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Marriage Certificate of Robert Johnson & Katherine Hadley
19 August 1732


From this site, copied on December 21, 2003. The site has several images of the original document.

"Whereas Robert JOHNSON son of Robert JOHNSON of Newgarden in ye County of Chester in ye province of Pensilvenia, and Katherin HADLY daughter of Simon HADLY of Newcastle County on Delaware, Having declared their intentions of Marriage with each other before several Monthly Meeting of ye Christian people called Quakers at Londongrove & Newgarden in ye County of Chester aforesd according to ye good order___ amongst them & having consent of parents and relations their sd proposal of Marriage was alowed [sic] by ye Sd Meetings. Now these are to certifie whom it may concern that for ye full accomplishing their said intentions this nineteenth day of ye Eight month in ye year of our Lord: 1732: they ye sd Robert JOHNSON and Katherin HADLY appeared in a publick meeting of ye sd people at Newgarden Meeting house in ye County of Chester aforesd and ye sd Robert JOHNSON taking ye sd Katherin HADLY by ye hand did in solemn maner openly declare that he took her ye sd Katherin HADLY to be his wife promising with he Lords assistance to be unto her a loving & faithfull Husband untill Death should separate them.... And then & there in ye sd assembly ye said Katherin HADLY did in like maner [sic] declare that she took ye sd Robert JOHNSON to be her husband promising with ye Lords assistance to be unto him a faithfull & loving wife untill death should separate them... And Moreover they ye sd Robert JOHNSON & Katherin HADLY she according to ye Custom of Marriage assuming ye sd name of her husband as a further Confirmation thereof did then and there to her - presents sett their hands. And we being present at ye solemnization of ye sd marriage Robert JOHNSON and subscription Do as Witnesses hereunto also subscribe Katherin JOHNSON our names ye Day and year above written."

The following signatures are affixed to the document:

William HAMMANS, Mary LIGHTFOOT, Ephraim JACKSON, Simon HADLY, Katherine LIGHTFOOT, Ruth HADLY, Sarah MILHOUS, Margret JOHNSON, Martha HOBSON, Mary JACKSON Ruth MILLER, Joshua HADLY, Rebekah YARNALL, Joshua JOHNSON, Rachel YARNALL, Sarah JOHNSON, Hannah DIXON, Joseph SHARP, Thomas YARNALL, Samuel JACKSON Mary JOHNSON, Rachel MILLER, Ruth JOHNSON, Ann HADLY, Benjamin JOHNSON, Benj. FRED, Michael LIGHTFOOT, Jere. WOLLASTEN, William JACKSON, Thomas GRAY, John POE, Joseph ??, Thos. MILHOUS, Abigail BAILY, Ann JACKSON, James JOHNSON

The document also contains two signatures that are illegible.


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