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Amelia / Prince Edward County, Virginia


Hamilton County, Tennessee


These men appear in records of Amelia County, Virginia by 1750


Robert Poe (born before 1728 -  )

Samuel Poe (born before 1730 –  )


The line of descent from these first settlers is not clear. The Samuel below had brother Robert. Perhaps these are junior sons of the earlier Robert and Samuel of Amelia County, VA.


Samuel Poe c.1750 - 1817 VA.

VA State Library

Public Service claims Prince Edward certificate. # 178-1 certificate to Samuel Poo (Poe)

43 lbs of bacon - April 3, 1781


#178-2 certificate to Samuel Poo (Poe)

for furnishing 1 beef weighing 250 lbs. Oct. 31, 1781


11 February 1814

Will of Samuel Poe (this appears to be a clerks transcription) from the era. My own transcription here suffers from my inability to make out the writing in some places)

"In the name of God, amen. I, Samuel Poe, of Prince Edward County do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former one by me made.

First it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid by my Executors first.

2. I give and bequeath unto Charles (Felvy?) for one negroe woman named Zelmima and her (nieces?) and the children she now has to him and his heirs forever.

3. I give and bequeath unto Samuel Williams the tract of land which I purchased of Anderson P. Miller also one half of my negroes not otherwise disposed of, one half of the Black Smith's and their tools and one half of my still to him and his heirs forever.

4. I give and bequeath until Hasten Poe the tract of lands I now live upon also the other half of my negroes not otherwise disposed of, one half of the Black Smith' tools and one half of my still to him an his heirs forever.

5. I give unto my brother Robert Poe one hundred pounds if he should be living after my death,

6. I give and bequeath unto my niece Drucilla Williams one hundred pounds, if she should be living after my death

7th I give and bequeath unto Samuel Bryant one Mulatto Boy named Edmund (can't decipher the last name) to live to return from the United States service and live his time out.

8th I [?] unto Mary Briant wife of Jesse Bryant Lucy & her three children [?]iniah, Clarissy, Harriot and their increase, during her life and at her death I give them to her children to be equally divided among them to [?] & their heirs, which negroes are now in the possession of Jesse Bryant.

9th I give and bequeath  all the residue and remainder of my estate not heretofore disposed of to be equally divided between Hasten Poe and Samuel Williams to them and their heirs.

Also it is my will and desire that if my brother Robert Poe or my niece Drusilla Williams, or Samuel Bryant should die before I do or either of them, that their legacy devised to that one deceased should remain as a part of my estate and be devided between Samuel Williams and Hasten Poe

Lastly I nominate and appoint John [Wallhall?] and Asborn Lockett Ecrs. to [?] my last will and testament. In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and fourteen --- [11 February 1814]

Signed sealed and published ---

In Presence of Us: Samuel Poe  (seal)



In Presence of the Testator


Nathan Johnson (X)

Thomas (W.?) Johnson (X)


At a county held for Prince Edward County March the 17th 1817. This last will and testament of Samuel Poe dec'd was presented in court and proved by this oath of [looks like crossed out ---- Johnson] Thomas W. Johnson on two witnesses [?] ordered that the same be recorded. On the motion of John Watthall (Walthall) on of the Executors therein named he with Abner Nash, Thomas Goode and Jol W. Jones his securities entered unto and acknowledged their bond for that purpose in the [?] of thirty thousand dollars conditioned according to Law and took the oath required by law. Certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form granted him

Test B. J. Wonham D.C. (name hard to make out)



Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705. Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Richmond, Virginia 1985

James Thweatt, Jr and wife Judith Archer


1 Dec. 1702

George Archer of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to James Thweat, Jr. of same parish, Charles City Co., for love & affection to his son in law William Traylor and Judith

his wife, daughter of said George, land on north side of Appomattox River in same parish, bounded by the river, Fleets Run, Porters Spring branch, John Porter; being all of said George's land on southwest side of Fleets Run, in trust to said James Thweatt for use of said William and Judith Traylor, for life and after that for use of their heirs.

