! Old Frederick Co., VA ! ===================== ! ! The contents of this file are copyright 2004 Direct Line Software. ! Personal, non-commercial use is allowed. ! ! 21 Nov 2004 ! Patent abstracts and placement by Victor Dunn ! ! This file, its contents, and its corresponding deed map are provided on ! an "as is" basis. ! ! There are numerous opportunities for errors in the original patents, the ! abstracting process, and the parcel placement. Questions about accuracy can ! be resolved by downloading and examining the original patents or grants from ! the Virginia State Library web site. ! ! Abbreviations ! ------------- ! ! NNG - Northern Neck Grants ! VPB - Virginia Patent Book ! ! Author's Notes ! -------------- ! The plats consist of mainly Fairfax Land Grants in Old Frederick County, Virginia, ! along with a few patents. They encompass present day Clarke and Frederick Counties, ! Virginia, as well as Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia. ! ! Many of the plats lie in the vicinity of Opequon Creek which runs through ! all 4 counties and quitea few are in the vicinity of Mill Creek in present ! day Berkeley County as well. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 61 Dat 23 Feb 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Wyatt Con Re 237 Acres on W. side of Opeqoun Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10656 -18824 F0 L1 P255 txt 8694 -19560 F0 R0 =Thomas Wyatt txt 8844 -19360 F0 R0 =1760 237A Pt b walnut & west side of Opqoun & Lewis Neill's Patent Land Lm n1e; 18; Pt Lm n57w; 18; Pt Lm n8w; 27; Pt Lm n53.3w; 22; Pt Lm n21w; 24; Pt Lm n8e; 26; Pt Lm n60e; 34; Pt Lm n74e; 16; Pt elmtree on W. Bank of Opqoun Ln w; 304; Pt Hickory & ro on hill called Wolf Pit Ridge Ln s; 144; Pt chestnut o & wo on hillside Ln e; 222; Pt ro corner to Lewis Neill Ln e; 83; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id Dunn Neighborhood DDPGrant Ref Dat 12 Aug 1734 Rec Frm William Gooche To Rees Smith Con Re 150 acres on both sides of Opeqoun Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10699 -18745 F0 L0 P255 txt 9064 -18424 F0 R0 =Thos. & Abigail (Dunn) Neill txt 10694 -18536 F0 R0 =Rees Smith txt 10694 -18348 F0 R0 =1734 150A Pt wo on S. Side of Opechon Ln e; 87; Pt Hickory Ln s; 160; Pt wo Ln w; 87; Pt Hickory Ln n; 100; Pt wo on Hill Ln w; 170; Pt wo near Opechon Ln n; 60; Pt red oak Ln e; 170; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 353 Dat 3 Feb 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Capt. Lewis Moore Con Re 195 acres of waste & ungranted land on drains of Mill Creek in Fred. Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8002 -43104 F0 L0 P255 txt 7140 -42866 F0 R0 =Lewis Moore txt 7178 -42628 F0 R0 =1764 195A Pt wo Andrew Caldwell Ln n40e; 148; Pt wo & Andrew Caldwell Ln s77w; 180; Pt wo & 2h line o Zachariah Cocks now George Fallis Ln s10w; 178; Pt large ro & 2 hs Fallis Ln s73e; 30; Pt John Maddin Ln n28e; 22; Pt h &wos Ln s70e; 244; Pt large wo & poison field Madden & Andrew Caldwell Ln n50w; 150; Pt 2bw Ln n40e; 30; Pt wo Ln n50w; 80; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grants Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 263 Dat 3 May 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Ralph Thompson Con Re 265 Waste & Ungranted land on Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14146 -26348 F0 L0 P255 txt 13048 -26534 F0 R0 =Ralph Thompson txt 13098 -26372 F0 R0 =1764 265A Pt wo corner to Matthew Brooks Ln s30e; 20; Pt stake on w bank of Opeckon Lm n80e; 12; Pt Lm n8.3e; 60; Pt Lm n4w; 18; Pt elm on W bank Opeckon & Leaving creek Ln n30w; 180; Pt 2wo Ln s60w; 116; Pt Evan Thomas Run Ln s60w; 2; Pt Poplar in David Gilkey's line Ln s45w; 84; Pt spanish oak & Chestnut oak & David Gilkey Ln s30e; 194; Pt 2wo & Matthew Brooks Ln n60e; 137; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Dunn Neighborhood Ref NNG G, p. 321 Dat 5 Sep 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Capt. Lewis Neill Con Re 300a on S. Side of Opeqon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10414 -17174 F0 L0 P255 txt 10776 -16584 F0 R0 =Thomas Neill txt 11042 -17992 F0 R0 =Home Place txt 10902 -16298 F0 R0 =Capt. Lewis Neill txt 11064 -16098 F0 R0 =1750 300A Pt Hickory in drain of Opeckon Ln s; 164; Pt wo Ln e; 216; Pt 2ro & wo sap Ln n; 320; Pt wo Ln w; 84; Pt h & wo corner to Neill's patent land Ln s; 160; Pt wo Ln w; 87; Pt Ln w; 37; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG N, p. 152 Dat 25 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Lewis Neill Con Re 392a on Opekoun in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15854 -21472 F0 L0 P255 txt 14704 -20610 F0 R0 =Lewis Neill txt 14692 -20472 F0 R0 =1766 392A Pt 2 y bo & h & Richard Ridgeway Ln n60w; 156; Pt 2 bo Ridgeway & Simon Taylor Ln s50w; 103; Pt 2 wo near & on s side of Wagon Road Taylor & Wm. Neill Ln s30e; 164; Pt 2wo Ln s60w; 96; Pt 2 bo & h corner William Neill & John Baylis Ln s30e; 210; Pt 2 wo & bo Baylis & another tract of Wm. Neill Ln n36e; 60; Pt wo & bo Neill Ln n72.3e; 83; Pt h & 3 bo barons corner to Matthias Gossett survey Ln n; 276; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG K, p. 67 Dat 1 Mar 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Dr. John Briscoe Con Re 400a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4208 -23464 F0 L0 P255 txt 5660 -23064 F0 R0 =Dr. John Briscoe txt 5810 -22838 F0 R0 =1760 400A Pt 4 ash sap corner of Jonathan Taylor & John Littler, dec'd Ln n45e; 103; Pt wo Ln s45e; 60; Pt walnut post by 2 wo Ln n45e; 122; Pt L wo Ln s45e; 40; Pt locust stake on hill Ln s45e; 212; Pt stake in Poison field, 2 wo & ro Ln s45w; 238; Pt 2 span o & ro corner Jonathan Taylor Ln n43w; 311; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG p. 157 Dat 13 Jun 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Stewart Con Re 353a on drains of Opeqoun Adj Wit DDPGrant ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 7652 -27950 F0 L0 P255 txt 8616 -27362 F0 R0 =Robert Stewart txt 8704 -27086 F0 R0 =1760 353A Pt Dead Span O John Littler & Evan Thomas Ln s7w; 160; Pt 2 wo & John Littler Ln s83e; 290; Pt Poison field marsh & wo Ln n7e; 189; Pt wo Ln n83w; 4; Pt h & ros Mary Littler Ln n55w; 48; Pt ro & wo Ln s84w; 258; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG H, p. 206 Dat 13 Nov 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Meredith Helm s/o Meredith Helm Con Re 400a Drains of Opeqoun called Rich Ridge Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 11316 -6980 F0 L0 P255 txt 12090 -7504 F0 R0 =Meredith Helm s/o Meredith Helm txt 12716 -7230 F0 R0 =1752 400A txt 11316 -6980 F0 R0 =1752 164A txt 11316 -6980 F0 R0 =1752 164A Pt Ln n45e; 320; Pt 3 small hickories & red oak sap on Rich Ridge Ln s45e; 200; Pt 2 ro & wo Ln s45w; 320; Pt lwos Ln n45w; 200; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG N, p. 114 Dat 11 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Meredith Helm Con Re 200a on Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 13540 -9230 F0 L0 P255 txt 11692 -8206 F0 R45 =Meredith Helm txt 12064 -8130 F0 R45 =1766 200A Pt 3h & ros on Rich Ridge corner to Meredith Helm dec'd Ln s45e; 36; Pt 2 wo & hs & Meredith Helm dec'd Ln n45e; 64; Pt ros Ln n45w; 112; Pt wo drain of Neils pond Ln s45w; 384; Pt saplings Ln s45e; 77; Pt wo corner of Meredith Helm dec'd Ln n45e; 320; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG G, p. 478 Dat 2 Apr 1751 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Madden Con Re 400a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 18460 -11754 F0 L0 P255 txt 17662 -10366 F0 R0 =John Madden txt 17712 -10066 F0 R0 =1751 400A Pt wo on Fairfax Road about 10 poles from Joes Hole Ln s45e; 200; Pt 3 sl in the Barrons Ln s45w; 320; Pt h & limestone ridge Ln n45w; 200; Pt limestone rock near 2 sro Ln n45e; 320; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG M, p. 255 Dat 2 Feb 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Leonard Eckstine Con Re 164a on Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16284 -13978 F0 L0 P255 txt 17048 -13640 F0 R0 =Leonard Eckstine txt 17148 -13452 F0 R0 =1764 164A Pt yso Thos. Helm Ln s20w; 83; Pt wo & Hickory John Neill Ln s69e; 190; Pt bo & wo John Neill Ln s69e; 68; Pt w & 2bo Ln n21e; 140; Pt w & bo among rocks Ln n69w; 192; Pt wo Ln n21e; 30; Pt 2 bo Ln n69w; 48; Pt wo & sp Thomas Helm Ln s39w; 90; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ DDPGrant Id Ref NNG O, p. 135 Dat 11 Mar 1768 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Leonard Eckstine Con Re 82a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 17172 -10940 F0 L0 P255 txt 17374 -11378 F0 R40 =Leornard Eckstine txt 17660 -11378 F0 R40 =1768 82A Pt bo & wo on end of a Rocky Knoll on N side of Wagon Road that leads to Snickers in line of John Neil dec'd Ln n21e; 170; Pt bo & wo corner to Neill in line of Eckstine's land Ln s69e; 68; Pt w & ybo Eckstine & Joseph Reeder Ln s6e; 52; Pt 2h corner of Reeder & John Madden Ln s44.3w; 129; Pt 2 bo & John Madden Ln w; 37; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 113 Dat 12 Jan 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Reeder Con Re 414a in Frederick Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 20672 -14190 F0 L0 P255 txt 19250 -12832 F0 R0 =Joseph Reeder txt 19300 -12644 F0 R0 =1763 414A Pt 2 bo in Patrick Rice Ln s22w; 90; Pt bo & locust Ln s68e; 130; Pt span o & hickory George Neaville Ln s40w; 300; Pt 2h corner Neaville & John Madden Ln n45.3w; 168; Pt hickory & Madden Ln n6w; 52; Pt walnut & 2 black oaks to Wm Beasley Ln n21e; 140; Pt w & bo Beasley & John Warford Ln n36e; 126; Pt bo Ln s68e; 111; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grants M Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 204 Dat 14 Oct 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Cap. Thos. Helms Con Re 300a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16078 -14948 F0 L0 P255 txt 15458 -14082 F0 R45 =Cap. Thomas Helms txt 15846 -14146 F0 R45 =1763 300A Pt wo & h Lewis Neill's late survey Ln s54.3w; 249; Pt lwo Neill Ln s35.3e; 100; Pt wo Ln n54.3e; 219; Pt 3y span o Ln n39e; 220; Pt 2h & wo Ln n51w; 126; Pt 2wo s Wm. Neill Ln s42w; 163; Pt bo & h Wm. Neill & Lewis Neill Ln s48e; 40; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 327 Dat 1 Feb 1765 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Capt. Lewis Neill Con Re 616a in Frederick Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14120 -13310 F0 L0 P255 txt 13072 -14946 F0 R0 =Lewis Neill txt 13058 -14722 F0 R0 =1765 616A Pt lwo on E. side of Meadow corner of Neills own land Ln n54.3e; 219; Pt wo & h Ln n48.10w; 40; Pt bo & hickory corner Wm. Neill Ln n48w; 320; Pt 2bo Wm. Neil & Col. John Baylis's line Ln s70w; 68; Pt ybo Baylis & Lewis Neill's patent land Ln s; 120; Pt 2 ro & wo Ln w; 216; Pt wo Ln s; 49; Pt wo & ro & h sap Ln n81w; 42; Pt 2 h s Ln s9w; 54; Pt locust stake in Marsh Ln s81e; 158; Pt 2 small sycamores on side of Meadow Ln s68e; 230; Pt 2 h & ro s Ln s85e; 76; Pt wo Ln s21e; 30; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id Ann Rees Land Ref DDPGrant Dat 2 Feb 1765 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Capt. Lewis Neill Con Re 520a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14716 -12518 F0 L0 P255 txt 13830 -11512 F0 R0 =Capt. Lewis Neill txt 13918 -11100 F0 R0 =1765 520A Pt wo corner of Thos. Helm. Ln n35w; 100; Pt wo Helm & Lewis Neill Ln s25.3w; 502; Pt h &wo Ln n49w; 86; Pt 4 l Lewis Neill Lewis Neill, Jr. Ln s; 128; Pt 3 y wo Meredith Helm deceased Ln n45e; 296; Pt 3wo sap Ln s45e; 110; Pt ybo Ln s45w; 63; Pt 2 wo & hs Ln s45e; 162; Pt 2ro & wo Helm Ln n7e; 391; Pt stake Ln n35.3w; 100; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 1 Dat 13 May 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Oliver Con Re 395a in Fred. Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 19690 -20248 F0 L0 P255 txt 18228 -19772 F0 R0 =John Oliver txt 18254 -19560 F0 R0 =1766 395A Pt 2hs corner of John Reagan at George Martin Ln s23e; 58; Pt ybo Martins Corner Ln s15e; 160; Pt 2hs Ln w; 120; Pt so Ln s; 26; Pt 2yh Ln w; 194; Pt stake in Barrens Ln n; 222; Pt bo & wo Ln e; 72; Pt stake in center of head of a spring Ln n18e; 14; Pt wo in John Reagan Ln e; 194; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 206 Dat 3 Nov 1768 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Vanmetre Con Re 193a of Land on North side of Mill Creek in Frederick Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9612 -50032 F0 L0 P255 txt 10014 -50068 F0 R35 =Jacob Vanmeter txt 10264 -50018 F0 R35 =1768 193A Pt wo on Northeasterly bank of Mill Creek, corner to James Crabtree Ln s75e; 8; Pt wo in Field Ln n55e; 350; Pt so & bo Crabtree & Isaac Eaton Ln s75e; 42; Pt bo & h wo Eaton & Peter McKain Ln s; 60; Pt wo near bo McKain & Robt. Cunningham Ln s83w; 98; Pt large black walnut on hill Ln s50w; 120; Pt h & ro Cunningham & George Follis Ln s50w; 240; Pt 2wo on Mill Creek Ln s70w; 30; Pt Ln n40w; 21; Pt Ln n42e; 34; Pt Ln n10w; 10; Pt Ln n16.3e; 10; Pt Ln n11w; 12; Pt Ln n58.3e; 30; Pt Ln n42e; 10; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 147 Dat 2 Jun 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Cunningham Con Re 250a on Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 11636 -46508 F0 L0 P255 txt 11314 -48618 F0 R0 =Robert Cunningham txt 11438 -48344 F0 R0 =1760 250A Pt elm corner to Robt. Cunningham on N side of Mill Creek Ln n30w; 6; Pt Ln n14w; 6; Pt Ln n53w; 24; Pt Ln s60w; 16; Pt Ln s37w; 6; Pt Ln s62w; 14; Pt wo on bank of creek Patrick Riley Ln n63w; 87; Pt wo Riley Ln n73w; 16; Pt poplar Thos. Low Ln n; 50; Pt crossing Mill Creek to wo & Low Ln n62e; 30; Pt 3wo & James Holliday Ln n21.3e; 284; Pt locust stake & ro Holliday Ln n53e; 120; Pt lbw Ln n83e; 98; Pt ro Peter McKain Ln s10e; 10; Pt wo Ln s12w; 64; Pt wo corner Robt. Cunningham Ln s20w; 415; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Q, p. 309 Dat 17 Jul 1778 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Andrew Caldwell, heir at law of And. Caldwell, Dec' assignee of Patrick Riley w/ 1/3 to widow Jane Caldwell Con Re 484a on Mill Creek in Berkeley Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9236 -44504 F0 L0 P255 txt 10374 -45466 F0 R0 =Andrew Caldwell