Samuel Reynolds

1757 SC – 17 Oct 1845 in Coffee County, Tennessee


Married Mary Gray (1765 – c1855)

1790 Mary GREY was married Samuel REYNOLDS in Elbert County, Georgia


They lived on Oconey River then went to Franklin County, Tennessee


James Poe


knew Mary Gray “as a small boy”



Samuel REYNOLDS W1080 West Tenn. #22032, $40/year issued 27 Sept. 1833 Mary REYNOLDS, widow, Tenn. #5928 $40/year issued 7 June 1852


26 Nov.1832

Samuel REYNOLDS, aged about 75, was born in South Carolina and has no record of his birth. He was drafted in Spartanburg Dist. , S.C., for two months and served under Capt. Benjamin Kilghore. He served three other terms under the following officers: Capt. NESBIT, Col. William Fair, Lt. Cliff (?) CASEY and Maj. John FORD and William BLOSSEMGAME.


He received his discharges but they were burned at the house of his mother about eight years after the Revolution. He lived in Spartanburg district during the war and for about seven years after its close. He removed to Georgia, where he lived for 13 years,


After leaving Georgia he removed to Tennessee, and has lived in Franklin County for about 19 years. He knows of no persons by whom he can prove his service. Clergyman Joseph SMITH and William LASATER testify on his behalf of the soldier's reputation


26 August 1833 Franklin County

REYNOLDS states that his first tour of duty began 16 March 1780. This was stated during the first declaration but was incorrectly recorded by his "comrad' who wrote it. REYNOLDS believes the error was caused by his own great deafness and the consequent great difficulty of holding a conversation. During this tour he was engaged in guarding the frontiers of South Carolina under Capt. KILGORE. His second tour began 1 Sept. 1781: third tour began 2 June 1782; fourth tour began 2 Dec. 1782, and was for the purpose of keeping down the Tories, who still continued to molest and maraud the settlements. The night after the affiant returned home form performance of this tour of duty the Tories, about 14 or 15 in number, came riding through the yard of affiants step-father. Affant went off the same night and lay in the woods, and the next morning he went and joined Capt. BLOSSINGAME'S company...."Most of his service was performed in Spartanburg District.


15 Jan. Franklin County John TRAVIS, J.P., states Mrs Mary REYNOLDS is unable to appear in court due to old age and infirmity, but submits her claim for a widow's pension.


Rice SIMPSON aged 69 states Samuel REYNOLDS and Mary lived together as man and wife and had several children.


John HAMILTON states that in Dec. 1790 Mary GREY was married Samuel REYNOLDS in Elbert County Ga. Samuel died 17 Oct 1845 in Coffee County, Tenn.


Thomas WILLFORD aged 68 states that after the marriage of Mary GRAY and Samuel REYNOLDS they removed to the Oconey River about 30 miles from the residence of the affiant, after which they removed back to affiand's neighborhood again and then to Tennessee, which affiant did sometime later.



27 March Franklin County. Mary REYNOLDS, widow of pensioner Samuel REYNOLDS, aged 87 stated her marriage took place in Franklin County, Ga. in 1790.


David D. SMITH, J.P is aquatinted with the older children of Mary REYNOLDS and certifies that the oldest is at least 60. James REYNOLDS aged 58, second son of Samuel and Mary, stated he was born 14 Sept. 1793 according to the original record once in the possession of his father. His own family record is submitted as proof.


James REYNOLDS b. Oct 14, 1793

Jane M. REYNOLDS b.14, June1798

Martha REYNOLDS b. Oct. 12, 1821

Absalom (Geo.?) REYNOLDS b. Oct. 30, 1823

William (P.?) REYNOLDS b. Nov. 28, 1825

Ruben W. REYNOLDS b. Dec. 2, 1827

Edward (GB?) REYNOLDS b. Oct. 10, 1830

Jacob (Cases?) REYNOLDS b. May 5, 1833

John C. RENOLDS b. June 1, 1822

William Felix REYNOLDS b. Feb. 19, 1843

Elijah James RUNNELS May 15, 1854 (does not say born)

John M. RUNNELS born Sept. 11, 1847


Mr. Jacob AWALT, aged 62 is aquatinted with Jacob REYNOLDS and it has always been considered in the neighborhood where they live that they were about the same age.


29 March 1852 Franklin County

James POE aged 48 states he is acquainted with Mary REYNOLDS every since he was a small boy and is also acquainted with Jacob REYNOLDS, her oldest child, who is known in his neighborhood to be over 60 years old.


Benjamin MAJORS aged 47, states he lives in the same neighborhood as Jacob REYNOLDS, who is considered to be an old man.


1 June 1855 Franklin County Mary REYNOLDS aged 90 states her name before her marriage was Mary GRAY, and that no record of her marriage can be found. She appoints Pierce B. ANDERSON of Coffee County (Tullahoma) as her attorney, and submits and application for bounty land.

Witnesses David WEAVER, Alpha FREEMAN


1916 Inquiry of Miss Harriet TALBOT of Nashville, Tenn.

1936 Inquiry of Mrs. Carles S PASSMORE of Butte, Montana

1940 Inquiry of Janie M. Mitchell of Edgefield, S.C.