Ray Forbes http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=syrokie&id=I3108 Martin Nalle is believed to have been born about 1675-1680,(1) probably in England. The exact location of his birth and the names of his parents have not been found. His death occurred in Essex Co. Va,(2) between 9 April and 20 August 1728.(3) Martin Nalle was married to Mary Aldin(4) probably about 1702,(5) and certainly by 5 June 1705 when "Mary Naule" was named in an Essex Co., Va.,deed.(6) Martin Nalle arrived in the Colony of Virginia probably a few months before March 1701/02. He was listed as one of sixty-two persons transported into the Colony by Chicheley Corbin Thacker, for which Mr. Thacker was granted 3080 acres of land lying in Pamunkey Neck in King and Queen County.(7) Martin most likely came as an indentured servant, working off his indenture. He was not listed on the 1704 Quit Rent(8) rolls for the Colony of Virginia, indicating that he was not a property owner at that time.(9) Also listed among the sixty-two persons brought to Virginia by C.C. Thacker was "Abigail Nelle." On the patent list the names Nalle and Nelle are distinctly different in the handwriting of the scribe. This may or may not have been correct.(10) Nothing further has been found concerning Abigall Nelle or Nalle, so we do not know if she was a wife or sister to Martin Nalle or unrelated. Later records prove that she was not the mother of his eldest son and presumably his other children. Martin Nalle's name first appeared in the court records of Exxex Co.,Va. on 2 Feb 1705/06 when he witnessed a deed from James Boughan to Richard Holt and William Holt. The name was spelled "Nall".(11) "At a court held for Essex County....the 10th day of May 1709...It is ordered by the Court that Martin Naul be sumoned to appear at next Court to be sworn Constable." Martin Nalle served as constable until 10 July 1710.(12) On 9 Jan. 1713/14 Martin Nalle purchased 194 acres of land adjoining his "tobacco ground". "James Boughan of the Parish of South Farnham in the County of Essex for and in consideration of the sum of seven thousand pounds of every way well qualified sweet scented Tobacco...do grant bargan sell...and confirm to him the small gumb standing in a Swamp formerly called Gregory's Swamp...near the Northwest line of Joseph Baker's Land...to the main road that leadeth from Piscataway Ferry to the old Mill...to a corner Hickory standing inthe said Martin Nalles Tobacco Ground."(13) On 23 Jan 1715, Martin Nalle was one of four men who returned to Essex County Court an appraisal of the estate of Andrew Hardee.(14) On 21 May 1717, Martin Nalle with Wm. Hudson and Thomas Moore gave bond of five hundred pounds sterling to administer the will of Richard Brazier.(14) Martin Nalle is believed to have died after 9 Apr and by 20 Aug 1728. His will was dated 9 April but no year was noted. The will was proved on 20 Aug 1728 in Essex Co., Va., Court.(2) The inventory and appraisement of his estate was recorded 19 Nov 1728.(15) "In the name of God Amen the ninth day of Aprill I Martin Nall of the County of Essex and Parish of south farnham being very sick and weak but in Perfect sence and memory Praise be given to the Almighty God for the same knowing the uncertainty of the Life on Earth do make and appoint this to be my last will and Testament revoking all other wills by me formerly made and do make and appoint this to be my last will and Testament In manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my Soul to God my Creator and Redeemer hoping that I shall be saved by the Precious death and merrits of Christ and my body to be decently buried as my Execr.hereafter named shall think fitt and for my worldly Estate as the Lord in his mercy bestowed on me my will is that it shall be bestowed as This my will is Exprest Item I give to my beloved wife Mary Nall a negro man named Bristoll during her natural Life Item I give to my beloved son John Nall ten acres of my Land and the Remainerpart of my Land I give to my