txt 10524 -45190 F0 R0 =1778 484A Pt wo on ridge Ln n25e; 268; Pt wo on N side of hill Ln s65e; 82; Pt wo on S. Bank of Mill Creek Lm n61e; 8; Pt Lm n65e; 26; Pt Lm s51e; 20; Pt Lm s23e; 12; Pt Lm s68e; 24; Pt Lm s11w; 8; Pt Lm s56w; 12; Pt Lm s23w; 18; Pt Lm s42w; 8; Pt Lm s10e; 34; Pt Lm s65e; 8; Pt crossing Riley's spring wo corner to Robt. Cunningham Ln s70e; 142; Pt 3hs & Cunningham Ln s25w; 189; Pt ro in John Hampton's line Ln n62w; 20; Pt wo Ln s26w; 30; Pt l & Hampton Ln n65w; 303; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Q Dat 18 Jul 1778 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Andrew Caldwell heir at law of Andrew Caldwell, asignee of Patrick Riley 1/3 to widow Jane Caldwell Con Re 340a on Drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9278 -44568 F0 L0 P255 txt 9216 -43554 F0 R0 =Andrew Caldwell txt 9304 -43304 F0 R0 =1778 340A Pt wo corner to Patrick Riley Ln s40w; 200; Pt wo Ln s50e; 70; Pt wo Ln s40w; 26; Pt 2bw Ln s50e; 150; Pt lwo in a Poison Field Ln n40e; 282; Pt hs Patrick Riley Ln n65w; 225; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 497 Dat 21 Oct 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Hollinsworth (Hollingsworth) Con Re 620a in Frederick County known as Hannah Springs surveyed in 1732 where Hollinsworth Lives Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -9648 -23424 F0 L0 P255 txt -9284 -25860 F0 R0 =George Hollingsworth txt -9096 -25510 F0 R0 =1754 620A Pt William Lupton by Babb's road Ln n17w; 184; Pt ro wo & span o Ln n22e; 162.5; Pt ro & wo corner Thomas Babb Ln n72.3e; 100; Pt Thos. Babb & James Wright Ln n78e; 52; Pt Wrights house? Ln s60e; 23; Pt Ln s86e; 92; Pt Ln S18E; 258; Pt Ln S74W; 366; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG P, p. 20 Dat 26 Mar 1771 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Cunningham Con Re 451a on branch of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 13358 -41872 F0 L0 P255 txt 12610 -43046 F0 R0 =George Cunningham txt 12884 -42796 F0 R0 =1771 451A Pt elm close to spring & corner to Murtey Hanley Ln s78e; 3; Pt crossing spring branch Ln s78e; 181; Pt hs at head of hollow Ln n11e; 164; Pt chestnut o on n side of steep hill Ln n78w; 2; Pt crossing spring branch Ln n78w; 290; Pt 2wo Allan McCray Ln n78w; 28; Pt heap of stones wo in Cunningham's feild Ln s27w; 32; Pt locust corner Andrew Caldwell Ln n67.5w; 72; Pt several hs Ln s40w; 154; Pt wo & hickory in Handley's line Ln s57e; 116; Pt wo on Rocky ridge Ln s88e; 192; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG __, p. 128 Dat 15 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Cunningham Con Re 500a on Drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16124 -48848 F0 L0 P255 txt 17500 -49072 F0 R0 =Robert Cunningham txt 17776 -48810 F0 R0 =1766 500A Pt 2 yp & wo line of Dennis Onan Ln n45e; 240; Pt hickory corner Dennis Onan and Murty Hendley Ln s68e; 78; Pt pine & sundry yo Ln n50e; 11; Pt 3 wo James Onan Ln s60e; 168; Pt double wo Onan & James Beeler Ln s30w; 245; Pt 3 wo on Beelers Corner Ln n85w; 230; Pt 2 wo Francis Lilburn's line Ln n42e; 74; Pt wo Ln n50w; 96; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 155 Dat 25 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Folles Con Re 55a on Drains of Mill Creek in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8726 -46546 F0 L0 P255 txt 9378 -46632 F0 R-20 =George Fallis txt 9300 -46434 F0 R-20 =1766 55A Pt wo next to George Folles own land & David Morgan Ln s60e; 74; Pt lwo & h & David Morgan Ln s65.3e; 60; Pt wo Andrew Caldwell Ln n24.30e; 112; Pt wo corner Caldwell & Robert Cunningham Ln n73.3w; 16; Pt corner Robert Cunningham & George Folles Ln s73w; 154; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 723 Dat 29 Oct 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Francis Lilburn Con Re 397a on Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14348 -44960 F0 L0 P255 txt 14776 -47308 F0 R0 =Francis Lilburn txt 14888 -47096 F0 R0 =1756 397A Pt wo on S. side of Mill Creek & Anderson's Patent Land Ln n43e; 268; Pt walnut Ln n43w; 22; Pt wo Ln n43e; 148; Pt h & wo in line of Anderson & Jonas Seaman Ln n50w; 150; Pt wo Seaman's line Ln s67w; 39; Pt wo corner Peter McCain Ln s60w; 76; Pt h Ln s; 4; Pt 2h & wo Robert Cunningham Ln s20w; 328; Pt h & linn tree on S. side of Mill Creek Cunningham & Thomas Lewis end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 449 Dat 9 Jun 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Cunningham Con Re 314a on Westwardly side of Opechon on Drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14558 -48088 F0 L0 P255 txt 13396 -49800 F0 R0 =Robert Cunningham txt 13610 -49562 F0 R0 =1762 314A Pt h sapling & Cunningham's patent land Ln n70w; 203; Pt wo Cunningham's corner Ln n20e; 240; Pt wo Sapling Peter McCain Ln s70e; 146; Pt wo & bo on w side of Waggon Road McCain & Jonas Seaman Ln n70e; 95; Pt 3 wos Ln n66e; 36; Pt wo & h Seaman & Francis Lilburn Ln s60w; 114; Pt 2hs Ln s20w; 174; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 208 Dat 19 Oct 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Francis Lilburn Con Re 490a on drains of Mill Creek & Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14408 -45016 F0 L0 P255 txt 15734 -45078 F0 R0 =Francis Lilburn txt 15834 -44828 F0 R0 =1763 490A Pt wo & hs corner to James Anderson Ln n43e; 282; Pt wo corner of Denis Onan Ln s32e; 303; Pt Pine Onan Ln s; 142; Pt double bodied wo Ln w; 228; Pt pine on hill side Ln n43w; 68; Pt wo at James Anderson's line Ln n80w; 72; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 301 Dat 11 Aug 1770 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Samuel Handley, survey for Murty Handley Con Re 343a drains of Opecon in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 11330 -39200 F0 L0 P255 txt 10156 -41200 F0 R0 =Samuel Handley txt 10268 -40900 F0 R0 =1770 343A Pt wo corner of Murty Handley's old survey & Thos. Fallis Ln n83w; 55; Pt 2 wo & hs Fallis & John Ridgway Ln n35w; 212; Pt 2h & wo Jeremiah Poor Ln n30e; 8; Pt 2 wo&ro corner Poor & John Madden Ln n30e; 44; Pt h & wo Ln n60w; 24; Pt 3 ro line of Patrick Rieley Ln n40e; 142; Pt wo line of Rieley Ln s55e; 124; Pt ro ledge of Limestone rocks Ln s30w; 19; Pt h & ro Handley's old survey Ln s; 275; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 116 Dat 30 Apr 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard Merchant Con Re 187a in Fred Co. on branch of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12106 -37872 F0 L0 P255 txt 12856 -37462 F0 R0 =Richard Merchant txt 13018 -37312 F0 R0 =1760 187A Pt wo in Poison field Ln s8e; 150; Pt wo on Ridge Ln n82e; 213; Pt 2 wo on hill ln n8w; 132; Pt 2wo by branch Ln s87w; 214; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 679 Dat 16 Sep 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George McKinnie Con Re 194a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12082 -37860 F0 L0 P255 txt 13068 -38786 F0 R0 =George McKinnie txt 13192 -38588 F0 R0 =1756 194A Pt lwo Richard Merchant Ln n14e; 140; Pt b walnut stake Murty Handley Ln n89e; 109; Pt span o 2 wo Handley Ln n89e; 88; Pt 2 ro & p on hill Ln s28e; 110; Pt ro Ln s62w; 56; Pt Ln s89w; 18; Pt wo Richard Merchant Ln s86w; 210; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H Dat 2 Jul 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Follis Con Re 255a where he lives on small branch of Mill Creek branch of Opechon in Fred. Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12868 -41924 F0 L0 P255 txt 13520 -41086 F0 R0 =Thomas Follis txt 13594 -40860 F0 R0 =1754 255A Pt Elm corner John Hampton & Murty Handley Ln s79e; 184; Pt 2h corner of Hampton Ln s79e; 60; Pt chestnut o & wo on ridge Ln s11w; 186; Pt lwo on side of hill Ln n79w; 198; Pt 2h & chestnut O Murty Handley Ln n1w; 190; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 198 Dat 9 Sep 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Isaac Follis & Jacob Follis Con Re 125a on Drains of Opechon in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12530 -39124 F0 L0 P255 txt 10882 -38236 F0 R0 =Isaac & Jacob Follis txt 11044 -37998 F0 R0 =1766 125A Pt locust stake corner to Patrick Quigley & Murty Handley Ln s89w; 63; Pt wo corner Handley Ln n83w; 55; Pt h 2 wo sap & John Ridgway Ln s30w; 182; Pt 2h & ros Ridgeway & Patrick Duncan Ln n82e; 168; Pt wo Duncan & Richard Merchant & Patrick Quigley Ln n14e; 140; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, pp 398-400 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Morgan Morgan Con Re 1000a on Branch of Opeckon, W Side ofRockey Ridge Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4474 -44156 F0 L0 P255 txt 8474 -46508 F0 R-90 =David Morgan 1745 txt 3898 -47284 F0 R-90 =Terrance & Ferrel txt 3598 -46760 F0 R-90 =Reily 1748 txt 4946 -47232 F0 R-90 =Evan Morgan 1764 txt 4962 -45880 F0 R0 =Morgan Morgan txt 5038 -45592 F0 R0 =1735 1000A Pt ro w side of rocky ridge Ln n10w; 54; Pt wo Ln n30e; 83; Pt wo on hill side Ln n75w; 74; Pt Walnut Ln s45w; 94; Pt ro Ln n45w; 162; Pt walnut Ln n45e; 248; Pt ro on ne side of valley Ln s60e; 204; Pt wo Ln n45e; 60; Pt hickory Ln s60e; 198; Pt Poplar Ln n; 80; Pt hickory Ln s60e; 180; Pt Ln s; 110; Pt wo on s side of Morgan's path & great spring Ln s45w; 110; Pt Ln w; 442; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 158 Dat 3 Jul 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Follis Con Re 301a survey for Zachariah Cocks & assigned to Thos. Follis Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 7208 -44200 F0 L0 P255 txt 5346 -43508 F0 R0 =Thos Falllis txt 5298 -43132 F0 R0 =1754 301A Pt h & ros Morgan Morgan Ln s11w; 220; Pt lro & hs in George Hobson's line Ln w; 224; Pt 2lh in Hobson's line Ln n11e; 220; Pt 3 wo Morgan Morgan Ln e; 224; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, p. 338 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooche To George Hobson Con Re 937a in Mill Run Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 2122 -40504 F0 L0 P255 txt 3748 -41540 F0 R0 =George Hobson txt 3874 -41266 F0 R0 =1735 937A Pt ro & heap of stones Ln n30w; 122; Pt ro Ln ne; 200; Pt hickory Ln n; 72; Pt hickory Ln ne; 100; Pt ro Ln e; 40; Pt ro Ln se; 80; Pt ro Ln s; 180; Pt ro Ln e; 320; Pt Ln sw; 320; Pt white ? Ln w; 220; Pt ro Ln n44w; 165; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 236 Dat 23 Sep 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Josiah Ridgeway Con Re 380a on Dry Run Meadows Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 388 -39290 F0 L0 P255 txt 1736 -39554 F0 R0 =Josiah Ridgeway txt 1874 -39304 F0 R0 =1766 380A Pt H in George Hobson's Patent Ln n45e; 200; Pt locust stake & wo Ln s60e; 280; Pt 2w & ro Ln s30w; 200; Pt wo Ln n60w; 335; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H Dat 16 Nov 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Dillon Con Re 398a on both sides of dividing ridge of Opeqoun & Back Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -4410 -38172 F0 L0 P255 txt -4708 -36996 F0 R0 =William Dillon txt -4622 -36734 F0 R0 =1752 398A Pt 3 chestnut o & ro on hill Ln s40e; 282; Pt wo Ln s40w; 248; Pt bo Ln n30w; 190; Pt wo William Dillon Patent Land Ln n36e; 38; Pt wo & another of Patent lines Ln n31w; 121; Pt span o Ln n45e; 157; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 309 Dat 5 Nov 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Jolliffe Con Re 113a on drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4234 -31268 F0 L0 P255 txt 5698 -32254 F0 R0 =William Joliffe txt 5748 -32042 F0 R0 =1766 384A Pt wo corner Wm. Jolliffe & John Neaville Ln e; 140; Pt Ross' Spring & 2wo Ln n; 206; Pt 2ro corner Jolliffe at Evan Thomas Ln s45e; 160; Pt wo Ln s45w; 62; Pt wo Thomas & John Littler deceased Ln s45w; 172; Pt hicory sapling Ln n51.3w; 131; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, p. 392 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Evan Thomas Con Re 1,014A, NE side of a Marsh that falls into Opeckon, by a path that goes down to John Smith's Mill. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9606 -30424 F0 L0 P255 txt 8372 -32080 F0 R0 =Evan Thomas txt 8386 -31830 F0 R0 =1735 1014A Pt chestnut oak on the NE side of a marsh that falls into Opechon Ln ne; 200; Pt ros Ln nw; 42; Pt wo by path to John Smith's Mill Ln ne; 120; Pt wo Ln nw; 61; Pt hickory sapling Ln ne; 80; Pt wo Ln nw; 142; Pt wo Ln sw; 349; Pt wo Ln nw; 60; Pt ro Ln sw; 250; Pt 3wo sap Ln se; 264; Pt wo Ln sw; 61; Pt wo sapling Ln se; 102; Pt ro ln n32e; 268; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 260 Dat 27 Mar 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Hyatt, Jr. Con Re 345a on branches of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10706 -32024 F0 L0 P255 txt 11972 -33676 F0 R0 =John Hyatt Jr. txt 11986 -33402 F0 R0 =1761 345A Pt wo corner to Evan Thomas Ln n45e; 124; Pt 2 wo by path Ln n45w; 64; Pt h Ln n45e; 82; Pt so & wo Ln n45w; 76; Pt wo Evan Thomas Ln n45e; 84; Pt wo & Patrick Duncan Ln n85e; 104; Pt 3 pines & Duncan Ln n85e; 28; Pt wo on ridge Ln s5e; 298; Pt 2 pines Ln s85w; 260; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 261 Dat 28 Mar 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Hyatt, Jr. Con Re 126a on drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10706 -32024 F0 L0 P255 txt 11448 -31802 F0 R0 =John Hyatt Jr. txt 11518 -31584 F0 R0 =1761 126A Pt wo Evan Thomas & John Hyatt's late survey Ln s43e; 42; Pt ros corner to Mary Littler Ln s45e; 142; Pt ro on Ridge & Mary Littler Ln n45e; 206; Pt pine Ln n50w; 10; Pt 2 pines Hyatt's late survey Ln s85w; 264; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 58 Dat 20 Feb 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To David Gilkey Con Re 200a joining widow Littler's Old Mill on branch of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10954 -28334 F0 L0 P255 txt 11906 -28746 F0 R0 =David Gilkey txt 11906 -28534 F0 R0 =1760 200A Pt spanish Oak Widow Littler Ln s45e; 140; Pt span. oak & chestnut oak Ln n45e; 86; Pt Evan Thomas's Run Ln n45e; 142; Pt 2ro & hs Ln n45w; 140; Pt wo& 2small pines Ln s45w; 6; Pt 3 small pines Widow Littler Ln s45w; 222; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 278 Dat 3 Apr 1753 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Mary Littler Con Re 