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The name William Poe in the North Carolina Records
Sorting out who they were


Last Modified: October 15, 2003


McDonald Poe, in his book Samuel Poe of Essex County, Virginia, published in 1975, made many assumptions and jumped to numerous conclusions in regard to Samuel Poe who died in 1725 in Essex County, Virginia and his progeny. Among McDonald’s assertions was that the William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray is one and the same person as the “my son William” mentioned in the 1793 will of Simon Poe, Sr. Recent analysis casts doubt on this connection. There appears to be other possibilities for “my son William.” The analysis below attempts to identify the name William Poe mentioned in the records for North Carolina, presenting the reasoning for making identifications.


Consideration 1


Chatham County


Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.

19                    Pvt                               Benjamin Poe 

27                    Pvt                               William Poe

53                    Pvt                               John Poe

104                 Pvt                               Charles Poe


Other names of significance include

Jeremiah Melton – is associated with John Poe above (also, Melton went with the Major James S. Poe family to Anson Co, then to Fayette Co. AL)

Philip Siler – the Siler farm was near the place William Poe is first located.

John Siler

Wilmer Siler

Henry Ramsower – daughter of Henry Bray, Sarah married a Ramsour

Michel Ramsower

James Wilkerson – a Wilkerson witnessed William Poe / Henry Bray deed

Thomas Dowdy – Dowdy is connected to James Poe and Mary Watts (father Benjamin Watts)



Analysis: The fact that these men served in a single company lends to the idea that they were close relatives living in a family community. The names Benjamin, William and John can be found just prior to this in Culpeper County, Virginia. They could be sons (or other close relations) of William Poe and Lydia who settled in Culpeper County, VA by 1737.


Chatham County was created in 1770. The earliest records for Poe family members in the area that became Chatham County mention Simon Poe, Jr., Stephen Poe, and James Poe, sons of Simon Poe, SR or Caroline County, Virginia. This group settled an area near Pittsboro on the Haw River.


The “Muster  Roll” group appears to be different set from the Pittsboro Poe family.


From Chatham County records for August 1761 Ordered that Argulus Henderson, Simon Fooshe, Thomas Shields, John Stuart and his tythables, William Marsh Junr. Simon Poe Junr. Stephen Poe, James Poe, Joseph Fooshe*, Cornelius Roe, William Tucker,  Elathan Davis, Charles Clanton, Benjamin Clanton, Robert Colley, Samuel Marsh, William McDaniel? (sic) and his Tythables, Zachariah Martin Junr. Robert Martin, Thomas North, John Books, John Crow, John Cullis, John Webster and Charles Webster do work on the road from Haw river to Roberson's Ford being William Petty Senr District.


Consideration 2


Chatham County


2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                       David Smith

Adam Ramsover*                             Mary Smith

Job Ward      


Analysis: Since this is only five months following the Muster Roll above, it appears that this is the same William Poe moved from wherever the “muster roll” men lived to Loves Creek near Siler City, which existed as a sparse community at the time by virtue of there being a Siler farm in the area. Pittsboro, near the Haw River, where the Simon Poe SR family settled (on the south side of the River) is about 16.5 miles from Siler City along present day highway 64. According to descriptions of Chatham County at the time, in 1773 this would have seemed a great distance, not easily traveled. The early settlers along the Haw River include Simon’s sons, Stephen, Simon and James. No William is mentioned in connection with the Simon Poe family in the earliest records.


From Historical Notes Concerning Hickory Mountain United Methodist Church Pastor Charles S. Hubbard, 1983  … Chatham County in 1800 and many years later, was thinly populated. The roads were paths or cart-tracks, incapable of handling even a 4 wheel wagon. The people were self sufficient. They grew corn, what, pigs, cattle and made liquor. They could not expand for they had no way to get crops to market. Hogs and cattle had to be driven many miles on foot. There were o towns. Pittsboro was struggling to begin, and what is now Siler City, was Love's Creek with the Siler Farm nearby. The regional roads, or tracks were built on the ridges. The farms were in the lowlands. You could ride through Chatham and see hardly a soul. Also, there is a  Love's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Siler City, North Carolina.



Consideration 3


Orange County



Debtors of Col. John McGee

long list includes William Poe (spelled Pow in the record)


The Southwest corner of Orange County crosses the Haw River comprising lands on the north and south. This is north central Chatham County. The brief mention does not say where William Poe lived, only that the debt was registered in Orange County by Col. McGee. This probably still is Siler City William, particularly given that no other William is record in this time period. This William need never have lived in Orange County to owe debt to Col. John McGee (the nature of the debt is not mentioned, but one imagines acquisition of farm tools, seeds, livestock, etc.).



Consideration 4


Chatham County


7 February 1775

John Gunter, Jr. and Richard Gunter Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Morton Decd. to William Poe - 20 pds. 7 sh. - 22 a. on the South side of Poes Creek - being a peace of land left by John Morton Decd. to be sold by his Executors - beginning at a White Oak at the Spring Branch and running North 74 ples to the said Poes Creek

Wit: none shown                                John (X) Gunter

                                                            Richard Gunter

Proved in open Court by George Herndon and ordered to be registered



Analysis: Five months prior to a sale (or transfer?) of land from William Poe of Siler City to Henry Bray (his wife’s father), a William Poe acquires 22 acres of land from the heirs of John Morton. This is land adjoining Stephen Poe and other descendants of Simon Poe, Sr. This is the first appearance of a William Poe in the Haw River area settled by Simon Poe’s family. Conceivably, this William Poe only recently came of age to leave home and acquire his own land. Otherwise, this William may only now be joining his brothers, coming late from Caroline County (although William Poe can still be found in Caroline County after this date and on until 1799)


 It is notable that this 22 acres costs as much the 50 acres of land near Siler City owned by William Poe/ Henry Bray. At this point, there could be two William Poes in the Chatham County records. One lives near Siler City in the Love’s Creek area. The other along the Haw River / New Hope Creek area adjacent to Stephen Poe. What makes the most sense at this point is that the Siler City William Poe is connected to the “Muster Roll” group mentioned in 1772 and that he transferred his land to his father-in-law to avoid land seizure for a debt. The “Muster Roll” men (except Charles) appear also in Culpeper County, VA records and could be sons of William Poe and Lydia. The William Poe now living adjacent Stephen Poe probably is Stephen Poe’s brother – the “my son William” mentioned in the 1793 will of Simon Poe, Sr.


