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Poe Family in Anson County North Carolina

Includes Richmond, Montgomery and Cheraw District, South Carolina


Note about Searching this page and links to Map sites


References such as NC-1 below refer to numbers on: North Carolina Bibliography


Peedee River Area Map


Anson County


For whatever it is worth since I failed to record the source of this information, sometime in the 1980s I wrote down from a references this statement:

            When James Poe, Stephen Poe’s brother, migrated to Fayette Co, AL, family historians recorded that certain nieces and nephews went with James Poe to Fayete. However James Poe, Stephen Poe’s son remains with his mother. James, Stephens’ son died young, never married.





p. 207

15 February 1783

Sales of Estate of William McHenry. Buyers: Mary McHenry, Arthur Davis, Jesse Miller, Peter Watts, Jesse McHenry, John McClendon, Jonathan Jackson, Sheriff.


Montgomery County

A list of outstanding debts in the Province of North Carolina due James Cotton, Esq, by bonds notes and book accounts February 1776 when the obligations and books fell into the hands of the enemy, which list was made out to the best of his knowledge, together with the help of Capt. Walter Cunningham, his assistant surveyor of land in that province, who for some time lived in his family, was well acquainted with this affairs and also the several debtors here inserted.



James Auld

James Hutchins

Thomas Reynolds,

Daniel McMullen (McMillion or McMillan)

William Pratt


Tax List 1782

Patty Bradford

(several Ballard)

Job Calloway

Nathan Howard

Peter Hamblett

John Hamblett

Aron McMillan 65 acres

Amos McMillan 100 acres  --- this is the family of the McMillan women who married into the families of John Poe and Simon Poe below.



Petition to have Anson County divided by PeeDee River, among signers: Isaac Nall, Joseph Nall




Deed Books D, C2 & E


2327 (162)

26 March 1793

Vincent Self (Anson Co) to Ebenezar Marsh ("Cabarrass" Co, NC); for pounds 200 sold 100 ac on SW side of "Pee" R and on "Lains" Cr; (Lane Creek – see below) border: begins at a spanish oak on the creek in the bend of a small stream and joins Holley; granted in 1769 to James White. (signed) Vincent Self; witness William Richardson & Jos Rosser juratt; wit. oath Oct. 1793 by Joseph Rosser; book C2 p. 212.




Index lists these names with grant number:

Peter Watts  905, 1298, 1056

Benjamin Watts 1526

Malachi Watts 776, 1149, 1163, 1214, 1461, 1467, 406, 407


1793 (although actual entry is undated it is surrounded by 1793)

1505 (78) (no date) James Poe (Powe) enters 100 ac on Gum Log Br. of Lanes Cr.


See images: Gum Log Branch         Lanes Creek runs from Anson County into Union County. Gum Log Branch is clearly in Union County, which was formed in 1842 from Anson and Mecklenburg. This is long after the Poe groups moved to Fayette and Tuscaloosa Counties in Alabama. 


1569 (49)

13 May 1794

Daniel Ross enters 150 ac on Gum Log Br of Lanes Cr: border: John Deason, James Poe (Janus Poe) & Edward Castly.


 1573 (53)

10 June 1794

Amon McMillion enters 84 ac on Cedar fork of Richardson’s Cr; border: his own land


1574 (54)

10 June 1794

Amon McMillion enters 60 ac on Buck Br of Richardsons Cr: includes the Buck Br Spring.


--- Amon’s 1825 will in Tuscaloosa Co, AL named daughter Margaret Poe. She was married to James Poe born 1797.


