Analysis of Patricia Caviness Perkins, provided January 10, 2007


Family of William Poe and Elizabeth Bray

Analysis of connection to William Poe (born before 1705 Culpeper County, Virginia) and wife Lydia,


Revolutionary War Patriot Henry W. Poe of Wilkes County, North Carolina. 


Henry W. Poe

According to his Revolutionary War records, Henry W. Poe was born in 1758 in Culpeper Co, Virginia and died after 1732 in Sullivan County, Tennessee

See: Appendix F


War records state that he enlisted in the Rev war in Randolph County, North Carolina while living in Chatham Co NC.  That probably was around 1777 if he enlisted at 19 years of age. In 1782, his record states, he deserted the army.


William Poe and wife Elizabeth Poe also were residents of Chatham County about the time Henry enlisted .

See Appendix A


Later a William and Elizabeth can be found in the records of Surry County, North Carolina along with Henry Poe and Edmund Poe. (No other William Poe married to an Elizabeth is known from the historical record). This indicates a close relationship between these individuals.


William Poe married Elizabeth Bray, daughter of Henry Bray of Chatham County. He mentions Elizabeth Poe in his will of 1790.


also linked from



A William Poe is known from the records of Culpeper County, Virginia and is recorded as a son of William Poe (born before 1705) and wife Lydia. William Poe “JR” seems to be absent from the Culpeper County area just as records for William Poe of the Siler City, Chatham County, NC appear about 1771.

See Appendix B


Between 1773 and 1775, the presence of William Poe and Elizabeth Poe in Chatham County (Siler City vicinity) is evidenced by records pertaining to land transactions with David Smith and Henry Bray.


William Poe and Elizabeth purchase land from David Smith in 1773. This same land is sold to Henry Bray two years later in 1775.

See Appendix C


If Henry Poe enlisted in the war at about age 17, he would have lived in Chatham co at that same time as William Poe and Elizabeth. The statement by Henry Poe that he was born in Culpeper County, Virginia points to William Poe and Elizabeth Bray as his parents. If so, then we would surmise this is William Poe, JR, son of William Poe and Lydia who moved to what is now Rappahannock County, Virginia in 1737. The area, on Battle Run, was considered Culpeper County through most of the period in question.

See records on


Though Henry Poe might have been resident with his parents in Chatham County, he could have enlisted in Randolph County, NC as he says in his papers because the area where William Poe and Elizabeth bought land was near the Randolph Co line.

See “Love Creek” link on Appendix C


Around 1787 we see a William Poe and wife, Elizabeth Poe, living in Surry County, North Carolina. This couple appears in records with Henry Poe

See Appendix D


Census records indicate that Henry Poe (b. 1758) and is about the right age to be the children of William Poe and Elizabeth


In 1799 an elder William Poe migrates to an area or north central Wilkes which becomes Ashe County, North Carolina a year later.


Henry Poe of the Ashe County area is the right age to be the Revolutionary War Patriot whose records show birth in Culpeper County, North Carolina. He is alongside a William Poe and an elderly woman in the Ashe County census of 1800. This William Poe and the elder woman seem to be Henry’s parents, William Poe ‘JR” of Culpeper County, Virginia, son of William Poe and Lydia and Elizabeth Poe Bray

See Appendix E



Appendix A



Deed David Smith & wife to William Poe, proved by Henry Bray


1775 Deed Book B, page 72.  20 July

Deed from William Poe & wife, Elizabeth to Henry Bray, proved by John Wilkerson

More in Appendix C




Appendix B


William Poe “JR”, John Poe and Benjamin Poe

of Culpeper County, Virginia, match these men in the Chatham County Muster Roll of Joab Brooks.


Colonial soldiers of the South, 1732-1774.  Murtrie June Clark

Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983.


Chatham County Military Returns 9-23-1772

Muster Roll of Capt. Joab Brook's Co.


19                    Pvt                               Benjamin Poe *

27                    Pvt                               William Poe**

53                    Pvt                               John Poe**

104                 Pvt                               Charles Poe - the only other time besides these two that research has shown the name Charles Poe is this:

Antioch Cemetery, Chatham County, NC  record: POE  Charlie C.  4-2-1881 - 4-19-1931.


* Benjamin Poe b. 1749 Culpeper County VA states in a Rev. War Pension claim (see below) that he lived in Wake County, but moved to Randolph County, NC in 1789. It appears his son Benjamin remained in Wake County if this is accurate. The claim also states that he lived in Chatham County, NC when he entered service in 1775.  In a 1771 Chatham County Muster roll for the Siler City area of Chatham County, Benjamin Poe is listed.


** These records from Orange / Culpeper County, VA may be this William and John. The association with William Watson and Battle Run make it appear that they are sons of William Poe who appeared in VA records in 1725, just after the death of Samuel Poe in 1725 in Essex County. Benjamin is likely another brother or a JR son of the Benjamin Poe who appeared in the records about the same time of the elder William Poe.