More evidence needs to be presented showing a simultaneous presence of a William Poe in the Siler City area following acquisition of the Morton lands in the Haw River area by a William Poe.

5 March 1773 - John Morton, Junr. and Ruth his wife to John Morton, Senr. - 133 pds proclamation money - 30 a. - part of a tract of land obtained of my Lord Granvilles Agent - joins Stephen Poes Branch down the branch to the Creek thence down the creek to the River all on the South side of the Creek - concluding the Plantation the said Morton now lives on

Wit: Stephen Poe                     John Morton

Richard Gunter                         Ruth (X) Morton



Consideration 5


Chatham County


20 July 1775

William Poe to Henry Bray - 20 pds. 50 a. - being part of a tract of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by patent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolate Meadows on Loves Creek.


John Wilkerson                                              William (W) Poe

John McGesland                                           Elizabeth (X) Poe*



Analysis: Two years after mention of a debt to Col. McGee and after purchase of 50 acres of land from David Smith, William Poe registers the sale of the 50 acres to Henry Bray. The will of Henry Bray mentions his daughter, Elizabeth Poe, leading to the conclusion that Henry Bray is William’s father-in-law. If William Poe remained in the Siler City area, perhaps the sale was actually a transfer of land to his wife’s father in order to safeguard it against collection of the debt to Col. McGee (William bought the 50 acres for 20 pds from David Smith and sold it to Henry Bray for 20 pds – not making any profit). The actual deed could have been dated earlier, but registered in 20 July 1775.


Consideration 6


Orange County


Abstract of Minutes of Orange County, NC 1777-1778

William Poe (child)

aged 2 years old last may (year?), to be bound to James Guthrie until he arrives at 21 years.


13 May 1783

William Poe orphan of Simon Poe dec'd be bound unto William Burns until he comes to lawful age he now being fourteen years of age to learn the trade of Black Smith


Analysis: These young William Poes may be two people,  the 14 year old a son of Simon Poe, JR and the two year old a son of Stephen Poe, who also died in 1773. At any rate, neither appear to be “my son William” of Simon Poe’s will. 


Consideration 7


Chatham County

Land Entries

No. 774 - Peter Rennolds February 8, 1779 enters his warrant for 640 a on Little Bruck (spelling? hard to read my note. Probably Brook or Brush) Creek beginning William Graves deeded line branch for camp and including William Poe's improvements


Analysis: Whichever William this is, at whatever place, the record does not show that William Poe is currently living on the land in question. The “improvements” could have been made at any time. In fact, that the improvements mentioned are part of land sale, causes one to think that the improvements were made prior to 1779 by a past owner. It seems that we can draw no conclusions from this record about the identity of the William mentioned.


Consideration 8


Chatham County

10 April 1779

State of North Carolina to Richard Straughan - 50 sh. for every 100 a. - 348 a. on the South side of Haw River and both sides of Cain Island Creek - joins Joseph Stewart, Richard Straughans land, William Poes land, John Thomas's land, Cain* Island Branch and Band of Haw River.


Analysis: This appears to be the land that the heirs of John Morton deeded to William Poe.  Richard Straughn was the husband of Lucy Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, Sr. This William Poe should be the son of Simon Poe, Jr. More of the historical record for the Siler City area should indicate simultaneous habitation there by a William Poe, showing that the William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray is likely connected to the Culpeper County Poe family and the William Poe who acquired the “Morton Heirs” land is the son of Simon Poe, Sr.


* See also: Cain of North Carolina


Consideration 9


1 July 1779

p. 371 State of North Carolina to William Poe, Hasting Poe and Larkin Poe orphans of Stephen Poe Deceased – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 281 a. on the South side of Haw River – joins said Poes corner


Analysis: A small wonder that by 1779 the courts would note acreage on the south side of Haw River as “Poe’s Corner.” This William is clearly identified as a son of Stephen Poe, deceased, almost certainly the son of Simon Poe, SR. In order for the state to grant lands to these orphans, must they be 21 years of age? If so, this may be the “William Poe, Junr” mentioned soon, perhaps to differentiate him from the elder William Poe who acquired lands from the heirs of John Morton’s heirs.


Consideration 10


12 August 1779

Archebald Cain and Patty his wife to Elisha Cain - 2000 pds. - 375 a. on the Waters of Little Oak - surveyed 2nd September 1771.


William Poe                                      Archebald (A) Cain

William (X) Cain                                Patty (S) Cain

Arthur (X) Hood


12 August 1779

William Blyth to Archibald Cain - 2000 pds. - 175 a. on the West side of Newhope - joins Parker's line.


Elisha Cain                                        Wm. Blyth

William Poe

May Term 1780 the above deed duly proved in open Court by oath of William Poe Junr. and ordered to be Registered.



Analysis: The Waters of Little Oak must refer to some part of the “waters of Newhope.”  Te first records of Poe in North Caroline are for warrants to Stephen Poe for lands on the “waters of New Hope Creek,” west side of Haw River and both sides of Rocky River and Cape Fair Road (Cape Fear). It is probable that the records for Orange County and Chatham County are somewhat confusing. This must refer to  the Haw River area near Pittsboro where the Simon Poe family settled en masse.


Note that there is an area of the Simon Poe family settlement area called “Cain Island Creek.”. A report on the Cain family mentions Cain family presence in Orange County from 1788 on, however, refers to Newhope Creek. Could this be upstream on the same river? The mention of both the Haw River / Newhope Creek area of Chatham County as well as the Newhope Creek area of Orange County is confusing.


