Records showing John Poe and William Poe (JR) in Culpeper County, VA then in Chatham County, NC


For reference see:



1747 mention of William Poe JR (son of William Poe and Lydia)



1747 - 1748

p. 3

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman, 9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe, Jr.  N B. The deed to be made to  Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James Genn. .


28 May 1753.

pp. 130-32

William Beverly of Blanfield, Essex County, Esqr. to William Poe of Culpeper County, planter. Lease of 220 acres where he now dwells, part of William Beverly's tract of land called Wakefield . . on the north side of the south river called Burgess River . . . to the mouth of the river . . up the Hedgeman River  . . mouth of a branch . . . surveyed by Richard Young, surveyor . . saving liberty of making a path or rolling road through the land where it shall be necessary for and desired by one or more tenants of William Beverly.

For lives of William Poe, Lydia his wife and William their son.

Yearly rent on 7 December at Fredericksburg or Falmouth Warehouse of 1000 pounds of tobacco. If Poe shall work more than four tithables besides himself, for each to pay 200 pounds of tobacco additional, and shall not keep thereon any undertenant, shall plant an orchard of one hundred apple trees thirty five feet asunder and two hundred peach trees twenty feet asunder, within a good fence.

W. Beverly


W. Russell

Robert Coleman

John Gough

21 June 1753. Proved by Robert Coleman and John Gough

20 June 1754. Proved by William Russell, Gent.



William Poe JR still in the area between 1747 and 1761




Fauquier County Court

27 June 1761

p. 188

- Ordered that SAMUEL WOOD, JOHN JAMES, JOHN JOHNSON, GEORGE ALLEN, JOHN CHURCHHILL and ARMISTEAD CHURCHHILL, be summoned to appear at the next Court to answer the Presentments ofthe Grand jury against them respectively

            - On the motion of WILLIAM POE, It is ordered that John Francis Lucas Jacoba pay him twenty five pounds of tobacco for one days attendance as a witness for him at the suit of JOHN OLDHAM      

- The same order for William Poe, Junr

- Ordered that the Court be adjourned til the Court in Course

- The Minutes of these proceedings were signed by

                                    JOHN WRIGHT, Gent.



John Poe now seen in the records between 1763 and 1775.  If this is the John Poe of the 1772 Muster Roll for Silver City, Chatham County, NC then we have to account for why he was in Fauquier three years later, or whether this is another John.



Culpeper County Minute Book, 1763-1764 Sparacio.


John Lindsey, Plt agst. William Meldrum, deft. . . . jury includes John Poe


22 April 1763. p. 320

On motion of John Poe, a witness for John & Robert Gouge at the suit of Samuel Moore, being sworn, ordered that the said John & Robert Gouge pay him two hundred pounds of tobacco for eight daies attendance at this Court as the Law directs.



Fauquier County, Virginia Deeds, 1778-1785 Compiled by John K. Gott


Page 123. 13 February 1775. B & S. Bet. Thomas Elliott of Leed  Par. and William Elliott of same.. lease held under the Rev'd Mr. James Scott .. one Negroe man slave. James, all personal estate.. for the maintenance of Mary Elliott, wife of sd. Thomas and their following children.. Ellis. Martin, and Curtis and good Clothing for sd. Thomas and at his death the "working tools" to belong to said Wm. .. Signed: Thomas Elliott, William Elliott.   Wits: J. Moffett, John Powe, Thomas Maddux. Rec: 27 March 1775. prov. by o. of wits.


20 YEARS LATER: Unless I am missing records – we now see a twenty year gap from 1772 to 1792 when there is no mention of a William Poe or a John Poe in the Culpeper / Fauquier County VA area. The later men seem to be associated with a different son of the early William Poe / Lydia named Samuel Poe who died in 1819




(Culpeper County Marriages)




MB 10/26/1792  Murphy, William H to Leanna Pow. Fatherless and motherless niece of Samuel Pow/Poe, wit William Corder, John Pow; bd James Penny.


William Poe & Susanna Doggett 24 Oct. 1794. Min. Lewis Corbin


Culpeper County, VA Dorman.



20 October 1794

p. 122-123

(On margin: Hackley & wife to Payne. Deed. DD to Self 9th DecR. 1823)

This indenture made the 20 day of October 1794; Between Francis Hackley and his Wife Frankey, of one part of County of Culpeper and William Payne of the County aforesaid of other part; (description of land) To have and to hold the tract of land and premises with appurtenances unto William Payne his heirs and Francis Hackley and Frankey his Wife for themselves and their heirs unto William Payne his heirs against  all persons; In Witness whereof we have set our hands and seals this 10th day of October 1794

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of

Oliver Wallis                                       Francis Hackley

Richard Gaines                  Frankey Hackley

William Poe         

D. T. Strother

James Gaines, Joseph Gaines



Samuel Poe

21 December 1795

Inventory of the Estate of James Jett deceased . . . items listed and valued to total 234 pount 4/3.. wich inventory includes a negro man appraised to 100 pounds and negro girl appraised to 50 pounds . . .

