23 Nov 1807

Ashe County grant of 50 acres to WIlliam Hart on 23 Nov 1807 entry number 629,


29 April 1799

Book 111, Page 137 entered 29 April 1799.  Beg at a white oak near the stream of Crab Fork on Praters Creek (near James Hart's line running east then north.(now Allegheny County, NC)



Peter Hart Jr (c 1788 Montgomery Co, VA?

Son of Peter Hart SR(b.c 1740 in Montgomery County, VA). He was Revolutionary War Patriot. Wife Dority “Dolly” possibly Kantor or Sizemore

Lived on New River near Brush Creek. Area became Wythe County, VA.


Married Hannah (Susannah) Poe (born c 1784 possibly Chatham Co, NC)

17 May 1800 Jefferson, Ashe County, NC

Possible daughter of William Poe





My greatgrandmother, Hannah (Susannah) Poe married Peter Hart Jr.(b ca 1788 prob old montgomery co, va close to the NC boundary) on 18 May 1800 at Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC. Hannah believed to have been b. ca 1784, poss in Chatham co and at the time of the writing of the Hart book it was beieved she may have been a dtr of Wm. Poe.


A wm Poe is on the on the 1790 cencus in CHatham CO, NC. Another Wm Poe is in Surry, NC which is apparently much closer to Ashe Co,



The part about her being indian is via "family lore". HEr descendants did apply to be on the rolls or some such but were never accepted accoroding to Julia (juliana@aol.com). Prior to this week, I did not know that bit of info>


PEter Hart Jr was the s/o Peter Hart sr whom served in the REv War from Montgomery CO in 1781. Mothers name was dority and called DOlly.  Some believe her maiden name may have been Kantor or Cantor and some  Sizemore.


Peter grew up on the New RIver close of where Brush Creek enters that river. peter Hart Sr had 150 ac surveyed there in 1783. the are a where the fam lived remained in Montgomery Co until 1789 when Wythe was formed from Montgomery.. Three years later Grayson was formed from Wythe and the Hart fam land was included in thei new co. where it remains today where it s southern boundary is the NC line. ashe co where on Peter Hart is found on the 1800 cencus adjoins Grayson CO to the suth just acorss the state line. (As an aside I recall reading aobut the problems they had in setting the actual border between NC and SW parts of Va but do not recollect the timeframe>)


In 1800 cencus Peter Jr and Hannah have no kids yet indicating a prob marriage earlier that year or the one prior.


The first one, WM. H. Hart was born in1802. 5 feb 1802


Peter Hart jr bought 50 ac in Ashe Co. HE purchased 150 ac from Wm B Lenoir of WIlkes Co, NC. AShe was formed form WIlkes in 1799.

we know Peter settled near his fam as the property is described as being


"Harts"line, the Hart is prob James Har Sr believed to be his uncle or Peter Hart  SR 's brithers.


1803 Peter Jr bought 100 acres additionally on Praters Creek in Ashe Co from James Hart. Prob adjoined the 150 ac from the previous year.


1805 purchased 400 ac on scotts br of Prathers creek from Owen Sizemore of Hawkins Co, Tn.


peter cousins James Hart Jr was married to Cather"Dollly" Sizemore, whom was a neice of this Owen Sizemore.



Within 5 years of Peter Jr's marriage he had pruchasaed 650 ac of land in Ashe CO, NC. betwe 1802-1822 Peter bought and sold quite a lot of pirces of land on prathers Creek on various brances inc Scotts , dog creek, crab fork. ( Prathers creek is located in current day Allegheny CO)


Peter nad Hannah second son was

MATHIAS named after Hannah's borther Mathias and born in 1804


Peter and hannha and these two youngsters removed to Knox Co Ky for a short spell where peters brother John Hart and his fam had been for two or three years.



Peters brother Stephen had married the previous year and accompanied his brother Peter to Ky, These writers believed the James Hart living in Knox Co was indeed borther to John, Peter, and Stephen> Note Peter did not sell his land back in Ashe CO.


PEter is on tax list in Knox Co in 1807 along with Stephen.


ELizabeth Hart d/o Peter Jr and Hannah was born Jan 1807.


Peters brother John Hart and Permelia Morgan apparetnly found Knox to their liking and remained in Knox but Peter and Stephen returned to AShe CO, NC by the fall of 1807 when he sold a piece of property on Prathers in Sept 1807.



Subsequently Peter and stephen are on the delinquent tax list in Knox CO, Ky in 1808.