421a on Branch of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9354 -29800 F0 L0 P255 txt 10142 -30170 F0 R0 =Mary Littler txt 10168 -29834 F0 R0 =1753 421A Pt wo & ro on N. side of Evan Thomas Run Ln n41w; 51; Pt 2 chestnut oaks & Evan Thomas Ln n45e; 200; Pt wo & ros & Evan Thomas Ln s45e; 269; Pt 3sp & wo Ln s45w; 212; Pt Evan Thomas Run Ln s45w; 58.5; Pt ro & h on hill Ln n45w; 202; Pt wo & ro Ln n35e; 66; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 45 Dat 11 Oct 1751 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Cunningham Con Re 318a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 11924 -45656 F0 L0 P255 txt 12488 -46980 F0 R0 =Robert Cunningham txt 12738 -46680 F0 R0 =1751 318A Pt wo below mouth of a spring that runs into S. Side of Mill Creek Ln s70e; 170; Pt wo Ln n20e; 40; Pt cross creek Ln n20e; 280; Pt 3 small hickory Saplings Ln n70w; 203; Pt wo & ro Ln s20w; 244; Pt elm by creek side end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 183 Dat 8 Jun 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Hagen Con Re 159a on West Side of Opechon on drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14054 -30852 F0 L0 P255 txt 12906 -30188 F0 R0 =James Hagan txt 12856 -29988 F0 R0 =1763 159A Pt 3 pines John Abrill & John Thomas Ln s65.3w; 144; Pt spanish oak on Hill Ln n48w; 122; Pt stooping bo Thomas Ln s42w; 64; Pt bo Mary Littler Ln s48e; 128; Pt pine & wo at a drain Littler's corner Ln n42e; 7; Pt 2 pines & bo David Gilkey Ln s48e; 120; Pt 2 pines Gilkey & Reason Reagan Ln n35e; 132; Pt pine & hickory Ln n81e; 36; Pt wo & span oak near side of branch at John Abril's line Ln n23w; 80; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 655 Dat 10 Oct 1755 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Ridgeway Con Re 358 A Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 2888 -26622 F0 L0 P255 txt 3664 -26858 F0 R0 =John Ridgeway txt 3752 -26622 F0 R0 =1755 358A Pt wo stake & 2wo corner Jeremiah Poor Ln s30w; 109; Pt wo & h William Duckworth Ln s75e; 219; Pt wo by path Duckworth Ln n30e; 241; Pt 2wo & h in poison field Ln n60w; 212; Pt 2h & wo & Jeremiah Poor Ln s30w; 192; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 262 Dat 7 Apr 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Madden s/o John Madden dec'd Con Re 194 A Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9098 -40156 F0 L0 P255 txt 7056 -41436 F0 R0 =John Madden son of John Madden dec'd txt 8156 -41110 F0 R0 =1764 194A Pt 2 wo & ro corner Jeremiah Poor Ln n30e; 144; Pt h & wo on level Ln n60w; 24; Pt 3 ro Patrick Riely Ln s40w; 13; Pt wo corner of Riely Ln n70w; 244; Pt wo & 2 h sap on N. side of drain Ln s30w; 86; Pt lro & hick sap Jeremiah Poor Ln s60e; 264; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, pp. 364-366 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Josiah Ballenger Con Re 500 A Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -8096 -27224 F0 L0 P255 txt -7044 -30024 F0 R0 =Josiah Ballenger txt -6908 -29824 F0 R0 =1735 500A Pt Hickory Ln n8e; 345; Pt Walnut in valley Ln n85e; 128; Pt hill side Ln n20e; 77; Pt Ln s75e; 68; Pt Ln s15w; 96; Pt Ln s65e; 96; Pt Ln e; 100; Pt Ln s; 52; Pt wo Ln w; 240; Pt ro Ln s; 136; Pt ro near George Hollingsworth Ln s63w; 209; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 218 Dat 9 Dec 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Edward Corder Con Re 400 A. on East Side of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14472 -26934 F0 L0 P255 txt 15160 -26496 F0 R0 =Edward Corder txt 15274 -26270 F0 R0 =1763 400A Pt double walnut on E. bank of Opechon & Wm. Hicks Lm s8w; 76; Pt Lm s84w; 16; Pt Sycamore on E. side Creek & Mathew Brooks Ln s30e; 190; Pt 3 wo at Glade Branch & Mathew Brooks Ln n60e; 275; Pt Glade about 1 chain from remarkable sink hole Ln n30w; 246; Pt 3 wo on Ridge Ln s59w; 35; Pt 3 hickory saplings Wm. Hicks Ln s59w; 177; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 125 Dat 2 Feb 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Mary Littler Con Re 160a on Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 11351 -23687 F0 L0 P255 txt 10251 -22699 F0 R0 =Johnson 1767 txt 10815 -23273 F0 R0 =Mary Littler txt 10815 -23087 F0 R0 =1763 160A Pt 2 wo & sapling corner to Samuel Taylor & late survey of Mary Littler Ln s63w; 73; Pt Spanish Oak Ln s50w; 120; Pt chestnut oak & sapling Ln s2e; 35; Pt wo at Rutherford Road & Hugh Haynes Ln s83e; 144; Pt h & walnut Robert Hutchings on E. side of Opeckon Lm n; 8; Pt Lm n28e; 26; Pt Lm n68e; 28; Pt Lm n79.15e; 62; Pt Lm s53e; 24; Pt Lm s78e; 16; Pt Lm n68e; 16; Pt Lm n28e; 30; Pt Lm n3e; 25; Pt mouth of Littler's run Robert Hutchings & Simon Taylor Lm s71w; 16; Pt Lm n38.15w; 16; Pt Lm n9.3w; 8; Pt Lm s73w; 22; Pt Lm n77.3w; 16; Pt Lm s80w; 28; Pt Lm n77.3w; 20; Pt Lm n68.3w; 12; Pt wo on N. side of Littler's run Ln n30w; 60; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, pp. 371-374 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To John Littler & James Wright Con Re 438a about a mile sw of Giles Chapman & Samuel Bond Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -2822 -33372 F0 L0 P255 txt -3208 -34822 F0 R0 =John Littler & James Wright txt -2860 -34584 F0 R0 =1735 438A Pt hickory on hill Ln s40w; 115; Pt Hickory Ln s50e; 80; Pt Hickory gum & wo Ln n40e; 223; Pt wo Ln n50w; 35; Pt wo Ln n40e; 152; Pt wo on Knoll Ln n50w; 122; Pt wo Ln n80w; 91; Pt wo sap Ln s40w; 246; Pt ro by rock Ln s62e; 162; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, p. 328 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Nathaniel Thomas Con Re 380a on lying & being on West side of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -12932 -22662 F0 L0 P255 txt -11656 -21124 F0 R0 =Nathaniel Thomas txt -11430 -20912 F0 R0 =1735 380A Pt 100 pole n of IP Spring which is in Patent Land Ln s15w; 111; Pt ro on hill side Ln s60e; 139; Pt 2 ro Ln s38e; 205; Pt wo Ln n52e; 207; Pt ro Ln n55w; 180; Pt ro Ln n60w; 265; Pt ro Ln s15w; 38; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 123 Dat 9 Mar 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Gaddis Con Re 139a of land in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 1256 -43332 F0 L0 P255 txt 1044 -42668 F0 R0 =William Gaddis txt 1108 -42444 F0 R0 =1752 139A Pt ro & wo Nicholas Hanser Ln s65e; 152; Pt wo & ro in George Hobson's line Ln s45w; 147; Pt 3 h sap Hobson & Henry Bowen Ln s85w; 96; Pt wo Hanser Ln n; 122; Pt large h Ln e; 47; Pt lro & span o Ln n15e; 55; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 37 Dat 4 Sep 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Hite Con Re 500a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 37208 -46912 F0 L0 P255 txt 34596 -46986 F0 R0 =Jacob Hite txt 34546 -46762 F0 R0 =1762 500A Pt corner Tully McKenney & Jost Hite's old survey Ln n23.3w; 57; Pt hickory Ln n64w; 204; Pt hickory in valley Ln s29w; 70; Pt wo & ro Ln s55w; 370; Pt stooping wo & hickory Jost Hite's old survey Ln e; 467; Pt spanish o & hickory black walnut saping Henry Walton Ln n35e; 4; Pt Hickory Walton & Tully McKenney Ln n32e; ; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 311 Dat 4 May 1753 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Col. Richard Blackburn of Prince William County Con Re 2420a on E drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 47588 -51080 F0 L0 P255 txt 42540 -51728 F0 R0 =Col. Richard Blackburn txt 43064 -51328 F0 R0 =1753 2420A Pt 3 sro in Poison Field on drains of Shenandoah corner to Peter Burr Ln n61w; 688; Pt locust stake in Valley on drains of Opechon Ln s33w; 505; Pt ro sapling & Jost Hite's late survey Ln s61e; 194; Pt locust & hickory John Graham Ln n35e; 248; Pt locust stake in Poison field Ln s61e; 165; Pt large Hickory & ro Ln s35.5w; 348; Pt 2 wo & ro John Graham & Hite Ln s33w; 260; Pt wohickory corner Tully McKenney Ln s70e; 139; Pt hickory & wo Thomas Carney Ln s45e; 199; Pt ro Augustine Washington & Thomas Carney Ln n33.30e; 424; Pt Vachel Clark Ln n33.30e; 80; Pt Clark Ln n21.3e; 3; Pt hickory Peter Burr & Clark Ln n20w; 194; Pt hickory Burr Ln n63e; 319; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 141 Dat 18 Mar 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Tully McKenney Con Re 314a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 38904 -46208 F0 L0 P255 txt 37364 -45528 F0 R0 =Tully McKenney txt 37740 -45080 F0 R0 =1752 314A Pt wo & h Joseph Hite Ln s71w; 124; Pt 2wo & Hite Ln n25w; 120; Pt wo Ln s30w; 160; Pt H & L Ln s60e; 124; Pt ro Ln s30w; 20; Pt ro Ln s60e; 196; Pt ro & h Ln n30e; 200; Pt h Ln n61w; 126; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG G, p. 445 Dat 15 Oct 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Pemberton Con Re 473a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 39236 -40680 F0 L0 P255 txt 37462 -41554 F0 R0 =George Pemberton txt 37650 -41366 F0 R0 =1750 473A Pt ro Robert Worthington's patent land Ln n20e; 342; Pt 3 h in Fork of Road Ln w; 118; Pt H Tully McKenney's line Ln s30w; 22; Pt 2 HTully McKenney Ln n60w; 112; Pt 2h & wo & Henry Walton Ln s32w; 542; Pt Locust Ln s46e; 235; Pt hickory & Worthington Ln e; 120; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 29 Dat 1 Nov 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard McMachen Con Re 270a on Red Bud Branch Branch of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -4634 -21548 F0 L0 P255 txt -4232 -20910 F0 R0 =Richard McMachen txt -3882 -20610 F0 R0 =1757 270A Pt wo & walnut corner of John McMachen & running through dividing lines of John & Richard Ln s71e; 90; Pt 2wo by branch Ln n69e; 22; Pt stake Ln s73e; 10; Pt 4 ros Ln n40e; 146; Pt span o & ro on level Ln s73e; 54; Pt h & 2 ro on level John McMachen Ln s17w; 268; Pt 2ro & 2 wo Ln n73w; 247; Pt parcel of limestones & 2 cornered ro Ln n17e; 130; Pt ro on hill by large rock stone Ln s73e; 26; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 28 Dat 31 Oct 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John McMachen Con Re 300a on Red Bud Branch of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -4602 -21568 F0 L0 P255 txt -3832 -22798 F0 R0 =John McMachen txt -3782 -22634 F0 R0 =1757 300A Pt 3wo amongst limestone & rocks corner William McMachen Ln s71e; 90; Pt 2wo by branch Ln n69e; 22; Pt crossing branch Ln s73e; 10; Pt 4ro sap Ln n40e; 146; Pt span o & ro Ln s73e; 54; Pt h & ro Ln n17e; 78; Pt 2h & wo Ln n73w; 329; Pt 2 span o & wo corner Wm. McMaMachen Ln s17w; 123; Pt ro h & l Ln s73e; 110; Pt lro & h sap Ln s10e; 48; Pt w sapling by a meadow Ln s43w; 61; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Dat 21 Jun 1751 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Hite Con Re 457a on Opechon Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 25808 -44996 F0 L0 P255 txt 26672 -46770 F0 R0 =Jacob Hite txt 26622 -46608 F0 R0 =1751 457A Pt wo Jacob Hite's patent tract Ln n12e; 320; Pt Hickory on side of Opeqon Lm n85e; 30; Pt Lm n14e; 40; Pt Lm n; 40; Pt 3 wo on E side of Opeqon & leaving it Ln s78e; 100; Pt ro & h Ln s1e; 475; Pt ro sap & Hite's other tract Ln n61w; 141; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 296 Dat 6 Sep 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Dr. John Briscoe Con Re 167a on W side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 21324 -42996 F0 L0 P255 txt 20224 -44344 F0 R0 =Dr. John Brisco txt 20398 -44056 F0 R0 =1764 167A Pt 3wo corner his own patent land & David Lewis Ln n60w; 192; Pt 2 wo Lewis' corner Ln n12e; 130; Pt wo Ln s78e; 90; Pt 2 pines Ln s37e; 154; Pt h & wo near creek at Briscoe's patent line Ln s30w; 90; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG P, p. 263 Dat 1 Apr 1774 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Cunningham Con Re 157a on drains of Opeccon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12690 -5608 F0 L0 P255 txt 11104 -5970 F0 R0 =John Cunningham txt 11242 -5808 F0 R0 =1774 157A Pt lwo & Meredith Helm Ln n45w; 252; Pt h & 2swo sap William Helm Ln s; 172; Pt 2ro & h on level Ln w; 116; Pt wo & Wm. Helm corner to W. Page or Carter's survey Ln s80e; 290; Pt 2 ywo & Spanish Oak Cuthbert Bullett Ln n18e; 47; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id Lewis Neill legacy to John Neill DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 701 Dat 13 Oct 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Capt. Lewis Neil Con Re 990a on East side of Opequon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9164 -12698 F0 L0 P255 txt 10778 -11898 F0 R0 =Capt. Lewis Neil txt 10890 -11672 F0 R0 =1756 990A Pt ro on E. side of Opeckon Creek corner Joseph Carter Lm s1e; 32; Pt Lm s9w; 26; Pt Mill House Lm s5w; 22; Pt Lm s37.3w; 19; Pt Lm s42w; 20; Pt 2 pines on hill of Creek Ln s56e; 83; Pt post in a lane Ln s36.3e; 66; Pt ro on lane Ln s60e; 21; Pt wo Ln s49e; 260; Pt h & wo Marsh Run Ln n25.3e; 502; Pt wo by parcel of oaks on E side of a large dry marsh Ln n21w; 30; Pt wo Ln n85w; 76; Pt 2h & oak sapling Ln n68w; 170; Pt parcel of sycamores & former survey of Lewis Neile Ln s9w; 182; Pt h wo & ro Ln n81w; 240; Pt 3 wo in valley & Neil & Joseph Carter Ln s81w; 90; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, pp 400-402 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Hugh Perrel Con Re 460A Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 352 -17548 F0 L0 P255 txt 1028 -17410 F0 R0 =Hugh Perrel txt 1128 -17184 F0 R0 =1735 460A Pt 2 ro on NE side of Red Bud at John Calvert's land Ln sw; 16; Pt wo Ln s69e; 116; Pt ro Ln s5e; 60; Pt wo Ln s80e; 40; Pt wo Ln s50e; 50; Pt span oak Ln s34e; 114; Pt wo on hill Ln n71e; 37; Pt crossing meadow to double wo Ln n30w; 320; Pt wo in valley Ln n60e; 60; Pt ro sap on hill Ln n30e; 83; Pt ro Ln n62w; 246; Pt wo Ln s30w; 94; Pt wo Ln s; 223; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 273 Dat 14 May 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Albion (Albin) Con Re 189a on Red Bud Run Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4252 -16368 F0 L0 P255 txt 3978 -17342 F0 R0 =William Albion txt 4070 -17088 F0 R0 =1764 189A Pt ro & pine corner Thomas Perry Ln s44w; 66; Pt wo in lin of Perry Ln s81w; 84; Pt parcel of saplings near drains of Red Bud Ln n25e; 159; Pt 3 h sap Ln n23e; 74; Pt wo & 2 span o sap Ln n78e; 166; Pt 2wo Ln s25w; 235; Pt wo in Thomas Perry's line Ln