beloved son Martin Naul to them and their heirs for ever. Item I give all the remainer part of my Estate real and personall to be equally Divided among my Eight Children only my wife to have an Equal part of the Personal Estate for her Life and the Eight head of Cattle I lent to my son John and my daughter Winnifret to be in part of their portion and I do appoint my beloved wife and my cousin Thomas Burke and Thos. Dillard my whole and sole Execrs. of this my last will and Testament. Ame Nall Test John Bates Martin Nall(seal) George Dillard Martin Nalle was buried with his wife, Mary Nall on their property in Essex Co. Virginia. This land was reserved by his son John Nall when it was sold.(16) References: 1. Date estimated on the basis of his having attained his majority by the time of his arrival in the Colony of Virginia in 1701/2. 2. Essex Co. Va Wills, Bonds, and Inventories, Book 4, pp 273-274 (G.S. Film No. 7431 Pt 9). 3. Dates of writing and probate of his will. 4. Also found spelled Alldin, Allden, Alden, Aldyn. 5. Estimated on the probably birthdate of their assumed first child, John Nalle. 6. Essex Co. Va Deeds, Vol. 12, pp. 115-116. (G.S. Film No 7434 Pt 1). 7. Virginia Land Grants and Patents No 9, 1695-1706, p 427 Correspondence 1965,State Library, Richmond, Va. 8. In 1704 all Virginia landowners had to pay the king a Quit Rent of one shilling for every 50 acres of land. 9. Letter of Henry E. Christiansen, Supt Research Dept. Gen. Society, Salt Lake City, Utah to Albert Nalle, Philadelphia, Pa, 22 Mar 1960. 10. The surname Nelle appears nearly as frequently in English records as Nalle.No connection or substitution has been found. They appear to be separate names. 11. Essex Co. Va. Deeds and Wills, Vol 12, pp. 163-165. (G.S. Film No 7434 Pt.1) 12. Essex Co. Va. Court Orders Vol. 4, Pt. 1, p. 150;Pt. 2. p.277. (G.S. Film No 7432 Pt. 1). 13. Essex Co., Va. Deeds and Wills, Vol 14, p. 197-199. 14. Essex Co. Va. Deeds and Wills, Vol. 15, p.47 (G.S. Film No 7431 Pt. 7). 15. Essex Co. Va. Wills, Bonds and Inventories, Book 4, p.274a,275,275a (G.S.Film No 7431 Pt. 9). 16. Essex Co. Va Deeds, Vol. 20, p 86-92. (G.S. Film No. 7434 Pt. 5). Additional information and copied of wills may be found in Nall Families of America by Sally Dolphin pg 5-13. 17.LDS Ancestral File QGL6-X7. Marriage 1 Mary Alden b: 21 Aug 1681 in Christ Church Parish,Middlesex Co.,Va Children John Nalle birth b: 1703 in Essex Co.,Va Winnifred Nalle birth b: 1705 in Essex Co.,Va Betty Nalle birth b: 1706 in Essex Co.,Va Martin Nalle birth b: 1706 in Essex Co.,Va Amey Nalle birth b: 1709 in Essex Co.,Va Agnes Nalle birth b: 1712 in Essex Co.,Va Richard Nall birth b: 1716 in Essex,Va Nathan Nalle birth b: 1721 in Essex Co.,Va Richard Nalle was born in Essex Co. Va. after 1713 and before 1720 probably about 1716.(1) He was a son of Martin and Mary Aldin Nalle. Although not referred to individually in his father's 1728 will("my eight children")(2) Richard Nalle was named in his mother's nuncupative will dated 22 Mar 1734 "and she give to her son Richd. Nall two pewter basons three dishes and fiveplates."(3) His death occurred after 4 Feb 1794 and by Dec 1796 in Wake Co.,North Carolina. Richard Nalle was married probably about 1737 in Virginia to Elizabeth.(6,4,) Her surname and parents are unknown. She was born by 1720(7) and died after 4 Feb 1794, date of his will, presumably in Wake Co., N.C. Following his mother's death, Richard Nalle became the ward of his brother, John Nalle. On 21 May 1734, John Nalle, Jas. Farguson, and Saml Farguson gave bond of one hundred pounds sterling"...above bound John Nalle Guardian of Richd. Nalle his heirs Exs. and Adms. do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the sd. orphan all such Estate and Estates as now is or hereafter shall come to the hands of the said John Nalle as soon as the sd. orphan shall attain to lawful age"(8) On 20 May 1734, Richard Nalle and his brother, Martin Nalle, with John Kirkpatrick witnessed a deed from John Turbit to Thomas Burke.