1747 - 1748

p. 3

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman, 9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe, Jr.  N B. The deed to be made to  Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James Genn. .


JAMES GREEN, assignee of William Tapp, 9 Dec. 1747 (date from survey, no warrant included) - 5 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. adj. Capt. James Compton. "Memd William Tapp Desires to have the deed made out to his Son in Law James Green." CC - John Poe & James Green.  Marker – John Roberts. Surv. James Genn.


DANIEL JACOBUS, 2 Oct. 1747 - 12 Jan. 1747/48; 300 a. where he lives in little fork of Rappa. R. & on Cattle Rap; adj. Capt. James Compton. CC - George Strother & John Poe. Marker­ Fra: Jacobus. Deed drawn & delivered to Francis Strother. Surv. James Genn.



p. 13

WILLIAM POE, 9 Dec. 1747 - 26 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. at Little Batte Run. William Poe has made an improvement joyning his other land & near the main road; adj. Capt. Compton, Watson & Poe's pat. CC - John Poe & William Gouge. Surv. James Genn.



Prince William County


Virginia County Court Orders. Order Book Abstracts of Prince William County, Virginia 1752-1753. Sparacio 1988


At the beginning of each of the Minute Book are several pages of the Sheriff's return giving the Plaintiff, the Defendant, the Debt, the Cost, the Writ, the County and the Return. Following are the Plaintiffs and Defendants from this and the County if not Prince William County.

Dates Missing: 

Plaintiff Alexander and Daniel Campbell

Defendant: John Poe, Thos. Withers, Charles Wright, Thomas Bridges and James Garner


31 May 1753

Alexander and Daniel Campbells Plaintiffs John Poe Defendant. In Debt The Defendant pleads payment which the plaintiff Joins and the Tryal thereof is referred to next Court.



Prince William County Minute Book


p. 145 (31 May 1753)

Alexander and Daniel Campbells Plaintiffs John Poe Defendant         In Debt

The Defendant pleads payment which the plaintif Joins and the Tryal thereof is referred to the next Court.


10 August 1753

Plaintiff: Alexa. & Daniel Campbell

Defendant: John Poe, Thomas Withers, Charles Wright, Thomas Bridges and James Garner



Fauquier Families 1759-1799


Thomas D. Elliot, D 2-170, 1764. Sells (or pledges) personal property to Martin Pickett. M 3-346, 1767. Indicted for drunkennss and swearing. D 6-123, 1775. Assigns lease from Rev. James Scott, 1 Slave, and all personal est to William Elliott in trust for wife Mary Elliot and children Ellis, Martin, and Curtis Elliot; wit incl. John Powe.


Culpeper County Minute Book, 1763-1764 Sparacio.



John Lindsey, Plt agst. William Meldrum, deft. . . . jury includes John Poe


22 April 1763. p. 320

On motion of John Poe, a witness for John & Robert Gouge at the suit of Samuel Moore, being sworn, ordered that the said John & Robert Gouge pay him two hundred pounds of tobacco for eight daies attendance at this Court as the Law directs.


Fauquier County, Virginia Deeds, 1778-1785 Compiled by John K. Gott


Page 123. 13 February 1775. B & S. Bet. Thomas Elliott of Leed  Par. and William Elliott of same.. lease held under the Rev'd Mr. James Scott .. one Negroe man slave. James, all personal estate.. for the maintenance of Mary Elliott, wife of sd. Thomas and their following children.. Ellis. Martin, and Curtis and good Clothing for sd. Thomas and at his death the "working tools" to belong to said Wm. .. Signed: Thomas Elliott, William Elliott.           Wits: J. Moffett, John Powe, Thomas Maddux. Rec: 27 March 1775. prov. by o. of wits.



Fauquier Families 1759-1799


MB 10/26/1792  Murphy, William H to Leanna Pow. Fatherless and motherless niece of Samuel Pow/Poe, wit William Corder, John Pow; bd James Penny.


Feb. 4, 1808

This day I give my daughter Nanny, child Elizabeth one black mare the age of ten years this Spring out low one feather bed and furniture given under my hand and seal this day above mentioned and future increase.


William Poe

John Poe






Colonial soldiers of the South, 1732-1774.  Murtrie June Clark

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983.


Chatham County Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.


19                    Pvt                               Benjamin Poe *

27                    Pvt                               William Poe**

53                    Pvt                               John Poe**

104                 Pvt                               Charles Poe



John Poe*

Ordered that a road be laid out and turned the nearest and best way from where Jacob Fudge turned out of the Quakers road, to run across Barr (Creek Bear Creek?) below George Hendrys field along a ridge in a straight course to the ford on Deep River, & any 12 of the following be a jury to lay out the same, Vis: John Poe, George Hendry (sic, believe it is Hendricks), Daniel Brown, Jeremiah Melton, Willis Barger, Jr., John Brown & William Popland.



