This page provides records of the Bray family in Chatham County, North Carolina. The question is whether the William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray, daughter of Henry Bray, is the same man as the William Poe “JR” from Culpeper County.



William Poe “JR” first mentioned in Culpeper County records in 1748. He was at least 18 or so. Therefore a birth of around 1730. He would have been born in Caroline County, son of William Poe and Lydia. They moved to the Culpeper County area in 1737.


1747 - 1748

p. 3

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman, 9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe, Jr.  N B. The deed to be made to  Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James Genn. .





These men appear all to have come from Culpeper Co, VA to Chatham Co, NC by 1771



Colonial soldiers of the South, 1732-1774.  Murtrie June Clark

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983.


Chatham County Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.


19                 Pvt                          Benjamin Poe *

27                 Pvt                          William Poe**

53                 Pvt                          John Poe**

104               Pvt                          Charles Poe (became infirm)


* Benjamin Poe b. 1749 Culpeper County VA states in a Rev. War Pension claim (see below) that he lived in Wake County, but moved to Randolph County, NC in 1789. It appears his son Benjamin remained in Wake County if this is accurate. The claim also states that he lived in Chatham County, NC when he entered service in 1775.  In a 1771 Chatham County Muster roll for the Siler City area of Chatham County, Benjamin Poe is listed.


** These records from Orange / Culpeper County, VA may be this William and John. The association with William Watson and Battle Run make it appear that they are sons of William Poe who appeared in VA records in 1725, just after the death of Samuel Poe in 1725 in Essex County. Benjamin is likely another brother or a JR son of the Benjamin Poe who appeared in the records about the same time of the elder William Poe.




NOTE: Timothy and John Bray active in Fauquier County, Virginia by 1787. Bray were active in King and Queen County and Essex County, VA earlier and back to Jamestown before that.

Chatham County, North Carolina

Jan, 23, 1782
EDWARD BRAY (farmer) and SARAH, his wife, sell to DANIEL VESTAL, for 150 pds, (acreage not given), all the tract of land lying on the Middle fork of Rockey River, it being part of a tract granted to WILLIAM LEAKEY, dated Feb. 1755, for 450 acres, and the said WILLIAM LEAKEY, conveyed 202 1/2  acres  to the said EDWARD BRAY by deed dated May 15, 1758.

25 August 1761

Henry Bray. Warrant. 700 acres on south br of Rocky R. begin near the (photocopy cut off)



Deed Book 2

p. 597

October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to George Martin of same, planter, forty four pounds, 300 acres, patented by Husband 11 December 1762, called Desolate Hills, begin at a hickory the cor. Of a tract called Desolate, E 15 ch., 40 ch. S, W 75 ch., N 40 ch. To first station; signed: Herman Husband; witness Henry Bray, John McCausland; Proved by Bray July term 1770.


p. 598

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to Henry Bray of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 480 acres, on Love Cr. Granville to Husband 5 August 1768(?), begin at David Smith’s cor., No 160 to a post oak the beginning tree of the original tract, W 60 ch. S 106 ch. 67 lk., E 126 p., S to Loves Cr., down creek until it intersects a west course from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, David Smith (X); proved by McCausland. January Term 1770


p. 599

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to John McCausland of same, planter, thirty pounds, 189 acres, part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762, called Desolate Hills begin at a hickory tree the cor. tree of Desolate; W 60 ch., N 25 ch. E 140 p. S to beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: Henry Bray, David Smith (X); proved by Bray January Term 1770


p. 600

October 1769, Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to David Smith of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 503 acres, on waters of Loves Cr., part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762 recorded in Book E, page 168, begin at a post oak the beginning of Desolate, W 11 ch. N 15 ch. To a red oak, E 36 ch., N 20 ch, E 38 from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, Henry Bray; proved by Bray January Term 1770.



P. 308, 2 Apri 1 1770,

Jacob Layton of Orange to Edward Teague (Tegue) of same, fifty pounds, 285 acres, begin at a white oak, N 25 ch. to 2 hicory saplins, E 35 ch. to a hicory, S 70 ch. to a stake, W 85 ch. to a stake, N to first station, Granville to George Adam Salling 3 October 1761; signed: Jacob Layton; witness: Geo. Adam Salling, Wm. Ditto, Henry Bray  proved July Term 1770 by Ditto.

