James Poe



Following is an examination of records pertaining to men named James Poe who are mentioned in various North Carolina historical records during the 18th Century.


First is the man called “Major James Poe.” He is listed in government records as a Revolutionary War veteran.


Second is James Poe, married to Sarah, who died in Guilford County, North Carolina in 1812. This man left a will naming his children.


We know from the 1793 will of Simon Poe SR that he had a son named James Poe.


We also know from various records that, Stephen Poe, another son of Simon Poe SR, died in 1773 leaving an orphan son named James Poe. This James Poe was raised in the home of William Howard who also took in Hastin and Larkin, also orphans of Stephen Poe. The sons under guardianship of William Howard appear still to be minors (under 21) in 1785. The relationship of William Howard to the Poe family is not known.



Tradition assigns the identify of James Poe, son of Simon Poe SR to the James Poe who married a woman named Mary. It is said this James Poe moved to Anson County, NC and later, just after 1820, this family with other related families, migrated to Fayette County, Alabama. It also is said  that this is the James Poe who fought in the Revolutionary War.


But the historical record is not clear.


There seems also to be other men named James Poe in the vicinity of Chatham County, NC during the latter 1800s. In some cases, I wonder if the transcriber mistook “Roe” for “Poe” as often happens. I have not looked at the sources.


Hopefully, this examination will shed some light on which James Poe is associated with the various records.


Records from:









1761 - 1782



Chatham County, NC

James Poe born before 1740 and who appears to be the son of Simon Poe SR (1707 – 1793).


NOTE: The first mention of a James Poe is one that indicates a man born before 1740 and who is associated with two known sons of Simon Poe SR. Tradition holds that the man buried in Fayette County, AL is the son of Simon Poe SR. It has been stated that this James Poe was born in 1750 or 1751. This and other records do not seem to support that date for James’ birth. The James of the following record would be 11 years old.  During this period, men came of age when they turned twenty-one.


August 1761

Ordered that Argulus Henderson*, Simon Fooshe, Thomas Shields, John Stuart and his tythables, William Marsh Junr. Simon Poe Junr. Stephen Poe, James Poe, Joseph Fooshe, Cornelius Roe, William Tucker,  Elathan Davis, Charles Clanton, Benjamin Clanton, Robert Colley, Samuel Marsh, William McDaniel? (sic) and his Tythables, Zachariah Martin Junr. Robert Martin, Thomas North, John Books, John Crow, John Cullis, John Webster and Charles Webster do work on the road from Haw river to Roberson's Ford being William Petty Senr District.



NOTE: Mary, daughter of Simon Poe, SR married a Berry, who almost surely is part of this same Berry family. Also, this Berry family was established in quite early in Essex / Caroline County, VA where the Simon Poe SR family originated. Beaver Dam is in the area around Pittsboro where Simon Poe Sr’s family settled (although records indicate they inhabited areas from Fearington to Pittsboro as well as other areas on the Haw River and New Hope Creek. It is difficult to determine what areas they actually farmed and what areas they acquired through inheritances and land warrants.



23 November 1772

Nimrod Burk (Burc) to Prettyman Berry - 20 pds. 100 a. on the East side of Beaver Dam Creek - joins Peter Sullinger

Wit: James Poe                                 Nimrod (X) Burc

        John Hand                                   Sarah (X) Burc




NOTE: The James Poe in the next record  was well enough established to be “appointed Constable.” If he was born in 1840 and is the man of the 1761 record above, he would be in his thirties, which seems more appropriate for this position that if he were 23 or 24 as tradition makes the age of the James Poe of Anson Co, NC / Fayette County, Alabama. This record appears to indicate that Benjamin Watts is a county official. A Thomas Watts died in Culpeper County, VA in 1746 and left a will naming among others, sons Benjamin Watts and Thomas Watts. The Thomas Watts mentioned the day after James Poe’s appointed is probably that son of the 1746 Thomas Watts. This Benjamin is probably Thomas Watts brother. Again, “tradition” states that the James Poe of Anson County NC was married to Mary Watts and that she was a daughter of a Benjamin Watts (Watts researchers contacted to date do not have any support for this). Note also that Zachariah Harman is of the Harmon family, several daughters of which married into the family of Simon Poe SR’s grandsons.


It is important to note that these “associations” can be misleading as Zachariah Harman was a county official at various points, and we see James Poe was appointed constable the day before this estate record. Any administrator would have given bond to Harman and Poe if they were both officials on this day.


