a Near the head of Chuckatuck Creeke loc 93275 -3102 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Markt red oake at the Miles End of Peter Mountegues land ln wnw; 75p; for breadth pt B) a marked red oake & for Length ln SSW; 320P; pt C) the Creeke Side ln ese; 75p; for breadth pt D) butting on the Land of Peteer Mountegue ln NNE; 320P; Peteer Mountegues [Miles End] !due by and for the transportation of three persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p78 dat 11 June 1653 to James Watson re 345a in the Isle of Wight County at the head of one of the branches of Pagan Creeke loc 114188 -38417 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Marke Ash in the Deep Swamp ln SE; 322P; pt B) ln SW; 25P; pt C) lm w17s; 238p; WSW halfe Westerly pt D) ln N; 100P; pt E) ln NW; 150P; pt F) a Marked oake at the head of the Deep Swamp lm ; ; down along the Bottom of the Deep Swamp !due by and for the transportation of 7 persons !James WATSON Mary his wife John EDWARDS John HIGATE} !Ann WILLIS Anne COOKE Edward KENSICK} end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p19 dat 11 June 1653 to Robert SAVEN re 150a in the northwest branch of Nanzemond River loc 116876 9363 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mark't white oake standing by the branch side ln ssw; 160p; for length pt B) a marked red oake butting on the land of Symon Symons ln ESE; 150P; pt C) a mark'd white oake ln NNW; 160P; pt D) a markd white oak standing by the branch side lm wnw; ; up by or nigh the branch side !due by & for the transportatio of 3 persons into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p382(426-427) dat 16 August 1664 to Anthony BRANCH re 150a in the North East branch of Nancemond River !The said Land being formerly granted unto !Robert Sabin by Patent dated the 11th of June 1653 !and by the said Sabin sold unto Mr. Thomas Ballard !and by the said Ballard sold unto the said Branch ![see part A for dupe survey] end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 2 (1704-1715) p.101 dat 7 May 1708 frm Ralph Boazman and wife Mary Boazman of North Carolina to Thomas Godwin Jur. of the upper parish of Nansemond County re 150a (being land granted to Anthony Branch !on 16 Aug 1664 who willed it to Mary Boazman, !the mother of the said Ralph Boazman, and given !over by said Mary and Robert Hook by deed on 7 Dec 1696) !Ralph X Boazman Mary Boazman !witnesses: James Haward & Phineas X Whitaker !recorded 9 May 1709 end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p32 dat 30 May 1653 to John JOLLIFFE re 150a in the County of Isle of Wight loc 130851 -40442 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mark't white oake ln n; 75p; for bredth joining to Mr Nasworthies land pt B) a mark'd oake ln w; 320p; for length butting on the land of Mr Jones pt C) ln S; 75P; for breath butting on the land of Mr Oudlant pt D) lc e; 320p; againe for length joining the land of Mr Oudlant !due by and for the transportation of 3 persons into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p109 dat 26 July 1652 to Christopher Lewis re 750a Isle of Wight County about a Mile to the S of Henry Whites plantation at the black water con transportation of 15 persons &c loc 65595 -21796 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a poplar by a Small Reedy branch ln NE; 70P; fm a Small Reedy Br. pt B) a white oake ln E; 40P; pt C) a pine ln SExE; 40P; pt D) a pine ln SE; 228P; pt E) a pine ln S; 231P; pt F) a white oake ln SW; 88P; pt G) a red oake near a branch ln WNW; 242P; fm a Br., towards a Sw. pt H) ln n; 302p; NNE 302P end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p116 dat 5 Apr 1668 to John Wakefield and John Sherer re 1050a in the Isle of Wight County on the branches of the first Swampe of the black Water !700 acres part thereof formerly granted to !Xpofer Lewis by patt. Dated the 26th of July 1652 !and by the sd Lewis sold to the said Wakefeild and !Sherer and 350 acres the residue being due by and for con transportation of 7 pr.sons etc loc 67450 -24244 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining at a red oake ln ESE; 160P; pt B) a red oake in Cookes lyne ln SSW; 70P; Cooke pt C) Cookes C. tree ln SE; 120P; pt D) a white oake lm S; 264P; [or South 162P] pt E) a white oake ln W; 112P; pt F) their owne old marked trees ln S; 154P; pt G) a white oake ln SW; 88P; pt H) a red oake ln WNW; 242P; pt I) a pine ln NNE; 532P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p115 dat 15 October 1652 to John Bryan re 168a on a branch of Nansemum river Called the Indian Creeke loc 80598 12421 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked white oake by the branch Side joyneing to a patent of Land of Mr John Garretts ln n; 160p; for Length pt B) a Marked red oake butting on the Land of William Storey ln WNW; 168P; William Storey, for Breath pt C) the Land of Mr John Garratts to a Marked pine ln S; 160P; Mr John Garratt pt D) a Marked Gyprus Standing on the branch Side lm ; ; down Indian Cr. !and Soe down the by or Nigh Creeke Side to !the first Mentioned Marked tree !due by and for the transportacon of 4 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p295(261) dat 18 March 1661/63 to Tho. GALE, Wm. POWELL & Robt. Horning re 168a adj. on Indian Creek a br. of Nanzimum River !adj. Mr John GARRET & Wm STORY Granted John BRIAN !15Oct1652 & by him assigned to abv named end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p380 (423) dat 17 August 1664 to John BRYAN re 168a Renewal of patent dated 15Oct1652 end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p125 dat 6 May 1652 to Israell JOHNSON re 200a upon the Northwest branch of Nansemum river loc 115138 15304 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Marked Pohikery Standing by the branch Side ln nexe; 320p; for Length pt B) a Marked red oake ln swxs; 100p; for breadth pt C) a Marked white oake ln swxs; 320p; again for Length pt D) a Marked white oake by the Creeke Side lm ; ; up the Creek !due by and for the transportation of 4 persons !into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p249(179) dat 15 February 1663/64 to Israell JOHNSON re 200a near the head of the NW br. of Nancimum River !adj. Symon SIMONS & Rich. STAPLES !Renewal of patent dated 6 May 1652 end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p254(187) dat 15 February 1663/64 to Israell JOHNSON re 200a end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p319(306) dat 23 January 1664/65 to Israell JOHNSON re 400a neere head of W br. of Nancimum Riv. ! adj. Simon SYMONS, 200a granted sd JOHNSON !15Feb1663 & 200a for transp. of 4 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p155 dat 13 January 1652/53 to Mr Henry PITTS re 450a on the Pagan Creeke loc 125801 -51989 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Small Creeke on the ENE Side of the Said Land lm SExS; 220P; up a Small Cr. pt B) lm SSE; 100P; pt C) ln SxE; 100P; Mrs Joane West, SxE halfe point pt D) halfe a point South !and South halfe a point East on the Land of George Medlin ln s.5pe; ; George Medlin pt E) ln NW; 121P; Mrs Upton pt F) ln NExN; 80P; pt G) ln NW; 320P; pt H) the Maine Creeke on the Land of Samuel Mathews lm wsw; 125p; [est] Maine Cr., Samuel Mathews !due by and for the transportation of 9 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p177 dat 23d Febry 1652/53 to Thomas GREENWOOD con transp. of 6 persons !payment is to be made Seven yeares after the !first grant or Seating thereof !John Gayler, John Allen, John Mooringe, !Thomas Whittington, William Mason, Robert Scott re 300a Isle of Wight County !westerly with the Land of John Oliver !easterly with the Land of Pharo Flinton ![See the land patented between Newport News & !Blunt Point, the land of Pharoah Flinton, Gent. !an Ancient Planter of Kiccoughtan] !Northerly with the Maine river !and runing Southerly 320 poles into the Maine woods loc 120999 -48057 F127 L0 P255 pt lm n; 320p; John Oliver pt lm ; ; Main River pt lm s; 320p; Pharo Flinton pt lm w; 150p; in the woods end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p268(212) dat 19 Feb 1662/63 to James PYLAND re 300a Isle of Wight County !Granted to Thomas Greenwood 23 February 1652 !& due 23 Pyland as marrying the relict of sd Greenwood. !Bounded Wly with land of John Olliver & !Ely with land of ?Xpher? Flinton end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p180 dat 23 Feb 1652/53 to John OLIVER con transp. of 2 persons John Cunninge, John Dobson re 100a Isle of Wight County !Westerly by the Land of Major Fawdon !Easterly with the Land of Thomas Greenwood !Northerly with the Maine river !and Southerly runing 320 poles into the woods loc 120479 -48010 F127 L0 P255 pt lm n; 320p; Major Fawdon pt lm e; ; Maine River pt lm s; 320p; Thomas Greenwood pt lm w; 50p; in the woods end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p288(248) dat 18 March 1662/63 frm Sir William Berkeley Knight Governor to Ellinor & Mary OLLIVER re 100a in the Isle of Wight County bounded Vizt. !Westerly by the Land of Major Lawdon !Easterly with the Land of Thomas Greenwood !Northerly with the main River !and Southerly runing 320 poles into the main Woods !The said Land being formerly granted to !John Olliver late deceased by patent dated !the 20th of February 1652 and by his last Will !given to the said Ellinor and Mary end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p189 dat 23 March 1652/53 to Nathaniel Bacon re 1075a Isle of Wight County Upon a branch of Pagan Creek !begining at Southermost point of Cross Creek where !Anthony Jones land begins &c !to where William Smiths lands begins &c !to miles end of John Sparkes land &c con Transp. of 22 pers. !Richard Morganson, William Harwood, Henry Bisshop, !Robert Hall, Robert Glan, Thomas Hyett, Tho. Charles, !John Grymes, Row. Happ, Hector Hutchinson, Wm. Crawle, !Duning Glasse, Fra. Armstrong, James Wilson, !Andre. Hutchinson, Oneale Stuart, John Ward, John Banks, !Mary Walker, John Appleby, John Bridge, James Hunter, !Dudgill Martin, William Parry. 125 acres due end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 [p257-262 missing] (p200=the rewritten version), dat 16 February 1663/64 to Col. Nathaniel Bacon Esq. re 1075a Isle of Wight Co. upon a br. of the Pagan Cr. !The said Land being formerly granted to the said Bacon !by patent dated the 23rd of March 1652. !and now renewed in his Majesties name loc 81141 -29060 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the southermost point of the Cross Creek where Anthony Jones's Land Beginneth !& runing over the said Creek lm NExN; 50P; over Cross Cr. pt B) ln NxE; 48P; pt C) a marked pine where William Smiths line Beginneth !thence along by the said Smiths Land ln NExN; 320P; William Smith pt D) thence South ½ a point Easterly 854P to ln S.5pE; 854p; pt E) a white oak double marked ln SSW; 190P; pt F) a pokekory double marked ln WxS; 264P; pt G) the miles end of John Sparke's Land !and so along the said Sparke's and Jones's Land !to the place Where it Began ln ; ; John Sparke's & Anthony Jones end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p205 dat 14 Aug 1652 to Nicho. George, Thomas Taberer & Humphrey Clarke re 900a !the Said Land being due Unto the Said Nicho George, !Tho. Taberer & Humphry Clarke by and for the con transp. of 18 persons loc 69693 -27531 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the mouth of the N Side of a branch were Francis Englands Land Endeth at a little oake ln E; 120P; up sd br. pt B) a Marked pine thence Cross the branch ln S; 160P; cross the br. pt C) a red oake ln SW; 40P; pt D) a red oake ln SSW; 28P; pt E) a pine ln S; 82P; pt F) a pine a pine ln SWxW; 30p; pt G) a marked white oake ln W; 320P; pt H) a red oake ln SW; 48P; pt I) a Spanish oake ln WSW; 80P; pt J) a red oake ln NW; 308P; pt K) the great Swamp being the first branch of the black water !and Soe runing Up by the Said Swamp to the first Station lm ;; up the Great Sw. the 1st br. of the black water end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p215 dat 14 December 1653 to George ALLUMBY re 100a in the Wester br. of Nansimum River !near the Indian Point or Path, !adj. Michell BRINKLEY & William ALLUMBY !Transp. of 2 pers. George ALLUMBY & Diana his wife end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p530 dat 24 April 1703 to Abraham EDWARD/EDWARDS re 100a on the S side of the Westerne br. of Nansemond river loc 76864 16505 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the end of a poynt by the branch side ln S45W; 119P; a parcell of Land formerly gtd Nicholas Dixon pt B) a Hiccory in a line of Michael Brinkley's land ln n31w; 116p; Michael Brinkley pt C) a pine standing by the Indian Creek side lm ; ; down Indian Cr. !the said Land being formerly granted to !George Allamby by patent dated the !14th of December 1653 and by him the sd !Allamby conveyed to Wm Codogan & by the said !Codogan sold & Conveyed to the said !Abraham Edwards & for surer conveyance gave !the Same to the sd Esward by his last will & !Testament under my hand & the Seale of the !Colony this 24th Day of Aprill anno Dom 1703 !Abraham Edward his patent for 100a in Nansemond County} !E Jenings Secry end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p313 dat 28 November 1654 to Richard MARSHFIELD re 100a in the Wester branch of Nanzemum River loc 111338 12004 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red Oake at his own miles End !and Soe runing for breadth NExE 50P to ln nexe; 50p; fm c. his own Miles End pt B) a marked red Oake ln sexs; 320p; for length pt C) a marked red Oak ln swxw; 50p; again for breadth pt D) a marked spanish Oake ln nwxw; 320p; againe for length !due by and for the Transportacon of 2 Persons end ! typ patent ref frm John VALENTINE to John Marshall re 120a end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p354 dat 8 June 1655 to John MARSHALL !200a in the Ile of Wight County bounding (Vizt) !120 Acres part hereof being formerly part of !a Devidend of Land belonging to John Valentine !and purchased of the Said Valentine by the Said !John Marshall being limitted and bounded as !pr. the bill of Sale on Assignmt. apeareth and re 80 Acres the residue loc 129161 -35642 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an Old Stump of a Gumm tree !Joyning to a former Parcell of land of the Said Marshalls ln N; 220P; pt B) the Corner tree of George Midlands !which is a maple thence East 120P to ln e; 120p; fm George Midlands c. pt C) a Corner tree of Richard Penny being a white Oake lc ; ; Richard Penny !120 Acres by Assignment as aforesaid !and the other 80 Acres by and for the !Transportacon of two Persons into this Collony end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p81(558) dat 28 January 1662/63 to Jno. MARSHALL re 200a IW end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p323 dat 21 November 1654 to Daniel Boucher re 200a in the Ile of Wight Co. on the third Swamp of the black Water loc 59402 -22126 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked White Oake being the C. tree of !Humphry Clerks land in a bottom near the Said !Swampe and runing downe WxS to ln wxs; ; pt B) a Small marked Cyprus Standing on the brink !of the maine runn of Water lm s; 200p; along the Maine Run of Water pt C) another mark't Cyprus which is distant !from the first Cyprus upon a right line 200P ln ExN; 160p; !to a marked Pochechery 160P pt D) thence by a parrellell to the main runn on !the Said Swamp being reduced to a right line 200P to ln n; 200p; pt E) the Said Humphry Clercks Land thence by the !Said land wxS to the first Station ln WxS; 100p; guess, Humphry Clerk !being due by and for the Transportacon of !four Persons into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 (199) dat 24 May 1664 to Daniel Boucher re 200a Isle of Wight County on the third sw. of the black Water !The said Land being formerly granted to the !said Boucher by patent dated the !20th of November 1664 and now renewed !in his Majesties name loc 59250 -22002 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a marked white oak being the C. tree of Humphry Clarkes Land in a bottom near the Said Swamp and runing downe ln WxS; ; pt B) a small marked Cypress standing on the bank of the main run of Water !thence along the Said run to !Another marked Cypres Which is distant from the !first Cypress upon a right line 200P lm s; 200p; [est dir] pt C) thence ExN to a marked Pokekery 160P ln exn; 160p; pt D) by a parallel to the main runn on the Said Swamp !being reduced to a right line 200P to ln n; 200p; pt E) the Said Humphry Clarkes Land !thence by the Said land wxS to the first Station lc wxs; 100p; guess, Humphry Clarke end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p134 dat 20 Apr 1682 to Peter Vasser of the Isle of Wight Co. re 233a on the East side of the third swamp of the main black water !in the County aforesd bounded viz loc 58426 -22050 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an old mark't Cyprus by the aforesd Swamp side being a C. tree of William Richardsons land ln N80E; 160P; William Richardson pt B) a small white Oake saplin ln N25W; 234P; pt C) a small white Oake in a Poquoson in or near John Clark's line ln s60w; 170p; John Clark pt D) a small old mark't Cyprus by the aforesd third Swamp side !and soe down the Run of the said Swamp to the first Station lm ; ; down the Third Swamp !The said land being due to the sd Vasser as foll: !200 acres thereof being formerly granted to !Mr Danll Boucher by Pattent dated 24 May 1664 !and by the said Boucher the 10th of December 1666 !conveyed to the said Vasser, !the Residue being waste land joyning to the !former by and for the Transportation of one !pr.sons &c Symon Wheeler end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p348 dat 8 June 1655 to Samll. Eldridge re 295a on the maine branch of the black Water between Mr. Seawards Pattt. of 400 Acres and Humphry Clerks Land loc 42297 -15060 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the lower Side of the Said land at a Small Spanish Oake on the side of the Said Swamp ln e; 200p; pt B) a marked pine lm n; 236p; [est dir] by a Parrellell line to the Swamp pt C) a nother marked pine ln W; 200P; pt D) a Small Pochichery on the Swamp Side which at right Angles is distant from the first line 236P lm ; ; downe by Said Swamp to the first Station !the Said land being due by and for the Transportacon !of 6 Persons into this Colony !Job Bearley 3 times Richad Henry James !Mathewson Christian ?Hyoate? end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p511 (626-627) dat 6 June 1666 decl -8 to Doctor Robert Williamson re 3350 Isle of Wight Co. on the greate swamp of the Blacke water !295 acres of the said Land being formly granted !unto the said Robert Wmson by pattent dated !the 26th of Apr 1661 and !3055 acres the residue being due unto the said !Robert Williamson con transptacon of 62 psons etc loc 60353 -17698 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a great Cyprus in the Swamp ln SSE; 260P; pt B) ln SE; 60P; pt C) a pine both wch lines run by Mr Francis Ayres Land ln SSW; 320P; [Francis Ayres] pt D) a pine ln SW; 40P; pt E) a pine by the head of a branch ln SSW; 230P; pt F) a poplar by Sewards branch lm sw; 160P; down Sewards Br. pt G) a white oake then crossing the Branch !and running by Sewards Land up a small branch lm sw; 160P; Seward, up a Small Br., frm crossing Sewards Br. pt H) a white oake ln WxS; 180P; pt I) a Read oake ln S; 240P; pt J) a red oake ln WxS; 150P; pt K) a white oake in the greate Swamp ln nw; 160p; crossing the greate Sw. pt L) a red oake ln NExN; 1440P; pt M) a red oake ln SE; 160P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p544 dat 30 October 1686 to Robert Williamson re 500a on the W side of the third Swamp of the Black water in the upper pr.ish of the Isle of Wight County and joyning on the head of his own Land con transportacon of 10 pr.sons into this Colony !whose names are in the Records mentioned under !this Pattent [none listed] loc 56512 -20203 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at two Small Oakes, James Adkinsons C. trees halfe a Mile from the aforesd Swamp ln S38W; 60P; pt B) a White Oake by a Branch ln WxS; 74P; pt C) three Small red Oakes ln S41W; 326P; pt D) a Pine ln S21E; 276p; thru a Pocoson pt E) a Pine ln S34W; 60P; pt F) a Pine by a Branch lm ese; 100p; [est] down a Br. pt G) the head line of his former land, ln NExN; 700p; guess, his former head line end ! typ patent ref VPB 19 p703-705 dat 20 August 1740 to Lewis Burwell Gent. con £6.S10 of good and lawful Money re 3600a County of Isle of Wight Co. on the N side of the Main Black Water Swamp !re 1800a part of the said Tract being part of a !larger Tract of Land formerly Granted unto !Doctor Robert Williamson by Letters Patent bearing !date the 6th Day of June 1666 !500 Acres other Part being formerly Granted unto !Robert Williamson Son of the aforesaid !Robert Williamson by Letters Patent bearing date !the 30th Day of October 1686 And by divers Mesne !Conveyances the Right and Title of both the said !Tracts is become Vested in the said Lewis Burwell !And the Residue benig Waste Land found within the !bounds of the said Patents loc 51596 -13103 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine on the North side of Brawlers branch a C. of Ruben Cooke and Abraham Jones's Land ln n34e; 60p; Ruben Cooke pt B) a Pine by the side of a Pocoson ln N39E; 31P; pt C) a Poplar ln NNE; 73P; pt D) a white Oak ln NxW; 68P; pt E) a Gum ln N10E; 76P; pt F) a forked Gum ln N25E; 52P; pt G) a white Oak ln S80E; 16P; pt H) a white Oak ln N18E; 86P; pt I) a Pine ln n39e; 340p; sd Cooke & Solomon Stephenson pt J) a red Oak a C. of the said Stephenson ln ExN; 72P; sd Stephenson pt K) a white Oak by a branch of Samuel Croft's Land ln n38e; 92p; Samuel Croft pt L) a Hiccory a C. of Mr William Camps Land !Thence by the said Camp's line the same course 166P to ln n38e; 166p; Mr William Camp pt M) a Cypress and Gum by the side of third Swamp lm s30e; 400p; [est] down the Third Sw. pt N) the great Swamp lm s20w; 100p; [est] down the Great Sw. pt O) a small Ash over the run of the said Swamp a C. of John Clark's Land ln s46e; 294p; John Clark pt P) a red Oak ln S76E; 54P; pt Q) a Pine Stump a C. of Mr John Blackwells ln s20w; 360p; Mr John Blackwell pt R) a Pine a C. of Francis Williamson's Land ln SW; 50P; Francis Williamson pt S) a Pine ln S52W; 20P; pt T) a Pine in the Head of the Indian branch lm wsw; 100p; [est] down the Indian Br. pt U) the Mouth of a small branch lm sw; 100p; [est] up a Small Br. pt V) a Spanish Oak ln S80W; 42P; pt W) a red Oak by the side of the Main Road near the head of a small branch lm wsw; 100p; [est] down a Small Br. pt X) the Great Swamp aforesaid lm sw; 200p; [est] down the Great Sw. pt Y) the main black Water Swamp lm w; 300p; [est] up the Main Black Water Sw. pt Z) the mouth of Brawlers branch aforesaid lm ; ; up the Brawlers Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p385 dat 6 Jun 1656 to Job BEARLY gent. re 600a in the Ile of Wight County on the Second Sw. of the black water con due by and for the Transportacon of 12 Persons into this Collony loc 59922 -29904 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the E Side of the Said Sw. at a marked Gum tree on the mouth of a Small branch that bounds Capt. WOMBNELLs Land lm e; 160p; up a Small Br., Capt. WOMWNELL's Land pt B) a marked pine ln N; 200P; pt C) another marked pine ln W; 160P; pt D) a marked wht. Oake by the Swamp Side near the great Beaver Damm !then beginning again on the Wester Side of the Said Swamp !a bout 50 pole below the Damm at a marked Cypres ln W; 160p; fm W side sd Sw. 50P below the Damm, into the Woods pt E) a Marked Red Oake ln N; 200P; pt F) a Red Oake ln NNW; 200P; pt G) a marked pine ln E; 160P; pt H) the Eastermost Side of the Western Swamp that falleth into the Said Damm !and So along the Easter Side of the said Swamp & Damm !Including them both into this Devident of Land !unto the aforementioned White Oake by the Swamp Side !near the beaver Damm lm ; ; along the E Side the Western Sw. & Damm end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p164 dat 20 Apr 1682 to John Moor re 490a on the branches of the Indian Creek swamp, in the Isle of Wight County !300a part thererof being formerly granted to the !sd Moor by Pattent dated the [blank] !remainder being wast land joyning to the !former and both together thus bounded loc 73340 13848 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an old markt Cyprus in the Indian Creek Swamp aforesd ln e6n; 132p; East halfe a point northerly pt B) a white oake in Mr Tho. Pitts line ln NxW; 320p; Mr Tho. Pitt pt C) a Small white Oake by a Poquoson ln WxS; 58P; fm a Poquoson pt D) ln WSW; 228P; pt E) a dead Pine in Mr Lovegroves line lm SxE; 208p; Mr Lovegrove 208 or 288P pt F) a red oak a C. tree of the sd Lovegroves and others lc ese; 166p; Isaac Reeke !the said 190 acres of land bieng due to him the said !Jon. Moore for the Importation of fouer persons &c !Wm Joy, Eliz Fowler Ann Woodford, Dorothy Banks end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p164 dat 25 November 1657 to Christopher Reynolds re 350a Isle of Wight County along Cypress Cr. !adj. Mr Nutt con Trans of 7 pers. !Joseph Kerby, Jno Becham, Jno Moode, William Seller, !Edmond Howsden, Margaret Langridge, Susan Stubbers end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p20(31) dat 26 March 1656 to Francis HUTCHINS re 200a NS At the head of beaver dam Creek being a br. of the Western Br. of Nansemond River !adj. Wm STORIE, John GARRETT & Tho. POWELL loc 79827 12727 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked pochikory at the miles end of William Stories Land ln SxE; 100p; for breadth, William Stories Land pt B) a marked red Oak ln wxs; 100p; for length pt C) a marked Gum butting on the Land of Mr John Garrett ln WNW; 220P; Mr John Garrett pt D) a marked pine ln NxW; 100P; pt E) a marked pine ln ESE; 220P; Mr Thomas Powell pt F) a marked oak ln ExN; 100P; end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) p.379 dat 8 June 1702 frm Francis Hutchins and his son Richard Hutchins to William Scott, Francis Bridle, John Denson, !Thomas Hampton, James Denson, John Sikes and !Isaac Rookes[Reekes] re 1 acre of land on the Western Br. of Nansemond Riv. !