90 Present: Thomas Carr and Thos. Catlettl Gent., justices. On the petition of Richard Taliaferro setting forth that he hath land on one side of Pew.monsend Run and is desirous to build a water grist mill thereon and that William Beverley Gent. is proprietor of the land on the other side the run opposite to the petitioner and refuses for a reasonable consideration to convey one acre of his land to the petitioner, it's ordered that John Micou. John Griffin and Johna. Gibson Gent. view the land and if it take not away housing, orchards or other immediate conveniences to value the same and put Richd. Taliaferro in possession thereof. The inventory and appraisement of the estate of Jno. May returned. Page 275 [14 Feb. 1734/5] The last will and testament of Abraham Brown was presented in Court by Mary Brown executrix and Daniel Brown executor therein named, and proved by George Trible and Dinah Trible witnesses thereto. On motion of the executrix and executor certificate is granted them for ohtaining a probate. It's ordered James Terrill, William Terrill, James Collins and William Brown appraise the estate of Abraham Bro . The last will and testament of Tandy Holeman was presented in Court by Anthony Thornton Gent. one of the executors therein named and proved by Henry Rains one of the witmesses. On motion of the executor certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate. It's ordered Nicho. Ware, James Taylor, Archd. McPherson and Robert Taliaferro appraise the estate of Tandy Holeman. The court being informed that George Hardon and the widow of William Stab1eton have possession of Wm. Stableton's will, it's ordered a summon issue for Geo. Hardon and the widow Stableton to appear at next Court and bring the will. On the motion of Thomas Catlett Gent., itls ordered the nomination for justices made at the Court held 13 Dec. 1734 be postponed. III Roger Quarles and Jane his wife acknowledged their deeds of lease and release of land indent d to John Partloe. Page 276 [14 Feb. 1734/5] It's ordered Robt. Dudley pay Thos. Carr Gent. 60 pounds of tobacco for two days' attendanoe ... Roger Quarles 90 pounds of tobacco for three days' attendance ... Wm. Burdett 90 pounds of tobacco for three days' attendanae as an evidence for him ads. Taliaferro. Action on the case. Robert Bohanan and Beersheba his wife