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Virgil Poe Revolutionary War Pension File





Official Source not yet attained. Text provided by  Nancy Kiser of Denver, CO in post number 2442 on Genforum, posted February 28, 2003.


Virginia Soldiers of 1776. Compiled from Documents on File in the Virginia Land Office. Together with Material found in the Archives Department of the Virginia State Library,



The following transcribed by David Misen


Pension Application
Service Number
Va.Poe, Virgil A0S.35.565

United States of America
Kentucky District } Sct.
This day Virgil Poe aged about Sixty two years, a Citizen of the United States and a resident of Franklin County in the State of Kentucky, this day came before me Robert Trimble District Judge of the U. States in the District aforesaid, and for the purpose of obtaining a pension from the United States under the provisions of the act of congress passed the 18th day of March 1818 did upon oath, declare that about February 1776 he enlisted as regular Soldier of the United States in the Revolutionary War, in the company of Captain Haws, of the 2d Virginia Regiment on Continental establishment commanded by Col. Alexander Spottswood for three years;that he faithfully Served out the said term of three years, & same thing upwards as a Soldier in the Army of the United States, in the ? 2d Virgiia Regiment; - that during his Service Co. Spotswood was promoted, & the Regiment was afterwards commanded by Col. Christian Febuger (?), from whom this affiant obtained an honorable dis!charge at Springfield, in New Jersey on the 9th day of May in the [year] 1779; but which discharge he has lost many years ago: That he was in the battles of German town & Brandywine, in the former of which he was wounded by a Shot in the left hip, from which wound he had not entirely recovered when he left the Army: That he does not recollect any one now living in Kentucky by whom he could prove his service, except Majr.William Taylor of Louisville, who belonged to the same company & Regiment, the said Taylor being Captain of the company after the promotion of Captain Haws: - the said Poe further declared that he obtained a pension from the United States in the year 1811 or thereabouts, of $2.50 per month on account of the wound before mentioned; upon the affidavit of said William Taylor, as the papers in the war office will show:  That he is in such reduced circumstances in life as to need assistance of his Country for support:  That on the 9th day of May 1818, he made a Similar declaration upon oath before the District Judge of the Kentucky District, for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the act of the 18th of March 1818; which was transmitted, to the war department, & returned for further proof as to his circumstances; which proof being made it was again, as he is informed by the Judge transmitted, to the war department but has probably mis_________.
He waives the former pension allowed him on account of wounds & if one shall be allowed him, upon this application, which he prays & and he hopes that it will be allowed to take date from the date of his former declaration & application, to wit, the 9th of May 1818
Sworn to before me this Sixth day of January 1820.
Robt Trimble
Virgil Poe
United States
Kentucky District Sct
I Robt Trimble District Judge of the District aforesaid do certify that the above named Virgil Poe, on the 9th day of May 1818, did make before me a former & similar declaration upon oath to the preceding, for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818; that I transmitted forth with the said former declaration to the war department, & that the same was returned to me for further proof,some time prior to May 1819; That about the 20th of May 1819 I called before me Jeptha Dudley & others, as witnesses who proved to my ___________
____ that the said Virgil Poe was in Such reduced circumstances in life as to need the assistance of the Government for Support; which proof I attached to said former declaration & immediately put it into the post office directed to the Honble John C. Calhoun Secretary of War; but that, from a letter from J. L. Edwards to Col. Rice Johnson dated Novr. 11th 1819 it would seem, that it had mis________; and I have therefore again taken the preceding declaration of the party upon oath.
I do further certify that I was, when I transmitted his former declaration & application of the 9th of May 1818, that I am yet satisfied that he performed the Services by him Stated, & that he then was & yet is in Such reduced circumstances in life as to need the assistance of his Country for support.
Given under my hand at Paris Kentucky this 8th day of January 1820
Robt. Trimble
District Judge

P.S. Please to direct the answer to Jeptha Dudley, Frankfort, Kentucky.
R. Trimble