It is possible these records represent more than one James Poe, but doubtful to my reading. They seem to identify James Poe, son of Simon Poe SR and brother of Stephen Poe and Simon Poe JR.



10 May 1774

Page 5

James Poe appointed Constable he having given Benjamin Watts Security.


11 May 1774

Administration on the Estate of Thomas Watts, dec'd., granted to Benjamin Watts., he having given bond with Zachariah Harman & James Poe in 500 pounds.


page 10:


Will of Stephen Poe, dec'd proved by James Poe. NC, Chatham Co. Executors: Hannah Poe, William Howard & Robert Rutherford,.



NOTE: this record is included to show that John Berry was a close neighbor to the Simon Poe SR family and perhaps married to Simon Poe SR’s daughter (Mary Poe did marry a Berry). And that Benjamin Watts also was in this group. This is important later in this analysis.




Order'd that the following hands be added to work the road whereof Richard Straughn* is overseer Viz: Hannah Poe, John Berry, Pretteman Berry, John Morton, Joseph Stewart, Simon Fooshe, Charles Morgan, Benjamin Watts, William Sanders & William Dillard.




James Poe who lives on Harland’s Creek


NOTE: This man lives in a different area of Chatham County. He is a neighbor of John Poe SR. Harland’s Creek is far west of the Pittsboro area. Also, a John Poe is listed in the 1772 Muster Roll of Joab Brooks. This John Poe lived near Siler City and seems to have come from Culpeper County, VA along with a Benjamin Poe and a William Poe (and possibly a Charles Poe who became a ward of the government due to some mental incapacity).



John Poe Sr be appt overseer of the road from Harlands Creek to Evan's Mill & that the following hands work thereon, Viz: his own hands, James Poe's, Thomas Griffin's, John Griffens, William Haley's, Richard Haley's, Benj. Harris', Aaron Evan's, the hands living on Henry Bagley's plantation, & Charles Harrington's.



Simon Poe again seeming to be the son of Simon Poe, SR


17th July, 1777

Chatham County Court Records in Pittsboro, North Carolina: Book B page 110


To all People to Whome the presents shall come, know ye that Stephen Herndon and Sophia Herndon my wife and administratricks to the Estate of Simon Poe Deceased of Chatham County for and in consideration of the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds Current Money to us in hand paid by Richd. Kennon of the County Aforesaid have Bargained Sold Released and Made over by these Presents do Bargain Sell Release and Make Over unto the said Richd. Kennon his heirs and assigns all our Right to a certain peace or tract of land whereon we now live lying to the So. of Haw River and adjoining the lands of Stephen Poe Decd. on the So. John Morton Decd. on the Et. Richard Berrys Deed. On the No. and William Howards on the we. containing three hundred and fifty acres of land to be the same more or less to have and to hold the land and improvement. We the said Stephen Herndon and Sophia Herndon Administratricks do Warrent and for Ourselves unto the said Richd. Kennon his heirs and assigns As Witness Our hands and seals this 17th July, 1777.

Test. James Poe

Stephen Herndon (his mark)

Prettyman Berry

Sophia Herndon



James Poe (born around 1770) son of Stephen Poe (d. 1773)


Feb., 1778

pg. 132 -
WILLIAM HOWARD appointed Guardian to HASTIN POE, LARKIN POE and JAMES POE, he giving bond with ROB'T RUTHERFORD, Esq. in the amount of 1000 pounds each.

16 February 1778

William Howard, “gaudn” of James Poe orphan of Stephen Poe decd, enters 450 ac; border: Berry’s line on Haw R., runs up the river to the mouth of Brooks Cr, up the “break” opposite James Herndon’s line, up his line W to Poe’s line, along Poe’s line to Berry’s line & along Berry’s line to the beginning; James William caveated; proceedings returned to May Court; discontinued by “ J W” ; warrant issued to “W H” Jul. 25.



Simon Poe again seeming to be the son of Simon Poe, SR.  James Massey was married to daughter of Simon Poe, SR. We also saw William Petty in the 1761 record above. Another daughter of Simon Poe SR was married to a George.