In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of Culpeper County to us directed after being duly sworn we have appraised the Estate of James Jett decd and find the Estate worth two hundred and thirty four pounds four shillings and three pence as per Inventory annexed. Given under our hands this 7th day of October 1795.

Charles Haynie, Samuel Poe, Francis Settle

At a Court held for Culpeper County the 21st day of December 1795. This Inventory of the Estate of James Jett decd was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded




Fauquier County Co. VA Marriage Bonds


David Murphy to Lidia Poe 27 Dec 1797 dau. of Samuel. Witness: William Poe


Culpeper County, VA Dorman.


 16 September 1805

This list of Sales of the Estate of Richard Corely decd Vizt .. (purchasers shown as) .. Vincent Nay, William Snewt, Austin Corley, John Miller, Thomas Murphey, William Duncan, Abraham Jordan, Thomas D. Wilson, William Puesan, William Corley, Stephen Tucker, John Barber, Thomas Jordan, Malicka Corley, Thomas Murphey, Joshua Turner,

William Poe, Charles Menefee, John Ellis, William Smoot, Benjamin Harriss, John Nelson, Presley Payne, Edward Compton,  Zachariah Quisenberry, Minoah Corley, Stephen Tucker, John Barber ... December 20th 1804 .. by Manoah Corley .. William Duncan, Charles Corley.

               At a Court held for Culpeper County the 16th day of September 1805

This list of Sales of the Estate of Richard Corely deced case was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.



Fauquier County


Feb. 4, 1808

This day I give my daughter Nanny, child Elizabeth one black mare the age of ten years this Spring out low one feather bed and furniture given under my hand and seal this day above mentioned and future increase.


William Poe

John Poe




Virginia United States1810 Federal Census   Roll:  M252_68

William  Poe older than 45

   Page:  269



CENSUS YEAR: 1810    STATE: VA    COUNTY: Fauquier    MICROFILM#: M252-68     ENUMERATOR: John Edmonds  

                                                                               |FREE WHITE MALES  |FREE WHITE FEMALES |ALL  

                 Head of Household                                 |to  to  to    to  45       |to    to  to    to  45         |FREE 

PG#  LN# LAST NAME            FIRST NAME           |10  16  26  44  up       |10  16  26  45  up         |PERSONS


269A 25         Poe                  William                        2   1   .   .   1               2     1    1   .   .              4





Fauquier County Legal Documents. 1759-1799. D. A. Buck


John Edwards – Apprmt. – 8 November 1814, 28 February 1815, value of estate $1457.82 for horses, household items, plantation utensils stock & slaves: David $450, Will $110 & Lewis $450, administrators William Edwards & Aquilla Hitch, report prepared by William Priest, George Jett and William Poe, received Daniel Withers; Book 6, 76.


Samuel Poe



To all people to whom these presents shall come that Samuel Poe of the County of Culpeper and the State of Virginia, for come in consideration of what I have received and the love, goodwill and affection which I have towards my wife Feby and daughter Receckah Poe of the County and State aforesaid, have given and granted these presents, do freely give and grant unto my wife, Feby and daughter Rebeckah Poe all my Estate for during my wifes life time and after the death of my wife, when I grant and by these presents do freely give unto the said Rebeckah Poe her Heirs (?) Executors administration as assignes the following Negroes to wit William and Lizsa and all her increases forever, I have delivered rob Poe the aforesaid Negro slaves to have and to hold as hur Heirs Ex. And achn. Or assign as hur or theirs also I do grant and by these present do freely give and grant unto the son John Poe his Heirs Executer Administration or assign the following Negro to wit Hannes and hur increases forever. I have delivered the son, John Poe the aforesaid negro slave and above mentioned to have and to hold his heirs Executors administration of assign ---------- ---------- - ? ALSO I do grant and by these presents do freely give unto my daughter Triphena Bragg her heirs Executors Administration or assign the following Negro to wit Charity and her increases forever.


I have delivered the said Triphena Poe Bragg the aforesaid Negro slaves as above mentioned to have and to hold as her own so long as she lives and then to her children that hur husband shall not by any means dispose of not her increases    she has in any manner. Also I grant and by these presents do freely give and grant my daughter Hannah Settle hur heirs children after hur as a foresaid the following Negro as aforesaid the following Negro to wit Peggy and her increases forever and that Charles Settle hur husband shall not have it in his power ever to dispose of her or hur increases during time, also I do grant and by these presents give to my daughter Rebeckah one of the best horses and beds on the place to have same to hold as above mentioned without any measure of condition in with here of. I have here unto set my hand and seal this seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen.