[Ed. note: see also Granville Deeds & Surveys # 541.]


P. 116

16 September 1771

Adam Moser, Blacksmith, Carn. his Wife to Philip Siler, Planter - "the said Adam and Cathrine his Wife" - 100 pds. -- 200 a. - being part of a tract of land conveyed from William Lacy to Henry Bray and by the said Henry Bray to the said Adam Moser by deed dated 25 April 1767 - which 200 a. was part of 700 ai. granted to the said William Lacy from the Earl Granville by deed bearing date 13 June 1762 - on Rocky River - joins Robert Williams.

Wit: Joab Brooks                        Adam Moser

Henry Bray (HB)                          Cathrine Moser (x)



p. 388

4 March 1772

George Hobson, yeoman to Isaac Carter  - 4 punds. -- 240 a. being a part of a large tract granted by the late Earl of Granville to the above said George Hobson by Indenture bearing date the 2 February 1761 and registered in the registers Office in Orange Co. -- on Rocky River

Wit: Edward Bray (x)                   George Hobson

David Vestel

Henry Bray


Edward Bray mentioned in 1790 will of Henry Bray, father of Elizabeth who married William Poe


p. 388

4 March 1772 – George Hobson, Yeoman to Isaac Carter – 4 pds. – 240 a. being a part of a large tract granted by the late Earl of Granville to the above said George Hobson by Indenture bearing date the 2 February 1761 and registered in the registers Office in Orange County – on Rocky River

Wit: Edward Bray (x)                             George Hobson

David Vestal

Henry Bray



4 March 1772

p. 388

George Hobson, Yeoman to Isaac Carter – 4 pds 240 a being a part of a large tract granted by the late Earl of Granville to the above said George Hobson by Indenture bearing date the 2 Feb. 1761 and registered in the registers office in Orange Co. – on Rocky River.

Wit: Edward Bray (X)                   George Hobson

David Vestel

Henry Bray


Page 378.

2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                 David Smith

Adam Ramsower*                        Mary Smith

Job Ward     


* Ramsour? Which is mentioned in the will of Henry Bray


10 May 1774

Henry Bray appointed Constable the Ensuing year, he having given Joab Brooks* Security


13 February 1775

p. 43

Ann White a base born child about two years and a half old be bound to Henry Bray Sen’r and Mary his wife during their life (that is to say) until she shall arrive to Lawful age to learn the business of Housewifery


23 June 1775

p. 69

Ordinary lycence to John Nall he having given Bond with Matthew Jones & Henry Bray



23 June 1775

Edward Bray appointed overseer of the road from Jeremiah Piggotts to Mudlick Creek.


23 June 1775

page 21

Deed David Smith & wife to William Poe, proved by Henry Bray


We can only know that this William Poe married Elizabeth Bray by 23 June 1775 as this is the earliest mention of her. Henry’s will states she is his daughter. If the Surry Co, NC Henry Poe is Willam and Elizabeth’s son, the marriage pushed back to 1758 and harder to place where the marriage might have occurred.


1775 Deed Book B, page 72.  20 July

Deed from William Poe & wife to Henry Bray*, proved by John Wilkerson


From Photocopy of the deed

This indenture made this twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five between William Poe (Wm) of Chatham County and province of N. Caroline of the one part and Henry Bray of the places aforesaid. Witnesseth that the said Wm. Poe for & in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds .... money to him in hand paid by the said Henry Bray at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge himself therewith satisfied  . . . releases, conveys., etc. that piece or parcel of land lying situate & being in the County of Chatham and province aforesaid being part of a tract of land originally conveyed to Hermon Husband from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 day of December 1762 & called Desolate Meadows beginning at a white oak on the bank of Love's Creek running west eleven chains to a maple then north fifteen chains to a red oak then east thirty five chains to a maple then north fifteen chairs to a red oak then, etc. (more trees, more chains) containing by estimation fifty acres of land be the same ore or less together with all the woods, ways, waters, houses, orchards, etc. thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining as also the Estate right title claim and demand whatever of him the said Wm Poe of and to the above granted premises...