n46w; 39; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 101 Dat 10 Apr 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard Calvert, s/o John & sisters Rebecka & Ann Con Re 352a on Red Bud run Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -176 -19396 F0 L0 P255 txt -2074 -17420 F0 R0 =Richard Calvert son of John & sisters txt -1774 -17158 F0 R0 =1760 352A Pt lwo Hugh Parrel's land Ln s; 219; Pt wo, span o, ro wo on N side of Red Bud Run corner of Parrel & crossing Red Bud Ln s43w; 19; Pt wo Parrel's patent land Ln s30w; 216; Pt George Bruin & dividing line Calvert & Rutherford Ln n35w; 218; Pt sundry yo Ln n43e; 308; Pt ro Ln s41e; 17; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p.114 Dat 3 Mar 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Perry Con Re 400a on Red Bud Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 3104 -15204 F0 L0 P255 txt 3254 -14880 F0 R0 =Thomas Perry txt 3280 -14668 F0 R0 =1752 400A Pt wo Hugh Pearles (Parrell) Patent land on N sid of red bud Ln n44e; 164; Pt ro & pine on hill Ln s46e; 200; Pt wo Ln s44w; 122; Pt Red Bud Ln s44w; 186; Pt ro sap & wo on hill Ln n46w; 217; Pt ro & chestnut o on hill Ln n44e; 116; Pt wo on point corner to Hugh Parrell Ln n71e; 37; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDP Grant Ref NNG U, p. 523-524 Dat 22 Mar 1790 Rec Frm Beverly Randolph To Frederick Conrad Con Re 17a on drains of Red Bud Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 3152 -15268 F0 L0 P255 txt 2904 -15642 F0 R0 =Frederick Conrad txt 2942 -15518 F0 R0 =1790 17A Pt 2 wo & Joseph Parrell's patent land Ln n42e; 94; Pt wo George Burkett Ln s79w; 96; Pt John Shipler Ln s31e; 61; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Dat 15 Oct 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Lews Neil Con Re 76a between Joseph Carter & Littler's Road Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9363 -14746 F0 L0 P255 txt 8977 -14258 F0 R0 =Lewis Neil txt 9039 -14020 F0 R0 =1756 76A Pt hickory on south side of Marsh Run Ln n47w; 24; Pt Ln n19w; 12; Pt Mouth of Run on E. Bank of Opequon Lm s21w; 6; Pt Lm s62w; 14; Pt Lm sw; 14; Pt Ln n78.3w; 28; Pt small Ash on Mouth of Opeqoun Ln s18e; 188; Pt 2wo & ro sap Lewis Neil's former survey Ln n55e; 90; Pt ro & wo on hill Ln n9e; 45; Pt locust stake standing in a marsh Ln n56.3w; 52; Pt 2 wo on S. side of marsh Ln n27w; 36; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG G, p. 306 Dat 1 Aug 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Lewis Neill Con Re 200a on South side of Opeqoun adj. tract where Lewis Neill lives, Joseph Carter & John Neill's old Mill Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9070 -12968 F0 L0 P255 txt 10285 -13610 F0 R0 =Lewis Neil txt 10211 -13424 F0 R0 =1750 200A Pt 3wo corner Joseph Carter Ln n55e; 116; Pt red ash & 2wo Ln n9e; 100; Pt 2 hickory saplings by a small medow Ln s81e; 158; Pt 2 small sycomores in meadow Ln s9w; 182; Pt h wo & ro Ln n81w; 240; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 41 Dat 15 Nov 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Lewis Neil, s/o John Neil Con Re 400a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8628 -11210 F0 L0 P255 txt 9492 -9472 F0 R0 =Lewis Neil son of John Neil txt 9966 -9234 F0 R0 =1757 400A Pt 2 pines standing on a hill near Opeckon corner to Capt. Lewis Neil Lm s63w; 46; Pt Lm n89w; 36; Pt Hickory Gum & sapling on e. bank of Opeckon & line of John Neil dec'd Ln s30e; 220; Pt wo gum & hickory Ln s60w; 28; Pt h & 2 wo in John Neil dec'd line Ln s30e; 100; Pt 2 wo Ln e; 220; Pt Ln n; 130; Pt 4 locust & 2 wo sap & Captain Neil Ln n49w; 166; Pt wo Ln n60w; 21; Pt ro in a lane Ln n36.3w; 66; Pt post in lane Ln n56w; 83; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 17 Dat 29 Apr 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Shepler Con Re 211a in Frederick on Red Bud & Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 1504 -17996 F0 L0 P255 txt 2492 -17570 F0 R0 =John Shepler txt 2592 -17370 F0 R0 =1760 211A Pt wo in drain of Opequon corner to Hugh Pearle's (Parrell) Patent land Ln n60e; 60; Pt ro on hillside Ln n27e; 66; Pt 2wo & ro in Pearle's line Ln s13e; 28; Pt wo Ln s44e; 97; Pt wo & locust Ln s84e; 90; Pt 2 span o sap & wo corner William Albion Ln s23w; 74; Pt 3h sap Ln s25w; 159; Pt corner of Albion & drain of red bud Ln s81w; 6; Pt 2 h & Hugh Pearle's line Ln n31w; 270; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 121 Dat 3 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jonathan Taylor Con Re 400a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 3572 -20014 F0 L0 P255 txt 4184 -21376 F0 R0 =Jonathan Taylor txt 4284 -21114 F0 R0 =1760 400A Pt wo on Lick Branch, Branch of Opechon late survey of John Milburn & corner Faulkner Ln n6e; 244; Pt wo & ro Ln nw; 43; Pt wo & h corner John Littler & Milburns old & new survey Ln n45e; 103; Pt 4 ash saplins Ln s43e; 311; Pt 2 span o & ro ridge Ln s45w; 279; Pt wo & 2ro Ln n45w; 117; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 469 Dat 1 Jul 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Merret Con Re 239a on branches of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 2176 -18996 F0 L0 P255 txt 3240 -18920 F0 R0 =George Merret txt 3314 -18732 F0 R0 =1762 239A Pt ro & 2 wo on n side of drain corner James Kennedy & Hugh Parrell Ln n27e; 19; Pt ro Ln n69w; 38; Pt wo corner Peter Faulkner Ln n48e; 62; Pt wo & Peter Faulkner Ln s80e; 197; Pt 2 wo line Jonathan Taylor Ln s45e; 16.5; Pt wo on hill Ln n45e; 19.5; Pt wo corner Patrick Coyle Ln s38e; 60; Pt pine & span o Coyle Ln s7w; 91; Pt chestnut o & 2 hick saplings William Alban Ln s78w; 87; Pt wo span o sap James Kennedy Ln n84w; 90; Pt wo & locust Ln n44w; 97; Pt wo Ln n13w; 28 end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 202 Dat 12 Oct 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Gillum Con Re 167a on drains of Opeckon orginally granted to John Frost who sold to Peter Faulkner who died intestate w/o known heirs Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 890 -19858 F0 L0 P255 txt 1564 -20158 F0 R0 =William Gillum txt 1578 -19958 F0 R0 =1763 167A Pt 2 wo corner Hugh Parrell's patent land Ln s62e; 120; Pt 3 wo corner Parrell Ln n48e; 77; Pt wo by drain Ln n76e; 110; Pt wo on side of hill near & on north side of Lick Branch corner Jonathan Taylor Ln n22w; 80; Pt 2 wo John Milburn Ln s51w; 69; Pt crossing lick branch to wo Ln n62w; 90; Pt wo by edge of Meadow Ln n39w; 58; Pt ro Milburn's corner Ln s25w; 170; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 123 Dat 6 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Earnest Andrews Con Re 256 on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 5604 -18222 F0 L0 P255 txt 5292 -17396 F0 R0 =Earnest Andrews txt 5418 -17072 F0 R0 =1760 256A Pt 2wo corner William Albin Ln s78w; 80; Pt chest o & 2 hickory sap James Hagan Ln n17e; 91; Pt pine & span O on hilll in line of Patrick Coyle Ln s36e; 110; Pt h & 2 swo on a ridge Ln n50e; 80; Pt wo corner Thomas Helm Ln s40e; 63; Pt wo & 2 h sap corn to Joseph Carter Ln s19w; 320; Pt 2wo branch corner Thomas Perry Ln n44w; 160; Pt wo corner Albin Ln n25e; 235; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 298 Dat 10 Sep 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Warford Con Re 407a on drains of Long Marsh & Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 18888 -13602 F0 L0 P255 txt 18076 -15026 F0 R0 =John Warford txt 18126 -14776 F0 R0 =1764 407A Pt walnut & bo amoung rocks corner William Beasley Ln n69w; 192; Pt wo Ln n21e; 30; Pt 2 ybo Ln n69w; 48; Pt wo & span o corner Wm. Beasley at Thos. Helm Ln n39e; 148; Pt 2 wo near sink hole in drain corner Helm & Richard Chapman Ln n80e; 158; Pt 2 y bo Ln n80e; 42; Pt span o on side of hill Ln s69e; 96; Pt bo Ln s36w; 286; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 158 Dat 26 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard Chapman Con Re 295a on Drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 17628 -15838 F0 L0 P255 txt 17192 -17350 F0 R0 =Richard Chapman txt 17354 -17138 F0 R0 =1766 295A Pt wo & h near sink hole Thos. Helm Ln n51w; 126; Pt 2 wo sap Ln n42e; 34; Pt stake in H & black o Ln n48w; 64; Pt wo & span Ln n32.3e; 148; Pt wo at line of Chapman's former survey Ln s; 62; Pt stake in Barrons Ln e; 194; Pt 2 h saplings Ln s; 180; Pt 3 y bo Ln s80w; 158; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 128 Dat 3 Mar 1768 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Philip Bush Con Re 34a on Lick Branch Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 3532 -20052 F0 L0 P255 txt 3070 -19864 F0 R0 =Philip Bush txt 3070 -19714 F0 R0 =1768 34A Pt 3 y wo n side of drain corner Jonathan Taylor & Thomas Helm Ln s45e; 94; Pt 2 wo in line of Taylor & George Mauck Ln n81.3w; 185; Pt wo corner of Mauck & Thos. Helm Ln n48e; 14; Pt wo & y span o Ln n76e; 110; Pt end end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 284 Dat 21 May 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Hubbs Con Re 500a on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -806 -12014 F0 L0 P255 txt 682 -12850 F0 R0 =Joseph Hubbs txt 732 -12664 F0 R0 =1761 500a Pt forked wo & wo on N. bank of Abraham's Creek corner Col. Benjamin Grayson Ln n6e; 121; Pt wo on e bank of hill & James Carter Ln s69e; 78; Pt wo on N. side of Ash Run Ln n21e; 37; Pt wo & ro corner James & George Bruce Ln s69e; 88; Pt pine & wo Ln n21e; 66; Pt span O & 2 h on south side of FFX Road Ln n55e; 102; Pt Thomas Perry's line & about 1 pole below a markt chestnut & span o & h corner of Bruce Ln s46e; 207; Pt ro sap & wo on hill Ln n44e; 186; Pt n side of Red Bud corner Joseph Carter Lm s72e; 10; Pt Lm s30e; 6; Pt Lm s75.3e; 10; Pt Lm s42.3w; 6; Pt Lm s76e; 38; Pt Lm s75e; 8; Pt stake on n. bank in line of former survey of Carter Ln s30e; 163; Pt John Neile Ln s60w; 92; Pt p & wo by FFX Road Ln s30e; 9; Pt ro wo & span o corner Richard Carter Ln n71w; 305; Pt 2 span o & ro Ln s; 47; Pt chestnut o & ro on ridge corner Col. Grayson Ln s83w; 360; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 103 Dat 12 Apr 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To George Bruce Con Re 315a in Frederick Co. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -1296 -15992 F0 L0 P255 txt -570 -14968 F0 R0 =George Bruce txt -458 -14718 F0 R0 =1760 315A Pt 2 H & wo Richard Calvert's line Ln s59w; 132; Pt lwo corner Calvert & James Carter Ln s52e; 180; Pt ro & 2 wo Ln n37e; 20; Pt h & wo on N side of drain Ln s69e; 85; Pt wo corner Carter Ln s21e; 82; Pt wo & ro Carter Ln s69e; 88; Pt pine & wo Ln n21e; 66; Pt span o & 2h on s side of FFX Road Ln n55e; 102; Pt Thomas Perry line about pole below marked Chestnut Oak , span O & H Ln n46w; 10; Pt chest o, hickory ro Perry Ln n44e; 25; Pt bo on piney hill Ln w25n; 360; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 104 Dat 14 Apr 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Bruce Con Re 310a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -344 -16816 F0 L0 P255 txt 458 -15966 F0 R0 =James Bruce txt 508 -15766 F0 R0 =1760 310A Pt wo corner Hugh Parrel's patent land & late survey of John Calvert's heirs Ln s39w; 119; Pt 2 h & wo Calvert Ln e25s; 360; Pt Thomas Perry Ln n44e; 91; Pt wo at point corner Perry & Hugh Parrell Ln n33w; 112; Pt large span o Ln n49w; 50; Pt wo Ln n75w; 32; Pt Ln n66w; 199; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 27 Dat 29 Oct 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William McMachen Con Re 330a in Frederick County on Red Bud branch of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -6048 -24320 F0 L0 P255 txt -6472 -23182 F0 R0 =William McMachen txt -6360 -22932 F0 R0 =1757 330A Pt lro & small double wo & wo on road near George Hollingsworth's line Ln s73e; 121; Pt span o & 2wo Ln s17w; 123; Pt ro h & locust Ln s73e; 110; Pt lro & 2 h sap in valley Ln s10e; 48; Pt wo saplings by meadow Ln s43w; 61; Pt crossing medow 3wo & wlanut Ln n73w; 106; Pt 2h & wo Ln s17w; 89; Pt stake by 2 cornered ro Ln n73w; 137; Pt 2ro in valley Ln n17e; 294; Pt span o & wo near Hollingsworth Ln n17e; 14; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 352 Dat 2 Feb 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Wright Con Re 270a between N Mountain & Middle Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 3904 -60024 F0 L0 P255 txt 3968 -58324 F0 R0 =James Wright txt 3942 -58110 F0 R0 =1762 270A Pt 2 wo in line of Thomas Thornburgh Jr. at foot of spur of N. Mountain Ln s4.3w; 337; Pt stooping ro & locust bush in the Red Bud Hallow Ln n87.3e; 177; Pt 2 wo & ro Samuel Brown & Thomas Thornbourgh, Sr. Ln n2.3w; 233; Pt 2 wo on hill corner Thomas Thornburgh, Jr. Ln n70w; 116; Pt ro in steep valley Ln n32e; 46; Pt crossing w branch of Middle Creek to wo Ln n70w; 58; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 306 Dat 1 May 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Henry Brinker of Winchester Con Re 381a on drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -7402 -20968 F0 L0 P255 txt -5488 -19868 F0 R0 =Henry Brinker txt -5364 -19604 F0 R0 =1750 381A Pt 2 wo & ro on hill corner to William McMachen Ln s75e; 474; Pt ro & 2 wo on _ McMachen Ln s10w; 116; Pt wo side of Lemmon's marsh Ln s55e; 145; Pt sro & wo sap John Calvert's heirs Ln s40w; 112; Pt 3 ro Potomac Wagon Road Calvert Heirs & Enoch Pearson Ln n28w; 120; Pt lro corner Pearson & Philip Babb's patent line Ln n57w; 178; Pt stake in locust Ln s20w; 2; Pt Babb & James Lemmon Ln n62w; 266; Pt ro corner Lemmon Ln n50w; 48; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Dat 23 Sep 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Wright Sr. Con Re 308a on drains of Middle Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 5304 -56776 F0 L0 P255 txt 5692 -55588 F0 R0 =James Wright Sr. txt 5830 -55362 F0 R0 =1756 308A Pt stooping ro & Locust Brush in Red Bud Hollow corner to James Wright Jr. & William Smith Ln s4.3w; 60; Pt lro Smith Ln s4.3w; 212; Pt ro bush wo sap & Locust sap & John Miller's Patent land Ln s66.3e; 10; Pt blazed oaks John Miller Ln e; 204; Pt lro line of Capt. George Hobson Ln n2.3w; 253; Pt 2 ro & wo at end of hill & James Wright Jr. Ln n83w; 187; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 33 Dat 30 Aug 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Lemon