Petty Family








Orange County, Virginia

PATTEY, PATTIE, PATTY posted by James Baker on Friday, July 17, 1998

In 1735, Orange Co. Deed Bk1, pg 118..Alex. Spotswood to Thomas PATTEY JR..lease land.for Petty and for the lives of Wm Petty, son& Theophilus Petty, his brother Williamm's son..Orange Co. Wills..Jany 31, 1748/9..will of Thomas Petty.son John,Thomas,Wm,James, dau.Rebecca Sims,Mary Knight.  Will 1751/1..George Petty.wife Jemima, child Catherine..Is this same family who was later in Spotsylvania, Caroline,Culpeper Cos of Va? later spelling PATTIE,PATTY..Any of this surname in these counties will help. Believe all same family.





Deed Book A 1771-1775

Page 22-26



26 February 1771 – Robert Corley and Sarah, his wife to Benjamin Watts – 1000 lbs – tract of land in Orange county beginning at a white oak on Charles Clanton’s line on Robinson’s creek and running East along the said line to a post oak formerly on Robert Rutherford’s line then South across the creek to a pine on the said creek line then West to the road then along the road to the first station creek then up the said creek to the first station including the plantation whereon the said Robert Corley now lives containing 210 acres.

Wit: (Hubird in record) Hubert Petty (X) Robert Corley

William Green ? << sic                           Sarah Corley



Hubburd Petty (M)
(circa 1743 - circa 1800)

     Hubburd Petty was born circa 1743 Orange Cp, VA. He was the son of William Petty and Elizabeth Merryman. Hubburd Petty died circa 1800 Hickman Co, TN.

Hubert Petty (M)
(circa 1640 - before June 1687)

     Hubert Petty was born circa 1640 England. He immigrated; to Virginia from England. He married Rebecca (?) circa 1660 Rappahanock Co, VA; divided in 1692 into Essex and Richmond Counties. Hubert Petty died before June 1687 Lancaster Co, VA.

     Child of Hubert Petty and Rebecca (?):

Thomas Petty+   (c 1683 - b 24 May 1750)


Thomas Petty (M)
(circa 1786 - 1862)

     Thomas Petty was born circa 1786 NC. He was the son of John Petty and Martha Saunders. Thomas Petty married Lydia Maynard 11 February 1811 Wake Co, NC. Thomas Petty died 1862 Stonewall, Smith Co, TN. 
     Children of Thomas Petty and Lydia Maynard: 
William Petty+   (1814 - c 1870) 
Atlas Petty   (1815 - ) 
Balaam Baldwin Petty   (1816 - ) 
Henderson B. Petty+   (1819 - 17 Mar 1901) 
Thomas Petty   (1822 - ) 
John Tapley Petty   (c 1827 - ) 
Winship Blackstone Petty   (22 Nov 1834 - 14 Jan 1923) 
Stephen Petty+   (20 Jul 1838 - 10 Mar 1915) 
 Thomas Petty (M)
(circa 1731 - 20 August 1769)
Pop-up Pedigree 
     Thomas Petty was born circa 1731 Richmond Co, VA. He was the son of John Petty and Rebecca Sims. Thomas Petty married Mary (?). Thomas Petty died 20 August 1769 Orange Co, NC. 
     Children of Thomas Petty and Mary (?): 
Reuben Petty   (c 1751 - ) 
Martha Petty   (c 1755 - ) 
John Petty+   (c 1756 - 1837) 
Thomas Petty   (c 1757 - ) 
Sarah Petty


P. 57 - 31 July 1775 - William Petty Junr. and Mildred his Wife to Mial Scurlock - 315 pds. - 212 a. on the South side of Robertsons Creek whereon Chatham Courthouse now stands - joins Theophilis Petty and William Petty.

Wit:       John Auld         William (W) Petty

Mildred (X) Petty



William Petty (M)

(circa 1736 - 5 October 1822)

William Petty was born circa 1736 Orange Co, VA. He was the son of William Petty and Elizabeth Merryman. William Petty married Mildred Phelps circa 1760 Orange Co, NC. William Petty died 5 October 1822 Chatham Co, NC. 