In the presence of John Wilkerson (by mark)) ; John McGesland

William Poe, Elizabeth Poe (both by mark)

Chatham County, November Count 1778. Then proved by John Wilkerson and presented to be registerd

Wm Alston clerk of Court


* Deed not proved in court until November Court 1778.

Henry Bray's will was written 17 Jun., 1790, and was proved in 1794.


One month later


20 July 1775

William Poe to Henry Bray - 20 pds. 50 a. - being part of a tract of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by patent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolate Meadows on Loves Creek.


John Wilkerson                                      William Poe (x)

John McGesland                                    Elizabeth Poe (x)*


14 November 1775

Deed from William Poe and wife to Henry Bray proved by John Wilkerson.



9 February 1778

Thomas Chapman enters 250 ac on S fork of Rocky R and Older Br; border: the original line of the tract of land he lives on, David Vestal, James McDaniel, Edward Bray*, & James Youngblood; warrant issued May 20; short 30 ac money refunded;



p. 518

24 September 1781

Robert Williams to David Fox - 80 pds. hard money - 150 a. - it being part of a larger tract of land conveyed from Henry Bray to the aforesd, Robert Williams and others as by deed dated 2 August 1763 which 400 a. was a part of 700 a. granted to William Lacy by deed dated 13 June 1762- on Rockey River

Wit: T. Hill               Robert Williams (R)

Jacob _____


2 March 1782

Benjamin Watts of Randolph County, North Carolina, Plantar and Frances his wife to Benjamin Marlow of Chatham County, North Carolina – 80 pnds. Current money – 150 a. Tenement and tract of land – joins land surveyed to Joseph Sitton (Sutton?) on behalf of the Heirs of Phillip Sitton, John Farmer, A corner agreed on by Edward Bray and Benjamin Marlow, Elijah Williams Claim and the County line – it being part of the same piece of land which by patent dated 1 July 1779 was granted and conveyed to Abraham Bradley (Bradly) and was conveyred from the said Bradley to Ben. Watts by Deed dated 4 August 1780


Thomas (X) Essery                                    Benjamin Watts

Edward (X) Bray                                        Frances (X) Watts

George Hobson


2 March 1782

p. 291

Benjamin Watts of Randolph County, N.C., Planter and Frances his wife to Edward Bray of Chatham County, N.C. Planter - 80 pds. -- 150 a. -- joins Ben. Marlow, John Farmer and Jonathan Esry - and is part of the same piece of land which by pattent dated 1 July 1779 was granted to Henry Bradley (Bradly) and was Conveyed by the said Bradly to Benjamin Watts by a deed dated 4 August 1780

Wit: Benjamin Marly                                   Benjamin Watts

Thoams Esery (x)                                      Frances Watts (x)

George Hobson



p. 285 (bottom)

23 October 1782

State of North Carolina to Henry Bray - 50 sh. for every 100 a. - 40 a. on Lewis Creek - joins George Martin

J. Glasgow Sec.                            Alex. Martin



Page 527

23 October 1782

State of North Carolina to Joshua Edwards – 50 sh for every 100 a. – 450 a. on Little Bruch Creek – joins John McCaslin, Dixson Corner Brays Corner and Martins corner.


14 May 1783

pg. 34A

In the Suit William (marked out) Briton Drake vs . Duncan Bray

Ordered for the Plaintiff 51 pounds, 4 shills.


13 November 1783

George Hendrey, Henry Bray, Jun. And Joseph Stephens be Appointed as Possessioners for Dist. No. 6


2 February 1784

Deed from Edward Bray and Wife to Daniel Vestal (Danull Vestill) proved by David Vestal (Vestill).



11 February 1784

Pg. 60B

A Dedimus Potestatum Issue to take the Deposition of ____ (water spot) England in the Suit Nicholas Nall (Noll) against Henry Bray and Josiah Rogers.



12 February 1784

Henry Bray be Appointed Overseer of the Road from Loves Creek to the County Line.




