Francis Browning
Indications of a close connection with Samuel Poe of
Francis Browning and the family of Samuel Poe are
associated in the historical record of Colonial
* Francis Browning and Benjamin
Poe appear in
While Browning researchers have not shown any family
connection to the name Poe, it seems clear that some very close relationship
existed between the two families in
1) Francis Browning [either Senior (1672-1723) or Junior (c1686-1775] and Samuel Poe are associated as early as 1717. They challenged land issues along with other prominent citizens
of Land Trials in
page 16. Year
of 1717
And upon this
day also upon ye return of another report of a jury impannelled
& sworn in pursuance of the Order of this Court on the 25th day of March
last which report is in ye following words, "In pursuance of an Order of
Essex County Court bearing date the 25th of March 1716, wee ye Subscribers
being summoned by the Sheriff first sworn did proceed to lay of ye land between
John Doe Plt. and Larkin Chew Deft., according to the
order of Court. And finding ye evidence & Patend
disagree & the Jury divided, could not proceed to lay of the sd. land:
Therefore we humbly pray the Worshipful Court to order whether ye land shall be
laid of p. the evidences or Patent for it appears to this Jury that either
Patent of evidences must be destroy'd, they being
directly contrary one to the other."
Tho. Ramsey
Jno Pickle
Matthew Collins
John Battaile
John Sanders
Henry Hill
Geo. Robinson
Robert Slater
By which it
appearing the order of March Court aforesd. was yet unperformed.
it is ordered that the same be renewed and performance thereof made on ye
Second Thursday in June next if fair if not the next fair day & that the
report of ye proceedings be made to the
Abstracts of
Bonds & Letters of Attorney Deed Book 17 20 February 1721- October 1724
Browning acquires land adjacent Samuel’s)
pp. 425-431
indenture made this 20th day of October 1724 between William Bryant of King
& Queen County of one part and Francis Browning of Saint Marys
Parish in Essex County Witnesseth that the said
William Bryant for sum of Fourteen hundred pounds of Tobo.
doth grant unto said Francis Browning & his heirs and assigns fifty acres
of land in Essex County being part of a [?] of land formerly granted to John
Meadows and Henry Peeters & bounded Beginning
at a corner red oak & hickory of Samuel Poe's land & running thence South to a
corner gum on the North side of the South Fork of Peumansend
Swamp thence down the Swamp its several courses brought straight North to three
gums corner to Samuel Poe's land at ye mouth of a branch thence up the
branch North joyning to land of Samuel Poe to
the Beginning all which said premises now are in the actual possession of him
the said Francis Browning by Virture of Statute for
Transferring uses into possession . . .
In presence
of Thomas Horde.
John Gouge
Margett Bryant
At a Court
held for
This lease
and release admitted to record
Also the same
day - - Came into Court Margt. Bryant Wife of the
said William Bryant & reliquished her right of
Dower which is also admitted to record.
W. Beverley Cecur
3) Ten months later, Francis browning petitions to be Administrator of Samuel Poe’s estate. This is in lieu of an “heir at law” being available within nine months. While it is difficult to know what was going on, it appears that a son would turn twenty-one within nine months. Why would Francis Browning be making this petition if he was not closely related?
Samuel Poe
Francis Browning
p. 299
Browning petition for the Adminr. of the estate of
Samuel Poe deced is ordered to be till nine months
are expired to see if the heir at law will adminstr.
-- It is
ordered that Francis Browning take care of ye estate of Samuel Poe deced till Admin. is granted thereof, and that he return an
inventory thereof to next court.
Within seven months, in March 1726, not the proscribed nine months, Francis
Browning became administrator of Samuel Poe’s estate. The heirs must have been satisfied with the
court’s decision. No challenge appears in the record. Additionally, Francis Browning
and Benjamin Poe (who must have just turned twenty-on) appears in the
Samuel Poe
Francis Browning
John Frederick
Page 114.
Samuel Poe. Inventory. 20 7br [Sept] 1725.
according to order of 17 Aug. 1725. Estate not valued.
Signed by
Fran. Browning
21 Sept.
1725. Returned.
Pages 126-27.
Bond of Francis Browning as administrator of Samuel Poe. Unto Lawrence
Taliaferro, Francis Thornton, Salvator Muscoe and John Battaile, Gent.,
justices. For 150 pounds sterl. 15 March 1725 [1726].