Wit: James Thweatt, Jr., Charles Roberts, Henry Walthall

Signed: Geo. Archer,  Eliz. (A) Archer

Recorded 1 Dec. 1702

Elizabeth, wife of George, relinquished her dower right.


1 Dec. 1702 William Traylor of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to Edward Traylor or same, planter, for pounds 5, 100 acres in Bristol Parish on north side Appomattox River, next to George Archer; being part of a patent to said William, Oct. 14, 1701.

 Wit: James Thweatt, Jr., Cha. Roberts, Henry Walthall

Signed: Wm (X) Traylor, Judith Traylor

1 Dec. 1702

Judith, wife of William, relinquished her dower right.




The Hasten Poe mentioned in the will above


History of Hamilton Co., and Chattanooga, TN, Vol. 1 by Zella Armstrong.



page 203

Hasten Poe, born Sept 2, 1786, in Virginia; died April 10, 1878, in Hamilton County. Goodspeed’s Histories says that he served in the War of 1812. He moved, before 1815, to Greene County, Tenn. He returned to Virginia to be married and returning to his new home he was accompanied by his three brothers and their families. Hasten Poe moved to the Hamilton County section to reside. One of his brothers settled in the same section and two on Sand Mountain, Ala. Hasten Poe established Poe's Tavern at Poe's Cross Roads, in 1818. When Hamilton County was erected in 1819, Poe's Tavern was designated by the commissioners as the meeting place of the Circuit Court. Poe's Tavern became, therefore, the first county seat. Poe's Tavern survived until 1911. Hasten Poe married Celia Bryant, in Virginia. She was born Aug. 25, 1786. She died Dec. 28, 1875 in Hamilton County.


Hasten Poe married Celia Bryant. Bond 12/6/1813 parent Jesse Bryant married December 13.


Prince Edward County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1754-1866

Typed by Genealogy Society of Utah. November 1936

 Hasten Poe m Silia Briant 6 Dec 1813 (Celia Bryant) Bondsman Jesse Briant, father


The Hasten Poe will is difficult to read in the original. It looks like ".... that Isiah (actually the scrawl looks more like Rsasiah)  Poe have 250 acres and Thomas (looks like Nuselhous) and the heirs of William (Nuselhous?) have 240 acres. My daughter Elizabeth Coudray 600 acres


grandchildren W. H. Poe, Hasten Hamilton Poe, John Hill Poe, Sarah (can't read) Poe and James A. Poe have tracts of land on death of daughter Elizabeth Coudray. Witness: William R. Mysinger, H? C? Hickman.



Marriage License W. H. Poe age 31 of Johnson Co., AR. and M. E. Hardeman, age 28 years of Johnson Co. AR. 22 December 1875 pub.



page 319

Major Samuel Porter Poe, born 1810, died 1865, was the son of Hasten and Celia Poe. He raised a regiment in Hamilton County for service in the Mexican War and was elected major. Before the regiment could march he was notified that the War was over. He married Mary E. Bryant, sister of Samuel Bryant. Their children were:

(1) William Poe, who served in the Confederate Army;

(2) John Hill Poe, born 1849, died Dec. 11, 1927, married Sarah Louise Bean, daughter of Major William Bean; and

(3) Sarah Poe, who married James Putnam;

(4) Hasten Hamilton Poe.





































                                    Hasten Hamilton Poe and Ruth Champion









Brother of Hasten Hamilton Poe


John Hill Poe (25 October 1849 – 11 December 1927)

Sara Louise Bean (9 May 1854 – 5 April 1930)

(NOTE: writing on the back of the photo imaged here is reported to state 1933 and it appears to be a note for an obituary. However it is reported that Sara’s grave marker shows the year of death as 1930)

















Poes from Hamilton County, Tennessee


On the right is Floyd Poe born 1880's

The other man is believed to be Porter Poe, his 1st cousin.

















Coke Poe, Porter Poe….










Poe Tavern, Daisy, Tennessee. Also used as first courthouse of Hamilton County.