As mentioned above, the notation, William Poe Junr may not indicate that he is the son of a William Poe, but rather that he is the younger of the two Williams mentioned in the court record (this was not an uncommon means of differentiating between men of the same name). If so, the elder William Poe is the acquirer of the Morton lands and the younger is the son of Stephen Poe (died 1773).


Supporting references and notes


Note: Orange County was formed in 1752,

largely from Granville County, partly from Bladen and Johnston.

(Granville was formed from Edgecombe in 1746).  The western boundary of

Orange was indefinite until Rowan County was formed about a year later.

Then Rowan became the western border.


From Orange County were taken: All of Chatham and Wake in 1771, all of

Caswell in 1777 (Person formed from Caswell in 1792), all of Alamance in

1849, part of Durham in 1881 (the other part of Durham County was taken

from Wake, which was formerly Orange.).


From the Morgan-L list on Rootsweb

Mark Morgan owned approximately 27,000 acres of land in early Orange and

Chatham Co NC.  His original land grant was for 500 acres and was situated

between the Haw River and Newhope Creek about 15 miles above where the Haw

River (where my Charles Morgan had a ferry and mill) and the Newhope Creek

dump into the Cape Fear River,  which has been damned to form the B.

Everett Jordon Lake.


The first records for Poe in North Carolina are for Warrants acquired by Stephen Poe on the “waters of New Hope Creek” , west side of Haw River and both sides of Rocky River and Cape Fair Road.


Stephen Poe

Warrant 17 March 1758

640 acres on waters on New Hope Cr. joins Francis Day, begin on the Bank of Rocks.

Entered 2 November 1757

Assigned to Richard Straughan*

Surveyed 6 May 1758


* Richard Straughn married Lucy Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR who by 1793 was married to Richard Straughn.


Stephen Poe

Warrant  6 February 1759

640 acres on west side Haw R., adjoins Argalus Henderson.

Entered 12 September 1758

Surveyed 23 October 1759


Stephen Poe

Survey  23 October 1759

339 acres on both sides Rocky R. & Cape fair Road; Woolrick (Woolfrick?) White, John White: CB. (chain bearer?)



Consideration 11


Chatham County

20 August 1779

State of North Carolina to John Thomas – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 159 a. – joins William Poe, Straughans corner, the South side of the Cain Island Creek, the Haw River and Widow Morton.


13  February 1781

Alexander Clark and Pheby his wife to James Howard* - 4700 pds. - 350 a. - all that tract or parcell of land whereon Simon Poe formerly lived - joins Mrs. Hannah Poe, William Poe Junr. and the land formerly belonging to Morten (Morton) and Richard Kennon and the land whereon Younger Neil now lives.


John Auld                                                       Alexr. Clark

Jacob Dardin                                                 Pheby (X) Clark


Analysis:  We still seem to be in the presence of the William Poe who acquired the Morton lands and the William Poe who is the son of Stephen Poe and Hannah (probably referred to as junior to differentiate him from the older William). In the last record, rather than refer to a William again, the court seems to identify the elder William’s property as the “land formerly belonging to Morton.”


Consideration 12


Chatham County

13 May 1783

William Poe orphan of Simon Poe dec'd be bound unto William Burns until he comes to lawful age he now being fourteen years of age to learn the trade of Black Smith



Analysis: Another William Poe appears on the scene.


Consideration 13


Chatham County

9 October 1783

State of North Carolina to James Williams – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 170 a. on the South side of Haw River at the mouth of Brooks Creek – joins William Poe and Charles Morgan.


13 November 1784

John Crawford, Plantar to James Massey*, Planter – Whereas John Morton of the County of Chatham being entitled to a fee simple Estate of in and unto a certain tract of land containing upwards of 100 a. or thereabouts lying on Haw River on the South Side – joins John Thomas, William Poe, James Howard** and William Howard he the sd. John Morton by his last will and testament made some years ago divided the same to his wife Ruth during her Widowhood or Marriage and after Marriage or decease to go to his Children John, William, Polly and Betsey and their Heirs – and Whereas after the making of the said Will the said John Morton departed this life and his daughter Polly hath since intermarried with the said John Crawford who is agreeable to the said Will entitles to the reversion of one fourth part of the before described premises and the said John Crawford hath agreed to sell all his right title and interest of in and unto the same unto the said James Massey – 5 pds. – ¼ part of the said recited and described premises – (premises not decribed).


Stephen Neal                                                            John Crawford

Pretyman Berry*

Bernd McGuckin


Court Minutes Laird/Jackson


The Juries below include a single William Poe who is associated with people close to the Simon Poe, SR family. Nicholas Nall is close to the Bray family.


12 May 1783

Grand Jury Sworn as Follows To Wit, Isaac Brooks, Foreman, William Graves, William Petty, James Petty, Thomas Brooks, Spencer Stewart, John Petty, James Massey, Henry Bray, Thomas Adams, Gedion Goodwin, James George, Ishum Gunter and Nicholas Queshenberry.


(Note: James Massey was married to Jane Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR. A Sarah Petty married James Poe, d. 1812, which DNA tests of a descendant indicate – as records indicate – that he was a son of Simon Poe, JR. The George family married with the Simon Poe family and as mentioned in various places, Henry Bray Sr’s daughter Elizabeth was marred to William Poe – Simon Poe, SR had a son named William).


15 May 1783

The following persons to attend as jurors  to the next Court To Wit Presley George, Thomas Grigory, Grey Barbee, Jacob Flowers, Matthew Davis, Luke Bynum, William Griffin, Burwell Williams, Solomon Chapman, John Hatley Sen'r, Nicholas Nall, William Duncan, Samuel Temples, William Barber Sen'r, Joseph Stephens, John Wilkins, Willis Phillips, Daniel Brown, William Burns, William Marsh, William Hackney, Joseph Hackney, William Poe, David Maddox, Abraham Warmock, Henry Welch, Joseph Johnson, John Petty (marked out), Briton Drake, Benjamin Brantley, Deberry Chapman, Joseph Crump & Edmond Browder.