(beng land granted on 11 March 1664) !Francis X Hutchins Richard X Hutchins !witnesses: Abraham Rickes, Robert Rickes & George X Watkins !recorded 9 October 1702 end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p20(31) dat 11 March 1655/56 to Capt. Thomas GODWIN re 200a NS near head of the NW branch of sd river !adj. Symon SYMON !Transp. of 4 pers. Dorothy LOYD. !Assigned to William POPE & renewed in his name 30 Oct 1662 end ! typ patent ref VPB 4(rewritten version, p243-244) dat 25 November 1657 frm Samuel Mathews Esqr. ![Margin note] This patent renewed in Richard !Jordans Name the 18th of March 1662 [1662/63 to !Whom it is assigned by the said Reynolds Now !granted by Sir William Berkely Knight his !Majesties Gorvernor. Fra. Hickman to Christopher Reynolds re 350a in the Isle of Wight County loc 131879 -49186 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red Oak on a hill near the West Freshett !by the miles end of 450 acres of Land patented by !Christopher Reynolds Deceased !and runing a long the said Freshett for Length 320 poles lm s; 320p; along the West Freshett pt B) and for breadth ln WSW; 50p; pt C) a marked White Oak !then Beginning at the upper side of the fore !Mentioned patent on the Cypress Creek !for the Other 250 Acres !pt D) and runing along the Cyprus to the !marked trees of the Land lately in the possession of !Mr. Nutt & so between the said Land of Mr. Nutt !and the forementioned patent of Christoher Reynolds !to the miles end end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p684 dat 10 May 1679 to Mr Richd. Jordane senior of the Isle of Wight Co. re 363a on the NW side of the head of the lower bay Creeke !upon ? !along the maine Cyprus swamp in the Lower p;sh of !the County aforesd bounded (Vizt) loc 93692 -29647 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mrked Hiccory standing in a small Island surrounded wth Marsh !near the head of the Lower bay Creeke aforesd the sd !Hiccory being a C. tree of Richd Reynolds Junr !his land !thence N59 ds. Wly along the sd Reynolds line 474 po. ln n59w; 474p; Richd Reynolds Jr pt B) a sower wood tree in Christo. Blys line !thence along the sd Blys line S11 ds 1/15 Ely 206 po. ln s11e; 206p; Christo. Bly pt C) an old pine stake !thence on Mr. Thos. Pitt's head line N33 ds 1/45 Ely 86 po. ln n33e; 86p; Thos Pitt pt D) a small Red oake shrubb a C. tree !of Mr. Pitts his land !then S33 ds 1/45 Ely downe the sd Pitts line 320 po. to ln s33e; 320p; pt E) a white oake saplin Nere the Cyprus swamp lm ; ; down Cyprus Sw. pt F) & Creeke aforesd. by Various Courses to the first station lm ; ; down the Cr. !The sd land being due to the sd Jordane as foll. !250 Acres part thereof being formerly granted to him !the sd Jordane by patt. dated the 18th March 1662 [1662/63] !and the remaineing 113 Acres (being Wast land lying !on the head of the former) !by & for the Transp. of three p;sons etc !Jno. Williams, Herbt. Lawrence, Mary Gante end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p684-685 dat 10 May 1679 to Richard Reynolds the Younger of the Isle of Wight Co. re 566a on the NW side of the head of the lower bay Cr. !in the lower p;ish of the County aforesd !The sd land being due to the sd Reynolds as folls !241 Acres pt. thereof being pt of a patt of 450 acres !granted to Mr Chr. Reynolds late of the aforesd. !County the 15th of September 1636 & by the last !will & Testamt. of the sd Chr. Reynolds given !to his Eldest sonn Chr. & his heires for ever !& by him the sd Chr. by his last will & Testamt. !likewise bequeathed to the sd Richd. the onely !sonn & heire of the sd Chr. !& 100 Acres pt of the residue being part of !a pattent for 350 Acres granted to !Mr. Richd Jordan senr the 18th of March 1662 ![1662/63 & by the said Jordan sould & Conveyed !to Chr. Reynolds the 12th of May 1656 & by !the last Will & Testamt. of the sd Christr. !together wth the formr land bequeathed to !the sd Richard the Remaineing 225 Acres being !Wast land wth together with the aforemenconed !341 Acres is likewise due to the sd Reynolds !by & for the Transpr. of twelve p;sons !into this Colony [Note: conveyance from !Jordan to Reynolds ante-dates his pattent] loc 126263 -23629 F127 L0 P255 pt A) beginning at a hickory marked three wayes !standing in an Island surro'ndered wth Marsh !near the head of the lower bay Creeke ln N59W; 474p; pt B) a sower wood tree in Chr. Blys line ln n11w; 256p; Chr. Bly !along the sd Blys line N11 ds 1/15 Wly 256 po. to pt C) Hen. Kings line ln n33e; 56p; Hen King !along the sd Kings line N33 ds 1/45 Ely 56 po. to pt D) a red oake a C. tree of Coll. Smiths land ln se; 124p; Coll Smith & on Mr Driver pt E) a small [sy? tree] at the head of West freshett lm ese; 200p; guess, down the Freshett or Sw. frm the head pt F) the lower bay Creeke lm ; ; up the Lower Bay Cr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p169(251) dat 12 March 1657/58 to Giles Driver re 200a Isle of Wight County !Beg. on the Cypress Swamp !C. to 750 acres belonging to Ambrose Bennett's heyr end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p141 dat 26 April 1698 to John Giles re 687a Lower Parish of Isle of Wight County !Being all that could be found of the added !patent granted to Giles Driver 21 September 1674 loc 92095 -18044 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Spanish oake ln S37E; 365P; pt B) white oake ln SWxS; 136P; pt C) the great Freshett lm wxs; 350p; guess, by the Great Freshett pt D) white oak near the pondering tubb pond ln N37W; 98P; fm near Pondering Tubb Pond pt E) upon the head of Ambross Bennetts devident !of land of 1150 Acres lm ; ; along the head or miles end of Bennetts 1150a pt F) and along a parcell of Giles Drivers ln N30E; 390P; Giles Driver !Lapsed by sd Driver & now granted by order &c !Trans. of 14 persons. end ! typ patent ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) dat 20 January 1661/62 to Mr. Richard ISERD re 350 acres adjoining Mr Robert PITT, !Thomas POOLE, George NORSWORTHY, Mr UPTON, !Mr Joseph BRIDGER & Mr Robert BRATWELL & LEWIS. !For the importation of 1 person !Note: 8 February 1697/98 Walter RUTTER & wife !Martha RUTTER to Joseph RUTTER this land !Walter X RUTTER Martha X RUTTER end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p308 dat 14 September 1670 to Mistris Rebecka IZARD, in behalfe of !her 2 daughters Mary & Martha IZARD. !Granted to Richard IZARD dec'd, found to !escheat &c under John Jenings Depty. Eschr. &c re 250a Isle of Wight County end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p542 dat 30 Oct 1686 to Walter RUTTER re 150a of Land between the Lands of Coll BRIDGER, Coll. PITT, & Thomas POOLE in the lower pr.ish of !the Isle of Wight County being all that could be !found in a Pattent of 350 acres granted to !Mr Richard IZARD the 20th of January 1661 !the remainder being within elder Grants, !and by the sd IZARDs last Will and Testament dated !the 2d of May 1669 given to his two Daughters Mary !and MArtha, and Mary dying both without issue, !also also before any !Division was made thereof, the whole fell to Martha !the now Wyfe of the sd RUTTER & the sd 150 acres !being thus bounded loc 49343 2540 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine Coll BRIDGERs C. treee of Sewards Land !in or neer Coll PITTs line, and very neer the fishponds, ln s55w; 204p; Coll PITT pt B) a White Oake very neer Thomas STANTONs (als POOLEs) !C. Red Oake, !then by POOLEs Lines NNE 180P to ln nne; 180p; POOLEs (try Thomas STANTON's] pt C) a Small red Oake ln NNW; 166P; pt D) a hickory on Turky hill ln n; 126P; frm Turkey Hill pt E) a red Oake Saplin, the said RUTTERs own C. tree, ln ne; 30p; his own Line pt F) a red Oake Coll BRIDGERs C. tree in sd Line, ln SSE; 396P; Col. BRIDGER end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) p.14 dat 29 October 1688 frm Walter RUTTER to Daniell LOY re 30 acres being part of a patent for !160 acres granted sd Walter RUTTER 30 October 1686 !bounded by Boiling Spring Branch, the Island Pond !& Thomas POOLE witnesses: John BROWNE, !WILLIAM WISE? JR recorded 9 January 1686/87 end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 (613) dat 18 February 1664/65 decl -8 to Colo. Robert PITT & Mr William BURGH re 1200a in the Isle of Wight County upon One of the brs. of the black Water loc 52665 7320 F127 L0 P136 0 4 6 pt A) a Cypress in the branch at the mouth of a Small Valley ln SxE; 160P; up, frm the br. pt B) a White Oak ln E; 104P; pt C) a red Oak ln SExS; 148P; pt D) a red Oak ln E; 100P; pt E) a White Oak ln NExE; 540P; pt F) a red Oak ln NNE; 140P; pt G) a Gum tree by the side of the first mentioned branch lm n85w; 250; [est] down a br. of the Black Water lm ;; !due by and for the Transportation of 24 Persons &c. end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p114 dat 28 February 1664/65 to Coll. Robert PITT & Mr William BURGH re 1800a Isle of Wight County !1200 acres by above noted patent & 600 acres for trans. !of 12 pers. !Barnsby Witwell, John Williams, Robt Weir, Rich Finch, !Henry Clerke, Wm Ford, Jno Bond, Wm Willard, Rich Horne, !John Clarke, Rob Floyd, Jno Powell, Paul Bayly, !Wm Phillips, Henry Jones, James Haines, Math Culland, !Francis Sibthrop, Thomas Hall, Robt Lewis, Thomas Forerast, !Tho Clerke, Joane Jayes, Georg Wastell end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 (613-614) dat 28 February 1664/65 decl -8 to Colo. Robert PITT & Mr William BURGH re 1800a Isle of Wight Co. on the brs. of the black water !1200 Acres being due by a Patent dated the !18th of February 1664 loc 52817 7472 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Cypress in the mouth of a Small Valley on a branch of the Blackwater ln SxE; 160; pt B) a White Oak ln E; 104P; pt C) a red Oak ln SExs; 148P; pt D) a red Oak ln E; 100P; pt E) a White oak on a branch side ln NExE; 540P; pt F) a red Oak ln NNE; 140P; pt G) a Gum by the branch lm n; 10P; Crossing the Br. pt H) a marked pine ln NE; 140P; pt I) ln SExE; 80P; [180p] pt J) ln SE; 60P; pt K) a White Oak ln S; 36P; pt L) a pohikory ln E; 120P; pt M) a red Oak ln ESE; 160P; pt N) ln SE; 68P; pt O) a pochakory ln SSW; 274P; pt P) a pine by the branch side lm n30w; 400p; [est] down the Br. lm n80w; 500p; lm ;; end ! typ patent ID IW#C ref VPB 4 p115 dat 21 March 1664/65 to Coll. Robert PITT, Capt. Joseph BRIDGER & Mr William BURGH re 3000a Isle of Wight County !1200 acres & 600 acres granted sd Pitt & Burgh by !two former patents & 1200 acres due for trans. of 24 pers. !Thomas Forrast, Joyce Jayes, Robt. Hewitt, Jane Poultney, !Mathew Culmer, Richard Westray, Thomas Clerke, Wm Phillips, !Henry Jones, Sarah Paine, Wm Thomas, Mary Clerke, !Barneby Whitwell, Jno Williams, Robt Wyatt, Richard Finch !Henry Clerke, Wm Ford, John Bond, Wm Milliard, Richard Horne, !John Clerke, Robt Floyd, John Powell end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 (614-615) dat 21 Mar 1664/65 decl -8 to Colo. Robert PITT, Captain Joseph BRIDGER & Mr William BURGH re 3000a Isle of Wight Co. upon the Cr. Of the blackwater loc 52617 7416 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Cypress by a Great branch side ln SxE; 160P; up from a Great Br. side pt B) a White Oak ln E; 104P; pt C) a red Oak ln SExS; 148P; pt D) a red Oak ln E; 100P; pt E) a White Oak ln NExE; 540P; pt F) a red Oak ln ESE.5pS; 548P; ESE 1/2 a point Southerly 548P to pt G) a pine ln NNE; 274P; pt H) a pochikory ln NW; 68P; pt I) ln WNW; 160P; pt J) a red Oak ln W; 120P; pt K) a pochikory ln N; 36P; pt L) a White Oak ln NW; 60P; pt M) ln NWxW; 80P; pt N) a pine ln W; 640P; pt O) a red Oak ln WxS; 180P; pt P) an Oak ln WxN; 140P; pt Q) a pine ln S; 120P; pt R) ln SxE; 80P; pt S) a red Oak on the line of the Hill of the first mentioned great branch !and so cross the branch to the first Station lm ; ; cross the Br. !1200 Acres of the said Land being formerly granted !Colo. Pitt and Mr Baugh by Patent dated the 18th of Feb 1664 !600 Acres Another part thereof adjoined unto the aforesaid !1200 Acres granted by Patent dated the 28th of February 1664 !and 1200 Acres the residue by and for the Transp. of 24 Pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 4 p284(89) dat 20 October 1661 to Wm. Body re 550a Isle of Wight Co. upon Cypress Swamp !Beg. on the N side of sd Swamp, running NE con Trans. of 11 pers: !Wm Young, Jno. Sharpe, Mary Stephens, Edward Wise, !Edw. Marlow, Tho. Cawsey, James Hall, Tho. Turner, !Ben. Jones, Tho. Smart, Alice Parr end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p252(183) dat 12 July 1665 decl -8 to Mr. William Body re 3350a Isle of Wight Co. towards the head of the Cypress & Western branches loc 78329 -11734 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a spanish oak by the Beaver dam and runing ln NE; 100P; pt B) a pockihery over the Cypress branch ln NxE; 220P; pt C) a White oak ln N; 188P; pt D) a red oak ln NxW; 40P; pt E) a pine ln NW; 40P; pt F) a pine ln W; 300P; pt G) a pine ln NW; 100P; pt H) a red oak ln SW; 140P; pt I) a pine lm sxw; 104p; [SW 104P] pt J) an oak ln WNW; 52P; pt K) a pine ln W; 140P; pt L) pine lm SW; 108p; pt M) an oake ln S; 240P; pt N) a pine ln E; 50P; pt O) a pine by the meadow which makes the head of the Wester branch lm sse; 100p; [est] down the Wester br. pt P) white oak standing on the E side of the swamp being Colemans C. tree thence ln E; 160P; Colemans line of marked trees pt Q) ln ExN.5pN; 452P; pt R) a white oak being one of Thomas Joyners C. trees near the head of the Elm Swamp ! and so along by Joyners !marked trees to the first Station ln ;; Thomas Joyner end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p394-395 dat 26 Apr 1684 decl -8 to William Boddie re 3350a betweene & on both sides of the two great Swamps of the Cypress and the Westerne branch of Nanzemond in the lower pr.ish of Isle of Wight County con transp. of 67 pr.sons loc 79961 -12774 F127 L0 P136 0 4 6 pt A) Spanish Oake on the S side of the Cypress Swamp lm N25W; 63P; up Cypress Sw. pt B) a Small Hickory on the other side of the sd Swamp ln N16E; 216P; pt C) a great white oaks ln N4W; 188P; pt D) a SMall red Oake ln NW; 34P; pt E) a Small white oake ln NWxW; 34P; pt F) a white oake Stump by a path ln N71W; 18P; pt G) a Small Spanish Oake ln W.5S; 66P; West ½ point South pt H) a Hickory one of Edward Palmers marked trees ln S86W; 260P; pt I) a pine ln N54W; 118P; pt J) a red Oake ln S42W; 160P; pt K) a pine ln SxW; 123P; pt L) a white Oake & pine in a pocoson ln N63W; 56P; pt M) a pine ln W.25S; 150P; West ¼ Southerly pt N) a Small red Oake Saplin ln S43W; 108P; pt O) a white Oake ln S.5E; 190P; South ½ a poynt Easterly pt P) a Small red Oake att the root of a dead pine a C. tree twixt Palmer & Mr. Wm. Bressey !afterwards the same Course by Mr. Bressey 67P ln s.5e; 67p; Mr. Bressey pt Q) a pine ln E; 56P; pt R) a pine on the W side of the W branch Swamp !and so down the Run of the sd Swamp according to its severall !Courses 488P lm ; 488p; down Western br. Sw. pt S) a white Oake Mr Colemans C. tree on the E side of the aforesd W branch Swamp then by Mr Coleman ln E.5S; 62P; E ½ a poynt Southerly, Mr Coleman pt T) a Small pine Thomas Joyners C. tree in the sd Colemans line then ln NE; 408P; pt U) a White Oake in the sd Joyners line of his old land ln N53W; 84P; fm c. of sd Joyners old land pt V) three white Oakes Saplins in a pocoson ln NNE; 124P; through a pocoson pt W) a pine by the Edge of the pocoson near Thomas Joyners Corne field ln N; 75P; pt X) a white Oake ln N.5E; 44P; North ½ a poynt Easterly pt Y) a Small red Oake ln E; 78P; pt Z) and ln ExS; 44P; pt AA) a red Oake ln S49E; 98P; pt AB) a red Oake ln S32E; 110P; pt AC) a white Oake ln NExN; 84P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p193(85) dat 4 May 1665 to John Clarke re 400a in the Isle of Wight Co. of the Westward side of the third Swamp of black Water loc 56330 -23990 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Gum at the mouth of Hubies branch ln WxS; 160P; pt B) a marked Pine in the branch ln nnw; 400p; [est dir] parallel to the Sw. 400P pt C) ln ExN; 160P; pt D) a marked great Cypress in the swamp near the mouth of a broad branch lm ; ; down the Third Sw. !due by and for the transportation of 8 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p198(92) dat 29 September 1664 to Capt. Jno. JENNINGS re 100a in the Isle of Wight County being all marsh land !and bounded westerly wth. Lawnes Creeke, !Easterly by the Land wch he now holds by right of his wife !Comprehending two marshes the one called the greate Marsh, !the other the Little marsh, !and terminated at both Ends by a Lyne of marked trees drawne !from the Extreamest Limmits of the aforesaid high Land !now in his possession con transpr.tacon of 2 pr.sons loc 76592 -45246 F127 L0 P255 pt lm e; 25p; guess, Great or Little Marsh? pt lm sxw; 320p; Jenningses land in right of his wife pt lm w; 25p; guess, Great or Little Marsh? pt lm nxe; 320p; Lawnes Creek end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p252(184) dat 12 July 1665 to John Marshall re 700a Isle of Wight Co. upon the West side of the Wester Sw. con Transp. of 14 pers. loc 71617 -1800 F127 L0 P255 pt Cypress being the lower C. tree of Capt Fulghams Land lm ; ; down the Wester Sw. pt the C. tree of Thomas Harris's Land ln SSE; 340P; pt ln w; 320p; into the Woods between Capt. Fulgham & Harris end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p336 dat 5 Apr 1667 decl -8 to Humphry Marshall re 1300a in the Isle of Wight County on the westward side of the westward branch Swamp loc 74717 -5476 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Cipres being the lower most tree of Mr Fulgham's land lm ese; 100p; [est] down the Westward Branch Swamp pt B) the C. tree of Tho. Harris or John Nevell !his land then so SW by Nevell 320P ln ssw; 320p; Tho. Harris or John Nevill pt C) ln SSE; 225p; John Nevill pt D) a white oake being Nevells C. tree ln WSW; 320P; [520?] pt E) pine ln NxW; 92p; pt F) sm white oak ln NW; 320p; pt G) a red oak ln NE; 80P; pt H) a white oake ln NXW; 116P; pt I) a small red oake ln NWxW; 80P; pt J) a red oake in Mr Hardyes lyne ln NE; 72p; Hardy pt K) a small red oake ln E; 74P; pt L) Mr Fulgham's upper C. tree lm ; ; Mr Fulgham's lyne of marked trees !700 acres part of the Said land being formerly !granted to Jno Marshall by patt Dated the !12th of July 1665 and by him assigned and !sett over to his Sonne Humfry and !600 acres the residue being due pr. trans. !of 12 pr.sons &c Wm Serjeant, Jno Rice, Susan Ward, !Jno Greenwood, Jno Warner, Mary Warner, !Rachel Simpson, Wm Grimble, Ann Browne, !James Nicholas, Tho. Taylor, Toby Rogers end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p253(184) dat 12 July 1665 decl -8 to Captain Anthony Fulgham [to Wm. Bressie then to Tullagh] re 1600a of Land lying in Isle of Wight County con for Transp. of 32 pers. loc 72025 -11990 F127 L0 P136 0 4 6 pt A) Marked pine at the Wester side of a Meadow which is at the head of the Wester branch ln W; 50p; Mr Body's marked trees pt B) a pine then Still by Mr. Body's line ln N; 60P; Mr Body pt C) a pine ln W; 270P; pt D) a red oak by a pond ln S; 400P; pt E) a red Oak ln sse; 400p; sexs SSE 400P pt F) a White oak ln E; 320P; pt G) a red oak ln NE; 32P; pt H) a Cypress on the Swamp of the Wester branch lm nw; 250; up the West Br. lm ;; end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p265(208) dat 21 Apr 1665 to Jeremiah Rutter re 300a of Land Lying in Nansemond County loc 89399 -3882 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a white oak by Hopkin Howells marked trees ln NNE; 170P; pt B) a pohikory ln ESE; 240P; pt C) a pine ln SSW; 70P; pt D) a pochikory ln ESE; 20P; pt E) Mr Bests marked tree ln SE; 66P; Mr Best pt F) a pohickory ln SSW; 86P; pt G) a pochikery ln WNW; ; Hopkin Howells marked trees !due by and for the Transportation of Six persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p360 (386-387) dat 21 June 1664 decl -8 to Edmond PALMER re 900a in the Isle of Wight County loc 65233 -14238 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Beginning at his own C. tree, which parts his Land from Anthony Mathews's Land ln WxN; 320p; Anthony Mathews's marked trees WxN 320P pt B) ln NE; 56P; cross a meadow pt C) a Line of marked trees marked for a path !and by those marked trees NExN winding to ENE 100P lc NExN; 100p; trees marked for a path pt D) ln NE; 24P; pt E) a pine by the head of a branch which runs down to lm e; 300p; [est] down a Br. pt F) the swamp Where this Land begins, !and so down the Easter side of the said branch !including the branch and swamp lm ; ; down a Br. pt G) 20 poles below the first mentioned C. tree lm ; ; up his own line by the swamp to !the said C. tree being the first station !The said Land being due as followeth !700 Acres part thereof by Patent dated ___ !200 Acres the residue by and for the Transportation of 4 Persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p266(209) dat 8 March 1664/65 decl -8 to Mr Hugh Sanders re 400a in the upper parish of the County of Nansimond loc 70268 10868 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Spanish oak ln nxw; 320p; for length pt B) a marked small oak standing by a valley ln wxs; 200p; pt C) a rmeked Gum standing in a poquoson ln sxe; 320p; again for length pt D) a marked tree butting on the Land of William Denson lc ExN; 200P; William Denson !including or bounded the said quantity of Land !being due by and for the Transportation of 8 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p302(274) dat 8 February 1663/64 to James Long re 300a in the Western branch of Nancimum River con Transportation of six persons loc 85611 7363 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Cypres standing by the branch side ln sw; 160p; for breadth pt B) a marked oak ln nwxw; 300p; for Length pt C) a marked oak ln NE; 160P; pt D) a marked Ash standing by the branch side lm ; 160p; down or nigh the Western Br. !so down or nigh the branch side 160P to !the first mentioned marked tree end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p324(315-316) dat 3 February 1664/65 to Wm COOKE Junr re 360a of Land in the Isle of Wights County loc 127351 -37492 F127 L0 P255 pt A)t a forked Gum tree in a meadow Which is at the head of a branch of the black water ln SW; 160p; into the Woods pt B) a White oak ln NW; 320P; pt C) a White oak ln NE; 200P; pt D) a Gum in the swamp lm nne; 50p; [est] up [Blackwater] Swamp pt E) and branch to the first Station lm ; ; up a Br. [to its head in a Meadow] !due by & for the Transp. of 8 pers. [see Nugents] end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p376(415-416) dat 5 Apr 1664 to Henry PLUMTON/PLUMPTON re 500a Nancemond loc 79168 18633 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red oak at the miles end of !Michael Brinkley's Land ln sse; 250p; for breadth pt B) a marked white oak ln wsw; 240p; for Length pt C) a marked tree butting on the Land of William Moore ln W; 80P; William Moore pt D) a marked White oak ln nnw; 250p; again for breadth pt E) a marked Pine butting on the Land of James Foster ln e; 80p; James Foster, again for Length pt F) a marked oak ln ENE; 240P; on the end of James Fosters Land !due by and for the Transportation of 10 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p11-12 dat 20 Octobr 1689 to Henry PLUMPTON re 620a on the Western br. in upper pr.ish of Nanzemond Co. loc 78916 18485 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oak a C. tree at the miles End of Micha. Brinkley's Land, ln s28e; 250p; Micha. Brinkley's miles end, ancient markt trees pt B) a markt Oak Saplin Standing on the westward side of a small branch ln s29w; 120p; frm W side a Small Br. pt C) a white Oak Saplin in the head Line of Wm Moores ancient Pattent of 300 acres, ln wxs; 80p; Wm Moores 300a pt D) his C. Hickory Standing in the fork of a Branch ln w; 143p; frm Fork of a Br. pt E) a pine Standing in a Small Pocoson ln N31W; 228P; Plumpton's old markt trees pt F) ln NNE; 55P; pt G) an old markt pine ln E; 8P; pt H) a Hickory ln N; 83P; pt I) a pine, Standing in the Line of James Foster als Moors Land, !thence Joyning to the sd Fosters Line of old !markt trees East inclining Northerly [288P] lm exn; 288p; James Foster als Moors land !500 acres of the sd Land being formerly granted !unto the sd Plumpton by Pattent bearing date !the 5th day of Apr 1664 !The other 120 acres being due for importacon !of 3 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p363 (392) dat 21 February 1663/64 to Nicholas Cobb re 202a Isle of Wight County con transp. of 5 persons loc 115980 -48209 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Oak standing upon a point of the southward side of the Creek called Floy'd Creek issuing out of Pagan Creek ! and runing elong the !side of the said Creek 352 poles Westerly unto lm w; 352p; along Floy'd Cr. of Pagan Cr. pt B) a swamp called Galckine swamp !from thence !along a swamp called John Crews swamp South 86P to lm s; 86p; John Crews Sw. pt C) a marked oak at the head of the said swamp !from thence SExS Southerly Joining ln SExS; 164p; Mr Nicholas Smith pt D) from thence along a swamp 46 poles lm e; 46P; along a Sw. pt E) a Marked spanish oak Joining upon Major John Bond !from thence NW along a path to lm ; ; nw 64p along a Path pt F) a marked White oak 64 poles from thence !along a swamp called Crews swamp !which runeth into Floy'd Creek lm N; 290p; Crews Sw. !due by Transportation of 5 persons &c Susan Cobb Sr !Mary Cobb Susan Cobb Jr Jane Cobb Jane Howard end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p380(422) dat 26 September 1664 decl -8 to William Westwray re 750a Isle of Wight County upon a branch of black Water con transp. of 15 Pers. loc 62505 -1394 F127 L0 P255 pt A) poplar on the brow of a hill by the Swamp side ln e; 340p; Mathew Tomlin pt B) his C. tree ln SSE; 200P; pt C) a pochikory by a branch side ln SE; 140P; pt D) a red oak ln WxS; 240P; [W&xS] pt E) ln NWxW; 306p; [NW&xW] pt F) a pine ln N; 160P; over swamp at the lower part of this line end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p383(429) dat 28 June 1664 decl -8 to Capt. Anthony Fulgham re 1000a Isle of Wight Co. on a br. of the black Water con transp. of 20 Pers. loc 68001 -2194 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the SW C. tre of Mathew Tomlins Land lm W; 600p; Parallel to the swamp pt B) a marked Pine by a Meadow ln N; 160P; pt C) a marked Birch tree on the North Side of the swamp lm e; 200P; up the said swamp pt D) marked Beech on a point where 2 brs. of the Sw. incet lm ; 160p; up the Northern Branch 160P pt E) then lm E; 400P; Parallel to the first branch pt F) the NW C. tree of Mathew Tomlins Land ln S; 320P; Mathew Tomlin's marked trees end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p399(460) dat 29 Sep 1664 to William Miles & William Cooke Senior con transportation of 22 Persons re 1100a Isle of Wight Co. on the second branch of the black Water loc 64540 -30746 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Pine being the upper C. tree of John Olivers Land !and runing by the said Olivers marked trees ln SW; 160P; John Oliver, down to the swamp pt B) then up the swamp Northerly to lm nne; 400p; guess, up the Swamp Northerly pt C) a point on the second branch from the said Olivers ln SSE; 80P; pt D) ln SE; 200P; pt E) then ln E; 340P; by a poquoson pt F) ln N; 60P; into the Poquson pt G) thence East and ESE to lm E; 100p; guess pt H) lm ESE; 100p; guess pt I) Mr Englands C. tree ln S; 200P; frm Mr Englands C. tree pt J) lc W; ; West to the first Station end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p519 (637) dat 10 July 1666 decl -8 to Anthony Mathews re 1300a Isle of Wight County upon Sewards Swamp con transþtacon of 26 þsons loc 60577 -9566 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mrked tree being the C. tree of Robt Williamson, ln NNE; 220P; Robt Williamson pt B) ln NE; 40P; pt C) ln NNE; 230P; pt D) ln exs; 454; East Southerly pt D) a mrked white oake ln ssw; 160p; pt the head of Sewards Swamp lm ; ; along Sewards Sw. frm the head end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p545(669) dat 5 June 1666 decl -8 to John Hardy/Hardie re 1150a Isle of County County con transp. of 23 pers. loc 65601 -2042 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a white oak being the upper C. tree of Mathew Tomlins old Land and running ln SSE; 220P; pt B) William Westwrays Land to a pochikory !thence SE by Westway ln SE; 120p; Westwray pt C) a red oak then leaving Westway ln SE; 200P; pt D) a pine ln NNE; 120P; pt E) a white oak ln NE; 80P; pt F) a pine ln NxW; 220P; pt G) a pine ln NE; 300P; pt H) a pine ln NW; 200P; pt I) a pine ln NWxW; 40P; pt J) and ln NW; 80P; pt K) a white oak ln SW; 140P; pt L) a pine in Mathew Tomlins upper line of his new Land ln S; 248P; upper line of Mathew Tomlins new land pt M) the C. three of his new Land, !then W by Another Line of Tomlins new Land 240P !to the first Station ln w; 240p; Tomlins new land end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p149 dat 1 March 1666/67 to JOHN BROWN re 600a Surry County con Transportacon of 12 pr.sons loc 49536 -28207 F127 L0 P255 pt A) marked tree on the E side of maine Black Water Swamp ln e; 160p; THO. GAULTNEY pt B) lm s18w; 634p; SxW and Westerly 634P pt C) ln W; 160P; pt D) upon sd Swamp lm NxE; ; along maine Black Water Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p378-379 dat 20 Apr 1684 to CHRISTOPHER HOLLYMAN re 1020a on thee maine blackwater in the upper pish of Isle of Wight County !600a part of the devident was formerly granted !to JOHN BROWN by pattent 1 March 1666/67, and by !the sd BROWN Conveyed to sd HOLLYMAN 3Feb1668/69, !the Remainder being wast land part within and !part