74 Pages 274a-75a. Martin Nall. Inventory. 23 Sept. 1728. Made in obedience to order of 18 Sept. 1728. Appraisers sworn before Mr. Alexander Parker. Signed by Mary Nalle. Total valuation 85.19.5; NBgro Bristoll not appraised. . David Scott Richd. Gaitwood Thomas Burnett 19 Nov. 1728. Returned. Page 275a. undated. Unto my son Moses Carnell all my land. If at any time there should be no heir then my land to return to my next heir. Unto my daughter Ruth Carnell to cows and one gold ring which was. her mother's. All the inc;r>ease .of my Negro .woman Kate be equally divided amongst all my children excepting my son Moses. My tow [sic] sons Jame [Jamie?] and John Carnell shall be at age for their selves at the age of sixteen. All the rest of my estate to my son Moses Carnall. Ny son Moses Carnall executor. Patrick (W) Carnell Wit: Thomas Ramsay, Hugh (H) CarYl 19 Nov. 1728. Proved by the executor and all the witnesses. Pages 275a-76. Bond of Moses Karnell (Carnell) as executor of Patrick Carnell. Unto William Daingerfie1d, Salvatr. Muscoe, Alexander Parker,and Thos. Sthreshly, Gent., justices. For 400. 19 Nov. 1728. Securities, Thomas Ramsay, Patrick Donahoo and Edmond Connally. Moses (vI) Karnell Thomas Ram.say Patric (X) Donahoo Edmond.Connally Will of Patrick Carnall, being very sick and weak, Vlit: Wil Licorish. . 19 Nov. 1728. Acknowledged. I , I , I I I , I I I Page 276-76a. Bond of Elizabeth Jones and Rice Jones as administrators of Rice Jones. Unto Wm. Daingerfield, Salvr. Muscoe, Alexandr. Parker, Nicholas Smith and Thos. Sthreshly, Gent., justices. For 2000 sterle 19 Nov. 1728. Securities, John Smith and Samuel Cleyton. Eliza. (E) Jones Rice Jones John Smith Saml. Cleyton Wit: Wil Licorish. 19 Nov. 1728. Acknowledged. Page 276a. Bond of John Lomax as executor of Henry .oswald. Unto William Daingerfield, Salvatr. l1uscoe, Alexr. Parker, Nicholas Smith and Thos. Sthreshley, junr., Gent., justices. For 2000 sterle 19 Nov. 1728. Security, William Robinson. John Lomax . Wil Robinson Wit: Wil Licorish. 19 Nov. 1728. Acknowledged.