May 14, 1778

p. 105


 William Petty enters 640 ac on Green Br, Meadow Br, & Petty's Br; border: Jer. George's corner, runs along said George's line to Jas Stewart's corner, along Stewart's lIne to Petty's corner, along Petty's line to Meadow Br, up said branch to the foot of "the" pine hill to (James Poe) Jas Poe's Br, to "his" line formerly Mullis's, N to the corner of said line, W to "the" road, & joins (James Massey) Jas Massey and then down [blank] to beginning; warrant issued Aug. 15; grant delivered.




This must be Simon Poe SR, and James his son. The December record mentions William Poe, another son of Simon Poe SR mentioned in the 1793 will.


page 31

Jul. 13, 1778 James Poe enters 50 ac on Crooked Cr; border: Simon Poe, Charles Stewart, & Alexr Clark; warrant issued Oct. 19; grant delivered.


December 29, 1778

 James Massey enters 600 ac on W side of Haw R; border: James Poe's corner, runs "round by" Chas Stewart, Geo Dismuck (George Dismukes), Richard Kennon, & Wm Poe; (William Poe); Wm  Howard (William Howard) caveated; Alexander Clark  caveated; proceedIngs returned to May Court: verdict in favor of Clark; no warrant issued money returned to Massey


p. 186 –

Registered 1 November 1779 – State of North Carolina to James Poe – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 25 a. on the Crooked Branch – joins Simon Poe’s line, Clarks corner and Stewarts line.




James Poe, son of Stephen Poe, son of Simon Poe, SR could not be born too long before 1773 when Stephen Poe died..


p. 20

30 March 1780

State of North Carolina to Wililam Howard, Guardian for James Poe Orphan of Stephen Poe - 50 sh. for every 100 a. - 320 a. on Haw River - joins Berrys corner on Haw River, Brookses Creek and Herndon's line.

Wm. Sheppard Sec                                          Rd. Caswell


31 March 1780

State of North Carolina to William Howard, guardian for James Poe Orphan of Stephen Poe – 50 sh. For every 100 a. – 320 a. on Haw River – joins Berrys corner on Haw River, Brookses Creek and Herndons line




This must be James Poe, son of Simon SR


David Poe is the son of Simon Poe JR who died in 1773. David must be over 21 in this record. William Poe JR is probably the son of the William Poe SR mentioned, and he must be James Poe’s brother, sons of Simon Poe SR.  Hannah Poe is of course the widow of Stephen Poe (d. 1773). “Road Orders” were normally issued in regard to people who lived adjacent to each other so all sections of the road cold be maintained. All these families were already, or will soon, marry a Poe (not sure about Gilliam and Thomas).


26 May 1782

Pg. 14A. The Following hands appointed to work on the Road under Richard Strawn (Viz.) Prettyman Berry, David Poe, John Gilliam, John Thomas, William Poe Jun'r, Hannah Poe's Negroes, Stephen Straughn, Stephen Neal, Stephen Herndon, Chrispan Straughan, William Poe, Sr, Robert Thompson and James Poe.




1783 - 1800


James Poe (SR) born c. 1740, son of Simon Poe, SR


James Poe (JR) his son, born c. 1761


If James Poe was born in 1740 (as the 1761 records implies), then he could have this grown son, James Poe JR, who would just now be starting a family. This may be the nature of the following set of transactions -- to provide James Poe JR a parcel of land. The relationship of Benjamin Watts to the Poe and Berry family is not well understood. But here we see him deeding lands to Poe and Berry.


A bit later the names James Poe and John Berry appear in Caswell County records.


12 November 1783


Pg. 51A


A Deed from John Stewart to James Williams proved by the Oath of James Massey.


 A Deed from Benjamin Watts and Wife to James Poe Jr. proved by the Oath of John Berry, Jr.


A Deed from the Same to the Same proved by the Oath of the Same.


Deed from Benjamin Watts to John. Berry ack'd.


Pg. 51B - Deed from James Poe to John Berry ack'd.



James Poe of Rocky River – probably the one above mentioned in association with John Poe SR.

Few records identify this James Poe.



10 May 1784

Cornaless (later spelled Carneless) Boyel, Yeoman to William Toode, Tanar – 30 pds. – 150 a. on the Waters of Rocky River (Rockey) on the East side – joins James McCarroll – it being a tract of land granted to Corneleas Boyel by this present Authority bearing date the 31st March 1780.


Sol. Stuart                                          Corneles (c) Boyel

James Poe                                       Mary (o) Boyel



James Poe, son of Simon Poe SR

NOTE: The connection to Benjamin Watts and the Cashatts Creek lands seems to confirm this.