without his auncient Bounds con transportacon of 9 psons into this Collony loc 48984 -28207 F127 L0 P255 pt A) great red oake in an Island by thee maine Blackwater Side ln e3n; 188p; WILLIAM GUALTNEY !East ¼ a poynt North 188P to pt B) pine ln s3e; 626p; South ¼ poynt East pt C) pine ln W; 376P; pt D) white oake by thee maine Swamp Side lm ; ; by various Courses up the Run of Maine Blackwater Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p194 dat 5 October 1667 to Will. SMELY re 300a being the head a Creeke cald of Queens Creek a branch of the western branch of Nansamond Rivr loc 72920 8052 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mrked pine and soe ln NNW; 150P; pt B) a mrked pine and soe ln WSW; 320P; pt C) a mrked pine, and soe ln SSE; 150P; pt D) a mrked Oake butting on the Land of Hugh Sanders ln ENE; 120P; Hugh Sanders & Jno Moore !The said Land being due pr. Transpr.tacon of 6 !pr.sons &c Wm Lift Ri Burte Joane Richards !Rich Vay Jno Steedman Joane Smith end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p469 dat 2 June 1673 to Ambrose BOSEMAN re 300a being the head of a Creeke Called Queens Creeke being a Branch of Westerne Branch of Nansemond River !The said Land being formrly Granted to !William Smeley by pattent dated the 5 October 1667 !and by sd Wm SMELEY and Elenor his wife sold !and asigned to the said Ambrose Boseman loc 73144 8200 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mrked pine and Running ln NNW; 150P; pt B) a mrked pine and soe ln WSW; 320P; pt C) a mrked pine soe ln SSE; 150P; pt D) a mrked oake butting on the Land of Hugh Sanders ln ; ; Hugh Sanders & Jno Moore end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 2 (1715-1726) p.105 frm Henry BOSMAN of Nansemond County to Henry POPE of the same re 200a in the lower parish of Isle of Wight !being part of a patent for ?500? acres granted !Ambrose BOSMAN on 2 June 1673 which land was !formerly granted to William SMELLY on 5 October 1667 !on the west side of Queens Creek !bounded by John MORE & Henry BOZMAN !witnesses: John BROWN & WILLIAM OLDES !recorded 22 July 1717 end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p223 dat 12 May 1669 to Mr George Moore re 1400a on the Second Swamp of the Black water in the Isle of Wight County loc 55372 -37469 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked Gum tree at the mouth of a Small branch on the Said Swamp being one of Capt Wombrells C. trees lm w; 300p; [est] up a Small Br. and markt trees pt B) the head of an other branch wch bounds Wombrells land from Hulls land ln se; 520p;Wombrell pt C) ln E; 320P; pt D) an oake lm ne; 320p; much of it by Hulls br. pt E) a white oake ln NW; 360P; pt F) a white oake at the head of the Beaver Dam branch lm wnw; 300p; [est] down Beaver Dam Br. from the head pt G) the Second Swamp lm ; ; down the Second Sw. !The said land being due pr. trans. of 28 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p224 dat 11 June 1669 decl -8 to Mr Willm Oldis & Mr Robert Ruffin re 2050a Isle of Wight Co. betw. the brs. of the Blackwater con transþ one and forty þsons &c loc 55249 4356 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake one of Coll Pitts C. trees, being about a [mile] to the Eastward of his Lowest outward C. tree ln e; 640p; Coll Pitts Marked trees pt B) a pine ln SExE; 80p; [80P] pt C) ln SE; 60P; pt D) a white oake wch is an other C. tree !in Coll Pitts lines of marked trees !thence NNE ½ point Ely 600P to ln nne.5e; 600p; pt E) Math Tomlins upper C. tree ln w; 550p; downe by Math Tomlins land pt F) his lower C. tree wch is blowne downe !by an other white oake Marked by it ln W; 58P; Capt Fulghams land pt G) ln WSW; 200P; pt H) ln S; 140P; pt I) lm sw; 320P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p335 dat 4 May 1666 to Willm. Ruffin re 758a of land in the Isle of Wight County loc 85791 -15948 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an old Stump att the Cyprus side on the W side of 250 acres of land belonging to Ambrose Bennett !his line !SSE in to the woods 442P to ln sse; 442p; Ambrose Bennett's 250 acres pt B) a markt wt oke ln WxS; 240P; in ye head of the ferne swamp pt C) thence the said swamp lm NxE.5pN; 450p; [est dist] pt D) the Cyprus lm ; ; the Cyprus [Swamp] !& from thence Cyprus to the first station, a marked stump !the sd Land [due] to the sd Ruffin by transp. !of 16 pr.sons into this collony !Jonathan Dollattry, Mary Drinkwater, Jno Moone, !Dorothy Davies, Evan Evans, Elenor Murray ![Note: The 16th March 1676/7 The Rt. Honoble. !the Governor doe Promise to make good the Rights !Wanting. Test. Henry Hartwell, Cl.] end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p336 dat 4 May 1666 decl -8 to Wm Ruffin & Robt. Coleman re 938a in the Isle of Wight County loc 77830 -2494 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pohickory on the side of the Western Branch Run ln e; 150P; Tho. Harris, into the woods pt B) ln N; 170P; pt C) lm w; 500p; on Western Branch Run pt D) lm ; ; down the Western Branch !the sd land being due to the sd Ruffin & Coleman !by Transp. of 19 pr.sons into this Colonie !Wm Bright, Sarah Mead, Jno Kemp, Judith Olive, !Luke Raben/Raven, Mary Hopkins, Sara Milbridge, !Roger Waterford, James Love, Jno Swifft, Patrick Love, !Symond Grey, Edith Tyler, Morgan Jones, Susan Ripley, !John Bacon/Baron, Jno Staples, Jno Rawly, Lawrence Fault end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p361 dat 2 January 1670/71 decl -8 to Author Smith & Josiah Harrison re 1250a Isle of Wight Co. on a br. of the black water Called Seawards branch con transportacon of 26 pr.sons loc 60753 -9626 F127 L0 P255 pt A) white oak one of Mr Sewards marked trees on the Sd br. ln SSE; 160P; pt B) a pine ln E; 220P; pt C) a pine ln SSE; 168P; pt D) a pine lm SxW; 160p; [160P] pt E) a pine ln ExS; 120P; pt F) a pine by Mathew Tomlins Land ln ExN; 160P; pt G) a white oake ln N; 628P; pt H) a white oake ln WNW; 40P; pt I) a white oake being Anthony Mathewes C. tree at the head of Seawards branch lm ; ; down Seawards Br.C. end ! typ patent ref VPB 17 p517-518 dat 28 Apr 1738 decl -5 to Henry & Robert Edwards !Whereas by one Inquisition Indented taken in !Isle of Wight County the 26th Day of Novemer 1734 !by Virtue of a Warrant directed to John Allen Gent. !our Escheator for the said County !It appears that Josiah Harrison formerly of the !said County died Seised of a certain Tract or !Parcel of Land suppos'd to contain re 1250=1375a Isle of Wight Co. on S Side of Seward's Sw. !but by a Survey lately returned to our Secretary's Office !by the said John Allen Surveyor of the said County !the said Land is found to contain 1375 Acres which !is found to Escheat to us from the said Josiah Harrison !And Whereas Henry Edwards and Robert Edwards have made !humble Suit to William Gooch Esq. our Lieutenant !Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony and !Dominion of Virginia and have obtained a Grant for the same con 2 lbs. of Tobacco for every Acre of the said Land !unto the said Henry Edwards and Robert Edwards !and to their Heirs and Assigns forever loc 59601 -7922 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oak on the South Side of Seward's Swamp afsd !a C. of Thomas Norsworthy's Land ln s50e; 194p; Thomas Norsworthy's crooked line pt B) a Pine ln E; 220P; pt C) a red Oak ln SSE; 168P; pt D) a Pine ln SxW; 48P; pt E) a Hiccory a Line Tree of Thomas Harris's Land ln n85e; 125p; Thomas Harris pt F) a red Oak a C. of John Holes's Land ln N85E; 102P; John Holes pt G) a Pine ln N68E; 98P; pt H) a Pine ln N82E; 62P; pt I) a white Oak a C. of the said !Henry Edwards's other Land ln n10w; 98p; Henry Edwards's own old crooked Lines !(which are crooked) N10W 98P to pt J) a Pine ln N3W; 200P; pt K) a red Oak a C. of Jacob Thomas's Land ln n3w; 358p; Jacob Thomas crooked Lines pt L) a Pine ln N74W; 36P; pt M) a white Oak over the Run of Seward's Swamp aforesaid lm ; ; down Seward's Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p364 dat 29 July 1671 to James COLLINS re 164a NS adj. his own & Francis WELLS end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p664 dat 2 May 1705 to James COLLINS/COLLINGS re 164a NS Granted William Yardley 29 Apr 1693 !deserted & now granted by order &c. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p443 dat 5 Febr. 1672/73 decl -8 to Edmund Palmer con Transp. of 56 pers. re 2800a Scittuate lying and Being in Isle Wight Co. ! due by and for the transpr. of 56 pr.sons &c. loc 78385 -18238 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at A Pokickery in a line belonging to his old Land ln WNW; 260P; his old Land pt B) A Small white oake former C. tree ln SxW; 46P; Anthony Mathews his Land pt C) A White oake being of Mathews C. tree ln WxN; 320P; by Mathews pt D) a White oake an other C. tree of Mathews ln WSW; 94P; pt E) A Red oake being Jno Portis his 3d C. tree ln SxW; 200P; by Portis fm his 3rd C. tree pt F) A Pine ln WxS; 320P; by Portis pt G) A Red oake ln NWxN; 340P; pt H) a white oake being a C. tree Between [Sheares] ! & Clarke then ln S; 240P; fm Sheares & Clarke's c. pt I) A white oake being a C.tree Betweene Mathews and Aires then ln SSW; 160P; fm Mathews & Aires C. pt J) A white oake being an other of Mathews C. tree ln ESE; 40P; pt K) & ln S; 292P; by Arthur Smith pt L) a Red Oake in Smiths line ln NExE; 220P; pt M) an oake by a Pond being Mr Bresies Uper C. tree ln E; 270P; fm Mr Bresies Uper C. tree pt N) a Pine in Mr Bodies Line then by Bodies ln N; 180P; Mr Bodies pt O) An oake ln NE; 108P; pt P) A Pine ln E; 140P; by A pine pt Q) & ln ESE; 52P; pt R) an oake ln NxE; 108P; pt S) a pine ln NE; 140P; pt T) A Red oake ln SE; 100P; pt U) A Pine ln E; 300P; Bodies pt V) A pine ln SE; 40P; pt W) a Pine all by Bodies and NxE to the first Station lm NxE; ; end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p73 dat 18 December 1645 to Peter MOUNTAGUE re 150a Upper New Norfolk County !Ewd of the main head of New Town haven river !at miles end of Humphrey SCOWEN end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p300-301 dat 19 November 1654 to John THOMAS re 174a in the County of Nanzemum and lyeing on the Eastward side of new towne haven river !150 Acres part hereof at the Miles End of the !land of Hump. Scouen, and loc 92775 98 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked Ash, standing by a little valley ln nne; 320p; for length pt B) a marked White Oak ln WNW; 75P; pt C) a marked post ln SSW; 320P; pt D) a marked White Oake Standing at the mouth of a Small reedy valley lm ; ; downe by the main branch Side !and 24 Acres the residue bounded !WNW wth. the Sd Thomas his Owne Land !SE wth the land of Mr. Jordan !and NNE wth the Land of Tho. Best !being an Interjacent Triangle !The Said land being due the Sd John Thomas (viz) !150 Acres part hereof bieng formerly granted !by pattent unto Peter Mountegue Dated the !18th of December 1645 and by the sd Peter Mountegue !Assigned unto John Thomas and 24 Acres the Residue !by and for the Transportacon of one Person in this Collony end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p605 dat 21 March 1675/76 to Richard THOMAS re 174a NS adj. Humphry Scoen; Granted John Thomas 19Nov1654 end ! typ patent ref dat 10 August 1644 to Thomas DAVIES/DAVIS re 100a of 300a end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p60 dat 9 Apr 1648 to Mr Thomas DAVIES/DAVIS re 600a in the Isle of Wight County and lyeing on a branch of a branch Called the black water !the Said 600 Acres of Land being due unto the !Said Thomas DAVIS as followeth Vizt !100 Acres of Land by virtue of the rights of !100 acres of Land granted formerly unto the !said Thomas DAVIS being part of a patent of !300 Acres Dated the 10th of August 1644 and !500 Acres the residue thereof by and for the !Transportation of 10 persons into the Colony !whose Names are in the records Mentioned under !this Patent ... Which payment is to be made !for 100 Acres of Land 7 yeares after the Date !of the 10th of August 1644 and for 500 Acres !the residue thereof 7 yeares after the Date !hereof and not before loc 115296 -15488 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked red oake ln sexs; 300p; for breadth pt B) a Marked pine ln ExN; 300P; Crossing a Br. pt C) a Marked red oake & Soe ln NWxN; 300P; pt D) a Marked pine & Soe lm Wxs; 320P; adj. 1200 Acres of Mr John SEWARDs !unto the first Mentioned Marked tree end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p513(630) dat 12 May 1665 decl -8 to Christopr Wade re 300a in the Isle of Wight County con transpr.tacon Six pr.sons loc 78628 -2574 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red oake nere Jno Nevills Land & upper C. tree and running out ln e; 100p; Robt Colemans trees pt B) then still ln e; 220p; Jno Garners mrked trees pt C) a pine ln SSW; 186p; pt D) a white oake in a Medow branch lm wsw; 100p; [est] down a Meadow Br. pt E) a greate Holly Tree by a branch !nere Jno Nevills Line of mrked trees !and soe up by the said Nevills Line to the first station ln ; ; Jno. Nevill end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p40 dat 10 July 1680 to Jane STOAKES Widdowe re 800a Upper Parish of Nanzemond County !adj. Robert Brasewell & James Long !Granted sd Braswell 22 Apr 1670 deserted & con Trans. of 16 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p72 dat 23 Apr 1681 to John ROBERTS re 1450a on the heads of the branches of the Indian Creeke in the Isle of Wight County !800a part thereof being granted to !Mr Robt. Brockwell late of the aforesd County !dec'd the 22th of Apr 1670 & by the sd Brockwell !deserted & by order of the Genll Court the !19th of Apr 1680 granted to Jane Stoakes. widd, !who hath since Intermarried the sd Roberts & !in her name pattented the said Land 10 July 1680 !the remaineing 650 being waste Land Joyning !to the former & due to the sd Robert by & for con Transportacon of 13 persons !the Whole being thus bounded loc 70960 18324 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a White oake in Mr Edwd. Goodwins line ln WNW; 320P; pt B) a pine in a pocoson ln SSW; 400P; pt C) a Gum in a pocoson lm eSE; 640P; SSE? fm a pocoson pt D) a pine ln N; 184P; pt E) a white oake ln N37E; 180P; pt F) a white oake a C. tree of Symon Irons land Now in possession of Col Jno. Lear ln NWxW; 308P; Symon Iron now Col Jno. Lear end ! typ patent !For Simon/Symon IRONs land, try the following: ref VPB 6 p684 dat 10 May 1679 to Mr. Wm. SMELLY of the Isle of Wight County re 480a in the Westerne branch pr.ish in the Co. afsd !400 Acres thereof being the halph of a patent of 800a !granted to Wm. HUNT late of Nanzemond County !the 14th of Decr 1683 1653 & be the sd HUNT sold !& Conveighed to Simon Irons late of Nanzemond County !aforesd the 30th. of December 1653 & by the sd Irons !Assigned to the sd Smelly the 23d. [Mar] 1663 [or 1667] !the remaineing 800 Acres being Wast land within the ![Patent] bounds wch are as folls Vizt. loc 80297 9931 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake mrked three wayes being a C. tree of Mr Hen. PLUMPTON ln n11w; 320p; N11ds 1/5 Wly pt B) a red oake ln s88w; 230p; S88 ds 1/45 Wly pt C) a white Oake stump ln s11e; 340p; S11ds 1/15 Ely pt D) a hiccory saplin in Mrs. DENSONs line !& soe along the head line of Mrs. DENSON ! Tho: MARKES & Mr. PLUMPTON N72ds Ely 230 po: ln n72e; 230p; Mrs Denson, Tho Markes & Mr Plumpton !The sd land being due to the said Smelly 400 acres !by purchase abovesd specified & the Remaining !80 Acres by & for the Transpt of two pr.sons &tc. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p497 dat 10 9ber 1670 to Wm Cooke re 800a [685a?] Isle of Wight Co. upon Second Br. of Black Water con Trans of 16 psons !etc Eliza. Beale, Wm Langford, Peter Bedford, Jon. James, !Richd Ames, Jon Vicard, Richd Vicars, !Mary Cooke 3 severall passages, !Lettice Powell, 3 Negroes, John Beefe's wife & 1 childe loc 64940 -33146 F127 L0 P255 pt A) white oake on thee Swamp by thee Mouth of a small branch lm ; 320P; up thee Swamp 320P pt B) white oake which is Capt Bakers C. tree ln E; 240p; Capt Baker his mrked trees pt C) ln S; 206P; pt D) the head of a branch of a pocoson ln W; 52P; in thee Pocoson pt E) ln S; 60P; runing out of thee pocoson pt F) ln W; 340P; by thee mrked trees of Wm Myles (Miles) et the sd Cookes former Land pt G) ln NW; 200P; pt H) pine att thee head of thee first mencond small branch lm NNW; 60P; downe sd Small Br. NNW 60P to thee first Station end ! typ deed ref Surry County Deed & Will Book 6 p10 dat 2/20 May 1710 frm Thomas Ward and Joanna Ward of Lawnes Creek Parish to John Chambers of same con (Lease - 1 Shilling) & (Release - 5250 lbs of tobacco) re 100a on E side of Second Swamp, part of 800a granted !to William Cooke decd !Wit. William Newsum/Newsume, John Harris end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p328 dat 15 July 1717 !Escheat Land to JOHN CHAMBERS con for 2 lbs. Tobacco for every acre &c. re 685a Surry County in Lawnes Cr. Parish !on E side of the 2nd Swamp, !'twixt his own and land of John Gray !adj. Thomas Carter & John Parson's land !Escheated from William Cook, for 800 acs. !by inquisition under William Randolph Esqr. Esch'r, !upon survey found to contain but 685 acs. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p70 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to George Peirce re 2500a on the brs. of the Black water in the Isle of Wight Co. !2100 Acres part thereof being fmly. granted to the !sd Peirce by pattent dated the __ of __ !the remaineing 400 acres being wast land Joyning !to the former the Whole being thus Bounded loc 62897 10252 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a white oake an old marked C. tree ln NW; 224P; pt B) a great pine ln WNW; 158P; pt C) a lightwood stump lm W; 176p; 276P pt D) a pine ln WSW; 72P; pt E) a white oake ln SWxW; 118P; pt F) a pine ln SSW; 92P; pt G) a Red oake ln WxS; 98P; pt H) a red oake ln SW; 94p; or 54P pt I) a Gum on the North side of the Cyprus Swamp ln WxN; 80P; from N side the Cyprus Sw. pt J) a Red oake a C. tree of Col. Bridgers line ln SSW; 320P; frm Col. Bridges c. pt K) a red oake ln ESE; 302P; pt L) a pine ln ENE; 792P; pt M) a white oake lc N; 120P; !The sd land being due as foll. !2100 acres by pattent dated __ of __ !the remaineing 400 Acres by et for !the Transpor. of 8 persons etc !Jno Williams, Edwd Wilks, Antho. Ward, Mary Warker, !Edwards Atly/Acly, Tho Moor, Toby Smith, Tho Paine end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p641 dat 20 March 1677/8 to Hodges Counceill re 941a Isle of Wight Co. on the heads of the brs. of the beavor dames Joyning to Robt. Lawrence his Land loc 47195 35076 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Begining at the Side of the Beaver Dam at a [Maple sapling one of his] old C. trees ln NXE; 320P; sd Hodges Counceill pt B) a pine being his C. tree in his old Land ln ExS; 320P; pt C) a pine then ln SxW; 440P; pt D) a pine one of Wm Collins his Mrked trees ln W; 300P; Wm Collins his line pt E) a pine ln n.25e; 170p; N¼E 170P !due by et for the Transportacon of Nineteene !persons into this Colony &c !Wm Russell Ann Parr Edwd Thomas Jno Gibbs !Tho Prittis/Peittis Arth Spencer Arth Davis !Ann Cooke Ja Manning Geo Martin !Hodges Councill Wm Clent Allexdr Mathews !Kath Thomas Jno Drake Rebecca Fee !Chris Elson Tho Davis Law Blandett end ! typ patent ref VPB 13 p17-18 dat 14 December 1726 to Hardy Council of Isle of Wight County Gent. ![Column note: !Hardy Council 2380 Surplus Land Form in the 12th Page] !for diverse good Causes and Consideracons but more !especially for !and in Consideracon of the Sum of con £7.5 !of good and Lawful mony for Our use paid to Our !Receiver General of Our Revenues in thie Our Colony !and Dominion of Virginia re 2380a on both Sides of the Beverdam Swamp in the County of Isle of Wight afsd !941 Acres part thereof being granted to Hodges Council !Father of the Said Hardy Council by patent dated the !20th day of March 1677/78 and the Residue thereof !being Surplus Land found within the Bounds of the !said Patent loc 45251 33476 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Maple Stump on the North Side of the Beverdam Sw. a C. 'twixt John Council and the said Hardy Council ln n15e; 444p; pt B) a C. red Oak ln s82e; 524p; a Crooked Line of Old markt Trees pt C) a White Oak in the room of a C. Pine that is down ln SxW; 730p; another crooked Line of old markt Trees pt D) a Black Oak in the room of a C. pine that is down ln s83w; 378p; another crooked Line of Old markt Trees pt E) a C. Pine Standing in John Dawtry's Old field ln n5w; 350p; another crooked Line of Old markt Trees pt F) red Oak Stump by the Side of the Beverdam Swamp afsd on the South Side thereof lm ; ; down the various Courses of the Run of the Said Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p643 dat 30 May 1678 decl -8 to Mr Henry Applewhaite con transp. of 19 pers. re 925a Isle of Wight Co. Upon the hd of the Black Water brs. loc 64649 4582 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a live Oake one of Coll Pitts C. trees ln WNW; 120P; pt B) one of Oldis Mrked trees ln NExE; 260P; Capt Oldis pt C) a [Maple] lm ; ; ExN 240P pt D) the ? of Wm Westrayes Land to a Red oake one of Westrayes C. trees ln sE; 200P; Mr Hardys pt E) a Pine one of his C. trees ln NNE; 120P; Still by Hardy pt F) a White oake another of Mr Hardys C. trees ln S; 280P; pt G) a Pine in the Pocoson ln SE; 120P; pt H) a Pine ln S; 60P; Am Bosman pt I) a White oake bounding on Am Bosman lm W9N; 644P; Mr Williams !WxN [halph a Quar] Wly 644 po. !downe to the first Station ![Which line pr.teth sd Applewhaite & Mr Williams !The Said Land is due by & for the Transpr. !of Nineteene pr.sons Hen Hackley Jo Albert !Jonas Crossland Jon Cockett Richd Ware !Danll Steph [Stephens?] Tho Pickney Wm Bane !Mary Perry Mary Birch & six times his selfe end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p644 dat 30 May 1678 decl -8 to John Williams re 925a upon the head of the black Water Swamp in the Isle of Wight County con Transp. of 9 pr.sons loc 72092 5620 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oak bounded on Ambrose Bosman wch is a C. tree between Mr Williams & Mr Applewhate ln SWxW; 252P; pt B) a white oake at the head of Ambrose Bosman ln WxS.5pW; ; Hugh Sanders thru the Pocoson pt C) a Gutt ln WxN; 60P; pt D) a Pine ln SW; 220P; pt E) a [Pockiry] by the head of a branch ln NW; 20P; pt F) a pine ln NNE; 420P; pt G) towards Coll Pitt to a [Pockicory] by a branch ln NW; 68p; Coll Pitt pt H) a live Oake one of Coll Pitts C. trees ln E9S; 644P; Applewhaite ExS ¼E 644 pols. !downe to the first Station Which lkne pr.teth !Mr. Applewhaite & the said Williams !The said Land is due by & for the !Transportacon of Nineteene pr.sons &c !Jno Macksell Mary Lawrence Math Culling Fra Turley !Mary Burlington Davd. Spencer Wm Vincent Ann Hamond !Elin Toper Wm Harbert Ja Piddin Er Green !Tho Thurrel Nich Wilson Tho Short Symond Peeters !Wm Mansell Antho Clubb Hen Jarman end ! typ patent ID #356 ref VPB 6 p651 dat 5 June 1678 frm Herbt. Jeffreys Esqr. Governor to John Lawrence re 530a in the Isle of Wight Co. upon the Maine black water con Transp. of 11 pers. loc 41969 27364 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Beech standing by the side of Maine Run ln NExE; 160p; pt B) a pine ln E; 100P; pt C) a White oak ln NE; 100P; pt D) a pockicory ln NxW; 324P; pt E) a Pockhiccry ln NxE; 120P; pt F) a white oake by the side of the Maine Runn lm ; ; down the Maine Run end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p520 dat 21 September 1674 to Roger Tarleton re 50a Nanzemond County adj. Wm Smealy & Ralph Boseman con due for trans. of Robert North end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p16 dat 29 November 1679 to Roger Tarleton re 167a on the brs. of the Western br. of Nanzemond Riv. in the County of the Isle of Wight loc 80097 9187 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red oake a C. tree between Henry Plumpton, Tho Markes & Wm Smelly ln NxW; 230p; Wm Smelly pt B) a white oake ln ExS; 72P; pt C) a small Gum Saplin ln S; 44P; pt D) a [leding] pine his former C. tree ln E; 44P; pt E) a pine by Ra. Boozemans line ln SE; 134P; Ra. Boozeman pt F) a hiccory !thence SSW half a point Westerly 68P to lm s29w; 68p; pt G) a red oake a mrked tree in his owne line !by a former purchase !& then by the said line to the first Station lc ; ; his owne line by former purchase !The said land being due to the sd Tarlton as followeith !50 Acres part thereof being formerly granted to !him the sd Tarleton by pattent dated the 21th Sep 16[7]4 !the Remaineing 117 Acres of Land being wast Joyning !on both sides of the former !by & for the Transportacon of three persons !Jone Davison, Wm Barton, Margtt Gregory end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p527 dat 25 September 1674 to Mr. Thomas Woodward re 1300a Isle of Wight County !Adj. Capt Anthony Fulgham, lands of Oldis & Ruffin, !Col. Pitt & his Partners con Trans. of 26 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p177-178 dat 15 October 1698 decl -7 to Thomas Joyner re 1300a in the Isle White County on the black water loc 53017 -1312 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Lower end of Capt. Anthony Fullgham his Land on the East side of the black water ln s; 180p; Capt. Anthony Fullgham !and Running up South to pt B) his C. tree by a meadow 180P ln E; 240p; !by Fulgham still 240P to pt C) a stake in Fulgham Line !then SxW ¼W by Oldis and Ruffin 448P to ln SxW.25pW; 448p; Oldis & Ruffin pt D) a red oake a C. tree in Coll. Pitts Land and his Partners ln wxs; 180p; pt E) aNother C. tree being an oake in Coll Pitts Land ln WxN; 140P; pt F) a pine in Coll Pitts Land ln S; 120P; pt G) ln SxE; 80P; Still by Pitts pt H) a red oake by a great branch which falleth into the main blackwater lm sxe; 20p; [est] over a Br. of the Blackwater pt I) a Cyprus ln SxE; 160p; and so still by Pitts pt J) a white oake Pitts outward and Lower C. tree on the side of the branch then SW to ln sW; 300P; [est dist] from a Br. pt K) the main Run of the black water lm ; ; up the black water to the first Station !the said Land being formerly granted to Tho. Woodward !by patent date the 25th September 1674 and by him deserted !and since granted to the sd Thomas Joyner by order !of the Genll Court bearing date the !15th day of Apill 1697 and is due by and for the !transportation of 26 persons into this Colony whose names !are to be in the Records mentioned under this patent !Tho. Joyner his patent for 1300 Acres of Land !in Isle White County} Ed Jenings Depty secry end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p14 dat 22 November 1679 to Wm. Collins re 1313a Isle of Wight Co. on the Maine br. of King sale con Transportacon of 27 persons loc 59377 35876 F127 L0 P255 pt A) by the side of a br. that Cometh out of King sale at a Red oake ln WNW; 168P; pt B) a pine ln W; 332P; pt C) a Pine ln WSW; 144P; pt D) a pine ln W; 308P; pt E) a pine ln SW; 30P; pt F) a pine by the side of the Maine swamp lm ESE; ; up the Maine Br. pt G) a pine then runing NxE up from the Maine branch lm nxe; 324p; by the side of a little br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p16-17 dat 29 November 1679 to Wm Powell of the Isle of Wight Co. re 257a on the head of the branches of the Western br. of Nanzemond River & in the County of the Isle of Wight loc 74569 6147 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake a C. tree betwixt Mr Tho Pitt & Francis Bridle their Lands ln wxs; 200p; Tho. Pitt pt B) a great Pine in a Pocoson lm NxW; 206p; along a Pocoson pt C) a Pine Saplin ln ExN; 200P; pt D) a scruby white oake a C. tree of !Fra. Bridles aforesd & Soe by Bridles line lc SxE; 206P; Fra. Bridle !The sd Land being due by & for the transportacon !of six persons into this Colony !Jno Davies, Eliz Bresly, Edwd Welbank, !Tho. Davies, Robt Lancaster, Richd Miller end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p18 dat 21 Jan 1679 to Thomas Parnell of Isle of Wight Co. ![to Parnell Atkinson then to Mary Atkins] re 150a in a forke between the second & third swamp of the Maine black Water in the Isle of Wight County con transportacon of 3 persons !