Re: Boone Cemetery Date: 9/23/2002 6:06:21 PM Central Standard Time From: MaliH To: EBARGER1 We left Jackson about 7:15 this morning and got back at 5:30 this afternoon. Everything went great. The directions you gave us were perfect and we had no trouble at all. I was so glad the cemetaries were so well kept and we didn't have to deal with tall grass. I noticed on the Collins graves, someone had put flowers at some time. I thought maybe they were someone who could tell me something so I put a note with my phone number and email address in it in a zip lock bag and left it on Ira's stone. I figured it was worth a try anyway. We took lots of pictures at both cemetaries and at the church. When I rest a bit I'm going to sort everything out and see what I have--especially from Concord. I just took pictures of all the Doughty graves I could find 'cause they've all got to be relatives somewhere along the line. I too am sorry we didn't get together but who knows, now that I know the way, I may come again sometime. If I do, I'll let you know. The Fayette County cemetery book that you sent me the info out of-I wonder if it have any more Collins in it. Since they lived in New Lexington, I'm thinking Ira may have had brothers in that area. My grandfather raised his family in Mississippi but his sons were named John Waldrop, James Willard, Hubert Leon, Edd Lee , Malcolm Thornton, Stancel LaFoy. His daughters were Jewel Clare, and Mary Frances. Some of those names could be family names. I know the Frances is. Didn't mean to ramble but my mind is racing. Again, I'm sorry I didn't see you but thank you again for all your help. Any thoughts or leads are appreciated. Alice