Children of William Petty and Mildred Phelps:

William Petty   (c 1761 - c 1780)

Kezziah Petty+   (9 Dec 1762 - 9 Oct 1820)

James Petty   (c 1764 - )

Jesse Petty   (c 1766 - c 1794)

Isaac Petty   (7 Mar 1768 - c 1860)

Lewis Petty   (c 1770 - )

Mary Petty   (c 1774 - )

Martha Petty   (c 1774 - )

Anna Petty   (c 1778 - )
Revolutionary or Military Pensioners in 1840 Federal Census, Alabama
Names of Pensioners      Ages   Names of heads of families with whom
for Revolutionary or            pensioners resided June 1, 1840
military services



  John Linton             82      Hugh Linton
  Theophilus Petty, sen.  82      Theophilus Petty, sen.
  Adam Skanes             85      Adam Skanes, sen.


Chatham County NC - DEEDS - Cain Surname in Deeds


Chatham  NC  Deed Book  A-128
06 Nov 1772  David Griffin and wife Sarah to ELISHA CAIN for 90 pds, 2
tracts adj each other; adj Theophilus Petty, Charles Clanton, William
Petty, Jr; grant of James Ray, 102a;  also on Little Creek, 60a.  s/
David Griffin, Sarah (x) Griffin.  w/ Je sse George, WILLIAM (x) CAIN.



Chatham  NC  Deed Book  B-375
09 Nov 1779  ELISHA CAIN & wife MARY to Zachariah Harmon, 3500 pds, 2
tracts adj each other; 1 adj Theophelus Petty, Charles Clanton and
William Petty, Jr. on Little Creek, Haw Branch, grant of James Ray 100a;
also on Little Timber Branch 60a. s/ ELI SHA CAIN.  w/ Jas Williams, A.


Chatham  NC  Deed Book  B-305
20 Aug 1779  State on North Carolina to William Dilliard, 640a on Camp
Branch at Harmans corner, adj Petty, John Dillard, the old chapel path,
across Gulph road, Ashfords corner, Giffords & Scurlocks corner, entered
by CAIN.


Chatham  NC  Deed Book  D-208
10 Jun 1786  Matthew Jones to ELISHA CAIN, 7 pds, 2 lots of land & #95 in
town of _____, purchased of William Petty.  s/ Matthew Jones.


November Term 1808

State of North Carolina
At a County Court begun and held for the county of Ashe on the First Monday being the 7th day of Novr. 1808.

James Bunyard
Martain Gambill, Esqr
Matthias Harmon

Grand Jury sworn and impaneled as Follows, to wit:

Samuel Willcockson, foreman, Samuel Griffith, Antony Reese, Wm. Richardson, Solomon Scott, David Houck, Wm. Walters, Joel Forgison, James Tomson, Matthias Poe, Moses Dickson, Adam Wagoner, Wm. Baldwin, Abraham Miller, Jesse Tolliver, Robert Shearer.

Ordered by the court that the Shff summon Daniel Hopar, Wm. Powers, Zechariah Baker, David Curtis, Stephen Baldwin, Carter Whitington, Daniel Ward, Martain Gambell, Jno. Conley, Daniel Moxley, Christian Shearer, Charles Tolliver, Adam Crows, Jas. Dickson, Adam Wether, David Houck, Thos. Testaman, Alex. Latham, Sterlin Edwards, Young Edwards, Josiah Conley, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Greer, Isaac Weaver, Sr., Jonathan Millar, Wm. Baldwin, Daniel Eggers, Ser., B... Austin, Jno. Northern, Samuel Scott, as jurors to March Superior Court 1809.

A Bill of sale from James Cleek to Robert Thomson for one Wagon and two horses was duly proven in open court by the oath of Wm. Harbert & James Johnson in order to be registered.

Ordered by the court the Eli Cleveland be overseer of the road in room of Isaac Weaver, Junr.

Ordered by the court that Jno. Bunyard be overseer in room of Gideon Lewis.

Ordered by the court that Elisha Blevins be overseer of the road in room of Jno. Poe.

Ordered by the court that Joshua Carter be overseer of the road in room of Abraham Millar.

Ordered by the Court that Samuel Perry be overseer of the road in room of Benjamin Long.