(Note: The George married into the Simon Poe family. William Burns took in William Poe, orphan of Simon Poe, JR. Simon Poe, SR marred in his old age the widow Marsh. The Nall family was closely associated with the William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray, daughter of Henry Bray, Sr).


In the Suit John Ragland vs Patrick Travers and Henry Lightfoot Esq'r the following Jury Sworn to wit, William Poe, Josiah Rogers (marked out), Henry May, Richard Barber, Thomas Sypert, Thomas Bell, Archobald Cain, Nicholas Nall, Andrew Culbertson, William Griffin, Hugh Danill, John Kirk and Richard Straughan verdict in favour of Plaintiff 82 pds 10 shill.


(Note: Richard Straughan was married Lucy Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, Sr. Nicholas Nall lived near Henry Bray.


17 May 1783

The following Persons fined for non attendance as Jurors to this Term To Wit, Pressley George, Matthew Davis, Samuel Temple, Willis Phillips, Thomas Grigory, Henry Welch, William Griffin, Nicolas Nall, William Poe, Jacob Flowers, John Wilkins, and Briton Drake


18 May 1783

In the Sit the State of North Carolina against Joseph McGee the following Jury Sworn to Wit, John Wilkens, William Poe, George Kirk, John Kirk, Robert Wallace, Samuel Brooks, William Richardson, William Brantly, George Herndon, William Lasater Sen'r, James Ray, Josiah Rogers and Verdict in favour of Sate Guilty - Reason of Arrest to be Pleaded this Term.


(Note: George Herndon was a relative of the Herndon who was the second husband of Lucy Poe, daughter of Simon Poe, SR)


19 May 1783

In the Suit  the State of North Carolina against Joseph McGee the following Jury Sworn to Wit: John Wilkens, William Poe, George Kirk, John Kirk, Robert Wallace, Samuel Brooks, William Richardson, William Brantly, George Herndon, William Lasater, Sen’r, James Ray, William Brantly, George Herndon (a second time in the source), William Lasater, Sen’r., James Ray and Josiah Rogers and Verdict in favour of State Guilty – Reasons of Arrest to be Pleaded this Term.


21 May 1783

In the Suit Samuel Stewarts vs James Williams Esq’r the following Jury Sworn to wit, Benjamin Watts, Vincent Self, James Willet, Henry Bray, Zacharia Martin, Joseph Morgan, Jacob Flowers, Thomas Grigory, William Poe, John Wilkins, William Griffin, Simon Foushee. Verdict in favour of Deft.


21 May 1783

In the Suit Archibald Cain against John Ragan the following Jury Sworn (to wit) Benjamin Watts, Vinson Self, Henry Bray, Zacharia Martin, Jacob Flowers, William Poe, Junr., John Wilkins, William Griffin, Simon Fooshee, Samuel Stewart, Henry Cook and Walter Welch and Verdict in favour of the Plt.


(Note: A William Poe who left estate to be settled, papers from which exist for 1804 had a son named James C (Cain?) Poe. This William’s wife probably was a Cain for the son to have this name. Benjamin Watts, who is closely associated with Henry Bray, was the husband of James Poe, son of Simon Poe, SR. Henry Bray was the father of the wife of William Poe. William Poe, Junr is assumed to be the son of William Poe who married Elizabeth Bray. The most logical identification here is that the elder William Poe is the one married to Elizabeth Bray and is the son of Simon Poe, SR mentioned in his will).


12 November 1783

A Deed from Benjamin Watts and wife to James Poe, Jr. proved by the Oath of John Berry, Jr.


A Deed from the Same to the Same proved by the Oath of the Same.


Deed from Benjamin Watts to John Berry ack’d.


Deed from James Poe to John Berry ack’d.


Deed of Gift from Sarah Herndon to George Herndon proved by the Oath of Carnelius Herndon.


William Poe be fined ten pounds for Swearing in Open Court and other Contempt offer’d the Sd. Court.


13 November 1783

The fine on William Poe for ten pounds for Swearing and Contempt be remitted and that he only pay twenty Shillings.


11 February 1784

The following Persons be Appointed to Serve as Jurors to the next Court To Wi, James Barbe, Thomas Adams, Matthew Davis, Solomon S. Chapman, Frances Drake, Moses Durden, Ishum Rogers, Lewis Womberly, William Poe, William Riddley, Joseph Stephens, Isaac Brooks, William Goldston, Vachell Clark, Elijah Hunter, Samuell Brooks, Thomas Brooks, Jur., Andrew Heddon, Mark Brooks, Stephen Crow, David Madox, William Ragland, William Dillord (Dillard), John Brantley, William Cain, John Pitts, Matthew Ramsey, Adam Ateman, Henry Braswell and Lemuell Harwell.


10 August 1784

In the Suit Mary Brandy against James Christian the following Jury Sworn to Wit, Henry Bray, William Marsh, Robert Poe, William Hill, Benjamin Watts, Joseph Johnson, Aron Terrell, Richard Riddle, Thomas Sypert, John Pitts, Thomas Beal, Andrew Culbertson and Verdict for Pltf.


10 August 1784

In the Suit Nicholas Nall Assignee of Daniel Brown against James Williams the following Jury Sworn to Wit, William Marsh, Robert Poe, William Hill, Benjamin Watts, Joseph Johnson, Aron Terrell, Richard Riddle, Thomas Sypress, Thomas Beal, John Christian, William Poe, Herculas Henderson and find the Deft. endebted.


11 August 1784

In the Suit John Nall(s) Excu’r against John Hunnicut the following Jury Sworn to Wit, John Christian, Joseph Stehens, Richard Barber, Phill Herren, Giles Kelly, Willam Rhoads, Frances Dossett, Jermiah Milton (Melton), Andrew Culbertson, William Marsh, William Poe, Thomas Bell, and Verdict for the Pltf.