Warrant & Surveys, Tithables, Relinguishes, Petitions. Orange County, Vol. I


1747 - 1748

p. 3

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, assignee of George Chapman, 9 Dec. 1747 - 9 July 1748; "Mr. George Chapman of Fredericksburg in his Life time had informed" of ungranted land in Orange "where his house stands." (Note: A house is drawn on plat.) From survey - By virtue of a warrant 9 Dec. 1747 "granted to the heirs of Mr. George Chapman late of Fredericksburg, dec'd." 400 a. of ungranted land in Orange Co. where his house stands in ;the forks of Rappa. R.; adj. William Watson, William Poe. . CC - John Poe & William Poe, Jr.  N B. The deed to be made to  Mr. Nathaniel Chapman.. Surv. James Genn. .


CAPT. JOHN GRANT, dec'd (same information as above) 11 Dec. 1747­9 Feb. 1747/48; 400 a. between the North R., Hungar Run, Jobbers Mt. & Capt. Compton in the little fork. CC - William Poe, Jr. & (creased, illegible). Pilot - William Poe. Surv. James Genn.


JAMES GREEN, assignee of William Tapp, 9 Dec. 1747 (date from survey, no warrant included) - 5 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. adj. Capt. James Compton. "Memd William Tapp Desires to have the deed made out to his Son in Law James Green." CC - John Poe & James Green.  Marker – John Roberts. Surv. James Genn.



WILLIAM POE, 9 Dec. 1747 - 26 Feb. 1747/48; 200 a. at Little Batte Run. William Poe has made an improvement joyning his other land & near the main road; adj. Capt. Compton, Watson & Poe's pat. CC - John Poe & William Gouge. Surv. James Genn.



28 May 1753.

pp. 130-32

William Beverly of Blanfield, Essex County, Esqr. to William Poe of Culpeper County, planter. Lease of 220 acres where he now dwells, part of William Beverly's tract of land called Wakefield . . on the north side of the south river called Burgess River . . . to the mouth of the river . . up the Hedgeman River  . . mouth of a branch . . . surveyed by Richard Young, surveyor . . saving liberty of making a path or rolling road through the land where it shall be necessary for and desired by one or more tenants of William Beverly.

For lives of William Poe, Lydia his wife and William their son.

Yearly rent on 7 December at Fredericksburg or Falmouth Warehouse of 1000 pounds of tobacco. If Poe shall work more than four tithables besides himself, for each to pay 200 pounds of tobacco additional, and shall not keep thereon any undertenant, shall plant an orchard of one hundred apple trees thirty five feet asunder and two hundred peach trees twenty feet asunder, within a good fence.

W. Beverly


W. Russell

Robert Coleman

John Gough

21 June 1753. Proved by Robert Coleman and John Gough

20 June 1754. Proved by William Russell, Gent.




Appendix C


p. 598

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to Henry Bray of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 480 acres, on Love Cr. Granville to Husband 5 August 1768(?), begin at David Smith’s cor., No 160 to a post oak the beginning tree of the original tract, W 60 ch. S 106 ch. 67 lk., E 126 p., S to Loves Cr., down creek until it intersects a west course from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, David Smith (X); proved by McCausland. January Term 1770


p. 599

9 October 1769

Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to John McCausland of same, planter, thirty pounds, 189 acres, part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762, called Desolate Hills begin at a hickory tree the cor. tree of Desolate; W 60 ch., N 25 ch. E 140 p. S to beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: Henry Bray, David Smith (X); proved by Bray January Term 1770


p. 600

October 1769, Herman Husband of Orange, yeoman, to David Smith of same, planter, seventy four pounds, 503 acres, on waters of Loves Cr., part of tract from Granville to Husband 11 December 1762 recorded in Book E, page 168, begin at a post oak the beginning of Desolate, W 11 ch. N 15 ch. To a red oak, E 36 ch., N 20 ch, E 38 from the beginning; signed: Herman Husband; witness: John McCausland, Henry Bray; proved by Bray January Term 1770.


Page 378.

2 February 1773 -- David Smith to William Poe - 20 pds - 50 a. being part of a track of land originally conveyed to Herman Husbands from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 December 1762 and called Dessolute Meadows - on Loves Creek.


Henry Bray                                       David Smith

Adam Ramsower*                            Mary Smith

Job Ward      


* Ramsour? Which is mentioned in the will of Henry Bray



page 21

Deed David Smith & wife to William Poe, proved by Henry Bray


1775 Deed Book B, page 72.  20 July

Deed from William Poe & wife to Henry Bray*, proved by John Wilkerson


From Photocopy of the deed

This indenture made this twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five between William Poe (Wm) of Chatham County and province of N. Caroline of the one part and Henry Bray of the places aforesaid. Witnesseth that the said Wm. Poe for & in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds .... money to him in hand paid by the said Henry Bray at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge himself therewith satisfied  . . . releases, conveys., etc. that piece or parcel of land lying situate & being in the County of Chatham and province aforesaid being part of a tract of land originally conveyed to Hermon Husband from the Earl of Granville by a pattent bearing date the 11 day of December 1762 & called Desolate Meadows beginning at a white oak on the bank of Love's Creek running west eleven chains to a maple then north fifteen chains to a red oak then east thirty five chains to a maple then north fifteen chairs to a red oak then, etc. (more trees, more chains) containing by estimation fifty acres of land be the same ore or less together with all the woods, ways, waters, houses, orchards, etc. thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining as also the Estate right title claim and demand whatever of him the said Wm Poe of and to the above granted premises...