1582 (62)

19 July 1794

Michael Shannon enters 100 ac on waters of Lanes Cr and Lower Cowpen Br of Vicars Br: between William Shepherd and James Poe


1589 (69)

23 July 1794

duplicate issued "by resolution" dated 13 December 1800: issed in name of Thomas Watts (signed) WW. July 23, 1794 William Bennett enters 200 ac on waters of Jones Cr and Bailies (sic) Cr; border: William Bennett Sr's second corner




Deed Books D, C2 & E


2902 (420)

8 December 1794

Gov. Richard Dobbs Spaight (New Bern, NC) to James Poe; grant #1327 for pounds 0.30 per 100 ac sold 100 ac on Gum log Br of Lanes Cr; border: begins at a red oak on "the" bank of the branch "just below" John Deason's beginning (signed) Richd Dobbs Spaight & J. Glasgow, secretary; book E p. 419


1980 (60)

15 October 1795

Francis Baker (Anson Co) to John Baker (same) for pounds 50 specie sold 100 ac on "Lane's" Cr (Lain's) border; above Joseph White's survey [but no metes & bounds mentioned, deed refers to patent, but no details of patent]. (signed) Francis Baker; witness Wyatt Poe (Wiot), Elizabeth Baker, & Elizabeth Poe; wit. oath Oct. 1795 by Wiott Poe, book D p 72


2749 (213)

10 July 1797

Gov. Samuel Ashe (Raleigh, NC) to Michael Shannon; grant #1295; for pounds 0.30 per 100 ac sold 100 ac on waters of Lanes Cr and on Little Cowpen fork of Vicars Br; border: begins at James Poe's corner post road; warrant dated Nov. 4, 1794 (signed) Saml Ashe & J. Glasgow, Secretary; book E p.254


Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Will Book 1821 - 1855. Maggie Hubbard Sudduth 1994


Obed Baker

30 April 1822. Proven - no date

I, Obed Baker . being in a low state of health, but in perfect mind and memory do make constitute ordain and appoint this my last will and testament. And after recommending my body to the ground and my soul to God who first gave it, do bequeath as follows,


In the first place I will that out of my personal affects all my Just Debts be paid

Secondly I give and bequeath the remained of my estate both real and personal to my beloved wife Rachel Baker during her natural life and at her death the same to pass into the possession of my Daughter Nancy Appling in whose possession and enjoyment I wish it to remain during her Widowhood, and then to be divided as follows viz I give to my beloved children John Baker, Sally Laurence, Polly Laurence, Susanna Freeman, Nancy Apling, Ten Shillings Each the ballance of the estate I give to my five Grand-children, viz Seaborn Apling, Zepporah Poe, Enoch Apling, Sarah Apling, and Nancy Green Apling to be equally divided amongst them revoking and disannulling all and every other will heretofore by me made. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirtieth day of April 1822. Signed and acknowledged in presence of

Jno L. Tinadall

Elizabeth Baker (her X)

Obed Baker (mark)

Hugh Laurence.


25 July 1823

Absolem Deason (other sources: born 23 March 1790, died 6 September 1857)

Married Zeporah Poe, marriage license dated 25 July 1823 and solemnized 5 August; Tuscaloosa County, AL. Zeporah Poe was widow of _______ Poe and daughter of Thomas Appling. Absolem Deason conveys land to Benjamin Blackburn 26 January 1827 in Tuscaloosa Co, AL. He appears as a witness in February 1920 in Tusc. Co. Absolem Deason, SR buys land from John M. Davis

26 July 1838 in Tusc. Co one John Deason married Rebecca Hassell 28 February 1832 in Tus. Co.

NOTE: John Deason born 1 July 1809 died 17 March 1878






19 June 1800. Toddy Robinson and Eli Terry to Robert Webb all of Richmond Co, NC Wit: R. Poe; Hester Hinson


1800 Census


NOTE: 1783 Chatham Co. Pg. 51A

A Deed from Benjamin Watts and Wife to James Poe, Jr. proved by the Oath of John Berry, Jr..


The James Poe, JR in the deed above had to be born prior to 1762. HOWEVER, the James Poe JR in this 1800 census is at most 26 years old  (or born c. 1773) according to the notations. 


The James Poe SR in this 1800 record seems to be Maj. James Poe. But the James Poe, JR is too young to be the same one as in the record from 1783. However, it does fit pretty well with the age of James Poe, orphan son of Stephen Poe, brother of Major James Poe.