Ordered by the court that Jacob Harlas be overseer of the road in room of Jacob Baker.

Orderd by the Court that Thos. Moody be overseer of the road in room of Samuel Baker from Elijah Estep on the Turnpike Road to Simon Shulls on Wattaga and the hands up the river to work on the same.

Ordered by the court that there be three jury courts a year to wit, May, August and November.

Ordered by the court that Luther Purkins be overseer of a road in room of Philip Church.

Ordered by the court that Ephrom Orsborn be overseer in room of Wm. Orsborn.

A deed from Isaac Wilborn to Wm. Harbert and Robert Tomson for 150 acres proven by the oath of James Johnson.

A deed from Isaac Wellborn to Wm. Harbert & Robert Tomson for 95 ? acres proven by the oath of Solomon Scott.

A deed from George Sisemore to Jno. Jones for 50 acres proven by Edward Sisemore.

A deed from Jno. Burton to Richard Burton for 300 acres acknowledged by Jno. Burton.

A Power of attorney from Henry Hately to Joseph Callaway proven by the oath of Joren Council turning in these words, know all men by the presents I Henry Hately of the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina do make constitute and ordain Joseph Calloway of the County & State aforesaid My true and Lawful attorney in my place to conduct my business in my name in the state of Georgia for a Soliders discharge and to make use of all legal means in my name for the recoverd of said allowance and power one or more attorneys under him if he find it nessassary for the recovery of the same and I farther aturherise said Joseph Callaway to transfer or convey as the case may be and assign my name to all legal instruments of writing for the recovery or transforming or conveying of the said land in the wtiness thereof the said Henry hath set his hand and affixed his seal this day and date under neath written this 24th Oct. 1807.

Jorden Council
Richard Jacks
Henry (his X mark) Hately {{Seal}}

A deed from Andrew Sheets to John Perry for 79 acres acknowledged by Andrew Sheets

A deed from John Burton to Allen Burton for 200 acres acknowledged by John Burton

A deed from Daniel Kessler to Absolom Bower 50 acres proven by John Kessler

A deed from Joshua Cox to John Cox for 150 acres proven by Saml. Cox

A deed from Daniel Richardson to John Richardson 50 acres proven by Joshua Cox

A deed from Theophilus Petty to David Cox 150 acres proven by Samuel Cox.

A deed from Theophilus Petty to David Cox 80 acres proven by Saml. Cox.

A deed from Jonathan Miller to Isaac Weaver for 25 acres proven by Eli Cleveland

A deed from Levi Penington to Ephrom Standiford for 100 acres acknowledged by Levi Penington

A deed from Andrew Morris to Edmond Blackburn for 100 acres proven by Thomas Calloway

A deed from George Barrier to Andrew Sheets for 100 acres proven by James B. Bunyard & Jno. McMillan & George Koons

A deed from Wm. Alford to Jno. Cox for 288 ? acres proven by Thomas McGimsey

A deed from Alexr. Smith to Jno. Lyall for 50 acres acknowledged by Alexr. Smith

A deed from Susanna Fletcher & Jno. Fletcher, Extr of Jas. Fletcher to Ephrom Standifer, proven b7y Wm. G. Waugh 150 acres

A deed from Andrew Sheets to Jno. Sheets for 100 acres acknowledged by Andrew Sheets

A deed from Daniel Richardson to Wm. Richardson for 150 acres proven by Martin Gambill

A deed from Edward King to Adam Welker for 150 acres proven by Eli Cleveland

A deed from Adam Welker to Seth Ausborn for 88 ? acres proven by Wm. Walters

A deed from John Cox to Alexander Smith for 375 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey

A deed from Jno. Cox, Nathan Horton, Comrs. & Jno. Bower & Jno. Kessler to Alexander Smith 3 Lotts, No. 34, 25, 26, proven by Jno. C. Johnson

A deed from John Cox to Thos. Calloway for 600 acres proven by Thos. McGimsey

A deed from Jno. Cox, Nathan Horton & Jno. Koons, Comr. To Alexander Smith 1 Lott, No. 37, proven by Jno. O. Johnson

A deed from Charles Lewis to George Sizemore for 200 acres proven by Stephen Osbourn

A deed from Isaac Welbourn to Wm. Harbert & Robt. Thomson 150 acres, proven by James Johnson

A deed from James Hathorn to Wm. Byars for 50 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn

A deed from James Hathorn to Wm Byars for 100 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn

A deed from James Hathorn to Wm. Byars for 150 acres acknowledged by Jas. Hathorn

A deed from James McCaleb to Jonathan Boon for 245 acres proven by Robt. Sherrer

A deed from Saml Robinett to James Hathorn for 50 acres proven by John Cox.