In the presence of John Wilkerson (by mark)) ; John McGesland

William Poe, Elizabeth Poe (both by mark)

Chatham County, November Count 1778. Then proved by John Wilkerson and presented to be registerd

Wm Alston clerk of Court


* Deed not proved in court until November Court 1778.

Henry Bray's will was written 17 Jun., 1790, and was proved in 1794.






Appendix D
Surry County, North Carolina (selected records)
William Poe and wife, Elizabeth, Henry Poe, Edmund Poe, Raleigh Poe

9 August 1787

Bk I, p. 201 William Poe and Elizabeth Poe* of Surry Co., NC to Isaac Hudson of Rowan Co, NC. 150 pounds 270 acres adjoining William Petty; part of 400 acres granted to George Wooton by deed on 9 August 1787.

Nicholas Masters

William Poe (X) seal

Elizabeth Poe (X) seal

Daniel Hudson

Duly proven in Surry Co. Court Aug Term 1801 by oaths of Nicholas Masters & Daniel Hudson & ordered to be registered. Test: Jo Williams, C.C.


12 March 1792 George Wooten to William Poe 150 pds 270 a adjoining William Petty

Ephraim (X) McLimore

Henry Poe (X)

George (X) Wooten


James Masters and Elizabeth Poe. 17 July 1792; George Hudspeth, bm.


North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868


8 February 1796 A deed from George Wooten to William Poe was proved by Henry Poe and ordered to be registered 6 paid.





Appendix E


1800 Ashe County census

HEAD OF FAMILY                   MALES                FEMALES

                                               0- 10 16- 26-45+     0-10-16-26- 45+

                                               9  16 26  45         9 16 26 45

Pew, Julin                            1  0  0   1  0       2 0  0  1   0 (possibly John Poe)

Poe, Edmond                      2  0  1   0  0       1 0  0  1   0

Poe, Henry                           2  1  0   1  0       4 2  1  1   0

Poe, William                        0  0  2   0  1       0 0  0  0   1 ----  This man over 45 Years old as is his the female in the household. Not same Wm as in Wilkes Co. who is under 45.

Wilkes 1800 Census

John Poe 1 >45

William Poe 2<10, 1 10/16, 1 26/45; 2<10 2 10/16, 1 26/45; 2 <10, 2 10/16, 1 26/45


Note purchase on Prater’s Creek

Wilkes County Deeds.

        1799    William Lenoir 100 ac .........border Henry Poe*.
        1799    Henry Poe 300 acres 300 acres Praters Creek
        1799    Henry Poe (says Henery) 200 ac no fork of Elk Creek (probably different from Big Elkin Creek of other settlement)
        1799    Edmond Poe (says Edmon)  100 ac Praters Creek

Land Entries

1800 Witnessed land transaction William Poe (the younger Wilkes Co William?)

1802 Aaron Canaday 200 ac in Wilkes on Big Elkin Creek joins John Poe's line. 1803 William Poe 120 acres big Elkin Creek

1804  Canaday 150 acres begins at John Poe's line on N side of the "creek and runs W.
1809  witnessed land transaction John Poe
1810 William Poe 100 acres on big Elkin Creek joins his old line etc.

1811  NC Grant Isaiah Fields Big Elkin John Poe's line




Appendix F



Henry W. Poe Revolutionary War Patriot


Full documents at:



See: Revolutionary War


1990 Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III. N-Z 

Abstracted by Virgil White


Henry W. Poe

Born: 1758

NC Line R8294, Sol enl in Randolph Co, NC, appl 22 Aug 1821 Sullivan Co., TN aged 63 with a wife (his 2nd) & 1 child aged 4 yrs, & he stated his 1st wife’s children were all away from home, he reapplied 18 Nov 1834 in Sullivan Co, TN, Sol was b. in 1758 in Culpeper Co, VA and lived in Wilkes Co, NC at enl & after the Rev he lived in NC. Then moved to TN & in Sullivan Co, TN since 1814.


Virginia / West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records. Volumes 4 & 5 Compiled by Patrick G. Wardell, Lt. Col., U.S. Army Retired. 1996



Henry W. Poe  b. 1758 Culpeper Co. VA; esf 1777 Chatham Co., NC res Wilkes Co, NC in NC regiment; mvd c1814 to Sullivan Co. TN, where afp 1821 when had w (2nd) & an orphaned ch. all ch by 1st w having already left home; afp there 1832; PAR both times, deserted RW unit in 1782. F-R8294 R1945