4 March 1784

p. 294

Harman Husband to John Bray - 25 pds -- 100 a. on Loves Creek - it being part of a tract and parcel of land granted to him the said Hermon Husband from the Earl Granville on 11 December 1762 - joins George Martin.

Wit: Henry Bray                          Hermon Husband

James Underwood


30 July 1784

p. 299

Balaam Thompson to Jeremiah Hadly -- 100 pds. -- including the said Jeremiah Hadley's Improvement - 500 a. - joins Solomon Cox, David Brown and Henry Bray - it being part of a tract of land granted to Balaam Thompson by patent dated 23 October 1782.

Wit. Nathan Dixon (Dixson)                               Balaam Thompson

Samuel Cox


1 November 1784

p. 519 (bottom)

State of North Carolina to Lewis Braswell – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 100 a. on Wilkinsons Creek – joins Peter Bray, Gideon Kirksey and Robert Poe.

J. Glasgow Sec.                                     Alex. Martin


8 November 1784

Pg. 84B

Deed from Benjamin Watts & Francis his wife to Edward Bray Ack’d.


p. 305

9 November 1784

John Morphis to Robert Cobb - 100 pds - 400 a. on the waters of Love's Creek and Bloody Creek - joins Henry Bray - to conclude the Plantations whereon John Ratlif and Suns now live

Wit: Robert Poe (x)           John Morphis

Thomas Adams (x)



9 November 1784 – John Morphis to Robert Cobb – 100 pds. – 400 a. on the waters of Love’s Creek and Bloody Creek – joins Henry Bray – to conclude the Plantations whereon John Ratlif and sons (records spells suns) now live


Robert (X) Poe                            John Morphis

Thomas (X) Adams


16 February 1785

John Ratlif Sen'r appointed overseer of the Road from Lowes Creek to Randolph County Line in the Room of Henry Bray.



1 August 1785

p. 37 Henry Bray to Philip Herrin – 200 pds. Current Money – 400 a. on the Waters of Loves Creek – it being the place that William Ditto formerly lived on – joins David Smith and a branch commonly called the roaling Cut Branch.


John Bray                         Henry Bray

William Bray


p. 23

6 August 1785 – Lewis Braswell to Robert Poe – 30 pds. Specie 100 a. on Wilkinsons Creek – joins Peter Bray, Gideon Kirksey** and Robert Poes own corner.

Wit David Williams                       Lewis Brassell 

James Poe (X)*                           Rebecker (X) Brassell



* This is the only time a James Poe is shown with “X” and I believe this is not the James Poe, son of Simon Poe SR, but a man not yet places. Perhaps brother of Robert Poe and both sons of the William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray



16 February 1786 – State of North Carolina to Henry Bray – 10 pds. For every 100 a. – 100 a. on Sidwells Branch.

W. Williams Sec.                                    Rd. Caswell


19 July 1787

Henry Bray Planter to David Smith, Planter - 100 pds. Currant money - 205 a. on the South side of Rockey River - it being part of three tracts of Land the one granted to Herman Husband and the other part was granted to Henry Bray by two grants from the State of North Carolina - beginning at the ford where the County Road crosses Loves Creek - joins a line agreed on by Henry Bray and Philip Herring, David Smith's line (formerly Husbands).

Wit: John Ratchliff

Henry Bray

Philip Herin


9 August 1787 – Henry Bray to Mathias Bray – 40 pds. Current Money of this State – a tract of Land whereon the said Mathis Bray now liveth – 85 a. on the Waters of Loves Creek – joins Dittoes line.


Simon Terrell                               Henry Bray

Jacob White


Note that a Mathias Poe was born into the Poe family of Surry / Wilkes Ashe Co, NC



August 1790

p. 16

Administration on the Estates of Elizabeth Herrin & Philip Herrin Granted unto Henry Bray who gives Bond with Roger Griffeth & Travis Harper in the Sum of 200 pounds whereupon the Said Henry returned into Court and Inventory of Said Estate.


November 1790

p. 51
An affidavit of Edward Bray ordered that Travis Harper Esq'r & Constables &c bring up to Next Court the proceedings of a Trial had before him between Benjamin Underwood pltf. and Said Bray Deft. and all proceedings Relative to Said Trial be suspend­ed untill heard & Determined in this Court.