I Robert Trimble District Judge of the Kentucky District, do certify that Virgil Poe within named came before me on this day and being by me first duly Sworn, declared, that to the best of his Knowledge & belief, he never received the original certificate granting him a pension as an Invalid pensioner; - that the said Certificate is not in his possession, nor does he Known where it is if it ever issued.
Given under my hand this 24th day of June 1820.
Robt. Trimble

The District Judge respectfully certified to the department of War, that
he declines permitting his Clerk to certify "his official Character" by the seal of the Court or otherwise, to any of the departments of the General Government, being of opinion that they have the means of Knowing & due Ground (?) to recognize his official character __________ ___________ certificate.
Robt. Trimble
Virgil Poe affidavit
State of Kentucky
Franklin Circuit Sct
October Term 1820.
n this Seventeenth day of October 1820 personally appeared in open court, being a Court of Record for the said Circuit and held in the county of Franklin, Virgil Poe aged Sixty two years resident in the said County of Franklin, within the said Circuit, who being first duly Sworn according to law doth on his oath, declare, that he served in the Revolutionary war an follam (??) towit That he in Caroline County Virginia, on the first day of February 1776 enlisted as a private soldier to serve three years into Captain Samuel Haws company, belonging to the Second Virginia Regiment on continental establishment, then commanded by Col. Spotswood, That he was marched to Williamsburg Virginia thence to Wilmington in the State of Delaware, thence to Philadelphia, where he joined the main Army and continued to serve in the main Army until some time in May 1779 when he was discharged at bond-brook in the State of New Jersey. That he was in the following Battles towit Brandywine & Germantown and was Wounded in the latter battle by a musket Ball in the hip which has disabled him ever since.That he has received a pension certificate under the act of congress of the 18th day of march 1818.
And I do solemnly sweat that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any other manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certan persons engaged in the land and moral service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts, or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed. That he is by occupation a farmer and is unable to labor much on account of his Wound aforesaid, received at the Battle of Germantown, and that he has no family but a Wife.
schedule of the property of Virgil Poe and its value towit:
1 Blind mare & saddle$22.00
1 Penny hare  20.00
1 Cow & two Yearlings18.00
1 Kettle, 2 popts, 1 _____ dutchoven & 1 frying pan10.00
1 Plough & Apparatus7.00
3 chairs 75 cents each2.25
1 Axe 1 _____ 1 hand saw 1 chissell 1 pair of ______ 2 flat Irons8.00
1 Tea Kettle 1 set of cups & saucers 4 pair of pot hooks & one ____4.00
Two Tables2.00
1 cupboard 7.00
1 Bible 1 Bunyan Hachle 2.00
Pilgrims Progress 1 spelling book 6.00
1 pewter _____ & 1 Bowl 2.00
2 _____ 75 cents each 1.50 & 2.75
Virgil Poe
State of Kentucky
Franklin Circuit Sct.
I Francis P Blair clerk of the Court aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed an truly copied from the Records of the said Court and I do further certify that it is the opinion of the said Court that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is $112.75 cents.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal (no seal for my office having been provided) on the 7th day of November 1820 and in the 29th year of the Commonwealth.
F.P. Blair C.F.C.C.
Letter to John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, Washington City, from Virgil Poe
Frankfort Kentucky Nov 7, 1820
Honble. John C. Calhoun, Secy. Of War
Sir Be so good as to write to Nathl Sawyier at this place.
Virgil Poe

Notice sent to the Pensioner Frankfort Kentucky 21 _____ 1821
Virgil Poe,
Of Franklin coy. In the state of Kentucky
Who was a private in the regiment commanded byColonel Spotswood, of the Virginia
Line, for the term of 3 years.inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky, At the rate of 8 Dollars per month, to commence The 9. of May, 1818

Certificate of Pension issued the 10. of July 1820
And sent to Jeptha Dudley, of
Frankfort, Kentucky.