Securities, William Thomas and John Saunders Junr.
Francis (F) Browning
William (x) Thomas
John Sanders
Wit. W. Heny. Terrett.
15 March 1725
[1726]. Acknowledged.
5) Francis Browning has intimate knowledge of Poe family affairs, testifying under oath that Samuel Poe did not leave a will.
Samuel Poe
p. 364
Browning came into court and made oath that Samuel Poe deced
dyed without making any will as farr as he knows
or believes and on his motion & giveing security
for his just & faithful admcon. of the said
estate certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Admcon
thereof in due form.
-- Francis
Browning with William Thomas & John Sanders Junr.
acknowledged their bond for the said Francis his just and faithful Admcon. of estate of Samuel Poe deced
which is admitted to record.
-- ordered that John Griffin, John Sanders, John Ellits and George Robinson or any three of them (being first sworn before a justice of ye peace for this county) appraise ye estate of Samuel Poe deced & return their proceedings therein to ye next court.
6) Francis Browning, now administrator of the estate of Samuel Poe, signs the inventory made by Ellits, Robinson and Saunders.
Samuel Poe
Francis Browning
John Frederick
Page. 148.
Samuel Poe. Inventory. 7 April 1726. Appraisers sworn before Capt. Lawrence
Taliaferro. No total valuation.
Signed by
Francis (F) Browning, administrator.
Jno. Ellits
Geo. Robinson
21 June 1726.
Sparacio 1990
p. 23 The
inventory & apraismt. of the estate of Samuel Poe
deced. was this day returned & admitted to
7) One month after the inventory and appraisement of Samuel Poe’s estate is admitted into the court record, Benjamin Poe, now at least twenty-one, joins a petition with Francis Browning over right of way through their adjacent properties.
p. 127
The petition
of Benjamin Poe, Francis Browning, John Gouge and others praying yt Paul Micou may not have
liberty to turne ye road by his quarter of Peumansend is rejected.
8) Nine
years later in 1735, Francis Browning is granted 400 acres of land
Office Patents & Grants/Northern Neck Grants & Surveys : CATALOG CARD
Browning 1735 Patent at the Library of
GRANTEE Browning, Francis. grantee.
DATE 19 June 1735.
NOTE Location:
NOTE Grantee(s): Browning, Francis and
Ashley, John.
NOTE Description: 400 acres beginning on
the head branches of the North fork of
NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 15,
1732-1735 (v.1 & 2 p.1-522), p. 528 (Reel 13).
NOTE Part of the index to the recorded
copies of patents for land issued by the Secretary of the Colony serving as the
colonial Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library
of Virginia.
OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm.
Two years later, William Poe, now at least 30 years old, is granted 400 acres,
also in
GRANTEE Poe, William. grantee.
DATE 10 June 1737.
NOTE Location:
NOTE Grantee(s): Watson, William and Poe,
NOTE Description: 400 acres.
NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 17,
1735-1738, p. 333 (Reel 15).
NOTE Part of the index to the recorded copies of
patents for land issued by the Secretary of the Colony serving as the colonial
Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of
*Note that six months after
receiving the patent in Orange County William Poe and wife
Showing further associations connected to land, William
Poe (and wife
* In 1755 William and
p. 461 [9 Dec.
William Poe’s
deeds of lease and release of land indented to William Taliaferro Gent. (and
also a power of attorney from Lydia Poe to Benjamin Robinson) was proved by
John Gough, John Gough, Jr, and Samuel Edwards, witnesses thereto.
Following the move of Francis Browning and William Poe to Orange/Culpeper
County, William Poe is a witness for Francis Browning , and son.
Browning, Jr.
25 August 1748
pp. 81-82
between Francis Browning of
J. Pendleton
Charles Dewitt
William (x) Poe
Thomas Burk
12) Francis
Browning’s transferal of land to son. Francis Browning, Jr., is witnessed by
William Poe.
Browning, Jr.