&c Samll Bayly, Tho Morton, Jeffrey Cooke loc 61434 -20616 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a White oake on the West side of the second sw. being a C. tree of Mr Robt. Flakes land Now in the Possession of Peter Hayes ln s50w; 100p; old marked trees pt B) ln N30W; 20P; pt C) a pine Saplin John Richardsons C. tree ln s80w; 160p; John Richardson pt D) the run of the said swamp lm sse; 200p; [est] downe the Third Sw. pt E) the Meeting of the Second Swamp !thence up the run of the second swamp to the first Station lm e; 100p; [est] up the Second Sw. lm ;; end ! typ patent ref VPB 20 p202-203 dat 15 March 1741/42 to William Camp !Whereas by one Inquisition Indented taken in !the County of Isle of Wight the 30th day of !January 1739/40 by Virtue of a Warrant directed !to John Allen Gent. our Escheator for the sd County !It appears that Parnel Atkinson formerly of the !County of Isle of Wight died seised of a Certain !Tract or Parcel of Land containing re 185a Isle of Wight Co. N side main black Water Sw. !which is found to Escheat to us from the sd !Parnel Atkinson And Whereas Mary Atkins hath !made Humble suit to William Gooch esq. and !hath obtained a Grant for the same which She !hath relinquished unto William Camp con 2 lbs. Tobacco for every Acre of the said Land !185a of Land being bounded as followeth (to wit) loc 56064 -22855 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Gum by the side of the third Swamp ln N84W; 160p; sd William Camp's Land pt B) a dogwood a C. of Samuel Croft's Land ln s37e; 296p; Samuel Croft pt C) a Hiccory in Colonel Lewis Burwell's Line ln N38E; 166P; Colonel Lewis Burwell pt D) a Cypress and gum by the side of the third Sw. lm ; ; up the Third Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p19 dat 21 Jan 1679/80 to Francis BRIDLE of the Isle of Wight Co. re 422a on the head of the brs. of the Westerne br. of Nanzemond River in the Co. of the Isle of Wight loc 75301 6980 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Chinkapin tree on the West side of a br. being a C. tree of Tho. Powells land ln NxW; 92P; pt B) a pine !thence West a Quartr Northrly 48P [or 58P] to ln w3n; 48p; [58p?] pt C) a white oake a C. tree twixt Mr Richd HUTCHINS & Mr Tho PITT ln NxW; 206P; pt D) a scrubby white oake ln ExN; 188P; pt E) a white oake saplin ln SSE; 344P; pt F) a white oake stump a C. tree twixt Wm Smelly & Tho. Powell !& thence WxS by the said Powells line ln wxs; 220p; Tho. Powell !The said Land being due by et for the !transportacon of Nine persons &c !Dated the one et Twentieth day of Janry 1679 !Jno REEVE Mary SANDERS Wm ELLIS Wm ROSE !Jeffry STAFFORD Jno GARRETT Peter BUTTLER !Jno OWEN Ann COLE} 9 end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p19 dat 21 January 1679/80 to William SCOTT JUNR. of the Isle of Wight County re 20a on the North side of the Indian Creeke swamp in the Isle of Wight County aforesd loc 74263 15795 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake standing near the run of the aforesd sw. being a C. tree of John Garwoods land ln WxN; 112P; pt B) a Cyprus Near the Run of the aforesd swamp likewise, lm s; 20p; guess, pt lm ; ; downe the Indian Creeke Swamp !due by & for the Transportacon of one Person Ann Okey end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p20 dat 20 Apr 1680 decl -8 to Mathew Strickland re 1803a Isle of Wight County on the Maine black Water con transp. of 35 pers. loc 49517 6386 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pockhcory one of Coll. Pitts C. tree ln SxE; 248P; Coll. Pitt pt B) a red oake one of Coll. Pitts C. trees ln ExN; 240P; pt C) a white oake one of Coll. Pitts C. trees ln SxE; 108P; pt D) a red oake another of his C. trees ln E; 140P; pt E) a pine Coll. Pitts C. tree ln SExS; 148P; pt F) a white oak Coll. Pitts C. tree ln E; 100P; pt G) a red oake Coll. Pitts C. tree ln NE; 80P; pt H) a poplar Coll. Pitts C. tree ln SSW; 142P; pt I) a red oake Joyning on George Peirse ln SW; 340P; George Peirse pt J) a red oak ln WxS; 60P; pt K) a white oake one of Coll. Bridges Markd trees ln WxN; 360P; Coll. Bridges lines pt L) the Main runn to a white oake & soe runing !up the Maine Swamp to the first Station lm ;; up the Maine Sw. end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 7 p20 dat 20 Apr 1680 frm Sr Hen. Chiceley Knt deputy Govrnor to Mr Giles LIMSCOTT re 1411a Isle of Wight County on the Main black Water con transportacon of 28 persons loc 40217 29468 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine by the Maine run side ln exs; 274p; up from the Swamp pt B) a white oake ln SSE; 317P; pt C) a white oake ln NE; 50P; pt D) a red oake in Robt. LAWRENCEs line ln NNE; 240p; Robt. LAWRENCE pt E) a red oak LAWRENCEs C. tree ln NxE; 280P; pt F) a white oak ln NExE; 126P; pt G) a pine ln NW; 280P; pt H) a pine in John LAWRENCE his line ln SxE; 80P; John Lawrence pt I) Pockhicory one of his C. trees ln SW; 100P; pt J) a white oake another of his C. trees ln W; 100P; pt J) a pine ln SWxW; 160P; pt K) a beach by the runn side LAWRENCEs C. tree lm ; ; downe the Maine black Water to the first Station end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p21 dat 20 Apr 1680 decl -8 to Mr Josiah Harrison re 750a Isle of Wight Co. on the brs. of the blackwater con transpr.t. of 15 [six = 14] pr.sons loc 62105 -7522 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine in Seawards line Joyning to Smiths & Harrisons owne Land ln SE; 65P; Seaward to pt B) a pine Seawards C. tree ln SW; 200p; Seaward pt C) a white oake another C. tree of Seawards ln NW; 113P; pt D) a red oake in Seawards line ln S; 132P; Fulgham pt E) ln E; 285P; pt F) ln S; 52P; pt G) ln E; 364P; pt H) ln N; 88P; pt I) a pine in Smith & Harrisons owne Land ln wxn; 120p; Smith & Harrisons owne Land pt J) ln NxE; 160P; pt K) ln WNW; 168P; pt L) lc W; 180P; to the first mencioned pine in Seawards Line end ! typ patent ID IW#A ref VPB 7 p21 dat 20 Apr 1680 to Thomas Parnell re 1100a in Lower Parish of Isle of Wight County !on S side of Currawaugh Swamp !Adj. land formerly taken up by sd Parnell & Limscott !Robert Lawrence Junr Hodges Councill's line & !Col. Joseph Bridge'r line !Trans. of 22 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p333 dat 20 November 1683 to Coll. Arthur Smith re 1100a on the South side of Currewaugh Swamp !in the Lower pr.ish of Isle of Wight County !The said land being formerly granted to !Thomas Parnell by Pattent beareing date the !20th day of Apr 1680, and being by him !Deserted, was Granted to the Said !Coll Arthur Smith by Order of the Genll. Court !beareing date the 20th day of November 1683 !And is due by and for the con Transportacon of 22 pr.sons !into this Collony whose names are Menconed !in the Records under this Pattent !Richd Burgesse Richd Groves Ed North !Richd Dean Hen Thompson Jon Gee Rob Medle !Jon Seward Jon Williams Ed Brantley !Wm Fry Antho Matthews Gersyon Gromwel Jon Lippet !Phil Plumly Bar Farthing Eli Willis Edmd Pullam !Tho Lawly Tho Somersale John Humphry Jon Meader loc 46817 26916 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red Oake, a C. tree of Land by him and Limescot formerly taken up ln SWxW; 126p; 63 Chaines, or 126 pole, pt B) ln SxW; 280P; along their former lines pt C) a Red Oake, Robt. Lawrence Junr his C. tree ln ENE; 384P; Robt Lawrence Junr pt D) a Pine ln ExS; 106P; pt E) a Pine ln SE; 84P; pt F) a Pine in Hodges Councills Line, ln ExS; 248P; Hodges Councill pt G) a Red Oake ln NNE; 100P; pt H) a Pine ln SE; 50P; pt I) a Pine ln NE; 120P; pt J) a Red oake in Coll. Joseph Bridgers line, !and soe by Coll Bridges Line very neere the first Station ln ; ; Coll Joseph Bridgers end ! typ patent ref VPB 40 p725 dat 20 June 1772 to John Gwin & John Nelms con 25 Shillings re 481a Isle of Wight County re 274a part being part of a Tract of 1100a !granted unto Arthur Smith by Patent !12 September 1662 [sic] the Right & Title whereof !is since become vested in the sd John Gwin & John Nelms !& 207a the Residue being surpuls [sic] L. found !within the bounds of the sd Patent loc 49583 27180 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a white Oak in Bridges Line ln S25W; 344P; pt B) a black Oak ln N66W; 230P; pt C) a Pine ln N23E; 326P; pt D) a Pine in Bridger's Line lc S62E; ; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p25 dat 20 Apr 1680 decl -8 to Richard Booth of the Isle of Wight Co. re 560a on both sides the branches & Near the head of Curawaugh Sw. in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight Co. con Transportacon of 12 persons !Wm Harris Tho Gulls Geo Goodman Antho Watts !Tho Hodson Jno White Wm Floyd Edwd Zarton !Jno George Hen Aylett Ja Hall Tho Barker loc 55427 27488 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) at the Mouth of a branch Issueing out of the SW side of the said Swamp Near Collo. Bridges Line lm sw; 120p; up a br. issueing out of SW side Curawaugh Sw. pt B) a pine ln S; 248P; pt C) a pine ln E; 136P; pt D) a saplin pine ln NE; 312P; pt E) a pine ln NW; 240P; pt F) a pine in or Near Collo. Bridgers Line ln S62W; 116P; Collo. Bridgers !Thence South 248 po. to a pine !Interlined before the pattent Issued !Hen. Harwell CS end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p39 dat 10 July 1680 to Georg Lawrance re 120a at the head of his fathers line in the Western branch of Nanzemund con Transportacon of 3 pr.sons loc 114663 10343 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a great red oake in his Fathers line ln NW; 162P; pt B) a markt red oake but on the land held by !Pattent by John Lawrence brother to the said Georg ln SW; 53P; Georg's brother John Lawence pt C) a markt hiccory ln NW; 58P; pt D) a marke white oak standing in Mr Isens line !and thence by Antient line of markt trees !runing some time SxW and continues !South ½ Westerly and sometimes ½ Easterly !by the said Isens line till lm SxW; 100p; guess, Mr Isen pt E) it butts and meets with old Mr Lawrances !line herein first menconed and then runs by the !markt trees in old Mr Lawrances line lm ExN; ; old Lawrances line !to the first mentioned red oake including the said quantity end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p41 dat 10 July 1680 decl -8 to Mr Robert Kae re 170a Marsh land on the SE side of Lawnes Creeke in the upper pr.ish of the Isle of Wight county loc 79743 -58160 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small Island of high land near the ![nder]side thence N70W 31 Chaine to ln n70w; 62p; pt B) a small gutt or Creek neare the Mouth of Lawnes Cr. lm s55w; 60p; up Lawnes Cr. !aforesaid S55W 30 Chaines pt C) S24W 30 Chaines lm s24w; 60p; pt D) S25E 60 Chaines lm s25e; 120p; pt E) S70W 38 Chaines lm s70w; 76p; pt F) S35W 53 Chaines to ln s35w; 106p; pt G) the Mouth of a small Creeke knowne by the name of Speckmans folly !and thence up the said Little Creeke N75E 35 Chaines lm n75e; 70p; up Speckmans Folly Cr. pt H) & S50E 30 Chaines to lm s50e; 60p; pt I) a point of high land thence N25E 106 Chaines ln n25e; 212p; pt J) N45W 25 Chaines ln nw; 50p; pt K) & S30E 46 Chaines to the first station lc ; 92p; s30e !the said Land being due by and for the !transportacon of fower pr.sons &c !Thomas ROYALL, Jno. TRUEWECK, Jno EVENS, Wal. HOPTON end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p52-53 dat 26 September 1680 to Gilbert ADDAMS re 150a on the branches of Blackwater in the Lower pr.ish of the Isle of Wight County con transportacon of three pr.sons !etc Mary Kent, Jno Brown, Tho Parke loc 116519 -59145 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake neare a pocoson being Mr Nicholas Cobbs C. tree ln W; 13P; Nicholas Cobb pt B) a red oake in Mr Thomas Tookes line ln n35w; 32p; Thomas Tooke pt C) ln N25W; 32P; pt D) ln N40W; 60P; pt E) ln N; 82P; pt F) ln S80E; 88P; pt G) ln N80E; 26P; pt H) a cart path lm s68e; 114p; along a cart path pt I) a line betwixt the abovesaid Tooke & Mr Cobb and then by the said Line SW 188P ln sw; 188p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p68 dat 23 Apr 1681 to Richd. Booth of the Isle of Wight County re 465a on the W side of a swamp known by the Name of Mr. Lawrences Beaver dam being a branch of the Maine black Water in the County aforesd loc 45655 34901 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake on the aforesd swamp side Neer the line of Robt Lawrence Junr ln N52W; 320P; frm near Robt Lawrence Junr pt B) a red oake ln S20W; 266P; pt C) a stooping pine ln S52E; 272P; pt D) a pine Neer the Swamp aforesd lm ; ; by the runn of the sd Swamp !the sd Land being due by & for the !Transportacon of Tenn pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p68 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to John Moore/Moor of the Isle of Wight Co. shoemaker re 300a on the brs. of black water in the County aforesd loc 56497 17260 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a white oake Phill Wrayfords C. tree ln NW; 212P; pt B) a pine ln NxE; 68P; pt C) a red oake in George Peirces line of his great pattent ln ESE; 120P; Peirces Great Pattent pt D) a pine ln ENE; 370P; pt E) a pine & then lc sw; 434p; Peirce & Wrayford !The sd Land being due by et for the Transportacon !of six persons Jone Jeffreys, Tho Johnson, !Eliz Hardy, Jno Manor, Henry Waters, Wm How end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p68 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to Wm Powell of the Isle of Wight County re 400a on the black Water branches in the County aforesd loc 58767 22592 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) at a red oake in John Watkins line ln SxE; 108P; pt B) a red oake Saplin Neer a pocoson ln ExS; 34P; pt C) a red oake ln NExE; 334P; pt D) a pine ln NNE; 254P; pt E) a great pine ln W.5pS; 228P; pt F) a Gum Neer the head of a branch John Watkins C. tree ln SxW; 320p; John Watkins line pt G) a pine ln WxN; 150P; !due by et for the Transportacon of Eight persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p69 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to Phill. Wrayford re 350a on the black Water brs. in the Co. afsd loc 58849 17460 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a pine in Acheleys C. tree ln S; 174P; pt B) a lightwood stake in the run of a small branch in Coll Bridgers line ln nw; 320p; Coll Bridgers line pt C) a white oake ln NE; 220P; pt D) a great red oake ln SE; 300P; pt E) a red oake in or neer Mr Achileys line ln WxS; 140P; Mr Achiley !due by & for the transportacon of 7 persons !Marke Horpu?, Jona Moore, Tho Norton, !Wm Darby, Pers Eldy, Ja ONakerby/Makerby, Tho Doubty end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p69 decl -8 dat 23 Apr 1681 to Robt. Johnson of IWCo. re 2150a Neer the head of Corowaugh swamp in the County aforesd !in the County aforesd bounded. loc 63179 26912 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) Begining at a live oake at the head of a branch being a C. tree of Arth: Allen & Robt. Horneings land ln S; 248P; Arth. Allen & Robt Horneing pt B) a pine in the County line lc swxw; 408p; the County Line pt C) a white oake ln NWxW; 424P; pt D) a smale saplin pine in Rich Booths line ln NE; 250P; Rich. Booth pt E) a pine & by Tho: Holders line ln ne; 320p; Tho. Holder pt F) a lightwood stump & smale oak saplin ln E; 100P; pt G) a smale wight oake ln NE; 120P; pt H) a white oake ln N29W; 26P; pt I) a red oake ln ExN; 240P; pt J) a red oake ln S29E; 140P; Mr John Bryan land pt K) his old C. tree ln WxS; 240p; his old lines pt L) a red oake ln SSE; 108P; pt M) a red oake lc ENE; 18P; !due for the Transportacon of 23 persons etc end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p69 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to Thomas Holder re 470a on the NE Side of Corowaugh Swamp in the County aforesaid loc 58215 28212 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) at a pine Richard Booths C. Tree ln ne; 320p; Robt. Johnson pt B) a Lightwood Stump & Small Oake Saplin ln NW; 213P; pt C) a Red Oake in or Near Collo. Bridgers Line ln s52w; 320p; Collo. Bridgers Line S52W 320P to pt D) a Pine Richard Booth C. Tree ln se; 240p; Richard Booth end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p41 dat 28 Apr 1711 decl -8 to Jacob Durden ![Column note: Jacob Durden (470) as Lapsed form in the 4th Page] !Whereas by one patent under the Seal of this our Colony and !Dominion of Virginia bearing date 23d of Apr 1681 there !was Granted to Thomas Holder in the Isle of Wight County re 470a on the NE Side of Corowaugh Swamp in the County aforesaid loc 58215 28164 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine Richard Booths C. Tree ln ne; 320p; Robt. Johnson pt B) a Lightwood Stump & Small Oake Saplin ln NW; 213P; pt C) a Red Oake in or Near Collo. Bridgers Line ln s52w; 320p; Collo. Bridgers Line S52W 320P to pt D) a Pine Richard Booth C. Tree lc se; 240p; Richard Booth !Which Said Tract or parcell of Land was Granted on Condition !of Seating & Planting as in the Said Patent Exprest !And Whereas the Said Thomas Holder hath failed to make Such !Seating & Planting & Jacob Durden of the said County of !Isle of Wight hath made Humble Suit to our Lieut. Governor !of our Said Colony & Dominion and hath obtained a Grant for !the Same in Consideration of the Sume of 50 Shillings of !Good & Lawfull Money for our Use paid to Our Receiver !Generall of our Revenues in this our Said Colony & Dominion end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p70 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to John Watkins re 400a on the black Water brs. in the Isle of Wight County loc 58415 19616 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) a pine a C. tree betwixt Col. Bridgers Mr Acheley & the sd Watkins ln SxW; 320p; Col. Bridgers pt B) a live oake in a pond ln ExS; 200P; pt C) a pine ln NxE; 320P; pt D) a Gum Near the head of a branch ln WxN; 200P; !The sd Land being due by et for the Transportacon of 8 persons !John Paully, Tho Joyner, Wm Crock, Noa Lurcher, !Sampson Lardy, Ja. Thomason, Sar Ratly/Racly, John Young end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p71 dat 23 Apr 1681 decl -8 to George Peirce re 400a on the brs. of the Black Water in the Isle of Wight County loc 60249 17212 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) Begining at a Red oake in Mr Asheleys line the last C. tree of Phill. Wrayfords land ln NE; 214P; pt B) a pine in a pocoson ln NW; 300P; from a Pocoson pt C) a pine in the sd Peirces [own line] by a former survey, ln SW; 214P; pt D) a red oake Phill. Wrayfords C. tree ln SE; 300p; Phill. Wrayford !The sd land being due by & for the Transportacon of 8 persons !Jno Sands, Abr Barnes, Chr. Jones, Tho Brown, !Wm Moon, And. North, Jno King, Fard. Stamp end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p72 dat 23 Apr 1681 to Jonathan Robinson, Richard Thomas & Jno Sanders re 1650a on the south side of Kingsaile swamp part in the Isle of Wight & part in Nanzemond Co. loc 51720 39498 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a poplar Neer the sd swamp side being the lowest C. of a pr.cell of land formerly taken up by Tho. Titus & Nico. Dickson ln S; 320P; Tho. Titus & Nico. Dickson pt B) a pine ln S81W; 656P; pt C) a pine ln N; 320P; pt D) a Maple Neer the aforesd swamp lm ; ; up Kingsaile Sw. !due by & for the Transportacon of 33 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p119 dat 20 Apr 1682 decl -8 to Capt. Henry Applewhaite re 1260a on the Blackwater Branches in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County con Transportation of 26 persons !John Macksell Wm Vincent Wm Herbert !Nicholas Wilson Mary Burlington Francis Turley !James Tiddin David Spencer Mary Lawrence Ann Hamond !Erasmus Green Henry Tooker Matt Culling Elinor Cooper !Thomas Thursell Eleven due by Clerks Certificate loc 56217 10120 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) att a white oake in George Peirce his C. tree ln N18W; 17P; pt B) a white oake in Coll Joseph Bridgers line ln NExE; 568p; Coll Joseph Bridges line pt C) and SE ½ a point Easterly 452P to ln SExE; 452p; pt D) a red oake nee the land of Burghs his Swamp !thence East ½ a point Northerly 52P to lm ExN; 52p; from Burghs his Swamp pt E) a Pine in John Williams line ln SSW; 340p; John Williams pt F) a Pine ln S40E; 28P; pt G) a hickory ln SSW; 40P; pt H) a pine ln WxS; 174P; pt I) a pine ln NWxN; 30P; pt J) a pine in Geo: Peirces line !and soe by Peirces lines ENE 122P to ln ene; 122p; George Peirce pt K) a white Oake ln N; 120P; pt L) a white Oake ln NW; 224P; pt M) a great Pine ln WNW; 168P; pt N) an old Lightwood stump ln W; 176P; pt O) a Pine lc WSW; 72P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p131 dat 20 Apr 1682 to William Boaldwine [Baldwin] re 275a about the heads of the branches of thee first br. of the main blackwater in the !lower Parish of Surry Co. !formerly Surveyed for Capt John Gutheridge and by the !sd Gutheridge assigned unto sd William Boaldwine con Transportation of 6 persons etc loc 71152 -33027 F127 L0 P255 pt A) double mark't pine being Arthur Davies his C. tree ln S; 92p; Arthur Davis/Davies pt B) small white oake lm W; 54p; into a poquoson towards Capt Bakers land pt C) great pine ln N; 176P; pt D) small sapling gum in Capt Bakers line ln E; 400P; Capt Baker pt E) white oake in or near George Hardies line ln S16E; 222P; George Hardies line pt F) red oake in Capt Englands line ln SW; 130P; Capt England pt G) red oake Mr Arthur Davis line ln N; 168P; Mr Arthur Davis pt H) pine ln W; 282P; end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 7 p132 dat 20 Apr 1682 frm Sr Henry Chicheley Knt Deputy Governour to William Mayo of the Isle of Wight County con Transportation of 5 pr.sons re 220a on Chewan River in the County aforesaid loc 38420 31562 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Cyprus in a Cove by Chewan River side !being Thomas Manns C. tree ln E; 160P; Thomas Mann pt B) a Hickory ln NxE; 160P; pt C) a Pine ln NE; 62P; pt C) a Pine by Giles Linscots line ln WxN; 52P; Giles Linscot pt D) a Pine by the River side lm ; ; down Chewan River end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p135 dat 20 Apr 1682 to Wm Murfey re 200 Acres of land loc 78381 3397 F127 L0 P255 pt A) beginning att a small red Oake a C. tree !betwixt Jacob Dardon & Robert Hookes (a mile from the main swamp of the westerne branch of Nanzemond) ln S23W; 284P; Jacob Dardon pt B) a white Oake in Francis Bridles line ln SSE; 88P; Francis Bridle pt C) a white Oake Stump a C. tree betwixt William Smelly and old Powell, ln ExN; 114P; William Smelly pt D) a white Oake in or near Edward Perkins line ln N; 176P; pt E) three red Oakes ln N16W; 148P; !due to the sd Wm Murfey by and for Transportation !of fower persons &c end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p139 dat 20 Apr 1682 decl -8 to Wm: Bush re 390a on the heads of the branches of Currawaugh swamp in the County of Isle of Wight con Importation of 8 pr.sons etc loc 60427 32060 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) beginning att a Skrubby white Oake, Robert Johnsons C. tree in the County line lc SWxW; 160p; County Line pt B) a great Rotten Pine ln NWxW; 438p; pt C) a Pine ln NWxN; 44p; pt D) a Pine Thomas Manns C. tree, ln E; 136p; Thomas Mann pt E) a Sapline Pine ln NE; 62p; pt F) a Small Sapline Pine Robert Johnsons C. Tree in Mans line, ln sexe; 424p; Robert Johnson end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p155 dat 20 Apr 1682 decl -8 to Richard HUTCHINS Junr re 226a on the Black water branches in the Isle of Wight Co. loc 60291 19592 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) an [old pine] in John Watkins line ln NWxN; 248P; pt B) a red oake in Phillipp Wrayfords line ln ExN; 72P; Phillipp Wrayford pt C) & afterwards 106P ? to ln exn; 106p; pt D) a red oake ln SxE; 250P; pt E) a pine in William Powells line ln WxS; 56P; William Powell pt F) a gumm John Watkins C. tree ln E.5pN; 52p; John Watkins !The said three hundred fifty acres of Land being !due unto him the said Richard Hutchins for the !importacon of five pr.sons into this Colony whose !names are menconed at the ? !Samuel DUNSTON, John SIMPSON, James LONG, !Robert ORREL, Mary NEWTON end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p156 dat 20 Apr 1682 decl -8 to Thomas UNDERWOOD re 400a on the blacke waters brs. Isle of Wight Co. loc 67297 15164 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a pine Mr Richard Lovegroves C. tree ln WxS; 320P; pt B) a gumm by a poquoson ln NxW; 200P; pt C) a pine in a poquoson ln ExN; 320P; pt D) a pine in Mr Lovegroves line ln SxE; 200P; Mr Richard Lovegrove !The said fower hundred acres of Land being !due to him the said Thomas Underwood by and !for the transportacon of Eight pr.sons into !this colony whose names are menconed in the !Records Under this pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p158 dat 20 Apr 1682 to John THORNETON/THORNTON re 390a on the head of the branches of the Westerne branch of Nanzemund in the Isle of Wight County !betwixt the Land of Jacob DARDON, !Francis BRIDLE William POWELL loc 76392 2496 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake, in John NEUELL and Jacob DARDENs C. tree, ln S64W; 72P; pt B) a pine William WESTs C. tree ln NW; 86P; William WEST pt C) a great white oake in a Pocos. lm wxs; 320p; along the Pocoson pt D) a pine ln SxE; 160P; pt E) a pyne in William POWELLS Line, ln exn; 168p; William Powell, out of the Pocoson pt F) a white oake a C. tree twixt POWELL and John MOOREs, lm ; 188p; The Swampe Course, by MOORE & Francis BRIDLE !the Swampe Course 188P to pt G) a small white oake a C. tree twixt !BRIDLE and Jacob DURDEN & then by !DRUDENs [sic] Line NE 20P to ln ne; 20p; Jacob DURDEN, pt H) a Line oake in a pond ln N15E; 106P; !The sd Land being due to the said !John THORNTON by and for the importacon of !eight persons into this Colony Whose names are !mentioned in the Records under this Patent end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p158 dat 20 Apr 1682 to John SELLAWAY re 250a on the branches of the Indian Creek Swamp in the Isle of Wight County loc 71740 13696 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake Tree betwixt Mr Richard LOUEGROUE, Isaac REEKE, John MOOREs and the sd SELLAWAY ln s4w; 280p; Isaac REEKE pt B) the land of Mr Edmd. GODWIN ln N55W; 272P; Edmd. GODWIN pt C) a Pine, Hugh SANDERS C. tree, the Land now in possession of Mr Richd LOUEGROUE, !and Mr Robert COOPER, then NExN 106P to ln nexn; 106p; SANDERS/LOVEGROVE/COOPER pt D) a white oake neer COOPERs Line, !and soe by COOPER and LOUEGROUE NxE 200P ln nxe; 200p; COOPER & LOUEGROVE to the first Station pt lm ; ; !due to the sd John SELLAWAY by and for the !transportacon of five persons into this Colony whose !names are menconed in the Records under this patent !Wm. BISLEY, James PEDEROTT, Robert COOPER, !Deborah BOWLER, James PEREY end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p165 dat 20 Apr 1682 to Thomas Mandue re 320a on the Blackwater branches in the Isle of Wight Co. loc 61449 15764 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a red oak a C. tree of Geo. Perces land, now in the possession of Phillip Wrayford ln S39W; 206P; Geo. Perce now Phillip Wrayford's pt B) a small red oake Matthew Strictlands C. tree ln ESE; 362P; Matthew Strictland pt C) a red oake ln ENE; 86P; pt D) the Coblers line ln NW; 182P; the Coblers line pt E) a Pine ln NxE; 108P; pt F) a red oake in Geo. Perces line lc WNW; 186P; Geo. Perce !the said land being due by and for the !transportaion of seaven persons &c !Tho. Parker, Richd. Stanly, Christopher Ellis, !Samll Bott, John Phillips, Jeter Moore & Tho. Anderson end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p177 dat 22d day of 7ber 1682 to Joseph Vick re 320a of land joining upon Hodges Councill his Dividend loc 37189 38052 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oake