11 August 1784


Pg. 81A

James Poe appointed Overseer of the road from Cashatts Creek to Luttrell’s Branch



James Poe son of Simon Poe SR (or possibly his son James)


We saw Straughan and Neal as well as Dismukes above in connection to this James Poe.


30 November 1784

Account of Sales of Estate of Younger Neal


Christopher Straughn - 2 hides leather

James Poe - 2 sides leather

Zach. Harman - 1 bed

Richard Staughn 2 head of hoggs

George Dismukes - 1 -------



James Poe of the Simon Poe SR family (either James Poe SR or James Poe JR. )


16 February 1785


Pg. 100B


In the Suit Nathan Bryant against Nicholas Nall the following Jury Sworn Viz – William Moody, William Poe, Vincent Self, Richard Straughan (Strawan), Joel Patterson, Richard Straughan (Strawan), Thomas Stone, Thomas Lassiter, Parish Self, Robert Thompson, James Poe and James Willitt.



James Poe who signed by MARK. 


This man is in the area of other Simon Poe SR family. There can be little doubt there are “of” the Simon Poe SR family. The fact that this James Poe signs by mark is what stands out, this and the mention of Robert Poe who is not mentioned in very many records. He does however seem to be of the Simon Poe Sr family. But he may be a grandson, or even a son of the younger Samuel Poe of Caroline County, very likely Simon Poe Sr’s brother (although hard to prove). It is hard to see this record indicating James son of Simon  SR or the younger James mentioned above.


p. 23

6 August 1785 – Lewis Braswell to Robert Poe – 30 pds. Specie 100 a. on Wilkinsons Creek – joins Peter Bray, Gideon Kirksey** and Robert Poes own corner.

Wit David Williams                           Lewis Brassell

James Poe (X)                                 Rebecker (X) Brassell



James Poe son of Stephen Poe == although this record (or transcription) is confused.


One presumes this means all the children, so James Poe must be a minor still.


23 September 1785 – State of North Carolina to George Dismukes – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 39 a. on the Waters of Haw River – joins a Branch in his Own line and a conditional line with William Howard Guardian to James Poes* children, crosses Morgans Creek.

W. Williams Sec                    Rd. Caswell




This is the moment when the historical record raises a huge question about the identity of this James Poe.


James Poe with wife name Mary


Part of the problem here is identifying the location of “Cain Creek” or as it is spelled a few times, “Cane Creek.”  The old map I scanned at the link below shows that “Cain Creek” was on the Haw River near Hillsboro. For the sake of this study, I am assuming this is the Cain Creek area where Benjamin Watts acquired lands in the 1780s.




In Caswell County we find a James Poe and a John Berry who are associated with Jonathan Poe and Rhodis Poe. This family  of Jonathan and Rhodis Poe and later George Poe (who travels through Franklin County, TN to Fayette County, AL by 1810), appears to have come from Culpeper County, which is the first place we see the name Jonathan Poe.


Note these Caswell County, NC records before reading on. Perhaps, the Culpeper and Caroline County Poe families met up at this point either by chance or design.


Cain Creek mentioned in Caswell County record

16 July 1784

Archibald Murphy of CC to Reubin Taylor of same, for 50 lbs, 150 A on Cain & Wynn Creeks adj John Warren, Reubin Taylor, James Hamlett  (Hamblett). 16 July 1784.  Wit: Litt Stokes, Will Williams, James Hamlett


Country Line Creek is on the far north of Caswell County on the Virginia border, not far from Danville. The court makes a point of noting that Rebecca Berry is “of Caswell County.” But does not state this for John Berry.

Deed Book L

p. 303

10 March 1786.

Rebecca Berry of CC to son John Berry, for love & affection, 211 A on Toms Cr and Country Line Cr adj Hart old line, being part of tract granted to her. Wit: Robert Mitchell, James Poe


Thomas SIMMONS 1794 page 97



Book C. Acct. estate of Thomas Simmons, decd. Accounts paid to . . . . James Poe. ..



Chatham County


NOTE: This is the first time we see the name Mary Poe in association. Since “JR” is not used here, it probably refers to James Poe, son of Simon Poe SR, but that is open to question. It could be James Poe JUNIOR. However, it appears that James is divesting of his Chatham County lands at this point. Presumably this is the James Poe who moves to Anson County.