Diff: between Invalid & Revy.
Arrears to 4th of March, 1820 - .4 [page torn]
Semi-anl. all'ce ending 4. Sept, 1820 -
21 mos. 27/31$135.4 [page torn]

{Revolutionary claim, Act 18th March, 1818.}
Invalid pensioner,
a $: 4 /month.
diff: to 4. March, 1820.. 87 [page torn]
Will - Franklin County, Ky
Will Book 2 1824 - 1854

Page 117
I, Virgil Poe of the County of Franklin and State of Kentucky do make this my last will and testament revoking all others theretofore made by me.
1st. It is my will that my granddaughter, Rebecca Balding have three head of my cattle, one sorrell mare, one saddle, one bed of furniture, one breakfast table, one spinning wheel, one set of chairs together all my clothing and books to have and enjoy forever the above mentioned property for her faithful waiting on me during my sickness for a term ofyears past  Also, she is to have all money left by me except
what this will provides for.
2nd It is my will that my great granddaughter, Sarah Balding have one of my cows and calves and enjoy it forever for her kind attention to me.
3rd. It is my will that my granddaughter, Nancy Balding have my_____ and enjoy it forever, which is now in her possession.
4th. It is my will that my daughters, Mary Sacry and Elizabeth Pauley have ten dollars each and enjoy it forever.
I do appoint Anderson Balding my executor to this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this 11th of March eighteen hundred forty.
Virgil Poe
John Madison
Piersaul Do
Franklin County Court, November Term 1840
A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Virgil Poe, deceased was produced in Court being proven by the oaths of John Madison andPiersaul Douthitt the subscribing witnesses thereto is ordered to be recorded which is done accordingly.
A. H. Rennick, CFCC
Virgil died December 10, 1840 and his wife Nancy died December 6, 1805 - both deaths are recorded in the Sacry family Bible( her maiden name not known )



Jesse Poe, Private

Jesse Poe of Franklin Co., Ken. heir at law of Jesse Poe, appointed Thomas Miller of Richmond, Va. his Atty. 21st July, 1819. Witness, Reuben Smothers. Acknowledged before O. G. Waggener, J. of P.


Council Chamber, June 12, 1821. Advised that the heirs of Jesse Poe be allowed Land Bounty for his services for three years as a Private in the Contl. line. Thos. M. Randolph, Gov.


25 June, 1821. Rec'd. of Register warrant 6460 for 100 acres issued in the name of Jesse Poe, dec'd. Thos. Miller, Atty. Forwarded to Nath'l. Sawyer, Frankfort, Ken. Captain William Taylor, of Louisville, Ken. a Captain in his company, that he enlisted to serve three years, but that he died in the service before the three years had expired. Signed William Taylor, Sr. formerly Captain Second Va. Regt., Late Major of the Ninth Va. Regt. Franklin Co., Tenn.


Virgil Poe, a soldier of Franklin Co., Tenn*. declared that he was a soldier in the company of said Capt. William Taylor, and that he knew said Jesse Poe. That Poe marched to the North and died at Blackwater, New Jersey - that he (Virgil Poe) was raised near John Poe -- knew him all his life, and that he is a brother of Jesse Poe. That the latter never married. Sworn to before O. G. Waggener, J. of P. 31st July, 1819.


The claim for L. B. warrant was at first rejected, because not sufficiently authenticated, but was allowed upon this additional evidence, 12 June, 1821. Recorded, Book 3, page 90, Va. L. Off.



Isaac Sacrey*, esf c1777 Caroline Co., VA in 2nd VA Regiment; injured in svc & came home unable to walk, accompanied by bro James; sol dd 1807 Franklin Co, KY; md 12/24/1780 Elizabeth George, Caroline County**, VA who b 3/1/1761; wid PN ae 77 Hendricks Co. IN 1838; sol bro James AFF then Shelby Co, KY, he & sol esf together c1777 & he attended sol wedding; sol s Abner res 1839 Christiansburg, Shelby Co, KY; Virgil Poe AFF 1838 Franklin Co, KY, he esf 1776 Caroline Co, VA with sol in 2nd VA Regiment; wid res 1844 Marion Township, Hendricks Co, IN; s & heir Abner gave power of attorney to agent 1853 to claim decd m's PN arrears. F-W10247 R2108


* Robert Sacrey married Polly Poe bond dated 24 June 1802

** George, Elliot, Poe and Herndon families from Caroline Co intermarry in Virginia and in North Carolina



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