of PA Con Re 529a near town of Winchester Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -7048 -16416 F0 L0 P255 txt -7734 -18234 F0 R0 =Thomas Lemon txt -7584 -17946 F0 R0 =1762 529A Pt 2 bo on hilll near line of Winchester common Patent line of James Wood, dec'd Ln n34w; 66; Pt wo & bo Ln n47w; 78; Pt wo & ro sap Ln n28w; 235; Pt wo William Lupton Ln s83e; 120; Pt walnut Ln n6.3e; 480; Pt wo ro & span o corner of Lupton & George Hollingsworth Ln n74e; 118; Pt 2 wo & bo corner Hollingsworth & William McMachen Ln s17w; 288; Pt 2 ro valley McMachen Henry Heath Ln s17w; 41; Pt mulberry & elm corner Heath & Henry Brinker Ln s; 59; Pt bo corner Brinker & Thomas Lemon's Patent land Ln s4.3w; 144; Pt marked Walnut Ln s61e; 138; Pt 2 bo foot of hill Ln s48e; 40; Pt bo corner Lemon's Patent Land & near WinchesterCommon Ln s35w; 137; Pt bo Ln s27w; 96; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 235 Dat 22 Sep 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard Ridgway Con Re 350a in Frederick County on Drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15958 -25188 F0 L0 P255 txt 15572 -22874 F0 R0 =Richard Ridgeway txt 15760 -22688 F0 R0 =1766 350A Pt wo corner of his lordship & John McMachen Ln s36.30w; 178; Pt ro & 2 wo at Simon Taylor Ln s30e; 104; Pt 2 ybo Ln s60w; 80; Pt parcel of marked saplings Ln s51e; 225; Pt 2bo Ln n30e; 82; Pt 2wo Ln n8e; 160; Pt forked bo Ln n60w; 218; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 66 Dat 30 Jul 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Robert Thornbrough Con Re 90a on branches of Middle Creek in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 5108 -54114 F0 L0 P255 txt 3972 -55128 F0 R0 =Robert Thornbrough txt 4346 -54890 F0 R0 =1766 90A Pt w & ro line of James Wright Ln n52w; 149; Pt span o on edge of flat hill Ln n38e; 140; Pt 2 gums & dogwood near fork of N. mountain Ln s52e; 55; Pt wo James Wright near branch of Middle Creek Ln s4.3w; 170; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 421 Dat 1 Feb 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Crumley Con Re 742a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -1016 -46212 F0 L0 P255 txt 510 -47012 F0 R0 =James Crumley txt 648 -46712 F0 R0 =1754 742A Pt wo corner Thomas Martin Ln n45e; 148; Pt wo foot of hill Ln n50w; 40; Pt wo on level Ln n45e; 248; Pt chestnut o Ln s72e; 118; Pt 2 wo John Boziath Ln s30e; 134; Pt crossing Mill Creek 2 chest o Boziath Ln s30e; 61; Pt h wo & Morgan Morgan Ln s43w; 168; Pt wo corner MM Ln s43w; 128; Pt 2wo & ro Nicholas Hanshaw Ln n59w; 52; Pt chestnut o Ln s50w; 124; Pt h & black walnut & Hanshaw Ln n40w; 108; Pt wo corner Thomas Martin Ln n40w; 56; Pt crossing Mill Creek at Thomas martin Ln n19w; 46; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 204 Dat 8 Aug 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Martin Con Re 302a on Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -2448 -44360 F0 L0 P255 txt -2546 -46222 F0 R0 =Thomas Martin txt -2522 -45922 F0 R0 =1760 742A Pt wo corne to Wolrich Rubel Ln s56e; 17; Pt wo Nickolas Hanshaw Ln n32e; 316; Pt crossing Mill Creek wo in Hanshaw's line Ln n40w; 66; Pt crossing creek wo on level Ln n45e; 38; Pt small wo by branch Ln n50w; 118; Pt ro foot of North Mountain Ln s32w; 320; Pt 3 h sap foot of North Mountanin Ln s10e; 90; Pt wo & chest o Rubel's line Ln s56e; 93; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 309 Dat 5 Oct 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Chenoweth Con Re 314a on Drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 2684 -42532 F0 L0 P255 txt 2286 -44532 F0 R0 =John Chenoweth txt 2410 -44344 F0 R0 =1764 314A Pt wo & ro George Hobson corner William Gaddis Ln n30e; 58; Pt h Ln n2w; 64; Pt h on side of hill Ln n45e; 101; Pt ro on level Ln s76e; 94; Pt ro corner Hobson & Morgan Morgan Ln n10w; 54; Pt wo by Morgan's fence Ln n30e; 83; Pt wo on side of hill Ln n75w; 74; Pt walnut Ln s45w; 94; Pt ro on level Ln n45w; 124; Pt ro in Morgan's line Ln s44w; 142; Pt H & wo in Nocholas Hanshaw Ln s62e; 44; Pt 3 wo in valley Ln s25w; 74; Pt wo Ln s18w; 72; Pt wo & ro Henshaw's line corner to William Gaddis Ln s65e; 152; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 310 Dat 6 Oct 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Chenoweth Con Re 24a on drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 2604 -45728 F0 L0 P255 txt 1672 -45168 F0 R45 =John Chenoweth txt 1922 -45218 F0 R45 =1764 24A Pt ro corner Col. Morgan & said Chenoweth Ln n45w; 35; Pt wo corner Morgan & James Anderson Ln s43w; 128; Pt 2 wo & ro in Nicholas Hanshaw's line Ln s59e; 27; Pt h & wo corner Hanshaw & John Chenoweth Ln n46e; 120; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id Sold to Nicholas Hanshaw DDPGrant Ref VPB 17, p. 464 Dat 9 Feb 1737/38 Rec Frm William Gooch To Robert Brooks Con Re 500a in Orange County at head of Yorkshire Man's branch Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -2702 -43294 F0 L0 P255 txt -586 -44052 F0 R0 =Robert Brooks txt -524 -43802 F0 R0 =1737 500A Pt Giles Chapman's beginning wo Ln n52e; 240; Pt Ln s60e; 80; Pt Ln n52e; 160; Pt Ln s60e; 120; Pt ro Ln s30w; 60; Pt ro Ln s22w; 100; Pt ro Ln w; 40; Pt h Ln s; 140; Pt h Ln s85w; 40; Pt wos at John Littler Ln n30e; 28; Pt h & span o Ln n60w; 39; Pt wo Ln n60w; 118; Pt wo in nw corner of Littler's land Ln n82w; 154; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 226 Dat 18 Feb 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Ulrick Rubel Con Re 125a on a branch of Back Creek adj. 150a of Patent land convey by Giles Chapman to Rubel Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -3248 -44880 F0 L0 P255 txt -3612 -44280 F0 R0 =Ulrick Rubel txt -3612 -43856 F0 R0 =1761 125A Pt wo, bo & wos foot of a mountain Ln s55e; 118; Pt wo & chest o sap Ln s; 25; Pt Nicholas Hanshaw's patent land Ln s; 24; Pt wo & span o corner of said Rubel's patent land Ln s65w; 125; Pt double chestnut oak & patent land Ln s35w; 75; Pt wo standing a small knowl corner Patent Land Ln n12w; 99; Pt bo at foot of mountain Ln n30e; 160; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, pp 349-350 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To Giles Chapman Con Re 400 near head of Yorkshire Man's branch Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -2348 -43680 F0 L0 P255 txt -3346 -42616 F0 R0 =Giles Chapman txt -3196 -42404 F0 R0 =1735 400A Pt wo on knowl Ln s65w; 122; Pt chest o Ln s35w; 73; Pt wo Ln s22e; 215; Pt h sap Ln n50e; 110; Pt ro on hill Ln s67e; 164; Pt lwo Ln n25e; 50; Pt 3wo Ln n65w; 120; Pt ro on hill Ln n16w; 220; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG Dat 5 Aprl 1755 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Bozeoth Con Re 310a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4218 -50396 F0 L0 P255 txt 3256 -49946 F0 R0 =John Bozeoth txt 3256 -49732 F0 R0 =1755 310A Pt h corner William Chenoworth Ln s45e; 40; Pt Mill Creek Ln s45e; 94; Pt lwo Chenoworth Ln s35w; 263; Pt Oak on ridge Ln n55w; 42; Pt 2 chest o Ln n30w; 152; Pt Mill Creek Ln n30w; 40; Pt wo Ln n30e; 220; Pt 3 wo on Chenowith's line Ln s49e; 65; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 274 Dat 10 Oct 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Fletcher Con Re 150a on drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 828 -48716 F0 L0 P255 txt 1616 -49940 F0 R0 =John Fletcher txt 1616 -49716 F0 R0 =1766 150A Pt 2 h & span o James Anderson corner to John Watson Ln n45e; 80; Pt chest o Ln s72e; 118; Pt 2 wo corner Anderson & John Bozioth Ln n30w; 36; Pt crossing a small branch wo Ln n35e; 114; Pt large Ash & Bozioth Ln n63w; 135; Pt 3 wo in glade Ln s27w; 16; Pt h, span o, wos corner Bozioth Ln s35w; 200; Pt 2 span o Bozioth Ln s42w; 16; Pt 3 chest o & John Watson Ln s50e; 43; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 16, p. 408-410 Dat 12 Nov 1735 Rec Frm William Gooch To John Mills Con Re 1315a on Mill Branch of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9134 -49692 F0 L0 P255 txt 4298 -47832 F0 R0 =Jonathan & Catherine txt 6122 -49854 F0 R0 =John Mills txt 6060 -49642 F0 R0 =1735 1315A Pt cornered o by e. side of meadow by path from Mills to Lewis DeMoss Ln sw; 40; Pt walnut Ln s67w; 120; Pt h Ln s20w; 40; Pt ro Ln se; 74; Pt ro Ln sw; 180; Pt ro Ln n60w; 80; Pt h Ln sw; 60; Pt wo Ln n60w; 198; Pt ro Ln n39e; 140; Pt walnut on hill Ln n14e; 42; Pt wo Ln nw; 120; Pt Mill branch h Ln n40e; 101; Pt wo Ln n20e; 300; Pt 3ro in a branch Ln s60e; 342; Pt wo in path Ln s8e; 236; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 441 Dat 11 Jun 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Low Con Re 370a on drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8356 -49836 F0 L0 P255 txt 7998 -48506 F0 R0 =Thomas Low txt 8226 -47982 F0 R0 =370a 1754 txt 4626 -47534 F0 R0 =Harrold 1744 150A Pt span o & samll black walnut near large wo in line of John Mills Ln s46w; 152; Pt wo by some rocks near h & wos & Mills patent Ln s45e; 50; Pt wo Ln s46w; 112; Pt poplar Ln s43e; 102; Pt ro & Mills Ln e; 246; Pt poplar on hill Ln n; 10; Pt Mill Creek lm n; 48; Pt Creek lm n58e; 16; Pt lm n26w; 10; Pt lm n72w; 11; Pt lm n36w; 16; Pt lm n18w; 9; Pt lm n47w; 5; Pt lm n15w; 15; Pt lm n47w; 8; Pt lm n31w; 34; Pt lm n28w; 20; Pt lm n67w; 41; Pt lm n42w; 14; Pt lm n50w; 18; Pt Lm n42e; 37; Pt lm n9w; 20; Pt lm n62w; 75; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 158 Dat 3 Apr 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Cheneworth Con Re 171a joining Wm. Cheneoworth's patent land Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 4224 -50704 F0 L0 P255 txt 3636 -51992 F0 R0 =1751 320A txt 3760 -51778 F0 R0 =1752 171A Pt h corner William Cheneoworth patent land Ln n49e; 114; Pt ro Ln n; 101; Pt 2ro & Chenoworth Patent land Ln n49w; 101; Pt 2hs Ln s41w; 205; Pt h & span o Ln s49e; 146; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 167 Dat 29 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Gerard Con Re 251a on drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 5098 -52836 F0 L0 P255 txt 2036 -51286 F0 R0 =John Gerard txt 2050 -51072 F0 R0 =1766 251A Pt 3 wo sap corner Joseph Breed in line of John Hays Ln s10w; 40; Pt ro Hays corner William Chenewith Ln n49w; 101; Pt 2 h sap on level Ln s41w; 205; Pt h & span o by glade Ln s49e; 85; Pt 3wo in line of Chenewith corner John Bozeith Ln s35w; 106; Pt l ash Bozeith & Jonathan Polk Ln n63w; 135; Pt 3wo sap in glade Ln s27w; 18; Pt wo h & chestnut o sap Polk & Bozieth Ln n55w; 100; Pt 3 wo & Bozeith Ln n35e; 120; Pt chestnut w & ros Nathaniel Bell Ln s65e; 140; Pt 2wo & span o on level Ln n25e; 202; Pt 2 h & wo corner Bell & Joseph Breed Ln s65e; 160; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 15, p.323 Dat 3 Oct 1734 Rec Frm William Gooch To John Vanmater Con Re 885a of land on Western side of Shenandoah in Orange County part of 40Ka Jost Hite purchased from John & Isaac Vanmater who obtained from Lietenant Governor's council. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 34706 -73256 F0 L0 P255 txt 34294 -71206 F0 R0 =John Van Meter txt 34410 -71000 F0 R0 =1734 885A txt 31220 -70956 F0 R-20 =Golf Course Road txt 33472 -70032 F0 R0 =Van Metre Ford txt 33448 -69732 F0 R0 =Stone Bridge Pt Sycamore by a run near a little hill Ln s75e; 285; Pt stake Ln s7w; 120; Pt ro Ln s22w; 165; Pt wo Ln s55w; 154; Pt Ln s; 85; Pt ro Ln s30w; 42; Pt wo Ln s80w; 110; Pt ro Ln n80w; 130; Pt double ro sap by Opechon Lm s74w; 47;Meanders drawn by VSD Pt Lm n32w; 48; Pt Lm n13e; 31; Pt Lm n36w; 12; Pt Lm n82w; 38; Pt Lm n; 38; Pt Lm n25e; 42; Pt Lm n44e; 32; Pt Lm n64e; 34; Pt Lm n80e; 59; Pt Lm n51e; 36; Pt Lm n36e; 98; Pt Lm n5w; 28; Pt Lm n20w; 30; Pt Lm n8e; 89; Pt Lm n21e; 41; Pt Lm n43e; 49; Pt Lm n43e; 48; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ survey Id DDPGrant Ref Virginia Land Office Patents Dat 3 Oct 1734 Rec Frm Robert Brooke To John Vanmeter Con Re 700a on western side of Shenando & s of Opeckon Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 32648 -66624 F0 L0 P255 txt 31286 -63190 F0 R0 =John Vanmeter txt 31124 -63002 F0 R0 =1734 700a (Survey) Pt marked wo on N side of run Ln s20e; 28; Pt spanish o Ln s15w; 209; Pt ro on hill Ln s20e; 285; Pt wo Ln s; 125; Pt Ln w; 40; Pt wo in valley Ln n37w; 24; Pt wo by valley Ln w; 90; Pt wo Ln s15w; 23; Pt wo Ln s35w; 40; Pt wo at head of valley Ln s65w; 46; Pt single wo by Opechon Lm n74w; 15; Pt Lm n44w; 20; Pt Lm n41w; 27; Pt Lm n27w; 41; Pt Lm n10e; 43; Pt Lm n35e; 35; Pt Lm n66e; 32; Pt Lm s79e; 27; Pt Lm n83e; 33; Pt Lm s77e; 34; Pt Lm s57e; 66; Pt Lm n90e; 19; Pt Lm n11e; 32; Pt Lm n51e; 18; Pt Lm n9e; 25; Pt Lm n48w; 39; Pt Lm n65w; 43; Pt Lm n83w; 43; Pt Lm s88w; 34; Pt Lm n69w; 35; Pt Lm n46w; 96; Pt Lm n17w; 48; Pt Lm n15e; 34; Pt Lm n54e; 31; Pt Lm s72e; 50; Pt Lm s61e; 58; Pt Lm n65e; 45; Pt Lm n34e; 29; Pt Lm n18w; 16; Pt Lm n45w; 52; Pt Lm n22w; 59; Pt Lm n24e; 33; Pt Lm n6w; 25; Pt Lm n14w; 41; Pt Lm n6e; 38; Pt Lm n42e; 20; Pt Lm n60e; 26; Pt Lm n87e; 73; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 15, p. 327-328 Dat 3 Oct 1734 Rec Frm William Gooch To John Vanmater Con Re 1786a on on Western side of Shenando on Orange County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 45703 -69472 F0 L0 P255 txt 46117 -68384 F0 R0 =John Van Meter txt 46155 -68172 F0 R0 =1734 1786A txt 43144 -67024 F0 R45 =Berkeley County, WV txt 43620 -66324 F0 R45 =Jefferson County, WV txt 53252 -67008 F0 R0 =Shepherdstown Pt wo on hill on west side of Josiah Jone's mill run above it's fork where John Vanmator now dwells Ln s30w; 160; Pt ro sap Ln s42e; 154; Pt ro Ln s17e; 110; Pt lro Ln s60e; 33; Pt wo Ln s21w; 208; Pt meadow in south fork Ln s42w; 47; Pt wo Ln s42e; 179; Pt ro on hill Ln s78e; 134; Pt ro Ln n23e; 105; Pt ro Ln n55w; 112; Pt ros Ln n18e; 228; Pt h in valley Ln n30e; 80; Pt wo by spring Ln n15w; 120; Pt ro on hill Ln n42w; 82; Pt h Ln n; 168; Pt wo Ln n52w; 40; Pt ro Ln n33w; 48; Pt ro Ln n25e; 234; Pt ro Ln n; 80; Pt Ln n23w; 40; Pt crossing meadow Ln n23w; 110; Pt ro Ln s17w; 158; Pt h Ln s60w; 35; Pt ro Ln s15w; 136; Pt Ln s79w; 78; Pt h in plain Ln s31w; 92; Pt Ln s14e; 68; Pt Ln s28e; 68; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Survey Id DDPGrant Ref Robert Brooke Surveys Dat 12 Apr 1734 Rec Frm Robert Brooke To Richard Morgan Con Re 290a of Land Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 51711 -73196 F127 L0 P255 txt 49173 -74222 F127 R0 =Richard Morgan txt 49085 -74022 F127 R0 =1734 290a (Survey) Pt Locust Tree standing in the fork of Josiah Jones & Charles Anderson's path Ln n15e; 56; Pt h by rocks Ln n75w; 40; Pt wos Ln n15e; 32; Pt bo Ln n75w; 141; Pt h Ln n53w; 270; Pt bo on hill Ln s75w; 34; Pt bo Ln s50w; 80; Pt bo Ln s76e; 40; Pt locust Ln s5w; 74; Pt bo on hill side Ln s85e; 54; Pt elm Ln s55e; 104; Pt stake Ln s22e; 74; Pt bo Ln e; 34; Pt double wo Ln s22e; 57; Pt near fish spring Ln n82e; 136; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Patent Id DDPGrant Ref VPB 15, p.339 Dat 3 Oct 1734 Rec Frm William Gooch To Richard Paulson, Josiah Jones & Joseph Mounts Con Re 834a Sherrando L to be Orange Co., on W. side of Sherrando River & s side of Cohongoluta Riv. Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 54375 -79848 F127 L0 P255 txt 53000 -79020 F127 R0 =Peter Beller txt 52789 -78834 F127 R0 =1742 (did not own) txt 49916 -80916 F127 R0 =Potomac River txt 50827 -79948 F127 R0 =Richard Paulson,Josiah Jones & J. Mounts txt 51451 -79734 F127 R0 =1734 834A Pt wo against and Island Ln s; 40; Pt hickory Ln s38e; 80; Pt ro Ln s; 26; Pt large H Ln s40w; 183; Pt bo Ln n60w; 46; Pt bo Ln n; 72; Pt wo on knowl Ln n70w; 72; Pt bo Ln s50w; 88; Pt bo Ln s70w; 74; Pt lwo Ln n75w; 62; Pt bo Ln s62w; 80; Pt wo Ln s25w; 80; Pt locust tree Ln s70w; 19; Pt h Ln w; 66; Pt wo by spring Ln sw; 80; Pt wo Ln nw; 16; Pt Mill branch to Walnut tree Ln n35e; 40; Pt h Ln n20e; 240; Pt wo Ln n40e; 230; Pt Ln ; ; Pt Ln ; ; ! Enter pairs of lines beginning with Pt and Ln as needed until survey returns to ! the beginning point. Leave Pt blank if there is no description of the corner. ! See Help system under "Metes and Bounds Language" or "MBL" for more information. ! Customize this empty deed template to your liking, then View>>Options>>Text View ! to save it. ! ! 'End' signifies the beginning point. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG G, p. 373 Dat 16 Jul 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Peter Beller Con Re 400a of land in Frederick County, VA Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 35652 -64300 F127 L0 P255 txt 34666 -66600 F127 R0 =Peter Beller txt 34676 -66424 F127 R0 =400a 1750 Pt large hickory standing of edge of the Baron Ln n70w; 200; Pt wo standing near a branch Ln n20e; 320; Pt bo Ln s70e; 200; Pt bo Ln -n20e; 320; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 419 Dat 5 May 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Isaac Evans Con Re 409a on West draughts of Opeckon between Beason Evans & Mendenhall Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 21172 -67276 F127 L0 P255 txt 22524 -68826 F127 R0 =Isaac Evans txt 22474 -68626 F127 R0 =1762 409A txt 25096 -72256 F127 R0 =Martinsburg Pt 2 wo corner of Hazle Hardwick & John Mendinhall Ln n29e; 238; Pt ro corner Mendenhall Ln n29e; 100; Pt locust stake by ro & h on point Ln s61e; 224; Pt locust post on w side of marked wo Ln s29w; 178; Pt locust post between 2 l ro & John Evans Ln n80w; 27; Pt locust post by ro on level Ln s38w; 80; Pt ro & hs Ln s88w; 159; Pt locust stake on hill line of Hazle Hardwick & John Evans Ln n; 15; Pt ro Ln n58w; 42; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 102 Dat 11 Jan 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Evans Con Re 500a where John Evans lives on Great Road to Potomac River Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 23064 -63810 F127 L0 P255 txt 23624 -65376 F127 R0 =John Evans txt 23598 -65188 F127 R0 =1752 500A txt 23648 -64962 F127 R0 ="Fort Evans" Pt wo near his __ near & on Wagon Road Ln n5w; 285; Pt ro Ln s80e; 285; Pt several marked saplings Ln s5e; 285; Pt several marked wo Ln n80w; 285; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 145 Dat 30 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Evans Con Re 467a on drains of Evan's great springs Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 22912 -66638 F127 L0 P255 txt 22048 -65526 F127 R0 =John Evans txt 22024 -65300 F127 R0 =1760 467A txt 20116 -65452 F127 R45 =Interstate 81 Pt ro corner to John Evans late survey by George Bruin Ln s80e; 150; Pt crossing the great wagon road & 2 wo in said lin in valley & leaving Evans Line Ln n10e; 118; Pt wo by parcel of sharp rocks Ln n80w; 100; Pt locust post by ro on level Ln s30w; 80; Pt ro & h sap Ln s86w; 159; Pt locust Stake near marked wo line of Harte Hardwick Ln s; 275; Pt locust stake by locust tree Ln s40w; 76; Pt 2 hs & ro corner to Harwick in line of George Fairfax Ln s50e; 210; Pt ro & 3hs Mr. Fairfax & Isaac Evans Ln n10e; 160; Pt parcel of marked trees corner Isaac & John Evans Ln n5w; 267; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 134 Dat 17 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Isaac Evans Con Re 200a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 25264 -61838 F127 L0 P255 txt 24228 -63088 F127 R0 =Isaac Evans txt 24216 -62888 F127 R0 =1760 200A Pt ro on ridge Ln n20e; 160; Pt ro & wo Ln n80w; 200; Pt wo between another wo & ro Ln s20w; 160; Pt hs Ln s80e; 200; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 47 Dat 21 Oct 1751 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Isaac Evans Con Re 282a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 25764 -64738 F127 L0 P255 txt 26378 -65492 F127 R0 =Isaac Evans txt 26378 -65256 F127 R0 =1751 282A Pt 2 wo on hill about from John Evans line Ln n7w; 146; Pt ro & h sapling Ln n85e; 220; Pt ro wo & h on piney hill Ln s7e; 237; Pt 2 chest o & o s on a hill by Strodes Meeting Road Ln s85w; 140; Pt ro & 2 span o on a hill Ln n45.3w; 107; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 302 Dat 7 Jul 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Hyatt Con Re 77a in Frederick County on W side of his patent land Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 31268 -59748 F127 L0 P255 txt 29918 -60148 F127 R0 =John Hyatt txt 29968 -59972 F127 R0 =to Burns Pt elm on W bank of Opeckon corner Hyatt's patent land Ln s40w; 74; Pt wo by branch Ln n75w; 120; Pt wo near or on line of Hyatt Ln n15e; 104; Pt pine on a hill side Ln s75e; 67; Pt h on w bank of opeckon Ln s18.3e; 20; Pt Ln s37e; 35; Pt Ln n89.3e; 32; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ survey Id DDPGrant Ref Survey Book 1, p. 320-321 Dat 30 Sep 1788 Rec Frm Richard Rigg To William Byrns Con Re 383a on drains of Opechon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 29156 -63052 F127 L0 P255 txt 27608 -63738 F127 R0 =William Byrns txt 27528 -63576 F127 R0 =1788 383a (Survey) Pt Double Lynn & Spruce pine near a branch Byrns' corner Ln n18e; 95; Pt pine Ln w; 78; Pt 2 spanish oaks corner to said Burns Ln n; 49; Pt Ln e; 10; Pt Ln n15e; 100; Pt crossing Evans Run Spring Branch wo & h in line Ln n45w; 13; Pt Ln n24w; 13; Pt Ln n50w; 30; Pt Ln n60w; 76; Pt 4 pines on a steep hill Ln s15w; 70; Pt crossing run to a black o in Isaac Evans line Ln s7e; 146; Pt 2 large chestnut o by a path Ln s83.30w; 122; Pt 2 wo in line Ln s36e; 48; Pt pine Ln s74e; 200; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG T, pp. 360-361 Dat 1 Apr 1789 Rec Frm Beverly Randolph To William Burns Con Re 271a in Frederick Co. suvey 6 Jan 1776 Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 30234 -63132 F127 L0 P255 txt 29894 -62014 F127 R0 =William Burns txt 29920 -61824 F127 R0 =1760 271 A Pt 3wo standing on bank of Opeccon & beginning corner of Wm. Burns 214a patent land Lm s33e; 20; Pt Lm s43e; 44; Pt Lm s51e; 23; Pt Lm s46e; 14; Pt Lm s59e; 16; Pt Lm s56e; 26; Pt Lm s76e; 20; Pt Lm n86e; 10; Pt Lm n65e; 18; Pt Lm n89e; 22; Pt Lm s82e; 44; Pt Lm s60e; 24; Pt Lm s42e; 14; Pt Lm s30e; 30; Pt Lm s43w; 40; Pt Lm s60w; 26; Pt Lm s61w; 40; Pt Lm s56w; 40; Pt Lm n72w; 27; Pt Lm s48w; 28; Pt Lm s60w; 38; Pt Lm n15w; 21; Pt walnut & elm standing on w bank of Opeccon corner Ln s89w; 160; Pt span o & h sap on n bank of a branch at foot of steep hill Ln n1w; 170; Pt spuce pine on steep branch of Opeccon corner to said patent land & leaving it to take up vacant land of Burns Ln n18e; 98; Pt new line of another forfeighted tract Ln s78e; 68; Pt 4 pines on top of a piney hill Ln s4w; 100; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 112 Dat 2 Mar 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Mr. John Lindsey Con Re 424a adjoining Abraham Vanmeter on a spring called Rensfrows Spring and branch near Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 36700 -67428 F127 L0 P255 txt 36052 -68902 F127 R0 =John Lindsey txt 36076 -68752 F127 R0 =1752 424A Pt large h Peter Beller Ln s76e; 69; Pt lwo Ln n20e; 268; Pt wo & 2 locusts on a level Ln n70w; 200; Pt h & wo & Abraham VanMeter Ln s27w; 10; Pt wo Ln s35w; 100; Pt branch Ln s35w; 54; Pt wo on hill Ln s; 85; Pt ro Ln s30w; 42; Pt wo corner of VanMeter Ln s33e; 9; Pt wo Peter Ln s70e; 194; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 25 Dat 27 Oct 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Virtrees Con Re 92a on S side of Opeckon joining Peter Beller & Jacob Van Meter Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 32850 -67926 F127 L0 P255 txt 33438 -67554 F127 R0 =Jacob Virtrees txt 33500 -67354 F127 R0 =1757 92A Pt Forked ro on E side of Opeckon corner to Jacob Van Meter Ln s43e; 28; Pt Ln s22e; 46; Pt Ln s; 18; Pt 2 pines & wo on E branch of Opeckon Ln e; 53; Pt ro on side of Ridge Ln s45e; 87; Pt wo Peter Beller Ln n17e; 132; Pt wo corner Beller & John Lindsey Ln s36w; 7; Pt wo Lindsey & Jacob VanMeter Ln n85w; 186; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 235 Dat 6 Feb 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Chaplin of MD & Benjamin Chambers of PA Con Re 427a adjoining patent land of William Williams Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 33174 -61676 F127 L0 P255 txt 32826 -64326 F127 R0 =Jos. Chaplin & txt 32838 -64112 F127 R0 =Benj. Chambers txt 32962 -63912 F127 R0 =1761 427A Pt wo & h sapling coern of William Williams & John Strode Ln n80e; 131; Pt h & ro sap Ln n8e; 280; Pt locust post standing one pole to the ne ro in line of Peter Beller Ln n72w; 120; Pt l ro Ln n18e; 16; Pt ro Beller Ln n83.3w; 136; Pt wo & spanish o Vanmeter line Ln s14w; 100; Pt ro Ln s20e; 290; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 120 Dat 12 Jan 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Moses Keywood Con Re 127a on Opekon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 33198 -67076 F127 L0 P255 txt 33100 -66338 F127 R0 =Mose Keywood txt 33186 -66112 F127 R0 =1763 127A Pt 2 pines & wo s corner Jacob Virtree on e side of Opeckon Ln s6w; 20; Pt Ln s39w; 28; Pt Ln s55w; 29; Pt wo corner Jacob VanMeter & leaving Opeckon Ln s15e; 16; Pt l span o Ln s14w; 108; Pt wo & span o corner William Williams & VanMeter Ln s83.3e; 136; Pt ro Peter Beller & VanMeter Ln n18e; 145; Pt 2wo in line of Beller & Jacob Virtrees Ln n45w; 87; Pt ro on side of Ridge Ln w; 53; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Id DDPGrant Ref Dat 2 Nov 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Keywood Con Re 383a joining Vanmeter, Peter Beller & William Williams Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 34752 -63652 F127 L0 P255 txt 34904 -64088 F127 R0 =John Keywood txt 34996 -63952 F127 R0 =1754 383A Pt ro, wo & span o corner Abraham VanMeter in line of William Williams Ln n85e; 160; Pt locust Ln n23e; 203; Pt hickory brusch corner Abraham VanMeter Ln n19e; 164; Pt locust stake Ln n85w; 94; Pt hickory bush & John Lindsey Ln s18w; 24; Pt wo Ln n70w; 20; Pt large h Peter Beller Ln s18w; 295; Pt ro Ln n72w; 81; Pt locust corner William Williams Ln s8w; 138; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 132 Dat 16 Mar 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Abraham VanMeter Con Re 150a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 31484 -66132 F127 L0 P255 txt 31428 -67424 F127 R0 =Abraham VanMeter txt 31636 -67244 F127 R0 =1752 150A Pt wo corner Abraham VanMeter's patent land on w bank of Opckon Lm n29.3e; 20; Pt Lm n51e; 26; Pt Lm n69e; 26; Pt Lm n81e; 20; Pt Lm s85e; 52; Pt Lm n52e; 52; Pt Lm n16.3e; 20; Pt Lm n10w; 26; Pt Lm n22w; 36; Pt Lm n36w; 12; Pt Lm s50w; 30; Pt Lm n70w; 14; Pt Lm n32.30w; 22; Pt Lm n45w; 10; Pt 2 forked spanish oaks on w bank of Opechon Ln s80w; 137; Pt 2wo sap & hickory on s side of hill Ln s10e; 156; Pt locust stake on hill Ln n76e; 19; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 515 Dat 28 Oct 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Abraham VanMeter Con Re 500a where Joseph Rainfrom formerly lived & where Vanmeter had grounds cleared and a log house near Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 34700 -63700 F127 L0 P255 txt 35126 -62836 F127 R0 =Abraham Van Meter txt 35314 -62586 F127 R0 =1754 500A txt 35320 -60452 F127 R0 =Short Road txt 34996 -62124 F0 R-80 =Van Meter Road txt 37060 -60148 F127 R-45 =Rt. 9 Pt ro wo & span o William Williams Ln n85e; 160; Pt locust post Ln n38e; 203; Pt Ln s52e; 170; Pt 2ro & locust in John Lemmon Ln s19w; 36; Pt locust on knowl corner Lemmon & John Wright Ln s68w; 131; Pt h Ln s38w; 334; Pt h & ro & John Wright Ln w; 68; Pt h & wo line of John Strode Ln n10w; 144; Pt h & ro sapling Strode & William Williams Ln n8e; 138; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG P, p 113 Dat 15 Apr 1772 Rec Frm Lord Farifax To James Strode Con Re 74a on W side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 30414 -62962 F127 L0 P255 txt 29276 -63786 F127 R0 =James Strode txt 29338 -63586 F127 R0 =1772 74A Pt h on w bank of Opeckon Lm n16w; 80;; Pt Lm n61e; 60; Pt elm corner to land William Byrns lives on Ln w; 167; Pt 2 h & ro Byrns corner on e bank of drain of Opeckon & Andrew Campbell Ln s; 72; Pt small pine, large pine & wo corner campbell & Byrns Ln s72e; 57; Pt 3 pines on s side of hill Ln s80e; 80; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 116 Dat 14 Jan 1768 Rec Frm Lord Farifax To Thomis Cusick Con Re 306a of land in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 29568 -66656 F127 L0 P255 txt 29506 -66442 F127 R0 =Thomas Cusik txt 28196 -67680 F127 R45 =Grapevine Road txt 29568 -66656 F127 R0 =1738 306A Pt bo corner to George Lewis Coffenbury 202a Patenet land Ln ne; 174; Pt span o