Descendants of JOHN (SIR JOHN) HOGE

Generation No. 1



Source "The Hoge Family" by Tyler Hoge and notes held by the family

The name Hoge (Hogue) may have originated in the town of La Hogue, near Cherbourg in Normandy, France, about 1600.

Child of JOHN HOGE is:

2. i. JOHN (SIR JOHN)2 HOGE, b. Musselburgh Scotland.

Generation No. 2

2. JOHN (SIR JOHN)2 HOGE (JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born in Musselburgh Scotland.


Last name may have been Hogue, Hogg or as we know it Hoge

Child of JOHN HOGE is:


Generation No. 3



A Huguenot

Source: "The Hoge Family", by Tyler Hoge and notes held by the family

Child of GEORGE HOGE is:

4. i. JAMES (SIR JAMES)4 HOGE, b. ABT 1609, Musselburgh, Berwickshire, Scotland; d. 1682.

Generation No. 4

4. JAMES (SIR JAMES)4 HOGE (GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born ABT 1609 in Musselburgh, Berwickshire, Scotland (Source: WFT Estimated birth 1609-1638), and died 1682 (Source: WFT ). He married MARJORIE LAMBERT.


Based on source in Hoge 1591.txt James had two more children who left Scotland with their brother William to come to America. Peter who settled in New York and Solomon, who came to Pennsylvania, but later to Virginia.


5. i. WILLIAM5 HOGE, b. 1660, Musselburgh Scotland; d. 1749, Near Winchester, Frederick Co, VA Bur Opequon Cem Kernstown.


Generation No. 5

5. WILLIAM5 HOGE (JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born 1660 in Musselburgh Scotland (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969), and died 1749 in Near Winchester, Frederick Co, VA Bur Opequon Cem Kernstown. He married (1) MARY (MNU) HOGE. He married (2) BARBARA HUME 1695 (Source: WFT), daughter of JAMES HUME and MARJORIE HUME.


Ref: see "Hoge Family," written by Tyler Hoge NY Public Library

William Hoge, born in Scottland, came to America in 1683; married Barbara Hume, settled in New Jersey, moved to Delaware, and in 1735 moved to Frederick County, VA, and settled near where Kernstown now is.

Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286

William emigrated from Scotland before 1710 to Monmouth County, New Jersey, the year he bought 1,000 acres for five shillings in Nottingham, Chester County, PA, on elk Creek. Was a tailor by occupation. In 1729 was on Opequon Creek, a branch of the Potocac River, Frederick County, VA, were in 1735 had a patent of 401 acres along what is now U.S. Highway 11, Kernstown, south of Winchester,. His will was dated 17 April 1729 and proved 15 Nov. 1749.

His wife was Barbara Hume, also an immigrant from Scotland. He married (2) Mary ? .

- 1682 Came to America on "Caledonia"; landed in Perth Amboy, NJ.

- Mentioned as sailing with William Gregg in The Quaker Greggs

- Moved to Lancaster

- 1735 Came from Elk River, Del. to Opequon Creek, VA

- Mussellboro (variously called Mussellburg) is in Berwickshire

- Birth and death dates: 17th Century Colonial Ancestors (listed as a founder)

- 1745 Willis on file at Winchester, VA, Will Book #1, p. 338

- Buried at Opequon Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Kernstown (CFof US), Frederick/VA

- Dates and info from Colonia Families of the US, V1, p. 205

- Dates, etc., also from Judge S.W. Johnson

- Information also from Minni Hite Moody

- 1745 Death year from 17th C. Colonial Ancestors; WFT #29197 says 1749

- Indentified as a founder (metal caster) in 17th C. Colonial Ancestors

William Hoge, sometimes spelled Hogue, was born in Musselboro, Berwickshire, Scotland, a small town on the seashore about 50 miles south of Edinburgh, in 1660, and died near Winchester, Virginia in 1750, at the age of 90. It is claimed by some writers that his father, James Hoge, was the son of George Hoge, a Huguenot from Le Hogue, Normandy, France, in about 1600, and that the name of Hoge is derived from the town of La Hogue near Cherbourg, the scene of a battle many years ago.

He came to America in 1682 in the ship Caledonia to Perth Amboy, New Jersey, as a young man, and there came on the same ship a Sir James Hume from the same place in Scotland, who was the son of gentry and was well off. He was related to the Humes of Nine Wells and Lord Hume or Home, Earl of Home, and was related to David Hume, the great Historian and author. With Hume on the ship was his wife and duaghter, Barbara. The man and his wife died on the voyage and Barbara was left an orphan and went with an uncle, Dr. Johnson of Perth Amboy. William Hoge afterward married Barbara in 1695.

They lived for a time, at least until 1708, in New Jersey, and in 1734 they moved to Chester County PA, where he bought land. The next year, 1735, he and his family except the eldest son John, went with the Joist Hite party of settlers to Frederick, MD. He built a cabin and settled on a branch of the Opican (Opequan) River, called Hogue's Run, near Winchester, VA, (at present day Kernstown, VA) in 1735. He gave land for a church there in 1745. He lived on this farm until his death.

They had five sons and several daughters. John, who remained in Pennsylvania, William, who moved to Loudoun County, VA and became a Quaker, Alexander, a lawyer of Winchester, VA, James, who settled in Frederick, MD, and George who was a member of the first court of Frederick County and afterward moved to North Carolina. A daughter married Dr. Robert White of Winchester.

William Hoge (c1660-1749)

Born in Musselburgh, Scotland, fifty miles south of edinburgh, he emigrated in 1683 aboard the "Caledonia", landing at perth amboy, New Jersey. In 1710 he bought 1000 acres for five shillings in Nottingham, Chester county, PA. Occupation: tailor. In 1729 he removed to Opequon Creek, a branch of the Potomac river, Frederick County VA, where in 1735 he held a patent of 401 acres near Winchester at Kernstown, along Highway 11. His house, now gone, was on the site of the Pritchard House, built in 1850 and standing in 1963 *(1). In 1744 he obtained a license to keep an ordinary *(2). His will was written 17 april 1729 and proved 15 November 1749. He was buried in Opequon Presbyterian Cemetery, Kernstown. he was married twice: (1) Barbara hume, an immigrant also aboard the "Caledonia"; (2) Mary ____.


Main Ref: "The Hoge Family", Tyler Hoge (at NY Public Library)

*1. "Shenandoah Valley Pioneers", T.K. Cartnell 1963, Chesapeake Book Co., Berryville VA.