by Chewan River side neer the Indians Spring, ln E; 320P; pt B) an Old Pine Stump ln N7E; 162P; pt C) a Small maple Saplin betwixt the sd Vick and Hodges Councell ln W; 320P; Hodges Councell pt D) Chewan River side lm ; ; down Chewan River !The sd land being due by and for the transportation !of 7 persons Antho. Nash Step. Fox Richd Lane !Wm. HUNT Tho Wilson Jon. Davis John Hamond end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 7 p182 dat 22 September 1682 frm Sr Henery Chicheley Knt Deputy Governor to John Drake re 100a on the SW side of Currawaugh Swamp !in the Isle of Wight County loc 54913 29020 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the mouth of a branch deviding it from Thomas Man lm sw; 198p; up a Br. div. Thomas Man pt B) a Pine in Hodges Councills line ln N75W; 80P; Hodges Councill pt C) a red oake Tho Parnells C. tree ln nne; 100p; Tho Parnells lines pt D) ln SE; 50P; pt E) ln NE; 120P; pt F) a red oake a markt tree of Coll Bridgers land ln ne; 60p; Coll Bridges/Bridgers pt G) Currawaugh Swamp lm s20e; 60p; up Currawaugh Sw. !due by and for the transportation of twoe persons !Richd Foot Tho Wiltshire end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 7 p184 dat 22 September 1682 frm Sr Henery Chicheley Knt Deputy Governor to Rowland Bulkley re 330a neer Currawaugh Swamp loc 46969 26988 F127 L0 P255 pt A) att a Pine Giles Linscotts C. ln NNE; 200P; pt B) a small red oake neer Coll Bridgers line ln N50W; 280P; Coll Bridger pt C) a red oake ln SSW; 200P; pt D) a Pine lc S50E; 280P; !due by and for the transportation of 7 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p236 dat 6 Apr 1683 to Brigman Joyner re 300a Is of Wight County !Between Kinsale Swamp and the maine Blackwater !beg. at Hodges Councell !to Thomas Man &c !Trans. of 6 pers. James Tyler, Mary Rhodes, !David Otley, Roger Potter, Robert Mallet, Robert Wade end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p135-136 dat 25 Apr 1698 to Jno. Giles re 300 Acres of land scituate between King sale swamp !and the main black water in the Isle white County loc 40805 34901 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine Hodges Councills C. tree ln N15E; 310P; pt B) a pine ln W; 160P; pt C) a small Hiccory in Thomas Man head line ln s15w; 310p; Thomas Man !parralell to the first line 310P by Thomas Man Aforesaid pt D) two white oakes lc e; 160p; !and then by Councill East 160P to the first Station !the said land being formerly granted to Bridgeman Joyner !by patent dated the 16th Apll 1683 and by him deserted !and since granted the said John Giles by ordr of the !Genll Court bearing date the 25th of Apll 1697 !and is due by and for the transportation of !six persons into this Colony whose namres are !to be in the records mentioned under this patent !John Giles his p;re for 300 Acres of land in !Islewite County} Ed Jenings deputy secrtry !James Tullagh twice two negroes Jacob Pine David Surry end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p180 dat 15 October 1698 to John Gyles re 300a between Kingsale swamp and the main black water !in the Isle Wight County loc 41015 34888 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine Hodges Councells C. tree ln N15E; 310P; pt B) a pine ln W; 160P; pt C) a small hiccory in Thomas Mans head Line !and so parralel to the first Line ln s15w; 310P; Thomas Mans aforesaid pt D) two white oake lc e; 160p; by Councill !the said Land being formerly granted to !Bridgeman Joyner by patent dated the !16th day of Apr 1683 and by him deserted !and since granted unto the said John Giles !by ordr of the Genll Court dated the !23d day of Apll 1698 and is further due !by and for the transportation of [Toe persons] !into this Colony !Mr Jno Giles his pat for 300 acres of Land !in Isle of Wight County} Ed Jennings depty sectry end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p239 dat 16 Apr 1683 decl -8 to John Sellaway re 650a neere the heads of the branch of blackwater in the Isle of Wight County loc 63745 14364 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a Pine by a Pocoson Thomas Underwoods C. tree ln N69W; 402P; frm a Pocoson pt B) a Small Red Oake in George Perce's line, ln ENE; 250P; George Perce pt C) a stooping Pine Capt. Aplewhaites C. tree, ln SExS; 31p; Capt. Applewhaite pt D) a pine ln ExN; 174P; pt E) a Pine ln NNE; 44P; pt F) a Hickory John Williams C. tree ln ExN; 24P; John Williams pt G) ln N67E; 34P; pt H) ln E; 68P; pt I) a white Oake ln S40E; 64P; pt J) a Gum Mr. Richard Lovegroves C. tree, ln sse; 200p; Mr Richard Lovegrove pt K) a white Oake Thomas Underwoods C. tree ln WxS; 308P; Thomas Underwood !the said land being due by and for the transportation !of thirteene persons onto this Collony whose names !are mentioned in the Records under this Pattent !James Davis, Tho. Reding, Roger Gibbs, Wm. Gibbs, !Wm. Rogers, Ed. Darcy, Mary Crusty, Eliz. Smith, !Mary Codin, Jane Walker, Margaret Blaton/Beaton, !John Needham, Tho. Copping end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 7 p240 dat 16 Apr 1683 frm Thomas Lord Culpeper to William Mayo re 366a on the S Side of Kinsale [Kingsale] Swamp !in the Isle of Wight County loc 42586 34670 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Marked Pine Richard Boothes head line, ln S55W; 194P; pt B) a Hickory in Hodges Councells line ln s7e; 128p; Hodges Councills & Joseph Vickes line pt C) a Small white oake ln S52E; 150P; pt D) a Small Cypress Saplin by the run of Kinsale Swamp lm E; 50P; up the Run of Kinsale Sw. pt E) the mouth of the Bever dam Swamp lm n61e; 180p; up Beverdam Sw. pt F) a Pine Richard Booths C. tree ln N52W; 272P; Richard Booth pt G) a Stooping pine lc N20E; 76P; !due by and for the transportacon of 8 persons !into this Collony ... end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p252 dat 16 Apr 1683 to James Bryan re 315a betweene Kin sale Swamp and the maine Black water in the Isle of Wight County loc 42555 34601 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine William Mayo's C. tree in Richard Booths line ln s55w; 194p; William Mayo pt B) a Hickory in Hodges Councills line ln N7W; 92P; Hodges Councill pt C) a Pine a C. tree twixt him & Bridgman Joyner ln N15E; 310P; Bridgman Joyner pt D) a Pine ln S57E; 120P; pt E) a Pine in a Medow ln E; 60P; pt F) a Red oake Richard Booths C. tree ln S20E; 64P; Richard Booth !The said land being dut by and for the !transportation of 7 persons to this Collony whose !names are mentioned in the Records under this Pattent !John Curtis, Ellen Burton, James Wilson, !James Grandee/Grundle, Wm Mason, Tho Waldon, Sarah Briggs end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p294 dat 29 May 1683 decl -8 to Thomas Joyner Junr re 290a on the Brs. of the Westerne Brance of Nanzemond loc 74505 -6716 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small Pine Mr William Bodies C. tree in Mr Colemans Line ln ne; 408p; Jno Bodey pt B) a white [?gruby] in the said Joyners own line ln S53E; 66P; sd Joyner pt C) a Pine in a Maine Branch of Elme Swamp lm S25E; 125P; down the Maine Br. of Elme Sw. pt D) a white Oake Jno Gardners C. tree !on the East side the aforesaid Swamp ln WxS; 166P; Jno Gardner/Garner pt E) a Red Oake ln SxE; 92P; pt F) a white Oak the said Gardners C. tree !in Mr Colemans line and so by Mr Coleman !West a quarter of a poynt Southerly 252P lc W.25S; 252p; Mr Coleman !the said land being due by and for the !Transportation of 5 p;sons into this Collony !Eliz. Thomas, Tho. Edwards, Rebecca Bayly, !Symon Wright, Fra. Bristow, Jno. Charles end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p298 dat 29 May 1683 to Hoptkin Howell re 110a on the Brs. of Chuckatuck in the Lower pr.ish of Isle of Wight con Transportacon of 3 persons loc 90271 -2350 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an old marked red oake by the Beaver Damms ln N18E; 102P; pt B) a white oak Mr Rutters C. tree ln n72w; 136p; Mr Rutter pt C) a white Oake a C. tree betwixt the said Rutter & Thomas Jordan ln S68W; 120P; Thomas Jordan pt D) the Run of the Branch where it Began lm ; ; down the Br. of Chuckatuck end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p310 dat 20 September 1683 to James DAVIS re 141a of Land lying and Being in Nansimund loc 93483 1592 F127 L0 P255 pt A) upon Chuckatuck Creeke by or nigh a great marked white Oake, the dividing Tree betwixt him and his Brother Thomas Davis !and WxS3°Southerly ln w14s; 150p; [est dist] frm Richard Bennett Esqr pt B) Joynes with the Line of Thomas Cutchin lm se; 200; [est] Thomas Cutchin pt C) meet with the Line of Wm Thompson, !and then by a Line of marked trees and Stakes !that divides this land from said Wm. Thompsons !ExN3°Northerly till it ln e14n; 150p; [est] Wm Thompson pt D) Comes to Chuckatuck Creeke, by or nigh a Small marked Pine, lm ; ; up by or nigh Chuckatuck Cr. !The said Land being the one third part of the !Land wch his Father Majr. Thomas Davis dyed seized !of, and by his last Will and Testament Devised !in devised in Fee, to the said James Davis end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p311 dat 20 September 1683 decl -8 to William JOYNER re 520a neere the heads of the Cypress Brs. in the Lower pr.ish of the Isle of Wight County con Transportation of 11 pr.sons !into this Colony loc 71897 -1112 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small white Oake by a Path ln s36w; 124p; Humphrey Marshall pt B) a white Oake ln S60E; 340P; pt C) a new marked Pine, neere the said Marshalls Line ln S30W; 58P; pt D) a white Oake in a Pocoson ln n66w; 340p; thro' the Pocoson pt E) three Saplin Oakes ln N60W; 124P; pt F) a white Oake a C. tree at Mr Hardy and Capt. Applewhaite, ln n43e; 70p; Mr Hardy pt G) a Pine Stump ln N29W; 192P; pt H) a Pine ln N43E; 102P; pt I) a Red Oake Saplin William Wells C. tree, ln ESE; 98P; William Wells pt J) ln ExS; 37P; pt K) a Red Oake ln S52E; 152P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p378 dat 20 Apr 1684 decl -8 to Mr. John Nevell re 92a betweene the land of Mr Robert Coleman and the sd Nevills own land in the lower p;ish of Isle of Wight County loc 78002 -2450 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine in Mr. Colemans line by a pocoson side ln S60W; 50P; pt B) a Small white oake ln S75W; 30P; pt C) a white Oake in the sd Nevills line ln se; 208p; his own line pt D) an Oake Christopher Wades C. tree ln NE; 76P; Christopher Wade pt E) Mr Colemans line ln NW; 182P; Mr Coleman !The said Land being due by and for the !transportacon of two p;sons into this Collony !whose names are in the Records menconed under !this pattent [however, none are mentioned] end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p446 dat 20 Apr 1685 frm Francis Lord Howard Governor to Robert Flake re 170a betweene the lands of Mr Tooke Capt England ! Thomas Blake and Edward Brantley in the Upper p.ish of !Isle of Wight Countie loc 126080 -19072 F127 L0 P255 pt A) red oake Thomas Blakes C. tree in Mr Tookes line ln s70w; 206p; Thomas Blakes line pt B) a small red oake ln N74W; 60P; pt C) a pine ln N34W; 102P; pt D) a pine in Mr Newmans line & soe ln NNE; 29P; Mr Newman pt E) a stooping red oake in or near Capt Englands line, ln s69e; 108p; Capt England pt F) a small white oake ln N31E; 107P; pt G) two markt pines Edward Brantlys C. tree near !the danceing place and then by the said Brantleys line ln SE; 52P; Edward Brantley, fm near the danceing place pt H) a pine ln NE; 20P; pt I) Mr Tookes line and soe by his line lc SE; 136P; Mr Tooke end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p174 dat 20 Oct 1691 to Maj. Arthur Allen re 170a Isle of Wight Co. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p452 dat 20 Apr 1685 to Peter Butler re 40a at the head of a Creeke called Chuckatuck in the Countie of Nanzemund loc 96727 2490 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a saplin white oake at the head of the South West line of Ryes land [Peter Reys] ln SW; 112P; extending of [Reys] SW head line pt B) a saplin white oake ln SE; 72P; pt C) a white oake ln NE; 12P; pt D) Scotts C. gum ln nne.5pe; 100p; NNE½E by Scotts line pt E) a red oake Saplin in Ryes line lm ; ; Ryes line !due by and for the transportacon of one pr.son end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p462 dat 20 Apr 1685 to Edward Boykin re 525a end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p175 dat 20 October 1691 to Majr Arthur Allen re 525a between the third Swamp and the maine Black water ![in Isle of Wight County] !being formerly granted to Edward Boykin by !patent 20 Apr 1685 and by him desertd, and is !since granted sd Majr Arthur Allen !by order of Thee Genll Court at James Citty !17 Apr 1691 and is con Importacon of 11 psons !Eliza. Idems Tho. Idems Wm. Russell George Burnham !Rebecca Bantell Ann Mungall Math. Wills Wm. (Clelos?) !Nath Pill Richd Turner Mary Newgant loc 52764 -17527 F127 L0 P255 pt A) pine Mr Williamsons C. tree ln N41E; 266P; Mr Williamson pt B) red oake ln NWxW; 320P; pt C) red oake by the Edge of a Pocoson ln S41W; 232P; fm Edge of a Pocoson pt D) pine and White oake Saplins in Mr Tho. Mores Line and ln S; 46P; Tho. More pt E) white oake ln SExE; 294P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p465 dat 20 Apr 1685 to John Procter re 250a betweene the Third Swamp and the maine !blackwater in the upper pr.ish of the Isle of Wight Co. con tranportacon of 5 pr.sons into this Colony !Geo Resse, Wm Peirce, John Farck?, Jon Barker loc 52088 -17079 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine a C. tree of Doctor Williamsons land ln S21E; 46P; Doctor Williamson pt B) a pine (then Leaveing tht line) ln N72W; 168P; pt C) a red oake ln S67W; 62p; pt D) a white oake in Mr Thomas Moores line ln N; 10P; Thomas Moore pt E) a white oake saplin ln N50W; 118P; pt F) a pine ln N40E; 168P; pt G) a white oake C. tree twixt the !said Moore and Edward Boykin lc SEXE; 294p; Edward Boykins line end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p279 dat 29 Apr 1693 to William Cook re 250a between the third Sw. & the Maine Black water in the upper parish of Isle of Wight County loc 52188 -16979 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine a C. tree of Doctor Williamsons Land ln S21E; 46P; Doctor Williamson pt B) a pine then leaveing that line ln N73W; 168P; pt C) a red oake ln S67W; 62P; pt D) a white oake in Mr Thomas Mores line ln N; 10P; Thomas More pt E) a white oake Saplin ln N50W; 118P; pt F) a pine ln N40E; 168P; pt G) a white oake C. tree betwixt the !Said Moore and Edward Boykin ln SExE; 294P; Edward Boykine !the Said Land being formerly granted unto !John Procter by patent Dated the 20th day of !Apr 1685 and by him Deserted for Want of !due Seating According to law !and is Since granted to the Said William Cooke !by order of the Generall Court beareing Date !October the 29th 1692, !and is due by and for the Importation of !five persons into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p511 dat 27 Apr 1686 decl -8 to Thomas Harris re 240 acres [Isle of Wight County] con transportation of 5 pr.sons into this Collony loc 63441 -3642 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Gum Mathew Tomlins C. tree in the head of Br. near a Pocoson ln s4.5e; 194p; Mathew Tomlin pt B) Pine Mrs Hardies C. tree ln W; 226P; Mrs Hardy pt C) a White Oake a C. tree betwixt Mrs Hardy, William Westray, John Turner, and sd Harris ln n; 168p; John Turner pt D) a great white Oake on the S side the aforesd Branch lm ; ; up a Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p545 dat 30 Octobr 1686 decl -7 to Mr John Nevill re 246a on the heads of Severall Branches of the Westerne Branch of Nanzemond River in the Lower p;ish of Isle of Wight County loc 76240 -1350 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Small Pine by a Branch side ln SE; 360P; pt B) a Pine neer a great Branch and opposite to Thomas Oglthorps house ln N53E; 50P; pt C) a great Pine ln E; 36P; pt D) a Red Oake ln N70E; 42P; pt E) a Small live Oake Saplin neer the aforemenconed Branch side,being Christopher Wades C. tree ln nw; 388p; Christopher Wade & Mr Nevills own Line pt F) a White Oake ln W; 104P; pt G) a Pine ln S; 50P; !The sd Land being due by and for the !transportation of 5 p;sons into this Colony, !Peter Morga, James Kenyman Ellinor Dodson, !Xpher Ellyson, Henry herby? end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p574 dat 20 Apr 1687 to James Adkison [Atkinson] con Transportacon of five pr.sons !into this Colony whose names are in the !Records mentioned under this Pattent !Andrew Bodkin, Wm Kearne, Nicho. Haul, !Richard Yeomons, Tho. Farmer re 216a on the West side of the third Swamp !of the Blackwater in the upper parish of !the Isle of Wight County, and adjoyning !to the head of his own Land loc 56338 -20653 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oake halfe a Mile from the aforesd third Swamp being his own C. tree in his Brother Tho. Adkisons line ln ; 144P; North? his Brother Tho. Adkison pt B) a white Oake by the Edge of a Poquoson ln S30W; 89P; pt C) a Red Oake ln ESE; 288P; pt D) three Small Saplin Oakes ln S18E; 118P; pt E) a Pine in the Doctors branch lm S50E; 62P; down Doctors Br. pt F) a white Oake a C. tree of John Sorjoarners ln N38E; 60P; John Sorjoarner !pt G) two Small Oakes C. trees of his old Land, !lc ; ; his old head line end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p576-577 dat 20 Apr 1687 to THOMAS MOORE re 1150a on thee Maine Blackwater Swamp in upper pish of Isle of Wight County con transportacon of 23 psons into this Colony loc 47432 -21827 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake Mr CHRISTOPHER HOLEMANs C. tree by thee Maine Swamp side ln E; 376P; CHRISTOPHER HOLEMAN pt B) a pine by thee Edge of a pocoson ln S40W; 160P; pt C) small pine ln S; 154P; pt D) small white oak by a Branch ln S40W; 168P; pt E) pine ln S50E; 118P; pt F) a small white oake saplin ln S; 296P; pt G) ln S60E; 92P; pt H) pine by a branch lm sw; 200p; [est] down sd Br. pt I) a great Pine by thee Edge of thee Maine Swamp, !and soe by various Courses up thee Run of thee !Maine Swamp to thee place where it began lm ; ; up the Maine Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p175 dat 20 October 1691 to WILLIAM CHAMBERS re 1150a in the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight County !on the maine Black Water Swamp !adj. Mr CHRISTOPHER HOLMAN !Granted THO. MORE 20 Apr 1687, deserted, !& now granted by order &c con Imp. of 23 pers. end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) p.92 dat 9 February 1693/94 frm WILLIAM CHAMBERS and wife ROSAMOND CHAMBERS !of Lawnes Creek in Surry County to THOMAS MOORE of the upper parish of Isle of Wight Co. re 750a on Blackwater Swamp granted 20 October 1691 !adj. Mr GEORGE WILLIAMSON !witnesses: ARTHUR ALLEN & THOMAS PITT. !recorded: 9 February 1693/94 end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book (1688-1704) p.114 dat 9 February 1693/94 frm THOMAS MOORE to JOHN JONES !of a deed dated 9 February 1693 between !WILLIAM CHAMBERS and wife ROSAMOND CHAMBERS of !Surry County to THOMAS MOORE for 750 acres. !Land adjoins Mr GEORGE WILLIAMSON & Blackwater Swamp !witnesses: ARTHUR ALLEN & THOMAS PITT !Note: 9 August 1694 ... assignment of this deed !by THOMAS MOORE & wife ELIZABETH MOORE of the !upper parish to JOHN JONES of the lower parish. !THOMAS MOORE ELIZABETH X MOORE !witnesses: GEORGE WILLIAMSON, RICHARD ROYALL, !ANDREW GRIFFIN, JOHN GOODRICH & THOMAS THROPP end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p636 dat 23 Apll 1688 to James Allen/Allyn re 230a in the Isle of Wight County !due unto him the Said James Allyn by and for the con Transportacon of 5 þsons !Jno Smith Robert Wilkers Luke Dunfeilk !Jno Hinshaw Tho. Herbertson loc 41718 38051 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pyne on the West Side of the Beaver Dam Swamp ln SSE; 160p; 80Chaynes pt B) another Pyne ln S67.5W; 230p; 115Chaynes pt C) ln NNW; 160p; 80Chaynes pt D) a Stake ln N67.5E; 230p; 115Chaynes end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p672 dat 20 October 1688 to Francis Davis re 100a in the Isle of Wight County con Transportacon of 2 pr.sons loc 45183 33770 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake standing in the line of Robert Lawrence junr ln NWxN; 69P; Robert Lawrence junr pt B) a Pine ln N10E; 45P; pt C) a white oake ln N65W; 16P; pt D) a white oake Giles Lemscotts C. tree, ln nwxn; 192p; Giles Lemscott pt E) Jno Sumerlins line ln s10w; 156p; Jno Sumerlin pt F) a Red oake Richard Booths C. tree ln ; ; Richard Booth's markt trees end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p762 dat 20 Oct 1688 to Wm Baldwin re 67a in the upper pr.ish of the Isle of Wight County con Transportacon of 2 pr.sons Mary Indian Lane a Negro loc 124730 -31491 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red oake in Jno Harrises line, ln S48.5W; 62P; Jno Harris pt B) ln S42W; 109P; pt C) a red oake ln N19.5W; 105P; pt D) ln N63E; 133P; pt E) a dogwood Ln SE; 52P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p674 dat 20 October 1688 to the Butlers, (Peter, James the younger & Jno) re 678a in the Isle of Wight County loc 58377 35020 F127 L0 P255 pt A) markt pine a C. tree between Wm Collins & John White ln S81W; 198p; Wm Collins, 89 Chaines pt B) a white oake Saplin ln W1N; 106p; 53 Cha: pt C) ln N79W; 98p; 49 Cha: pt D) a pine ln S58W; 111p; 55.5 Chaines pt E) a pine ln N46W; 42p; 21 Cha: pt F) a Pine in Hodge Councells line ln N16E; 382p; Hodge Councell, 191 Chaines pt G) a pine ln S60E; 320p; 160 Cha pt H) ln S56E; 126p; 63 Chaine pt I) the County line lc S54W; 66p; County Line 33 Chaine pt J) a pine Jno Whites C. tree lc ; ; Jno White !due by & for the transportacon of 14 pr.sons etc !Tho Tucker, James Jonesing, Wm Rutt, Jno Flood, !James Massangin, Jno Furbee, Edmund Ketle, Jno White, !James Menton, Donker? Frissell, Danll Gray, !Hugh Merrick/Mernack, Jno Pruet, Wm Pruet end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p695 dat 20 Apr 1689 to John Sojourner re 162a in the Isle of Wight County loc 55216 -19955 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at Three Red Oakes The Said Sojourners C. Trees of an other Tract or Dividend of Land bought of Mr Robert Williamson ln ExN; 74P; pt B) a white Oake in a Br. James Atkinsons C. tree ln n50w; 62p; James Atkinson pt C) a Pyne in the Doctor's Branch ln N18W; 118P; pt D) Three Small Oakes Saplins ln WNW; 78P; pt E) a Black Oake by a Path ln S47W; 195P; pt F) a Red Oake in Edward Boykins Lyne ln SExE; 190P; Edward Boykin pt G) a Red Oake in the Said Sojourners Lyne ln ; ; Mr Robert Williamson now sd Sojourners Lyne !due by and for the Transportacon of Foure pr.sons etc !Thomas Yates Robert James Jane Fellowes Abraham Dugard end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 8 p8 dat 20 Octobr 1689 frm Nathaniel Bacon Esqr. President Etc to James Bryan re 762a Isle of Wight County loc 37915 38458 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a forked Byrch by the Black Water River ln E; 12P; pt B) Jos. Vicks C. tree ln e; 136p; Jos. Vick pt C) a Stake ln SSE; 50P; pt D) a stake at a C. of James Allens Lands ln sse; 166p; James Allen pt E) a pine sd Allens C. tree ln SxE; 71P; pt F) a Red Oak by a Branch ln S30W; 127P; frm a Br. pt G) a pine ln S13W; 54P; pt H) a pine ln W10S; 308P; pt I) the black water River lm ; ; up Black Water River !due by et for Transportacon of Sixteen p;sons &c end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p92 dat 23 October 1690 to Hodges Councell the younger & Thos. Man re 200a in Isle of Wight County loc 39764 43146 F127 L0 P255 pt A) marked Gum Jno Browns C. tree in Kingsale Sw. ln s10e; 57p; Jno Brown pt B) pine ln se; 115p; Brown pt C) a pine ln SW; 146.5P; pt D) a pine ln S; 142P; pt E) a pine ln S56W; 46P; pt F) a Cypres in the sd Swamp lm ; ; up Kingsale Sw. !due for imp;t of 4 p;sons etc !Thomas White, Jno Waterhouse !Robt Brian Jno Barnarde end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p92 dat 23 October 1690 to Samuel Furment re 100a in Chuckatuck pr.ish within the County of Nansimund on the Westward side of Chuckatuck Creek nere the head thereof loc 99174 -1098 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red Oak standing in a small point by the Creek !being a C. tree between this land and the Land of Henry Bradley !and runns according to their ancient bounds ln N71W; 320p; Henry Bradley pt B) a beech Standing in a small branch ln N7E; 51P; fm a Small Br. pt C) a Chincapin a C. tree of the Land of John Camble ln s71e; 320p; [S71W] John Cambles line of Markt trees pt D) a Cedar Standing by the Creek lm ; ; by Chuckatuck Cr. !according to the Curveings & windings to the first Station !due unto the sd Saml Ferment for imprort of two pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p176 dat 20 October 1691 decl -7 to Henry POPE re 187a in the Isle of Wight County con Importacon of 4 pr.sons loc 67320 9120 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a markt Gum John WILLIAMS his C. tree ln W29.5N; 86P; John WILLIAMS pt B) a marke pine Stump another C. tree of the sd WILLIAMS ln S39W; 176P; pt C) a markt red oake In the sd WILLIAMS his Line ln S8E; 64P; pt D) ln SSE; 18P; pt E) a markt Gum Richd LOVEGROVEs & John SELLWAY !their C. tree then by the sd LOVEGROVEs Line ln E13.5N; 188P; Richd LOVEGROVE pt F) a marked Pine sd LOVEGROVEs his C. tree ln N5.5W; 134p; Henry SANDERS end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deeds, Wills, Great Book Vol.2 !