corner to patent Ln n; 52; Pt patent corner wo & span o in Daniel Davis line Ln s64e; 146; Pt wo corner Davis in Abraham VanMeter's line (150a patent) Ln s86w; 104; Pt 2 wo h sap on s side of hill corner to VanMeter Ln s10e; 156; Pt locust stake on hill side corner Vanmeters patent & Vanmeters 100a patent land Ln s55w; 112; Pt corner wo on west side of Opeckon & Wm. Burns 250a survey Ln n75w; 172; Pt wo on hill side Ln s15w; 44; Pt Wm Burns wo & hs on foot of hill by Evan's run Ln n34w; 145; Pt corner Isaac Evans, James Strode & George Lewis Coffenbury Ln e; 160; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 250 Dat 1 Oct 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Smith Con Re 284a in Frederick County on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 25662 -59484 F127 L0 P255 txt 24238 -61296 F127 R0 =William Smith txt 24338 -61046 F127 R0 =1766 284A Pt 3 bo on hill corner to John Bryan's late survey & Wm Byrns Ln n12w; 42; Pt h on side of hill Ln n18.3e; 44; Pt chestnut o on the end of a hill near a drain Ln n20e; 72; Pt Ln s65.3e; 12; Pt wo Ln n14e; 98; Pt 2 pines on side of hill corner to Burns Ln n74w; 54; Pt 2 pines & wo corner Anderew Campbell Ln s79w; 78; Pt h & 2wo Ln n79w; 144; Pt h & wo Dougal Campbell Ln s20w; 18; Pt wo Campbell's corner Ln s8e; 206; Pt 3 pines & span o & John Bryan's late survey Ln s77.3e; 163; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 51 Dat 21 Sep 1762 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Lemon Con Re 100a joining his own land Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 47756 -61930 F127 L0 P255 txt 47568 -59792 F127 R-90 =John Lemon txt 47418 -59780 F127 R-90 =1762 100A Pt lbo Jacob Vanmeter & Edward Lucas Ln s4.3w; 320; Pt h on a hill William Foster & Lucas Ln s22w; 273; Pt locust sap on hill & Foster Ln n6e; 78; Pt h & locust sap Nicholes Mercer & John Lemon Ln n19e; 200; Pt bo & h sap Ln n4e; 160; Pt h & bo Lemon & Edward Mercer Ln n10e; 148; Pt marked black saplings & Jacob Vanmeter Ln n80e; 15; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 624 Dat 11 Mar 1755 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Richard Fowler Con Re 405 acres of land on E. side of Opeckon Fowler purchased from William Hyatt Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 19868 -38630 F127 L0 P255 txt 19070 -36830 F127 R0 =Richard Fowler txt 19194 -36604 F127 R0 =1755 405A Pt Locust on hill side corner to Wm Hyatt's patent land Ln n9w; 30; Pt mulberry sapling on e. ban of Opeckon Ln s45w; 18; Pt Ln s25w; 32; Pt Ln s29w; 58; Pt Ln s39w; 28; Pt Ln s30w; 20; Pt Ln s60w; 66; Pt Ln s31w; 74; Pt Ln s9.3w; 20; Pt Ln s41.3w; 20; Pt Ln s14w; 50; Pt Ln s49w; 8.5; Pt 2 wo in line of Joseph Edwards, Jr. on e bank of Opeckon Ln s62e; 52; Pt 3 small wo saplings near sink hole corner to Edwards Ln s62e; 158; Pt 2 h sap & wo sap on a hill side Ln n28e; 212; Pt 2 small wo sap & 2 hickory bushes in a poison field corner to William Hyatt Ln n9w; 240; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 132 Dat 16 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Abrill Con Re 376a on both sides of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15476 -30110 F127 L0 P255 txt 15714 -31410 F127 R0 =John Abrill txt 15678 -31196 F127 R0 =1760 376A Pt Hickory & Poplar on E. bank of Opeckon corner Richard Abril Ln n30w; 180; Pt Ln n60e; 182; Pt Opeckon Creek Ln n60e; 6; Pt Joseph Edwards Ln s62e; 80; Pt 3 wo on E. side of Opeckon Ln s30e; 200; Pt wo & 2 bo sap Ln s60w; 230; Pt bo & 2 wo sap in Richard Abrill's line Ln n30w; 88; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 36 Dat 9 Nov 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Abrell Con Re 89a adjoing Opeckon survey Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 14578 -31584 F127 L0 P255 txt 14178 -30934 F127 R0 =John Abrell txt 14302 -30710 F127 R0 =1757 89A Pt 3 pines corner of John Abrell Ln s60w; 80; Pt 3 pines on w side of hill Ln s30e; 140; Pt 2 ro on hill Ln s66e; 58; Pt white walnut on w bank of Opeckon Ln n52.3e; 50; Pt wh & ash on w bank of Opckon in the line of Abrell Ln n30w; 180; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 37 Dat 10 Nov 1757 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Abrell Con Re 220a in Frederick County adjoining John Abrell's own land & William Hicks on E side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 17276 -30236 F127 L0 P255 txt 16728 -29360 F127 R0 =John Abrell txt 16790 -29122 F127 R0 =1757 220A Pt wo & h sap in line of John Abrell's old survey corner to William Ballendine Ln s40e; 180; Pt h corner to Ballendine Ln s50w; 170; Pt 3 ro sap in Poison field Ln n58w; 140; Pt l wo on ridge in line of Richard Abrell Ln n59e; 28; Pt 2 wo Ln n31w; 70; Pt 2 wo & ro sap line of Richard Abrell & corner John Abrell Ln n56e; 172; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DeedXXX Ref NNG K, p. 90 Dat 28 Mar 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Baylis of Prince William County Con Re 300a of land in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 25532 -27980 F127 L0 P255 txt 26970 -28004 F127 R0 =John Baylis txt 26970 -27792 F127 R0 =1760 300A Pt 2 ro sap & wo in valley corner to Richard Abriel Ln s56w; 60; Pt 2 h __ & wo Abriel's line Ln s56e; 260; Pt marked saplings Ln n50e; 225; Pt marked saplings Ln n5w; 305; Pt marked saplings on west side of Jacob Hite's road Ln s50w; 149; Pt 3 wo on west side of Hite's road in Richard Abriel's line Ln s11e; 57; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 218 Dat 15 Sep 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Dunbar Con Re 95a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15082 -35264 F127 L0 P255 txt 15244 -34114 F127 R-90 =James Dunbar txt 15058 -33976 F127 R-90 =1766 95A Pt 3 pines corner of Patrick Duncan in line of John Arnold Ln s16e; 136; Pt wh & span o in line of Joseph Edwards Ln s28w; 110; Pt 3 pines near a small branch Ln s62e; 114; Pt Edwards line in or near John Abrell on west side of Opeckon Ln s60w; 121; Pt span o & Abrell corner to John Thomas Ln n; 94; Pt 3 pines on side of hill Ln w; 30; Pt ro corner Patrick Duncan in line of Thomas Ln n10e; 230; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 18 Dat 27 Jan 1767 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Dunbar Con Re 400a in Frederick County on E. side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 19632 -34280 F127 L0 P255 txt 19282 -33502 F127 R0 =James Dunbar txt 19358 -33214 F127 R0 =1767 400A Pt y wo & 2 H on side of a Hill to Benjamin Blackburn Ln w; 22; Pt 3 wo sap on hill corner to Joseph Edwards Ln s28.3w; 272; Pt wo on level Ln n62w; 135; Pt stake on wo on a hill side Ln s20w; 40; Pt 2 wo on steep bank of Opeckon Creek corner to Joseph Edwars at John Abrel Ln s33.3e; 156; Pt 2 wo near & on w side of Waggon Road& Abrel corner to John Ballendine Ln n48e; 268; Pt 2 wo & bo near road Ln s41.3e; 220; Pt h & bo corner Ballendine Ln n51e; 120; Pt 2 h & 2 bo Ln n41.3w; 340; Pt sundrey marked saplings at line of Benjamin Blackburn Ln s28w; 20; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG P, p. 94 Dat 20 Dec 1771 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Edmund Lindsey, Jr. Con Re 407a in Frederick County on East side of drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 17654 -30886 F127 L0 P255 txt 18718 -31110 F127 R0 =Edmund Lindsey Jr. txt 18880 -30836 F127 R0 =1771 407A Pt 2 wo corner to Robert Rutherford in John Abril's line Ln s30e; 46; Pt 2 bo & wo Abril's corner & James Sayers line Ln s22e; 185; Pt h & wo on knoll corner to Sayars & Joseph Reeder Ln n49e; 140; Pt 2 bo on small knoll corner to Reeder & William Snoody Ln n49e; 144; Pt youn H & several marked sapoings on a knoll corner to Snody & George Hyatt Ln n49e; 47; Pt bo & h corner Hyattt & Robert Rutherford Ln n41w; 226; Pt bo & ash & 2 wo corner to Rutherford Ln s47w; 258; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG P, p. 2 Dat 8 Jan 1771 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Michael Freeker Con Re 251a on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 13080 -35002 F127 L0 P255 txt 13694 -34152 F127 R0 =Michael Freeker txt 13732 -33914 F127 R0 =1771 251A Pt ro at Patrick Dunkin's former survey on line of John Hiatt, Jr. Ln s5e; 250; Pt 2 pines corner of Hiatt Ln s50e; 10; Pt pine corner of Hiatt & John Thomas Ln e; 116; Pt small ro in Thomas' line Ln n10e; 200; Pt 3 pines on side of hill in the line of John Arnold Ln n16w; 75; Pt wo Arnold corner to Patrick Dunkin's former survey Ln s85w; 160; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 162 Dat 12 May 1763 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Arnold Con Re 306a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 17518 -38616 F127 L0 P255 txt 15416 -37778 F127 R0 =John Arnold txt 15420 -37590 F127 R0 =1763 306A Pt wo line of Richard Fowler & corner to Thomas Golding Ln n45w; 74; Pt wo Golding Ln s60w; 55; Pt H & pine saplings in head of valley in line of William Holdbrook's old survey Ln s18e; 36; Pt ro & pines on a point Ln s72w; 146; Pt 2 h & 2wo on side of hill Ln n18w; 52; Pt 2 pines by a small drain Ln s45w; 34; Pt wo in line of Patrick Quigley Ln s28e; 12; Pt ro Ln s62w; 56; Pt pine on w side of hill Ln s89w; 18; Pt wo corner to Richard Merchant & Quigley Ln s8e; 126; Pt ro & hickory corner to said Arnold in line of the said Merchant Ln s83e; 201; Pt wo & 2 pines Joseph Edwards & Richard Fowler Ln n28e; 250; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 128 Dat 12 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Edward Thomas Con Re 203a on E side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 20628 -39936 F127 L0 P255 txt 21330 -39198 F127 R0 =Edward Thomas txt 21466 -38948 F127 R0 =1760 203A Pt 2 wo sap corner to Wm. Hyatt on E bank of Opeckon Lm n30.3e; 26; Pt Lm n51e; 40; Pt wo & span Oak on E. bank of Opeckon in line of Jacob Brooks Ln s60e; 100; Pt wo corner of Brooks Ln s60e; 134; Pt ro & 2 h sap line of Hugh Rankin Ln s27w; 116; Pt o & corner Rankin & Edward Thomas late survey Ln w; 156; Pt wo line of Wm. Hyatt Ln n; 174; Pt parce of Saplins by wo on a point Ln w; 34; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 129 Dat 13 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Edward Thomas Con Re 182a in Frederick County on Branch of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 20952 -38224 F127 L0 P255 txt 21316 -37748 F127 R0 =Edward Thomas txt 21366 -37510 F127 R0 =1760 182a Pt wo ro & h corner to Wm Hyatt & Edward Thomas' dividing line also corner Wm. Hyatt's late survey Ln e; 165; Pt ro corner of Thomas Ln s69e; 16; Pt stake by ro division line of Thomas & John Smith on E side of Great Road from Potomac to Frederick Town Ln s2w; 160; Pt White Ash Hollow Ln w; 174; Pt crossing Great Road to stake in apoison field & line of Wm. Hyatt Ln n2e; 160; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 400 Dat 1 Sep 1753 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Folles Con Re 242a in Frederick County where he lives on drains of Opeckon & surveyed for Patrick Dunken Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10206 -37136 F127 L0 P255 txt 10532 -36798 F127 R0 =Thomas Folles txt 10644 -36598 F127 R0 =1753 242A Pt 2 wo corner John Ridgeway & Wm. Duckworth Ln s16w; 156; Pt lwo corner of Duckworth Ln n85e; 214; Pt 3 pines on a point Ln n5w; 60; Pt ro by Dunkins field Ln n85e; 48; Pt wo in Richard Merchant's line Ln n8w; 138; Pt l wo standing in Poison field corner to Merchant Ln s82w; 168; Pt 2 h & ro sap on level in John Ridgway's line Ln s30w; 50; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 654 Dat 6 Jul 1755 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Duckworth Con Re 235 Ain Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9758 -35672 F127 L0 P255 txt 8120 -37048 F127 R0 =William Duckworth txt 8308 -36810 F127 R0 =1755 235A Pt wo corner of Evan Thomas Ln n15e; 156; Pt 2 wo Ln n75w; 242; Pt wo on level Ln s15w; 156; Pt locust stake near a small locust tree Ln s75e; 242; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 87 Dat 25 Mar 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Taylor Con Re 406a in Frederick County on a drain of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 10034 -34868 F127 L0 P255 txt 7482 -34748 F127 R0 =Jacob Taylor txt 7494 -34548 F127 R0 =1760 406A Pt wo corner of William Duckworth about 3 poles from Evan Thomas Patent Land Ln n75.3w; 240; Pt locust in poison field corner of Duckworth Ln n75.3w; 102; Pt 2 ros & wo in poision filed Ln s15w; 214; Pt 3 Hs on a flat hill Ln s75e; 241; Pt Locust _ in line of Evan Thomas near a sink hole Ln n43.3e; 249; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 246 Dat 29 Sep 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Neaville Con Re 417a in Frederick County Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 5434 -37544 F127 L0 P255 txt 6820 -38486 F127 R0 =John Neaville txt 6870 -38236 F127 R0 =1766 417A Pt ro & span o sap corner to Robert Morgan in William Jolliffe's line Ln s76e; 126; Pt ro & wo Ln s14w; 52; Pt ro & wo sap corner Jolliffe & Jacob Taylor Ln s75.3e; 134; Pt locust stake in a poison field corner Taylor & William Duckworth Ln n13e; 154; Pt wo Ln s75e; 22; Pt H Duckworths line corner to John Ridgway Ln n30e; 109; Pt wo stake & 2 wo corner Ridgway & Jeremiah Poor Ln n60w; 252; Pt 3 h sap in Poor's line corner to Robert Morgan Ln s23w; 280; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 262 Dat 30 Mar 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Lindsey Con Re 399a on West side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 20092 -39396 F127 L0 P255 txt 17980 -38870 F127 R0 =Thomas Lindsey txt 18080 -38632 F127 R0 =1761 399A Pt black walnut & white walnut on w bank of Opeckon near corner of William Hyatt's patent land Ln n62w; 190; Pt passing by elm corner of Hyatts to red o & span o on Ridge Ln s28w; 441; Pt span o & wo & 2 h in line of Joseph Edwards the younger Ln s62e; 150; Pt 2 wo Edwards & corner of survey of Richard Fowler on e side of Opeckon Lm n49e; 8.5; Pt Lm n14.3e; 50; Pt Lm n41.3e; 20; Pt Lm n9.3e; 20; Pt Lm n31e; 74; Pt Lm n60e; 66; Pt Lm n30e; 70; Pt Lm n39.3e; 28; Pt Lm n29e; 58; Pt Lm n25e; 32; Pt Ln n45.3e; 18; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG M, p. 256 Dat 16 Feb 1764 