Chatham Co, NC


2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                       David Smith

Adam Ramsover                              Mary Smith

Job Ward      


P. 29


William Poe

Deed: John Gunter Sr & Richard Gunter Exors of John Morton, dec'd. to William Poe, proved by George Herndon.*

*Simon Poe, Jr.'s widow, Sophia (Bradford?), married Stephen Herndon (see below).


this is son of Simon Poe, JR

1777 ? Orange County

Abstract of Minutes of Orange County, NC 1777-1778

William Poe (child)

aged 2 years old last may (year?), to be bound to James Guthrie until he arrives at 21 years.


Land Entries

No. 774 - Peter Rennolds February 8, 1779 enters his warrant for 640 a on Little Bruck (spelling? hard to read my note) Creek beginning William Graves deeded line branch for camp and including William Poe's improvements on both sides of said creek



10 April 1779

State of North Carolina to Richard Straughan - 50 sh. for every 100 a. - 348 a. on the South side of Haw River and both sides of Cain Island Creek - joins Joseph Stewart, Richard Straughans land, William Poes land, John Thomas's land, Cain Island Branch and Band of Haw River.

J. Glasgow Sec.                               Rd. Caswell


Stephen Poe had son named William


1 July 1779

State of North Carolina to William Poe, Hasting Poe and Larkin Poe orphans of Stephen Poe Deceased - 50 sh. for every 100 a. - 281 a. on the South side of Haw River - joins said Poes corner

J. Glasgow Sec.                               Rd. Caswell


12 August 1779

Archebald Cain and Patty his wife to Elisha Cain - 2000 pds. - 375 a. on the Waters of Little Oak - surveyed 2nd September 1771.


William Poe                                     Archebald (A) Cain

William (X) Cain                               Patty (S) Cain

Arthur (X) Hood


12 August 1779

William Blyth to Archibald Cain - 2000 pds. - 175 a. on the West side of Newhope - joins Parker's line.


Elisha Cain                           Wm. Blyth

William Poe

May Term 1780 the above deed duly proved in open Court by oath of William Poe Junr. and ordered to be Registered.


20 August 1779

State of North Carolina to John Thomas – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 159 a. – joins William Poe, Straughans corner, the South side of the Cain Island Creek, the Haw River and Widow Morton.

J. Glasgow Sec.                               Rd. Caswell


13  February 1781

Alexander Clark and Pheby his wife to James Howard - 4700 pds. - 350 a. - all that tract or parcell of land whereon Simon Poe formerly lived - joins Mrs. Hannah Poe, William Poe Junr. and the land formerly belonging to Morten and Richard Kennon and the land whereon Younger Neil now lives.


John Auld                                                      Alexr. Clark

Jacob Dardin                                                Pheby (X) Clark


9 October 1783

State of North Carolina to James Williams – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 170 a. on the South side of Haw River at the mouth of Brooks Creek – joins William Poe and Charles Morgan.

J. Glasgow Sec.                                           Alex. Martin


13 November 1784

John Crawford, Plantar to James Massey, Planter – Whereas John Morton of the County of Chatham being entitled to a fee simple Estate of in and unto a certain tract of land containing upwards of 100 a. or thereabouts lying on Haw River on the South Side – joins John Thomas, William Poe, James Howard and William Howard he the sd. John Morton by his last will and testament made some years ago divided the same to his wife Ruth during her Widowhood or Marriage and after Marriage or decease to go to his Children John, William, Polly and Betsey and their Heirs – and Whereas after the making of the said Will the said John Morton departed this life and his daughter Polly hath since intermarried with the said John Crawford who is agreeable to the said Will entitles to the reversion of one fourth part of the before described premises and the said John Crawford hath agreed to sell all his right title and interest of in and unto the same unto the said James Massey – 5 pds. – Ό part of the said recited and described premises – (premises not decribed).


