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Bray Family


A William Poe in Chatham County was married to Elizabeth Bray, daughter of Henry Bray. It appears that William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray is part of a group that migrated to the Siler City, NC area from Culpeper County, VA and is probably more closely aligned with the family of William Poe and wife Lydia who left Caroline County for Culpeper County in 1737.



Virginia Court Records

Order Book Abstracts of Lancaster Virginia 1666-1669


11 November 1668

In appearing to this court, that Robert Bray stands indepted unto Richard Bray in sixteen pounds Sterl. and 404 lb of tob: & ca: p Acct. It is ordered that ye same bee forthwth: paide wth: costs


... that Robert Bray stands indebted unto William Richardson in 1800 lb of sweete sented tob: & ca: 20 lb sterl. Bill. It is ordered that ye same bee forthwth: paid wth costs.



... that Robert Bray stands indebted unto Francys Seloe in 14341 lb of tob. & ca: p Bill & Acct. It is ordered that ye same be forthwth: paide wth: costs


12 May 1669

Peter Magne beinge arrested to this cort at ye suite of Richard Bray for 590 lb of sweete sented tobaccoe & ca: for not appeareing for whose appearance DNC: Therrytott was ingaged, order accordinge to Acte is granted agt ye sde. Therryott



(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book 1689-1693. Sparacio.



Order is granted to Richard Willis as marrying the Exectrix of Richard Bray.


Fauquier County Co. VA Marriage Bonds


William Bragg to Nancy Bray 8 May 1803 Bond: Timothy Brady



Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 4, page 15


Pierce Bray, Pocomoke, Somerset Co.,

14th Oct., 1713

4th June, 1714.

To Jno. White and Archibald White, orphans of Archibald White of this Co., 62 A., part of "Corke."

" son Edward and hrs., residue of lands. 2 daus., Mary and Martha, to live with him.

" wife and 3 child. afsd., personal estate.

Exs.: Wife and son afsd.

Test: Jno. Henry, Wm. Jones, Sarah Marshall, Robert Nairne.

            13. 711.





Edward Bray, 'Of Pocomoke, Somerset Co.,

5th May, 1716;

28th Feb., 1717.

Testator desires that 62 A. be made over to his bros., John and Archibald White, by his sister Mary Bray, in accord­ance with will of testator's father.

" bros. John and Archibald White and to William (son of sd. Archibald), personalty.

" sister Martha Bray, all personalty left testator by his father, Pierce Bray, above legacies excepted.

" sister Mary Bray, extx., real estate.

Test: David Ritchie,

Henry Scholfield,

James Bratten, Jr. 14. 571.





17 June, 1790

Will of Henry Bray, dated 17 June, 1790 - no probate date.
Chatham Co., NC, Record of Estates, pg. 4b, 5
NC State Archives film # C.002.500
In the Name of God amen I Henry Bray of the County Chatham and State 
North carolina being weak and inform of Body but of perfect mind and 
memory thanks be God Calling to mind the mortallity of my Body and 
knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first 
of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that 
gave it and my Body I recommend to the earth to be burried in a decent 
christian Burial at the discression of my Executor and as touching such 
worldly Estate wherewith it has please god to bless me in this life I 
give and dispose in the following manner_____ 
Item I give and bequeath to Mary Bray my dearly beloved wife one Bed 
and furniture and her Saddle as her own property and the third part of 
all the rest of my household goods Chattles and moveable Estate as her
own property and the use of my home Plantation so long as she continues
to be my widow or as long as she pleases to live thereon except she 
Item I give and bequeath to my son Edward Bray the sum of Twenty 
Shillings to him and his Heirs forever; ___ Item I give and bequeath to 
my son Henry Bray my Land and all the remaining two thirds of my Estate 
with his paying out of my Estate the sum of five pounds to each of my 
Daughters Vix. Sarah Ramsour, Mary Johnson, Catharine Jones & Elizabeth 
Poe) to him & his heirs forever_ I hereby constitute make and ordain my
Son Henry Bray Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I 
do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull all and every other 
former Testaments, Wills, Legaces, bequests and Executors by me in any 
wise before named willed and Bequeathed ratifying and confirming this 
and no other to be my last Will and testament In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day June one Thousand 
seven hundred and ninety
Signed Seal'd and pronounced 
in presence of
Thos Ragland
Henry Bray Signed Henry (his "H" mark) Bray {Seal}
A Copy Test
John Ramsey C.C.




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