P. 208, 10 February 1770,

Joseph George & Ellener George of Orange to James George, planter, of same, ten pounds, 80 1/2 acres, begin at 3 small hicories on old line N & S on E side, along old former line N to cor. red oak & hicory, W along the former line to a cor. post oak, S along a line of marked trees to a post oak cor., E to first station, plantation whereon James George now lives; signed: Joseph (X) George, Ellener George; witness: John Page, Abrose [sic] George; proved April Term 1770 by Page.


P. 209, 10 February 1770,

Joseph George & Ellener George of Orange to Ambrose George of same, ten pounds, 150 acres, begin at an oak stump in the upper cor. of the plantation, along old line to a cor. post oak & 2 small hicories, E following a line of marked trees 5 outs to a cor. small stooping hicory & white oak in the Low Ground, N a line of marked trees to a cor. post oak & small h1cory on the former line, along line to first station, includes plantation whereon Joseph George now lives; signed: Joseph (X) George, Ellen George; witness: John Page, James George; proved April Term 1770 by Page



Orange County



May Court 1774

Page 296 – Samuel Landrum to Joseph Alston 1050 a

Wit: James George

William Petty



Chatham County


Alexander Clark appointed Overseer of the road from the Court house to the great Branch of Dry Creek in the room of James George & that the hands Contiguous thereto and that formerly worked thereon, work on the same under the said Alex'r Clark, Overseer.



9 August 1774


Alexander Clark appointed overseer of the road from the fork oppo­site to William Pettys to the Horse pen Lick Spring and that the fol­lowing hands work on the same Viz. James George, James Prince, Will­iam George, John Page, William Roland, Deberry Chapman, Thomas Watts, James Stewart, John Mullis, William Stewart, Charles Stewart and Joseph Hackney.



May 1775

"A road laid out the best way from Chatham Courthouse into the road

leading to the Redfield ford, near Hannah Poes and that any twelve of the

following persons be a Jury to lay out the same Viz. Wm. Petty, Benja. Watt,

James Massey*, James George, James Petty, Mial Scurlock, John Stewart, Robert

Marsh, George Herndon, Joseph Fooshe, James Stewart, William Dillard, Robert

Rutherford, Alexander Clark and Herculis Henderson."



* married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR

23 June 1775

Page 73

A road be laid out the best way from Chatham Courthouse into the road leading to the Redfield ford, near Hannah Poes and that any twelve of the following persons be a Jry to lay out the same Vis. William Petty, Benjamin Watts, James Massey*,



p. 76

28 September 1775

James George to Richard Kennon – 100 pds – 100 a. on Robertson’s Creek – including the Plantation whereon the same James George now lives.

Wit: William Clark     James George

George Herndon   



Nov., 1775

"The Grand Jury sworn in, Viz: Robert Rutherford, foreman, William

Clark, William Lasiter, Richard Bohannon, James George, Wm. Petty, Tobias

Rogers, Joshua Rosser, James Stewart, Thomas Lasiter, William DILLARD, Josiah

Lyons, Thomas Roberson, Bnj. Harris, John DILLARD, and Edmund Waddill"



Pg. 83

15 November 1775

The order of the last Court for laying out and turning the Road the best way from the Horsepen Lickspring (Horse Pen Lick Spring) into the Road leading to Chatham Court House near James George’s be renewed and the same Jury lay out the same.



14 May 1776

p. 87

Deed from William Teague to Benjamin Watts proved by Zacharia Harman.


Deed from Benjamin Watts to James George ack’d



P. 83 - 14 May 1776 - Benjamin Watts to James George - 150 pds. ­100 a. on Robertsons Creek - tract whioh was purchased by Benjamin Watts from David Griffen the other he purchased of Charles Clanton.

Wit:     Richd. Kennon           Benjamin Watts



14 May 1777

Pg. 95

The following persons or any twelve of them be appointed a Jury. to layout a road from the Seven Island road near James Georges to Hannah Poes the best way Viz. Thomas Roberson, James George, William Petty, James Massey, Charles Stewart, Richard Kennon, James Petty, Robert Mash (Marsh?), Joseph Fooshe, John Petty, John Stewart, Am­brose George, Robert Rutherford, William Dillard, George Herndon, Wm. Malone, Charles Morgan.



14 November 1777

pg. 133


Any twelve of the following persons be a Jury to layout a road from out of the road that leads to Williams's ferry (from the Court house) into the road that leads from the Seven Islands road to Stinking Creek Viz. William Howard  Charles Morgan, James Massey, George Dismukes, George Herndon, William Petty, Robert Mash (Marsh?), Charles Stewart, James Williams, Alexander Clark, Richard Straughan, William Sanders, James Poe, Joseph Fooshe, Herculis Henderson and James George.


13 MaY 1778


Pg. 142Charles Morgan appointed overseer of the road from the Court house to the 7. Islands in the room of James George.


Pg. 143

George Dismukes appointed overseer of the road in the room of Charles Morgan.