*2. "History Lower Shenandoah Valley", J.E. Norris, 1890, Virginia Book Co., Berryville VA, p. 73

*William Hoge's Last Will and Testament:

In the name of God Amen. This eighteenth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty nine. I, William Hoge of nottingham in ye County of Chester and Provence of Pennsylvania lands, a farmer, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given unto God therefore, calling unto mind ye mortality of my body and knowing yt it is appointed for all men once to dy, do make and ordian this my Last Will and Testament, yt is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend it to ye earth be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the descretion of my Executors. Nothing doubting but at ye general Resurrection I shall receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God and as touching such worldly (goods) wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, devise and dispose of ye same in ye following maner form--. Imprimus my will is yt all my just debts and funeral charges be paid as soon as conveniently they can after my decease--Secondly my will is yt Barbara my will beloved wife shal have ye benefit of ye plantation whereon I now live during her life--Thirdly my will is yt my son John Hoge shall fully be possessed of yt tract of land yt I made over to him by Deed of Gift--Fourthly is yt my son William Hoge shall have yt 100 a. of land whereon he now lives which is secured to him by a bill of sale--Fiftly is yt my will is yt my son-in-law Noal Thomson shall have 100 a. of land whereon he lives during his life and at his decease to be his wife and her heirs forever--Sixly that my son in law Robert White shal have 5 shillings--Sevently my will is yt my sons Allexander, James and George shall have ye remainder of my land to be equally divided amongst them by men of their own choosing yt there is no difference between them nor go to law one with another about it--Eightly my will is yt my daughter Joroter Hoge will have 50 pounds in money or value thereof leveyed out of ye stock and what debts is due to me and if that will not be so yt ye remainder be raised of ye plantation--Ninthly and lastly. I likewise constitute make and ordain George Galassbey of newcastle County and Barbara my well beloved wife Executor and Executrix of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanull all other forms testaments wills and legacies bequests executors by me in any way before this time named willed and bequeathed, Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, In witness whereof I ahve here- unto set my hand and seal ye day and year above written; William Hoge [seal] Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by ye William Hoge to be his last Willand Testament in ye presence of us subscribers, We: John Ruddoll, Enoch Job, William Rogers

Admitted for probate Wednesday Nov. 15, 1749, in Frederick County, VA.

At the close of the 17th Century, a young man by the name of William Hoge left Scotland and came to America. With him came his two brothers, Peter, who settled in New York and Solomon, who settled in New York and Solomon, who came to Pennsylvania, but later to Virginia. See Hoge 1591.txt for source

William served as a member of the House of Deputies of the New Jersey Assembly in 1688. the following year he removed to the three lower counties of Penn's Province (now Delaware).

William Hoge "of County of Monmouth in the Eastern Division of New Jersey a taylor" purchased 1000 acres of land 11 Nov 1710 on a branch of the Elk River in East Nottingham Twp, Chester County, Pennsylvania (Chester Co Deed Book D 1710-Pg. 312). Taxes were not recorded in Chester County until 1719. William Hoge appears on these records until 1735.

After 1729 and before 1735, Hoge moved again, this time to a branch of Opequon Creek (nemed Hoge Run) at present-day kernstown, VA. It may be that William Hoge actually preceded Joist Hite into the Shenandoah Valley. He did have land granted to him that was separated from those awarded Hite.

In 1745 William conveyed to the trustees of Opequon Presbyterian church (located at Kernstown) "for five shillings... two acres... near the presbyterian Meeting house where it now stands on the Land of said William Hogg, Sr...A burying place together with Timber sufficient from any part of the Hoggs Land to repair the Meeting house." He did not, as frequently stated, donate the church lot. His Virginia will was filed and recorded in Frederick Co, Aug 1749, but was never probated.

See: The Jolliffe Family of Virginia, 1652-1893, by William Jolliffe, J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1893. Note: The book also contains sketches of the cognate familes of Rigglesworth, Hollingworth, biles, Baker, Janney, O'Neill, Dragoo, Branham, Parry, (Fitz)Randolph & Hoge.

See Also: Ref #11, 14, 22, 38, 40, 67; DAR Mag., Ap 1943, p. 240.

REFERENCE: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

**Please note: This reference refers to a book, "The Family of Hoge, " compiled by James Hoge Tyler, late governor of Virginia and edited and published by James Fulton Hoge, Esq., senior member of the firm of Rogers, Hoge and Hills, 90 Park Avenue, New York City, as a main source of it's information.

Came to America from Berwick, Scotland in 1682; settled in Perth Amboy, New Jersey; married Barbara Hume, 1670-1745, who also came from Berwick, Scotland, to America on the same voyage in 1682; about 1688 removed, with his wife and infant son, John, to the Three Lower Counties of PA's Provence (now the state of Delaware) where the later children were born; early in the eighteenth century resettled in chester County, PA.; in 1735 removed to Frederick Co, VA (Kernstown about three miles south of Winchester.).

From the reference above:

Here is a Copy of a letter received by Mr. F.L. Hoge

Uniontown, PA

August 31, 1880

Mr. F.L. Hoge

Wheeling, W. VA.

Dear Sir:

I have to thank you for your favor of yesterday. You are no doubt acquainted with the romantic history and marriage of William Hoge and Barbara Hume, so I will not repeat it. he was from Musselburg, and she from paisley, Scotland. His father was Sir James Hoge, her father was a Knight and a Baron, and nearly related to the Royal House of Stuart of Scotland, so this takes you back to King robert the Second of Scotland, born about 1300.

The Rev. William Henry Foot of Romney, W. Va., in his "Sketches of Virginia", second series, gives a pretty full account of the descendents of William Hoge and Barbara Hume, but he mistakes many particulars. He makes your ancester, William (the Quaker), the oldest son; this is a mistake; their oldest son was John, who never moved to VA. They lived in chester co., PA., and while the father and the balance of the family moved to the Valley of VA., about 1735, or before, John, the oldest son, moved to the Cumberland Valley, about nine miles west of Harrisburg, and settled in village of Hogestown now stands, owned a large body of land, and lived and died there about 1752. While the family lived in chester Co., John married Gwenthloon Bowen, a Welch woman, whole your ancestor, william, married a Quaker. John had four sons, John and four sons, John, Bunyan, Jonathan, and David, and four daughters. Of the daughters I will say nothing now, it would make the story too long; enough to say that names of their descendants have been distinguished both in church and state.