A deed from Levi Staffort to James Hathorn for 100 acres proven by John Cox

A deed from Benajah Penington to Jas. Hathorn for 150 acres proven by John Cox.

A deed from John Dick to Seth Osborn for 102 acres proven by Michael Stocker

A deed from John Ayers to Joab Forgason for 40 acres proven by Robt. Sherrer

A deed from Wm. Richardson to Thos. Collins for 25 acres proven by Wm. Weaver

A deed from Jno. Cox & Nathan Horton Comrs. & Jno. Bower & Jno. Kessler, Entr of Jno. Koons to James Hathorn for 1 Lott No. 23 proven by James Griffeth

A deed from Wm. Lenoir to Thos. Lyrah for 100 acres proven by Jno. Calloway

A deed from Joseph Burkard to Jno. Pumphrey for 100 acres acknowledged by Joseph Burkard

A deed from Joseph Burkerd to Jno Pumphrey for 200 acknowledged by Jas. Burkerd

A deed from Isaac Wilbourn to Wm. Harbert & Robt. Thomson for 95 ? acres proven by James Johnson

A deed from Edward Stogdill to Jno. Green fr 49 acres proven by Joel Forgeson

A deed from David Byerly to Wm. Griffith for 50 acres proven by Andrew Sheets

A deed from Hodges Counceill to Jordon Councill for 300 acres proven by Joel Forgeson

A deed from Thos. Bouchell to Wm. Snow for 140 acres proven by S. Donaher

A deed from Henry Shutt to Jas. Dickson for 150 acres proven by Alexr. Smith

A deed from Henry Shutt to Jas. Dickson 50 acres proven by Alexr. Smith

George Reaves

Wm. Allison
Appeal. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows, to wit:

George Koons

Edward King

Charles Roark

Absolom Bower

Danl. Bumgarner

Benjamin Brown

Wm. Maxwell

Archibald McElroy

David Roten

Isaac Weaver

Gideon Lewis

Abner Duncan

Jury: Verdict find for the Deft.

Robert Nall

Jno. Burton
Enoch Osborn Wit for the pltf cald and failed


William Orsborn
Indt & Capis Jury sworn and empaneled as follows:

Geo. Koons

Jacob Baker

James Campbell

Absolom Bower

Daniel Dickson

Abner Duncan

Wm. Maxwell

Landrine Eggers

Jno. Lyles

Archabald McElroy

Hyllard Griffith

Jno. Fletcher

Jruy: Verdict, Deft, found guilty in maner and form as stands charged in the bill of indct. Find 20/- appeal prayed and granted.


Moses Hately
Indct. Jury sworn and impaneled as follows

Geo, Koons

Jacob Baker

Jno. Lyles

Absolom Bower

Daniel Dickson

Jno. Fletcher

Wm. Maxwell

Hyllard Griffith

Edward King

Archabald McElroy

James Campbell

Charles Roark

Jury find the Deft guilty in maner and form as stands charged in bill of Indt.

[Two pages of land surveys for the heirs of William Whitington, performed by Jesse Cleveland and Eli Cleveland into eleven twenty-two acre tracts, omitted here]

Orderd by the court that Reuben Ross be overseer to Clear out the road from Jno. Tollivers to the Virginia line Solomon Scott and his hands, Wm. Peary and his hands and David Edwards and his hands to help clear out the same.

Ordered by the court that David Roten be overseer of the road in room of Thos Baker, the same hands and bounds.

Ordered by the court that Jno. Fips, Wm. Fips, Jesse Fips, Jno. Long, Tobias Long work under Solomon Scott on the road from the Top of Peach Bottom Mountain to Tolliver's Ford.