(1715-1726) p.212 dat 22 January 1718/19 frm Henry POPE of the lower parish to William RICKES of the sme re 187a in the lower parish being a patent !granted sd Pope on 20 October 1691 !adj. John Williams, Richard Lovegrove, !John Sellaway & Henry Sanders !witnesses: Joseph Meredith & John Sellaway !recorded 23 February 1718 end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 8 p176 dat 20 October 1691 frm Francis Nicholson Esqr. Lt. Governor to Mr Wm MAYO re 170a in the Isle of Wight County con Importacon of 4 pr.sons !John VATES, Owen BURNE, Wm CALFE, Mary NICKELL loc 45569 23092 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Hickory John [KING]s C. tree ln s20w; 200p; John [KING] !Line of markt trees pt B) a pine ln N76W; 19P; pt C) a dead pine Gyles LYMSCOTTs C. tree !in John LAWRENCEs Line thence N9.5W 166P to ln n9.5w; 166p; John LAWRENCE, fm Gyles LYMSCOTT's c. pt D) a Small white oake by a branch !by said LAWRENCEs C. tree then _11E 197P to lm n11e; 197p; fm a Br., John LAWRENCE pt E) a white oake upon the Bank of the main blackwater !being another C. tree of the sd LAWRENCE, lm n73e; 54p; along the Black water !N73E 54P to pt F) a white oake Col BRIDGERs C. tree ln S6.5E; 189P; Col. BRIDGER end ! typ deed ref Isle of Wight Deed Book 1 (1688-1704) p.77 dat 20 October 1691 frm William & Isabell MAYO to Thomas LEWIS son of Richard LEWIS !Francis NICHOLSON to William MAYO !for the importation of 4 persons re 170a adjoining John KING, John LAWRENCE, !the main Blackwater & Col. BRIDGER !Note: William MAYO & wife Isabell MAYO to !Thomas LEWIS son of Richard LEWIS dec'd. !witness: Henry X BRADLEY !Note: 7 August 1693 Isabel MAYO appoints her brother, !Hodges COUNCIL as her attorney !witnesses: Henry X BRADLEY & Hodges X COUNCIL Jr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p222 dat 29 Apr 1692 to Bridgeman Joyner re 600a in Isle of Wight County con Importacon of 12 þsons !Bridgman Joyner, Elizabeth Jones, Jno Edmond, !Thomas Wright, William Walker, Phillip Rafford, !Jno. Edmondson, Mary Wilkinson, Jno Edwards, !Owen Ellis, Derick Stone, Black Moll loc 39496 42992 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a markt pine Neer Kingsale Swamp James Brians C. tree, ln w10s; 308p; James Brian/Briants line of markt trees pt B) a small hickory by the run of the Maine black water Swamp lm s; 300p; [est] down the Maine Black Water Sw. pt lm s30e; 300p; pt C) the mouth of King Sale swamp lm ; ; up King Sale Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p222 dat 29 Apr 1692 to John Johnson re 250a in Isle of Wight County con Importation of five Persons !Hanah Robin} Negr. Kate Peter? Lewis Negr loc 39665 42788 F127 L0 P255 pt A) A markt pine a C. tree between James Brian and Bridgman Joyner ln n13e; 54p; James Brian pt B) a markt pine ln n30e; 127p; sd Brians pt C) a red oak ln nxw; 71p; sd Brians pt D) a markt pine James Allen his C. tree ln ene; 230p; James Allen pt E) a markt pine then along another ln nnw; 160p; sd Allen pt F) a white oak ln N9E; 4.5P; pt G) a white oak in William Mayo his line ln s52e; 62p; William Mayo pt H) a live oak neer a Cyprus the said Mayo's C. tree in the Beaver Dam Swamp lm ; ; down Beaver Dam Sw. pt I) Kingsale Swamp lm sw; 500p; guess, down Kingsale Swamp by various Courses end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p396 dat 26 October 1694 to Richard Pugh re 100a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County loc 41015 48356 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine Coll. Milners and Owen Daniells C. tree ln N60E; 156P; Coll Milner pt B) a pine Milners C. tree ln N82E; 50P; pt C) Milners line ln N9E; 90P; pt D) a pine ln N83W; 102P; pt E) a pine ln S25W; 34P; pt F) a pine ln N46W; 36P; pt G) a pine at the head of a branch lm ; ; down a Br. !due by and for the transportation of 2 persons !into this Colony whose Names are in the records !Mentioned under this patent !James Taylor, Jno Campbell end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p401 dat 26 October 1694 to Robert KING re 124a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight Co. loc 105326 -19185 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake Robert Kings C. tree ln S36W; 122P; pt B) a white oake ln s.5pe; 148p; pt C) Major Burwells line ln n75e; 124p; Major Burwell pt D) a pine in Robert Kings line ln N15W; 221P; Robert King !due by and for the Importation of 3 persons !into this Coloy whose Names are in the records !Mentioned under this patent end ! typ patent ID #451B ref VPB 8 p422 dat 21 Apr 1695 frm Sr Edmond Andros Knt Governr to Richard Pugh re 100a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County loc 41027 48330 F127 L0 P255 pt A) A pine Collo Milner & Owen Daniels C. tree ln N60E; 156P; Collo. Milner, fm Owen Daniel's C. pt B) a pine Milners C. tree ln N82E; 50P; pt C) a pine in Milners line ln N9E; 90P; pt D) a pine ln N83W; 102P; pt E) a pine ln S25W; 34P; pt F) a pine ln N46W; 36P; pt G) a pine in a branch lm ; ; down a Br. !by and for the transportaion of 2 persons !into this Colony whose Names are to be in !the records Mentioned !Sarah Wilson, Frances Medowes end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p422 dat 21 Apr 1695 to Mr Robert COLEMAN re 80a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County loc 112094 -25174 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red oake ln SxE; 160P; pt B) a red oake in Thomas Jordans line ln ENE; 102P; Thomas Jordan pt C) a Gum in white Marsh lm ; ; along the Neck of White Marsh pt D) Giles Drivers ln N16W; 72P; Giles Driver pt E) a white oake lc S76W; 66P; !due by And for the transportation of 2 persons !into this Colony all whose Names are to be !in the records Mentioned under this Patent !William Shepard, Anne Thompson end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p428 dat 26 October 1694 frm Sr Edmond Andros Knt Governor to Owen Daniell re 130a in the Isle of Wight Co. & Nansimond Co. loc 42440 47994 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine Collo. Milners C. tree ln N68W; 66P; pt B) a red oake ln S53W; 170P; pt C) a Cyprus by the Maine run of King Saile Swamp lm ssw; 100p; [est] dwn King Saile Sw. pt D) the Maine run of the black water Swamp lm s; 100p; [est] dwn Blackwater Sw. pt E) the Mouth of Wickum Swamp lm ; ; up Wickum Sw. pt F) Collo. Milners line ln n; 100p; Coll. Milner !due by & for the transportation of 3 persons !into this Colony whose Names are to be in !the records Mentioned under this Patent end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p22 dat 25 October 1695 decl -7 to Thomas Underwood re 350a in the lower parish of the Isle of Wight Co. loc 61793 15564 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a pine Richard Brassells C. tree !and runing on the Said Brassells line ln S44E; 174P; Richard Brassell pt B) a pine his C. tree ln S22W; 58P; pt C) a red oake ln S65E; 172P; pt D) a red oake ln NNE; 186P; pt E) Said Thomas Underwoods line ln WxS; 92P; Thomas Underwood pt F) a Gum ln NxW; 200P; pt G) a pine his C. tree John Silleways ln N69W; 154P; John Silleway pt H) the Lightwood Stake lc S19W; 158P; !due by and for the Importation of 7 persons !in to this Colony all whose Names are to be !in the records Mentioned under this Patent !John Preuit, Richard Felton, Alice Felton, !John Russer, Wm Hilson, Will Oakes, John Lyddon end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p22 dat 25 October 1695 decl -7 to George ANDREWSON re 175a in the lower parish of the Isle of Wight Co. loc 59697 13460 F127 L0 P136 0 55 6 pt A) a red oake in George Pearces line !John Silleways C. tree ln wsw; 58p; George Pearce pt B) a pine William Carvers and William Williams C. tree ln S47E; 296P; William Williams frm William Carver's c. pt C) a pine his C. tree ln S55E; 22P; pt D) a pine Richard Brassells C. tree ln N19E; 158P; Richard Brassell pt E) a Lightwood Stake in John Silleways line lc n69w; 248p; John Sillewayes line !the Said 175 Acres of Land due !by and for the Importation of 4 perssons into !this Colony all whose Names are to be in the !records Mentioned under this Patent !James Samson 3 times & Eliza. Samson his daughter end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p23 dat 25 October 1695 to William CARVER re 45a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County con Importation of James Ashden loc 63694 18802 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a black oake Thomas Mandues C. Tree ln S75E; 236P; Thomas Mandue pt B) Phillip Wrayfords line ln NW; 122P; Phillip Wrayford pt C) a white oake Wrayfords c. tree ln S79W; 143P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p23-24 dat 25 October 1695 decl -7 to John Parnell re 400a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight Co. !being due unto the said John Parnell by et for !the Importation of 8 persons !Mary Samson twice Tho. Cockrell Samll. Pally !Robt. Andersfeild & Sarah his wife !Geo. Teader Jno. Bedford loc 79966 -4632 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine James Gardners C. tree ln S24E; 52P; James Gardner pt B) a white oake the Said Gardners C. tree ln N60E; 60P; pt C) a pine the Said Gardners C. tree ln E; 88P; pt D) two pines the Said Gardners C. trees ln S25W; 31P; pt D) a pine the Said Gardners C. tree ln S16E; 116P; pt E) a pine the Said Gardners C. tree ln S60W; 34P; pt F) a pine Christopher Wades C. tree ln S30E; 10P; Christopher Wade pt G) a pine John Nevills C. tree ln E; 41P; John Nevill pt H) a pine Nevills C. tree ln NE; 36P; pt I) a pine Nevills C. tree ln S57E; 46P; pt J) two white oakes Nevills C. tree ln N76E; 31P; pt K) an white oake Nevills C. tree ln N60E; 51P; pt L) a pine the said Nevills C. tree ln NW; 16P; pt M) a Gum ln NE; 182P; pt N) a Gum ln N75W; 322P; pt O) the Durty branch lm n8w; 86p; by the Durty Branch pt P) John Gardners line ln S37W; 240P; John Gardner end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p81 dat 28 October 1697 to Jacob Darden re 330a in the Lower Parrish of the Isle of Wight Co. loc 70669 3297 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine John Macmiles C. tree ln N37E; 270P; John Macmile pt B) William Joyners line ln S66E; 247P; William Joyner pt C) a white Oake Wm. Joyners C. Tree ln N30E; 58P; pt D) a Pine Joyners C. Tree ln S53E; 60P; pt E) a White Oake ln SW; 23P; pt F) a White Oake John Thorntons C. Tree ln WxS; 320P; John Thornton pt G) a Pine ln SxE; 160P; pt H) a Pine in William Powells line ln S83W; 96P; William Powell pt I) Henry Popes line ln n32w; 136p; Sd Popes Line & Capt. Applewaite !due by and for the Transportacon of Seaven Persons !into this Colony whose names are to be in the !Records mentioned under this Patent !Jacob Darden pat 330 acres in Isle of Wight County} !E Jenings DepSecr. !Wm. West Tho. Jarret, Jack, Nick, Mingo, Jack, Jone end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p104-105 dat 28 October 1697 decl -8 to John Mackmile/Mackmiell re 200a in the lower parrish of the Isle of White Co. loc 69837 604 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake Wm Joyners C. tree ln S3W; 275P; pt B) a pine Capt. Applewaites C. tree ln S50E; 64P; Capt. Applewaite pt C) a pine ln N37E; 270P; pt D) Wm Joyners line ln N66W; 93P; Wm Joyner pt E) three Saplin oakes in a pocoson ln N60W; 124P; sd Joyner !the Said Land being due unto the Said !John Mackmiell by and for the transportacon !of four persons into this Colony whose names !are to be in the records mentioned undr this patent !John Mackmiell patent for 200 Acres of Land !in Isle White County. Edmd Jenings depty Secry !Maren Prater, JohnColesell, Wm. Keay, Tho. Fisher end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p150-151 dat 26 April 1698 to James Doubtey re 198a in the lower parrish of Isle Wight Co. near King Saile loc 72703 23383 F127 L0 P255 pt A) red oake a marked tree in James Collings his line ln N77.5W; 30P; pt B) a pine ln N; 176P; pt C) a white oake ln N37E; 111P; pt D) a pine ln E5S; 146P; pt E) a white oake a C. tree of James Collins ln S33.75W; 328P; James Collins pt F) an oake lc N6W; 8P; !The said land being due unto the said !James Doubtee by and for the transportation of !4 persons in to this Colony whose names are to !be in the records mentioned under this patent !James Doubteys pat for 198 Acres of land !in Isle White County} Ed Jenings depty Secry end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p194 dat 6 June 1699 to Henry Pope re 72a in the lower parish of Isle of Wight County loc 73292 10696 F127 L0 P255 pt A) an old white oake on the line of John Moor ln WSW; 80P; John Moor pt B) a Spanish oake ln nw; 110p; Henry Sanders pt C) a red oake on the head of a Valley ln WxS; 122P; pt D) a white oake by the side of a poquoson lm ; ; W2N 118P pt E) a Gum a C. tree betw. Henry Sanders & John Williams ln n79e; 146p; John Williams End line pt F) a white oake a C. tree between John Williams and the above named Henry Pope ln S51E; 246P; sd Henry Pope !due by & for the Transportacon of 2 persons into !this Colony &c Fr: Nicholson !Henry Pope his patent for 72 acres of Land in !Isle of Wight County E. Jenings Depty Secry. !Daniel Nolliboy Roger Tarleton end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p296 dat 7 November 1700 to Thomas COOPER re 147a prt in Nansemond Co. & prt in Isle of Wight Co. loc 77627 20771 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a White Oake in or near the head line of Land late in the possession of John Lear Esqr. ln S36W; 38P; fm hd of Leares pt B) a pine A C. tree of James Collins his Land ln w.5pn; 283p; James Collins !thence W½N bounding on the Said Collins 283P to pt C) a white Oake Collins his C. tree !thence Continuing the same Course W½N 160P ln w.5pn; 160p; Robert Ealy pt D) a pine Standing in John Roberts his line ln N30E; 84P; James Roberts pt E) a white oake a C. tree of the aforesd Leares ln ; ; late possession of John Lear Esqr. !due by and for the Transportation of 3 persons !into this Colony whose names are to be in the !records mentioned under this patent !Thos. Cooper his patent for 147 acres of Land !part in Nansemond & part in Isle of Wight County} !E Jenings depty Secry end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p417-418 dat 24 October 1701 to Robert Scott re 130a in the lower parish of Isle Wight County on the heads of the branches of the Indian Creek !which Said Cr. issueth out of the western br. of Nansemond Riv. loc 71960 17228 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oake Sapplin in a line of a tract of Land formerly taken up by Simon Irons !and Now in the possession of Robert Cooper ln sw; 134p; Simon Irons now Robert Cooper pt B) a white oake Standing in a Poquoson a C. tree of the Said Coopers and [James Stoake or Jane Stoakes] ln WNW; 140P; James Stoake or Jane Stoakes pt C) a pine Sapplin Standing in a branch lm ; ; down a Br. pt D) a line of James Longs and Now in the possession of the abovesd Robert Scott ln S74E; 214P; James Long now sd Robert Scott !due by and for the transportacon of 3 persons !into this Colony whose names are to be in !the Records Mentioned under this Patent !Robert Scott his patent for 130 acres of !Land in Isle Wight County} E Jenings end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p419 dat 24 October 1701 to James Denson re 17a in the lower parish of Isle Wight County lying on the heads of the branches of the Indian Cr. which Cr. issueth out of the western br. of Nansemond Riv. loc 90080 7433 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a hiccory a C. tree of a parcell of Land that the said Denson Now liveth on ln N76.5W; 52P; pt B) a Small pine Standing in the line of Henry Gayes Land ln N4.75E; 108P; Henry Gayes Land pt C) a Small pine Standing in the aforesd Densons line ln s19e; ; Land sd Denson Now liveth on !due by and for the transportacon of one person !into this Colony whose Name is to be in the !Records Mentioned under this patent !James Denson his patent for 17 acres of Land !in Isle of Wight County} E. Jenings Wm Jarman end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p470 dat 28 October 1702 to John Pitt re 22.5a of high Land & Marsh in Nansemond Co. on the NW side of Chuckatuck Cr. in Chuckatuck parish loc 95670 3588 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a stake standing by the Creek side ln WNW; 58P; Land gtd Richard Young pt B) a white Oake a C. tree of a parcell of Land now in the possession of Thomas Godwin ln S20W; 50P; Land now of Thomas Godwin pt C) a white Oake a C. tree of a parcell of Land late in the possession of James Day ln S10W; 28P; Land now of James Day pt D) the mouth of a gutt that runs out of the main Cr. lm ; ; down Chuckatuck Cr. frm mouth of a Gutt !then runing down the said Creek it's severall !Courses & bounding thereon to the first Station !John Pitt his patent for 22½ acres of Land in !Nansemond County E Jenings Secry. Matthew Tall end ! typ patent ID #471 ref VPB 9 p537-538 dat 24 Apr 1703 frm Francis Nicholson Esqr, Governor to Richard Sanders re 127a of Land & Marsh on the SW side the Westerne br. !of the Nansemond river in the upper parish of Nansemond Co. con transportacon of 3 persons into this Colony loc 97122 28861 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white Oake standing by the branch side !at the mouth of a small gutt lm s82w; 51p; up a Small Gutt to the head pt B) a pine standing at the head of the sd gutt ln N70W; 34P; pt C) a stake standing in Major Henry Bakers land ln S45W; 134P; Major Henry Baker pt D) a pine standing on the side of a branch !it being the head of a Creek called Ellis his Creek !thence runing down the said Creek its Several !Courses & bounding thereon to lm ; ; down Ellis his Creek, frm its head pt E) the mouth thereof in the said Westerne branch lm ; ; up the Westerne Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 9 p574 dat 23 October 1703 decl -8 to John Powell re 313a in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County loc 62567 19064 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) a red Oake in the Line of Wm Powells Land ln s21w; 236p; William Powell pt B) a pine another C. tree of the sd William Powells ln S55W; 248P; sd Powell pt C) a pine ln S25E; 120P; pt D) a white Oake ln N56.25E; 240P; pt E) a pine ln N22.5E; 208P; pt F) a pine lc N15W; 158P; !the Sd Land being due by and for the !transportacon of Seven persons into this Colony !whose names are to be in the records menconed !under this patent !John Powell his patent for 313 acres} !of Land in Isle of Wight County} !C C Thacker Depty Secry. end ! typ patent ref VPB 12 p84-85 dat 9 July 1724 decl -6 to John Woodward of I'le of Wight County con 10 Shillings re 100a N side the Main Black Water Swamp in sd County loc 57985 34028 F127 L0 P255 pt A) maple in the County line 'twixt I'le of Wight County and Nanzamond a C. Tree of John Butlers Land ln n50w; 142p; John Butler pt B) pine ln N40E; 45P; pt C) pine ln ExN; 75P; pt D) pine ln S65E; 127P; pt E) lightwood post Standing in the County line lc S50W; 140P; I'le of Wight & Nanzamond County Line end ! typ patent ID #389 ref VPB 7 p133 dat 20 Apr 1682 frm Sr Henry Chicheley Knt Deputy Governor to Hodges Councill of the Isle of Wight County con Transportation of seaven pr.sons !Rights due by certificate from the Clerk of !Isle of Wight County, whose names are not mentioned re 320a on Chewan River in the County aforesaid loc 37604 34841 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Cyprus in the mouth of a branch Thomas Manns C. tree ln E; 160P; Thomas Mann, frm mouth of a Br. pt B) two white Oakes then the same Course 160P more to ln e; 160p; pt C) a Pine ln S7W; 162P; pt D) a Small maple saplin a C. tree betwixt !the said Councill and Joseph Vick ln w; 320p; frm sd Councill & Joseph Vick's c. pt E) the River side lm ; ; up Chewan River end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p375 dat 20 Apr 1684 decl -8 to Christopher Wade re 92a betweene the lands of Mr. Coleman & Mr. Jno. Nevill in the Lower pr.ish of the Isle of Wight Co. con transportacon of two pr.sons !into this Collony whose namres are in the Records !menconed under this pattent [none were mentioned] loc 80350 350 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Small live Oake Saplin by a branch lm ene; 94p; up a Br. pt B) a Small Saplin bush ln N48W; 94p; pt C) a white oake Mr Colemans C. tree by a Meadow ln nw; 122p; Mr Coleman pt D) a Small white Oake ln sw; 75p; Mr Nevill pt E) ln SE; 180p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p375 dat 20 Apr 1684 decl -8 to James Gardner re 200a on the heads of the brs. of the Westerne br. of Nanzemond in the lower pr.ish of the Isle of Wight Co. con transportacon of four pr.sons !into this Collony whose names are in the Records !menconed under this pattent [none were mentioned] loc 81618 -3032 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine Christophr. Wades C. tree ln N60E; 34p; pt B) a Small pine ln N16W; 116p; pt C) a Small pine ln N25E; 31p; pt D) two Small Saplin pines ln W; 88p; pt E) a Small pine in a pocoson ln S60W; 60p; pt F) a white Oake by the Edge of the pocoson ln N24W; 52p; pt G) a pine in the sd Gardners own line ln S39W; 86p; Gardners own line pt H) a dead pin in Mr Colemans line ln S; ; 40p Mr Coleman pt I) Christopher Wades line ln E; 204p; Christopher Wade end ! typ patent ID #420 ref VPB 7 p448 dat 20 Apr 1685 frm Francis Lord Howard Governor &c to William Holleman re 133a about a mile to the Southward of Mr. Robert Flakes Mill !in the upper pr.ish of Isle of Wight Countie con transportation of 3 pr.sons into this Colony loc 50936 -28159 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine c. tree twixt his Father !Mr Christopher Holleman & William Goaldney ln ESE; 60P; [Wm Gwaltney] pt B) a pine by a path ln SxE; 88P; pt C) a pine lm e6n; 18p; East half a point Northerly 18P to pt D) a pine on the head of a branch lm ; 55p; down a Br. pt E) a small oake Saplin ln S15W; 174P; pt F) a white oak ln W; 44P; pt G) a small hickory in Mr. Christopher Hollomans line lc N3W; 330P; Christopher Holloman end ! typ patent ID #429 ref VPB 7 p573-574 dat 20 Apr 1687 to John Summerell re 420a between the lands of Gyles Limscot, Thomas Man, !Wm. Mayo, Richard Booth, Bridgman Joyner & James Bryan !on the Blackwater Branches in the Lower pr;ish of the !Isle of Wight County con transportacon of 9 p;sons into this Colony loc 40070 31810 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Small Hickary, Bridgman Joyners C. tree !in Thomas Mans head line, ln e; 160p; Bridgman Joyner frm Thomas Mans head line pt B) a Pine a C. tree twixt the sd Joyner & Tho. Bryan, ln S57E; 120P; James Bryan pt C) a pine ln E; 60P; pt D) a Red Oake Richard Booths C. tree ln N14E; 114P; frm Richard Booths C. pt E) a red Oake in Gyles Limscots line ln NWxN; 172P; Gyles Limscot pt F) ln WxN; 188P; pt G) a Pine Wm Mayos C. tree ln SW; 62P; Wm Mayo pt H) a Pine ln SxW; 160P; pt I) Thomas Manns C. tree lc SxW; 24p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p673 dat 20 October 1688 to Mrs. Hester Bridger & Mr. James Tullah re 243a in the Isle of Wight County con Transportacon of Five pr.sons &c loc 115603 -14046 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Hickory Thomas Pooles C. tree ln N83W; 28P; pt B) a white Oake ln SWxS; 142P; pt C) neer the great Freshett ln S14E; 26P; pt D) a white Oake, Mr Thomas Jordans C. tree, ln s7w; 230p; Mr Thomas Jordans line of markt trees pt E) Jeremiah Rutters line ln S59E; 112P; Jeremiah Rutter pt F) ln N12E; 112P; pt G) Thomas Pooles C. tree ln ; ; Thomas Poole end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p673 dat 20 October 1688 to John Brown re 600a in the Isle of Wight County con transportacon of 12 pr.sons &c loc 42992 40046 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Live Oake on the south side of King Saile Swamp, ln SE; 160p; 80Chaines pt B) a pine ln sw; 474p; 237Chaines pt C) ln NW; 132p; 66Chaines pt D) a pine ln N10W; 56p; 28Chaines pt E) the Swamp aforesd lm ; ; along King Saile Swamp end ! typ patent ref VPB ? to Wm OLDIS dat 30 Oct 1662 re 310a end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p22 dat 20 October 1689 to Col. Arthur SMITH re 310a Isle of Wight Co. on the W side of the Cyprus !The said Land being formerly Granted unto Wm Oldis !by Pattent dated 8br 30th 1662 and by the said !Oldis the first of May 1665 Conveyed to Wm Blith !and by them deserted for want of due Seating !according to Law And is Since Granted to the sd !Coll Arthur Smith by ordr. of the Genll Court !dated the 17th of Apr 1689, con transportation of 7 pr.sons &c loc 82565 -12068 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red Oake at the head of 100 acres of Land of Wm Oldis ln NxW; 440P; Wm Oldis pt B) a marked red oake between a Cart path & a small pocoson ln swxw; 130p; pt C) a marked red oake ln SxE; 20P; pt D) a marked Pine ln WxS; 46p; Body pt E) a marked white Oake 46P upon Body ln SxW; 140P; [SW] Bodyes line pt F) ln ExN; 72P; pt G) a marked pine ln SxE; 280P; pt H) a marked great pine by a Cart path ln NExE; 130P; fm a Cart Path end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p90 dat 23 October 1690 to James Corlee re 187a in the Isle of Wight County con importacon of 4 pr.sons loc 72503 17875 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Stake where a red Oak Isaac Rixes C. tree formerly Stood, ln wxs; 32p; Isaac Rixes line pt B) a C. white Oak ln NxE; 49P; pt C) a white Oak ln N43E; 132P; pt D) a pine ln SE; 185P; pt E) ln SW; 225P; pt F) a pine in the sd Rixes Line lm ; ; along sd Rixes line !of mrked trees to the firt Station end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p91 dat 23 October 1690 decl -7 to Wm Scott re 54a in the Isle of Wight County loc 74109 13789 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red Oak in Mr John Mores line ln E.5N; 58.5P; Mr John More pt B) a white Oak the Mores C. tree ln e; 200p; Mr Thomas Pitt pt C) a Stake neer the head of a branch ln SxE; 64.5P; pt D) a line formerly John Garwoods ln wxs; 240p; formerly John Garwoods line pt E) ln SxW; 2.5P; pt F) ln WxN; 36P; pt G) a great white Oake ln N29W; 6P; !to the red Oak first mencon'd !due by impt. of two pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p220 dat 29 Apr 1692 to John BROWNE of Isle of Wight Co. re 220a on the South Side of Kingsale swamp in the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County afsd loc 45344 40498 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Maple in the said Swamp the Lower C. tree of the Land of Jonathan Robinson &c ln S; 216P; Jonathan Robinson &c their line pt B) a white oak in their said Line ln WxN; 176P; pt C) a great pine ln N26E; 124P; pt D) a pine a C. tree of said Brownes former Land ln NW; 160P; John Brownes former Land pt E) a small Live oake in Kingsaile swamp aforesaid lm ; ; up Kingsaile Sw. !for the Importacon of 5 pr.sons &c end ! typ patent ref VPB 8 p220-221 dat 29 Apr 1692 to Owen DANIELL re 175a on the head of Certaine branches Issueing into Kingsale swamp on the south side thereof, part of the said Land being in the Isle of Wight Co. and part in Nanzemond loc 45224 43698 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine the Lower C. tree of the head line of the Land of Jonathan Robinson &c. ln n82e; 150p; head line of Jonathan Robinson &c. pt B) a pine ln s; 146P; pt C) a pine ln S82W; 180P; pt D) a small pine on the N side of halfe Moon Swamp ln N; 200P; fm N side Halfe Moon Sw. pt E) a pine ln E; 30P; pt F) a pine in Jonathan Robinsons or their Line !and so by their Line South 52P to the first stacon ln s; 52p; their line !due by & for the Importacon of 4 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 34 p811-812 dat 14 February 1761 to James Smith con 40 Shillings re 360a Isle of Wight Co. on the S side of a large Swamp formerly Called The Head of New Town Haven River being the Head of Chuckatuck Creek loc 95803 -2050 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a White Oak Standing on the N side of the said Sw. ln s83w; 50p; Thomas Howell pt B) a Marked pine in the said Howells line ln wnw; 62p; sd Howells line pt C) a small Marked pine Saplin C. Tree between the said Howell and Joseph Matthews ln s60w; 216p; Joseph Matthew's line pt D) a Marked White Oak a C. Tree of Thomas Pinners Land and the Land of the said Matthew's ln S40E; 100P; Thomas Pinner pt E) the Coopers Swamp lm ese; 150p; [est] dwn the Coopers Sw. pt F) a Marked White Oak in Samuel Bradley's line ln nne; 178p; Samuel Bradley pt G) the Swamp called the Head of Chuckatuck Creek afsd lm ; ; up the Sw. called the Head of Chuckatuck Cr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 37 p278-279 dat 20 July 1768 to Gale Eley con 15 Shillings re 120a Isle of Wight County on the N side of Black water loc 104040 37322 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a large pine and a marked Tree c. of Sampson Underwood and the sd Gale Eley's other Land ln s21w; 214p; sd Eleys old line & Henry Wright pt B) a black gum a C. of the sd Wrights and the Land of Speight and John Watkins ln n7w; 22p; sd Watkins & Benjamin Powell pt C) ln N18W; 60P; pt D) ln N10W; 23P; pt E) ln N38W; 17P; pt F) ln N30W; 62P; & 15 Links pt G) ln N38W; 28P; pt H) ln N13.5E; 52P; pt I) ln N20E; 19P; pt J) a small black oak standing by the side of Currawaugh road a C. of Godwins Inglish's and Underwoods Lands ln S67E; 156P; fm Currawaugh Road end ! typ patent ref VPB 41 p50 dat 1 August 1772 to Sampson Underwood con 10 Shillings re 85a Isle of Wight County loc 112288 -28672 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a red Oak in Henry Saunders Patent Line ln S75W; 156P; Henry Saunders pt B) a Pine in Roberts Patent Line ln S70E; 174P; Roberts pt C) a Pine stump in Gales Ealeys Line ln N75E; 156P; Gales Ealey pt D) a Hickory in John Densons Line ln N70W; 125P; John Denson end ! typ grant ref CGB A p613-614 dat 12 July 1780 to George Purdie con £2,257 Current Money of Virginia !paid by George Purdie unto Samuel Hardy Gent. !Escheator for Is. of Wight Co. ... which sd Lotts !or half Acres of L. was the Property of !John Hyndman British Subjects and was !Sold by sd Samuel Hardy Escheator as aforesd unto !the sd George Purdie agreeable to two acts of !Assembly passed in 1779, !the one Intituld þan Act Concerning Escheats and !forfeitures from British Subjects the other Intituld !an act Concerning Escheators. !Two Certain Lotts or parcels of Lands Containing !half an Acre Each in Is. of Wight Co. and in the town !of Smith field Laid down !in a Platt of the sd Town