John was the Rev. John Hoge, who first preached at Opequan church near kernstown, where his grandfather lived, as mentioned by Dr. Foot; he left no issue. Bunyan died young. Jonathan was a prominent man in Cumberland Co., when all this part of PA. was Cumberland co., and through the Indian, Catfish, became the owner of the land where the town of Washington, PA now stands.

David's two sons, John and William, in 1782 came to Washington and laid out the town of Washington, see Dr. Creigh's history of Washington co.), and there they both lived and died, both distinguished men. william was a member of congress during Jefferson's entire administration, and died in 1814. If you are in Washington, got to the old graveyard and see his tombstone. John was also in Crongress, and held many important offices in PA. He died in 1823 leaving no issue. David was Receiver of Public money at the land office at Steubenville, OH, from the beginning to the end of that office at that place, and died there in 1845, leaving several sons and daughters. the only son now living is Joseph, a lawyer, who is in San Moreno Co., CA. He resided at one time in IL, and was a member of Congress from that state from 1842 to 1846, representing the Galena district. He afterward went to CA. Jonathan moved to near Morgantown, W. VA., had tow sons and died there. One son moved to southern Illinois and died, leaving several children. The other son lives in or near Washington, PA.

Amy, a daughter of David Hoge, married Alex Blaine. they had several children. Squire Blaine (not Fph.) lived and died at washington, PA. A descendent lived in Wheeling, named Simms, and the only survivor of that branch, L.Q.R. Laidly, lived a few years ago in Charlestown, W. VA., and may be still there. L. Halsey Wells, cashier of the Second nat. Bank, Pittsburg, is a descendent; George Shiras, the distinguished lawyer of Pittsburg was another, and many other whom you and your brother no doubt know. This Mrs Blaine is the only one of David's daughters who left many descendents. Jane Hoge, another daughter, married Captain James Blaine; she died shortly after marriage without issue. Her husband then married a Miss Lyon, and they were the grandparents of Senator James Blaine whom we all know. The other daughter of David Hoge, married the rev. Samuel Waugh, of Silver's Spring, Cumberland Co. She had several children, but they are all dead. the third daughter, Mary, married Dr. John Hoge Irwin, and their daughter, my wife, is the only descendent of that branch, and she was born in Wheeling.

William Hoge and Barbara Hume have sons. John, William, Alexander, James, and George. We have disposed of John and william. alexander became a lawyer of eminence, lived near Winchester, was a member of the first Congress of the U.S., and of the Virginia convention that adopted the constitution of the US.

James was the father of the Rev. Moses Eoge, the distinguished divine, and who was the ancestor of the several preachers of the name in many parts of the country, including the present Rev. Moses Hoge of Richmond, VA, and Rev. James Hoge of Columbus, OH.

George Hoge moved to North Carolina. Do you know to which of the families Judge Hoge of Martinsburg, W.VA, belongs? It seems that most of the descendents come from the through the son William, your ancestor, more than all the balance put together.

The little old church at Opequan was burnt down since the war. I think in remembrance of their ancestor, William Hoge, who had the first one built, (this is the third one), the Hoges out to rebuild it. The little school house is still standing, one hundred years old; the burying ground is in good repair. I have a copy of the deed which William Hoge made for the ground on which the church, the school house and the graveyard are, dated Feb. 19, 1745.

I will be glad to have the Princeton Reviews to which you refer. This has been written "Currente Calamo", so you must excuse it.

Very truly yours,

D. Kaine

Again refer to the same reference listed above, pg. 4-9

We doubt if another family has given so many ministers of the gospel or men of prominence in all church, scholastic and benevolent works. We have been able to count among the names we have secured over fifty ministers of the gospel. eighteen have been chosen as members of congress, not to mention many who have been nominated for this position, and the list is quite large of those who have been senators, judges, foreign ministers, governors, etc., etc...

And let it be remembered with especial pride and pleasure that among the long list of names that have been obtained, not against a single one is there known a charge of unlawful behavior. Even the number of those who have been given to the use of intoxicating drink could be counted on the fingers of one's hands.

Surely this is not a family to be ashamed of! Some may be, or may have been poor and may have dropped somewhat in the social scale, but they have been honest, and let the poor but honorable ones be esteemed as highly as those who have won honor and distinction.

A very able and cultivated member of the family, thomas C. Hoge, of New York, in writing to Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D.D., says with commendable pride, "There is no grander or nobler lineage in this or any other country than this one and my researches warrant me in saying that I know of none to equal it. in our earlier history, our ancestors-were princes and gentlemen, noble not only in blood, but noble of soul; and generation after generation, through centuries of time, have come and passed away, each leaving the same unwavering record of high lofty character, undeviating Christian principles, humble faith and devotion and social supremacy, which neigher change of time nor circumstance nor condition could deteriorate. it is a curious fact that the underlying characteristics of the family appear to have always the same."

Let us take a quotation from the life of the most eminent representative of the family, and in my opinion the greatest man taking him all around, I ever knew, Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D.D. In his live, written by his able and distinguished neqhew, Rev. Peyton Harrison Hoge, D.D., we have the following words: "When a noble name is borne by the ignoble man, it only serves to make its owner contemptible. But there is a pride of ancestry that awakens responsibility; that stimulates endeavor; that purifies motive and shapes life to noble ends. consciousness of 'whence' we are may largely determine 'what' we are. But apart from conscious influence is not the 'whence' a true cause of 'what'? Great men often arise from very obscure origin, but the historian and biographer are never satisfied until they have traced back the extra ordinary qualities of their hero to a source that is none tha less real because it is obscure.

It takes many streams to make the river and the virtues of many lowly men and women struck together in happy combination to give the world the assurance of a man; when the streams are on the surface and the samequalities can be traced for generation our task in plainer and our reward surer. And when natural virtues are exalted by divine grace, we can rejoice not only in the fixedness of nature's laws, but, what is far better the sureness of the covenant promise of God."

The Hoges and the Humes are both families of great antiquity in the south of Scotland. Variations in spelling occured in both names. For example Hoge, haig, haigh, Hage and Hogue are all descendants of Petrus deHaga. According to authority, George P. Donchoo, Editor in Chief, "Pennsylvania - A History biographical", the family is of French origin, having been established in the north of France by William Hogue. that was the spelling of the surname until some of the family, to escape persecution for their religious beliefs, emigrated to Holland and spelled their name 'Hague'. Afterward (during the Twelfth century) part of the family went to Scotland (and adopted the spelling 'deHaga'). the baronage of Scotland published in 1798 states that "in our ancient records (beginning in the 12th Century) the name is written 'deHaga'". Some authors are of the opinion that they are of pictish extraction; other think that they are descendants of the ancient Britons; but as we cannot by good authority pretend to trace them to their origin, we shall insist no further upon traditional history and proceed to deduce their descent by undisputable documents.

