record of Ray Forbes Nathan Nall was born 25 January 1800 in Wake Co., North Carolina to Elizabeth Clarke and Martin Nall. He arrived in Fayette Co. Alabama in 1818 with one slave and bought different parcels of land in 1826,1829, and 1846. He married Elizabeth Clarke about 1825. He is listed as a farmer in numerous census listings. His death occurred on 22 Sept 1865. According to Ruby Sullivan, Nathan heard a unusual noise in his front yard. He grabbed a nearby hatchet and ran out the door. Three men were standing in the yard and demanded all of his money. He subsequently attacked the men hitting one of them in the face with his hatchet. However, he was shot and killed. His son Wiley was awakened by the shots he ran out and was also killed. He was buried in the Nall Cemetery at Newtonville, Alabama. His will is listed as probated September,1868. Adminstor was J.W. Gravlee, heirs J.M Nalls and Bradley Nalls of Arkansas,Mariah Loftis, M.E Nalls, C. M Gravlee;heirs of S. Nall, E. Nall widow Moley Wilson of Tuscaloosa Co.,Alabama. References: 1. Family records of B. A. Sullivan, Birmingham, Al. Correspondence, 1965. 2. National Census of 1830 Fayette Co Al Roll 19 #3 Pg 205 Ln 8. 3. National Census of 1850 Fayette Co Al Roll 32# Pg 715. 4. National Census of 1860 Fayette Co Al #487 Pg 503. 5. Herbert Moses Newell, Jr., and Jeanie Patterson Newell, comp. History of Fayette County, Alabama(Fayette Alabama:Newell Offsett Printing, 1960) p.30. 6. Written history of Ruby Sullivan. 7. Fayette Co. Wills and Probate pg.315,474 Ed. B.C. Wiltshire. Mariah Nall married Oliver Perry Poe son of John Poe and Sarah Threet