11 August 1784

In the Suit Nicholas Nall Against Henry Bray & Josiah Rogers the following Jury Sworn to Wit, Stephen Crow, Aaron Terrell, William Davis, John Pitts, William Griffin, Matthew Ramsey, John Ferrenton, James Howard, William Ramsey, Abnor Laster, Thomas Stone, Hugh Daniel and Verdict in favour of the Deft


11 August 1784

James Poe Appointed Overseer of the road from Cashatts Creek to Luttrell’s Branch.


11 August 1784

In the Suit Joseph Kirk Against William Kinchian (Kinchen) Admrs. the following Jury Sworn To Wit, Richard Barber, Joseph Stephens, Henry Bray, Traves Harper, Phillip Herren, Laurence McManis, John Welch, William Poe, Robert Cobb, William Ramsey, Matthew Davis, James Massey and find for the deft.


11 August 1784

John Wilson Appointed Overseer of the road leading out of the Seven Island road near John Petty’s to the head of Cobb’s Road to Wake County line and the following hands work on the Same to Wit, William Wilson, Stephen Wilson, Bumer Wilson, John Christian, Henry Hillery, Nathan Jones, John Prince, Thomas Adams, Frances Sypert, Burgess Clark, Archabold Cain, Robert Edwards, John Pitts Shadrick Weaver, Thomas Sypert, David Br ___ (water spot), _____ Weaver, Arthor Wood, James Bullens, ______s Tudor, William _____ sdl, John Richerson, Joseph Pitts, John Caudle, Thomas Berr____, _____hman Hales, Vencet Carter, Bleeker Caudle, David John, Joseph Griffin, Denis Browder, William Cain, Joseph Stewart, Rich Riddle, Richard Straughn, John Petty, Stephen Durden, Briton Warmack, John Booker, Benjamin Poe, Jesse Tatum, John Wood, William Dillard, Younger Burt, John Burt, Jjames Booker, John Osley, Richard Burt, Josiah Durden, and John Lambert. (water spotted).


* Presley George (or another man of last name George) was married to Mary Straughn, daughter of Lucy Poe and Richard Straughn. Lucy was a daughter of Simon Poe, SR


10 November 1784

Cloey Morton Orphan of William Morton be Bound unto Robert Poe to Learn the Mistry of Housewifry until She arrives to Lawfull age, she being Judged now to be about Eleven years.


(Note: This record lends to the idea that Robert Poe was a son of William Poe Senr. William Poe purchased land from the Morton heirs, next to the Simon Poe family.


11 November 1784

The following person Jurors to the Next Court, to Wit, Vincent Self, Will Dunkin, Will West, Stepen Crow, John Ferrington, John Hatley, Sen’r, Thomas Bell, Thomas Branton, Thomas Laseter, James Bullard, Joseph Griffen, Thomas Grigory, John Grigory, William Cain, Britain Drake, Robert Wallis, Benjamin Harris, John Trip, John Brantley, David Maddox, Joseph May, Levy Branson, James Steward, James George, Thomas Steel, William Poe, Thomas Stone, Simon Foshee (Foushee), Lenuel Harwell & William Goldston.


14 February 1785

Richard Bishop appointed overseer of the Road from John Lamberts on Haw River to Browders Mill on New Hope & the following hands work on Said Road, Viz., John Lambert, William Lambert, Derias Browder, John Browder, Thomas Bell, Thomas Lassiter & Henry Hunt, Benjamin Poe


15 February 1785 Deed from John Pilkinton & Sarah his wife Proved by John Poe


16 February 1785

In the Suit Nathan Bryant against Nicholas Nall the following Jury Sworn Viz: William Moody, William Poe, Vincent Self, Richard Strawan (Straughan), Joel Patterson, Richard Strawan (again), Thomas Stone, Thomas Lassiter, Parish Self, Robert Thompson, James Poe, & James Willit.


10 May 1785

Roger Griffith high Sheriff of Chatham Co., North Carolina to Samuel Holaday – a Writ issued to him – you are hereby commanded that of the goods and Chattels and lands and Tenements of John Lindly in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of 138 pds. 8 sh. and 3 pc. Which lately in the County Court of pleas and Quarter Sessions Samuel Holaday recovered against John Lindly – sale of a tract of land – Samuel Holaday being the highest bider for the price of 100 pds. – 200 a. – it being a tract of land conveyed from John Cartret to George Williams.

Wit:                                                     Roget Griffith

Jas. Scurlock

William Poe


1 May 1786

William Petty to Matthew Jones - 350 pds land - 145 a. beginning at a stake in George Lucases line running West 2 feet around the town till it intersects with the line  thou? Zachariah Harman, and his wife, Rebeckah's deed granted to William Petty thence along that line to John Cotton's line and round the various lines to the first station

William (W) Petty (his mark)

'Wit: Roger Griffith

William Poe


1 May 1786

William Petty to Matthew Jones – 350 pds. Current money – 145 a. – joins George Lucas, land that Zachariah Harman and his wife Rebeckah granted to William Petty by deed and John Cotton


Roger Griffith                         William (W) Petty

William Poe


Analysis: These records appear to refer to the William Poe (senior) who acquired lands from the heirs of John Morton. The name Petty, Harmon, Sculock, Berry, Neal, Howard, Massey, are all names closely associated with the Simon Poe, Sr family


Recap before Continuing


Up to  May of 1786, there appears to be only one elder William Poe in the records for North Carolina, the one that first appears in Chatham County in 1772 (shortly after its formation from Orange County). This William Poe must have lived close to Benjamin Poe, John Poe and Charles Poe who appear with William Poe in a muster roll in 1772, perhaps near Siler City. This group appears to be separate from the earlier migration of descendants of Simon Poe, SR from Caroline County, which began with the arrival in 1758 of Stephen Poe, son of Simon Poe, SR., and later continued with the arrival of his brothers James Poe and Simon Poe, Jr. prior to 1761. The elder Simon Poe appears to have arrived around the same time or shortly thereafter. We know from his 1793 will that Simon Poe, Sr. had a son named William.  One has to wonder why William does not show up in the North Carolina records prior to 1772 along with Stephen, Simon, Jr. and James.