The first authentic records we have are the petrus dehaga, who was proprietor of the lands and barony of Bemerside in Berwickshire, lived in the reigns of king Malcolm IV and William the Lion, which last succeeded to the Crown of Scotland in the year 1165 and died in 1214.

In a donation of Richard deMorville, constable of Scotland, of the Chapel of St. Leonards in lauderdale, to the monastery of Dryburg, petrus deHaga de Bemerside is a witness. This mortification has no date but as richard was constable from 1162 to 1188 it must have been within that space.

Contemporary with petrus lived perticus of petrus-Odell deHaga who is a witness in a charter of confirmation of the same richard deMorville the constable of the land of Carfrae, etc., to Sir Henry Sinclair, anno 1188.

In the same era lived also Henry deHaga who is said to have been killed in the expedition made by King William against Harold, Earl of Caithriefs in 1199.

what connection these had with one another we know not but Petrus of Bemerside appears to have died about the year 1200 and was succeeded by his son, Petrus deHaga, second baron of Bemerside.

then follows a succession form father to son in a direct male line to James haig of Bemerside, the eighteenth baron of this family.

Sir Andrew Haig, sixth baron of Bemerside, who had the honor of Knighthood conferred upon him by King Robert III, was the first to adopt the spelling, 'Haig', which is still in use. In 1425, also during the time of Sir Andrew Haig, sixth baron of Bemerside, we find the first use of the spelling 'Hoge' in the names of Patrick Hoge and Gilbert Hoge, named among the gentlemen who 'devydit the marches betwixt Ridbeth and Bemersyde, Sir Andrew Haig (sixth baron of Bemerside) presiding.'

The conclusion that the names are the same, that Hoge is only another variant of Haga or Haig and that the Hoges as well as the Haigs, all of the same neighborhood, are descendents of petrus deHaga who came form Normandy about 1150, is supported by the National Cyclopaedia of American Biography with the statement (p. 463, Vol. K) that "William Hoge (Haig) who came to America in the seventeenth century was descended from the Haigs of Bemersyde, Berwick, Scotland, celebrated for centuries by the poets."

Governor Tyler says "this Peter of the Dyke, probably from Cape de la hague in Normandy, founded an honorable family, early associated with the cause fo liberty and patriotism: --


'When Wallace came to Gladwood Cross Haig of Bemersyde met him with many good horse'

And before the battle of Stirling, the Laird of Bemersyde was reassured by his friend, Thomas the Rhymer with the prophecy which still holds good:

'Tyde what may betyde Haig shall be Haig of Bemerside'

or as Sir Walter Scott puts it - who derived his right to be buried in Dryburgh Abbey from his descent from the Haigs -

'Tide betide whate'er betide Haig shall be Haig of Bemersyde'.

The Humes with whom we shall later find the Hoge Family in Politics, " for his master's degree says that his research "followed a trail through the American Revolution, the Pennsylvania constitutional conventions and the legislatures of the state and the nation" confirms the fact that "in Scotland the Hoges and the Humes were closer than mere neighbors. they were nearer to each other than clansmen."

Sir Alexander Home, who lived in 1424 and who is stiled in ancient records as Founder of Douglas, is the common ancestor of the noble Home family and of Home of Ninewell's from whom, as stated in 'The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy - First Families of America, 'Bargara Hume is descended.

David Hume, the celebrated Scotch historian and philosopher, also descended from Home of Ninewells, and the estate in Berwickshire, on the banks of the white adder called Ninewells - from the spring rising in front of the dwelling house - came into his hands.

On the Blackadder about three miles to the south of Greenlaw, Berwickshire, the ruin of Hume Castle, founded in the 13th century, occupies a commanding site. Captured by the English in 1547, in spite of Lady Home's gallant defence, it was retaken two years afterward, only to fall again in 1569. After its surrender to Cromwell in 1650, it gradually decayed. Toward the close of the 18th century the 3rd earl of Marchmont had the walls rebuilt out of the old stones and the castle, through a mere shell of the original structure is now a picturesque ruin.

Earlston (formerly Ercildune, of which it is a corruption), Berwickshire, Scotland, is situated on Leader Water about four miles northeast of Melrose. When the place was a hamlet of rude huts, it was called Aircoldun or "Prospect Fort" with reference to Black Hill (1003 ft.) on top of which may yet be traced the concentric rings of the British fort by which it was crowned. It is said to be possible to make out the remains of the cave dwellings of the Ottadeni, the aborigines of the district. In the 12th and 13th centuries the Lindsays and the earls of March and Dunbar were the chief baronial families. The particular link with the remote past, however, is the ivy clad ruin of the ancient tower, "The Rhymer's Castle," the traditional residence of Thomas Learmont, commonly called Thomas of Ercildoune, or Thomas the Rhymer, poet and prophet and friend of the fairies, who was born here about 1225. Rhymers Tower was crumbling to pieces, and its stones were being used in the erection of dykes, cottages and houses, when the Edinburgh Border Counties Association acquired the relic and surrounding lands in 1895 and took steps to prevent further decay.

Some three miles away is the estate of Bemersyde, said to have been in the possession of the Haigs for nearly 1000 years. The prospect from Bemersyde Hill was Sir Walter Scott's favorite view. The castle at Bemersyde was erected in 1535 to secure the peace of the Border. For his great service during World War I, General Douglas Haig was raised to the peerage as Earl Haig and Baron Haig of Bemersyde and was given a grant of one hundred thousand pounds. The Order of Merit was purchased by national subscription and presented to him.

"Sir Alexander Home, Founder of Dunglass, was grandfather to Alexander the first Lord Home and father of Thomas Home of Tynningham who was the great grandfather of George Home of Ninewells, the first of that family. The Homes of Ninewells held the lands and mansion house of Ninewells during the 15th century, under charter from the family of Home, as their principal property and family feat, which the lineal descendents have uninterruptedly enjoyed since that time. They are now held by the present representative under charter from the Crown". Sir Herbert Maxwell goes on to say in his 'History of the House of Douglas,' that "We have not been able to trace the immediate descendents of George Home, the first person who took title to Ninewells, but the family memoirs memtion the ten following descents:

Andrew Home 1569; David, son of Andrew 1576; John, brother of David 1606; Andrew 1613; David, son of Andrew 1629; John, son of David 1678; John 1691; Joseph, son of John 1697; John, son of Joseph 1709; Joseph, son of John.