---- Samuel Poe

N.R. Also Negro Billy is to go to any of the children she so chooses to serve the balance of her days after the death of her mistress

Will Probated 10th Day of September 1819





Virginia United States1820 Federal Census   Roll:  M33_136


William  Poe                      (12 in household)   1 male <10 ; 1 male 10 to 16; 1 male 16 to 26 ;1 male 26 to 45; 1 male over 45

                                                                                     2 female <10, 1 female 10 to 16; 1 female 16 to 26; 2 female 26 to 45, 1 female over 45

                                                                                     Slaves: 1 male <10,  1 male over 45


Benjamin Poe     (  4 in household) 1 male <10; 1 male 10 to 16; 1 female <10; 1 female 10 to 26

      Slaves: 1 male <10, 1 male  over 45, 3 females 16 to 26

John Poe                            (  8 in household) 2 male <10; 1 male to 45; 1 female <10; 2 female 10 to 16; 1 female 16 to 26; 1 female to 45

                                                                                  Slaves:  1 female to 16 to 26

Phoebe Poe                       ( 2 in household) 1 male to 45; 1 male >45 (so where is Phoebe ? the census taker may have put one in wrong column)

                                                                                  Slaves: 1 male <10; 3 female 10 to 16; 1 female 16 to 26





1830 Census

Fauquier County

William Poe (males: 1 <5, 1 - 5/10, 1 - 15/20, 1 – 60/70; females: 1 - 15/20, 1 – 20/30)

Rebecca Poe (1 male 45/50; 1 female 40/50)




North Carolina


Colonial soldiers of the South, 1732-1774.  Murtrie June Clark

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983.


Chatham County Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.


19                    Pvt                              Benjamin Poe *

27                    Pvt                              William Poe

53                    Pvt                              John Poe

104                 Pvt                              Charles Poe - the only other time besides these two that research has shown the name Charles Poe is this:

Antioch Cemetery, Chatham County, NC  record: POE  Charlie C.  4-2-1881 - 4-19-1931.


* Benjamin Poe b. 1749 Culpeper County VA states in a Rev. War Pension claim (see below) that he lived in Wake County, but moved to Randolph County, NC in 1789. It appears his son Benjamin remained in Wake County if this is accurate. The claim also states that he lived in Chatham County, NC when he entered service in 1775.  In a 1771 Chatham County Muster roll for the Siler City area of Chatham County, Benjamin Poe is listed.




Ordered that a road be laid out and turned the nearest and best way from where Jacob Fudge turned out of the Quakers road, to run across Barr (Creek Bear Creek?) below George Hendrys field along a ridge in a straight course to the ford on Deep River, & any 12 of the following be a jury to lay out the same, Vis: John Poe, George Hendry (sic, believe it is Hendricks), Daniel Brown, Jeremiah Melton, Willis Barger, Jr., John Brown & William Popland.


Page 378.

2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                       David Smith

Adam Ramsower*                            Mary Smith

Job Ward      



Wilkes County


Five years after the muster roll we see John Poe appearing in Wilkes County.  John and William seem to be in a border are near Big Elkin Creek between Surry County and Wilkes County


485 30 October 1778 - Francis Calloway (Callaway) e. 300 ac Brushey fork near Roaring River. near spring where Morgans path turns out of New River Road, includes both sides of fork & the clearing .. (Francis Calloway marked out; John Poe written in)


1787 Tax List shows both men in the area


Captain S. Johnson's District

Name No.            Acres No. Polls

John Poe            100         1

William Poe        250         1




By the 1790 census we see William Poe in Surry County



1790 census

William Poe (9) 1 m >16, 3 m < 16, 5 f


Somehow – we also have William Erasmus Poe dealing in lands in Wilkes Co and it should make us be cautious about the connections. The Parks family married into the Jonathan Poe family in Caswell County (and Jonathan Poe seems also to come from Culpeper County)

15 December 1792.

Between William Powe*, Chesterfield County, SC and Richard Gwy.. 70 lbs Sterlling .. 314 ac. adjoining Yadkin River and lands of Younger, Hunt & John Parks, Senr. & Allen Chapman. Signed: William Powe. Pages 307 and 308





William Poe “JR”, John Poe and Benjamin Poe

of Culpeper County, Virginia, match these men in the Chatham County Muster Roll of Joab Brooks.


Colonial soldiers of the South, 1732-1774.  Murtrie June Clark

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983.


Chatham County Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.