16 February 1778 William Howard, “gaudn” of James Poe orphan of Stephen Poe decd, enters 450 ac; border: Berry’s line on Haw R., runs up the river to the mouth of Brooks Cr, up the “break” opposite James Herndon’s line, up his line W to Poe’s line, along Poe’s line to Berry’s line & along Berry’s line to the beginning; James William caveated; proceedings returned to May Court; discontinued by “ J W” ; warrant issued to “W H” Jul. 25.





These are adjacent, James Powe, SR then James Poe JR


James Powe, Sr

1 male under 10

1 male under 10

1 male 10-15                        

1 male over 45   

1 female under 10

1 female 10-15

1 female over 45


James Powe, Jr 

1 male under 10

1 male under 10

1 male 16-26 – this census record may identify James Poe, orphan of Capt. Stephen Poe (d. 1773) . Note in the 1820 census, the only James Poe listed still is not over 26, but has a woman in the household over 45. The Melton family was close to my John Poe (1785-1859) family. His son, William Threet Poe traveled from Arkansas to Alabama in 1775 to marry as this third wife, Mary H. Melton, daughter of Elihu Melton. All we can do is base our charts on the preponderance of evidence.


1 female 16-26




Wiat Powe                                                                       

1 male 26-44

1 female 16-25


James McMillan




1810 Census (Where is Wiatt????)


Note McMillan (McMillion) are neighbors and there were several marriages with Poe.

Alabama Records ---- Volume II. Compiled by Kathleen Paul Jones and Pauline Johns Gandrud


Hardy Harten, of Anson County, N.C. dated 19 Sept. 1838 – codicil dated 21 Sept. 1838 – probated Apr. Session 1839. Book 1 p. 129. Wife (not named); daughter Sally Holly; son John; Green Harten; Littleton Harten at his mother’s death; daughter Mary Janes; dau Martha Poe; son Hardy W. Harton; Elizabeth A. Harten at her grandmother’s death, to be kept by John Harten; grandson, the son of my son James Harten, namely James H. Harten. Wit: Thomas L. Marsh, Obed. H. Sinclair, Robert L. Connell


NOTE: Martha Poe was as daughter of Simon B. Poe, who I believe to be a son Simon Poe b. 1782




James Poe

1 male 16-25 --- (my John Poe was born in 1785. This fits exactly)

1 male over 44

1 female 16-25

1 female over 44


James Poe – still looks like the James Poe, orphan of Stephen Poe. Family lore does state that Stephen’s sons went to Alabama with his brother James Poe’s family.

4 males under 10

1 male 26-44

1 female under 10

1 female 10-16

1 female 26-44


Thomas Powe

1 male 16-25

1 female under 10

1 female 16-25

Note: Fits Thomas Poe 1840 Census, Fayette County, Alabama  Free White Male 50-60


Simon Powe      

1 male 16-25

1 male 26-44 – Simon Poe believe to be my John Poe’s brother was born in 1782

3 female  under 10

1 female 16-25

1 female 26-44

Note: Fits Simon Poe 1840 Census, Fayette County, Alabama  Free White Male 50-60    -- 2 men of this age.


1820 Anson County Census (Where is Wiatt Poe? Where is Thomas Poe?)




James Poe

1 male under 10                  6 person engaged in Agriculture.

2 males 10-15

2 males 16-17

1 male over 45

1 female under 10

1 female 10-15

1 female over 45



John Poe

3 males under 10                1 female slave under 15

1 male 10-15                       3 persons engaged in agriculture

1 male 26-44

1 female under 10

1 female 26-44




Simon Poe

2 males 16-25

1 male 26-44

1 males over 44

1 female under 10

2 female 10-15

1 female 16-25

1 female 26-44




William Poe (middle initial or name hard to read. Strange “P” also. Looks lie “L” but it is alphabetically in the P section)

1 male under 10

1 male 26-44

2 female under 10

1 female 18-25



Huntley Township:

Thomas Watts males 1 <10; 1 10/16; 1 16/18; 2 16/26; 1 >45 females 1 <10, 1 >45


Poe Township:

Evan Threet (Threat) males 1 16/26; females 2 <10, 1 16/26

Nancy Threet (Threat) males 1 10/16; 1 16/26 females 1 <10; 1 26/45


Note: These families moved to Fayette Co. AL before 1830 – lineage of this researcher is through John Poe, believed to be a son of Major James Poe. John Poe’s wife, Sarah Threet was born in SC according to the 1850 census in Alabama. She may have been, but then the family moved across to NC. Evan Threet also moved to Arkansas. I think he is Sarah Threet’s brother, but no proof but proximity.