The alliances of this family by marriage appearing form contracts of marriage still preserved are with the families of Belsches of Tofts in 1620; Johnstone (Upon Barbara Hume's arrival in America she went to live with Dr. Johnston, an uncle residing in New York.) (Johnsons) of Hilton in 1678; Lork Halkerton in 1708; Carre of Cavers, 1751.

David Hume (1711-1776) the historian, is said to be the first member of the family who altered the orthography of the surname to 'Hume' but it should be noted that the signature of David Hume (1560-1636) of Godscroft appears in Sir Huerbert Maxwell's "History of the House of Douglas" as 'David Houme' and 'D. Hume.'

Governor Tyler recalls a beautifully engrossed book containing the family history and coat of arms that remained in the possession of the Pennsylvania branch of the Hoge family in this country within the memory of members of the family who were still living at the time of his writing. However, in the absence of written evidence, he omits the interesting details recalled by some and confines himself to the well-established story of the founding of the family in this country.

Returning then to Governor Tyler's manuscript, "About the close of the seventeenth century (1682) a young man named William Hoge, son of sir James Hoge, who was a son of George Hoge, a son of Sir John Hoge of Musselboro, Scotland, evidently in good circumstances, came to America on account of the religious persecution under the Stuarts.

** NOTE: Ran out of room under More About William Hoge: Continued under his wife, Barbara Hume's Notes

Children of WILLIAM HOGE and BARBARA HUME are:


ii. JOSEPH HOGE, b. 1680.

6. iii. MARGARET HOGE, b. ABT 1690, Newark, PA (now DE); d. February 11, 1751/52, Frederick Co, VA Bur Opequon Cem Kernstown.

7. iv. JOHN HOGE, b. ABT 1699, Perth Amboy, NJ; d. October 11, 1745, Kernstown, VA.


8. vi. JAMES HOGE, b. July 4, 1706, Cumberland Valley, PA; d. June 2, 1795, "Sunnyside", Pulski, VA.

vii. GEORGE HOGE, b. ABT 1708; d. Aft 1765; m. ELIZABETH (MNU) HOGE.

9. viii. WILLIAM HOGE , JR, b. 1708, Perth Amboy NJ; d. April 21, 1759, Loudoun Co VA.

ix. NANCY HOGE, b. ABT 1710; m. NEAL THOMPSON, Bef April 17, 1729.

x. JURETER HOGE, b. ABT 1712.

xi. SOLOMON HOGE, b. 1716; m. ESTHER (MNU) HOGE.

xii. ZEBULON HOGE, b. 1718.

Generation No. 6

6. MARGARET6 HOGE (WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born ABT 1690 in Newark, PA (now DE), and died February 11, 1751/52 in Frederick Co, VA Bur Opequon Cem Kernstown. She married (1) ROBERT WILSON. She married (2) ROBERT WHITE 1720 in Kernstown, VA.


Buried in Kernstown, Frederick, Va, Opequon Cem.





iv. MARGARET WHITE, b. ABT 1732.

v. BARBARA WHITE, b. ABT 1722.

7. JOHN6 HOGE (WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born ABT 1699 in Perth Amboy, NJ (Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286), and died October 11, 1745 in Kernstown, VA. He married GWENTHOLYN BOWEN DAVIS 1722 in Possibly in Chester Co, PA.


Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286

Will 1754 stayed in PA, founded Hogetown in Cumberland Valley, 7 miles west of Harrisburg

One source had died 11 Oct 1745 in Washington Co/PA and Buried in Washington/Washington Co/PA City Cem

About 1729 he removed to E Pennsboro Twp, Cumberland Co, PA, where he later purchased a large tract of land from the Proprietaries, portions of which had remainded in the possession of some of his descendants until after 1886. He founded the Cumberland Valley community of Hogtown, PA, about 8 miles west of present harrisburg. He built a church there in 1734, to which he gave a hammered pewter communion service and a pulpit bible that were still in use about 1925.

His will was probated in 1774 in Chester Co, PA [per Phebe Morgan's records](?)


i. JOHN7 HOGE, b. ABT 1723 (Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286); d. February 11, 1807; m. ELIZABETH LENNOX.

ii. JONATHAN HOGE, b. July 23, 1725, Lancaster, PA; d. April 19, 1800, Philadelphia, PA; m. MARY WALKER.

10. iii. DAVID HOGE, b. ABT 1725, Cumberland Co. PA; d. December 7, 1804.







x. SOLOMON HOGE, b. ABT 1729.



8. JAMES6 HOGE (WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born July 4, 1706 in Cumberland Valley, PA (Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286), and died June 2, 1795 in "Sunnyside", Pulski, VA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969). He married (1) AGNES CRAWFORD. He married (2) NANCY GRIFFITH.


Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286

Owned land along R.11, VA. Elder Presby Ch. of Cedar Creek. m. Agnes _____. Will 18 MCH 1793/7 Jul 1795.

Buried in "Sunnyside", Pulaski, VA, Howe burying Ground

Settled near Middletown, Frederick, VA

He is described as being "A man of robust intellect and a self-taught theologian, adhering strictly to the Westminister confession." He was an elder of the Presbyterian Congregation which held services at the Meeting House on Cedar Creek at Mulberry Run in 1750. James resided near Middleton, Frederick Co, VA and his property became the site of the Cedar Creek Battlefield of the Civil War.

1783 - Frederick Co Court Revolutionary War property use claims:

Apr 3 - james Hoge for one mans' saddle for Cont. 3 pounds 12.

Aug - James Hoge for six pounds of butter for Cont. 4s; one new saddle 3 pounds 12; for forage for 121 beeves & 8 horses one night 2 pounds.

1793 Mar 18 - Will of James Hoge - "Being somewhat ailing in body:" wife Agnes Hoge-Executrix; sons-Moses, James, Solomon, John; daughters-Martha Allen, mary Evans, Barbara Reed; grand children - Moses & Edward hoge (sons of edward Hoge dec'd).

