Martha Powe. wife of - Powe, his uncles and aunts and his collateral relations of the blood of his father, W. F. Ellerbe. 8. That his said uncles and aunts are all dead and the names and residences of their representatives, as far as your petitioner has been able to ascertain them, after long and diligent inquiry are as follows, to wit., Zack E. Powe Thomas W. Powe Ellerbe F. Powe A. E. Drake A. E. Ellerbe Madora Powe G. W. Duvall and wife Sarah William Powe James Powe Catherine Powe Charles Powe Walker Powe Josephine Powe Thomas E. Powe and other heirs of Esther Powe John McIver and wife Margaret, whose P. Office address is Cash Depot, S. C. Thomas Ellerbe, Washington Ellerbe, Neill Nicholson and wife Hannah, Henry Smith and wife Ann, John P. McQueen, whose Post Office address is DeKalb, Mississippi, and Peter Stansill and wife Eliza who reside in Rockingham, N. C. 9. That said W. T. Ellerbe at his death was seized and possessed of about one thousand acres of land adjoining the lands of David Sedberry and others comprised in various tracts, and also situated in Richmond County, North Carolina of the value of forty cents per acre, which descended as he is advised, to L. D. Prince, his brother of the half blood. 10. That L. D. Prince is dead leaving him surviving W.L.T.E. Prince, his only child and heir at law. 11. That W. L. T. E. Prince is an infant of tender years whose Post Office address is Bennettsville, S.C., and your petitioner believes has no guardian. 12. That a sale of the whole of said land is necessary to enable your petitioner to pay the cost and charges of the administration of the estate of said Ellerbe in this State, and to enable the Commissioner in Equity, or other proper Court or office having jurisdiction and control of the matter, to pay the debts proved against his estate in the action or proceeding to Marshal the assets of said estate instituted in the Court of Equity for Marlborough County, South Carolina by J. H. Gooch, Administrator of W. T. Ellerbe, dec' d, complainant. 13. Wherefore to the end that the above described lands may be sold upon such terms as to the Court may seem fit and proper and that proceeds may constitute assets in the hands of your petitioner for the payment of the cost and charges of the admin­istration in this State. and that the residue or balance may be paid to the officer or other person entitled by the laws of South Carolina to receive it. May it please the Court to cause copies of the summons and petition in this proceeding to be served personally upon P. W. Stansill and wife Eliza, and that service be made on each of thc other defendants, who reside beyond the limits of this State, by mailing copies of summons and petition to their post office addresses, and by publication for six consecutive weeks in the North Carolina Argus commanding them to be and ap­pear before John A. Long, Clerk of the Superior Court and Judge of Probate for Richmond County at his Office in Rockingham on or before the fifth day of November next ( 1870) and demur or answer this petition, or plaintiff will demand the relief asked for. Giles Leitch, Attorney for Petitioner ---­ I 1\lay II. I X42 Issuc Faycttcvillc Ohscrver: Died in Cheraw on the I ", Mrs. Caroline C. DuvaJl, daughter of Me Thomas Powc, Scn. Jul" 12, 1843 Issue: Died ncar Cheraw on the 14'11, Me Thomas Powe, aged 65. M&D Abstracts, 1841.1850. Tyner