Stephen Neal                                                           John Crawford

Pretyman Berry

Bernd McGuckin




10 May 1785

Roger Griffith high Sheriff of Chatham Co., North Carolina to Samuel Holaday – a Writ issued to him – you are hereby commanded that of the goods and Chattels and lands and Tenements of John Lindly in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of 138 pds. 8 sh. and 3 pc. Which lately in the County Court of pleas and Quarter Sessions Samuel Holaday recovered against John Lindly – sale of a tract of land – Samuel Holaday being the highest bider for the price of 100 pds. – 200 a. – it being a tract of land conveyed from John Cartret to George Williams.

Wit:                                                     Roget Griffith

Jas. Scurlock

William Poe



Page 120

1 May 1786

William Petty to Matthew Jones - 350 pds land - 145 a. beginning at a stake in George Lucases line running West 2 feet around the town till it intersects with the line  thou? Zachariah Harman, and his wife, Rebeckah's deed granted to William Petty thence along that line to John Cotton's line and round the various lines to the first station

William (W) Petty (his mark)

'Wit: Roger Griffith

William Poe


1790 Chatham

see usgenweb 
CHATHAM COUNTY, NC - CENSUS - 1790 Census, Hillsborough District
1790  census  North Carolina Chatham County  Hillsborough District
              1st #      free white males 16 year upwards and head of families
              2nd #     free white males under 16 years
              3rd #      free white   females and head of families
              4th #      all other free persons
              5th #      slaves
Poe, Wm                             1-2-4-0-0


Chatham County

11 February 1800


Will Book A, Page 25

(just after a record dated 11 February 1800)


Sale of Estate of William Poe, deceased

Buyers were:

Solomon Ferrell - cow; bell

Thomas Watson - bell; colt

Susannah Poe - cow, cow, cow, cow and calf, powdering tub, stand, two chairs, flax wheel, large wheel, pair wool cards, pari cotton cards, sifter, sixteen books, candlestick, curry comb, four knives, five forks, kettle, oven and hooks, loom , bell, two slays and harness, plow, hoe, hoe, mattock, axe, axe, scythe, feather bed, half bed, dresser furniture, table, set gears, tub, half bushel, churn, gray mare, two gimblets, set of spools, bridle, half beehive, two clevises, saw

Heath Hart - cow

William Campbell - cow; axe

John Bray - hand saw, adze and inshave; nine lasts

Robert Howell - heifer

Henry Bray, Sr - cow, bull; mattock; saddle; pot rack; pitch fork; two sheep

John Smith, Jr - gun

Henry Bray, Sr - cow, bull; mattock; saddle; pot rack; pitch fork; two sheep

John Smith, Jr - gun

Henry Bray, Jr - bell; set spools

John Graves - three sheep; set plow gears

Alexander Wilson - horse

Moses Sprinkles - iron wedge, flat iron, two sickles; loom; scythe; hatchet

Samuel Barker - pair double trees; bee hive; saddle

John Johnson - nine barrels of corn

William Allen - pot and hooks; cow hide

Robert Stinson - five yearling barrows, shovel plow

William Wilkerson - top stack

Benjamin Murray - shoemaker tools

Henry Bray, Administrator

Susannah Poe, Administratrix



Will Book A, page 14

No Date

Sale of the Estate of James Patterson, deceased

Buyers were:

among many others (I've listed those with last names that I know have a marriage to, or other connection to, the Poe name)

George Dismukes - 10 pair stirrup irons, table, writing desk

John Ramsey - six pair stirrup irons, six pair spectacles, yard silk, trumpet and twist, tea tray, four bowls, dish, landscape, looking glass, pair cart wheels, wheel barrow, five dozen buttons, case instruments

Thomas Harrington - seven yard linen, seven yard calico, cow and yearling

John Caudle - two yards superfine cloth

James Howard - lot buttons, Latyon and child

Phill Harrington - two hat bands, trunk, spinning wheel, cow, two dozen shirt buttons

William Patterson - stock, table, loom, clock, spinning wheel, dutch oven, pot, tea kettle, half dozen hoes, bay mare, bay mare

James Massey - seven books

Joseph Howard - two negro children

John Ramsey - James, a negro fellow

John Petty - still

James Petty - chisel

William Hackney - two handkerchiefs, mattock

Hana Straughn - four plains

George Saunders (see Saunders as neighbor of Samuel Poe in Essex County)