The name William Poe appears in the Caroline County records contemporaneously with Stephen Poe, James Poe and Simon Poe, Jr. At least some of the records pertaining to a William Poe in the Caroline County, Virginia records around 1750 onward to 1799 refer to a son of Samuel Poe, Jr. The family of Samuel Poe, Jr appears to have remained the longest in Caroline County, farming a remaining 105 acres left from the original 905 acres of lands once possessed by Samuel Poe who died in 1725 after various heirs disposed of their portion. The William Poe of Simon’s will may be the youngest of his sons, which would explain his relatively late appearance in the records.


It is important to note at this point that William Poe and Lydia, who settled in Culpeper County, VA in 1737 had a son, William Poe Jr, who appears in Culpeper County records in 1755. After that, it is unclear what became of him. The simplest answer is that he is the William Poe associated with Benjamin, John and Charles, listed in the Muster Roll of 1772.  What became of Benjamin Poe, John Poe, and Charles Poe who were in the muster roll with William Poe, and what became of this William?


Charles Poe appears to have become mentally disturbed, perhaps resulting from the Revolutionary War violence. Whatever the cause, Charles needed government assistance by 1775.


Benjamin Poe next appears in a Randolph County tax list in 1779 and is still there in 1781. By 1990, Benjamin is located in Wake County. At no point is he found in proximity of the Haw River and the Simon Poe family.


However John Poe (he is called Sr. implying the possibility, in this case, of a son John), can be found in 1773/5 associated with James Poe (son of Simon Poe SR) along Harlands Creek, an area rural to Pittsboro and the Haw River. John may have lived farther up Harlands Creek and James Poe closer to its mouth at Haw River. All these men in Chatham at the time are either brothers or, perhaps, first or at most second cousins.


So, it appears that Benjamin Poe went east to Wake County following association in the 1772 muster roll and John Poe went west to Deep River, perhaps close to Guilford County. According to the description below, Deep River is 125 miles long and joins the Haw River, where the Simon Poe family dwelt. However, Deep River also runs through West Guilford County. One important point is that the families would have been able to navigate along Deep River between their home in Guilford County and Chatham County. This may explain why it is not easy to differentiate the groups at times, based on court records. They could have traveled to support each other by witnesses court documents and providing testimonies when necessary – not to mention possibly intermarrying.


However, it is unclear exactly where on Harlands Creek John Poe lived, and certainly unclear to which family he belongs, although his association in the Muster Roll implies he is of the Culpeper County Poe family. At any rate, it appears that by 1779, a John Poe migrated to Wilkes County. There remains a John Poe in Chatham County in 1780, living along the north side of Bear Creek. In October of 1780, a John Poe received from the state an additional 640 acres on both sides of Bear Creek. The present day city of Bear Creek is over 10 miles from Siler City and over 15 miles from Pittsboro. Conceivably, the younger John Poe went to Wilkes County to start a out in life and the elder John Poe stayed on, acquiring over 640 acres along Bear Creek.


In 1790 we see a John Poe and William Poe in Wilkes County, both with young children under 16 years of age in the household. It is possible that that this John Poe and William Poe are brothers, sons of the elder John Poe who appears to remain along Bear Creek with quite a large plantation.


Records supporting the recap

Misc. Chatham County, Records, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions

17 February 1775

Ordered that Charles Poe an infirm man & afflicted with fits be recommended to the next General Assembly as a proper person to be exempt from the payment of taxes for the future


Randolph County (formed from Guilford County in 1779)

1779 Tax List

Benjamin Poe (says Benman)

1782 Tax List

Benjamin Poe (says Benman)

1790 Wake County

Benjamin Poe 1 m >16, 2 m <16, 4 f


Chatham County


John Poe*

Ordered that a road be laid out and turned the nearest and best way from where Jacob Fudge turned out of the Quakers road, to run across Barr Creek below George Hendrys field along a ridge in a straight course to the ford on Deep River, & any 12 of the following be a jury to lay out the same, Vis: John Poe, George Hendry (sic, believe it is Hendricks), Daniel Brown, Jeremiah Melton, Willis Barger, Jr., John Brown & William Popland.


* Deep River , c.125 mi/201 km long, N central N.C., in W Guilford co.; rises E of Kernersville; flows SE past High Point and Randleman, passes NE of Asheboro, then E pass N of Sanford, joins Haw R. near Haywood to form Cape Fear R.


Chatham County, February 1775

John Poe Sr be appt overseer of the road from Harlands Creek* to Evan's Mill & that the following hands work thereon, Viz: his own hands, James Poe's, Thomas Griffin's, John Griffens, William Haley's, Richard Haley's, Benj. Harris', Aaron Evan's, the hands living on Henry Bagley's plantation, & Charles Harrington's.


* Harland’s Creek, Deep River and Haw River  … (an environmental impact study includes an) area encompasses the entire Town of Pittsboro, as well as outlying rural areas. The study area is bounded by the Haw River to the east, Rocky River and Deep River to the south, Harlands Creek to the west, and Russell Chapel Road (SR 1520) to the north.


Wilkes County

Land entries
1779    Benjamin Herndon 200 ac Great Elkin B. Herndon marked out John Poe written in

1790 Wilkes County Census

William Powe (6) 2m<16, 1m>16; 3 f

Note: Aaron Kennedy between these entries

John Powe (5)  2m>16; 1m<16; 2 f


Chatham County

31 March 1780

State of North Carolina to John Nall* – 50 sh. For every 100 a. – 600 a. on Bear Creek at the Rackoon Ford where the near Road Crosses – joins John Nalls old line and John Poe’s land.