STEWART - Deed Bk. B., 1775-1778

pg. 130, Aug. 8, 1778
John Stewart to Charles Stewart, for 100 pds. 350 acres on the S. side of haw River, near James Masseys* fence, joining Thomas Branton, Joseph Fooshe
and Thos. Braxton. The land includes the plantation where Charles Stewart now lives.
                        John Stewart
                        Barbara Stewart
James George
James Brantly

* James Massey was married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR.




13 August 1778

Pg. 157. The following person appointed to sere as Jurors at the next Court Viz.  .... Isaac Kirksey, William Poe Jun'r, Gilbert Patterson. ... Thomas Dowdy, William Dowdy ... Benjamin Watts, James George, William Petty . . . James Herndon .





Feb., 1779  " The following hands work on the road leading from the Court house

to the middle of the Seven Islands on Haw River, to wit, James George, James

Banks, Aggu Arringtons, Younger Neal (Oneals), Benj'n Hogwood's, Tho's Arringtons's,

Rich'd Rendle's, William Sander's, James Price's, John Petty, Reuben Petty's,

Spencer Stewart's, Jos. Stewart's and William Petty's Jack, Mathew Dunkin & John

Dunkin's & Geo. Herndon's under William DILLARD who is overseer of the same."




p. 320

1 July 1779

State of NC to William Petty … 640 a. on the Green Branch the Meadow Branch and Petty’s Branch – joins James George, Stewarts Corner, his old line and Massey’s Corner.




pg. 399, Jan 15, 1780
James Petty and Martha his wife sell to Roger Griffith, for 4000 pds, two tracts of land adjoining, on Robersons Creek, joins James George, Thomas
roberson, Ambrose George, James Pettys old Survey and Ambrose Petty
                James Petty Jr.
                Martha (R) Petty
Drury Harrington
Whitmill (X) Harrington


Page 417

16 June 1780 – George Herndon to John Petty – 6000 punds – 160 a. on the North side of Robinsons Creek – Joins John Pettys Spring Branch – it being part of said Herdons old deed land.

Wit. Zacharia Harman*                   George Herndon

James George


* Joseph Poe, son of David Poe, son of Simon Poe, JR, married Frances “Fanny” Harman. Mary Poe, daughter of Joseph Poe married James Green Caudle.

James Poe, son of Simon Poe, JR, married Sarah Petty.





13 November 1781

Pg. 3A - The following person appointed to Lay off a road to the best way from the Redfield foard to Joseph Hackney's spring Viz. Joseph Fooshee*, James Howard, William Poe, Richard Strawn, James Massey*, Harculas Henderson, James George, Joseph Morgan, Charles Morgan, William Poe, Sen'r, Younger Neal (Oneil in the record), John Thomas & Joseph Hackney.


* married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR




Page 418

3 October 1782 – James George to William Howard – 50 pds. Specie – 50 a. it being part of a tract of land granted to Charles Clanton then Orange Co, North Carolina – on the south side of Haw River – joins Rays corner

Wit. A. Ramsey                                 James George

Ja. Williams



28 May 1782

Pg. 17A. The following persons summoned to lay off the Road from the Red field ford to the Horse pen lick spring, Viz., Robert Marsh, Younger Neal (Neel in the record), William Poe Jun'r; James Howard, George Dismukes, Joseph Fooshee (Foushee), Charles Morgan Sen'r, Joseph Morgan, James Steward, Jun'r, Joseph Hackney, Alexander Clark, James Petty, Stephen Herndon (Hern), Hirculas Henderson, James George and James Massey* and that any twelve of the Same lay of the Same Road.


* married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR





2 February 1784


Pg. 56A

Pg. 56B

Grand Jury Sworn as Follows to Wit, William Clark, FM, James George, Joseph Crump, Robert Cobb, David Sellers, Dvais Parrish, John Avent, Ambrose George, George Kirk, ____ (water spot) Harris, Grey Barbee, Luke Bynum, William Griffen, Joseph Hinton, William Petty, Senr.




12 May 1783

Grand Jury Sworn as Follows to Wit, Isaac Brooks, Foreman, William Graves, William Petty, James Petty, Thomas Brooks, Spencer Steward, John Petty, James Massey*, Henry Bray, Thomas Adams, Gedion Goodwin, James George, Ishum Gunter and Nichlas Queshenberry


* married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR




8 November 1784


Pg. 84B


Deed from John Doan (Done) & Elizabeth his Wife to Thomas D___ (water spot)


Deed from Benjamin Watts & Francis his wife to Edward Bray Ack’d.


Pg. 85A



The following hands (to Wit) Work on the Road from the Barracks ___ (water spot) Ch____ Hornidays – Thomas Dowdy, ____ Dowdy, George Dowdy, John Berry, Arthur Whithead, ___les Barrington, John Whitehead, Samuel Stewart, Adam Stewart, James Stewart, Nathaniel McPherson, James George, William George, Stephen Rogers Sen’r Stephen Rogers Jun’r, William Rogers and John Vestal.



11 November 1784


Pg. 92A


The following persons Jurors to the next Court to Wit,  …… James George, Thomas Steel, William Poe, Thomas Stone, Simon Fooshee,…



May 1792


p. 161

James George appointed overseer of the Road from Chamesses to the Barracks in Room of Samuel Stewart.