19 Oct. 1758.
Proved by William Roberts, Richard Corley and William Poe
p. 157-58
Francis Browning of St. Mark's Parish, Culpeper County,
unto my son Francis Browning Jr. of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County. For
valuable considerations and for love and affection a father hath for a son. 100
acres being the tract I now live on in St. Marks' Parish . . on the north side
Francis (E)
William Roberts
Richard Corley
William Poe
13) Poe and Browning as well as Bradford attend an estate
sale of Courtney Norman (one of Francis Browning’s daughters married
5 November 1771
Account of Sale
of Estate of Courtney Norman, dec'd. to 5 Nov., 1771.
Purchasers: Reuben Norman, Ezekiel Norman, Cornelius Mitchell, John Norman, Caleb
Browning, John Corbin, Richard Murffie, Samuel
Poe, William Murffie, Jonathan Poe,
William Norman, Miles Murffie, Alexander Baxter,
William Reding, Jessey Thompson, Thurmon
Crim, William Daniel, Jacob Weekley, Thomas Conn,
William Corbin, John Weekley, Jeramiah Corbin, James
Attwood, James Browning, William Grimsley, William Day, Miles Murphey, Amry Day, John Norman, Isaac Reding, William Atwood, John Bradford,
Joseph Boggess, Courtney Norman, John Norman, Mary Norman.
14) Researchers of Francis Browning have said that he
married Elizabeth Lloyd. While no evidence of this union has surfaced, there
were other Poe and Lloyd marriages in
* No
record indicating these dates has been found to date by this researcher.
11-12 July
Browning of St. Marie's Parish, Essex County, to Joseph Calloway of Southfarnham Parish, same county. Lease and release; for
2500 pounds of tobacco. 100 acres, part of a patent formerly granted to Enoch
Doughty deceased . . . on the south side of the head of
Francis (F)
Wit: Henry Byrom, James Graves, Jno. Ellits.
12 July 1711.
Acknowledged by Francis Browning. Rachel Browning wife to Francis
relinquished her right of dower.
11 July 1711.
Bond of Francis Browning of St. Marie's
Francis (F)
Wit:: Henry Byrom, James Graves, Jno. Ellitts.
July 1711. Acknowledged.
More on Browning - Lloyd - Poe relationships:
The Bradford, Poe and Lloyd families show
connections enduring from
Below, Mary Lloyd, daughter of William Lloyd
Sr, married Hasten Poe, almost surely the son of Capt. Stephen Poe (d. 1773)
son of Simon Poe, SR, probable son of Samuel Poe of
Abstracts of Wills,
Orange County, NC 152-1850 (Shields)
has this:
E 342. Will dated 25 April
1835, proved May Court 1835. William (X) Lloyd,
SR. Wife: Hannah. sons: Thomas, William, Pleasant, Green and John
Lloyd. Daughters: Sarah Lloyd, Mary Poe,
Nancy Jones, Elizabeth Lloyd. Daughter Rebecca Williams' children. Executor:
John Careathers. Witness: Levi Andrews, William Careathers.
E 253 Will dated 16 February
1831, proved August Court 1831. Andrew Hunter. Wife: Susannah. Son: Aleander Hunter. Daughters: Elizabeth Hunter, Jane Lloyd,
Frances Hunter, Eliazabeth Hunter, Christa Hunter,
Harriet Hunter. Son: Thomas Hunter. Daughters: Nancy
Lloyd and Sary Cate. Executor: Thomas
Hogan and John Careathers. Witness: Hasten Poe, Reuben C. Poe
identify of those below is not clear, but the Poe / Lloyd family closeness
continues into the 1820s and 1830s
Lurene Poe Groom:
John Stanley Bond Date: 24 Jul 1826 Record #: 03 421 Bondsman: Thomas Lloyd Witness: John Hanner (C.Bond #: 000059912
Poe; Bride: Fanny King
Bond Date: 01 Aug 1838 Record #: 02 321 Bondsman: Elijah Andrus; James Lloyd
Witness: J
M Poe Bride: Christen M
Hunter Bond Date: 15 Jan 1840 Record #: 02 321 Bondsman: William Lloyd, A; A L Hunter Witness: J
Gabriel P Poe Bride: Betsey Loyde Bond
Date: 28 Oct 1819 Record #: 02 356 Bondsman: John Unthank Witness: Jno Hanner Clerk of Court Bond #: 000058843
according to another researcher, Marlene Poe, this is the daughter of John
& Alsy (Harrison) Lloyd