William Poe - phaeton

Mat Ramsee (Ramsey) - dutch fan

Lee Foushee - gray mare

R. Straughan  (Straughn) - pair  old cart wheels

James Ramey, Administrator

James Howard, Administrator

W. Warden, Administrator









1787 Census

Wilkes County

John Poe:1 male 21-60, 2 male (under 21 and above 60), 2 female all ages

William Poe: 1 male 21-60, 3 females all ages




1790 Wilkes County

William Powe (6) 2m<16, 1m>16; 3 f

Note: Aaron Kennedy between these entries

John Powe (5)  2m>16; 1m<16; 2 f


1795 William Poe enters 50 ac. In Wilkes Co. on waters of Big Elking R. border: Benjamin Herndon’s. N. Corner [line _____ lined out]; includes my barn.


        1795    William Poe enters 50 ac in Wilkes Co. on water of Big Elking R.
        1799    Robinett (sic) 100 ac on Elk Creek William Poe and runs E.


        1799    Witnessed land transaction William Poe* and Henry Poe



1 January 1799 Between Jacob McGrady and Hezekiah Hall … torn.. 100 ac N. fork Mulberry Creek … including plantation said Hall now lives on. Wits: Luke Jinnings, William Poe (X) & Henry Poe. Signed: Jacob McGrady


1800 Wilkes

William Poe 2<10, 1 10/16, 1 26/45; 2<10 2 10/16, 1 26/45; 2 <10, 2 10/16, 1 26/45



1790 Surry County

William Poe (9) 1 m >16, 3 m < 16, 5 f

[Edmund Poe]


12 March 1792 George Wooten to William Poe 150 pds 270 a adjoining William Petty

Ephraim (X) McLimore

Henry Poe (X)

George (X) Wooten


9 August 1787

Bk I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150 pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.

Nicholas Masters

William Poe (X) seal

Elizabeth Poe (X) seal

Daniel Hudson

Duly proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801 by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be registered. Test Jo Williams, C.C.



8 February 1796 A deed from George Wooten to William Poe was proved by Henry Poe and ordered to be registered 6 paid.




Randolph County



Randolph County, NC land entries, 1779, 1780 & 1783-1801 / by Barbara N. Grigg, Carolyn N. Hager & A. B. Pruitt.


Hager, Carolyn N.


Pruitt, Albert Bruce


Grigg, Barbara N.


[S.l] : The Compilers, c1994.


Deed Abstracts Books 1-5: 1779-1794


5:161 12 December Stafford Lednam of Molbery Co., SC to William Moon of Randolph Co. for 80 pds 200a in Randolph Co. adj. Onstat and Masser. Signed Stafford Lednam; Wit: William Rhodes, William Poe


1:126 10 May 1794 – Soloman Evens to Alexander Wilson for 100 pds., 100a on Big Brush Creek, Deep River waters

signed: Soloman Evins; Wit: Obediah Williams, William Poe Rec. August 1794 by Soloman Evins.

Others include Israel Elliott to William Elliott on waters of Polecat Creek

Joseph Sutton to John Lawler adj. Lawler and William Vestal




Wake County, NC


Abstracts of The Early Deeds of Wake County North Carolina 1785-1802. Joseph W. Watson. Rocky Mount, N.C. 1978

12 December 1796

Deed Book Q

p. 118

Benjamin Poe* of Wake Co. to Jonas Lassiter of same, Dec. 12, 1796, for 75 pds. a 150 acre tract of land and plantation on the east side of Log Branch, a branch of Kniels Creek, adjoining Liptrot. Wit: Johnson Poe, William Poe, Mark Myatt.





1800 Ashe (Wilkes)

Edmund Poe 2<10, 1 16/26; 1<10, 1 26/45

Henry Poe 2  < 10, 1 16/26, 1 26/45; 4 <10, 2 10/16, 1 16/26, 1 26/45

William Poe 2m 16/26, 1m >45; 1f >45