19                     Pvt                               Benjamin Poe *

27                     Pvt                               William Poe**

53                     Pvt                               John Poe**

104                   Pvt                               Charles Poe - the only other time besides these two that research has shown the name Charles Poe is this:

Antioch Cemetery, Chatham County, NC  record: POE  Charlie C.  4-2-1881 - 4-19-1931.


* Benjamin Poe b. 1749 Culpeper County VA states in a Rev. War Pension claim (see below) that he lived in Wake County, but moved to Randolph County, NC in 1789. It appears his son Benjamin remained in Wake County if this is accurate. The claim also states that he lived in Chatham County, NC when he entered service in 1775.  In a 1771 Chatham County Muster roll for the Siler City area of Chatham County, Benjamin Poe is listed.


** These records from Orange / Culpeper County, VA may be this William and John. The association with William Watson and Battle Run make it appear that they are sons of William Poe who appeared in VA records in 1725, just after the death of Samuel Poe in 1725 in Essex County. Benjamin is likely another brother or a JR son of the Benjamin Poe who appeared in the records about the same time of the elder William Poe.


Warrant & Surveys, Tithables, Relinguishes, Petitions. Orange County, Virginia Vol. I


1747 - 1748

p. 3

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman, 9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe, Jr.  N B. The deed to be made to  Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James Genn. .


CAPT. JOHN GRANT, dec'd (same information as above) 11 Dec. 1747­9 Feb. 1747/48; 400 a. between the North R., Hungar Run, Jobbers Mt. & Capt. Compton in the little fork. CC - William Poe, Jr. & (creased, illegible). Pilot - William Poe. Surv. James Genn.


JAMES GREEN, assignee of William Tapp, 9 Dec. 1747 (date from survey, no warrant included) - 5 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. adj. Capt. James Compton. "Memd William Tapp Desires to have the deed made out to his Son in Law James Green." CC - John Poe & James Green.  Marker – John Roberts. Surv. James Genn.



WILLIAM POE, 9 Dec. 1747 - 26 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. at Little Batte Run. William Poe has made an improvement joyning his other land & near the main road; adj. Capt. Compton, Watson & Poe's pat. CC - John Poe & William Gouge. Surv. James Genn.



28 May 1753.

pp. 130-32

William Beverly of Blanfield, Essex County, Esqr. to William Poe of Culpeper County, planter. Lease of 220 acres where he now dwells, part of William Beverly's tract of land called Wakefield . . on the north side of the south river called Burgess River . . . to the mouth of the river . . up the Hedgeman River  . . mouth of a branch . . . surveyed by Richard Young, surveyor . . saving liberty of making a path or rolling road through the land where it shall be necessary for and desired by one or more tenants of William Beverly.

For lives of William Poe, Lydia his wife and William their son.

Yearly rent on 7 December at Fredericksburg or Falmouth Warehouse of 1000 pounds of tobacco. If Poe shall work more than four tithables besides himself, for each to pay 200 pounds of tobacco additional, and shall not keep thereon any undertenant, shall plant an orchard of one hundred apple trees thirty five feet asunder and two hundred peach trees twenty feet asunder, within a good fence.

W. Beverly


W. Russell

Robert Coleman

John Gough

21 June 1753. Proved by Robert Coleman and John Gough

20 June 1754. Proved by William Russell, Gent.





p. 598

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to Henry Bray of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 480 acres, on Love Cr. Granville to Husband 5 August 1768(?), begin at David Smith’s cor., No 160 to a post oak the beginning tree of the original tract, W 60 ch. S 106 ch. 67 lk., E 126 p., S to Loves Cr., down creek until it intersects a west course from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, David Smith (X); proved by McCausland. January Term 1770


p. 599

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to John McCausland of same, planter, thirty pounds, 189 acres, part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762, called Desolate Hills begin at a hickory tree the cor. tree of Desolate; W 60 ch., N 25 ch. E 140 p. S to beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: Henry Bray, David Smith (X); proved by Bray January Term 1770


p. 600

October 1769, Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to David Smith of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 503 acres, on waters of Loves Cr., part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762 recorded in Book E, page 168, begin at a post oak the beginning of Desolate, W 11 ch. N 15 ch. To a red oak, E 36 ch., N 20 ch, E 38 from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, Henry Bray; proved by Bray January Term 1770.


Page 378.

2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                           David Smith

Adam Ramsower*                                  Mary Smith

Job Ward


* Ramsour? Which is mentioned in the will of Henry Bray


20 July 1775

Deed Book B, page 72.

Deed from William Poe & wife to Henry Bray*, proved by John Wilkerson


23 June 1775

page 21

Deed David Smith & wife to William Poe, proved by Henry Bray