No. 12, and 65 also re 400 acres in sd County bounded as followeth, to Wit, loc 119447 -32013 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Beginning at a Marked Pine the E side of the Miry Branch near the dwellings house ln SExE; 76P; by a Line of Marked trees pt B) a Gum Stand[ing] in a Branch of Gualtney Swamp lm NNE; 132P; down sd Br. pt C) Gua[l]tney Swamp lm sexe; 40p; down Gualtney Sw. pt D) the Mouth of Wicks Branch SExE 40 Poles lm ssw; 166p; up Wicks Br. pt E) hickory lm wsw; 34p; up the sd Br. pt F) wo ln NW; 16P; pt G) Small Branch lm n; 46p; down a Small Br. pt H) red oak a C. tree ln w.5n; 40p; pt I) red oak C. tree on the Cart Path on Char[l]es Chapmans line lc SW; 80P; Cart Path - Charles Chapman !by Marked trees on Chapmans line pt J) thence ln WxS; 222P; Edward Goodrick pt K) thence ln W; 146P; sd Goodrick pt L) small Gum a C. ln NW; 30P; pt M) C. tree in Arther Davises line ln NE; 78P; from Arther Davis pt N) Bleakes line to Penny lain road !a C. thence lm n; 100p; Penny lane Road, from Bleakes line pt O) a Gum !a C. tree Near the head of the long Branch lm ; 144p; down the long Branch from near the head !about ExS and ESE 144 Poles pt P) thence along the sd branch lm NExE; 212P; pt Q) Gautley Swamp lm SExE; 40P; Gautley Sw. pt R) the Mouth of Miry Branch lm S; 78P; up Miry Branch end ! typ grant ref CGB 28 p57-58 dat 13 September 1792 to Robert Edwards con LOTW #12,983 the 20th day of July 1789 !240a by Survey bearing date the 12th of May 1791, re 240a in the County of Isle of Wight, loc 98940 30922 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a gum standing in Saunders's Branch ln N65W; 36P; pt B) a Holly, Elias Turners C. ln N32E; 240P; fm Elias Turners c. pt C) a pine in William Blunts line ln S65E; 218P; fm William Blunts c. pt D) a pine a C. to Thomas [Bowns] ln S30W; 72P; Thomas Bowen/Bower pt E) a pine ln S75W; 80P; pt F) a pine in the said [Bowers] line ln S50W; 104P; pt G) Saunders Branch lm ; ; up Saunders's Br. end ! typ patent ref CGB 28 p58-59 dat 13 September 1792 to William Edwards con LOTW #20,896 issued the 29th of November 1783 !200a by Survey bearing date the 17th of March 1791 re 299a in the County of Isle of Wight loc 95687 40006 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a white oak C. to William Whitley & John Edwards ln S; 46P; fm Wm Whitley & John Edwards c. pt B) a pine ln W; 190P; pt C) a pine C. to Joseph Moody ln N; 80P; fm Joseph Moody's c. pt D) a pine C. to Joseph Britt ln E; 40P; fm Joseph Britt's c. pt E) a pine ln N30E; 174P; pt F) William Edwards's C. lc ; ; William Edwards end ! typ patent ref CGB 28 p93 dat 20 November 1792 to Henry Saunders con LOTW #15,154 issued the 20th of February 1783 !57a by survey bearing date the 10th of November 1784, re 57a Isle of Wight Co. on Black Water River loc 72823 29607 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small Cyprus standing at the River ln N72E; 16P; pt B) a white oak C. to the said Saunders's old Patent land, ln SW; 48p; sd Saunders's old Patent line & River hill pt C) thence along the said River hill lm wsw; 160P; guess, along the River hill pt D) a large Cyprus at the mouth of the swift gut lm ; ; up Black Water river, fm mouth of Swift Gut end ! typ grant ID IW# ref CGB 28 p424 dat 21 June 1793 !17th year of the Commonwealth frm Henry Lee Esquire Governor of !the Commonwealth of Virginia to Timothy Whitley con LOTW #13,998 and 15,154 !318a by survey bearing date the 11th of May 1791, re 318a in the County of Isle of Wight loc 96824 38855 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the foot of Griffins Branch Lewis Turners !C. lm ne; 120p; up Griffins Br., Lewis Turner pt B) a pine ln N37E; 90P; pt C) a white oak Lewis Turners C. ln N25W; 152P; pt D) a Dead oak William Averys C. ln S80E; 80P; fm William Avery's c. pt E) a pine William Morrisons C. ln S10E; 260P; fm William Morrison's c. pt F) the head of the Pochoson Branch lm ; ; down Pochoson Br. fm the head end ! typ grant ID IW# ref CGB 28 p516 dat 4 July 1793, 18th yoC frm Henry Lee to Elias Whitley con LOTW #15,154 issued the 20th of February 1783 !60a by Survey bearing date the 17th of March 1791 re 60a in the County of Isle of Wight loc 96838 31908 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine near John Turners line ln N30E; 240P; fm near John Turners l. pt B) a pine ln S; 92P; pt C) a branch called Saunders Branch ln S30W; 60P; fm Saunders Br. pt D) a white oak lc s60w; ; end ! typ grant ID IW# ref CGB 28 p546 dat 9 July 1793, 18th yoC frm Henry Lee to Jordan/Jorden Johnson con LOTW #15,154 Issued the 20th of February 1783 re 30a by Survey 5Nov1785 in Isle of Wight County loc 98200 43847 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Mulberry tree in the said Johnsons line ln N24E; 109P; fm sd Johnsons line pt B) a red oak ln N48W; 40P; pt C) a gum standing in Robert Eleys line ln N72E; 70p; Robert Eley pt D) a pine in Nathan Carrs ln SW; 154P; Nathan Carr pt E) a pine in Stephen Butlers line lc ; ; Stephen Butler end ! typ grant ref CGB 28 p547 dat 10 July 1793 to Eley Johnson con LOTW #15,154 Issued the 20th of February 1783 !71a by Survey bearing date the 14th of June 1785 re 71a in the County of Isle of Wight loc 101132 35571 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine a C. tree of Jorden Johnson ln S75W; 128p; Jorden Johnson pt B) a pine ln W; 45P; pt C) a pine C. to John Darden ln N33W; 26P; fm John Darden's c. pt D) a white oak C. to William Powell ln N55E; 168P; fm William Powell's c. pt E) a pine C. to the said Powell and Jorden Johnson, ln s; ; Jorden Johnson end ! typ grant ID IW# ref CGB 32 p503-504 dat 28 December 1795 !12th year of the Commonwealth frm Robert Brooke Esq. Gov. to Benjamin Jones ![Margin Note:] Ben Jones 41 Acres Isle of Wight Cty !Examd. deld. Mr John Goodrich con LOTW# 20,876 issued 29 November 1783 !a Certain Tract or parcel of Land containing re 41a by Survey bearing date the 12th day of Apr 1794 !lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight !Joining the Lands of Robert Tynes, Joseph Jordan & !Nathan Ward and bounded as followeth to Wit loc 102216 34946 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked pine a C. tree of Robert Tynes ln N50W; 70P; pt B) a Maple standing in a swamp ln S15W; 140P; fm a Swamp pt C) ln N65E; 60P; pt D) ln S82E; 30P; pt E) lm ; ; a line of marked trees to the Beginning end ! typ grant ref CGB 35 p34 dat 10 March 1796 to William Edwards re 141a by Survey 2 March 1795 Isle of Wight County con LOTWs 947 and 948 issued 9 Dec 1794 loc 95387 32776 F127 L0 P255 pt A) marked maple Joseph Britts C. tree ln S50E; 85P; fm Joseph Britts c. pt B) black oak William Whitleys C. ln S82E; 255P; fm William Whitley's c. pt C) pine John Turners C. ln N47W; 246P; fm John Turner's c. pt D) pine (Elias) Whitleys C. lm ; ; fm Elias Whitley's !line of Marked trees to the beginning end ! typ patent ref dat 10 August 1644 to Thomas DAVIES/DAVIS re 100a of 300a end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p506 dat 4 August 1637 to Joseph COBB/COBBS re 400a Isle of Wight Co. In a br. of Warwicksquicke River now called New Towne haven ! Nly on the !back Creek parting it from John Vasler con pers. adv. of himself, wife Elizabeth COBB, !2 sons Joseph & Benjamin COBB, trans. of 4 servts !Martin DOUFLIN, Jon NORTON, John MANLY, Jane COOKE/CORKE !Renewed 1 Sept 1643 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p901 dat 1 September 1643 to Joseph COBB re 400a IW Due by patent dated 4 August 1637 end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p114 dat 13 November 1713 to Mr Richard RENOLDS of Isle of Wight Co. con Importacon of one person re 97a of high Land & 16 acres of marsh on the SW side of one of the main branches of Pagan Creek ! in the parish of !Newport in the sd County of Isle of Wight, !which 97 acres of high Land is part of a patent !for 400 acres granted to Joseph Cobbs late of !the aforesaid County deced. 1 September 1643 and !by Pharoh Cobbs Son of the sd Joseph Sold & conveyed !unto George Williams late also of the said County decd. !the tenth day of Apr 1671 & by Geo. Williams Son !& heir of the aforesd George Sold & convey'd !unto the aforesd. Reynolds the sixth day of Apr 1700 !& the sd 16 acres being waste marsh Land adjoining loc 119372 -43409 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Cedar post in the mouth of a Gutt on the south west side of one of the main branches of Pagan Creek aforesaid ln s63w; 23p; several lines dividing Land of Mr Joseph John Jackman pt B) a white oak by a branch side ln S49.5W; 38P; fm a Br. pt C) a Cedar stake in a poplar stump ln S10W; 50P; pt D) a Cedar stake ln S56E; 48P; pt E) a maple by a pond side ln s54e; 17p; through a Pond pt F) the head of a small valley ln s26e; 12p; down sd Valley pt G) a marked red oak a line tree of Collo. Arthur Smith's land ln NExE; 148P; Col. Arthur Smith pt H) a Cear post standing in the marsh by the side of the Creek first above menconed !and up the various courses of the sd Creek !including all the marsh to the beginning, with all etce lm ; ; up the Creek including the marsh end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p612 dat 18 February 1638/39 to Mr Robert BENNETT re 200a UNNF in second Creek on Ely side of Matrevers river behind his own land end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p616 dat 25 February 1638 to Peter MOUNTEGUE re 50a in the upper Countie of New Norfolke !NE upon a Creeke called by the name of the Long pond Creeoe !SE butting upon the Land of William EYRES !SW into the woods called by the name of the Oyster banck !the said fiftie acres of land being due for the !transportacon of Peter Cranfeild into this Colony end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p289 dat 18 March 1651/51 to Thomas PARKER re 380a in the Isle of Wight County loc 107028 -19955 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Point of Land Called the Island Neare Tapscers Creeke lm WSW; 88p; pt B) a Marked pine tree ln WSW; 78p; pt C) the C. tree of Mr Norsworthyes Miles End ln SWxS; 190p; pt D) the woodes ln NWxW; 160p; pt E) ln NExN; 320; pt F) ln ; ; by the NE Side of the sd Island !due by and for the Transportation of 8 persons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p293 dat 29 May 1683 to Mr Thomas PARKER & Mr James BAGNOLL re 470a of High land and Marsh Scittuate on the W side of Tapsters (alias the long Ponds) Creek !in the Lower pr.ish of Isle of Wight County !50a part thereof being granted to Peter Mountague !by Pattent dated the 25th of February 1638 and after !severall Assignments Conveyed to Thomas Parker whose Wife !the above sd. Thomas Interrmarryed) and !380a adjoyning to the former, being granted to the !aforesaid Thomas Parker deced by Pattent Dated the !18th of March 1650 the Remaining 40 Acres being !within the former Bounds wch pr.cells descended !to Dorithy & Sarah Daughters to the aforesaid !Thomas Parker, the Eldest whereof being Marryed, !and of full Age, Did together with her husband !Sell and Convey their Rights to their !Father in Law Thomas Parker abovesaid, !the younger being lately Marryed to !James Bagnoll abovesaid, the whole being thus Bounded, loc 105078 -23074 F127 L0 P255 pt A) att the Mouth of Taptsters Creeke aforesaid, lm ; ; up Taptseters Cr. pt B) a Small Gutt, a little above Garretts poynt, lm n30w; 74p; up a Small Gutt frm abv Garretts Poynt pt C) ln WSW; 124P; pt D) a Sweet Gum ln SWxS; 150P; pt E) a greate white Oake ln NWxN; 180P; pt F) a Small Spanish Oake ln NExN; 32P; pt G) a Branch of the Ballasting Marsh Creeke, lm nnw; 94p; down a Br. of the Ballasting Marsh Cr. pt H) Wm Smiths Line ln ENE; 334P; Wm Smith pt I) the Back Creeke lm nw; 50p; guess, down the Back Cr. pt J) the Ballasting Marsh Creeke lm n; 50p; lm e; 50p; lm se; 150p; [est]down the Ballasting Marsh Cr. !Due by and for the transportation of one pr.son !into this Collony whose name is in the Records !mentioned under this Pattent Francisco a Negro end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p793 dat 25 Aug 1642 to Robert Lawrance con transp. of twoe people into this Colony !James Long, Margerie Eldrige or Aldrige re 100a of Marsh in Lawnes Creeke in the County of Isle of Wight loc 77888 -45446 F127 L0 P255 pt A) ln NxE; 265P; Upon land of sd Robert Lawrance & Mr. Tooke pt B) ln WNW; 70P; pt C) the Creeke lm S.5pW; 100; [est dist] S ½pt W along the Creeke pt D) ln ESE; 45P; pt E) the land of the said Robert Lawrance ln ; ; sd Robert Lawrance !Yeilding and paying Unto the said Sovereigne Lord the !King his heirs and Successors for every fifte acres of !land herein by these presents given and granted yearely !at the feast of St. Michaell the Archell. the fee rent !of one shilling to his Majties Use which paymt is to bee !made seaven yeares after the date hereof and not before end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p793 dat 25 of August 1642 to Robert Lawrance con transp. of fouer pr.sons into this Colony !Robert Lawrance Eliza his wife etc. re 200a in the Eastermost ___ of Lawnes Cr. in the Countie of Isle of Wight loc 76228 -46198 F127 L0 P255 pt A) lm W; ; Upon the said Creeke pt B) ln ExS; 46p; Upon Mr Hardings Land pt C) ln SxW; 260P; the marked trees of Widdowe Bennett pt D) ln W; 142P; pt E) lm N; 82p; along a Swamp to ___ Creeke end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p820 dat 25 Aug 1642 to William Lawson con transportacon of 10 pr.sons !into this Colony Michaell Billin John Dix John Tomlin ! James Greene Jon Adams John Parker !Mary Smith Tho. ____ Jon Davison Peter Greene re 491a in the Countie of Isle of Wight loc 79062 -48990 F127 L0 P255 pt bounded on the West wth Lawnes Creeke lm s; 150p; guess, Lawnes Creeke !pt on the East and North on James river pt on the South Upon the land in the tenure of Mr Tooke lm e; 150p; guess, land in the tenure of Mr Tooke pt lm n; 150p; guess, bounded East & North on James River pt lm w; ; on James River end ! typ patent ref VPB ? dat ? to Symond CAMMOCK re 200a end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p840 dat 10 October 1642 to Tymothy FENN re 300a in the Countie of Isle of Wight !A) beginneth at a marked poplar standing on a Creeke !on a pr.cell of land in the tenure of Charles Barcroft !and runing for length WxN 320P to loc 129801 -41942 F127 L0 P255 pt B) a marked red oake ln sxw; 150p; for breadth from the afsd marked poplar pt C) a marked __ standing in the Mouth of a little gutt or Cr. ln wxn; 320p; for length fm Mouth of Little Gutt or Cr. pt D) a marked red oake that pr.teth from a ! pr.cell of land in the tenure of William ___ lm nxe; 150p; William ? pt lm exs; 320p; Charles Barcroft, to a poplar on a Cr. !300a due as followeth (Vizt) !200 acres pr.te thereof by Assignment from !Symon CAMMOCK and due unto him for the pr.sonall !Adventure of himself Mary his daughter and two !pr.sons as by Certificate in the office will appeare !The other 100 acres being due by and for the !transportacon of twoe pr.sons by him into this !Colony whose names are in the records menconed under this pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p857-858 dat 20th June 1642 to Francis England re 746a Isle of Wight Co. Upon a swamp runing to blackwater con transp. of 15 pr.sons loc 74152 -32227 F127 L0 P255 pt A) bounded along Capt. Peirce his marked trees due ln W; 284P; Capt. Peirce pt B) then ln S; 420P; pt C) ln ; ; pt D) from thence N to Capt. Peirce his C. trees !where it first begunn ln N; 420p; end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p176 dat 4 Jul 1649 to Henry White re 200a at blackewater Upon the Eastermost branch poynting up to Upper Chipoakes in James Citty county con transp. of 4 persons !E Upon the Sd Swamp !N Upon the Land of Francis England !S toward the Land of Peter Hull !W into the Woods loc 73300 -21179 F127 L0 P255 pt lm e; 320p; Francis England pt lm s; 100p; upon the Swamp pt lm w; 320p; Peter Hull pt lm n; ; into the woods end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p110 dat 26 July 1652 to Francis England re 120a Isle of Wight Co. Near the Eastern br. of the black water con transp. of 3 persons loc 69988 -27842 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Double Pohickerie and runing ln E; 100p; into the woods pt B) a white oake ln N; 160P; pt C) a Markt pine ln NWxW; 120P; pt D) his own Land ln ; 227P; by his own Land & Richard Jacksons Land 227P end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p605 dat 21 March 1675/6 to Mr. Edwd. JONES re 680a Isle of Wight County On the W Side of the first Great branch of the Black water loc 121445 -20380 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Mouth of the Orpts. Br. at a Witch hassell lm WNW; 160P; up Orpts. Br. !about WNW 160 po to pt B) a Gum tree neare an ole pine where the former !marked trees did Stand then West 140 po to ln w; 140p; pt C) a Dead Stump of a pine ln S; 104P; pt D) a pine ln SW; 328P; pt E) a white Oak on Hulls Branch lm e; 500p; guess, downe Hulls Branch pt F) a Cyprus on the pr.menconed first Great of the black water lm ; ; up the 1st Great Br. of the Blackwater !The Said Land being by the sd Jones purchased of !Mr Fra. England out of his pattent dated 29Sep1664 !as by England Conveyance dated the 3Jan1670 ![may] more Largely Appeare end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p858 dat 7 Nov 1642 to John Sweete re 650a loc 75689 -28277 F127 L0 P255 pt A) bounded along Mr. Coopers marked trees 120P West ln w; 120p; Mr Cooper's marked trees pt B) ln s; 30p; Francis England's marked trees pt C) ln w; 160p; pt D) ln ssw.75w; 430p; pt E) from that swamp Up another swampe East 265P lm e; 265P; up another Sw. pt F) ln nne; 420p; pt G) ln e; 90p; pt H) ln n; 130p; !This pattent is renewed by Sr. William Berkeley the !xxvith=26th of September 1643 and 890 acres added thereto !Test Samll. Abbott CC !Alexander Piland Joane Piland John Barrow William White !Richard Giffry Israell Andrews John Marshall William Hones !himselfe and his wife Charles desolt Bundall Charles John Berry end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p911 dat 26 September 1643 to John Sweete re 1540a Upon the Eastermost branch of Blackwater !in Isle of Wight Countie bounded (Vizt) !North and West Upon the land of Francis England !North towards the land of Capt. Peirce !East and North Upon the land of Mr. Justinian Cooper !East and South into the woods !NNW Upon the Cross branch runing into the maine branch !which is the eastermost Southerly bounds !and NWxW Upon the said branch of Blackwater !the said 1540 acres being due by Vertue of a former !pattent of the 9th of November 1642 !for 650 acres pr.te thereof & by and for !the transportacon of 18 pr.sons into the Colony !10 acres remeining still due Upon the last pr.son !mentioned all whose names are in the records !mentioned under the pattent end ! typ patent ref to Francis England re 100 acres end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p117 dat 18 Apr 1668 to Mr Henry King !1000a Isle of Wight Co. on the first Br. of the black water re whereof 900 acres loc 71100 -24079 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Ciprus in the Swampe ln E; 220P; pt B) a white oake lm ssw; 560p; [SSW or SW] pt C) a Ciprus in a branch which parts this land !from Phill Hunnifords land lm w; 160p; guess, down a Br. parting Phill. Hunniford pt D) the maine Swampe lm ; ; and up the sayd Swamp to the first Station !750 acres of this land being formerly granted by patt !to Jno Sweet dated 26th of September 1643 !and by the said Kings Father long since pattented !purchased of the sayd Sweet, and 100 acres other part !thereof purchased of Francis England, !the other 250 acres being due by and for the !Transpr.tation of 5 pr.sons into this Collony !Cutbert Fletcher Ferdinando Downes !Wm Edmonds Josh[ua] Gibson Robt Read end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p860 dat [not dated] to Henry Hird re 350a in the Countie of Isle of Wight, 175 poles being the Eastermost pr.ts of the Alpes con due by and for the transportacon of seaven pr.sons !into this Colony [none listed] loc 87327 -36180 F127 L0 P255 pt A) from Mr Finton's marked trees ln s; 320p; Mr Flinton into the Woods pt B) ln E; 126P; pt C) ln N; 320p; to the river pt D) and from thence lm w; ; up River end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p315 dat 23 Mar 1654/55 to John Gutteridge 'The Alpes' re 350a in the County of the Ile of Wight loc 87302 -36180 F127 L0 P255 pt A) bounding from Mr Flintons mark't trees !being his land into the woods South 320P ln s; 320p; Mr Flinton, into the woods pt B) ln E; 175P; pt C) lm N; 320p; with the River pt D) and from lm w; 175p; up river !being the Eastermost part of the Alpes !The said land being formerly granted by Pattent !unto Henry Hurd Dated the 11th of November 1642 !and by Walter Hurd who is possest thereof !Assigned unto the said Gutteridge end ! typ Letters dat 27 Oct 1635 to Thomas Guyer re 650a end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p863-864 dat 22 December 1642 to Thomas GUYER sonn and heire of Capt. Robert GUYER ! 650a of Land re 500a of 650a whereof loc 79008 -58326 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Mouth of Lawnes Creeke !and soe extending it selfe upon a Strait line lm s15e; 530P; [est dir] parrallell unto James river pt B) certaine marked trees that runns ln SW; 300P; pt C) neare the Mouth of a small Creeke that lyes to the SW of John Suelletts/Snelletts house !and from thence downe Lawnes Creeke parrallell !unto the Marsh unto the Mouth of Lawnes Creeke lm ; ; down Lawnes Cr. !and 150a being Marsh lying betweene Lawnes Creeke !and the land graunted by order of Court unto Capt Guyer !The said Land being due the said Thomas Guyer by order !of Court bearing date the 27th of October 1635 !as alsoe by and for the transportacon of 13 pr.sons ![only 12 listed] into this Colony whose names !are in the Records menconed under this pattent !William Paine, John Willis, Elianor Salle, Kather. King, !Wm Booth, John Rouston, Robert Taylor, Jon. Clay, !Richard ___, Cattalina a Negro, !John Loyd, Alice Sprouse !To have and to hold etc To bee held etc !Yeilding and paying etc !which paymt is to bee made for 500 acres seaven !yeares after the date of the said order !and for 150 acres seaven yeares after this date dated !the xxiith of December 1642 end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p904 dat [28] Sep 1643 to Robert LAWRANCE re 150a neare the Mouth of Lawnes Cr. Isle of Wight Co. !bounded (Vizt) loc 79912 -52142 F127 L0 P255 pt lm ExN; ; upon the river pt lm SxE; ; John Stockes or Stocker pt S; ; Georg Hardie pt ln NxW; ; Thomas Gyer [Gower/Guyer] !due by and for the transportacon of 3 pr.sons into this !Colony Thomas Merrick, Wm Penny, John Pond end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p261 dat 30 October 1669 to Edward Brantley re 670a Isle of Wt. Co. loc 114514 -51481 F127 L0 P255 pt A) att 2 marked pines [trees] together in Mr. Englands line near the Danceing place ln se; 52p; thru a pocosen pt B) Mr Tookes markt trees ln NE; 76P; Mr Tooke's markt trees pt C) Tookes [corner] ln ExN; 260p; pt D) a path 260P to a pine by a branch [100P] ln ENE; 100p; frm a br. pt E) a poplar in the Eastern side of the Ashen Swamp ln N; 80P; pt F) a spanish oake ln NxE; 40P; pt G) a red oake by a Cart path ln WxN; 100P; pt H) ln WNW; 80P; pt I) a red oake by a branch lm W; 120P; by sd br. pt J) a pine att the head of branch neer Hen. Whites old Cart path to the mill [dam] !between the SW & SSW along the sd Cart path 220P to lm ssw; 220p; along Hen. Whites old Cart path pt K) a white oak in the foresd line of Mr. Engld. & soe lm ; ; along sd Englands line end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p310 dat 22 April 1670 to Mr Robert BRACEWELL Esqr re 800a of Land in the upper parrish of Nancimond County loc 70978 18362 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a mrked white oke ln WNW; 320P; pt B) another pine in a pocoson ln SSW; 400P; fm a Pocoson pt C) a mrked white oake ln ESE; 320P; pt D) a marked redd oake and soe ln NNE; 400P; on the miles end of his owne Land & James Longs Land !due pr. Transport. of 16 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p528 dat 30 October 1676? to Henry HEARNE re 133a in the upper pr.ish of Nanzemond !in the Isle of Wight County, !lying, bounding and Butting betwixt the !Land of Symon Symonds and Anthony Branch deced, !the sd land being formerly granted to Anthony !Branch by Pattent bearing date the 22th day of !Aprill 1670 and deserted for want of Seating, !and is due to the sd Henry Herne by and for !the tranpostacon of 3 pr.sons into this Collony !according to an Ordr. of the Genll Court the !1st of aprill 1684, whose names are in the !Records mentioned under this Pattent end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p543 dat 26 September 1678 to Mathew Strickland re 902a Isle of Wight County between maine Swamp !of Ring=King Sale & the Beavor dams Branch !by the maine swamp at Wm. Collins con Transp. of 18 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p329 dat 20 November 1683 to Capt. Henery Applewhaite re 902a Isle of Wight County between the main Swamp of Kingsale & the Beaver Dammes branch loc 44912 40350 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine by the side of the main swamp, being one of William Collins his C. tree ln NE; 30P; William Collins pt B) a pine ln N; 280P; pt C) a red oake by the Beaver Dammes lm w; 200p; [est] dwn the Swamp fm Beaver Dammes pt D) it falleth into Kingsale lm sw; 150p; [est] lm s30e; 150p; lm ; ; [est] up Kingsale Sw. !the said land being formerly granted to !Matthew Strickland by Pattent bearing date !the 26th of 7ber 1678 and being by the said !Matthew Strickland deserted for want of seating !according to Law upon inquisition of !Edward Chilton, who conveyed the same to the !said Capt. Hen. Applewhate the same was granted !to him the sd Edward Chilton by order of the !General Court dated 7ber 21th 1683 & is due by !and for the transportation of 18 persons &c end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p46 dat 19 December 1711 to Capt. John Davis of Isle of Wight Co. con Importation of 3 persons !to dwell in this our Colony of Virginia re 135a of Marsh Land in the upper parish of the Co. afsd On the N Side of Pagan Creek !Adjoyning to !200 Acres of Land Granted to John Davis deceased !father of the aobve John Davis by Patent dated !the 30th of June 1664 loc 118572 -40401 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Stake on the West Side of Taberers Creek below the Mouth of a Small Gutt ln S; 194P; fm Mouth of a Small Gut on W side Taberers Cr. pt B) a Stake by Pagan Creek lm n81w; 98p; up Pagan Creek pt C) the Mouth of the Cross Creek ln N15W; 132P; pt D) a Marked White Oake by the Edge of the high Land lm ; ; by the Edge of the high Land end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p201-202 dat 16 December 1714 to John PARNELL & Mary JOLLY !Parnell & Jolly 237 New Land (Form in 2d page) con Importation of 5 persons !to dwell within this our Colony of Virginia re 237a Isle of Wight Co. loc 85839 -9556 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a small pine Saplin a C. tree of Wm Ruffin's patent lm WxS; 120p; 120Ch. Wm Ruffin's Patent pt B) a white oak on the East side of the Corn sw. to Mr Thos Giles & a tract of Land belonging to John Parnell lm w; 20p; [est dist] John Parnell pt C) a pine in the poquoson a C. tree of the sd Parnell's ln S48E; 73p; 36.5Ch. pt D) a pine a C. tree of Parnell's ln S75E; 166p; 83Ch. pt E) a great pine in the sd Parnell's line ln N11W; 140p; 70Ch. pt F) a red oak Saplin ln N35.5E; 35p; 17.5Ch. pt G) a gum ln N22.5W; 104p; 52Ch. pt H) a pine ln S68W; 44p; 22Ch. pt I) a small pine in a branch ln w; 20p; [est] from a Br. pt J) ln S; 8p; 4Ch. pt K) ln S68W; 34p; 17Ch. pt L) __ an then to the fork of the branch ln N50W; 18p; 9Ch. fm Fork of the Branch pt M) and there sat the Compass ln SSE; 94p; 47Ch. end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p310 dat 31 October 1716 decl -8 to James Denson of Isle of Wight County con 45 Shillings re 420a in the lower parish of the County aforesaid loc 58467 24312 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 pt A) a red oak a C. tree of Thomas Houlders standing in Collo. Bridgers line on Corawaugh Swamp ln se; 222p; Thomas Houlder pt B) a lightwood Stump ln N50E; 202P; pt C) a pine ln N65W; 41P; pt D) a pine a C. of Robt. Johnsons ln ExN; 240P; Robt. Johnson pt E) a black oak ln N24E; 109P; pt F) a red oak ln N48W; 109P; pt G) a gum Saplin a line tree of John Powells ln s20w; 94p; John Powell pt H) a pine lm swxw; 230p; [130P] pt I) a white oak ln N75W; 146P; pt J) a pine a line tree of William Powells ln swxw; 9p; William Powell pt K) a red oak ln WxN; 34P; pt L) a black oak ln NxW; 106P; pt M) a dead red oak in John Watkins line ln WxN; 40P; John Watkins pt N) Coll. Bridgers line ln S30W; 176P; Coll. Bridger end ! typ patent ref VPB 15 p497-498 dat 20 May 1735 to Joseph Daughtery of Isle of Wight Co. con 25 Shillings re 245a N side the main Black Water Sw. in the Co. afsd loc 45039 45878 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Mark'd Pine in the County Line betwixt Isle of Wight & Nansemond ln n6w; 160p; pt B) a red Oak ln S70W; 200P; pt C) a Pine ln S6E; 244P; pt D) a Lightwood Post Standing in the County Line aforesaid lc N50E; 236P; County Line bet. Isle of Wight & Nansemond end ! typ patent ref VPB 17 p221-222 dat 28 December 1736 decl -5 to John Gardiner of the Provice of North Carolina con £3 re 567a Isle of Wight Co. on the S Side of the Dirty Sw. loc 81073 -6408 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Gum on the South Side of the Dirty Swamp afsd ln s37w; 218p; Benja. Parnall's Land pt B) a Pine Stump a C. of Walter Water's Land ln s37w; 100p; Walter Waters pt C) a Pine Stump a C. of Xtopher Reynolds's Land ln n7w; 222p; Christopher Reynolds's Line being a crooked Line of marked Trees pt D) a red Oak a C. of Robert Pope's Land ln N7W; 160P; Robert Pope pt E) a white Oak ln S85W; 177P; pt F) a white Oak a C. of Theophilus Joyner's Land ln n8w; 94p; Theophilus Joyner pt G) a red Oak ln N80E; 175P; pt H) a white Oak over the Run of Elm Swamp a C. of Thomas Joyner's Land ln n80e; 103p; Thomas Joyner, fm the Elm Sw. pt I) a Hiccory ln NE; 4P; pt K) a red Oakby the Side of the Elm Swamp aforesaid lm n60e; 50p; guess, dwn the Elm Sw. pt L) the Dirty Swamp aforesaid lm ; ; up the Dirty Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 19 p773 dat 16 Sep 1740 to Bryant Daughtry con £1 re 200a IW Co. N side of the Main black Water Sw. !adj. Thomas Scutchens, William Hollowell, !Elizabeth Robertson & Joseph Daughtry end ! typ patent ref VPB 33 p287-288 dat 16 August 1757 to Thomas Cutchins !Whereas by one Patent bearing Date the !16th of September 1740 there was granted unto !Bryant Daughtry and Whereas John Daughtry son of !William Daughtry and John Daughtry son of !Lewis Daughtry who purchased the same of the said !Brant Daughtry have failed to make such !Cultivation and Improvement and Thomas Cutchens !hath made humble Suit to our Lieutenant Governor and !Commander in cheif and hath obtained a grant for the same con 20 Shillings re 200a Isle of Wight Co., N side of the main Black water Sw. loc 43115 46754 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Pine a C. of Thomas Scutchens's Land ln n85w; 149p; Thomas Scutchens pt B) a Lightwood Stake in William Hollowells line ln N25E; 340P; William Hollowell pt C) a pine a C. of Elizabeth Robertson's Land ln S80E; 94P; Elizabeth Robertson pt D) a pine ln S5E; 80P; pt E) a Lightwood Stake in Joseph Daughtry's line ln S70W; 108P; Joseph Daughtry pt F) a pine ln S63W; 9P; pt lm ; ; missing in the patent end ! typ patent ID IW# ref VPB 20 p433-435 dat 30 July 1742 frm William Gooch Esq. to Samuel Crofts con 30 Shillings re 300a Isle of Wight Co. N side of the main Blackwater loc 52508 -23627 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Spanish Oak a C. of William Camp !