NC- 48


8445. September  16, 1820 Abel Stack (Anson Co) to Miles Threet Threatt (SC); for $50 sold 50 ac on waters of Sandy Cr; border: begins at said Stack's second corner hickory of 300 ac survey in a line, joins a spring branch, & the state line. (signed) Abel Stack; (witness) John Poe & William Ross; wit. oath January 1826 by William Ross; book V p. 191.


John Poe and Sarah Threet named a son Miles Elkin Poe


8375. October 3, 1821 John Poe (Anson Co) to William Anderson (same); for $100 sold 100 ac on Gum Log Br waters of Lanes Cr., border: begins at a black oak near the branch. (signed) John Poe, (witness) Simon Poe & William Ross; wit. oath July 1825 by William Ross; book V page 143.


Here is a link to a Hugh Ross' will


8379. November 3, 1821 John Poe (Anson Co) to William Anderson (same); for $200 sold 100 ac on W side of Gum log Br waters of Lanes Cr; border begins at a black oak near the branch & crosses "Pully" line Br. (signed) John Poe (witness William Ross; wit. oath July 1825 by William Ross; Book V p. 146


------ This seems to be sales of land in preparation for the move to Fayette County, Alabama. This is November and it is said they were there by 1822


8411. December 18, 1822 Elijah Stack (Anson Co) to Evan Threet (Threatt) (same); for $100 sold 100 ac on Willis' Br; border begins at a red oak near Abel Stack's line. (signed) Elijah Stack's mark "X"; (witness) William Ross & Thomas Renfro; wit. oath October 1825 by William Ross; book V p. 169.



9868. December 18, 1830 Abel Stack, gentleman (Anson Co) to Thomas Threet (Threat) (same); for $150 sold (omitted) ac; border: begins at Lewis Reeves' corner stake & joins an old field; being remainder of a grant (no date) Wilson English who sold to Cader Gewin deceased and to Alfred Gewin & Jane Thomas by heirship who sold to Abel Stack (signed) Abel Stack; (witness) John Stack & John Elliott; wit. oath January 1831 by John Stack; book X p. 443.


NC- 49


21 September 1838

Will Book B, Page 90

Will of Hardy Horton (Harton may the preferred spelling, also seen as Hardin, Hartin, etc.), deceased

I… lent to wife during her life or widowhood, the following property, six negroes, named, Old Jane, Lucy, Cinda, Chany, Bob and Hampton..

Daughter… Sally Hally, one negro girl named Chany

Son John Horton, one negro boy Hardy

To Green Horton, one negro boy Warren…

To Littleton Horton, one negro boy Arthur

Daughter Mary James, $250 and lend one negro girl named Jane,

Daughter Martha Poe*, one negro girl named Silva,

Son Hardy Horton, one negro boy named Henry

To Elizabeth A. Horton, $250, the negros Rosie and daughters, If she should be of age or marries and upon the same to be kept by John Horton and to be let out as he thinks best for the children. If she never marries nor has heirs of her body, then at her death to be equally divided amongst my surviving heirs.

My grandson the son of my son James Horton, namely James H. Horton, $50…. Kept by John Horton, my son…

I appoint my wife and John Horton, Executors in this state, and my wife and Hardy W. Horton in the state of Alabama.


Two daughters-in-law, Deadanna Horton and Rebecca Horton… each $25.

Signature 21 September 1838


Thomas L. Marsh

B. H. Sinclair

Robert L. Caswell


* Wife of Simon B. Poe, presumably the son of Simon Poe, son of Major James S. Poe who settled in Anson with sons James Poe JR, John Poe (who married Sarah Threet) and Simon Poe father of Simon B. Poe.