31 March 1780

State of North Carolina to John Nall – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 300 a. on the North side of Bear Creek – joins Stephen Powell and John Poe.


23 October 1780

State of North Carolina to John Poe – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 640 a. on both sides of Bear Creek.

Wm. Sheppard Sec.                                           Alex. Martin



Consideration 14


Wilkes County

1787 Census


John Poe:1 male 21-60, 2 male (under 21 and above 60), 2 female all ages

William Poe: 1 male 21-60, 3 females all ages


Analysis: As noted in the recap above, these could be brothers, sons of the elder John Poe who acquired over 640 acres along Bear Creek in Chatham County. The elder John Poe could be brother to Benjamin Poe and Charles Poe. The three could be sons of William Poe and Lydia who settled in Culpeper County in 1737.



Consideration 15


Surry County

9 August 1787

Bk I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150 pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.

Nicholas Masters

William Poe (X) seal

Elizabeth Poe (X) seal

Daniel Hudson

Duly proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801 by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be registered. Test Jo Williams, C.C.


Analysis: The 1790 census shows a William Poe in Surry County with three young boys and at least four unmarried daughters. If this is William Poe and Elizabeth Bray and if William Poe was born as late as 1750, this could be that couple. It is equally possible that this is another William of another family. One has to wonder how long this William Poe and Elizabeth had been there by 1787. Why are they selling their 270 acres land to Isaac Hudson? Considering the 1792 showing a sale of Surry County land to William Poe by George Wooten, land adjoining William Petty, it is very possible this William Poe is connected to the James Poe family of Guilford County. Simon Poe, JR has a son William Poe, born around 1770, who probably was brother of James Poe of Guilford County. James Poe is said to have married Sarah Petty. This Surry County William Poe could be the son of Simon Poe, JR.



The following are still under consideration



Caswell County


William Poe*

Deed Book E p. 182

James Chandler of Granville Co., NC to Mary Harrison, for 40 lbs, 200 A on lick fork of Moon's Cr adj Jos Ellot (Elliot / Ellits ?), David Porter. 3 January 1787. Wit: William Poe, Robert Bevell



1790 Surry County

William Poe (9) 1 m >16, 3 m < 16, 5 f

[Edmund Poe]



1790 Wilkes County

William Powe (6) 2m<16, 1m>16; 3 f

Note: Aaron Kennedy between these entries

John Powe (5)  2m>16; 1m<16; 2 f


1790 Chatham Conty

William Poe (7) 1 m >16, 2 m <16, 4 f


Surry County

12 March 1792 George Wooten to William Poe 150 pds 270 a adjoining William Petty

Ephraim (X) McLimore

Henry Poe (X)

George (X) Wooten



Randolph County


5:161 12 December 1793 Stafford Lednam of Molbery Co., SC to William Moon of Randolph Co. for 80 pds 200a in Randolph Co. adj. Onstat and Masser. Signed Stafford Lednam; Wit: William Rhodes, William Poe


1:126 10 May 1794 – Soloman Evens to Alexander Wilson for 100 pds., 100a on Big Brush Creek, Deep River waters

signed: Soloman Evins; Wit: Obediah Williams, William Poe Rec. August 1794 by Soloman Evins.

Others include Israel Elliott to William Elliott on waters of Polecat Creek



Simon Poe, SR will 1793


Also William Poe, the son of Stephen Poe one other childs part; my son William Poe and my son James Poe


Wilkes County

1795 William Poe enters 50 ac. In Wilkes Co. on waters of Big Elking R. border: Benjamin Herndon’s. N. Corner [line _____ lined out]; includes my barn.


Surry County

8 February 1796 A deed from George Wooten to William Poe was proved by Henry Poe and ordered to be registered 6 paid.


Wake County

Benjamin Poe* of Wake Co. to Jonas Lassiter of same, Dec. 12, 1796, for 75 pds. a 150 acre tract of land and plantation on the east side of Log Branch, a branch of Kniels Creek, adjoining Liptrot. Wit: Johnson Poe, William Poe, Mark Myatt.


Wilkes County

        1799    Thomas Lenoir enter 150 ac in Wilkes on Elk Creek William Poe' line
        1799    Robinett (sic) 100 ac on Elk Creek William Poe and runs E.
        1799    Witnessed land transaction William Poe* and Henry Poe



1 January 1799 Between Jacob McGrady and Hezekiah Hall … torn.. 100 ac N. fork Mulberry Creek … including plantation said Hall now lives on. Wits: Luke Jinnings, William Poe (X) & Henry Poe. Signed: Jacob McGrady


Chatham County

states will dated October 13, 1799


Sale of Estate of William Poe, deceased

Susannah, administratrix


Chatham County NC - Hillborough District - 1800 Federal Census

William Poe Sr

one male over 45

one female over 45


1800 Wilkes

John Poe 1 >45

William Poe 2<10, 1 10/16, 1 26/45; 2<10 2 10/16, 1 26/45; 2 <10, 2 10/16, 1 26/45




1800 Ashe (Wilkes)

Edmund Poe 2<10, 1 16/26; 1<10, 1 26/45

Henry Poe 2  < 10, 1 16/26, 1 26/45; 4 <10, 2 10/16, 1 16/26, 1 26/45

William Poe 2m 16/26, 1m >45; 1f >45


Chatham County


Will Book A, page 14

No Date

Sale of the Estate of James Patterson, deceased

William Poe – phaeton

(Ramsey, Massey, Dismukes, Howard, Fooshee, and the usual Haw River people


Surry County


Bk I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150 pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.

Nicholas Masters

William Poe (X) seal

Elizabeth Poe (X) seal

Daniel Hudson

Duly proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801 by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be registered. Test Jo Williams, C.C.