September 1787

James Poe to Christopher Hornaday – 6 pd. Specie (no a. given) on the Head of the South fork of Cain Creek – being a tract of land granted to the sd. James Poe by this present authority dated 3 September 1787


John Beray     (Berry)            James Poe

John (X) Dowdey                  Mary (X) Poe



P. 417

3 September 1787

James Poe, Planter to Christopher Hornaday, Planter – 50 pds. Specie - `175 a. on the South side of Cain Creek – joins his own line and James Poe’s other land – it being a tract of land granted to the sd. James Poe by this present authority dated 3 September 1787


John Berry                              James Poe

John (X) Dowdy                                 Mary (X) Poe


Note that the 1790 census for Caswell County only mentions Jonathan Poe and Rhodis Poe.


1790 Census Chatham County

Only one James Poe mentioned.


James Poe (6) 1m>16, 1m<16, 4 f



This seems to be the James Poe who signs by Mark. Again, Wilkersons Creek. None of these “neighbors” can easily be associated with the Simon Poe SR family.

November 1790
William Kirkcey appointed overseer of the Road from Morgans old Mill to Wilkersons Creek and the following Hands work under him, To Wit, James Powell, Wm. Powell, Roling Man, Thomas Ledbetter, Ephraim Ledbetter, Gidion Kirkcey, James Poe, David Williams, John Pearson. Absolam Smith, John Edwards, John Trip, Wm. Brewer. Oliver Brewer, Wm. Edwards, John Kirkcey. Geo. Blalock. Sam Hurns, Geo. Mosley.
14 February 1791 session

(Red Field Ford was on the Haw River near the Stephen / Hannah Poe lands)

p. 69

James Poe appointed overseer of the Road in the Room of James Gunter from the Red field foard on Haw River to Francis Jones'es

February 1792

Mr. Thomas Patterson vs James Poe - Tresspass. The following Jury Sworn, to wit, James Patterson, John Petty, Spencer Stewart, William Hackney. John Minter, Mathew Ramsey. Charles Mash. James Scurlock. John Pike, Charles Morgan. Thomas Stone, Edward Bray, Who say they find for the Defendant. Pltf, moves for a new trial.

May 1792

p. 167

Hosea Heathcock appointed overseer of the Road in Room of James Poe from the Red field foard on Haw River to Francis Jones'es


August 1792


p. 191

No. 5 - Thomas Patterson vs James Poe  Tresspass - plea Gen'l issue  justification.


James Poe SR or James Poe JR. At this point it could be James Poe, son of Stephen Poe.


Chatham County


Estate Sale of Simon Poe SR
August 1793
Top of the list

Robert Thompson bought a negro woman "Fan" and 5 hogsheads

James Massey bought negroes Jesse, and Daniel and a "lot" of corn 

William Poe bought negro Moses and a "lot" of flax

Stephen Poe  4 Ceers [ have no idea what these are, possibly meant "shears"], 2 mugs and tumbler, 1 tray, 2 "lots" of corn and 3 "lots" of tobacco.

William Poe, Jr.& bell, Flatt irons, 1 Rundlet, 3 pewter basons

John Morton bought 1 Heiffer, 2 Hogs,

James Poe bought 1 Heiffer

Nathan Stedman 1 fatt shoot (shoat?) bought 4 Hogs, 2 axes, 1 Bell, 2 small books, Sundries, 1 "lott' of sope (soap)

We find a James Poe in Anson County in 1793. 

(although actual entry is undated it is surrounded by 1793)

1505 (78) (no date) James Poe (Powe) enters 100 ac on Gum Log Br. of Lanes Cr.

A Benjamin Watts is in Anson County by 1794, but in a very distant area form the Poe groups. Swans Branch is far west of Wadsboro. 
James Poe settled Gums Branch of Lanes Creek. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Mapping and Cartographic Resources both Lanes Creek and Gum Log Branch are shown in present day Union County, southwest of Charlotte and close to the South Carolina border. This location makes sense with other records and also with the fact that John Poe born in 1795 married Sarah Threet of South Carolina. John Poe was likely a son of James Poe of Anson County (Union County).
See images: Gum Log Branch    Lanes Creek runs from Anson County into Union County. Union County was formed in 1842 from Anson and Mecklenburg. 
This is long after the Poe groups moved to Fayette and Tuscaloosa Counties in Alabama. 

1526 (6)

7 March 1794 Benjamin Watts (write over) enters 100 ac on S side of Brown Cr on N prong of Swans Br: border: Edward Tatum; includes the Muddy Spring.



