Pages 149-50. Will of Richard Gregory in Essex County, South­farnham parish, being very sick and weak in body, dated 29 Jan. 1725. Unto Betty Moore one Negro man named Sam.I give 340 acres of land Tho. Rich. Mary Sarah equally to be devide. . One Negro boy to John Ward son of Mary Ward and my pistols, holsters and sword to be delivered to his mother:. ITnto Thomas Bone my horse, bridle and sadIe, two cows and yearlings and all my wearing cloase, six home hoggs, three barell of Indian corn. To Thomas Hoor one cow, three heiffers, five young hoggs, 2t bar[re]l corn. To William B ne two yearlings and a young tear, 5 hoggs with my mark, 22 bar[rs]l corn. Unto Mary Ward 172 pounds of tobacco which is in a hogshead in the tobb[aco] house and a qt. tankard, 1 bar[re]l of Indian corn, 50 wt. of m. To Thos. Bone 2 dishes, 3 plates, a couch, one pott the biggest. To Thos, Moor a chest. To Will Bone a case of drawers. The fodder to be devided amongst 3 broh [brothers,?]. The remainder to be devided of the meat. Tho. Moor my great frying pan, one dish, 2 plates and podeingep. Willm. Bone one iron pot, about 17 pound of feathers. To my sister one feather bed with the furniture belonging to it. To Mary Vlard one bed with furniture belonging to it. To Tho. Moor one candlestick, one frying pan, five chairs, one dozen of spoons, one peper box. To Willm. Bone four juggs. To Thomas Moor one pot of hoggs lard, three bushels of wheat. [NO signature] 17 Aug. 1725. Proved by Thomas Emerson who made oath that he saw Richard Grigory declare the same to be his will. 19 Aug. 1725. Proved by Mary Ward who made oath that she heard the said will read to him the said Richard two severall times and that he acknowledged the same. 21 June 1726. Sworn to by Thomas Moor, administrator with the will annexed. Pages 150-51. Bond of Thomas Moor as administrator with the will annexed of Richard Grigory. Unto William Daingerfeild, Thomas Catlett, Thomas 'daring and Robert Brooke, Gent., jus­tices. For SOC sterle 21 June 1726. Securities, William Johnson, Martin Naul. Thos. Moor William Johnson Martin Nall (Naul) Wit: W. Heny. Terrett. 21 June 1726. Acknowledged. Page 151. Alexr. Somervell. Estate account. 1726. -Payr.1ents made to --- Bornes, fW. Harry Beverley (for pro­ securing Col. Smith and Birom), Dr. Greenhill, Col. Wm. Robinson (part of Willis' judgement). Receipts from Thomas Robinson, Philimon Cavanant, Thomas Graves,.Henry Woolbanks, John Naguffe, Howel Jones, James