1795 Jul - Will probated in Frederick Co, VA

Children of JAMES HOGE and AGNES CRAWFORD are:

i. JAMES7 HOGE, b. June 12, 1732; d. April 5, 1812, Pulaski Co., VA; m. ELIZABETH HOWE.







12. vii. MOSES7 HOGE, b. February 15, 1751/52; d. July 1820.

9. WILLIAM6 HOGE , JR (WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born 1708 in Perth Amboy NJ, and died April 21, 1759 in Loudoun Co VA. He married (1) MARY PANCOAST February 9, 1722/23. He married (2) ANNE (MNU) HOGE February 9, 1722/23 in Richland MM, Quakertown, Bucks Co, PA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969).


Member of Society of Friends

Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286

In 1748 was in Bucks Co. PA, joined Quakers, went to Loudoun Co. VA. Wife (1?)

William Hoge (Gen. #2) and wife Ann lived on 100 acre plantation called Richland, Bucks Co. PA. His mother Ann(?) died 21 April 1759. His son Solomon went to Virginia 1782. His son George, born 1733 in Virginia, married Elizabeth Blackledge. (Ref: Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks PA", Clarence V. Roberts, 1925, repr. 1975 Gen. Pub co. of Baltimore, p. 69)

Lived in Winchester, VA., married a Quaker and embraced that faith; Source unknown

William II was born about 1701 in the Three Lower Counties of PA's Province (now DE). He married (in 1723) a Quaker named Ann _____, joined the Society of Friends, and settled in Bucks co, PA, not more than a few years before or after his father moved to Chester co, PA. When his father removed to the Valley in Virginia (bet 1729-35) and located in what is currently Frederick co. VA, Wm II and his wife also moved and resided for a time in Loudoun Co, VA, then returned to PA, to Bucks Co, in 1748. He brought a certificate from Opequan Monthly Meeting, in the Shenanoah Valley, to Richland MM dated 4m 16d 1748, which stated that they were married 2m 9d 1723, and included their minor children. Birth dates of seven children are entered upon the records of Richland MM. See: Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks, p. 69.

William and Ann Hoge settled on a plantation of one hundred acres in Richland Manor (purchased of William Allen by deed dated February 16, 1748/49) and they conveyed this plantation to their second son William III on November 7, 1757. William III and Esther his wife, executed a mortgage thereon the following day, which was satisfied in 1750.

A William Hoge (presumed to be this William) was elected to the legislative Assembly in Bucks Co, PA, in OCt 1756. Jenkins in "Pennsylvania Colonial and Federal" enlarges on this as follows in connection with war with the Indians.

"...on June 4, 1756, James Pemberton and Joshua Morris, members from philadelphia County, William Peters from Chester County, peter Worrall from Lancaster County, and Francis Parvin from Berks (Quakers) resigned their seats in the assembly giving as a reason that may of their constituents seemed of the opinion that the situation called upon their representatives for service "in a military way," which from a conviction of judgement after mature deliberation they could not comply with. At the October election, however, Mahlon Kirkbride and William Hoge of Bucks County and Peter Dicks and Nathaniel Pennock of Chester County, although of the same religious persuasion as the seven, were returned. This was without solicitation on the part of these four and, to avoid all question, they resigned."

After the death of Ann in 1759, Wm II returned to VA; his sons James, William, Solomon , George, Joseph and Zebulon Hoge, either went with him or had preceded him in the migration back to VA. there he was proprietor of one of the earliest taverns, called an "ordinary," at Winchester, VA.

1759 May 17 - Certificate from Richland MM to VA issued William Hoge.

1760 Mar 4 - A record of the Burlington MM, Burlington Co, NJ, states that; William Hoge was reported married to Mary Pancoast.

1777 Aug 4 - William Hogue Jr. dis enlisted in Military service. At 70+ years old it seems a little strange for a man, a Quaker, to be entering the military. Even his son William III would have been age 50. There was a Francis Hogue who's family was entirely separate of the descendants of William I and perhaps this person was related to this family.

1777 Dec 29 - William Hoge com "taking off his hat at a Court Martial" ack & acc 1778 May 22. Perhaps this is the William Hogue above or Wm I being called as a witness. maybe some military court record exists.

1789 Apr 13 - William II's will of this date (proved 13 Jul 1789), can be found in Loudoun Co. Records (Book D p.99) and shows: Sons; George Zebulon, James William Solomon (son-in-law of Isaac Nickolls). Step dau-in-law, Sarah Pancoast. Daughter-in-law [? possible wife for James, Joseph or Zebulon] Hannah Boone. Brother James Hoge. Grandson Morgan Hoge. Granddaughter Sarah Gore, grandson Solomon Hoge (a weaver), wo is my son James Hoge's own son and granddaughter Nancy Jenkins (widow). Daughter Nancy Hays (hus. William Exrs: son Solomon and his son in law Joshua Gore. Wit: William Kenworthy, Joseph Shields and Rebekah Hoge William's 2nd wife Mary declined to accept the provisions of his will and claimed her dower.

Ref: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

William Hoge went with parents to PA where he married Ann (?), a quaker, adopted the faith, and settled on a plantation in Richland Manor, Bucks Co, PA, removing later to VA where he settled his family in Loudoun County; members of Society of Friends, Goose Creek Monthly Meeting, Progenitor of the Hoges of the Hoge-Nichols branch.

William removed to VA following his wife Ann's death in Richland 3/21/1759.

Source: Taken from same Ref. as above:

Copy of Hoge Genealogy

Taken February 6, 1854, in Loudon co., Virginia, Joshua Hoge, Isaac Hoge

Fauquier Co., VA, five miles from Middleburg, Loudon Co., VA, at Uncle Joshua Hoge's. February 6, 1854.

My Grandfather's name was Solomon Hoge, son of William Hoge, the first Quaker among the Hoges. Said William was a son of William Hoge who came from Scotland to America, and was the first progenitor from whom all my relatives by the name of Hoge have descended.

Grandfather, Solomon Hoge, was born May 21, 1729, died March 9, 1811. He married Ann Rollins by whom he had eleven children as follows:

Sarah, born 11/11/1752. m. Joshua Gore; Joseph, b. 4/1/1754. died in childhood; David, b. Nov. 3, 1755. died in childhood; Solomon, b. 10/30/1757. m. 1st. Mary Iden, 2nd. Hannah Brown; David, b. 3/21/1759. m. Ruth Gregg; Ann, (Nancy?) b. 2/20/1761. m. George Nichols; Isaac, b. 1/30/1763. m. Elizabeth Nichols; Mary, b. 3/7/1765. m. Isaac Nichols (went to Kentucky - no trace); Hannah b. 3/7/1767. d. 6/18/1769; Tamar, b. 4/20/1769. d. in nine weeks, twenty-four days; Rebecca, b. 12/11/1770. m. William Kenworthy. d. 7/28/1837.