& a C. of the said Crofts other Land ln n38w; 158p; William Camp pt B) a Pine a C. of Joseph Hallymans Land ln n88w; 46p; Joseph Hallyman pt C) a hiccory a C. of John Hallyman's Land ln s10e; 179p; John Hallyman pt D) a white Oak ln S10W; 26P; pt E) a Pine a C. of Arthur Crocher ln s9e; 72p; Arthur Crocher pt F) a Pine a C. of Samuel Taylor's Land ln s40w; 164p; Samuel Taylor pt G) a Pine ln S7E; 112P; pt H) a Pine a C. of Thomas Moore's Land ln n40e; 202p; Thomas Moore pt I) a Pine a C. of Rubin Cook's Land ln s65e; 125p; Rubin Cook pt J) a red Oak a C. of Solomon Stephenson's Land ln n50e; 160p; Solomon Stephenson pt K) a Pine a C. of the said Crofts other Land ln n70w; 266p; Crofts own Old lines pt L) a white Oak lc N21W; 85P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p39 dat 20 July 1680 to Richard SANDERS re 300a NS at the head of Capt. John Mason, in the Western branch !adj. Michael Hill now sd Sanders; John Wallis & Thomas Garnygan end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p256 dat 16 Apr 1683 to John HOLLAND re 200a Nansimond County att King Sale !adj. William Gatling & George Corps/Corpes !Margin note: Recorded in folio 267 end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p255 dat 23 March 1666/67 to Mr Wm Codogan re 50a in the western branch of Nansemund River being Marsh Land lying between two Creeks !wch runeth !round a bout the sd land & make in an Ilan. loc 80120 15356 F127 L0 P255 pt A) att the head of the wester most Creeke lm ExS; 160p; Stephen Durden, by the Creekeside pt B) the head of another Creek lm sxw; 50p; down another Cr. pt C) the main Branch lm wxn; 160p; up the Main Br. side pt D) a poynt of Marsh over agt the sd Codogans house ln nxe; 50p; again for breadth !due by transpt. of one pr.sons into this Colony Susan Howard end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p256 dat 23 March 1666/67 to Mr Wm. CODOGAN/CADOGAN re 150a in the Western br. of Nancemond River ! adj. Michael BRINKLEY, Henry PLUMPTON & his own land; !Transp. of 3 pers. end ! typ patent ref VPB 39 p268 dat 16 February 1771 to John Simons con 45 Shillings re 407a Isle of Wight County loc 116855 -28621 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Lightwood Stump a Corner of Bryant's Land ln S15E; 212P; pt B) a small Mulberry Tree a Corner of Mason's Patent ln N74E; 338P; fm C. to Mason's Patent pt C) a Lightwood Stump ln N21W; 132P; pt D) a small Pine ln N43E; 66P; pt E) a small red Oak a corner of Bryant's Patent ln S81W; 295P; Bryant end ! typ grant ref CGB 4 p566-569 dat 23 October 1786 to Richard BAKER & Catharine BRIDGER con LOTW #15,154 Issued the 20th day of February 1783 !a tract or parcel of Land Containing re 1567a on the West Side of a small Creek and known by the name of the White Marsh in the County of Isle of Wight !by an Inclusive Survey bearing Date !the 15th day of March 1785 lying and being !1267 Acres part Thereof being formerly patented !the Residue never before Granted and Bounded !as followeth To Wit) loc 60231 -43923 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a pine a corner tree of John Drivers Decd ln S45W; 160P; fm John Drivers Decd c. pt B) a white a corner of George Benns ln S50W; 240P; George Benn pt C) a pine a corner of the said Benns ln N; 28P; pt D) a pine ln N45W; 100P; pt E) a pine a corner tree of Robert Jordon ln S81W; 105P; Robert Jordon pt F) a pine a corner of John Jordons line ln S12E; 140P; John Jordon pt G) a white oak Standing by the side of Lindsays Marsh ln S82W; 118P; fm Lindays Marsh pt H) a Cypruss at Wests Mill Pond a corner of the said John Jordon ![these next two lines might need to be checked !against the original at the State Library] ln S50E; 108P; fm West Mill Pond, John Jordons c. pt pt I) a red oak corner of Josiah Cutchins ln N55E; 77P; fm Josiah Cutchins c. pt J) an oak a corner of James Morrison ln s77e; 220p; James Morrison pt K) a pine corner of the Said Morrisons and Samuel Bridger, ln s30e; 165p; Samuel Bridger pt L) a pine ln N70E; 100P; John Bridger pt M) ln N56E; 160P; pt N) ln N46E; 18P; pt O) ln N78E; 13P; pt P) ln S50E; 58P; pt Q) ln N44E; 20P; pt R) the Great Swamp a dividing line in !Colo. Robert Pitts ancient bounds lm n; 200p; guess, down Great Swamp div. Col. Robert Pitts !ancient bounds pt S) the Landing called Whitfields lm wnw; 100p; guess, Thomas Applewhate decd, up a Small Cr., !fm Whitfields Landing pt T) a pine Standing on the East side of said Creek lm ; ; up the East Br. of sd Cr. pt T) an oak Standing near the Said Branch ln NW; 156p; crossing the road at a run of Water called the !horn Bridge end ! typ grant ref CGB 19 p696 dat 16 October 1789 to Solomon Edwards con LOTW #20,876 issued the 29th of November 1783 !260a by Survey bearing date the 21st of September 1785 !lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight loc 89504 38912 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Spanish Oak a Corner tree of John Laurence ln N15E; 326P; pt B) a pine, a Corner of James Bradshaws ln S73E; 156P; pt C) a hickory a Corner tree of John Carr ln S15W; 218P; pt D) a Corner Lightwood Stump, Standing in a Cart path that leads from the Said Edmonds House to black water River and a Corner of the said Edmonds lm ; ; sd Edmond end ! typ grant ref CGB 19 p697-698 dat 15 October 1789 to Robert Ely Junr con LOTW #14,097 Issued the 4th of September 1782 !143.5a by Survey bearing date the 5th day of November 1785 !lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight loc 103270 39342 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Gum a Corner tree of William Wright and Gale Ely ln S80E; 144P; fm c. to William Wright & Gale Ely pt B) a pine a Corner of John Roberts ln S5E; 180p; John Roberts & Nathan Carr pt C) a pine Standing in Nathan Cars line ln S70W; 66P; fm Nathan Carrs c. pt D) a Gum Standing in Jordon Johnsons Line ln N64W; 82P; fm Jordon Johnsons c. pt E) a Gum a Corner tree of John Watkins lm ; ; John Watkins end ! typ grant ref CGB 20 p382-383 dat 26 May 1789 to Joseph Britt con part of a LOTW #20,878 !Issued the 29th day of November 1783 !a Certain tract or parcel of Land Containing re 600a by Survey bearing Date 19th day of October 1785 !Lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight loc 93572 35411 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a Red oak corner of William Downing ln N17E; 190P; fm William Downing's c. pt B) a hickory a Corner of William Moore ln N36W; 28P; fm William Moore's c. pt C) ln N9W; 20P; pt D) a red oak a corner of John Thomas ln N63E; 114P; John Thomas pt E) a pine a Corner of the said Thomas ln SE; 104P; pt F) a pine a Corner tree of Thomas Gale ln S32W; 166P; Thomas Gale pt G) ln S40W; 28P; pt H) ln S35E; 120P; pt I) ln N30E; 80P; pt J) a red oak a Corner of Thomas Gale ln N70E; 230P; fm Thomas Gale's c. pt K) a Light wood Stump William Blunts Corner ln S41W; 110P; fm William Blunts c. pt L) ln S56W; 340P; pt M) a red oak a Corner of William Edwards ln S63E; 80P; William Edwards pt N) a pine a Corner of the said Edwards ln S38W; 200P; pt O) Black Water Road ln N; 420P; fm Black Water Road end ! typ grant ref CGB 20 p383 dat 26 May 1789 to Joseph Britt con part of a LOTW #20,878 Issued the 29th day of November 1783 re 52a by Survey bearing Date the 27th day of April 1786 !Lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight loc 101764 30846 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at an Oak a Corner of Thomas Bouns ln S37W; 160P; pt B) a dedd pine corner of Mary Powell ln N5W; 138p; Mary Powell pt C) a dead pine stump a Corner of Philip Moody ln N76E; 64P; Philip Moody pt D) a black gum a corner of Thomas Bounds lm ; ; Thomas Bound/Boun? end ! typ grant ID IW#517 & NS#___ ref CGB 39 p536 dat 15 August 1797 frm James Wood Esquire Governor to Stephen Butler con LOTW #1,124 issued the 29th of January 1795 re 292a by Survey bearing date the 3rd day of February 1794 !in the Counties of Isle of Wight & Nansemond !Called the great Pocoson loc 97178 42325 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Gum Mills Butlers Corner ln S52E; 20P; Mills Butler pt B) a pine a Corner of said Butler ln S65W; 122P; pt C) a Red oak a Corner of Joseph Hollands ln W; 94p; Joseph Holland pt D) a dead oak ln N50W; 72P; pt E) ln N27W; 114P; pt F) the County line ln E; 252; Abraham Johnson & Benjamin Holland !binding on the Land of Abraham Johnson and Benjamin Holland pt G) a Corner in Abraham Johnsons line ln N20W; 84P; Abraham Johnson pt H) a pine a Corner of Abraham Johnson ln S80E; 204P; pt I) a pine Elisha Carrs Corner ln e; ; Nathan Butler, frm Elisha Carrs c. !thence along the same East line !and the land of Nathan Butlers to the Beginning end ! typ patent ref VPB 2 p147 dat 17 Jul 1648 decl -5 to George Hardy/Hardey con 300a part a patent formerly gtd sd Hardy 10 June 1642 !and 200 Acres the residue by and for the Transportation !of 4 persons into this Colony !Ellin [Sleeve] Ann Clarke Ann Poorey re 500a of Land Lyeing on the Easterly side of Lawnes Creek Extending it Self to the Mayne river loc 79038 -47550 F127 L0 P255 pt A) ln ESE; 130p; Land then reputed Thomas Gaynes 65 Chaines pt B) ln N; 60p; 30 Chaines North pt C) ln NxE; 220p; 110 Chaines pt D) the great river lm nne; 154p; [est dir] along the great river 77 Chaines pt E) ln W; 172p; along a Little Creek Devideing this fm Alice Bennet !West 86 Chaines pt F) ln sw.5pw; 86p; SW ½ point West 43 Chaines pt G) ln WxS; 97p; 48.5 Chaines along the said Bennets Land pt H) ln SW; 80p; 40 Chaines pt I) a Swamp and Soe along the Swamp lm ; ; along a Swamp pt J) and Lawnes Creek to the place where it began lm s; 100p; [est] Lawnes Cr. end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p512(628) dat 7 Jun 1666 decl -8 to Capt. Joseph Bridger & Mr. Wm. Burgh re 7800a Isle of Wight Co. or Nancimond Co. con transp. of 156 pr.sons ! [see headright list in C&P Volume I, p.559] loc 43817 22340 F127 L0 P255 pt A) beginning at a red oake by a White Marsh, a Medow about halfe a Mile from the maine run of the Black water and running up ln SE; 860P; pt B) a poplar by a swamp side ln SExS; 120P; pt C) a pine ln NExE; 149P; pt D) a red oake ln ENE; 180P; pt E) a pine ln NE; 640P; pt F) a poplar by a swamp Side ln NxE; 180P; pt G) then ln NNW; 60P; pt H) a pine !lm NWxN; 1240P; NWxN, NNW, NWxW, WNW, WxN and W ln nnw; 206; pt ln nwxn; 206; pt ln nwxw; 206; pt ln wnw; 206; pt ln wxn; 206; pt ln w; 206; !(upon a Ceriuling (circling) line) made pt I) a red oake standing by the Maine run of the Black water, !and thence downe the Black Water lm ssw; 900p; [est] down Black Water pt J) and up a branch lm se; 100p; [est] up a Br. pt K) and Meadow to the first station lm ;; up a Meadow end ! typ patent ref VPB 10 p41 dat 28 Apr 1711 decl -8 to Jacob Durden ![Column note: Jacob Durden (470) as Lapsed form in the 4th Page] !Whereas by one patent under the Seal of this our Colony and !Dominion of Virginia bearing date 23d of April 1681 there !was Granted to Thomas Holder in the Isle of Wight County re 470a on the NE Side of Corowaugh Swamp in the County aforesaid loc 58215 28164 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine Richard Booths Corner Tree ln ne; 320p; Robt. Johnson pt B) a Lightwood Stump & Small Oake Saplin ln NW; 213P; pt C) a Red Oake in or Near Collo. Bridgers Line ln s52w; 320p; Collo. Bridgers Line S52W 320P to pt D) a Pine Richard Booth Corner Tree lc se; 240p; Richard Booth !Which Said Tract or parcell of Land was Granted on Condition !of Seating & Planting as in the Said Patent Exprest !And Whereas the Said Thomas Holder hath failed to make Such !Seating & Planting & Jacob Durden of the said County of !Isle of Wight hath made Humble Suit to our Lieut. Governor !of our Said Colony & Dominion and hath obtained a Grant for !the Same in Consideration of the Sume of 50 Shillings of !Good & Lawfull Money for our Use paid to Our Receiver !Generall of our Revenues in this our Said Colony & Dominion end ! typ patent ref VPB 12 p458 dat 12 Mar 1725/26 to Christopher Atkisson of IoW Co. con 15 Shill. re 150a on the N side of the Main Blackwater Swamp ! And on the S Side of the Mill Swamp in the County aforesaid loc 52026 -26633 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a pine Saplin on the W Side of a Small Branch ! Corner tree of Thomas Hallimans Land Then by Hallimans Line ln SxW; 87P; Thomas Halliman pt B) a pine ln N75E; 142P; pt C) a White Oak ln N5E; 122P; pt D) a black Oak ln N23W; 34P; pt E) a pine ln N64W; 91P; pt F) a red Oak ln S50W; 96P; pt G) a red oak in a pond ln S5E; 16P; fm a pond pt H) a red oak ln S24E; 16P; pt I) a pine by the Side of the Branch first above mentioned !a Corner tree of Thomas Hallimans Land and !down the various Courses of the Run of the Said Branch to the !Begining lm ;; down a Small Br. end ! typ patent ref VPB 14 p123-124 dat 28 Sep 1730 to John Atkeison of Surry County con 15 shillings re 150a on N side Main black Water Swamp in sd County loc 51958 -30290 F127 L0 P255 pt A) corner pine twixt William Hart, Thomas Gwaltney and the !sd Atkeison thence by Harts line W71P ln w; 71p; William Hart pt B) white oak in a Pond ln SWxS; 20P; from a Pond pt C) pine ln S25W; 32P; pt D) pine ln S5W; 96P; pt E) red oak ln S10E; 70P; pt F) pine a line Tree of Thomas Halliman's Land ln ese; 46p; Thomas Hallimans Lines pt G) pine ln SxE; 37P; pt H) black oak ln S75E; 36P; pt I) pine in a Pond a line tree of Christopher Atkensons Land ln n50e; 78p; Christopher Atkenson, from a Pond pt J) red oak ln N35W; 150P; pt K) red oak lc N17E; 110P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 (640) dat 14 May 1666 decl -5 to Philip Huniford re 800a part in Surry County and part in Isle of Wight County con Transp. of 16 persons etc re 400a the residue loc 53858 -30266 F127 L0 P255 pt A) a marked red oak on the W side the third swamp of the black water ln w; 160p; pt B) thence NWxN Northerly 465P to ln NWxN; 465p; pt C) marked pine ln E; 160P; pt D) upon the sd swamp lm ; ; along the Third Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p522 dat 14 May 1666 decl -5 to Philip Huniford re 800a part in Surry County and part in Isle of Wight County con Transp. of 16 persons etc re 400a part bounded as followeth: loc 53782 -30218 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at the Eastward side of the third Swamp of the black Water at a live oake ! and runing up East 160P to ln e; 160p; pt B) red oak ln s; 200p; pt C) pine ln W; 160P; pt D) white oak by the swamp ln w; 160p; Crossing the third Sw. pt E) an oake ln N; 200P; pt F) then lc E; 160P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p859 dat 10 Jun 1642 decl -5 to Georg Harding con transp. of 6 pr.sons !into this Colony himselfe Thomas Sabin Thomas Hardy ! George Netleforld James Strong John Lirth? re 300a on the Easterne side of Lawns Creeke loc 77625 -47990 F127 L0 P255 pt A) lm ; ; Westerly Upon the said Creeke pt B) ln ESE; 136p; along the land of Mr Tuke pt C) ln SExS; 102P; pt D) ln SW.5pw; 86p; SW halfe a point more 86P pt E) ln WxS; 75P; Alice Bennett pt F) ln SxW; 80p; pt G) lc WxN; 46P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 1 p820 dat 19 Jun 1642 to John Stocker con transp. of 4 pr.sons !into this Colony Francis Carpenter !Hen Johnsons twice Mary Johnson re 200a Isle of Wight Co. knowne by the name of hoggpenn Neck loc 81532 -51246 F127 L0 P255 pt A) from the river ln WxS; 220P; into the woods pt B) ln S; 60P; pt C) a Corner tree of Mr Hardings ln SExE; 106P; Mr Hardings marked trees pt D) ln ExN; 100p; [est dist] pt E) the river by the side of a little Creeke that devides this Land from the Land of Widdow Bennets lm e; 50p; [est] little Cr. pt lm ;; the river end ! typ patent ref VPB 7 p489 dat 4 Nov 1685 decl -8 to Coll. Arthur Smyth re 500a Betw. the lands of James Tullagh, Mr Hardy, Matt Tomlin, Coll Smyth & Mr Bressie in the Lower pr.ish Isle of Wight Co. loc 68553 -11970 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a red Oake by a pond being a corner tree betweene Mr Bressie and the said Smyths Land by a former Grant ln S5E; 296P; Mr Bressie pt B) a White Oake by a Path James Tullagh's corner tree ln S75W; 50P; James Tullagh pt C) a Pine ln S43W; 40P; pt D) a Pine ln S; 74P; pt E) a red Oak ln S24W; 132P; pt F) a Gum and ln S50E; 31P; pt G) a white Oake Mr Hardyes Corner Tree ln SW; 152P; Mr Hardyes Lyne pt H) a pine in Matt Tomlins Lyne ln N.5W; 88P; Matt Tomlin pt I) a Pine the said Tomlins corner tree then N36E ln N36E; 55P; pt J) a white Oake Coll Smyth Corner tree in a Pocoson !55P Then by his Lyne ln N4W; 364P; Coll Smyth pt K) a red Oake corner tree of the said Smyths Land !by an Elder Grant in the said Lyne ln N50E; 248P; Smyths Elder Grant end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p232 dat 20 Aug 1666 to Robert Flack re 2400a Isle of Wight Co. on the brs. of the black water W side of the 2nd Sw., by John a pouch quarter; !below the bridge, to 3rd Sw., &c. adj. Jno. Oliver, !Tho. Wombell &c. 1970 acres due by his former patt. con 430a for trans. of 9 pers. !Mary Jenkens, Jno. Bettey, Jane Eason/Eaton, !Robt. Loafes, Geo. Johnson, Jno. Colwall, !Geo. Toods, Geo Morrison, Tho. Anmors? loc 60938 -26112 F127 L0 P255 pt A) on the Westward side of the Second Swamp at a Mrked white oake by John a pouch quarter !and runing up SSW 160Po [into] the woods for length ln ssw; 160p; into the woods pt B) lm w; 200P; parralell to the Swamp pt C) a white oake at the head of a branch ln N; 280P; pt D) a white oak near a pond lm wxs.5ps; 160p; then WxS ½point Soly 160P pt E) a marked white oake on the third Swamp neare the mouth of a branch lm n; 100p; [est] up the third Sw. pt F) a white oake at the mouth of a ready branch lm e; 150p; [est] up a ready br. pt G) a pine then 1165Po parralell to the Said Third Swamp lm n; 1165p; 1165p parralell to the Third Sw. pt H) the aforemenconed white oake by the ponds ln N; 168P; pt I) a pine in a branch comeing out of the Second Swamp below the bridge ! then Noly paralell to the Second Swamp 400P to lm n; 400p; n'ly paralell to Second Sw. pt J) a large branch that falls into the Second Swamp !then downe the Said branch lm e; 300p; [est] down a large br. into Second Sw. pt K) and downe the Second Swamp to lm s; ; [est] down Second Sw. pt L) 200 acres of land of the aforesaid Flackes !lying on the Eastward Side of the Second Swamp !betweene the land of Jno Oliver Jno Wombell and !Including the Said 200 acres of land !runing downe the sd Second Swamp to the first Station lm ; ; down Second Sw. including Flackes 200a E of 2nd Sw. end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p300 dat 10 May 1670 to Thomas Moore re 2400a in the Ile of Wight County con 400a thereof was formerly granted to the said Thos. Moore !by pattent bearing date of the 6th day of June 1666 !&the other pr.t thereof being 2000 acres the Resedue thereof !being due by for the transportation of 40 pr.sons &c. loc 55826 -24816 F127 L0 P255 pt A) begining on the third Swamp of the black water at a marked Cypress in the Mouth of Thos. Atkins Branch lm n; 400p; [est dir] up third Sw. pt B) the mouth of the Clarkes branch then [upp] !by the said Branch for 160P lm w; 160p; [up Churches Br.] pt C) ln S; 320P; pt D) ln W; 320P; pt E) [Christopr.] Hollemans hed line ln S; 380P; [Christopher Hollemans head line] pt F) [his Corner ? tree then [West 160P] to lm w; 160p; pt G) his other corner tree being a white oak on the Coppahunk Swamp ln S; 1100P; pt H) ln E; 320P; pt I) ln N; 1100P; pt J) Thos Atkinson land ln W; 80P; Thos. Atkinson pt K) ln n; 300p; [380P?] pt L) ln E; 400P; end ! typ patent ref VPB 5 p528(647) dat 6 Jun 1666 to Thomas Moore re 400a Surry County in Lawnes Creek Parish loc 50550 -16100 F127 L0 P255 pt lm s; ; bounded E on the third Swamp of the black Water pt lm w; ; bounded South upon the br. that parts Thomas Atkinsons Land pt lm n; ; bouned upon the Barrons for Breadth pt lm e; ; bounded N upon the br. which bounds John Clarkes Land end ! typ patent ref VPB 3 p206 dat 14 Aug 1652 to Thomas Taberer & Francis Higgins con transp. of 5 pers. !into this Colony Which payment is to be made 7 yeares !after the first grant or Seating Thereof and not before re 250a Supposed to lye in Isle of Wight County on the head of the first Swamp of the black water loc 65445 -21028 F127 L0 P255 pt A) Small Marked Pokikery one of Christopher Lewis Marked Trees on the N side of his Land Near a Small Br. ln NxE; 44P; pt B) a Marked oake near the Said branch ln NW; 56P; pt C) a Marked pine ln NxW; 24P; pt D) a Marked white oake ln WxS; 110P; pt E) ln NxE; 62P; pt F) a Spanish oake thence neere ln NWxN; 160P; pt G) a Marked white oake ln S; 80P; pt H) white oake ln SWxS; 26P; pt I) a burnt pine ln E; 66P; pt J) a Marked pine ln ENE; 58P; pt K) a Marked pine ln S; 187P; pt L) an oak and thence by the aforesaid ln ; ; Christopher Lewis markt trees end ! Typ patent Ref VPB 2:63 Dat 18 Dec 1646 To Richard Preston Re 500a Upper Norfolk Co. on New Town haven River upon the miles end of Thomas Jordan and Richard Young ! 100a prev patented by Preston 2? Nov 1637 ! 150a prev patented by Preston 11 May 1639 ! 250a due for 5 persons loc 99047 -5314 F127 L0 P255 Pt marked rd oake Ln E; 78p; Pt marked poplar standing in a valley Ln ENE; 57p; Pt marked black walnutt tree standing in a valley being the head of a sm creek or gutt belonging to New Town haven R Ln NE; 127p; part of this length T. Jordan, part Young Pt marked post Ln NNW; 320p; Pt marked red oake ! 104 poles of this line seven poles unto a marked post Ln ;; Pt marked post Ln W; 78p; Pt marked post LN SSE; 320p; end ! Typ patent Ref VPB 4:576 Dat 16 Feb 1662 To Thomas Poole con transportation of 2 persons Re 100a lower parish of Isle of Wight Co. loc 112859 -12446 F127 L0 P255 Pt marked Pohickory joining sd Pool's land Ln N; 16p; Pt black oak Ln NWxN; 60p; Pt land of Mr. Robert Bracewell Ln SWxS; 320p; [SSW and SWxS] marked trees of sd Bracewell Pt corner tree of sd Poole Ln ;; sd Poole's marked trees end ! Typ patent Ref VPB 7:16 Dat 29 Nov 1679 decl -8 To Arthur Allen of Surrey Co., Edwd. Thelwell & Robt. Horneing of Nanzemond Co. Re 337a on the S side of a branch Comonly knowne !by the Name of the beaver dam branch !being one of the branches of the Southern branch !of Nanzemond River part in the Isle of Wight !part in Nanzemond Counties Bounded Viz. loc 65876 26384 F127 L0 P136 0 56 6 Pt 0. a Marked Gum a C. tree of Thos Masons land !Now in the Possession of John Dotery !thence along the said Dotreys line SxE 190P to Ln sxe; 190p; Thos Mason now John Dotery Pt 1. a great pine Ln WxN; 320P; Pt 2. a white oake Ln N; 108P; Pt 3. a small line oake in the head of a branch Lm exn; 190p; down a branch frm the head Pt 4. the beaver dam branch Lm ; ; down Beaver Dam Br. !200a of the aforesd 337 acres being formerly granted !to Richd. Showell by pattent dated 30th October 1669 !& was for Want of seateing by him deserted & by order !of the Gennl. Court dated he 22d November 1679 !Granted to the sd Allen, Thelwell & Horning & !together with the Remaineing 137 acres benig Wast !land Adjoyning To the former Due unto them by & for !the Transp. of 7 persons into this Colony end ! Typ patent Ref VPB 6:39 Dat 22 Oct 1666 To Thomas Jordan Re 550a in the county of Nansemond loc 87347 -1214 F127 L0 P255 Pt 0. a mrked red oake & soe running for Length Ln NNW; 320P; Pt 1. a mrked oake Ln ENE; 375P; Pt 2. a mrked red oake on a poynt by a fresh Run Side Ln SxW; 160P; Jeremiah Rutter, fm a Poynt by a fresh Run Pt 3. Ln SxE; ; Hopkin Howell Pt 4. a mrked oake by the Dam side Ln wxs; 170P; [est dir] up the Runn side 170P !The said Land being due pr. Transpr.tacon of 11 pr.sons end ! typ patent ref VPB 6 p519 dat 21 September 1674 decl -8 to Geo. Pearce re 2100a Nanzemond Co. by a branch of the Blackwater con transportacon of 42 þsons loc 54024 11790 F127 L0 P255 pt A) at a Red oke being Coll Pitts his C. ln SSW; 320P; pt B) a Marked ? being Coll Bridgers line ln ESE; 1140p; Coll. Bridger pt C) A Marked pine and Againe ? ln NNE; 320P; pt D) a mrked white oke being in the line of Coll. Pitts ln WNW; 1140P; Coll. Pitts end