(Poe and Roe records get confused) See records below  John Poe” on “Harland’s Creek

P. 28 - 12 Feb. 1771 - John Roe and Mary Roe his Wife of Orange County to Robert Rutherford of the County and the province afore­said - 76 pds. 12 she - 425 a. lying in the County of Orange on both sides of Harlands Creek - joins Aron Harland.

Wit:     William (X) Petty, Jr.                        John (X) Roe

            Mildred (X) Petty                               Mary (X) Roe

S. Malone



10 May 1774

John Poe appointed Overseer of the road in the room of George Henry. (or Hendry / Hendricks?)


page 6

Ordered that George Hendric be appointed Constable the ensuing year he having given John Thompson and John Poe Security.



William Pearsey (above Piersey) appointed overseer of the road in room of John Poe from Barr Creek to Indian Creek.


-------- Other records list John ROE on Harlands Creek

John Poe Sr* be appt overseer of the road from Harlands Creek to Evan's Mill & that the following hands work thereon, Viz: his own hands, James Poe's, Thomas Griffin's, John Griffens, William Haley's, Richard Haley's, Benj. Harris', Aaron Evan's, the hands living on Henry Bagley's plantation, & Charles Harrington's.


In Essex County, VA records we find a John Griffin, James Griffin among others associated with Poe. As well and Evans family

*implying a junior.



pg. 84-85


A Road be turnd and laid out the best way from the piney mountain to the Iron works on Deep River and that the following Jury or any twelve of them layout the same Viz. Isaac Brooks, George Popland, Richard Gregory, John Poe, Henry Welsh, Walter Welsh, Solomon Morgan, Sam­uel Temples, John Montgomry, Balaam Thompson, John Thompson, Thomas Graves, William Graves, James Kendrick, Thomas Dowdy, William Dow­dy, Daniel Brown.



10 February 1778

John Nall (Nalls) enters 600 ac on Bear Cre at Racoon Fourd where the “new rode” corsses; border: runs along his old line to “the” corner, E to Wm Duncan’s new line, N to his corner, E down said Duncan’s [line] to John Poe’s old line, N along Poe’s line to Bear Cr, & up the creek to the beginning; Stephen Powell caveated; warrant issued Jan. 2, 1779 in “pr” to John Nall per agreement; [see note] same as Nol. 5; [file No. 414


pg. 117, Feb.10, 1778
Charles Clanton sells to Richard Kennon, for 20 pds, 20 acres of land on Rockey River, joining John Brantley.
                Charles Clanton
                Sarah (X) Clanton
John Auld
Sarah Clanton was privately examined by John Thompson, Esq. and relinquished her dower right.


16 February 1778

John Nall (Nalls) entere 300 ac on N side of Bear Cr; border: runs W along an old dividing line between Gideon Gilbert and John Poe for 0.5 miles, then N 0.75 miles, then E, then S to Poe’s old line, then “round” to beginning; warrant issued May 20.


104. May 13, 1778 James Williams enters 200 ac on S side of Bear Cr; border: near S corner of John Poe's line, runs S about 0.5 Miles, &  ; warrant issued Sept. 2; warrant returned; William Duncan caveated: proceedings returned to Feb. Court.




485 30 October 1778 - Francis Calloway (Callaway) e. 300 ac Brushey fork near Roaring River. near spring where Morgans path turns out of New River Road, includes both sides of fork & the clearing .. (Francis Calloway marked out; John Poe written in)


923 5 March 1779 - Benjamin Herndon e 200 ac Great Elkins Creek, including an old cabbin and small improvement where Thomas Parks, Junr. formerly lived . . . (Benjamin Herndon marked out, John Poe written in)


[Note from the book - marked out / written in indicates transfer of entry before issuance of a grant. NC did not acquire title until confiscation act of 1778. Entry book first organized March 1778]



29 July 1782

Between John Morgan and Roger Turner.. 100 lbs.. 293 ac.. Middle fork Roaring River.. Halls Creek.

Wits: John Poe, John Walker & G. Wheatley. Signed: John Morgan. Page 552




1784 Taxables 1785-1786

                                                             Polls       Acres

1784      John Poe                            1             100

1785      John Poe                           2            100




                 Book 9               

                John Poe                           1             100


Captain S. Johnson's District

Name No.             Acres No. Polls

John Poe            100         1

William Poe         250         1






Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1779

p. 183

John McBay appointed overseer of the road in room of John Poe the ensuing year


31 March 1780

State of North Carolina to John Nall* – 50 sh. For every 100 a. – 600 a. on Bear Creek at the Rackoon Ford where the near Road Crosses – joins John Nalls old line and John Poe*s land.

Wm. Sheppard Sec.                  Rd. Caswell



31 March 1780

State of North Carolina to John Nall – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 300 a. on the North side of Bear Creek – joins Stephen Powell and John Poe.



(I am seeing John Roe confused with John Poe --- all John Poe references need to be checked with primary sources or by location of the lands)

23 October 1780

State of North Carolina to John Poe – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 640 a. on both sides of Bear Creek.