(9) By 16 Mar 1741, Richard Nalle had received his share of his mother's estate, John Nalle and Thomas Dillard presented an account of the division of the Estate of Mary Nalle: "Cash pd. to Richard Nalle 21 L."(10) The first land transaction recorded in the name of Richard Nalle was dated 5 Aug 1741 in Orange Co. Va. The deed of lease and release from Pierce Cordie for "Eighteeen pounds current money of Virginia"concerned"a certain parcel of land or woodland ground containing two hundred acres Lying and being in the county of Orange and in the Great fork of Rappahannock River ...said Coleman's on a knole by Buttock Run Thence down the said watercourse...Running south East to the Lower Line of a pattent granted to Joseph Bloodwoods and Conrade Amberger thence to the beginning Together with all houses Buildings fences gardens Orchards woods...and watercourses...Yielding and paying therefore yearly rent of one ear of Indian Corn on the feast of saint Michaels(11)...to the intent and purpose that the said Richard Nalle may by virtue of these presents and of the statue made for transferring uses into possessions be lawfully possessed of the said land and premises and hereby be enabled to have take and receive a grant and releas of the Inheritance and fee simple from the said Pierce Cordie unto the said Richard Nalle his heirs and assigns forever.(12) The land described in the above deed was in the part of Orange County that became Culpepper County in 1749. It seems reasonable to assume that Richard Nalle had moved from Essex Co., Va. about the same time as his brother Martin Nalle, between 1734 and 1741. On 25 Mar 1747, Richard Nalle witnessed a deed from Edward Dillard and his wife to John Nalle in Orange Co.,Va.(13) In Orange Co., Va., on 22 Oct 1747, was recorded a lease assignment from Thos. Chambers to Richard Nalle for the" consideration of fourteen Pounds ten shillings," assigning one hundred and fifty acres of land.(14) The yearly rent of "Eight hundred Pounds weight of good merchantable top Tobacco clear of ground leaves and trash" was to be paid for the land"in the Parish of Saint Marks...on the North side of the River Rapidanne." The tract of land was part of a forty-thousand acre grant to Alexander Spottswood and in 1743, owned by his son, John Spottswood.(15) In Culpepper Co., Va., on 15 March 1749, Richard Nalle leased from John Shackelford "one hundred acres of land in the said county in the little fork of rappahannock river...on Indian Run." The term of the lease was to be twenty-one years and the yearly rent, "Five Hundred pounds of Tobacco."(16) On 22 November 1751, Richard Nalle sub-leased to Robert Taliaferro the Thos. Chamber's assignment of the Spottswood land, "...for diverse Reasons and Considerations one hereto moving.(15) On 30 October 1761, "Richard Nalle and Elizabeth his wife"made a deed to Daniel Mauk, selling the 200 acres on Buttock Run which had been deeded to Richard Nalle by Pierce Cordie in 1741. The description of the land was identical and the deed was proved 18 May 1762. Witnesses were John Dillard, Martin Nalle, John Nalle, and John's son Richard Nalle.(6) This sale signaled Richard Nalle's move to North Carolina. His younger brother had preceded him several years before. In Johnston Co., N.C.,on 8 October 1763, Richard Nall purchased land from his brother, Nathan Nall,"both Planters." "The said Nathan Nall for and in consideration of...pounds current money of No. Carolina...doth both grant sell...unto the said R. Nall and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on both sides of Middle Creek containing by estimate 334 acres being part of a large survey granted by a Deed to Wm. Bryan...beginning at a ...poplar in Chas. McCullers line."(17) On 4 January 1764, Richard Nalle bought from James Noleboy for"the sum of six pounds,ten shillings ...one tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Johnston on both sides of Middle Creek." The deed was witnessed by his son, John Nall.