After the death of his first wife, Solomon Hoge married mary Nichols, November 11, 1773, and had seven children as follows:

Lydia, b. 9/26/1774. m. Joshua Gregg; William, b. 11/23/1776. m. 1st. Sarah Nixon, 2nd. Mary McGath; Joshua, b. 2/8/1779. m. Mary Pool; George, b. 1/23/1781. d. 6/6/1782; Margery, b. 12/20/1783. d. 3/18/1823. not married; Jesse, b. 4/2/1785. m. elizabeth Gregg. d. 9/20/1828. Amy, b. 3/25/1788. d. 7/10/1794.

The Rev. Moses Hoge, D.D., was a first cousin to my Grandfather. After he had finished his education he lived some time with my Grandfather, Solomon Hoge, in Loudon Co., VA.

The following were brothers of my Grandfather, Solomon Hoge:

James, William, Joseph, George, Zebulon.

Nancy Hays, wife of William Hays, an Irishman, moved to Weston, VA., and had many children. She was a sister of my Grandfather, Solomon Hoge.

Copy of A Manuscript Made By My Grandfather, Isaac Hoge, Dated: August 31, 1857

My father, Isaac Hoge Sr., son of Solomon Hoge and Ann Rollins or Rawlings, was born January 30, 1763, died September 20, 1838.

My mother, Elizabeth Hoge, daughter of James and Elizabeth Nichols, was born in Loudon Co., VA., October 16, 1767, died July 9, 1836.

My parents were married and lived in Loudon Co. until the fall of 1801, when they moved to Belmont Co., Ohio, three miles west of St. Clairsville on Fallen Timber Run, where they lived until their death. They are buried in the Friends Graveyard in St.clairsville. They were married April 29, 1784, and had twelve children as follows:

James, born 5/7/1785, died 11/1828, m. 1st Hanna Jandy, 2nd Rachel Fairhurst; Absalom, b. 2/8/1787, d. 1865, m. Rachel Coffee; Solomon, b. 8/14/1789, d. 1866, m. Sarah Stamon; Sarah, b. 8/28/1791, d. 10/1793; Craven, b. 2/2/1794, d. about 1858, m. Sarah Merrit; Pleasant, b. 6/9/1796, d. 4/15/1833, m. Luther Norris; Joshua, b. 11/17/1798; Asa b. 3/19/1801, m. Asanath Mead; Isaac, Jr., b. 4/9/1804, m. Rachel Machir; Elizabeth, b. 9/15/1807, m. Thomas Nichols; Bushrod, b. 6/25/1810, m. Rachel Pennington; Jesse, b. 7/16/1813, m. Susanna Kinsey.

the first William Hoge from Scotland was the Grand Progenitor. His son William, was the Grandfather of Isaac Hoge, Sr. His son, Solomon, was my Grandfather. Isaac Hoge Sr., was my Father. So that I am the fifth generation.

My great grandfather, William Hoge, became a Quaker, the first among the Hoges. Most of his descendents were Friends.

By: Isaac Hoge, Moundsville, Marshall Co., VA



Children of WILLIAM HOGE and ANNE HOGE are:

13. ii. JAMES7 HOGE, b. December 6, 1724, Chester County PA.

14. iii. WILLIAM HOGE III, b. January 4, 1725/26, Chester County PA; d. October 6, 1804.

15. iv. SOLOMON HOGE, b. March 21, 1728/29, Bucks County PA; d. March 7, 1811, Loudoun Co VA.

v. GEORGE HOGE, b. February 6, 1732/33, PA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. 1794, PA; m. ELIZABETH BLACKLEDGE, December 9, 1757.

vi. JOSEPH HOGE, b. December 1, 1735, Page VA.

vii. ZEBULON HOGE, b. April 15, 1738, Page VA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969).

viii. ANN HOGE, b. December 26, 1740, Page VA; d. 1805 (Source: "Early Friends Families," Clarence Roberts, 1925, reprinted 1975, p. 69); m. EVERARD ROBERTS.

Generation No. 7

10. DAVID7 HOGE (JOHN6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born ABT 1725 in Cumberland Co. PA, and died December 7, 1804. He married MARTHA WALKER in PA (Source: Family notes, otherwise not referenced).


12 children

Children of DAVID HOGE and MARTHA WALKER are:








viii. MARY HOGE.

16. ix. JONATHAN HOGE, b. September 12, 1760, Washington Co., PA; d. August 5, 1824.





12. MOSES7 HOGE (JAMES6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born February 15, 1751/52, and died July 1820.


According to "Moses Drury Hoge," by Oeyton Harrison Hoge, 1899, Richmond VA, Whittel & Shepperson, Moses had a son James who lived in Pulaski VA and had great grandson J. Hoge Tyler, Gov. of VA 1899.

Child of MOSES HOGE is:

i. JAMES8 HOGE, b. of Pulaski VA.

13. JAMES7 HOGE (WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born December 6, 1724 in Chester County PA (Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, VA, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286: &"The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 9/1969). He married MARY (MNU) HOGE.


Had Grant in Fairfax.

Probably remained in VA

Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

Children of JAMES HOGE and MARY HOGE are:




14. WILLIAM7 HOGE III (WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born January 4, 1725/26 in Chester County PA (Source: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, VA, Cecil O'Dell, 1995, Wallsworth Pub. Co. of Marceline, MO, PP. 281-286: &"The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 9/1969), and died October 6, 1804. He married RACHEL STEEL.


Work done by Ruth Lincoln Kaye says wife perhaps should be Esther.

1777 Disowned by Soc of Friends for enlisting in the Army.

Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

Removed with family to VA in 1759

Children of WILLIAM HOGE and RACHEL STEEL are:



15. SOLOMON7 HOGE (WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born March 21, 1728/29 in Bucks County PA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969), and died March 7, 1811 in Loudoun Co VA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969). He married (1) ANN ROLLINGS 1748 in PA. He married (2) MARY NICHOLS November 11, 1773 in Goose Creek M.H., Fairfax MM (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969), daughter of ISAAC NICHOLS and MARGERY COX.