Wm. Sheppard Sec.                                     Alex. Martin


* Sarah Howard, daughter of James Howard, married Mial Scurlock – according to other researchers. William Howard, who took in children of Stephen Poe after his death in 1773 must be related, perhaps a brother. The Howard family appears to have come from Henrico County, VA where some of the Amelia/Prince Edward County, VA Poe family can be found.



29 July 1782. Between John Morgan and Roger Turner .. 100 lbs.. 293 ac.. Middle fork Roaring River .. Halls Creek. Wits: John Poe, John Walker & G. Wheatley. Signed: John Morgan. Page 552


23 October 1782

State of North Carolina to William Hayle – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 400 a. on the North side of Bear Creek – joins John Poe.

J. Glasgow Sec.                                Alex. Martin


23 October 1782

State of North Carolina to William Dunkin – 50 sh. for every 100 a. – 100 a. – joins John Poe and his own line.

J. Glasgow Sec.                                Alex. Martin



Page 527

23 October 1782

State of North Carolina to John Nall – 50 sh. for every 100 a – 600 a on Bear Creek at the Rackoon Ford where the near Road Crosses – Joins John Nall’s old line and John Poe’s land.


12 November 1783

John Poe of Wilkes Co., N.C. to Thomas Newman of Chatham Co., N.C. – 12 pds – 100 a. on the North side of Bear Creek the place where the said Thomas Newman now lives


John Wyatt*                              John Poe

John Rennals*



Pg. 98B

Deed from John Pilkinton & Sarah his wife Proved by John Poe


12 November 1787

William Haley of Wake County, N.C. to Josiah Glass of Chatham County, N.C. – 50 pds – 400 a on Bear Creek – joins John Poe – the same being 400 a. by a Grant issued to Wm. Haley by his Excellency Alex. Martin Esqr. Dated 23 October 1782.


Jos. Rosser                                      William Haley

William Green


1802 Aaron Canaday 200 ac in Wilkes on Big Elkin Creek joins John Poe's line.


1809    witnessed land transaction John Poe


NC Grant Isaiah Fields Big Elkin John Poe's line




Wilkes Co


1790 Census

William Powe (6) 2m<16, 1m>16; 3 f

Note: Aaron Kennedy between these entries (this name is spelled many ways, including Canada and Canaday)

John Powe (5) 2m>16; 1m<16; 2 f>                                                                    


October 14, 1793

Martin Canndey (or Canada/ Kennedy) enters 18ac in Wilkes Co. on Grassey Fork of Big Elkin R.; Border: John Poe and runs on both sides of said creek.


Worth noting that Jonathan Poe appears in Caswell County records and seems to have come with the Parks family and others (perhaps even Day) from Culpeper County.  There seem to be distinct records in Culpeper Co VA for a John Poe and Jonathan Poe


Caswell County -


12 Jan 1793

John Poe Bride: Elisabeth Parks* Bond Date: 12 Jan 1793 Record #: 01 238 Bondsman: Solomon Parks Witness: Ald Murphey Bond #: 000017520




1795 Richard Allen enters 640 ac on Big Elkin R.; border at or near John Poe’s East Corner; transferred to Charles Gordon, Sr.


1795 William Poe enters 50 ac. In Wilkes Co. on waters of Big Elkin R. border: Benjamin Herndon’s. N. Corner [line _____ lined out]; includes my barn.


1795 John Poe enters 50 ac. In Wilkes Co. on Big Elkin River; border a conditional line between James Goudes and myself and runs S.



30 January 1797

Present: John Brown, Charles Gordon, Jesse Robinett, Esqrs.


Deed from John Poe to John Adams 300 ac; oath Spencer Adams


1800 Census

John Poe 1 >45

William Poe 2<10, 1 10/16, 1 26/45>; 2<10 2 10/16, 1 26/45>; 2 <10, 2 10/16, 1 26/45>



ASHE CO 1806


John Poe vs. Thomas Laxton

Case. Jury sworn and empanneled (to wit):

Henry Cornett Wm. Walters Isaac Wilborn

John Henson Michael Crider Henrey Snow

James Dixon Jos. Plummer Boston Grimes

David Edwards Wm. Snow Jno> Hall



17 August 1809 Between Noel Waddle and Isaiah Fields …. $405 … 200 ac. Both sides of Big Elkin … it being part of 250 ac tract near Hadens Creek. Wits: Thomas Lansece (Lawrence?) (sic) John Poe and Charles (x) Waddle. Signed: Noel Waddle



1830 Ashe County

William Poe

John Poe

Mathias Poe


 Black Winter 1981 15:4:(17) Black Vs Black & Poe

A land dispute involving Absalom and Jacob Black and Jno Poe in Ashe Co., NC in 1829.



John Poe Jr.  Bride: Elizabeth Walters Bond Date: 06 Oct 1839 Record #: 02 006 Bondsman: Wm). C. Parkes Witness: Jno. Tomlin Bond #: 000002093