Wilkes County


Wilkes County Land Entries

1800 Witnessed land transaction William Poe

1803 William Poe 120 acres big Elkin Creek

1810 William Poe 100 acres on big Elkin Creek joins his old line etc.


Chatham County



Gideon Kirksey

Dated: 23 May 1803

Wife: Mary

son: Abraham


William Gideon

Isaac Hackney

William Poe


Sarah Owens

Mary Moseley


William Edwards

John Ray



Chatham County Deed Book


N-27 ___ 1802 Elisha Cain of Chatham to Jesse Horton of same 136 pds

248 ac on White Oak Creek. /s/ Elisha Cain. Wit. Williamson X Johnson,

Cynthia Cain. Proved Nov 1802 by oath of Williamson Johnson.  (Note this

is the first deed of Elisha's that he did not prove in court himself.  He

fades from the deed records here.)


Chatham Ct. Min The minutes of this court are missing 1801-1805.

May 1805 p.21 Absalom Cain on a Jury.

   Ibid Feb 1806 p.70 William Cain apptd constable in Capt Richarsons dist

for the year 1806.

   Ibid Aug 1806 p.107 State vs Absalum Cain.

   Ibid Nov 1806 p.105 Ordd that James Cain Poe be discharged from the

payment of taxes due for year 1806 for a negro woman Joan. p.108 Henry &

Wm Davis assignees of Nimrod Watts vs William Cain, William Goodwin &

John Richardson.



Inventory of Estates



Page ---- Isaiah Straughan bought at sale of William Poe (Wm in book)



21 June 1806

Will Book A, Page 122

Will of Alexander Kinchen, deceased

my loving wife Elizabeth, and my dear little son William Poe



1810 Guilford County Census

William Poe*

4 males under 10; 1 male over 46


difficult to see where the line goes across, I think the female listing is


1 female 10/15; 1 female 16/26; 1 female over 49



1810 Wilkes                   

Note: these are adjacent entries

John Poe 1 10/16, 1 >45; 1>45

William Poe 2<10, 1 10/16, 2 16/26, 1>45; 1 <10 , 3 10/16



Guilford Co., North Carolina : will abstracts, 1771-1841. Irene B. Webster. [Madison, N.C.] : Webster, c1979

A: 0296

9 February 1812

James Poe (deceased)

Sarah Poe (wife)


William Poe


9 Feb. 1812

Wife Sarah - estate as long as she remains my widow. All my ch: Gabril, Nancy, Metildy, Betsey, Sandy, William, Reney, Hannah, James, Polly, John. Exrs: William Poe, Joshiah Unthank


Chatham County

November 23 1813

Page 140

Estate of Charles Marsh, decd. with  the admr of said estate

Names: (include) Jesse Millican, J. T. Taylor, Ransom Poe, Spencer Marsh, William Poe, Isaiah Straughan, Feribe Morgan, Fray Marsh, William Straughan, Winship Stedman, Happy Fooshee, Joseph Blalock,

Pursuant to an order of the Court of 2nd Monday, November 23. Account of administrator of estate of Charles Marsh, decd. was examined by Edward Rives, Miles Scarborough, H. D. Bridges



18 February 1814

Poe: married at Pittsboro, Chatham County, on the 10th Mr. William Poe to Mill Elizabeth Harmon 18 Feb 1814



1 August 1814 - Joseph Harman to William Poe son-in-law



1820 Guilford County

Gabrish [Gabriel P] Poe*

Sally Poe

William Poe

[David Poe]


4 January 1821

David Poe (son of William Poe and wife, Sarah) married Abigail Wilson




Chatham County

5 December 1821

page 26

Inventory and account of sales of estate of John A. Ramsey decd. made 5 December 1821 by Philip Alston admr.

Buyers were:

(Includes) Wm.. Foushee, John Caudle, Wm. Watson, Jordan Holleman (Holiman?), Joseph Scurlock, Winship Stedman, John Fooshee, M. McMillan*,  , Wm. Neal, Wm. Ramsey,  Abner Gunter, David Poe, Wm. Neal, Wm. Ramsey,


* Margaret McMillan (b. 1783), daughter of Amon McMillian, married Simon Poe (1782-1875), son of Major James Simon Poe, son of Simon Poe, SR, probably son of Samuel Poe (d. 1725)


There follows a long list of judgments and accounts:


Redin Bryan, David Poe, Jesse Petty, William Caudle, John Caudle, Hezekiah Harman, William Poe, James Saunders, Jesse Caudle, Wm. Marks, James Watson,  William Utley, John Griffin



5 October 1822

Inventory of Sales of Estate of William Petty, Sr. dec'd 2 and 5 of October 1822

Purchasers include Joseph Poe


29 October 1822

page 14

Inventory and account of Sales made of Estate of William  Hamlet dec'd (Hamblet)

Buyers: (similar list to above)

cash in had at death of Wm. Hamlet $140

sales ---

Total --------------- 1071.91

a note of Joseph J. Alston for $216 payable 26 Mary 1818

a note on Charles Chalmers for $58.19

an order for William Poe for $5



(son of Capt. Stephen Poe)

15 January 1823

Will Book B, Page 86

Will of Stephen Poe, deceased

my son William Poe



21 January 1823

Page 134

Estate of James A. Marsh

Names  (includes)

James Harman, Merriman Harman, J. W. Bynum, James Brantley, Lewis Freeman, Roderick Cotton, Zachariah Harman, R. V. J. Marsh, Robert Marsh, William Neal, Charles Marsh, William Poe, William Lasater, Winship Stedman, George Harman, Hasten Poe, John Fooshee,  Dorcas Howard, John Bland, Rebecca Harman, J. W. Bynum, W. W. Stedman, Elijah Fooshee, Joseph Scurlock

Account examined by the commissioners:

R. Freeman

H. D. Bridges

H. J. Boooks



1830 Ashe County

William Poe

John Poe

Mathias Poe



Guilford County Wills

B: 0667

William Poe*

20 September 1830

Probated May 1832

Wife: Sarah - maintenance on Plantation , my bay horse, land to be sold at decease of remarriage of wife and divided

* Almost surely the son of James Poe d. 1812 in Guilford County


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