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To David Lewis, Jr. Con Re 164a on Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 21694 -40574 F127 L0 P255 txt 19630 -40408 F127 R0 =David Lewis Jr. txt 19644 -40182 F127 R0 =1764 164A Pt pitch in fork of Opeckon & Mill Creek Lm s38w; 29; Pt Lm w; 20; Pt line of David Lewis Ln w; 36; Pt Ln s56.3w; 85; Pt water span o corner of Lewis & William Hyatt Ln s42w; 58; Pt elm on s side of Hamptons branch corner to Hyatt & Richard Fowler Ln n62w; 118; Pt 2 wo sap n side of Hamptons branch in line of Fowler Ln n; 77; Pt forked wo on hill Ln n67e; 30; Pt 2 wo & h on hill corner to James Anderson Ln n42e; 32; Pt crossing Mill Creek to 2 black walnust on N bank of Creek corner to David Lewis Lm s52.3e; 50; Pt Lm s64.3e; 40; Pt Lm n60e; 20; Pt Lm n88e; 20; Pt Lm n22e; 34; Pt Lm n65e; 33; Pt Lm s41.3e; 12; Pt Lm s51.15e; 10.5; Pt Lm s27.3e; 10; Pt Lm s50e; 18; Pt Lm n76e; 12; Pt Lm s45e; 20; Pt Lm n79.3e; 10; Pt Lm s10e; 12; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 205 Dat 2 Nov 1768 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Merchant Con Re 115a on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15244 -41524 F127 L0 P255 txt 16730 -42446 F127 R-35 =William Merchant txt 16656 -42282 F127 R-35 =1768 115A Pt 3 pines corner of William Merchant Ln n11e; 124; Pt 2 ro & wo on ridge Ln s62e; 126; Pt ro & wo on a point Ln s11w; 9; Pt 3 ro on n side of a ridge Ln s62e; 228; Pt ro & 2 pines on ridge Ln s28w; 72; Pt ro & span o corner to Richard Fowler's survey Ln s63.3e; 70; Pt 2 wo drain corner of David Lewis Ln n; 76; Pt 3 wo Ln n66e; 28; Pt 2wo corner of Lewis & James Anderson Ln n55.3w; 354; Pt 3 wo by Mill Creek Ln n75w; 80; Pt chestnut oak on a steep hillside corner to George Cunningham Ln s11w; 158; Pt 3 y h corner Cunningham & Thomas Mason Ln s39.3e; 15; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 262 Dat 16 Mar 1753 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Edwards Con Re 400a in Frederick County on Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15010 -33124 F127 L0 P255 txt 15998 -34186 F127 R0 =Joseph Edwards txt 16136 -33960 F127 R0 =1753 400A Pt 3 pines on a hill on w side of Opeckon Ln s62e; 100; Pt Opeckon Ln s62e; 100; Pt 3 wo on e side of Opeckon Ln n28e; 320; Pt 3 wo sap Ln n62w; 154; Pt Opeckon Creek Ln n62w; 46; Pt 2 pines & wo on ridge Ln s28w; 320; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 658 Dat 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Arnuld Con Re 300a on w branches of Opeckon where he lives Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16444 -36476 F127 L0 P255 txt 14432 -36062 F127 R0 =John Arnuld txt 14446 -35776 F127 R0 =1750 300A Pt wo & 2 pines on a ridge corner to Joseph Edwards, Jr. Ln n83w; 201; Pt small H & ro in Richard Merchants Line Ln s8w; 5; Pt 2 wo corner to Merchant Ln s82w; 40; Pt wo in Merchants line Ln s28w; 204; Pt 3wo in valley Ln s83e; 244; Pt wo span o & h on hillside on the N side of Dunkin's run in Joseph Edwards line Ln n28e; 220; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 84 Dat 3 Aug 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Edwards, Jr. Con Re 239a on Drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 18230 -34940 F127 L0 P255 txt 17944 -33764 F127 R0 =Joseph Edwards Jr. txt 18068 -33552 F127 R0 =1766 239A Pt 2 H & ro sap in line of Joseph Edwards, Jr. Ln s62e; 140; Pt 4 wo sap on a ridge Ln s28w; 274; Pt wo in poison field Ln n62w; 140; Pt wo stake on side of a hill in line of Edwards Ln n28e; 274; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 425 Dat 20 Feb 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To James Anderson Con Re 350a on Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16458 -42928 F127 L0 P255 txt 17810 -42952 F127 R0 =James Anderson txt 17972 -42728 F127 R0 =1784 350A Pt 3 wo corner of Anderson on S. side of Mill Creek Ln s55e; 344; Pt 2 wo & h on a high ridge Ln n35e; 38; Pt crossing Mill Creek to 2 pines & 2 wo in David Lewis' line Ln n9e; 200; Pt 3 ro on ridge Ln n79w; 320; Pt ro, wo & h in line of Anderson Ln s11w; 100; Pt crossing Mill Creek to Begining. end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 266 Dat 21 Mar 1753 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To David Lewis Con Re 400a on West of Opeckon Creek where Lewis lives Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 22960 -42030 F127 L0 P255 txt 20348 -42354 F127 R0 =David Lewis txt 20362 -42116 F127 R0 =1753 400A Pt double sycamore on W bank of Opeckon in the line of Jacob Brooks Lm s43w; 56; Pt Lm s55.3w; 31; Pt Lm w; 16; Pt Lm s51.15w; 16; Pt Lm s34.3w; 40; Pt Lm s73w; 12; Pt Lm s15.3w; 30; Pt Lm s41.3w; 6; Pt Mouth of Mill Creek Lm n10w; 12; Pt Lm s79.5w; 10; Pt Lm nw; 20; Pt Lm s76w; 12; Pt Lm n50w; 18; Pt Lm n81.3w; 10; Pt Lm n51.15w; 10.5; Pt Lm n41.3w; 12; Pt Lm s65w; 33; Pt Lm s22w; 30; Pt Lm s88w; 20; Pt Lm s60w; 20; Pt Lm n64.5w; 40; Pt Lm n52.5w; 40; Pt 2 b walnuts on bank of Mill Creek Ln n10e; 286; Pt 3 wo in fork of a drain Ln s60e; 176; Pt 2 wo corner to Jacob Brooks Ln s60e; 184; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG O, p. 43 Dat 14 May 1767 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Nathaniel Morrison Con Re 84a on Drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 19380 -44814 F127 L0 P255 txt 18456 -43900 F127 R0 =Nathaniel Morrison txt 18744 -43726 F127 R0 =1767 84A Pt wo & h at side of a drain in Francis Lilburn's line Ln s35e; 96; Pt wo corner David Lewis Ln s10w; 80; Pt 3 ybo corner James Anderson Ln n80w; 260; Pt ro & wo Ln n10w; 36; Pt 2 pines in line of Francis Lilburn Ln e; 210; Pt double wo Ln n; 85; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 119 Dat 1 May 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Merchant Con Re 81a on drains of Mill Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 15766 -40398 F127 L0 P255 txt 15418 -41948 F127 R0 =William Merchant txt 15568 -41760 F127 R0 =1760 81A Pt Pine in Thomas Goldings Line Ln n62w; 35; Pt 2 pines & wo in line of Thomas Mason on the side of a hill Ln n11e; 89; Pt wo ro & chestnut o corner to Thomas Mason Ln n79w; 40; Pt 3 pines in line of Mason Ln n11e; 124; Pt 2 ro & wo on Ridge Ln s62e; 126; Pt 2 ro, wo on a point Ln s11w; 9; Pt 3 span o corner of Golding Ln s11w; 150; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 18 Dat 2 Jun 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Mathias Gossett Con Re 350a on Drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 16954 -23410 F127 L0 P255 txt 17178 -22932 F127 R0 =Mathias Gossett txt 17290 -22682 F127 R0 =1766 350A Pt bo & 2h among lime stone rocks corner to Richard Ridgeway Ln s5.3w; 166; Pt 2 wo Ln s30w; 80; Pt 2bo Ln n60w; 60; Pt 2 bo & h Samuel Duncan's survey Ln s; 276; Pt 2 h & 3 ybo in Barrens Corner to Duncan Ln n72.3e; 136; Pt 2h & wo sap at Richard Chapman Ln n; 108; Pt bo & wo Ln e; 78; Pt stake in center head of spring in a glade Ln n17e; 16; Pt wo corner Chapman at John Reagan Ln w; 68; Pt wo & bo Ln n; 180; Pt 2 bo sap Ln e; 122; Pt 4 wo sap Ln n; 120; Pt 2 bo & 2wo Ln n61w; ; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 302 Dat 7 Jul 1761 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To John Hyatt Con Re 77a in Frederick County on W side of his patent land Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 31292 -59748 F127 L0 P255 txt 30244 -59622 F127 R0 =John Hyatt txt 30244 -59448 F127 R0 =1761 77A Pt elm on W bank of Opeckon corner Hyatt's patent land Ln s40w; 74; Pt wo by branch Ln n75w; 120; Pt wo near or on line of Hyatt Ln n15e; 104; Pt pine on a hill side Ln s75e; 67; Pt h on w bank of opeckon Lm s18.3e; 20; Pt Lm s37e; 35; Pt Lm n89.3e; 32; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 63 Dat 5 Dec 1751 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Thomas Helms Con Re 320a on East side of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8556 -16186 F127 L0 P255 txt 9268 -17086 F127 R0 =Thomas Helms txt 9368 -16872 F127 R0 =1751 320A Pt 2ro sap & corner of tract lately surveyed for said Helms down Creak Lm s34.30w; 30; Pt Lm s16e; 32; Pt Lm s60e; 46; Pt Lm s43e; 28; Pt Lm s20e; 24; Pt crossing Opeckon to Mouth of Marsh Run a natural corner of Capt. Lewis Neal Lm s19e; 12; Pt Lm s47e; 24; Pt H by Marsh Run Ln s27e; 36; Pt 2wo Ln s56e; 52; Pt Locust stake in a Marsh corner of the said Neile Ln n9e; 54; Pt h sap Ln s81e; 44; Pt wo ro & H sap in line of Neile Ln n; 94; Pt wo corner of another tract of Lewis Neile Ln n; 164; Pt H in drain of Opeckon & another of Neil's lines Ln e; 40; Pt H Corner of his old Patent Land Ln n; 87; Pt wo on hill Ln w; 110; Pt 2 sycomores on the W bank of Opeckon & line of the said Neile & corner of Thomas Helms other tract Lm s23e; 44; Pt Lm s57w; 28; Pt Lm s1e; 14.5; Pt Lm n65w; 32; Pt Lm n77w; 41; Pt Lm s84w; 36; Pt Lm s11w; 22; Pt Lm s38e; 30.5; Pt Lm s49.3e; 22; Pt Lm s21e; 13; Pt Lm s49.3e; 44; Pt Lm s29e; 14; Pt Lm s14.3w; 30; Pt Lm s81w; 34; Pt Lm n62w; 22; Pt Lm n83w; 26; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG N, p. 18 Dat 3 Jun 1766 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Cuthbert Bullett of Fauquier County Con Re 400a on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 13202 -4922 F127 L0 P255 txt 14540 -6996 F127 R0 =Cuthbert Bullit txt 14652 -6756 F127 R0 =1766 400A Pt ywo & Span O, line of Wm Page Ln s80e; 217; Pt wo & h in line of Page corner to George Henry Ln n10e; 326; Pt wo on ridge Ln n40e; 33; Pt wo ybo & h sap in a valley line of Henry corner of Capt. Charles Smith's late survey Ln n78w; 158; Pt 5 H Sap on w side of hill corner to Smith in line of Meredith Helm Ln s45e; 64; Pt forked bo H & wo on a ridge Ln s45w; 327; Pt lwo on a level corner to Meredith Helm Ln s18w; 47; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG K, p. 165 Dat 4 Jun 1760 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Jacob Rogers Con Re 516a on West Drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 9866 -22054 F127 L0 P255 txt 8354 -22092 F127 R0 =Jacob Rogers txt 9866 -22054 F127 R0 =1760 516A Pt wo corner Mary Littler & Hugh Haynes s side of Rutherford Rd Ln s; 190; Pt 2 pines & wo on Hill Haynes in line of Thomas Wyatt Ln w; 174; Pt ro & 2 wo corner to Patrick Coyle Ln n40w; 205; Pt wo in valley line of Doc. John Briscoe Ln n45e; 164; Pt stake in poison field w/ 2wo & ro corner of Briscoe Ln n45w; 14; Pt 2ro & span o sap corner to William Gilliam Ln n45e; 95; Pt 2 ro & wo sap corner to Joseph Carter on ridge Ln s83e; 188; Pt 3 span o sapon N side of Littler's run corner to Mary Littler Ln s50e; 35; Pt span O sap at foot of a hill Ln s50w; 120; Pt chestnut oak sap & pine Ln s2e; 35; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 706 Dat 16 Oct 1756 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Neil Con Re 400a near Opeckon Creek about 3 miles below Lewis Neil's survey Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 12786 -22918 F127 L0 P255 txt 12336 -21418 F127 R0 =William Neil txt 12348 -21218 F127 R0 =1756 400A Pt span O on E bank of Opeckon Ln s3w; 25; Pt Ln s28w; 30; Pt Ln s68w; 16; Pt Ln n78w; 16; Pt Ln n53w; 24; Pt Ln s79w; 62; Pt Ln s60w; 28; Pt Ln s28w; 26; Pt Ln s; 8; Pt h on E Bank of Opeckon Ln s30e; 328; Pt 2wo & h near a small knowle Ln n60e; 194; Pt 2 wo on level Ln n30w; 338; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p.524 Dat 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Edward Griffey Con Re 241a on drains of Opeckon Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc -2372 -6696 F127 L0 P255 Pt small maple & ash corner to Robert Willson Ln n31e; 331; Pt crossing Calverts run to span o on side of hill Ln n59w; 43; Pt 2h & locustin old Road in Robt Calvert's line Ln s60w; 218; Pt crossing Calvert's run to Oak in a valley Ln s30w; 130; Pt 2 wo corner to Robt Willson Ln s62e; 144; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 90 Dat 9 Jan 1752 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Captn Meredith Helm Con Re 405a on Opeckon Creek Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 7503 -7680 F127 L0 P255 txt 6691 -6916 F127 R0 =Captn Meredith Helm txt 6867 -6718 F127 R0 =1752 405A Pt Lynn Ash & Elm in line of John Neile Decd & corner to John Gordon by Branch called Fulton's Lick Run a branch of Opeckon Lm s66e; 16; Pt Lm s55e; 12; Pt Lm s51e; 40; Pt Lm s43e; 44; Pt Lm s71.3e; 16; Pt Lm s79.3e; 19; Pt Lm s62e; 48; Pt Lm s1e; 13; Pt wo standing within a chain of run corner to Gorden Ln s6e; 57; Pt wo sap Ln s; 76; Pt wo corner of Gorden in Col. Carter's line Ln n80w; 252; Pt Ln n78w; 127; Pt crossing Opeckon to 2 ro on a ridge near or on Carter's line Ln n28e; 34; Pt pine & 2 ro on a hill corner to Col. Greyson Ln n20e; 226; Pt span O, wo & elm on the _ bank of Opeckon Lm n10e; 17; Pt Lm n42e; 12; Pt Lm n64e; 18; Pt O Corner Col. Greyson in line of John Neile decd on bank of the Creek Ln s30e; 121;? Pt crossing Opeckon to chestnut O Neils corner Ln n60e; 2;? end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG G, p. 424 Dat 6 Oct 1750 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To William Neill s/o John dec'd Con Re 400a in Frederick county Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 7770 -10954 F127 L0 P255 txt 6256 -10054 F127 R0 =William Neill son of John dec'd txt 6808 -9842 F127 R0 =1750 400A Pt wo on N side of Opeckon Creek Ln n30w; 196; Pt stooping H below the Mill upon the low grounds & on W side of Abrahams Creek Ln s60w; 92; Pt pine & 2 wo by the main road Ln s30e; 188; Pt ro on a hill side Ln s60w; 112; Pt h, span O & wo by Samuells Lick Run Ln s30e; 228; Pt chestnut o on N side of hill Ln n60e; 204; Pt gum wo & h Ln n30w; 220; end ! ! Abstracting info. Typ Grant Id DDPGrant Ref NNG H, p. 523 Dat 31 Oct 1754 Rec Frm Lord Fairfax To Joseph Carter Con Re 456a on Opeckon where Joseph Carter lives Adj Wit ! ! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..." loc 8016 -10744 F127 L0 P255 txt 7254 -13394 F127 R0 =Joseph Carter txt 7316 -13206 F127 R0 =1754 456A Pt wo late survey of John Neil on the NW side of Opeckon Lm n74e; 54; Pt Lm n39e; 64; Pt Ln n8e; 60; Pt crossing Opeckon to ro on a hill Ln n18e; 90; Pt 3 small wo in the head of a glade Ln n30w; 250;Crossing Opeckon Pt 3 span o on n side of hill Ln s60w; 217; Pt 3h on N side of Red Bud run Ln s30e; 176; Pt ?H corner John Neil Ln s30e; 370; end