Went to Virginia in 1782. (Ref: "Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks PA", Clarence V Roberts, 1925, repr. 1975 Gen. Pub co. of Baltimore, p. 69) & (Ref: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969)

Children of SOLOMON HOGE and ANN ROLLINGS are:

i. SARAH8 HOGE, b. November 11, 1752 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. JOSHUA GORE.

ii. JOSEPH HOGE, b. April 1, 1754 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. 1755, died in childhood.

iii. DAVID HOGE, b. November 3, 1755 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. 1756, died in childhood.

iv. SOLOMON HOGE, b. October 30, 1757 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. (1) MARY IDEN; m. (2) HANNAH BROWN.

v. DAVID HOGE, b. March 21, 1759 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. RUTH GREGG.

17. vi. ANN (NANCY) HOGE, b. February 20, 1761, Loudoun Co VA; d. May 31, 1829.

18. vii. ISAAC HOGE, b. January 30, 1763; d. September 20, 1838, St Clairsville, Belmont Co OH, bur Friends Cem.

viii. MARY HOGE, b. March 7, 1765 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. ISAIAH NICHOLS.

ix. HANNAH HOGE, b. March 7, 1767 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. June 18, 1769.

x. TAMAR HOGE, b. April 20, 1769 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. ABT July 1769, nine weeks, twenty-four days old (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969).

xi. REBECCA HOGE, b. December 11, 1770 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. July 28, 1837; m. WILLIAM KENWORTHY, 1791.

Children of SOLOMON HOGE and MARY NICHOLS are:

xii. LYDIA8 HOGE, b. September 26, 1774 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. February 2, 1853; m. JOSHUA GREGG.

xiii. WILLIAM HOGE, b. November 23, 1776 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. January 11, 1842; m. (1) SARAH NIXON; m. (2) MARY MCGATH.

xiv. JOSHUA HOGE, b. February 8, 1779 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. December 25, 1854; m. MARY POOL.

xv. GEORGE HOGE, b. January 23, 1781 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. June 6, 1782.

xvi. MARGERY HOGE, b. December 20, 1783 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. March 18, 1823.

xvii. JESSE HOGE, b. April 25, 1785 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. September 20, 1828 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. ELIZABETH GREGG.

xviii. ANN (MARY) HOGE, b. March 25, 1788 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. July 10, 1794.

Generation No. 8

16. JONATHAN8 HOGE (DAVID7, JOHN6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born September 12, 1760 in Washington Co., PA, and died August 5, 1824.

Children of JONATHAN HOGE are:

i. SOLOMON9 HOGE, b. August 1782, Washington Co., PA; d. April 6, 1851, Arnettsville, VA; m. MARY ARNETT, ABT 1810.


iii. SON HOGE.

17. ANN (NANCY)8 HOGE (SOLOMON7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born February 20, 1761 in Loudoun Co VA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969), and died May 31, 1829. She married GEORGE NICHOLS November 27, 1778, son of JAMES NICHOLS and ELIZABETH SHARP.


This couple was identified in Goose Creek Monthly Meeting Records as Ann Hoge and John Nichols. Further research in process. Ref: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

Children of ANN HOGE and GEORGE NICHOLS are:


ii. JOHN NICHOLS, b. November 25, 1782, Loudoun Co VA; m. HANNAH OSBORNE.

18. ISAAC8 HOGE (SOLOMON7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, JAMES (SIR JAMES)4, GEORGE3, JOHN (SIR JOHN)2, JOHN (SIR JOHN)1) was born January 30, 1763 (Source: "Quaker Gen." Vol. 6:401,653-4: and the source "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969), and died September 20, 1838 in St Clairsville, Belmont Co OH, bur Friends Cem. He married ELIZABETH NICHOLS April 29, 1784 in Goose Creek M.H., Loudoun Co Va, daughter of JAMES NICHOLS and ELIZABETH SHARP.


Burried Quacker Cemetary, Lincoln, VA

1. Source: "Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy", WM. Wade Hinshaw, 1950, Ann Arbor MI, v.6:401.653-4

Married Elizabeth Nichols & went to Short Creek MM, Jefferson Co., Ohio

2. Source : "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969

Of Loudoun Co, VA., and Belmont co., OH, son of Solomon and Ann( Rollings) Hoge married Elizabeth Nichols, daughter of James and Elizabeth (sharp ) Nichols, at Goose Creek Metting and children James, Absolom, Solomon, Craven, Pleasant, Joshua, and Asa were received on Certificate from Goose Creek Monthly Meeting, Loudoun Co., Va, by Concord Monthly Meeting, Belmont co., OH,6/19/1802.


i. JAMES9 HOGE, b. May 7, 1785 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. November 1828, bur near N stone fence Goose Creek Cem Lincoln Loudoun Co VA (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. (1) RACHEL FAIRHURST NICHOLS, April 15, 1813, Belmont Co OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. (2) HANNAH JANNEY, June 2, 1827, Goose Creek M.H., Loudoun Co, VA (Source: Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Wm. Wade Hinshaw, 1950, Ann Arbor MI, v. 6:401.653-4).

ii. ABSOLOM HOGE, b. February 8, 1787 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. 1865; m. RACHEL COFFEE.

iii. SOLOMON HOGE, b. August 14, 1789 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. 1866; m. SARAH SEAMON, 1813, Ohio Co va now WVA.

iv. SARAH HOGE, b. August 28, 1791, OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. October 1793.

v. CRAVEN HOGE, b. February 2, 1794 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. ABT 1858; m. SARAH MERRIT.

vi. PLEASANT HOGE, b. June 9, 1796 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); d. April 15, 1833; m. LUTHER NORRIS.

vii. JOSHUA HOGE, b. November 17, 1798 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969).

viii. ASA HOGE, b. March 19, 1801 (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. ASANATH MEAD.

ix. ISAAC HOGE, b. April 9, 1804, OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. RACHEL MACHIR.

x. ELIZABETH HOGE, b. September 15, 1807, OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. THOMAS NICHOLS.
xi. BUSHROD W. HOGE, b. June 25, 1810, OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. RACHEL PENNINGTON.
xii. JESSE HOGE, b. July 16, 1813, OH (Source: "The Hoge, Nichols and Related Families - Biographical/Historical - A Sequential Arrangement of Genealogical Data", by William D. Nichols, 4578 Rain Park Drive, Fairview Park, OH 44126, Sept. 1969); m. SUSANNA KINSEY.