1808, finds Peter Hart Sr and wife removing from Grayson to Ashe Co to be near Peter Jr and Stephen and


Margaret Hart Floyd (their sister).Peter sr sold his grayson land in 1806 and on 10 Mar 1808 Peter Jr sold to his father 150 ac on ashe co, NC being 150 acres in teh gap of the long ridge adjoining HARTS Corner. Seemingly this was the land Peter sr borther James hart had previously sold to peter jr.


Stephen Hart , his wife and their three kids had joined Peter Sr and dolly in their residenece by 1808.


Peter and Hannah by 1810 are still on Praters creek but are now on Dog Creek or Crab Fork both brances of Prathers ck and athey have a


fourth son of unknown name. He is not listed as an heir in the 1844 settlement.


Fifth child eas born in lae 1810-1811 and both of these are on the 1820 cencus.


1812 they have a dtr named Mary called POlly.


1812..Peter Hart listed as a soldier in the muster rollsof 1812 and listed as militia member of Gideon Lewis listed as the Cpt and Isaac Weaver listed as LT.9th brigade


Back to Peter sr. he believed to have been born about 1740..according to these writers of unknown parentage..


married in the 1760's and wifes given name was Dority called Dolly.


No rec of their marriage had been located and I sure have not found one yet(nor looked...grin)


A list of freeholders in 1776 in orange NC included James Hart, Jr; Peter Hart, sstephen Hart, John Hart, Joseph Hart and Samuel hart.


 early settlers on the New River system included a Charles Hart whom had surveyed land inMontgomery co prior to 1746.The same article shows a list of land grants in the same New Rier some 30 years later in 1778.


The list includes a grant held by Owen Sizemore with the "prior Occupant or claimant" listed as JAMES HART > this is likely the bother of Peter Hart Sr.


James Hart and Peter Hart served Rev War from Montg. Co va1781 on Muster roll of Cpt John Cox Co  but no rec in the national archives t be found as yet.


1782 both Peter and James Hart are on the tax list still Montgomery Co, Va.

Both men own property


1783 shows Peter Hart owning property dated 1783 asa 18 June he 150 acres surveyed.Orignally issued to James THomas and eventually assisgned to Phillip Gaines.(gaines was asurveyor and land speculator) 


Peter did not actually file with the court tl 21 Jan 1803 and the grant is recorded at Independence, Va, grayson Co, entered as 200 but was actually only 150 and is on north side of the New River ...


1789: Peter sr tax list dated Oct 27m 1789) in montgomery Co, Va and he 1 poll and 4 horses.


1793 Peter Hart is next listed on 1793 in Wythe Co( it had been formed from Montgomery)


remained in Wythe until Grayson was formed and subsequently is listed in Grayson from 1792 forward in Grayson.


Their 150 ac was sold at public auction ten years later fro 67 cents in unpaid taxes..It was still listed as being Peter Harts land but it had previous been sold to David Cox Jr.. ( afmily relation perhaps) (one of them served with a Cox regiment)



Back to James Hart JR.  and the Sizemore connection which for me is not likely to be direct.....


James Hart JR.  fought in the REv war under cpt John Cox co. James Hart found on tax list in 1774 in house of George Edward Sizemore, Surry Co, NC.


 In 1800-18110 Ashe Co, NC cencus; it looks liek he has two grandchildren in his household, boys born in ca 1790 and 1792.  We  believe this to be ethe children of his dtr whom died prior to 1800 cencus, ashe Co NC. we have 4 children listed for James Hart sr.


1.Anne Elizabeth Hart

2  James Hart, JR

3  Unknown Dtr Hart-died prior to 1800 cencus

4  Unknown Son Hart - this poss coiuld be the John Hart who is on the 1815 tax list in Ashe Co, NC


Anne ELizabeth b prior to1765 and deceased after 1820 was living on Praher Creek area of ashe co, NC and married George Edward Sizemore b ca 1750 Lunenburg Co, Va and died aft 1820 on PRahters Crk. Both are buried iN Laurel SPrings AsheCo, NC(present day Allegheney CO, NC) He joined the Little RIver Baptist CHurch in 1809 and she joined in 1812.B th were granted a letter of dismissal a their request in 1817.( ??WHAT FOR??)


He was s/o Edward "NED" SIzemore. ( I have seen some say he was the s/o go GEORGE OF ALL SIZEMORE..but your guess is as u know better than mine..LOL)


SEven children of this union.

1Catherine Dolly Sizemore 


3 Sarah Ann Sally Sizemore

4 ELizabeth Betsy Sizemroe

5 Edward Sizemore

6 Owen Sizemore

7 Rev George J Sizemore


This is all the book tells me and everything else I think I know; I got from you!


MInd u I typed this mostly from the Hart book and take no credit for any of it except for reading and typing and I am not a good typist as u can tell!




MY great granny Hannah Poe Hart was not even in the index!!!