(18) In Wake County, N.C., Court6 at the September Term of 1777, was recorded a deed notation from Charles McCullers to Richard Nall. No location or amount of land was included.(19) This seems to have been adjoining his 1763 purchase. Also, since Wake County was formed in 1771 from Johnson County, it appears likely that Richard Nalle lived on the same land he bought in 1763. On 14 August 1786, "I Richard Nawl of theCounty of Wake for and in consideration of the natural Love and affection which I have and do bare unto my Loving son Nathan Nawl...do grant and confirm unto my said son Nathan Nawl...[250 acres] of land situate lying and being on both sides of Middle Creek."(20) In the 1790 census of Hillsborough District in Wake Co., N.C..,were listed Richard Nall and two of his sons, Martin Nall and Nathan Nall.(21) By his will made in 1794, Richard Nalle left 250 acres of land, including the plantation on which he lived, to his son Martin Nall.(4) In the settlement of Martin's estate in 1827, the land divided among his children was located on the north side of Middle Creek,(22) undoubtedly that which he had inherited from his father, Richard Nalle. Richard Nalle's will was written 4 February 1794. and presemted for probate on December, 1796 in Wake Co., N.C. He named only his wife, Elizabeth; his son Martin Nalle; his daughters Polly Hogan and Winnefred Youngblodd and the childred of his deceased son, John Nalle. However, since Richard Nalle'three brothers appear to have each named all of their children in their wills, it seems reasonable to conclude that the remaining Nall persons of third generation age and of North Carolina location belonged to Richard Nalle. Copies of Richard Nalle's will is located in Nall Families of America.(23) References: 1. Richard Nalle was not of age by 21 May 1734, when John Nalle was appointed guardian, but had attained his majority by 16 March 1741 when he received his share of his parents estate. 2. Essex Co., Va. Wills, Bonds, and Inventories, Vol. 4(1722-1730),p.273-4.(G.S. Film No 7431 Pt.9). 3. Essex Co., Va. Wills,Bonds and Inventories,Vol 5. p.271-2.(G.S. Film No. 7439 Pt. 1). 4. Dates of writing and proving of his will. Wake Co.,N.C.,Will Book D.p.269-70. 5. Estimate based on presumed birthdates of Richard Nalle and his eldest son. 6. Culpeper Co.,Va. Deed Book D,p.93-6. (G.S. Film No 7358 Pt. 6.) 7. Estimate based on birthdate of their eldest son. 8. Essex Co.,Va.,Wills,Bonds, and Inventories Vol.5,p.260-1. (G.S.Film No.7439Ptl). 9. Essex Co.,Va.,Deeds,Vol.20,p.93-4.(G.S.Film No 7434 Pt.5). 10.Essex Co.,Va.,Wills,Bonds, and Inventories Vol.7,p.366.(G.S.Film No.7439 Pt.2). 11.September 29. 12.Orange Co.,Va.,Deed Book 5,p.129-134.(G.S.Film 7844 Pt.4). 13.Orange Co.,Va.,Deed Book 10,p.480-1. (G.S.Film No 7844 Pt.6.) 14.Orange Co.,Va.,Deed Book 10,p.530. 15.Orange Co.,Va.,Deed Book A,p.370-5. (G.S. Film No.7358,Pt 4.). 16.Culpeper Co.,Va.,Deed Book A,p.139-141. 17.Johnston Co.,N.C., Deed Book D-1,p.39-40.(G.S.FilmNo.4805,Pt.2). 18.Johnston Co.,N.C.,Deed Book D-1,p.65. 19.Wake Co.,N.C.,Deeds abstracted from Wake Co.,N.C.,Court Minutes Sept. Term 1777,p.17.Courtesy Nancy Jellico, Englewood,Colorado. 20.Wake Co.,N.C.Deed Book H.,p.81-2. 21.1790 Census Wake Co.,N.C.,Hillsborough Dist.,p.105. 22.Wake Co.,N.C.Record Book 20,p.271-3. (G.S. Film No.4970,Pt.7). 23.Nall Families of America by Sally Nall Dolphin.Pub 1978 p.501-2. 24.LDS Ancestral File QGL7-OJ. Elizabeth Nall was born in 1720. Her parents are currently not known nor is the time and place of her death. Children William Nall birth b: 1738 in Wake,NC John Nall birth b: 1741 in Wake,NC James Nall birth b: 1741 in Wake,NC Nicholas Nall birth b: 1750 in Wake,NC Polly Nall birth b: 1755 in Wake,NC Winnifred Nall birth b: 1758 in Wake,NC Nathan Nall birth b: 1760 in Wake,NC Sarah Nall Myatt birth b: 1762 in Wake,NC Martin Nall birth b: 1764 in Wake,NC Mary Elizabeth Nall birth b: 1767 in Wake,NC References: 1. Nall Families of America Sally Nall Dolphin, pub. 1978 pg 501. 2. LDS Ancestral File QGKZ-8T.