Will Poe (who had brother named John Poe and Tom Poe)




Laura Louise Hicks of Shaw Township, Saline County, Arkansas,

born 9 April 1879 and died in Oklahoma City 4 January 1948 and is buried in Tulsa Oklahoma


      She later married Buck Grimmett who married again and is buried near Mineola, Texas



1880 Census Arkansas Saline County, Shaw Township


Thomas Hicks


Lucy J. Hicks


Parthenia A. Hicks


Sarah Hicks


Martha E. Hicks


Minerva Hicks


James A. Hicks


Laura L. Hicks





Evidenced by the 1880 census and family information, Laura Louise Hicks was the daughter of Thomas J. Hicks and Lucy Jane Burton, son of Gilbert and Elizabeth Hicks. Hicks family members are buried in Jones-Palestine Cemetery, Grant County, Arkansas. Gilbert may have given the land on which Jones-Palestine Cemetery resides.



Pearl Poe, born 8/7/1899 probably in Saline Co, AR and died 3/26/1983 in Ada, Oklahoma.


She is the daughter of Will Poe and Laura Louise Hicks


Pearl Poe married Furman Nelson when she was around 14 years old, so about 1915.


Pearl's half siblings include:


Idell Grimmett born 8/3/1914 in Johnston County, Oklahoma


Melvin Grimmett born in Little Rock in 11/15/1910 and soon after lived in Johnston County, Oklahoma



Laura L. Hicks

Born: April 09, 1879, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Porter Hicks and Lucy Jane Burton.


Thomas Jefferson Porter Hicks served in Company D, Cocke's Regiment, Arkansas Infantry (Confederate Army)He enlisted at Benton, Arkansas on 17 June 1862 and served until October 1863He also served in Company D., Hawthorne Regiment, Arkansas InfantryAfter his death on 17 day of December 1919, his widow Lucy Jane Burton Hicks received a widows pension until her death in 1922.   They are both buried in Belfast, Grant County, Ark.


Your Laura was sister to my grandmother Minerva E. Hicks who married James M. Laster. There was:

James A. Hicks

Laura L. Hicks

George W. Hicks

Rosa L. Hicks

Parthenia A. Hicks

Sarah C. Hicks

Martha E. Hicks

Minerva E. Hicks and

Niles Thomas Hicks


The only info I have on John Poe is that he was married to Mary Elizabeth(Betty)  Burton, born 1851 in Tippah co. Ms. She was daughter of William And Mary Franklin Burton. 

Their children  were: Ella, Robert and James.




Data on Laura Hicks' uncle, brother of her father Thomas Hicks


James M. Hicks lives on Section 8, Township 3, Range 14 west, and is well known

to the  residents of the county, having lived in this and adjacent localities since his  sixth year. He is a native of Tennessee, and was born in Hickman County, October 6, 1838, being the sixth in a family of twelve children born to Gilbert and Elizabeth (Allen) Hicks, natives of North Carolina and Virginia. Gilbert Hicks went to Tennessee with his parents when a child, and grew to manhood, and afterward married there. He was a farmer and wagon maker, and in November, 1844, moved to Saline County, Ark., purchasing land

in what is now Grant County. At the time of his death, which occurred in October, 1881, he was the owner of 1,000 acres, and during his lifetime cleared over 400 acres.


In politics he is a Democrat, but not an enthusiast on the subject. The later years of his life were spent in raising and trading stock, in which he was very successful. He was regarded as a leading, influential citizen, and his death was mourned by the entire community. Mrs. Hicks was a niece of Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame. She was a true and loving wife of fifty-two years, only surviving her husband a few months. James M. Hicks received his education in the common schools of Arkansas, and when nineteen years of age spent five months in the Hill Creek Academy, in Conway County, Ark., but, owing to sickness, was obliged to discontinue his educational pursuits and returned to farm life. It had been his intention to adopt teaching as a profession, but in this he was disappointed, although he did teach several terms. No doubt the world was deprived of a brilliant scholar when he gave up such an idea of teaching, for his fitness was destined to make him a "shining light" in educational matters. In September, 1860, Mr. Hicks was married to Miss Martha R. Burnett, a native of East Tennessee, and a daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (York) Burnett, natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. Mr. Burnett came to Arkansas in 1857, and was one of the successful farmers of the State. At the age of eighteen he enlisted in the War of 1812, and was n the battle of New Orleans.


Mrs. Burnett still survives him, at the age of eighty-four. After his marriage Mr. Hicks bought land and settled in Saline County, but in 1868 sold this farm and came to Shaw Township, purchasing 160 acres, sixty of which he has since cleared. The improvements made are too numerous to mention, but among them he has built good barns, etc. He now owns eighty acres in Shaw Township, 130 cultivated, and 200 in Grant County. Mr. Hicks raises his own stock, such as horses, cattle and hogs, the principal crops grown being corn and cotton, and he was for sixteen years the principal potato grower of Saline County. He take the lead in fruit raising, having 110 varieties, including fifteen kinds of grapes and thirty-nine kinds of apples, with about the same of peaches, and nine varieties of plums. All the different kinds of berries that thrive in Arkansas are seen on his farm, and it is really a pleasure to observe such an excellent and highly cultivated farm as he owns. It would be a difficult matter to find its equal, and certainly not possible to obtain its superior. For several years Mr. Hicks has been the leading man in experimental fruit-raising and  vegetable trial crops. In 1874 he began by budding peaches, and proved the same to be a success. His method of setting the trees is very peculiar, as he digs a pit 3 ½ x 4 feet and twenty five inches in depth, then fills the first fourteen inches with alternate layers of coarse manure and earth, the last twelve inches being of solid earth well packed. In politics he is a Democrat, though conservative and independent. He has never been an office seeker, but has been elected to a county office, and once to township office, in both cases, however, declining to serve. For a number of years he has been director of the school district. He served three years in the Confederate service under Col. Johnson, in the Sixth Arkansas Infantry, but was never in any active engagement. He was in the hospital service, and filled the different positions of nurse, wardmaster, clerk and steward. Being a cripple he was exempt from field duty, and in order to serve the cause he believed to be right, applied to the hospital department and served there as stated above. Mr. And Mrs. Hicks are the parents of the following family: Marian W., J.G., Robert L., Emily Lee, Jeremiah T., Ida Florence, Monroe H., Obed B. Elijah F., James A. Garfield and Benjamin F.  Himself and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for thirteen years he has been superintendent of the Sunday school.