1569 (49)

13 May 1794

Daniel Ross enters 150 ac on Gum Log Br of Lanes Cr: border: John Deason, James Poe (Janus) & Edward Castly.


1582 (62)

19 July 1794

Michael Shannon enters 100 ac on waters of Lanes Cr and Lower Cowpen Br of Vicars Br: between William Shepherd and James Poe


2902 (420)

8 December 1794

Gov. Richard Dobbs Spaight (New Bern, NC) to James Poe; grant #1327 for pounds 0.30 per 100 ac sold 100 ac on Gum log Br of Lanes Cr; border: begins at a red oak on "the" bank of the branch "just below" John Deason's beginning (signed) Richd Dobbs Spaight & J. Glasgow, secretary; book E p. 419


2749 (213)

10 July 1797

Gov. Samuel Ashe (Raleigh, NC) to Michael Shannon; grant #1295; for pounds 0.30 per 100 ac sold 100 ac on waters of Lanes Cr and on Little Cowpen fork of Vicars Br; border: begins at James Poe's corner post road; warrant dated Nov. 4, 1794 (signed) Saml Ashe & J. Glasgow, Secretary; book E p.254


Not clear which James Poe this could be below, but he is in a list with elder members of Simon Poe SR’s family



1801 Estate Accounts for William Poe (deceased) lists these:


Records Book A page from 53 to 56

Estate of William Poe, deceased. In account with the Administrators


Along margin of last page to the left of signatures for James Taylor and James Howard is written: Taylor & James Howard - Administrators of William Poe, deceased


Among those paid:

James Masey (son-in-law of Simon Poe, Sr)

Mary George (Mary Straughan, daughter of Richard Straughan and Lucy Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, Sr.  Her husband's first name is not known to me)

Emsley George's note, not recovered & costs against the administers  For costs, administrators (or?) Mary George

Christopher Struaghan's not, not recovered.

Robert Ward

Simon Poe's note to William Howard (next word looks quite like whiskey) was inventoried by the Administrators & not recorded

Richard Straughan Sr

William Scurlock for (can't make out) amt. forwarded.

George Dismukes

James Poe 26/6  . . . & costs

John Fooshee


By 1800, we find two sets of James Poe in North Caroline. One set in Chatham County, and one in Anson County.  



James Poe (b. c. 1755) son of Simon Poe JUNIOR, son of Simon Poe SR


The 1810 Census for Guilford County lists a James of the right age to be this man. He also seems to fit the identity of James Poe, JUNIOR,  (b. c. 1760). 


James Poe

2 males under 10, 1 male 10/15; 1 male over 46

2 females under 10, 1 female 10/15; 1 female over 46

This James Poe who I am identifying as James Poe, son of Simon Poe JR is hard to identify in earlier records. And please note, this may not end up being accurate. Partly, the DNA project has led to the prospect of this man’s existence.
1800 Chatham County
James Poe
2  males under 10
1  male 26-44 
2  females under 10        
1  female 10-15    
1  female 26-44      
James Poe (b. c. 1770), son of Stephen Poe (d. 1773) son of Simon Poe SR.

This man roughly fits James Poe son of Stephen Poe, but he would be at least 27 or 28 not 25. He is likely the James who continues in Chatham but is not in the 1810 census. I think he was in Anson County for the 1810 Census where he is listed as “James Poe JR” I suppose to distinguish him form the elder James Poe also in the census. This adds up as there are indications that the elder James Poe was close to the “orphans” of his brother Stephen Poe after Simon Poe SR died. Some of Stephen Poe’s sons’ families appear to have gone to Alabama with the elder James Poe group. This younger James Poe, however, appears to have gone back to Chatham and appears in the 1820 Census.


1800 Chatham County


James Poe

1 male under 10
1 male 10-15
1 male 16-25
3 females under 10
1 female 16-25


James Poe SR (b.c. 1740) son of Simon Poe SR.


NOTE: These are adjacent, James Powe, SR then James Poe JR


1800 Anson County


James Powe, Sr

1 male under 10

1 male under 10

1 male 10-15                        

1 male over 45   

1 female under 10

1 female 10-15

1 female over 45


No idea who this would be if the other associations are correct.


James Powe, Jr 

1 male under 10

1 male under 10

1 male 16-25

1 female 16-25


Wiatt has McMillion as neighbor.

Wiat Powe                                                                       

1 male 26-44

1 female 16-25