17 June, 1790

Will of Henry Bray, dated 17 June, 1790 - no probate date.
Chatham Co., NC, Record of Estates, pg. 4b, 5
NC State Archives film # C.002.500
In the Name of God amen I Henry Bray of the County Chatham and State 
North carolina being weak and inform of Body but of perfect mind and 
memory thanks be God Calling to mind the mortallity of my Body and 
knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first 
of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that 
gave it and my Body I recommend to the earth to be burried in a decent 
christian Burial at the discression of my Executor and as touching such 
worldly Estate wherewith it has please god to bless me in this life I 
give and dispose in the following manner_____ 
Item I give and bequeath to Mary Bray my dearly beloved wife one Bed 
and furniture and her Saddle as her own property and the third part of 
all the rest of my household goods Chattles and moveable Estate as her
own property and the use of my home Plantation so long as she continues
to be my widow or as long as she pleases to live thereon except she 
Item I give and bequeath to my son Edward Bray the sum of Twenty 
Shillings to him and his Heirs forever; ___ Item I give and bequeath to 
my son Henry Bray my Land and all the remaining two thirds of my Estate 
with his paying out of my Estate the sum of five pounds to each of my 
Daughters Vix. Sarah Ramsour, Mary Johnson, Catharine Jones & Elizabeth 
Poe) to him & his heirs forever_ I hereby constitute make and ordain my
Son Henry Bray Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I 
do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull all and every other 
former Testaments, Wills, Legaces, bequests and Executors by me in any 
wise before named willed and Bequeathed ratifying and confirming this 
and no other to be my last Will and testament In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day June one Thousand 
seven hundred and ninety
Signed Seal'd and pronounced 
in presence of
Thos Ragland
Henry Bray Signed Henry (his "H" mark) Bray {Seal}
A Copy Test
John Ramsey C.C.
Surry County, North Carolina


Note that Henry Poe was a Revolutionary War Soldier who claims birth in 1758 in Culpeper County, North Carolina. If this Henry is son of William Poe and Elizabeth Bray (daughter of Henry) then the marriage pushes back to at least 1758. Records so far do not place a Bray family in Culpeper that early. But the Culpeper family seemed to retain ties south into counties were Poe and Bray were located.


12 March 1792 George Wooten to William Poe 150 pds 270 a adjoining William Petty

Ephraim (X) McLimore

Henry Poe (X)

George (X) Wooten


Is this William Poe of Culpeper County and Elizabeth Bray daughter of Henry Bray? Is Henry Poe their son? Is Raliegh Poe?


9 August 1787

Bk I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150 pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.

Nicholas Masters

William Poe (X) seal

Elizabeth Poe (X) seal

Daniel Hudson

Duly proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801 by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be registered. Test: Jo Williams, C.C.


15 November 1798

Ordered that the court that Raleigh Poe (Rolley) be appt. Overseer of the road from the Island Ford from Pipes Creek to the Wilkes Line and the hands convenient work thereon.


Is this Henry Bray of the same Henry Bray family from Chatham County?


18 October 1802

Henry Speer to Henry Bray 300 acres on Water of Deep Creek and Hunting Creek on Wards Branch adj Lewis Elliotts NW corner of 150 acres & John Whalen.


Wilkes County, North Carolina


Land Entries

        1799    William Lenoir 100 ac .........border Henry Poe*.
        1799    Henry Poe 300 acres 300 acres Praters Creek
        1799    Henry Poe (says Henery) 200 ac no fork of Elk Creek
        1799    Edmond Poe (says Edmon)  100 ac Praters Creek
        1799    Thomas Lenoir enter 150 ac in Wilkes on Elk Creek William Poe' line
        1799    Robinett (sic) 100 ac on Elk Creek William Poe and runs E.
        1799    Witnessed land transaction William Poe* and Henry Poe





1 January 1799 Between Jacob McGrady and Hezekiah Hall … torn.. 100 ac N. fork Mulberry Creek … including plantation said Hall now lives on. Wits: Luke Jinnings, William Poe (X) & Henry Poe. Signed: Jacob McGrady